Exeter Times, 1915-12-2, Page 8THE EXETER TIME: • EVOLVED VE ALWAYS KEEP DA EYE'S OPEN r LOOK1N6 OUT FOR, ao0D TI -11 IN! 6. 6' Fo, oua, Aisroiv\E R. $ gaeasscaaa.m. ....gaaraa• THE REASON WHY ONE STORE HAS 13R,I6HTER, JooDS, BETTER, 600DS AND MoRE STYLISH 3ooDS THAN ANOTHER IS, 13ECAU1SE THE •3VYER.A5 oF THAT STORE ARE ALWAYS LooKIN6 OUT FOR THE NEWEST oN THE MARKET. NEW GooDS ARE CoNSTANTLY ARRIVING IN OUR DRY 600DS DEPARTMENT. WHEN ANYTHIN6 NEW CoMES OUT WE SEE THAT IT QUICKLY CoMES IN oUR, SToCK, YoU WILL ALWAYS FIND AT oVR, SToRE, AND AT THE LEAST POSSIBLE PRICE, WHATEVER YoU NEED To DRESS YoU WELL. 1 Millinery Every trimmed Hat in our Millinery Department is greatly reduced be price. All hats will be marked at low prices for quick selling. Tea Aprons In many patterns, trimmed with lace and embroidery'. They are not high in price— '25c, 40c and 50c. Fars the Queen of Xmas Gifts. We have a large stock of THROWS, RUFFS, STOLES & MUFFS. Why not buy now and get first choice. At. 4.7.1. 4.1.• ito 4.1,6 4,Tok 'T 1p 4T, 6% 616 61 AS). 10. Ifet. 100.441 .C10 *PI alaa 131T11:1 ale an. all eae elV gee are 4.1.4 4.YA 4 4»kV.* !IA ASA. :1,YA A% at "A% at:At:At ad taBraranda: ada a ala ete aa'ali4, a ear !AV tri`p IN 6.1 14,1 er• Hosiery A box of Holeproof Hosiery ia ladies or men's, done up in a neat, fancy box; makes a gift that will be sure to please, Shopping Days +4,Te 6%. 4,Yft. ir*ot 4.Tfr 4» el. 0.61,,T,A ay. at* gem... A3;04» 4..t...i4» 4.yfr .7Ng. *.ila*araV eiV 'AV at° ala ata atraeaTa •6''':'-aks, Peirii .9 Gloves For small girls, boys, women and men. We have all sizes in Cape Gloves at for girls and b eve. 85c; and ladies and men, $1.25, Ladies' Fancy Collars Showing a fine r tnge rd the newest things in N atte wear for tbe Xrnas r tde at 25 c, 35c and 50c JA STEWART Phone 16 Sturdy Suits for Boys Smart Norfolk styles in Navy Blues and dark Tweed mixtures. F1211 lined Coats and full fashiunod bloomers at $4.50, $5.60 and $6.00. Suit Cases and • Club Bags Suit Cases to sell at $1.25; better ones at $3.00 and $5.00 Club Bags with leather lin- ing at $4,50 and $6,50. Market Report—The f011tadiag the report of the Fixeteat market corre6ted up to December 1st, Wheat 75 to 950 ; 1311.1(1 45 to 480 Oat a 88c 'Buckwheat '70o. ;Peas a1.00 Femily near $490. Low Grade flax $1.65. Bran, $25 per tou. tnliorta $26 per ton Butter 2Se Creamery butter 33o. Eggs, strictly fresle 40c; Eggs, over 0 days old (300. t Chicken, alive 10, dressed 120. Old hens, alive 8, dressed, 10o Old 'Roosters, elive"Oe; aressedt ao latelts, dressed 130 Geese 9c Irkeys, alive 16o; dressed 190 o 1 aa eat, alive 13c; dressed 150 o. *aJ• 3. 1.00 to $1.40. Hogs $).00 BOUDOUR OAPS of fancy Muslins, in several designs. in different colors, neatly boxed for Xmas gifts, each 50c. RANGEN( LA splendid assortment of new hanging lamps. get our prices reed see whet e we can save you money. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS—Irish linen, init- ialled handkerchiefs for women and men, with neat, hemstitched borders 25c or 3 in neat box for 75c. DINNERWARE AND CHIN A.—new pat- terns in Dinnerware and many odd pieces of Fancy Ohina at mederaa e prices. S WEATER COATS for every member of the farnify. in the newest weaves with tbe convertible oilers, warm and cosy for the cold weather, BRASSWARE—Tea Pot Stands, Candle Sticks, Ceumb Tray, and Jardineres just unpacked for Xrnas buyers. • ' I • • ANTED'! LOSTeeA parcel • voutainingtsr Baas Suits. . Return to -. Stewartaa $tore Ter • 'Tweed,: • Nothing ets- catta ta hie f oa • Xmas remembrance ets Out Flowers. • Order early et Felliek's. Phone ,34A. lr,Edgee 'novena eon of Mrs. john Down, of town, who spent -Ina wine ter . at his horse here, has enlisted with the eugineemia Teronte, • Miss Susie Ceee, who, haa been else iting in lima for aafew •dans„ to Howell Tuesday evening, acoompanied by • MIS. Jos. Suttinealiss Case leaves this morale*. foe NOW Bal- timore,• Mich. And wilt:lacatanpany• Lr. tad ales. Geo. Marta' to Florida for the, winter.; The Ladies Gelid of the Trivitt Memorial 'Church will hold their an- nual Pazactr In the Opera House on. afternoon and evening of Faidey. Dec, arda Sale of work :aatcl. .homeemade cooking at 3 30 p.rn. "At a Village School" will be given ba the Girls Auxiliary et evening program., Ad- mission afternoon. 10c, evening 26 And Mrs. T. B. 'Dialing and daughters Nine 'mid Grace left 'Monday •for (Tor- onto. Where Mrs, Carling will make her ,home in future A successful n Ac- tion sale of the Lhoesaleald eflacts wee held on -Saturdant The 'louse was of- fered for sale but WAS net sold, the higheet beim'? $2800:00, :Mrs.. 'Carling and family have been long and highly esteemed ,residents o Exe,- !rid in their departure. Exeter •Worthy airline... Mies 'Niue Cerling leave a shortly' for 'New York eage- she has accepted a ,posetion.in ot lauke's hospital. Strictly New Laid EGGS Not Over I Week Old Will Pay 48c per Dozen from Dec. Utli to Dec. 2nd. Any quantity taken from egg upwards, held eggs, haff-price. Very small r, o• a ar 0 HOOPER Dealerin Lid Eggs .EXETER.,, e ONTARIO atee*000000414.042•0•4000••••• Remember that three thousand votes are given with a year's _sub- ecription to the Exeter Times, It is zit too late to get started.; (Contes- t•rnts are known by number only.', The 'Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1916 Almanac( is by far the finest, largest and best ever before printed. The Hicks storm end weather forecasts for 1915 again have proven their truth and value, and this splendid Almanac for 1916 aliould find its way straight into every home and office in America. Tee Irl B. Hicks Magazine, 'Word : nd Works, and his unique Almanac, should always go together, both for anly $1.00 per year. The Almanacs' clone is 35c, prepaid. Send to Word tend Works Publishing 'Company, 3401 Franklin Ave, St Louis, IMo. J CENT "CASOARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS 00*,••••0*.....• Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Bilfousnest, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candg Cathartic. No odds how bad your 1'ver, atom. soh Or bowele; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from constipation, indigestion, biliotisness and, sluggish boareis—you alwaye get relief eeith Cascarets. They irome. idiately cleanse and regulate the stoneaeh, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the cone eitipated Witete matter and poison from the Intestines and bowels. A. laMent br$2. train YOUr druggiat keep your liver and tkoWels; Clean: stotaaelx sweet and head clear for 11!),outttsa..0 :or% Wlt11 gout 01011.4 • 4 Patriotic League Notes The regular monthly meeting will be held in the Library !Monday even- ing.. Dec. 6th. commencing at 7.30. A box Itas been sent to ;Miss Joan Arnold', Field Comforts Commission, Shorncliffe, Eng., containing 57 pairs of home -knit socks; 15 scarfs. .18 wash cloths., Anyone wishing to donate fruit or clothes for the Belgians will kindly bring in same hs soon de (possible. Tea-room Will be opan alatutday af- ternoon from 3 till 64 Mrs. W. J. Beer, Secretary. THE SOLDIERS' AID SOCIETY Mr, Leavitt has consented to give the use of 'the Tacture Theatre to the Soldiers' Aid Society. on 'T'uesday, ,Dec, 7th 4 varied program (with the pictures Everybody come and. help the soldiers. The Soldiers' Aid Society received a donation of $2,2,6 from the "Little Oarlocks" Room 5 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mts. Alex. Stewart desire to thank 'their neighbors and friends /or their essistanee and many acte of kiedness trendered during the Ill- ness and death of the .formers grand- mother, Mrs. James Stewart. alEETING OF HURON COXINTY • COUNCIL The counoil of the eorporaton of the (County of !Huron will meet in the gotincil eltaneber, in the ToeVol of Gadd- tieh., Tuesday the Ith da a 'of ember nekt at '8 e'clooke W Let Dated ;Nov. 22nd, 1915 . •Diaz*. LOCAL December Who gets the piano? Just three weeks to IChristmas. How is the label or. your paper. Read the auction sales on page four, alre. A. E. 13irh is visiting in De- troit. aIrs. Powell is visiting Nir. and Mrs. D. Shirray at Hensel!: Mr. Roacla, of Dungannon, is visit- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Horton. Rev. H. T. !Crossley is a ;guest at James St. 'Methodist parsonage, Pte. Douglas Stewart, of London, spent the week-end'Lat his 'home bore, Shop early and you will not Ile dis- appointed when the holiday comes. Misses Edna 13issett and, Irene iRice- eas were in London last Thursday. Lunches, hot 'drinks and ''oysteres served at all hours at Follicles Bakery Misses Etta I3owey- and Ida Wam- bold spent Thursday last hi London. Mrs, J. A. Stewart and Mrs. F Gladman spent Friday last in Lon - den. Mr. and Mrs. Hilborn, of Brenta ford. are visiting Mr, and Mrs.. A. Ford This is the 486th day that Great Britein has been at war with Ger- rnany. Mr. Lorne Fear, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his sister. 'Mrs. W. S. Howey. Mr. Harry 'Flake, of Parkhill, spent the week -end with his paretns, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. ?Fake. Mrs. Wm. Cudmore spent e coupe of drys last week 'visiting, with, rein. - tires in Kimne. Mr. end Mrs. A. Evans, or •London. are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Treble. • When tired with Xmas. shopping a cup of het tea will rest you—At Follicles. Try it. air. Wm. Whiting, of •Mitchell, farm laborer, has enlisted with the 110th Perth Battalione Whiting was born at Dashwodd.. The bicycle that was advertised in last week's Times hap :been found, It stood for three days in front ot Mr. la. Spackman's store. It is expected that hydro will be turned on in Ailsa. Craig early in December. Ali the (wiring in t/ae vil- lage has been done4 L. t tiNtr. Wm: .Fletchet- has purchased lot on Huron street between. Wm. Kestle's and Wes. Snell'a and next year he Intends to erect a dwelling. One of our eonfectioners has eight wedding cakes on display. Cupid Las no gantlet been busy with his darts as this is a record. uneurpassed for some time. THE LATE MRS: STEWART ( Friday, 'November 26tit Mrs, James Stewart passed. away .at her home on Huron' street et -the a.dvanc- ed 'age of • 85 years and 9 months. ,The deceased bad bern ailing.' .for :some time previous but -littd been able to be up ,and around until. 'a few days previous to her .death, es,hen she took to her bed end sank :rapidly, the breaking up of her' constitution being the cause of her death„ The maiden name of the deceased was :Elizabeth Wilson(' She wes born in; Ireland and after- her marriage to James Stewart, who predeceased- her eleven Steers ago last Auguste -they Came ao Canada settling at Newcastle, later moving to Lumley About forty years ago theYamovecl to Exeter,.where Mr. Stewart; did. The ..deceased is survived . by alfiree. grandsoase Will, of, Detroit; Alexaivith: Whom she made her .home and Ed. in London.' The tunerel was bad( privately Sunday afternoon • donductetle. by ?Rev. D. W. ef •Trivitt Memorial church, of which chinch the deceased was a member. Interment wae..ineele in alc- Tagageas cc meterere' • a I. • ' Mr. Louis Hern, who a few weeks ago injured bis k -nee while shooting has been moved to the home 'of Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Beer,. and is confined to his bode Miss Stella Southeott left: last Thursday to visit in London 'and Ham- ilton previous to attending the Saun- ders—Kerniek ,wedding in Toronto on December 1st. 3. Willis Powell closed a sale of to large Edison Oise Phonograph to Mr. J. A. Donely, 'south, of Lucan, on Sat- urdayi, Edisons make 'farm homes happy, says sWillis, 'Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Bagshaw have returned home after visiting in the west.. Their trip evidently• agreed with thein es both have gained very materially in weight. A few pages ere left to be written in the 'diary of 1915, latay we be able to Write that we fete made some lives the brighter by our thoughtful- ness and consideration for other. Mrs. M. Sheere and deugater, Mrs. 13oyle; of town, aid; thid, urs. ad: Coates, of Liaboidae, Leta:tailed the wedding in Toronto, on 'Wednesday of Miss Ila iCernick' to lflt6' gOrace 8atradera. a 4 • V La, hi say 1111,V0 you seen those Pe•lest ials, Rockers, 4‘... Tables and 3'0 Music3 Cabinets at R. N.' ,ROWE'S conemommelavare,Imusgaxir They arc just lovely, And say, he ha i the' most beautiful Pict- ures you eveasava end 'a 1 ot of other articlevery suTtable Or Xmas Gifts At R rc. Rowe's The Funeral Director and Fastanittere Deettor PHONE 2)a .Wa.".%,-7,171largeMaLMalaragaa=e tmeentemeta. LaRSDAY, DECET/113ER 2nd, -1910 441? -444044••••••••44....444-• ase•••••••••••••••••ae••••••• et 4- o ga •ffl / i Tha * int) ,-- ilk V ., 1 irOliVELUS I is.FILLED with .wedding presents, Xmas I presents etc, the assortment is large 'the prices are reasonable, A FEW tt• ITEMS ONLY LISTED .. !. II nil`EZT,Et Sete, ceCovered gOirl7is- 11 I • ' l , forts, Sugar and Greens Sets, tt Footed Salads, Nat I3owis, Sandwich Sets, Cake Sete, Double • Bon Bons, Single I3on Bons, Oke Plates, Boquet Holders, . Sala and Pepper Sets. Batter Tubs and - dozens of OTHER, • • ' NEW SHAPES and SIZES. 49..P.RUCE U.P AND STOP YOUR KTOKIN' Get a bustle on you, Stop your kielau"bout the times; Skirmish 'round end grab the dimes if the Idollars shun you. Croakin' never bought a .dress, •Growlin' isn't in at ; Fix your /peepers on success, Then go 'out to win it, ' Times is gettler good. again— Try to help them all you kin. Don't go 'round with hangin' lip That is sure to floor' you;. Try to get La better grip On the work before you. Oat some -ginger in your words When you meet a neighbor; Throw your trouble to the birds, Gut right. down to labor, An' you'll notice every day• Things is comin' right your way. Stop yer 'Lk -Write,' get !a hold OE the wheel and turn it; You can never handle gold 'Less 'you try to earn it: 13rush the 'cobwebs from yer eyes, Stop yer darn repinine An' you'll notice that your -skies Aline '11 be shinin'. If you thain't the nerve to try; Sneak away somewhere and die. Mr; rrsTuoYs, HARDWARE AND LANK AT MITCHELL Th- reraelon of a.barrel of roof- ing followed by the explosion oE ta cmantity 'of gunpowder which con- siderably shattered the building con- taining McLean & Hawes' hardware store, was responsible for A fire which destroyed the lherdwarceand contents and tbe building andapremises of the Bank of Hamilton on Saturday morn- ing lasta For a time it looked, as though the chief business section.of the town was to be Wiped out by flames, and an emergency call was sent to Stratford for assistance. A section of the Strat- ford brigade 'dame up in autos, and the effective bid rendered ,by this de- tachment did much toward. saving much of the town. Mr. McLean, one of the partners in the hardware firm, and Ira Hughey, a clerk in the store, were both ser - toasty burned, but will recover.: The fire started when Ireghey held n. lighted match to see how much progeess wes being made toward emp- tying a barrearif rooting tax, at which tie and Mr. McLean were enga.gerl. HICKS' FORECASTS The First Regular Storm Period is central on the 3rd, its disturbing forces lasting from 1st to 6th inclas- ive. Disturbing Causes and What to Look For—The Mercury period projects at least half way through the regular Vulcan period. The Mars period is of cour.se, continued. in full strength. The Moon is in conjunction with Earth and Sun, and also in perigee on the 6th. Threatening, 'Mercurial conditions, ' will most likely', last throughout this period, The baromet- er Will give low readings, end driz-: zling winter rain, turning north- ward to 'persistent snow arm'. sleet, will characterize this period, The New Moon in perigee on. the 7th, will tend to a. paolongation, of tsuch weath er. holding barometric pressure below normal, and keeping !back boreal. change until 'after th'at date: A sud- den and intense cold wave is now probable. 'attended by blizzardous puffs a wind and snow, imm.ediately on the 'heels of this storm 'centre. The cold, clearing weather, with high barometer and northwest gales. will pass from 'the west from about the 6th, pissing oenteal, and ticaching eastern sections pregrresively on the 7th. Sth and OLla "Unless modified by Mars influence—a thing all cereal). obeervers will understand by I this time—we will experience same There was dn. anstatit explosion and , non, tly cold weather at -the and for several' days following this period.. •••• burst of flames. A. great portion of the store's interior became ablaze and in a few .seconds there was a second and tremendous explosion as 25 Its of gunpowder blew up. Tbis wreck- ed the building and spread flames to the Bank of Hamilton located next ecloor Both buildings were destroyed.They were brick structures but not of modern build. Two tons of charcoal on the second story of the hardware gave the fire- men considerable trouble.( About $5,000 damage was done to the Christmas stock of !Couch & Sch- neider, drygdods merchants, by smoke and water. The burned block belongs to Dr. Burritt, of Mitchell.' 1,74e extent of the loss eurnot 'be estinietedne yet but 'will be heavy. 1 ALBERTA SASK. and MANITOBA CANADIAN PACIFIC FARM LANDS Irrigated an l Non -irri- gated. "Ready - made" Fauns. Loan for Improvements. Advance of Lave Stock on Loan Basis. Twenty years to pay. FULL PARTICULARS .ON APPLICATION Ernest Elliot C. P. B. IAnd ,Agw, EXETER. 1 • . AND STORE nrannnTinu : [10Et Olin littinfillUg tz)trzeg.,. . * Big shipment a rol s 10 ft long, Crepe paper in folds 10 ft long, Flat tissue paper, Xiatsel and made up decorations, Table Neptune, Doilies etc. • 4,• • • 0 40. • (3. • • • • • • • • *. • * • •• • • •• • • • • • • BORN SCOTT—In Hibbert on Nov. 18tb, to Mr. and !bare. G. John Scott a soot STEWART—In Hensel). on Saturday , Nov. 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart, a son., ANDERSON—At Hensall, on 'Nov. 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Andersen, a daughter. FLETCHER—At Woodham on Nov. 24th, 1915, to adae and Mrs. Nelson Fletcher, a daughter. COLEMAN—at (Parr Line Stanley, on Nov. 20th, to Mar. and .Mrs. George Coleman, a daughter e - MARRIED . COLE—HA'RPER—At the home of the bride's father on Nov, 21thaby Rev. W. Stirling, Mr. Walter J. Cole, to Miss Amelia. Matilda, daughter of Mr. Wm. Harper, all of Fullerton. DIall:TEY-4ROWE—It the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and lairs. R. N. Rowe, on Wednesday, Decem- ber ist, at 6 p.m. by Rev. 'We Gil, O....McAlister, Miss Ida M. to Mre Thoma a M. Dinney. HODGERT—(WOOD—At the Thames aloud Presbyterian manse on 'Wed- nesday, Nov. 24th, by Rev. Dr. Fletcher, Miss Lily Wood, to Mr. Russel Hodgert, ton of Mr. • and airs. Andrew Hodgert. ' DIED •MOOTtEHOUSF.—In Hayfield on Nov, 11th, Percy S. Moorehouse, aged 50 years. afeCOMB—In Limn, on Tharsday, Nov. a5th, McComb, aged 60 years., STEW,ART—an Exeter, on Nov.. 26th, Elizabeth (Wilson, mild of the late James Stewart, aged 85 years and 9 months The past gear has brought its 'nag- givings into every household.: Slane, homes have 'been sorely touched by the conflict that is robbing homes of fathers, husbands, Ovens and brothers. Yet after all, how few of usaeompar- atively speaking, have really sailer - ed loss. A pessimistic gloom Shadows the future, due mainly to our little krioaviedge of the real progresemt the 45 we otter the Plitietmae aea- sea let as throw off. the Taesitnistie, spirit old try to edolour bit" -towards mahing,others h'appy.. in seeking; the happiness of otheas wo find ,our owate NEW tiEwilfily IN 'FRNV BOXES (B)eaffuty13.0 Wan:: Bar Lace Lins Beads (Giese. Pearl and Rosepeta ), Rings, Stone See and Signet (none over 25e) see Them. FHoAxIwIloBodR andt311111E a8 I a' o ign la ni t;,t.Tolactlahonanyd nail 4011 ebony and Rose Mod, Whisks, Mirrors, hand and hanging. . . 01\k$ Coarse %II 'IP, all coarse, and Tine combs (catchers) Talcum Powder: T ti Po vders, Pastes, Perfumes, Rough Hand Remedies a. u et. L, Lewes' a Hair Ionic and Shampoo. We epecialize on Toilet Goods. and our Customers save money by buy- ing here. Not forgetting the Wonderful 11 MARES FRIENDS EVERYWHERE (PREPAID 25c) I fIIO Dolls, Block Games, Banks, Dishes, Trains etc- Lots of Get your BUT COME EARLY. a seem eBele ction made early and well put 'em away for you, on lad posit down. 001.,1) HpFish FoodancTetss,cotelert claandmGonlodbaeys, all here. COME. 1 New Shapes in Hand Bags, Parses and Collar Boxes. 4v. 4, 4, • : • .040 4! 4, *4. • 4 40. 4, • 4fr • • • • • • • • 4,• • 4- 4. t115011 Plionooraoh 8 . .4., . • . 0 DisP, Cylinder, Viotrolas a. nd ReCords, Big Stock. : 4. ++.•+++++++44++++++4+4+++ 40-••••••••••••_ 'WANTED—Good dining -room girl at the ,Commercial hotel. Good wages Mrs. T. Newell. BROWNS TREES 1 , The best that can be grown Who is our (agent in your town? BROWN BROTHERS COMPANY 'Nurserymen. Limited Browns Nurseries, W4,11and C.43, Ont. • NEW BUTCHER—Ma. Begg desires to announce that be will call. for and delivdr orders to any part of the town. Your patronage solicitect. FOR SALE — Some thoroughbred Black Minorca cockrels. aired from Guelph Stock and include some tchoice birds. Call at D. IBusselas Blacksmith shop. • leap " .a. 4+10+44. -H•4•44++++4 -1•++++44.t °-"+ -a 4 - LADIES' Se GENTS" ":- 01.=.•••••parroores GOOD 13'A'11,31 FOR SALE Lot 3, concession 3, L.B.S.. Tucker - smith, aontaining 10') rcr,s, ail efeaxe& and lin good state of ,eultivatioa; well fenced and tile drainnd, a large or- chard, two never failing weds and, windmill at barn. There are twee good bank barns with stone stabling and cement floors one 40x60, the other 28x45. also a good cement pig pen and 'ben house 24x40. The house .ha* recently been burned but the stone foundation is suitable for rebuilding:, 'Rural mail, telephone, church an& school convenient, 2 miles from Hen - sail. Tbis farm will be sold reason- able- apd on easy terms. Apply on premises or address ALEX BUCH- ANAN, Sr., Hensall. 11.1114Pe PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Lao- tioneer: Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly_ at- tended to. 'Phone 116, Kirkton., A4 dress Kirkton P.O. • 17th of DECEMBER The Red Cross Workers of Thames Road and vicinity are having a sale of work; also a patriotic concert at the 'same time, and refreshments will be sold also. TO BE HELD IN PRESBYTERTAN • CHURCH AdmissiOn, Adults 20c; children 15c.. • 11101USE FOR , SALE The undersigned is offering' itor sale the village of Centralia an eight - roomed Brick house, modern impro- 'id c vements hard and soft water; wood - house anommodious stables; cement walks, '2 acres of land, School, church and station convenient. This is la very desirable property and is be sold far below cost% RICHARD QUINTON, Centralia '1" A I LORING +4. 4. 4. '8 4. 4. 44.°4.4. A full line of Ladies' Suitings, in Gaverdi nes. Broadcloths, Vicunas, Pop- lins, African Brown,Russian and Laural Green, tc. • PRICES $23.00 to $35.00 • Coats Coat season is here and with it some of the most be- coming and attractive models of the day. Every garment the newest in its class— tweeds; plushes. beavers, Persia-tex chinchillas, etc. PRICES $17.00 to $30.00. A fine assortment of Men's Suitings and Overcoat- ings nt r ,aasona,ble prices,. Give us a c ‘11. N. Sfieere TEIE HIGH CLASS TAILOR Up Stairs, "Opposite Central Hotel 4- 4. 4. 4. 4- 4- 4- 4-'.4. 4- 4- 4. 4- 4. 4. 4.4- 4- 4. 4! 4- , 4- • tle 4. 4- 4.4- 4- 4- •++++++++4+++++++44.4444.0 COUPON - Cut• out this Coupon and present it a J. BEVERLEY'S STORE • and he will exchange it for • VOTES lii The: 'ConttAt..