HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-12-9, Page 5v 4 -
twt%118(1.fiESDAY. DECEMS.B11VUx
Woven Wire Fence
below Manufactur,
ers' Prices o either
Peerless or illon-
arch makes.
buy at once
as these prices will not last
very long,
• SWire Fence 23c per Rod
• 7 " " 2,5c
8 , 4 i I 28c
Cedar and Anchor posts
10,000 Cedar Posts on hand
—also Anchor Posts.
. Lumberand Cement
• Let me quote you my low
prices on your Lumber require-
• ments, whether large or small
orders. Also Cement,
A. J.
' '
- -
T oronto =
31.eave Toronto 8.00a.m.
1/.90 aeme
leave Toronto 9.00 irn.
11.00 p.m,
Teguipment the finest
e ;)
'Reduced fares to Saa
Angeles, and San Diego
;:yre . r
- -
6.00 pm, And
N ,
8:30 p na., end
daily L , ,
on all trains.
Francisco, Los
CA -:-
, ,. „TO
For %fonts and
*.''' A
30 Years
In Use For Over
„Alwayie %bears •
.-SIgnsture e
agiffdi a 7
svpArpe_Ftp, QIArr.
* 4
• *IMP •
• •
4' e.gtt, •
. •
-se e
• Oar instructors ars experi- t
4- enced. Pupils get iradividnal e
4, attention and graduates aie $
: placed in positions. We are re- 7,
4 ceiving applications we cannot fiw
4, meet. Students may enter at
41fr any time, Send for our free ‘4,'
• catalogue and bee if it interests z
4 you.
-4 D, A. hicLAORLAN. 41
;4' 9
65Here is the Answer; In 3.
WE sma
Every day in your talk and reading, at tee
'A home, on the street car, fn the office, shop
and school you likely question the mean -
Ing of some new word. A friend asks: Ed
What makes mortar harden?" You seek P..'
theiocationot LockKatrineor thepronnn-
?_--e elation oriel:Wm 'What is white coal?
'This New Creation answers all kinds of
questions inLangnage,History,siography.
Fiction, Foreign Words, 'Trades, Arts and 14
Sciences, withanat authority,
6000 illustrations.,
cost $400,000.
V._ 2700 Pages.
The only dictionarywith
tee:- thermic
acterized as Astroke of
India Paper Editiore
On thin, opaque. strong;
India paper. What a satis-
faction to own thelferriam
'Webster in a form so
and so convenient to 1180
One half the thickness and
'weight of Regular Edition.
' Sevier Edition:
cnsCrong book paper. Wt.
lbs. Sizei294 x gy,
nineties. •
weiteeir specimen pesos
innate:Mons etc.
Mention tha
and receive
run & not
C. & C•
Springfield, Mass.
• 1916 wilt 'be''Leaf) Year.
The municipal pot is beginning to
Mr. Ir. It. Boyle was in London on
Mrs. W, fil. Leval, was in London
teat Thursday
Watela our window displays, Fol-
kik% confeetionery.
Huron County 'Council 'is in eeeeloa
this week at Goderiche
Mr.'Percy Wies is in Owen Sound
this week an ibdIsinesei:, •
•gYfr. R. Poplestone, of Blyth, 'visited
in Exeter on Wednesday„
• lDir. ,i3741 Grand ,Bend, 'visited
in to over the •weekeedde
Miss Maud Jackson, of London, Ls
visiting her sister, Nye. P. ,G. Mines.
Mr. Lorne 13aekerville is learning
thelearbering with Boyle de McLeod.
An :auto load from town motpred
to London Monday to see the soldiers
Airs. J. B. Simpson is visiting her
uncle and aunt,. Mr. and Mrs„ D.
This is the 493rd clay the British
Empire has been at war with Great
Miss Annie McKenzie, of Kirwood,
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. C.
Get your Mietteteee and Holly at
Stathamese •
About $75,000 was invested by the
poopip of Clinton in the Government
War 'Lean.
Mrs. G. ,Cochrane 'and child who
have been visiting in 33erlin, h'ave ro-
weled to town.
"Atuateur Minstrels” on New Seers
Eve. . rfCCC9CIS to be :denoted to evork
of Patriotic 1 tegue.
Mr. Bert Harness, of Parkhill, son
of Mrs. Harness of town has enlisted
for overseas service:
Capt. H. T. Ga -gory, of 13erlin,
this mother. Mrs. T. Gregory, in
town over Sunday.,
Mrs. David 'Ross, who has been Con-
fined to her bed, is able to be up
and eround the house.
J. W. Skinner, of Winchelsea, is
offering .50c per dozen .for eggs. See
bis ncivt, on back page.
.A. Minstrel Show." will be given
under the patronage of Patriotic Lea-
gue on :Friduy, Dec. 31st.
Mr. Fred Hooper of Salford, is vis-
iting his .narents, Mr. -and Mrs. A.
The purcha price of this funous
1881 Rogers Al Plate
WE give coimens with every eSe, pur-
chase of all the high grade guaran-
teed products made by the 'United
Drug Company, We are willing to lose
money on the silverware to get you ac-
quainted with these goods, which are stan-
• dard in their line.
"Rexail Remedies"
Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles,.
• Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and
hundreds of other items, household prepara-
tions, etc. You cannot afford not to se-
cure this popular silverware, when you can
get it on our half bought plan. As an ex-
ample, this teaspoon that sells for ese. you
can get for tog with coupons.
You ten buy lovely plants at Vol -
lick's; so suitable for your elderly
lady friends,
The Soldiere' Aid Society realized
$52.71 from the old ,appers, magazines
etc. sent to Toronto -recently.
• "Storm King" the big white horse
under:the care of Mr. W. Tapp, died
last k week 'follOwing a short illness.
Do not delay your Christmas shop-
ping any longer. There are only, 13
shopping deys left to christruas.
Mr. Victor Tan Alstyne hae ?nosed
Into the residence on Andrew street
recently vacated (by Mr, Ray ,Pollock.
Dr; Browning is making big im-
provements to his drug store. He
has installed some beautiful silent
' Some thief or thieves recently ste1-6
about twenty bushels of beans •and
some oats from Mr. F. J.. Wickwir's
farm in Hay,
MISS 'J', J. ALLAN, Eye Sight Spec-
ialist will be at the Central; Hotel,
Saturday, Dece,ber lith. Hours 10
a in. to 8 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Newell and Mrs.
Hawkshaw 'visited in London - last
week. ! Mr. Newell attended a meet-
ing:of the shriners.
Mr. R. E. 'Pickard and two sons
Clair and &Ilan arrived home last
week after spending the summer on
their 'farm at Frobisher, Sask.
Don't forget 0 nice box of Willard's
Chocolates along with your Christ-
mas present, 'is very !acceptable. Sold
only at TIoNve.y's !Drugstore.:
TWO Couoons will be given
with every 25c Purchase oexall Orderlies
ONE Counon with every 25c Purchase of any
other article in our store
Ask for Canoqp was BnyYonr 1881 Rogers' Al Plate
at half twice at
;Mrs Peter IDaymen, of Tnekersmith
died on Sunday last and was buried
on Tuesdaye She had a number of
relatives in and around Exeter.
'Mrs. 'M. Sheere and daughter, Mrs.
F. M. Boyle returned Tees -day after
spending several days in Toronto at-
tending the Sauriders-Kernick wed-
'CHINA lEXHIBItr. Thnrsdcy and
Friday afternoone, Dee. 16th and: 17th
at the home of Mrs., S. P. Sharpe. All
welcome. This is the fourth annual
jae. Sweet, Jr.. visited, with Mr.
and Mrs. 'Geo. Martz, (nee Miss 'Mar-
garet Corbett) in .Now Baltimore,
and with his brother Frank in Sar-
nia for a few ,clays the' nest week.'
'Mr. George Andrew. of 'Osborne.
last week purchesed the handsome _red
brick 'residence on Huron street. from
Mr. Wes. Snell for n fancy figure.
We understand Mr. Snell will erect a
new house next spring .,
Read, study and. inwardly -digest
the 'announcements made through the
columns of the Times to the buying
public.( A few minutes pereeet of
the 'ocints. natiy eave you time. end
For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
Sluggish Liver and Bowels—They,
work while you sleep.
Christmas !stock of Cragnes, Nuts
and !Candies cannot be surpassed for
price end quality at WSJ. Statham's.,
Send The Times to en 'absent friend
! or relative as a Christmas rernem-
brance., No Seise in price. The bal-
ance of the year will be given free.
Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges-
tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head-
aches come from a torpid liver and , Last week en error was made le:
clogged bowels, which cause your reporting the vote on church union on
stomach to become filled with undi- the Thames iRo'ad -circuit. The correct
gested food, which sours and ferments figures are: Themes Road, Elders for,
like garbage in a swill barrel. That's 8; "against, 0; members for, 169, a -
the first step to untold misery—indi- gainst:2;eirdherents for 28; .against 1.
gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow Kirletorelders for, 6; against 0;
memberssfer 84; against 9; adherents -
skin, mental fears, everything that is
horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret for 46; against 4.; total for -313; a -
to -night will give your constipated gainst 15; majority for 298.
bowels.- a thorough cleansing and
straighten you out by moming.eaThey JUDGE DOILE tESIGNS
work while you sleep—a 1.0-cem, box Sedge Bernard Louis Doyle, of -Gode-
from your druggist will keep you feel' rich, senior judge of Huron county,
ing good for Months. has resigned. He had attained the
age of nompulsery retirement. Judge
Doyle was iborn in Dundas, Ont. in
Cut Flowers are cheaper this year 1840. Re received his education 'at
than last. Order early at Follick's, the old Goderich grammar school and
for many Years practised law ,in rthat
gaged on the high voltage line be 1883 and 'senior judge in .1903. Efi
town.j, He was kriade junior judge ia
A large gang of men are now en-
tween Exeter and Lucan The poles a memiber of •the congregation of Si.
have been erected in town and are Peter's Roman !Catholic church in
being erected on the Loadon Road Goderith.
south. •
Mrs. 'E. &S. Follick spent several DIED 'IN PT.. HURON:
days during the past week in P. Eur- The death occurred in Pt, Huron oa
on lettere she attended the funeral of Saturday last of :Mrs. Kelso, only
her uncle. Mr. Thos. French. Mr. sister or Mrs. Robt. Galles of towia.
and Mrs. 'French visited in town „dur-i About a week previous to her death
ing the summer. ! the deceased was stricken with a
Mr. and Mrs. ltd. Coates have re- paralytic stroke and. gradually grew
turned from Toronto after attending I worse. 'Mrs. Celtics left immediately
the marriage of their cousin, Miss Ila for Pt. Huron. Mr. Gillies attended
Kerniele to Mr. J. R. ,Saunders. Mr the funeral which was held on Men -
and 15rs. Coates also 'NStsited relatives , day: The eleceased. was 68 years of
in „Hamilton on their return, lage and is survived by her husband
and ane daughter Elsie, who ,has 'vis -
'Mr. Barry j. Fuke. who has hen ited here on several occasions,
with the Cagadian Bank of Commerce
at Parkhill, has been transferred to DIED IN REGIA
the branch at Sault Ste Marie. Be I Ur. Alex M. Martin, ex-M.P., for
spent Friday et his home here before North Wellington, and brother of Rev.
leaving .for the SOU. W. M. Martin, of London, formerly of
It is cheaper to buy your Xmas. Exeter, 'died at the 'Regina General
'Cake than make it. Only 30o per Ib. Hospital on December 3rd. The late
at Follick's Bakery.. Mr,. Martin formerly of the firm , of
Martin Bros, millers, Mount Forest,
Mr. 1Coieroan Blewett. of Peterboro,
was elected to the Dominion ellouse in
was killed in Toronto recently by 1908. on the death of' his brother, the
being run down by en automobile. Mr. late Thomas Martin, M.P. for North
Bletvett was father-in-law or Mr. Wellington, Wellington, and -sat far the :riding
and leas Visited in towa nt, was 50
until the following election., Shortly
Wallace Fisher, formerly ot Exeter,
years of age, 'after he joined his sons in the west,
near 'Regina, and has been engaged in
cure The Times for one the past few .years.
Just think two dozen eggs will farming interest -'1
ll S2-
makes us think respectfully of the
Yer'r- It The -remains will be interred,at Monet
days when this paper was worth els I Forest.
or eight 'dozen eggs, Is it any, won- SUBSESSFUL 'BAZAA.B.
e, of the weeklies The bazaar and -entertainment give
ering- raising the pric
der that newspaper men are tonsid-
to $1.50 it year. Memorial -church in the Exeter Opera
en by the Ladies Guild of -the Trivitt
"Papes Diapepsin" makes Sick, Sour,
Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine
in five minutes.
If what you just ate is souring on
your stonmeh or lies like a lump of
lead, refusing to digest, or you belcb.
gas and eructate sour, undigested
food, or have a feeling of diezinees,.
heartburn, fullness, nauSea, bad taste
in mouth and stomach -headache, you
can get blessed relief in five minutes..
Put an end to stomach trouble forever
by getting a large fifty -cent case of
Papas Diapepsin from any drug store.
7011 realize in five minutes how need-
less lt is to suffer from indigestion,
!iespepsia or any stomach disorder,.
t`z the onickeet,. surest stomach doe- •
the yirorld, evonderfele
Cut cut this Coupon • and preSerit it at
and he VS' i I exchange it for
25 VO 25
In The Trade Booster Contest
Rouse 'eat Friday' afternoon a tit'
evening was b suecee4 and very' grati-
fying to lthe ledics in charge. • The
sale 4of Work., home-made peeking and
Gated)" in the afternoon netted the
eoeietY ie. neat sum nearly everything
being eol.d.. In the evening on enter -
Wawa I WAS VOvoa when the Girls
Auxiliary •put on the hurnorous pro-
gram "Friday afternoon in a Village
School." There wos h. fair attendance
and the 'entertainment was much en -
toyed. TLe procceds amounted to
over $100.410.
,trara $4L]-Oxte good cow, extra,
beef quality, eight years old, elee to
freshen Dec. 10th; 1 heifer 3 years old
due jan.. 3rd; 1 purebred, Shorthern
bull 10 menthe old; 1 filly eising 4
years; 1 filly and 1 gelding rising 3
years old. jOIIN LEARY, Cromarty
Pa, Lot 13, Con. 13, Hibbert; phone
544 Ilibbert Line. 12-9-ntp
Scientists have pleadged their 'aid to
the 'King by devoting all their ener-
gies to the task of bringing the war
to a victorious conclusion. • In the
meantime, the health and nerves of
our brave soldiers and their friends
at home is suffering, and TAKAKE is
the 'one perfect remedy for nerves.
Firtykents at your druggist's, or by
mail from the Georgian Mfg. Co.,
Oollingwood, Ontario.
Oh, let us wear the cheerful grin,
and mens that thine like new made
tin, when we are paying taxes; 'tis
customary then to cowl, and lean
against a fence and howl, and brand-
ish battle-axes. But all our howling
dosn't help, rior does our protest, groan
or yelp, We must dig up the roubles.;
the treasurer rakes in the dust, land
dosen't notice our disgust, or care
about our troubles. And since it doesn't
pay 'to 'roar, what is the use of act-
ing sore. 'as though bereft of .senses?
Why not produce our little rolls, and
say it warrns our hearts and souls, ta
help to pay expenses? 'TAN -ere better
far to sing and smile, as we cough up
au.: meager pile, to keep the wheels
tie turning; 'twill help us on. a future
day. when in the good ,old fashioned
way, for Public Trusts we're -yearn.
ing.. Some -day to make 'your .store in
crease, you'll run for justice of the
peace, or something or that nature.
or you may higher yet 'aspire, and
through the press voice your desire
to join the legislature. Then if you
always craise-d a bawl, when payng
taxes in the fall, the story will cob -
found you; you'll see your patriots
arise to -dot you one ,between the eyes,
and flash their knives around you. -
Walt Mason!"
The Harmless but Efff-
Cent remedy for Headache
N euraigle,Anaomi a,S leen-
lessness, Nerineus EX-
hatistion, c,„
see AT ALL DRUGGISTS, cm IC% melt tenni
C01-1-iNGWOOD, ONT,_ _ ,
Miss Hamilton of McGillivrciy, is
visiting her grandmother Mrs. Shad -
Miss :Waffle Hill is v:sling, in Ber-
Mr. and Mrs. John Schroder are vis•
Ring relatives in Detroit(
Mrs. Otto Brown and family of
Sebawing, Mich., are spending a few
weeks with relatives,
'Miss Mary Roeszler is home from
Mr. Nelson Shenk has returned
from Pt. Edward.
Dr. and Mrs. Orme were ha London
on Saturday!,
mr. Geo. Bedford, of Sareia, spent
a few days with his brother en town.
Mr. Eli King is having a furnace
installed. in his resider:men
!Mr. and Mrs. 'Aug. Kuhn and Miss
Carrie Kuhn visited relatives in Clan-
deboye on Sunday...
A sale of the householdgoods of the
'late Mrs, D. Link was held im Tues-
day last(
t Mrs. Walter Clarke was on, theesiek
list last week,
Mr. and /Mrs. Louis 'Raymond have
returne-d-to their home in Buffalo 'af-
ter visiting the latter's parents, Mr
and Mrs. Fred Eilber.
eece Gowen. roe so o ; Vrom Blarishard
le Merl ya lleneon, fernier; If, Hod-
gins, high seheol teacher, a*.ut never
MbNaughten, teaeber.
3. V. Wilson, of Mit Orgelges, vie -
Red his son here this Week;
What might have been a serious an-
cident happened to John johns, jr.
while threshing at Vert Fleteliern, one
day last week. He was leaning over
the side of the machine oilthg S, bo-
ing when his sleeve caught in a re-
")/TiN 'atti119.ieneeneS jeaked nixii head
first'off .the machine onto the ' floor.
All the elothes on hie arm were torn
cdr h.OegSCUtileWlielsnalt a Maireht,
A Wetriatie and Christmas enter-
tainment will be 4givm by the pupils
of !Wincheisea echool on the evening
of Dee, 22nd, Thee e're preparing
an interesting Program at songs,
drills, -dialogues and recitations- The
girls of the school intend selliag a
patriotic autograph -guilt at the con-
cert/ 'Come out and hear the treat of
your life.
'Messrs. Phin. Dickens, Frank Smith
George Carroll and Henry Atkinson
are :attending the Fat Stock Show -at
Guelph this Week,.
Xr. and Tars. 'Clarence Fletcher ,and
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Atkinson, .spent
Sanday with friends on the townline.
The young People of St. Patrick's
church are 'busy preparing for their
annual 'Christmas entertainment to
be held on the 21st of Dec.) Every-
body. come and bring ,your friends.
Mr. Ernest Penrice returned home
from the west on Monday,'
'Mr. Harvey Hodgins ,spent Attache,'
in %Stephen.,
'Miss Agnes Alexander of Surshine
was the guest of M!ss Alice Bunter on
Misses 'Hilda Shenk. of 'Creditonend
Viola Geiser spent Sunday with Mrs.
Albert Keys.
A number from here attended the
dance given in Brenner's hall at
Grand Bend and. :report a good time.
Mreand Mrs. L. McCann and. Mrs,
Dietrich and. son Will, of Khiva, spent
Sunday at the home of John Deitrich.
'Miss May Sutton, of Hamilton, is at
present visiting her mother nIrs.,,Geo.
Mr. Hubert Lynch and sister visited
their aunt, Miss Mary Lynch' in Park,
hill -last Tuesday.
Mieses Gladys Mawhinney, of Exe-
ter and Irene, of Creditor); visited
their cousin Mrs. Albert Keys.
'Don't forget the Christmas Tree on
Dec. 22nd. A good :programme is ,he
ing pre pa re -d
Mr. Geo. Sutton of Ilderton; has re,
turned to his home here.
Mr. .Charlie Finkbeiner left last
week for London:,
I 'We one grad to hear toot Miss
Drought is recovering.,,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gunume, visit-
ed over Sunday with friends in Exe-
quite a number from .around h6re Rev. Mr. Lamack of Philipsburg.
attended the evangelistic meetings be- preached in the Lutheran church. on
Sunda ye
Mrs. Yost and son, of Rey City,
Michigan. are visiting at the home of
brie and Mrs. Lang Foster, Babylon
by Mr. rand Mrs. •Crane. (Line.
Thomas Morley kind Garnet Miners While cleaning ona of his price
took in the 'Winter Fair 'at Guelph
heifers. Mr. Peter Lamont was severe -
this ween...1 ay kicked on the kne;lley it rad. he has
!Wm. Tooker is engaged this weelc been laid up since. '
at Sin Painting and graining - t
'he 'Word Ita.s been received here of the
general store: eleeth of Mr. ;Henry Elterhart, of St.
Several of the 'farmers around here ..
have had gasoline enerines• installed
in thole barns to do the work. Among
Names in order of merit -
Senior isourth-Hiela Rowe, Lauret-
te. Brown Fen '"owden, Mabel
Brown, re • r -
Senior Third-Re.h lrohinson, -Charlie
Iseac. Freddie Bowden.
Junior Third -Lewis Davey, Soph
rono White, Janie Hogarth, Maurice
Neil. Cecil Walker,
Senior Second -Loyd Heist, Cecil
Hodgson, Lloyd Williems.
First 'Book-Tlerry Bewden.
primer -Murray Neil. Jack Isaac.
Melvin Richards.
B. A. Coever.
The First Reactionary Storni Petiod
is central on end touching the 9th
and ellth. The 'December solstice per-
iod will make itself felt tat this time.
and boreal storms of wind ,and. snow
will begin to rush out of the polar
regimes "in good shape". From this
period to the end of December, and
into jameary, 1916, look for marked
winter storms and weather. The
Venus period, as shown by the Dec-
ember storm .ditigrain, will add. its
strength to the mid -winter turmoil,
Navigators on both the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans, who tail to Anticipate
and prepare for buffeting mid- winter
Soionion Amite, 1,4th CO 4 MOO
' daY, DfSe0X4bi'r the est ut, ii 89 I -••
_, 31."';'' ' '• , , •
w1.0.0. their se'eond dingt+Or, ,
IMO law the bride of Mr. Write* Ikatii SI
ars 'CAI Of ',)f. P., land kites. iienry Attvp '
ars, fitev. 0„ li. Brown officiated. MO,
bride entered - elle pax101' earning at.
• baguet of 'Chrrstinthennupe and fernsint S;
leaning on the ttrrn of her father, to ••
the etrains of Wagner's brld4; awns '
played 117 Miss ,Iffaraude Brown, The
bridal, couple took their place under
an ktrcia of evergxeens, 1;4M -equity dec.
crated, The .bride looked einirtnier in,
a dress of Marqueuse silk tritomed
with anlikileso .14et',.. Aiselnic14 0 _Ate
pearls, 'weaning 'the tweai beidat 41teflitt's .
trimmed with orange blessenia. Her
travelling isuit was navy bine Unbar.
gifts tee the bride end Igro901. were
couple are held.
the high esteenLix...,1 w_hicli the Young
dean With white Irit, to match. Tilkillt"%eftrete!
both mimerous and costly, ehowinen
EL S. No 2, LISBURNE 1 '
' .
w 1 V
. 1
The 'following is the report of S.
SS No. 2, Osborne, Lor the month of .
Sr, IV-Urte Snell, 70. •
I ,
Jr. IV-evin Tiollen 59, , 'Wilfred -,
Turnbull 59, 'Elsie Knight 53, Cecil
Steivert 52, Rollie 'Williams 25,
Sr. IIIr-Laura I.Cniglat 73, Iva Wile
Hams 72. Aradne Doupe 69. Gertie '
Stewart 57, Arthur Rundle 54.
Sr, II -Carman Doupe 64; Arabelie
punkin .64, Marie ,Oottle 48, Gordon
McDonald. 40.. •
Jr. II --Sim Polleri 07, Sheldon Fre neei
04. Ethel Stewed 44, Willie Allison
lst-Wilfrid "Allen 00, !Ohnelle liodg-
iirt 66, 'Charlie Campbell: 63, Edgar
Rundle 62. Gertrude Knight 47.
Pr. IC.-Ilarvey Pollen 69, liobble
Turnbull 55, Ray Cottle 49.
Pr. B. -'Bland 'Campbell 91, 'Charlie
Stewart 40.
Pr. A. -JR -eta Cottle 51., Jean Irranciis
Number on roll 31; 'average attend,
ante 27
M. L. Coward,1
Mr. Wes. Geiser has returned home •
from the West.
Mr. ?red Diller has raturneed from
the West. where he spent the surn-
Mr. 'Art. Doin wire h'as been speal
ing :a fen- 'weeks with relatives there;
left for her home in Port Huron
Mr. E'er' Graupner, who has been
home owing to illness hes returrihel
to Stratford to resume his stet:lies,
The many friends of Mr. :WM
lert. will. be surprised to hear that
hs enlist ,d at Pincher .Creek. '
where he 'has been for several ',years.
Mr. Jonas Hartlieb has .dispcsed of
his firm, which he recentlY ..purch-
ased from 'jr. valentine Gerber. to
Mr. Arthur Gabel.
The Rennie people are preparieg
to enlarge their storehouse_ near tlhe
station. in the spring.
Alfred MeTaggsrt of 'Crystal 'ORS',
formerly of Tuckersmith Ives enlisted'
in the 90th Battalion •Winnipege Seen
A union service of th' three charch-
es. eves held in th i Town Hall on Stine
day evening in connecticoa with the
l3ible Society.
Mrs. T. Neelends attended the wed'
ding of her sister, hErs. J. Elliott, to
Mr. fRobt. Weir, of Toronto, at Oak-
v;:ie. on Wednesday.
stormes and tempests and cold, will We understand that Robert Mos
suffer loss or cargo, ship and life. Arthur and eSfe, contemplate moving
Let the mariners end their managers to Hensel]. in a few months. They
make a note of this warning. and have been looking 'at several proper.: •
make their calculations accordiney- tiesi
Mr. R. 3. Drysdale announces the
engagement of his daughter Elizabeth
Pearl, to W. A. McLaren, the mar-
riage to take place the end of Dec-
ember, 1915.
Mrs. R. Bell has disposel of her
farm to 'a son of Simon Hunter of
Csborne for 37500. We understnati
that Mrs. Bell intends moving to
Mr. ;McKenzie of near Brucefietti
has purchased from the family of the
late II, nry Pfaff the residence a ad '
lots on tilt. corner of Queen and Elie-,
The Second Regular Storm Period
conjoins its center with that of the
Earth's winter solstice period on the
15th. It 'extends from about the ilth
to the 18th, inclusive,
Disturbing 'Causes and. 'What to
Look For -About this time the earth's
north pole, and hence its northern
hemisphere, is turned at widest angle
away from the Sun and into frigid
outer space. The south pole and 'its
hemisphere is at the opposite s*.orm
and weather breeding position, in its
relation to the Sun and its other in- abeth for a fair price.,
fluences of Mars, 'Venus. winter sal- I The 'Methodist Sunday School is "at
stice and 'Vulcan. The Moon is at work gett:ng up a cantata for the
first quarter and on the celestial 'it- Christans entertaiximent, under the
uator en the 13th. Putting all these leederstip of Mrs. Knight, Mho Con -
facts together, we figure that phen- sitt and Mrs. Lindenfield.
omelet' results. in the way of storm The Council ere having a hoist non-
eon- structed for rasing stuff" ..from the
and 'weather, will pass acrces the
fluent. beginning at the west about fire hill to oho or the .dressing remain -
on the stage. This wilt .prove not otalsr
the 13th, and reale7htihngtothlesthA.tlaynotuire
coasts about the a labor saver but, also a great eon-
rbeanrtosmeatirogn,gthweitheloixhideso, xtehreoisMennodf cc3timr: iv,Tsnlienndeehinnuling
serving lunches at part -
up trunks for shows.
monsense, Will ).•: how you within a .few T. Welsh. and sfaff are engaged lift
the of 'ice •iie front
reach your station. You, of course will
Lours when the storm trains will titling up
of Dr, Riede 's residenee for bis dent -
practise. lie intends moving there
not wait until you hear the blasts of ai
nature's whistle and blizzard and from his ale, in the Potty Bloc'a-;
thander, before you think of suet, D. A. Centelen lits purchased sonic
lots on he north of R. Cadmore's
lure and ,onnnad ds,h;lnted;r_
property end. facing th Grand Trunk
fliovr1 yt frs'C‘slf.f
ent helpless live stock. There are tc,o. y )rd on which he contemplates erect.;
some worthy, unfortunat. mils, it „hi shed:..
whom you know. that ought to share The people or llensell or all ,rienonr-1
in your superior foretlionght, inations sineerely regret to learn of
your more abundant blessings. God
the, proposed departure from Henstalt
himself will odd to your comfort ,and of the Rev. Mr. Doherty, who leas
store. if you remember your needy been for so many years ideutiCied
neighbor) with evexe- good work among- us. We
are pleased to learn however that ,bas
does not move to London. where he is.
• • ZURICH, go:ng for somo. time y:q.. Mrs. Doherty;
elm hes been a it n! of our villa.ge.
tor 20 yi•ars And has been an active
worker in the church and otherwise
will also be greatly missede
ing,held in Grant= Methodist chine
by Ames Burwieh, of Two Harbors,
end enjoyed very much the ;discourses
by the Evangelist and also the singing
Louis„ formerly -a resident or Baylie •
He woo in his 5401 yeanand a sew of
the late !Christian Eberhart, baker.
The ,deceased was a nephew of Mr.
E. Weil of this pleee.
Mr. and Mrs. John 13renner, anal
;Mrs. lobe Gellman attended the fun-
eral !of the • late Henry Racey, who
)(lied in Stratford, Mr. 'Reeve"' was a
resident of this village a number of
nate lago and is well lienowa to =lily,
them etre 'John Foster, ;Tattles Earl.
John Hodgson e ud Hector Millson.
There will be no grists to grind at the
mills this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. :E. 'largo% near
Grenton celebrated their tin wedding.
on Monday evening. About 35 were
present and were treated to oysters
and other deleeacieee
Among those who have enlisted
this dietriot are, rr0111 Gratiton
Jack Rains, 'banker; Wm. Jaekson, A very- 'pretty- wedding wen solem-
S barber- Clare nixed et the home of Mr, and Mrs,
by New Absorption Method.
If you suffer from bleeding
itching, blind or protruding
Piles, send tne your address, and
I will tell you how to cure youri
self at home by the absorptiont
treatment; and will also semi
sotrie of this borne treatment)
free for trial, with references
froin your own locality if re-,
questecl. Immediate relief ancl
permanent cure assured. Semi
no money, but tell others oil
this offer. Write to -clay to Mrgl
• M. ,Summers, 13ox tWindsori