Exeter Times, 1915-12-9, Page 3FRoi
l ereaved Mother, .,.:
wtiA.• T 14 WSTpaRN '0C►P'L�L
:A E1 DOING. u a
I'ro sees Of the Great West 'word
In a Few Pointed;
ylyillc sells at 12 quarts for a dollar
1n Veincouver. 1'i
Vail, 13.0.,has had only ong, sa e
in the police court in five weeks,'
Sialtendid zr$ alts 'came from; the
EXPeri.menta`l' `Partti' at terrace;.
O.o.'.date $35,000 has been received
by tc4Opendents of soldiers in South
V elle' user;
Lucky Thought Mine, New Denver,
B.C.',,,':".Shipped a 42»bili Car 'of ore to
zarl last week.
All—barAll-bara in the military district of
.DritiS.h ,Columbie.,.,are •to be closed to.
• soldiers at ';.9
• Total.'output of saw logs for -Van=
eouvei ' Province :dor September
amounted to 62,080,493. ,
W stminster "aliened
its new
reservoir without ceremonies" that
cost money, owing to the financial
Mr. RaynlQnd .of •Oroville is devel,
olri?? '` a?i Epsofn snits mine in Rich
ters Pass: He willet $00 a tori for
g `G.
the salts.
During the month of September!,,
seventy car load's Of fish Were ship -
uteri from Prime . Rupert, B.C., to
,eastern points,
' Nelson civic affairs were economi-
cally handled this'year, and .only $10,-
000 : was , borrowed ;from the bank
against $40,000 the year before.
Over 150 miner's left Vancouver
Island to go to work in the old
country Haines as a result of the visit
of the British commissioner.
The Canadian 'Pacific railway has
'decided to make the' Trail smelter
the equal of the greatest reduction
works on the American continent.
Peter,.Fernie :.died in Victoria, aged
years. Ile had lived 54 years in
•13,0., • and the: town of Fernie was
called after him, •
;The .104th Regiment of New West -
minsters, has contributed 1,000 actfve
service .men to war ranks since .Aug=
'Ust•last Year.
The American Club at Vancouver
gave a dinner in honor of Captain
J. T. Warden, who returned wound-
' ` ed from FIanders,
Ald. •Goulet of New "Westthinster,
B.C., will move that the mayor and
aldermen of that citx cut their
salaries 25 per cent.
' J. Barfield of Revelstoke, B.C.,
gathered over 100 pounds of plums
from ,ane tree. Three of the plums
lveighed over,a pound.
It, took two pages of the Kelowna,
!' B,,C.,' Record to advertise all the
that town that are up for
sale. for arrears of taxes.
" Beeause a patient strayed :from the
, hospital at Michel and was drowned,
Or. Welton must pay $1,000 to the
husband of the 'deceased.
Mayor Taylor of: Vancouver says
there will be no bread line in that
city this ,inter, Those who want
,;relief will nave to work for it. •
Several free milling gold quart,
• claini s ` have been staked, six miles
from Soda Creek, in the Cariboo, As-
t,S.as s show values from $5 to $20 ' a
.Mrs:"Jennie Masca, of Robert's
' .Cheer, B.0 demented „because one of
her children was drowned,' fatally
stabbed another little daughter and
At' Maple Ridge, B.C., the atten-
tion of. the Council .was called to
the case of a bright 5 -year-old white
:tidy kept by Indians, since he was five
'months old.,
Vit, the Battle of Waterloo, 217,000
men were engaged.
t costs approximately $1,500 every
time a big naval :gun is fired.
,. •The bayonets of Waterloo were
;about 'a, foot. -longer than those used.
In thepresent war.
The first sea -fight on record occur.-
red ;iri. 665 B.C., over two thousand
-five hundred• years- ago.
A pair of bullocks, according to an
.Australian farmer, can dothe same
work as a draught horse,
• _One of; the titles attributed to the
..Kais,er is "High Commander. on Sea
-and.Land•and of the Air."
In the France -German War of
1870-1, .the French Army only num-
, bered about 300,000. against 1,100,000
Army horses ' are given twelve:
-pounds of :oats, or its equivalent, and
from five to ten gallons of water
every day.
There are: more Irishmen in propor-
tion tp
population serving in the army
than_ any other nationality.
:Two ;million. Soldiers consume about
5,000 head of cattle, and drink an
"average of 200;000 gallons of water
• every :day. _ -. .
In addition to daily rations, soldiers
on active 'service carry- emergency ra-
tions, which inay only be used by or-
der of a superior officer.'.
Thd'5-inch gulf, which is possessed
only ,by, the British Navy, can hurl a
projectile weighing almost a ton as
a>• as..from :ten"; to twelve miles,
tWhen, WSIrwas declared, Germany
irad 035 ;merchant steainers. at sea,
Worth, $1,006,000,000; •about a third of
these"have beery captured,
^'The coinbitred populations of `Ger.
racy"' and, Austria are only `half the
'total o'1 the cohil)inecl populations of
.Grea,t,tritain;, Fiance, Belgium, and.
`,rhe ' dittun of TootMaii . Wo.
rn.any'°' vo`nen and' too ixt<tny:
girls t1991c ;pld bog before they'sllould,
, d+life °M'canY; (4)11
Their "faces become pile and (Nawn;
wrinkles appear and their eyes:; lack
brightness. Cin this be wondeli''ed at
via). l., thtr ; 9 rArgslneiitl`yr have head -
Ages; bac caches ani! t general feeling
pf. 1vretclre(ln•ese and wealmesali In
Most, cases it is the blood that !is to
blame. From one cause or ,anether
Oho bleod has.beceme thin and watery',
and;i, is a fact"th:ati.anaemia'"f food-'
lessncss) r,iore than any other reuse,
gives` •women''tlii'S prematurely 'aged
appearance lit 1,"s important thai the
bleed supply y.of girls and won*. be
z egrilst0y ? epleititihepotnii not
only 'an the ''score "bt'1'beite;'btt't't'o re-
tore-rtibirst health, •'whieh-is'•of-great-
er value, r0] Williams' Pink Pills
ac tually make nein' blbot1 and, restore
the systemw.shattered'by overwork or
Y,^,orf•y., These , settle give a glow of
health to pale fa'Ge , and make tired,
Wear... wolin 1r
y c aiicl gals feel bright
and happy. With Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills at hand'the>.e'xs no Treed for any
woman or ari girl' to 'look ill or feel
ill: Mrs! J... McDeneJ 1, jr., Hay, Ont.,
says: f 1$ lierAstlY,believe D. Will aims'
Pink Pilin dived iiiy.life Some years
ago 1.,hacl stnaerriia,,, and as, I diel
not realize the seri fisiiess"of the
trotible" I soon betaine a' 'complete
wreck. I, got SO weak.I could -hardly
walk.- .X neither ate nor sleptwell,
and could not go upstairs without
stopping to `rest. ` • At tunes I' had 'an
almost unbearable pain An my back,
and would; have; rte, remain in bed,. I
suffered' almost constantly from a
dull headache, and when sweeping if
I would stoop to pick up anything I
would get so tfli`zzy . that I would have
to catch . hold of something to keep
from •fallirig. At times my heart
would beetle fast that I 'would have
a smothering sensation. My eyes
were sunken and''my hands' incl limbs
would be swollen in the mornings. I
tried several kinds of medicines with-
out benefit, and my friends thought I
would not recover. Then I began tak-
ing ,Dr.
ak-i:ug.Dr.Williams' Pink Pills, and be-
fore long could see and feel that they
were helping rhe. I gladly continued
the use of the pills until I was com-
pletely, cured, and I cannot say enough
in their praise, and I strongly recom-
mend them to all run-down girls and
You can : get Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills from any dealer in medicines or
by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville; Ont.
Many Novelists Draw Titles for Their
Books flan the 'Bible.
The Bible has been called a well of
English, but novelists have found it
a well of good titles, upon which they
can draw without ;stint. Mr. Hall
Caine makes good use of it with
"The Woman Thou Gayest Me," "The
Prodigal Son," acid "The Scapegoat";
Marie Corelli culls "Wormwood?' and
"Bar•aliba:s",." Miss Braddon "One
Thing .Needful", and "Thou Art the
Man. . ,•
The late Walter. Besant gets "Chil-
dren of Gibeon" from the same inex-
haustible, supply, as well as "The
Fourth Generation." ` The author of
"John Halifax, Gentleman" has a no-
vel. entitled "A..Life for a• Life"; Jo-
seph Hocking- has one "All Men are
Liars"; Seton Merriman, "The Tents
of Kedar"; 'David Lyall, "The Corner
'Stone.' E. M. Jameson, "A House
Divided"; and "Rita, "A Woman • of
"Joseph's Coat" 'is a memorable no-
vel, and so is Marion CraWford's
"Whosoever Shall Offend." William
Le Queux has a novel called "As We
Forgive Them," and Thomas Hardy
names another "The Laodicean."
Older readers `recall Whyte Melville's
"Black;• but • Comely"; and William
Black's "Daughter of Ileth" is a mi-
nor' classic.
Andrew Balfour has written "Von-
geance is Mine" and Blundelle-Bur-
ton "The House of Bondage" and
"The Sword of Gideon," two 'fine
titles. L. G. Moberley has "In the
Balances," Charles Marriott "The
House on the Sand," and•Mrs. Coulson
Kernahan "An Unwise Virgin" and
."The Graven Image."
Harold Begbie is fond of Biblical
titles. Among others are "Tables of
Stone" and "In the Hands of the Pot-
ter." Richard Bigot uses. "The Just
and the Unjust,", and one of the most
popular novels df the 'day is "Tlie
Way of an Eagle." . .
In' fact; this' page might 'be filled
with ease with - Biblical titles 'of popu-
lar novels, and it would be a good
exercise' for a winter evening, not
only to spot the Bible'. titles iii a
library catalogue, but also to see how
many can be actually placed. Where,
for instance, does "The Way -of 'an
Eagle" come? One' might do worse
than search Pi:over;bs, a perfect store=
house of splendid titles, to go, no fur-
ther.—London Answers.
His. Presence Was Requested.
Hobson (at club' reception) ---Say,
Who is that man over there? • He's
been standi>ig °aro"and with his hands
in hi$ pockets all .evening, and not 'a
soul has noticed him.
Dobson—I guess he must he a
guest of the club. t"'
It is sixty years since British,troops
landed on,the: Continent.:
r � 5l.
?0LES. Ct'1",'JL10
&tether of "J''tuse l diilit; Cavell, etitlro
was ruuurdered by the Germans in
The majority of workers in copper
minas are immune from typhoid.
Nearly all the locomotives in Asia-
tic countries are driven by petroleurn.
Icebergs sometimes last as long as
200 years before they melt entirely
away: "
The reindeer has been known to pull
200 pounds`_at.ten miles• an hour for
twelve hours.
The earliest designs used for china
at Worcester ere believed to have
been copied. from the Chinese, •
Swedish school children, under the
guidance of their; teachers, annually
plant about .600,000 trees... .
All who are decorated with, the Rus-
sian Cross of St. Andrew have the
right once to demand a pardon for a
Russian subject condemned "to 'death.
_ Some of the huge crabsfound on
Ascension Island are each afoot in
length. They have been known to
steal rabbits from their .holes and de-
vour them,.
Macedonia grows the richest opium
of all countries. The product` is 'used
solely in the manufacture of mor-
phine, and is not the quality used fol-
smoking. •
The orange was originally a pear-
shaped fruit about the size of the
common wild -cherry. Its evolution is
believed by naturalists to be due to
1,200 years' of cultivation.
The women of Mexico use fireflies
as 'jewels. They tie them in Tittle
gauze bags and put them in their hair
or: their clothing. Then, until they
require them again, they keep them in
little wire cages and 'feed them on
scraps of sugar cane..
Cotton grows best, in low coastal
land in tropical latitudes. It is prob-
ably a native of tropical Asia?, and
certainly two of the most important
cotton products take 'their names
from Asiatic. towns—muslin from- Mo-
sul' and calico from Calicut: It' re-
quires plenty of moisture and salt.
A peculiarity of deaf cats is that
they seem to have a great sense of
feeling in their feet pads. It is al-
most an impossibility for a heavy
aminal to approach a deaf cat from
behind without giving it warning, and
this may be attributed to the extreme
sensitiveness of the cat's feet record-
ing the slightest tremor of . the
Dropped a Valuable Hint.
"For about eight years," writes a
lady, "I suffered from nervousness—.
part of the time down in bed.
"Sometimes I would get numb, and
it would be alinost impossible for me
to ,speak. At other tinges I would
have severe bilious attacks, and my
heart would flutter painfully when I
would walk fast or sweep.
".1 have taken enough medicine to
start a small drug store, but without
permanent benefit. One evening our
grocer was asking my husband how I
was,, and urged that I quit coffee and
use :Postum, so he brought home a
package, and I made it according to
directions, and we were both delighted
with it. We quit coffee altogether and
used only Postum." (Tea produces
about the same effects as coffee, be,
cause :they both contain the drugs
caffeine and tannin.)
"I' began to get better, and in a
month's time looked like another per-
son.: The color came back to my
cheeks, I began to sleep well, my ap-
petite was good, and 1 commenced to
take on flesh and ,become interested
in everything -about the house,
"I+ inally, I was able to do all my
own` work without the least sign of
My old trouble." .Name given by.
Canadian :Postum Co., Windsor, Ont:
POstinn conies in twa' forms:
Postnni Cereal ---. the original farm
iir:tzst bo' well boiled. 15c and 25e
packages, ..
Justint Postum..--a soluble powder
dissolves quickly in a cup of hot
water 'and, with cream and sugar,•
makes la delicious, beverage insta:ntiy.
30e and 50a tins,:
Both kinds are equally delicious and
cost about the same per cup.
"There's a Reason" for Postum.
--sold by Grocers,
..recording to OrderS.
The following unusual interpreta-
tion Of a• common command appears
in London Tit -Bits. The mistress
came downstairs and tried the door
of the sitting room, only to . find it
locked against her, while the key,
which was usually in the lock, was
"Bridget, 'I can't get into the sitting
room!" she cried,
"Sure, it's zneself knows that and
ye won't, fur 1 hev the kay in nie
"Open thedoor immediately!"
"Will yez go in if I clo?"
"Certainly I will,"
"Then yez won't get the key,"
"Open the door, I say! What do
A PEDAL :L'IC.. .. you mean?"
-- "Sure, it's by your• own orders.
Just yesterday ye said, 'Don't let me
come downstairs in the morning arid
see ; any dust on the sitting room
furniture.' So I just puts the kay in
me packet, and says I, 'Then she
shan't!' „
Hew Twitching , of the Foot Unbal-
antes the Mind.
•When a foot twitches without ap-
parent cause, automatically as it were,
the doctors call it a pedal tic. Such a
condition is not. serious, but it is an-
noying, and soon gets on.the nerves
of the sufferer. Dr. Gustav F.
Boehme e of England reportsacase
more than the usual interest, and its
cure by psychanalysis.
A certain J. S., 29 years old, a
clerk, had suffered for four years
from a twitching of the right foot
when at rest. Sometimes his left foot
also twitched. He would have spasms
of foot -twitching when in bed, when
seated, when walling. His feet
seemed to go beyond his control and
he would stagger as if drunk. Other-
wise he was well, and there was noth-
ing in his fan -illy .history that shed
Izght Upol his condition,
'Dr, Boehme recognized that •'there
was nothing organically wrong with
him, so hebegan- studying his "sub-
conscious reflexes."
Dr. Boehme explained the twitching
to J. S., saying that most men when
seated cross one leg over the other
and tend to swing the suspended foot.
This is generally the right foot. When
mentally perturbed the swinging be-
comes more pronounced. When J. S.
returned to the unsatisfactory envi-
ronment of his home and sat down to
read, "'his ,thoughts would wander, his
worries would crowd into his con-
sciousness, and the foot -twitching, at
first voluntarily, would begin. Gra-
dually, subconsciously, the tic gained
the ascendancy."
Dr. Boehme described this condition
to his patient,, unproved his general
hygiene, and made him take long
evening walks with cheerful friends.
His condition improved within three
days, and all twitchinge had ceased
after three weeks. 3. S. declared he
had no fear of a recurrence, but Dr.
Boehme is not sure about this, saying
,it depends upon the clearness with
which the patient has interpreted the
For years he. taught food chemistry,
dietetics, and diseases of the :diges-
tive tractiii one of the large medical
schools cif the continent. In his ex-
tensive experience in free clinics he
worked out the formula for Dr. Jack-
son's Roman Meal, a compound of
whole wheat and rye, with deodorized
flaxseed and bran. It nourishes
better than meat, prevents indiges-
tion and positively relieves constipa-
tion or "money back." . Ask your
doctor. At all grocers, 10 and 25
cents. Roman meal is made by Ro-
man Meal Co., Toronto.
Concussion Bursts the Blood Vessels
and Arteries.
It will be recalled that on the mor-
row of the battle of the Marne .return
combatants related strange stories of
the aspect of certain German un-
wounded corpses. Death had been so.
instantaneous that the bodies einain-
ed in a life -like posture, some shoul-
dering a rifle, other pipe in mouth.
In a communication made to the Aca-
demy of Medicine M. Reno Arnoux as-
serts,;that the phenomena were due to
the efficacy of the French explosives.
Within a fifteen yards' radius of the
point where the shell explodes the dis-
placement of the air is so intense as
to destroy the equilibrium of pressure
on the interior and exterior of the;
human body. The gas contained in
the blood is thus liberated, causes a
distension of the blood vessels and
arteries, and, ultimately bursting
these organs, induces sudden death.
This argument is confirmed by the
state of the bodies, which often show-
ed the heart and liver greatly distend-
ed and numerous internal hemorr-
1 was ,cured of painful goitre • by
Chatham, Ont.
I was cured of Inflammation by
Walsh, Ont.
I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by
Parkdale, Ont. 3. H. BAILEY..
Long Known.
"Father," said the minister':; son,
"my teacher says that 'collect' and
'congr'egate' mean • the same thing.
Do they?"
"Perhaps they do, my son," said
the venerable clergyman; . "but you
tnay tell your teacher that there is a
vast difference between a congrega-
tion and a collection;"
atrinara'e Liniment Cuiree Colde, Ms,
Tr. . w Away Your
Eye -Gasses!
A Free Prescription
You Cau Have Filled and Use at -Horne
Do you wear glasses ? Are you a:vic-
tim of eyestrain ur other cyu-iveakuesse::?
If so, you will be glad to know that there
is real hope for you. Many whose eyes
were Sailing say they have had their eyes
restored through the principle of this wou-
derful free prescription. Oue Tuan sem
after trying it : 'I was almost baud ;
could not see to road at all. Now 1 eau
recti everything without any glasses and
my eyes do not water any more. At night
they would pain dreadfully; now they feel
lin€:11 the e tiure. It was like a• tuiraclo to
me," A lady who used it says: "Tho
atmosphere seemed hazy with or without
glasses, but after using this prescription
for fifteen days everything seems clear; I
can even read fine print without glasses."
It is believed that thouaau,ls who wear
glasses tan now dIacard thew in a reason-
able awe, and multitutd.°:t more 'will be
able to strengthen their •eyes so as to be
spared the trouble anti t;:pense of over
;ratting gl:lases. Eye troubles Of many de-
scriptions may be wonderfully benotltted
by following the simple rut's. Here is the
prescription : Co to any active drug store:
,nd get a batt!:' of lion-O1pto. FBI a two-
,unce bottle with warm water; drop 1
etc Icon -(rpt, t:.blet and allnw to dtcsolve
:+ith this liquid, bathe the eyes two to rout
tines daily. 'You should notice your e3c'-
k'ar up perceptibly right from the start
•nci `inflammation will c,•:?«kly disappear.
your ryes ate bothering you, even a
itle, take steps to save them now, beforeIt is too Iate. Many hopelessly blind
Wr,r thright eihraveeyes been In time. The Wings Drug
saved if they had cared
('o., of Toronto, Will fill 'the above pr•r-
acriptian by mail, If your druggist cannot.
A Soft Answer. •
The sergeant was very crusty, and;!
of course, had to preserve his dignity,!
but as he was walking along the{
trench he suddenly slipped, and
plumped right down into the middle
of the slush of water and mud. •None i
of the, men near him could resist a
smile, but when he picked himself up 1
he turned on Malone.
"Well, what are you standing there
looking like a jackass for? Do you
see anything funny?" he bawled.
"No, sargint," returned Malone, .
"but, begorra, shure, and a' teas just
thinkin' how. funny it would have been
if it had been somebody forby your
®01,1tMrlrriMMrAr4 rinrNMtarraAN, ;C
C0r'JTA%N$.. NO AeJ,,Jl
Makes pure, deIicinus, healthful biscuits,
cakes and pastry. It is the only well-
known strictly high class baking powder
made in Canada, selling at a medium price.
Read the label
'701,4011001#01010,110101111101.WNW i W Icy IOC
the Tree.
} Silenced.
"Their batteries haVe
"The amateur strategists who said
the Isar wouldn't last a year."
The tendency of trees is to grow
from the uppermost buds, so if it is :
desirable to keep the tree low, the
new growth should be headed back'
each year. Every kind and every
variety has a characteristic growth;
the style of pruning, therefore, must
conform to the habit of the tree.
1Vtinard's r<iniment Cures Diphtheria. I
Heartless Men,
"Some men have no hearts," said
the tramp. "I've been a-tellin' that
feller I am so dead broke that I i
have to sleep outdoors."
"Didn't that fetch him ?" asked the
"Naw. He told me he was a-doin'
the same thing, and had to pay the
doctor for tellin' him to do it."
S2inard's T.iniment Cures Garget in Cows
A Fast Goer.
"Haw's the new servantettin
along?" g g
"Rapidly. Next Tuesday she'll have i+
been gone a week."
pMurine is pre-
pared by aur Phy-
`'. sicians, as used for
many years in their
3 practice, now dedicat-
e ed to the Public and
sold byYour Druggist.
ifSc TryMurinetoRefresh,
Cleanse,. Strengthen Eyes after exposure to
Gold Cutting Winds and Dust and to restore
healthful tone to Eyes Reddened and made Sora.
by Overwork and Eye Strain.
Some broadminded Physicians use and recom.•
mend Murine while others perhaps jealous of its
Success, talk and rush into print in opposition;
those whose Eyes need care can guess why, as
there is no Prescription fee In Murine. Just hand
your Druggist iOc and you have a Complete Pkg..
Eye Book—Murine—Dropper—and CorkScrew—
ready for use. Try itin your Eyes and in Baby's
Eyes for Eye Troubles—No Smarting—Just Bye
Comfort. Write for Book of the Eye PITO.
Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago '
Actions usually speak louder than
words. The wasp can't talk but he
has a forcible way of expressing him-
self that renders words superfluous.
Tain;ard's Liniment Cures xiitttemirer.
.\ big 62 page Household ..Recount 13n,;1i, ''alf•l,dnr and Recipe 13,..r.i.
combined, size. 4x]:3 inches, t-ontuining hundreds ,,f tier. t'.' t and latest
Below are the names anti addresses of twelve e firms. :'elect eleven of
your best friends and either have thein write, or write a postcard yourself
to each of these firms asking theist to ,'end 'Sinrard's Housekeeper's
Perfect Account Hook" to the address supplied.
For instance, supply your name. and address to the first, firm on the
list, a. friend's name and address to the s"'' rd tiro: on the list and so on.
Next week's issue of this paper will .-hen another list of firsts to
whom you can send a further list of r - t,o,, rend dell, ss -•s.
Write your postcards to clay l,t•tr r' you forget.
Canadian Shredded 'Wheat co., Niagara Fails, Ont.
Christie Frown & CO.. Toronto. it. Turnhu1] Co.. Ltd.. 'jilt, -"Mt.
Cowan t'o.. Ltd.. Toronto. Clare Bros. s. i, Co., Preston, (Jut,
Maple Leaf _Mining Co., Toronto.. 1 t,mt;;ic a canners, Co„ Itamilton.
P. \V. Gillett Co., Toronto. Wm. ,'1•r 1, c'o,. Ltd., Montreal,
Fairweath,=rsI tmlt (I, 1r ge Stre-t. Toronto.
Standard rule t11 1• ince eft., \\ c dstock, tett.
Atlantic. Sugar Refineries Limited, Montreal
! 1"
Grain, Dairy or Fruit. When you
want to buy, write 11. W. Dawson,
Brampton, Ont,
haat Offices for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all. businesses. Full information on ,
application to Wilson Publishing Com- i
pany, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. i
]Port mar,:
XTBWFV U\-Lr1.A N t., .t t•
11..``11 Sale from pedigreed stock.
. \is
pure-bred i'ersian 1s1ttens. IIeautlfnl
pets, SUM to attract attention. R. \,
Gillespie. AbhotsforO., Que.
kJ . internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Delitxtan Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwood. Ont.
Furs Have Advanced
ShiptoRogers. Wegiveliboratgrudes,
fuilvalueincashandquickreturne. We
have best market 3n America forFurs, Hides, ete.
No Tr ppesioit. pAotoday ctory,ye Scee,Iist.
itOGERS FUR CONOPANY, inept. 5 ' St, Louis, Mo-,
Write the for Special Information on
GOLD MINE, Limited
1323 Traders Bank, TORONTO
And How to Feed
Mailed free to any address by
the Author
Pioneer H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S.
Dog Remedies 118 West 31stStreet Newyork
•4.,m.. i.19,,0.
'" HOTEL DI THE WORLD .di'h .,
311 o Spirit of America at play!
NLagnittute and Cheerfuinetm.
vulto 'EAIt' ELAN
E. S. 'Whi'te, Ewes.J. W, iwatt, nee,
I• D. 7.
ISSUE 50—'15.
Revillon Freres
are manufacturers and can pay you best prices for furs of
all kinds. Send for our price list.
Christmas music ----
and entertainment
during long winter
You can have both
if you own a Victrola.
Music appropriate for
the clay, music that
you can listen to
throughout the year
--the one great ele-
• meat necessary to
social happiness, that will overcome the drab
moments of long winter hours, and kindle afresh
the family spirit with the delight and entertain-
ment it provides.
Victrola IV
With 15 ten -inch, double -sided
Victor Records (30 selections,
your choice) $34.60.
Easy payments, if desired.
Other Victrolas, $33.50 to $400
The Victrola will play all your favorite songs
and instrumental music. They are to be found
in the list of over 6,000 Victor Records, including
standard and popular music on ten -inch, double -
sided records at 90 cents for two selections.
Any of "tris Master's Voice" dealers will lot you hear them.
If there is not ono in your vicinity notify ut, and we will {ate
that you -are not disappointed on t'hristlr.as morning.
601 Lenoir Street, Montreal
vxc eon ,nCOS,P`J—MAPF IN CATIA. iA
r.oO1t Ton " mrs re:I± : Ti;te'S V0/0 11 "
—TRADE MAkt,it.
New Agencies Considered Where We :tic :Not Prop,'rty Represented.
Z. t" di a RMAt-; : ' :G , : talo ... , ., 4 Y te