Exeter Times, 1915-12-9, Page 4{
Important tRCif
p Events.. Which Have
Occtwrecl During the Week:
The I:IVW World's Happenings Care -
f sly Complied and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers el Our Paper -• .9b
Solid Uour's Enjoyment.
The Ontario. Legislature probably
'11 meet meet in February.
'd'+srfbyoll., were killed in a po�v-.
er plant 'explosion at Wilmington,
The I3aitesh cassualties• were report-
ed in. London yesterday to total about
Gilbert St. Denis of }Iarwielr Town-
ship murdered his wife and commit-
ted. suicide.
The Canadfan Defence League is
dissatisfied with recruiting„ and de-
mands compulsory service.
Canada's war loan subscription
bo,r':a have closed, the loan having
betel oversubscribed more than twice.
Herbert Barber, one of the soldiers
guarding the rocks at Iroquois, was
accidentally killed white helping the
lock mene
leafing on Church anion closed in
shay Presbyterian churches yesterday,
but ,u forecast of the result fs vol-
Field Marshal Earl Kitchener, the
Secretary for War, returned to Lon-
don yesterday from his trip to the
Near East.
London: waterworks surplus is ex-
pected to be $Ie,000, and the -Hydro
rates are to be reduced on the 1st
of January from $24 to $22,
About five million bushels of grain
was transferred from elevators to
vessels at Port Arthur, summer rates
of insurance ceasing at midnight.
Petrol -ea Town Council empowered
the Reeve to sign a contract far pur-
chase of the electric Iight plant, as
recommended by the Hydro Commis-
sion, the Mayor having refused to
Denys Cochin, Minister without
portfolio in the French Cabinet,
while in Rome expressed the belief
that Greece ultimately would take up
arms on the side of the Entente
Ding George has sufficiently recov-
ered to Pay a visit to the Queen -
Soldiers prematurely discharged
at Quebec will be treated as if no,
suck discharges had been given.
It was stated in the House of
Commons that 33,000 British prison-
ers, including over 1,000 naval men,
are in Germany.
The aggregate vote on Church
auiarl In twelve Toronto ehurehes
.6$.:.Cmw ,�'n:x�_:.uai' . ,.. �c.��:v'i: �',�ii:e;€. ••I'i
:aria •ten'Batnilton claurches shows a
majority against union.
James Clifton, aged flue, of 34
Nelsorx street, Toronto; was fatally
injured when. aw
wagon box near
which he was Playing fell on him,
Maims Wm. G. Coles, commanding
the Divisional Supply Column, A. S.
C., 'ist Canadian Division, has been
promoted to be Lieutenant-Colonel,
Robert Hail, a farmer In Pickering
Township was found lying enem-
scious across the whifiletrees when
his team came home yesterday, and
stied during the night.
Since tire arrangernents were made
to exchange iucapeciteteii., sF&isgne 'k
hy way of Sweden 4,400 German and'
6,75aI Russians have been transport-
ed by the,Seeediel railway..,.. !,
Nortbere. Outarha +d'tstri'efss •were'
authorized yesterday to form a com-
plete infantry battalion. The coun-
ties of Grey and Sfmcoe also were
authorized to forua battalions.
Mr. Oliver Asserin"s request to
have an experienced officer at or from
the front placed in charge of the bat-
talion which he has offered to raise,
has been accepted, and Major Des -
rosters will be appointed.
• Hon. Dr, T. S. Sproule, Speaker of
I the House of Commons,. has been ap-
pointed a Senator. Other new ap-
pointees are John Milne, Hamilton;
C. P. Beaubien, Montreal, and Hon.
John McLean, Prince Edward Island.
A British steamer rammed and
sank a submarine in the Straits of
Seven-year-old Harris Wagland, of
195• Bolton avenue, Toronto, was run
over and kiIIed by a motor Par,
The Suffragists' Auxiliary of To-
ronto has made definite plans to re-
cruit woman to fill the places of men
who enlist.
Canadian Bankers' Association re-
presentatives conferred with the Min-
ister of Finance• regarding credits to
Great Britain.
Miss Maud Lyons of Windsor was
appointed County Court stenograph-
er; this must he ratified by the Pro-
vincial Government.
Rev. George Gray, a Presbyterian
minister in Alinely, Saskatchewan,
arrested on a charge of sedition, has
been liberated with an admonition.
Montreal civic employes bitterly
protested against the proposal to cut
their salaries 25 per cent_ to obtain
a forced roar, to red3:'e the city's
A German from Port Huron who
spat on the uniform of a returned
soldier was promptly knocked down
by arsother veteran, taken to the
ferry, and sent hack.
Theoutput of gold in Ontario in-
crer.5ed by nearly $2,000,000 in nine
months. while the value of silver pro-
duced shows a decrease of slightly
more than $2,00.0,000.
Convictions in London for non -in-
dictable offences show a decided de-
cline during the three months since
early cios-ing went into effect, as com-
pared with the previous quarter.
'The Argentine._ Chamber has an -
proved a denand for the inter e
11"a -
Mar of the'Qoverumeut on the sub-
ieet of the seizure by the British of
the coasting passenger steamer Pre-
sidente Mitre, on the ground that :It
is awned by German e t rta
H. R. aI, the Dulte of Connaught
inspected the winter quarters of the
troops .at Toronto, visited the Sol-
diers' Convalescent Houle, and spoke
at the Inaugural meeting of the 50,-
000 Club. He also inspected troops
and munitions_ factories in Hamilton.
Alex. M. Martin, ex -111,P, for North
Wellington, died at Regina. ,
The Ontario Board of Health plans
to distribute serums free to residents
in Ontario.
The Metagama reached . Bnglaud
safely, csrrying 59 oliicers'aiill•1,581
men, Canadian troops.
The Winter Fair opened at Guelph
with record cumbers of entries in
all classes, except sheep.
Wm. Ryan, a well -digger, near
Port Hope, was buried alive and kill-
ed by a cave-in near Osaca.
The estimated cost of the Toronto -
London Hydro -radial railway system
is between $13,000,000 and $14,000-
The Gibraltar newspapers say that
the batteries at Europa Point sauk a
submarine which tried to pass the
Straits yesterday.
Three Hungarians, with tickets for
the Oscar IL, Ford's peace ship, •were
arrested at Sarnia and sent to Toron-
to to be interned.
Payments for war horses to Mr.
James R. Failis, Conservative M.P.P.
for Peel, amounted to $63,540, ac-
cording to evidence at yesterday's sit-
ting of the Royal Commission.
A Central News despatch from
Bucharest states that the Austrian
forces have withdrawn from Lem-
berg, in Galicia, owing to an epide-
mic of scurvy. According to this de-
spatch the victims number 200 fresh
cases daily.
Three Rivers, Que., voted for pro-
hibition by 1,566 to 1,105.
A Czech Socialist in .Austria-Hun-
gary was hanged for demanding an
end to the war.
The troopship Saxonia which sail-
ed Nov. 22, with 83 officers and 2,412
men aboard, reached England safely.
Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of
Agriculture for Alberta, reports
phenonaenal grain yields in that Pro-
I. W. McPherson, of St. Thomas,
a real estate broker, was found
asphyxiated in a vacant house owned
by bin].
Four Italian workmen were seri-
ously injured in two blasting acci-
dents at the Dome Mine, Porcupine,
The troopship California, which
sailed from Canada Nov. 23, has ar-
rived safely in England, with 91
officers and 1,817 men aboard.
John Hearst, brother of the Pre-
mier of Ontario, passed away at Sault
Ste. Marie Saturday_ morning. fgllQw?
Ing M1'14'0%1104 rur Iil�enu.aTCs"last
Memorial windows to four Mo
real offieere kiIled last
springat Ie
tubernit St. Julien were dedicated
in St. Stephen's Church, Montreal,
by Bishop 17'arthfng.
Lieut. I•L...A. Stares, Mus. Bac.,
bandmaster of the.: 91st Canadian.
Highlanders, and conductor of Christ
Church Cathedral Choir, Hamilton,
has been secured as Bandmaster of
the 80th Battalion,
Thomas J, Hill, a G. T. R. conduc-
tor, one of the :oldest members of St.
Alidireees Church, Loudon, was
stricken with .apoplexy while' sitting
in his pew with his daughter just be -
fere the morning service, dying al-
most immediately,
Mrs. Annie Weeks, '67 Boultbee
avenue, Toronto, a charwoman, was
!tilled by a street car. Her five young
children are quarantined for measles.
in her home, which her husband
mortgaged in order to get money for
his passage to England, where he is
working in a shipyard.
Vincent C. Mounteer dropped dead
in Chatham.
Eighty per cent. of the recruits at
London last week were native Cana-
The Chinese authorities quelled
four revolutionary outbreaks in
Shanghai district.
The date of opening Parliament, it
is understood, has been fixed for
Wednesday, January 120.
One hundred and fourteen soldiers,
mostly invalided, and three nurses
returned b theSeandinavian,arriv-
ingn y
at St. John.
The steamer Carleton, with a sugar
cargo, bound from New York for
Queenstown, put into Halifax with
fire in her No. 2 hold.
W. W. Hewitt, caught selling li-
quor to a 59th Battalion :soldier, was
sent to jail for three months in de-
fault of a fine of $300.
The first five cows in the dairy
contest at the Winter Fair were Hol-
steins, the sixth an Ayrshire, quality
and quantity being regarded.
Oakville celebrated the opening of
seven miles of the Toronto -Hamilton
highway, also the inauguration of 'a
new lighting system of the principal
Toronto recruiting broke all re-
cords yesterday, over three hundred
men volunteering and two hundred
and sixteen being accepted for over-
seas service.
Stratford City Council unanimous-
ly carried the first and second read-
ings of the local option by-law, op-
ponents declaring they did so only
under compulsion of the mandamus.
During morning prayers, which are
said every working day in the estab-
lishment of W. & J. G. Greey, manu-
facturers of mill machinery, Toronto,
three workmen .were kiIIed and two
seriously injured by the escape of
steam after a valve had been blown
from the boiler.
Clerinaln Peace 'Palk AceeuI[nnacied by
War Preparations,
LONDON,. Dec. 7.— The •Daily
Ro t r az
cites reports confirmatory of rumors
that the Germans on the western
front are strengthening their linen.
"The Germans will take more ac-
tive measures in Flanders at the very
time that peace platitudesare heard
in the Reichstag," says the corres-
Tile artillery activity on the.
French and Belgian front, which had
been lessened somewhat by the heavy
rains, was resumed to -day. The.
French guns were used effectively
against movements of German troops
in the Heth-Sas regions and replied
to a violent bombardment of the
French trenches south-west of Loos.
Trench mortars and mines figured in
the day's fighting in the Berbeconrt
and Tillotoy sectors, between the
Somme and the Oise, and in the re-
gions of Prise, the Bois Saint Marti,
Tracly Le Val and Les Eparges.
The Germans bombarded Arras
with incendiary shells, but only
minor damage was done.
Chief Dynamiter Arrested at Coast.
George .Wilhelm von Brincken, at-
tache of the German Consulate at
this port, was surrendered to the
Federal authorities on the charge of
being the head of the alleged dyna-
mite squad that has destroyed muni-
tion plants in all parts of the coun-
try. He was released on $10,000
bail. United States District Attorney
John W. Preston, who caused the ar-
rest, declared 50 overt acts could be
charged to von Brincken. The war-
rant against von Brincken was based
on information furnished by Louis J.
Smith, confessed dynamiter. Von
Brincken and Charles C. Crowley,
now in custody, are alleged to have
had Smith continuously in their em
ploy since May 1, of this year.
TIIU1 $DA.Y.. Ill CI', f13EP Oaf,
INCORPORATED 1855 rom ro.:"
94 Branches In Canada
B:General Banking Business Transacted
Interest alo4k'ed!`at°highest current rate
W. Q. citiAiRxip, Manager, Exeter Branch
SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL.D. D.G.L., President
JOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Ass't General Maaa¢sa -
CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $13,500,B0C
• Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 andr`.
upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts. •
are welcomed.. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail.
Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with..-
drawais to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. SSat•
Exeter Branch— H. J. WHITE, Manager
• e • • VRBDITON BRANCH — A. E. KURN, .,Manager. 7-""griE
Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and
beautiful—Get a-25 cent bottle
of Danderine.
If you care for heavy hair that glis-
tens with beauty and is radiant with
life; has an incomparable softness and
is ftniter and lustrous, try Danderine.
Just one application doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
'diately 'dissolves every particle of
'dandruff. You can not have nice
heavy, healthy hair if you have
dandruff. This destructive scurf robs
the hair of its lustre, its strength and
its very, life, and if not overcome it
produces a feverishness and itching of
the scalp; the hair roots famish,
loosen and die; then the hair falls out
fast. E' Surely get a 25 -cent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderine from any drug
store and just try it.
& Co.
Manufactured by THE WILLIAMS PIANO Co., LIMITED, Oshawa, Ont.
Contest sold by the Business Boosters Limited, Toronto, Ont.
ike tHave
1 1
Y •iA' U.c"i'�
Just a Litttl
YkLS%,...li i's4.'Srw`g+Ky 1'y<iiy ,�"W'�►nW1U
'�'—•'�...,.,.. •-0 ,t '' s.
coU 'o
We will issue trade certificates with every purchase at orir store. These certificates represent one vote for each ONE CENT,
of purchase, and the person holding certificates representing the LA1.GESTNUMBER OF VOTES at the end of the contest will rec-
eive this beautiful Piano' ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COST.
The certificates are transferrable, and if you are not interested yolfrself you can assist a friend.
Our object is to interest you in our store. We want a chance to show you that you can do better here than elsewhere. We do
not expect to recover the heavy expense of this contest through a greater percentage of profit, but through the difference in volume • of
business—we expect the increase to more than repay us, and in the future we shall endeavour to give you EVEN M.ORI+ for• your
money than we have in the past.
We solicit your taatrona!ge solely through the merits of our Goods and Lower Prices.
We can save you money' and we can prove a •
- wrrrs K
:r ?. er9pr rn . a T
E, a r
Y37 A' .,k.te
tj� h lid : Y.' r, Y �j'
wiaz,l �nti 9q ' n :�t' o it &�a ; Pe. ? m .' x t, 4u'`r .. • y}' T.
M"""'3�r�mamm ;r;¢c.ku rc.,: ra+a:emirs,.r,w!rases.�srr�r.•nom��sm.s:m.a®e,srwazerm,rm _. .......
Auction Sale
Of Valuable two storey brick block
and choice business trite in the
Village of Exeter, Ontario.
The Executor of the Estate of the
late George Samwell will offer for
sale on the premises on Tuesday, Jan
uary 1Ztl;,. 1916, at 2 o'clock ,p.m.+'the
property on the corner of attain and
John Streets, Exeter, two stores of
which are now occupied by Jones &
May, General Merchants, and the
third by Hugh Spackman, Hardware
•aherchant,t The peoperty is a most
desirable one, the oldest end.best busi-
ness site in a town, which hart no
superior in Western Ontario. The
block Ls well built, well equipped and
in. good Impair with adequate •storage
buildings at rear
The property will be offered in two
parcels, 'according to occupancy..
Terms. -10 per cent cash, balance on
March .1st, 1916, when possession giv-
en, Taxes 'and Insurance propor-
tioned on +March 1st. For further
particulars, and. conditions of sele,ap-
ply to
Barristers, Exeter, Ont.
Solicitors for Executor.
Notice to Creditors
In the matter of the estate of
Anna Maria Blackwell, of the Town-
ship of Biddulph, County of Middle-
sex, married woman, deceased.
Notice is nereby given pursuant to
Statutes in that behalf that all cred-
itors and others having claims ag-
ainst the estate of Anna Mraia Black-
well, who died on or about Sept
18th, 1915, ere required on or before
December 20th, 1915, to send by post
prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Gladmen
& Stanbury, of the Village of .Exe-
ter.+Solicitors for the Administrator
of the said deceased, their christian
and surnames, addresses and descrip-
tions, the full particulars or their
claims, the statement of their ac-
counts and the nature of the secur-
leties, if any, held by them. And
further take not;ce that niter said
last mentioned date the said Adminis-
trator will proceed to distribute the
assets of the deceased :among the par-
ties entitled thereto, having regard
only 1.0 the claims of which, he shall
bhcn have not;ce and that the said
Administrator ,shall not be liable for
said emcee or any part thereof, to any
person or persons of whose claims
notice shall not bave been received
by him at the time of such distribu-
Solicitors for the Administrator
Dated at Exeter this 29th day of Nov-
ember, 1915.
� ,d1
Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can't harm
tender little Stomach, liver
and bowels.
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, your little one's stomach, liver
and bowels need cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't
sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever-
ish, stomach sour, breath bad; has
sore throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give.
a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," and in a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food
and sour bile gently moves out Of its
little bowels without griping, and you
have a well, playful child again. cn Ask
your druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of
"California Syrup of Figs," which con.
tainstfull directions for babies, chil-
dren of all ages and for grown-ups,
Children Cry
425 Dundee Street, London, Guah°a
teed cost of buildings; no extras; le
years New York experience. PhD reaK,'
Anyone intending to build will di
ell o write me. No charge for roams
CJ.W.[KAIN',M,F.C. Mc -
Dia, G. F. `It0 ULeTON, LD.S., R H D
Honor Graduate of Toronto Unlveseia.
sit3. Office over Dickson '& ewe
Peg's Law office. Closed Wednege-
day afternoons, Phone Office Ian
Residence '5b.
LR, A, R. KINSMAN Ii.,n,e, DAL
Boner Graduate of Toronto Bolo
eraity 1 • •
DENT'IS'T(( • ( ! LaiI
Teeth extracted wittrkout peiin. 4
any bad effects. Offioe over eIaie
Man & Stanibury'e Office Maim allli
Exeter. , •
W, BROWNING 1L D., �, �
e P S, Graduate Viotoria Urea
city Office and reeidenoe Dominion!
Labratory., Exeter, , _Lei
:Associate Coroner of Hurwi All
Barristers, Solicitors Notaries •atge
veyanoers Commissioners, rSolaoitrt
for the MoLsone Bank etc.; i
Money to Loan at lowest rales ol!
tercet,: . 1.,s1
I. R. Carling B. Ao IL al DiskiaA
MONEY. TO LOAIy t , I .1 , ,
We have a large amount of Old
ate funds to loan on farm and vies
lage properties at lowest rate $ kVA
tercet, • ,,a
Barriaters, Solicitors, ,Main !
• Elle UAboruo aacl tii�bort,
Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur
ono Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, 011e
President 11.013T. NONE'.
Vice -!'resident 1 , THOS. RYAS.
WM. 13RO,C1i • WM. ROIg
AGENTS • y ,
• JOHN ESSERY Exeter. agent Upas
borne and Hiddulph. 1
Hibbert Fullerton and Logan.
,,, ! ,_ , W. A. TURNBU1 Il '
Secy.Treas. Farquhar,''
GLADMAN & STANT30113E, aa.
Solioitors. Exeter. erit
AWFUL 13.f1T'TLE SCENES, ,as well,
es the harassed business man. the
tired society woman, and busy house"
wife. whose nerves are gradually),
wearing to shreds with their never-,
ending duties, will get q,uickt"uand per-
manent'relief .from TAKAEE. Get a0'
box for fifty cents Int ryour druggists,
or by mail from the Georgian Mfg.:
Co, 'Collingwood, Ontario.