HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-12-9, Page 1a:FORTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 2239
Phone 32
OUR STORE is simply overflowing with new Christmas goods,
which we have this week placed on display for
your inspection. We are sure a visit to this store
will easily solve the CHRISTMAS GIFT PROBLEM for you. Below we offer
a few suggestions :
For Ladies and Girls
Neck Furs, Muffs, Fur Coats, Hand Bags. Coat Swelter3, Handkerchiefs, Silks in
exclusive lengths for Dresses and Blouses, Fancy Neckwear, Fancy Waists,
etc., etc.
For Men and Boys
New Ties in great variety, Braces, Fancy Socks. Coat Sweaters, Fancy Shirts,
Initialed Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, New Suits, Overcoats, etc.
FURS! FURS ! For Christmas Gifts !
This year Furs are cheaper than ever, but the price of Raw Furs is rapidly
advancing again. We offer a splendid range of Fur Ruffs, Stoles and Muffs in
natural and black Wolf, Fox, Sable, Marmot, Persian Lamb, Opossum. etc., at
wonderfully attractive prices.
An ExtraordinaryBargain in Ladies' Fur=Collared Coats
4 only Ladies' Fur• Collared Coats, good quality cloth,
quilted linings, wcre $18.00—to clear at each only $12.00
6 only Coats, better quality. were worth from $22.50 to $2.5.00—
t.,c clear at each only
Don't miss this opportunity if in need of a good, warm, servicable coat
Ask to see our Special Ladies' Musk=Rat Coat at $45,00
Sweater Coats at old prices
Inter Winery at OFeatly Reduced Prices
Christmas Suggestions 13uy your Xmas Goods
Early–serviceable Gifts
will be most appreciated this year
$2,75 to $5.00
• akt,,1.Qy from $1.50 up
LAT)11,l.4 :1!0.01•ITY from 1.25 up
• ECCIal7 trom $1.25 up
H10.1':; TIC ,..15c up •
10: and 25c
ST• RAPS ' .15 and 20
Any of these
Should be
CARVERS $1.25.per pr
°CEDAR MOPS • ... 75c up
SAD IRONS .$1.20 up
WASHERS ...$10.00 up
WRINGERS ...$3,75 up
SWEEVI..P.S ahvays appreciated cilt
25c to $1.00
VACINTAI.'CL141ANERS $8,50 to $11,50
AMAN'S Hardware & Stove
"4,DILT.,"8:111-11.1 ,1/44Shwoori, On Nov, 24th,
4( to Mr. end Mrs. Fred. Diller, a
riANT/Y—STACKY—At "Tientoeh en
1 IDe.c, ist, by Rev. C. W. 1i Icor 131),
r Miss Olive; Emma, diniglitor. of 1\1'r
and Airs, j..,s..0::)oy, to Mr. 'Rus-
t 1 '\'f. If slily •
$I'ATA:11.13—JAQ0Bil—At tie, 14 h on),
, nay, f
,a3roaVii Ethel daughter o; Mr,
and Mrs. Solomon Jacohe to Mr.
Simon Daters of Tray township.
1) LED
TODD—At 1Ti 11 on 1 harsd5ty Dee
2nri 1915, Jolla AV'eldon Tedd, Jn his
32nd ye sr,
: UNITE • WI It "'CH OHM'.
'Rev. Dr. lletelgr preoched Prepar-
story seri:less in Ca vs 'a Pren tesien
ca srob Inst Icriday ,evening, Ort Sun-
day Conan 'mite r'1o4 tv g • 14,1 l„
t this ',orrice thir mem bora .
a sr ieetuved into the ehurphse • ,,
• Patriotic League Notes
The „regular inonthly meeting of the
Patriotic League was held in ,the
beery on 'Monday evening, Dec. 6th. I
Donations reeeived:;
Ladies 'Aid James St. church$10.00
Mrs. Thorne, California, 5.00
Mrs, Powell , 3.10 I
Mr., C. Hooper 90
Mrs, Beverley, membership fee 25 4
Good .cheer shaseer 3.55
'Collection at 'Memorial service 10 1'5
The ten :room wall be open Saturday
afternoon from three to six to receive
donations ,o•f elotht•s for the Belgianr..)
Mrs. 'W. J. Beer, ..Secretary:.
The Soldiers Aid Society shipped on
Tuesday to the 'Daughters fir t110 Em-
pire, London, Ont. 708 pads and Nun -
presses. CO wtsh 'cloths, 100 gouge
sponges, 118 night shirts s 6 scarfs.
The receipts from the picture .show
donated by Mr. Leavitt Tuesday even-
ing to the Soldiers Aid Seel..ty was
$36.26 and the proceeds from the raf-
fle of a club bag Nrd.8 $12.60. The
tickets were drawn at the picture
show Tuesdny evesing Jack 11urdou
being the wintior.'
Ths sa.r.1 1a ttalien have left Lon-
don ter `.1'11±, 1lati_111iFill fins
110on 1.•••ini),)21 cm. Heights,
fir severs! niornbs .ind fur sinno time
the beys h lye been anxious to get .
naVeY, Pte ten Tiebl•s, of inWTI, Was-.
SrleiiI,A 10 go With the •sivance guard
whieti hat a few 'cloys Itt..rot-v out
otieers. firm (own who 'iro
with She 33rd are Douglas Stewart,
Ed. A n el son. Err d - Parer
Lia -p,, Earl and .74iltehII,
and lilt/mill Harness.
The Crossley Meetings
few more days and we 'will say
"Good Bye" to M.r., !Crossley. The
services so far have drawn large
crowds; have been full of interest und
have been fruitful in couverts,t What
may we not expect insthe closing ser-
vices of which we here give the at-
traetive program: Thursday -7.45 p.m,
"Fleaverf" hi Song Sermon; Friday, -
1,15 to 5 p.n,„ on illustrated lecture
on Physical Culture; Friday, 7.454p.iia.
An important Acrostic sermoi, for
swab end admits; Sundry 11 n on', in ;
Main St, Methodist ohorch. "The sec-
ret of alt Revivals": Sunday. 7 n m.
"Seven Royal Proclamations"; Motel.
day 7.45 mm., "An Ideal ,Christian"
Tuesday, "Three Great Big Rhinders"
Song Sermon; 'Wednesdny. "Popular
Amusements, the Dance and the
The special services will close on
Sunday, Dec. 19th. All the night ser-
Vicos will Ihe in 'James street 'church.
Make the Most of these closing meet-
ings, the motto of which is "Help
Everybody and Hinder 'Nobody."
1151r.‘Thos. E. Ifandford, formerly of
Exeter, has promised to be present
at the meetings next week. '
Usborne Council
The council mot at Telesshin Finn
Dec. 4th. All the members were pro -
sent.: The minutes of the previous
meeting were l'rad and approved..
rue nomination; meeting will' be
held at the Township Hall on Mon-
day. Dec. 27th, 1915 rif,the hour of one
o'clock in the 'afternoon.
If an election is necessary potls will
be held 'ns follnws on niondny. JR 0,11-
ary 3rd, 1916: Div, 1—Township Hall.
Elimville. Geo. Kellett, 1131.0„; John
G. Hunter. poll clerk; Div. 2—George
Cornish's honse, Lot 1.1, N.T.R. Hari
literten Brown. 1011.0: Dan Dew
P.C.: Div; 13-0senr Morler's house,
lot 2. con. 10, Hugh Berry, 0211 0.;
George Go,dbolt. PC. Div. 4—Public
Hall, Farquhar, Andrew Hodgert D.
R,O.. Bert Francis, P.C.
By-law No., 3., providing for ,nomin.a-
tion and election was passed and
signed. 1, t
A large number Of 'accounts were
passed and orders %sued in ,paymentt
Council adjourned to meet Dec14,5kli.
at one o'clock, , •
F. Morley, !Clerk."
Recruiting Started For
Huron Battalion
On Saturday last 'Capt. W. J. 'Zee-
mantreceived instructions to stare re-
cruiting for the Huron Battalion
to be known as the 161st. under
charge of 'Col. 'Coombe, of Clinton.
A Huron regiment will appeal to
our local patriotism and should stim-
ulate recrulting.1•
A meeting of the officers of "the
33rd Horonregiment was held in
Clinton •on Monday when the follow-
ing officers were selected for the new
Huron Battalion: Col. 'Wilson, 0. C.,
Clinton: AInjor Hays, Sea forth; Maj.
J. W. Slihns Clinton, Me-dical Officer;
Major .11,,TeTaggart,Spny master; ,Capt.
Stardy,-Goderich, A•djuctnnt; Capt. R.
T. 'Rundle, ;Clinton, Signalling officer
quarter Master to be selected; com-
pany officers, Capt. W. JrII-craman, of
Exeter and Capt.. Sinclair, Wingharns
Recruiting officers .were selected and
recrriting =urns s:'t. A delegation
composed .cf Col. Cembe, Copt. Hen -
man. Mayor Reid, of Gederich. and A.
11. Musgrove, M.P.P., wits appointed
to vtnit an the county council with a
view to seenring a grant cf $.1500
for recruiting purposes.
Lieut. Hall. of Hens:111, has been aps
pointed recersiting officer fax that
vill !tv for the lost Battalion.
The is•y of a recruit commences as
soon es he signs up. The' pay is $1.10
a slay and 60 cents n day extra for
sulis:stence nItonssetre 4.- in ers.• 25 or
more s4re recruiter" in any cent•re they
;rill he bill t d there and for 25 glen
this would mean about $1275.00 per
month to the tolells
A ',publicity consnittee b -s h''n op-
sainted- to eshnulate recruiting.
Cipt.'‘W. J. Ilromin is the recruit-
ing ()Neer for
their 111,7d0,1 r•sain•nation
in town,.
A resruiting 1••1.4.14.• 111„: Seen form-
ed and in stings will be 11c":1 thronsh-
ont tide riet : 1.1.1 N.0
will tale. part.
Mr, Etiror - oitee hes rseeived n
commission as ligutenent, 111 ther16"st
and sill join the Tiii 1a1ii at th).,
jiegliirlit.,!t.f 1.1ir iu,Nt• year.
Th,• iirr. ;a enlist in Exeter for the
mo' 1 LI Itil w Shinty -Smith of
heed Tilt,1,•r, of or,- aep,on
Ca, svns tho sts,o2).1 tr);•.4,,-rn 1,1) ),..ith
vainirtily ani .1`2)72;) 14)11811 C;»,-.21i:4h,
1110„ 11.7,;;;
11.01.1.: Yon 1,511;;• 1.1;.1tt,:thon
Ell' DI ES IN Tr, flo NT() (.) I)'.. 1111""1
Sirs, T. 0. 8011110011 was called to Si,111-y L'n•i! h. 11:y P.O.
Toronto on ,tintarday 1141 Ofltfl to 'Err I ,14.4 . 1 t; r
the de.'" h nF ho).. Irro51,,i• '1°1'" i`-(1"1".11 (1'1
who died et the "rorento .G...nerill 110S- ------40-------.
1 '111111Stliky 01( ililip:. Th.) .doevan-
,•;d h • d not been well for Irene time
and •waa reeelving treatmen1 nt the
briesitai, 110 12,d wavy fil(nels in
tOW11 111Vitr' vb.u...ti 11.'1,, pri numeroes
occasions when hiA father, Iliwv, Rd.
llabbs, we N pa ;41 n r of j'a nr, „s; st ry et ,
Methodist eh& cb. The funeral wan
held Mondey intermeut st Nlegarsi
A rail) 'I.., O. v 1ts held In
Parg4•/4.1a 11.11 44;
Doc. tOth ib• 4r4..(‘.1..ss1s I) 11 to to
th• 1111,d -sea 1i1iiir•sl
gents l(h); s cr.)0) lartit);; to 11 111-
ply the hitt t. of beheleiglifl
arr. being rnftlrel wil}:and tbe ticket
Wilt bo drtwt, tit'
• , • •••"-a.1" • '
SOCKS APPRECIATED , Beautiful array ttf Bon Bon boxes
The following interesting letter
has been reseive.d by 'Miss Florence
Passmorerof the Thames Road in re-
sponse to a note that was placed in-
side of a. pair of home knit socks that
was sent to the soldiers through the
Red Cross 2soOlety:
Somewhere in Prenee.
13, 11, 15.
Dear Miss Passnaore,— •
Please excuse mY a-PPat-
ent: audacity in addressing you thus,
but to -day I received a pair of socks
which creme to me through the 'Can-
adian War Contingent AsSOCiltiori and
in these same Rooks I fo•ind a 'note,
which 1 enclose. ,nrd which will ex-
plain the liberty 1 have taken in!
writing, and T wish to thank yon from
the bottom of my heart. fort ?he hind
and patriotic thought that prompted
you to send such useful and 'comfort-.
nble !articles to ns soldier boys, "Do
you know" your gift ewes most accept-
able for the weather has been, (and
in foot is now horrid) and the water
in the trenches is already inches above
our boot tops. what it will, be like
before the' winter is over I cannot
tell, but the.prospects are gloomy for
Dry Feet.'
It's so nice to know. that the Ladies
at home bar such an interest in us
and try to make things as comfortable
for us as possible, and believe rtie your
whole efforts are everywhere apprec-
iated, and the receipt ot'such: a gift as
yours. takes us back to our "Mn Fire-
sides" in far away Canada, and which
a, good many of those who are out
here will never see again, but we look
at it in the light of what does it
matter providing we are .successful in
protecting those who are dear to 'us
at home from the ruthless enemy,
that confronts us this very day.
Thanking you again for your useful
and lovely gift..
1 am yours sincerely, '
Lieutenant F. C. Rush
Lord Strotheona's Horse
Ist.Canadian Cavalry Brigade (Royal
Canadians). • British Expeditionary
Force, France.
- A very interesting event occurred.
on Deb.; ist, ;1915, at ,the ',home of Sir.
.Mrs. Jas. Stacey, !Rannoch,- being
occasion of tta tatiiiikge of "their
daughter Olive Emma, to Mr. Russel
W. Hanly, also of !Rannoch. The
ceremony 'was performed by the „pas-
tor. Rev, C. W. Baker B.D, of Wood-
ham, under a beautiful evergreen arch
decorated with flowers and -wedding
bells. 'Promptly at 6 o'clock the
bride, escorted by her father, entered
thegiarlor to the strains ,of the wed-
ding ,march played by Mrs. Walter
Stewart, cousin of the bride., The
bride was beautifully gowned, in white
silk 'with pearl trimmings and wore a
bridal veil wreathed with lily-of-the-
valleyi; She wore a pearl pendalum,
the gift of the groom.: Audrey, ; the
little sister of the bride made • a.
charming flower girl and ring -bearer.
The young couple were unattended,
After congratulations and. well wishes
had been extended the guests to the
number of 50 sat down to a sumptu-
ousirepast in the dining Toomsartistis
Gaily decorated. The toast to ; the
bride was :proposed by the ;pastor who'
paid a well deserved tribute to the I
beauty•of person and noble character
and true worth of the bride and com-
plimented the young couple upon
their ,auspielous outlook for a happy
married life. The groom very abLY
and humorously replied to the toast
to the bride. The young couple will
reside on the farm forimgly occupied
by Mr. and 'Airs. F. E. Honig, who
have moved to St. Marys. The young
couple are held in IJ;' highest esteem
and have the welt wishes of the entire
Hot Oyster Stews, Hot Beef Tea,
hot tea and coffee at all hours at W.
J. Statham'.
its not too late to order yoar Nanas.
Booklets with ycur wirer and address
printed hi. at llow;•s's Drugstore. $1
up per .dosen.,.
:3 ,..„4
4,404 • r± ••••;,;:.).,-;
to.suit all parses at W. J. Statham's".
'On 'Thursday evening the second of
December the manager and staff of
The Bank of Commeree presented Mr
Bert Oililes with a set of hair brush-
es previous to his leaving for Pari.
The balance of this year is given
free to new subscribers who pay no
$1 fox the Tunes orf next year, Re-
member also that 3000 votes are given
for the piano 1dr, 'Beverley is giving
away. Get 'busy and Bemire as many
new or renewal subscript/oils as you
!Miss Bertha. ;Mack. cf Weston,
daughter o Mr, aesd, Mrs, D. ;Vaal*, toi •
townsvv.as recently operated on at the --
Toronto General ITospitai for apaerse
dicitis. We are pleased to report that' •
she is improving nicely,
The young ladies of the Jackson.
Mfg. Co. donated their usual Satur-
day afternoon half -holiday to the
ranking of hospital shirts for the
soldiesse. The Soldiers Aid sloe -arty got
the material ready and the young
ladies put them together. Jxi rell 127
shirts were Jxiadel.
On Friday and Saturday of this week we
will hold a special sale of desirable
Christmas and Holiday Goods
Some Good targains =1- See Our Windows
The r
Just 13 More Shopping Days
To Ohristmas
We suggest a few lines of suitable gifts yln m ay
purchase fron2 us at the very best cash price
H'andkerchie'fs, We ha,ve-an,extr'a fine lot of
fancy samples bought at a big
redaction—you get the benefit of our bargain.
10 Children'8 sample coats selling at half-price
Wool caps, mitts, gloves, &e
Men's Shirts A full ,selection of HAGEN
shirts—$1 to $1 50 each
Neckties, scarfs, braces, &cc
Cosy Slippers in a big variety of colors
Shoes What is nicer than. a dainty pair of our
shoes for any nz3naber et' tin family
A fine selection of
Suits and Overcoats
iItI 4J
Look, v1. •te
4 41
'FP.. Sin
' t t
I'Sress sT.I.,..f.4.,"•453"
44j iLtt
6> .4 • .;:lq •
0..:;• •
red o Hs 3
,,,, ,.„, ,',..11cie 4 '41',.,e0" :'..' r .74,."., I _., i, f r ,Z..1..tilY. !.1.I;
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0,,i) il ,"I\'•:E'41)•" 4). 79P '010., 4 4.,
re 'I 14e fiat i ;rid Ir.', tels. al` 1; ..5.).,... .31)21 -.---- •
sti.riraitielll)i); cri 125:y i1• 1. 14. :The VI
tit.. W r• ,,ni 14,11 t 1,, r' h is
t''1 1111 lois r,f; yawl ;2•, 2 :25,„ ;.I ttd
(11`011,:oa. .1 11 ;11) 1,:;11,1:4 o '. 1, , Li 111)1111.i
11111r• 1.r YN , rid, saris Ira ,, y et Cite
111.!44. titee 11. !..,!,,, ; 14' N, , 1 , a .4, eery 1
let ile. 1441..g.! it iiii1:11 ..•;i 4r .11,, 'Now .
1, a•A 7,'''''. A, 1.',T
Lt,\ itYik FA. 1.
I?1l rl t) l't li.1 ki i ,,a
J' -r af. 11..1
64,44,0 ti,frot 4 4,t44. 44,.