Exeter Times, 1915-12-2, Page 7WHEN SOLDIERS ARE CAPTURED RULES WHICH GOVERN PRISON- ERS 01' WAR. While He May Think Himself Badly Used, He Has Something to be Thankful For. WORN'WORRIED WOMEN Her Many Duties Affect Her Health and Often She Breaks Down Completely. Fermi able List of United States Railroads in Receiver's Hands Among U.S, railroads the interven- tion of the receiver has been so fre- It is little wonder that there are anent, and has concerned so many im- ma.ny times in a woman's life when portant systems, that this official is she feels in. despair. There is no- no longer considered an omen of ap- eine-hoar day for the busy housewife. proaching dissolution, but rather, in There are a hundred thing about the cases, the promise of economical ad- minietration, Figures issued by the Bureau of Railway News and Statis- tics, Chicago, show that •there were twenty-eight railway companies of more or less importance in the hands of receivers at the close of the calen- dar year 1914, in addition to nearly forty minor roads. The combined length of these larger railways oper- ated by receivers amounted to 19,449 home to keep her busy from the time she arises until' it is again bed time. what is the result? Often her nerves Every campaign conducted on a give way, her good looks suffer, her large scale means prisoners of war, blood becomes thin, her digestion is Soldiers dters who happen to find them - disturbed and her system threatened selves in this unfortunate position are with a complete breakdown. Every dealt with in accordance with a spe- woman should do all possible to pro- cial code, to which all civilized na- tions tett her health and good looks, and have subscribed. there is one way in which she can do Nto This code lays it down that "the this, and that is by taking Dr. Wil- miles, with a total capitalization of no object of detaining prisoners of war Hams' Pink 1'111si These actually less than $1,376,678,913. They include . is to prevent their taking part again make new, rich blood, strengthen the St. Louis and San Francisco Rail - in the operatios of the war. So much every nerve and every organ, bring road, with excellent services in the restraint, therefore, and no more, the glow of health to the cheeks and southwest; the Chicago and Eastern should be applied as is sufficient for the _to the eye. These pills Illinois Railroad,with one of the best that purpose," have done more to make the lives of services betwen Chicago and St. This, then, being the case, the con- thousands of women sunshiny than Louis; the Wabash, with its strong finement in irons, or the fettering in anything else in the world. Mrs. geographical position, providing short any way, of a prisoner of war is un- Daniel Theal, Waterloo, Ont,, says: line' mileage between many important permissible, so long as no attempt is "I was very much run down, my blood. cities in the Middle West; the Pere made by him to rejoin his own party was thin and watery and I would Marquette, serving thickly populated For this reason the detention of each faint at the least excitement. I suf- districts in Michigan; and the Toledo, men is usually considered adequately fered from headaches and dizziness, St. Louis and Western . Railroad, provided for by merely keeping them and often it seemed as though there known as the Clower Leaf Route, tra- in an enclosure that is surrounded by were clouds before my eyes. Filially versing the progressive states of In - sentries. I was forced to go to bed with weak- cliana and Illinois. The receivership Customs of War. ness. I doctored for six weeks while 1 reoord for 1914 is as follows: When, however, an attempt is made in bed without receiving any benefit. Mileage. to escape, the enemy is justified in re- Finally I was induced to take Dr. Atlanta,'Birmingham & Atlari- sorting to practically any means of Williams'Fink Pills, and when I had tie 646 securing a captive's confinement that taken ten boxes I was completely Cape Giardeau Northern 104 it pleases. In connection with this cured, and never felt better in my life. Chicago & Eastern Illinois 1,283 subject, it is interestilyg to note that I am convinced that what Dr. Wil- Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton 1,014 in the chapters on "The Customs of hams' Pink Pills did for me they will Colorado Midland 338 War" in the "Manual of Military do for others, and I warmly recom- International & Great Northern 1,160 Law," it is expressly laid down that a mend them to all weak women. Kansas City, Mexico & Orient prisoner of war who is justified in an You can get these Pills from any of Texas 478 Kansas City, Mexico & Orient260 Louisiana & Northwest 121 Macon & Birmingham 105 Missouri & North Arkansas 365 Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf 333 New Orleans, Mobile & Chicago 403 Oklahoma Central 136 Pere Marquette 2,323 Pittsburg, Shawmut & North - 1 ern' St. Louis & San Francisco 4,746 St. Louis, Brownsville & Mex- ico St. Louis, San Francisco & Texas San Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf Tennessee Central Toledo, St. Louis & Western Trinity & Brazos Valley Wabash R. R. Wabash -Pittsburg Terminal .- Wabash, Chester & Western Wisconsin & Michigan Wheeling & Lake Erie 469 attempt to escape, or who is frustrat- medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents • ed after escaping, is liable to no pen- a box or six boxes for $2.50, from The alty whatever on this account, pro- Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- vided he was not on parole at the vine, Ont. time. '1' This is because the Act in question FREAK MEMORY REVEALED. has very wisely decided that "The Customs of War:' do not regard •an A Man Who Can Recite Walpole's attempt to escape a crime. Indeed, ''Old English Baron." rather the reverse seems to be the case, for the punishment of penal ser- The possession of a freak memory! vitude -may, in the British Army, be was revealed during the course of a incurred by any person subject to ease of robbery tried recently at Mel - military law who, having been only bourne. The prisoner declared that taken prisoner, fails to escape when a when the crime was committed he was suitable opportunity presents itself, in the hut of a man named Lane, or, as the Act has it, "fails to rejoin hearing him recite Walpole's "Old his Majesty's Service when able to re- English Baron," which occupied two join the same." hours and a half in the delivery. The! Of course, when on parole the jury disbelieved this statement, so above ruling holds good no longer, for • Lane was called to pro' a that he was a prisoner of war who has violated capable of the feat. . He stepped into: his pledge naturally forfeits all claim the witness -box and started reciting; to consideration of any sort. This the story in a way that showed he "paroling, by the way, is a purely knew itthoroughly. When he had, voluntary and mutual contract, and, gone on some time without a mo- j therefore, no obligation exists on ment's hesitation the judge wanted either side to receive or grant it. him to stop, but counsel for the de - On Parole. fence insisted upon proving his case by having the whole story repeated. , If an enemy does not choose to ex- Eventually, it was decided to admit tend parole, his prisoner has no choice the evidence if Lane could repeat the but to remain in captivity. If, on the last page of the book. This being other hand, he is sufficiently magnani- satisfactorily accomplished the alibi mous to offer parole, the prisoner was allowed, and the prisoner received accepting it thereby binds himself to his discharge. accept certain conditions. These usually favor the form of a pledge Pere Marquette Pittsburg,:Shawmutt & • Northern St. Louis & San Francisco St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico St. Louis, San Ffuncisco & 'Peens San Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf Tennessee Central ! Toledo, St. Louis & West - 1 Trinity & Brazoz Valley Wabash R. R. Wabash -Pittsburg Termi- nal Wabash, Chester & West- ern Wisconsin & Michigan Wheeling & Lake Erie POTATO AND FORAGE CROPS. So Abundant as to Compensate Short- age in Wheat. Senator ,rules Moline, former pre- sident of the French Cabinet, presid- 28,441,200 ing at the annual meeting of the Agri- cultural Assembly, presented statis- 11,700,000 tics showing that the potato and for - 92,050,100 age crops this year are se. abundant as to compensate the shortage in 500,000 wheat. The excess of hay produced over other years will enable the feed - 801,000 ing of enough live stock to• make up for all the necessary requisitions of 230,000 meat fur the army. 7,941,450 "The culminating fioint in the meat crisis," he says, "will come after the 19,947,600 war, when all the belligerent nations 500,000 will have pressing needs with re - 92,400,426 duced means of production. Conse- quently the forage crop means quite 10,000,000 as much to France as its production of wheat." 1,250,000 1� 1,500,000 el ow you Throw 36,980,400 Q � $448,396,291 Funded Debt. !Atlanta, Birmingham & - Atlantic $•24,560,500 Cape Giardeau Northern1,500,000 Chicago & Eastern Illi - 74,507,000 Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton 02,135,640 !Colorado Midland 9,532,000 International & Great Northern , . . 24,594,500 ( Kansas City, Mexico & Orient 29,769,223 ' Louisiana & Northwest 2,300,000 Macon & Birmingham 500,000 Missouri & North ArIcan- sas 9,936,909 Missouri, Oklahama & Gulf 9,266,190 New Orleans, Mobile & Chicago 14,152,602 Oklahoma Central 3,180,000 Pere Marquette 79,959,165 Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern 7,17 3,358 St. Louis & San Francis- co 296,500,242 St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico 12,163,105 St. Louis, San Francisco & Texas 091 San. Antonio, Uvalde & Gulf Tennessee Central 518 Toledo, St. Louis & West- ern 243 Trinity &-Brazoz Valley . 061 Wabash R.R. 294 Wabash -Pittsburg Termi- 45.1 nal 50,451,834 315 Wabash, Chester & West - 2,851145 ,51 # ern 690,000 89 • Wisconsin & Michigan 3,868,245 65 Wheeling & Lake Erie 27,000,000 124 I not to attempt to escape or to engage A VALUABLE MEDICINE in acts of hostility'against his "par- FOR LITTLE ONES ole" dulling the continuance of the i war.Mrs. G. Morgan, Huntsville, Ont., 1 Any such promise, however, must writes:—"I wish every mother and ! be confined to a limited time, as . a especially young mothers know the I soldier cannot divest himself wholly • value of Baby's Own Tablets. They' of a duty which he owes to his sever- I have certainly worked wonders With eign and country. I our baby. She was troubled with I However much the present-day pri- , colic and constipation and cried all i soncr of war may feel inclined to con- the time, but the Tablets soon put her j sider himself as being hardly used, he right, and she is now a fine healthy j has a thing to be profoundly thank- child." The Tablets are sold by medi-' fel for. This is that he is living in cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents al the early portion of the twentieth•cen- box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine ; Conditions of His Herds, Buildings, tury instead of in the far-off days . Co.. Brockville, Ont. Fences and Grounds Usually when man first went forth to slay his . - 4* Tell Correctly. - brother. INSTRUCTION IN LANGUAGES. Indeed, at that particularperiod of -- The conditions which any man the world's military history a soldierEnglishmen Are Learning Polish and creates about him are apt to reflect his own character to a very large de- might as well have died on the field Balkan Dialects. gree. When you pass a farm that is as have fallen into the hands of the enemy. As a matter of strict fact, Classes in Russian, French and well tilled, with fences, roads and it is not at all improbable that the Spanish are prospering in London as lanesin good order, when you see in fernier fate was infinitely the more 'never before. It is recognized that the 'field a herd of good cattle, well referable of the two, Germany's great gains in trade were fed, thrifty and contented, it is a p due largely to the pains German pretty safe conclusion that the owner '1'o the Lions. clerks and business men took to ac- and master is a man of a certain type Without knowing precisely what quire foreign languages. ' Special of character, and that one to be ap- thcir lot was at that time, we may be courses in the Slav tongue, -including proved of. You will probably find certain that it was a distinctly dim- Polish and the Balkan dialects, are him to be a man of quiet and dignified greeable one, if only for the reason now established at King's College, i manner. That is the first point. about that a wounded man frequently com- University of London. T. G. Masaryk, . a character such as will mark the man mitted :suicide rather than be taken professor of philosophy in the Czech who keeps his farm premises in good prisoner. University of Prague and formerly a order and good repair, who will own With the advance of time, however, prominent politician in the Austrian such stock, and keep them in such con - softer influences were, we know defi- Parliament, is the head of the school. clition. If fields are well tilled and snitely, permitted to manifest them- Instruction in the languages will be fences in good repair, it is safe to ' selves. Thus, the ancient Romans accompanied by lectures in Slavonic' assume that the stable premises will satisfied their natural desire to gloat history and literature. Spanish is be comfortable and neat and trim. over the overthrow of a fallen foe by rather the latest to. be taken up; just His herd of cattle and their condition merely leading their , prisoners in as Russian was the first after the out- bear further evidence of the fact. A chains, in a triumphant procession bt'eak of the war. The Welsh people, man possessed of simple energy and through the streets. on account of being bilingual, are the activity may keep his premises neat, • At the termination of the day's fes- cleverest students in language and but his kind of character is apt rather tivities they would, as a rule, be sold the Scotch next, according • to the to find expression. in the performance as slaves. Occasionally the more suit -teachers, of a lot of hard work, that will dis- able among 'them would be reserved play more or less of irregularity in for matinees at the Coliseum, when takes a nature USE ANY HOUSCI-1OLU its performance. It un they would be requited to exhibit their that is orderly, a mind that is de- protaire'` as amateur lion -tamers.— R 'CIPS liberate and studious, thoughtful and London Answe..t. wwith #,r. Jatilcson's .Raman areal, and considerate, to direct energies to the ........—.....44.................— bake anything from it.. it you like, eat best all round advantage. These are , hot from the oven. It won't ferment, the characteristics to expect in the The Bride's First Biscuit. rt makes Most delle•long baking, prevents man whose farm and its herds im- "Lucille, what are you going to lndtgestion, is very nutritious, relieves presses you, in this favorable way, as make?" constipation, (0• "money back," That's you pass along the road. ---Canadian "Some biscuit." f4011(1 a. leading physician says it's ti god- Countryman.• Se1tA to hunuuttlw Especially try it in "But why have you brought Out nor, idge, pan�,uk(4, and gems, but care- ., 4 - full,v folinW dR•eetlons on pacit5,;e for Compensatol'V the fashion 'plates as well as the making pnrridl,'n, It'nr tin early brealc- Cook book?" fast, cook the night. before In nt double Nature bestows her own colnpen- "Wel1 I'm a little reen at this. boiler without stiP11111;#and (w It'ttl 111 rite gations: if a man is fat he Is signally ,. �' ntm•nrng by sett#nA' n bit ng atilt, Do you make biscuit from a recipe while•orsslInrf, At grovel's'. In nein 25 endowed with a jolly, optimistic tek'ti- cente. Rome Weal is nuadu by Runout Meal Co., Toronto, •pel•.amc,rlt, Away YOU Glasses The statement is muds that thousands wear eyeglasses 't ito do nut really need them. If you are one of 1be+r• unfortu- nates, thea those, glasses only be ruining your eyes instead of helping them. Thou- sands who wear (Mee "windows" may prove fur themselves that they edit die - puttee with glasses 1f they will get the following prescriptioI, filled al once to any active drug; store and get a bottle of Iron-Opto tablets; 511 a iw"-"tlnr'e bot- tle yrith warm water and drop In one Ilon- Opto tablet. Kith this harmless liquid solutlon bathe the eyes two to four time daily, and you are likely to be uatonisited at the results right from the start. Many who bore been told that they have astig- matism, eye -strain, eatareef sore eyelids, tweak eyes, conjunctivitis and other ese disorders. report wonderful benefits front the use of this prescrlption. Get this pre- scription filled and use it; you may so strengthen your eyes that glasses will not be necessary. Thousand, who are blind, or nearly so, or who wear glasst's might never have required them If they had oared for their eyes in time. Save yonr eyes be- fore it Is too late L rio not become one of these victims of neglect. Eyeglasses are , only like crutches, and every few years , they must be changed to 1i1 the ever -in • - creasing weakened condition, so better see if you can, like many others, get (dear, healthy, strong, magnetic eyes through the prescriptlou here given. The Valetas Drug Co. of Toronto will All the above preeerip- . tion by mail, if your druggist cannot. Winning Is All Nonsense. 7,188,000 One clay, while her grandfather was ! 3,663,000 pays g a visit to Florence's home, the 12,709,900 girl said to him:— Gran pa, 1 3 oiir talk about perseverance winning' is all nonsense." "Well, well," cried, 28,027,0001 "Why," said the liittleegirl,l` IavetKork- • 124;194,149 ed all the afternoon blowing soap bub..! bees and trying to pin them on mo- ther's hat." MAi4ES THE WHITEST LIGHTEST �TEOM TORONTO Y. NMNi GE IN On l• t1sesassessseamss „raw til A.�, YEAST CAKE MAKE PERFECT E$REA; Bread made in the home with Royal yeast will keep fresh and moist longer than that made with any other. Food Scientists claim that there is more nourishment in a pound of good home made bread than in a pound of meat. Consider the difference in cost. EWGILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO, ONT WINNIPEG MONTREAL 1 Cold Criticism. "Your will admit that Mrs. Plane has a lovely disposition?" "Yes," replied Miss Cayenne "She realizes that she isn't hand- some enough to be able to get on without one." zunard's Liniment Cures Colace &c, Johnny's Alibi. "Juhnny, how did you hurt hand? I hope you haven't fighting again." "Willie Jones called me a liar, mother, an' then he hit me on the fist with his teeth." your been • `br'J'N'; J Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inflamed by exposure to Cold Winds and Dust uicklyrelieved byMurine OUR ye Remedy. No Smart- ing, just Eye Comfort. At Your Druggists' 508 per Bottle. Murine Eye Salve inTubes25e. For Book of the Eye Free write Murine Eye Remedy Company, Chicago e Contrast. Aunt—Your bride, my dear boy, is wealthy and all that, but I don't think she'll make much of a beauty show at the altar. Nephew—You don't, eh? Just wait till you see her with the brides- maids sh'e has selected. Minard'e Liniment Cures Diphtheria. German trade in clocks was valued at one and a quarter million pounds a year before the war. 19,449 Capital Stock Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic $35,000,000 Cape Giardeau Northern2,500,000 Chicago & Eastern Illi- nois 28,817,800 Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton 8,248,515 Colorado Midland 10,000,000 International & Great Northern 4,822,000 Kansas City, Mexico & Orient 25,000,000 Louisiana & Northwest 2,180,000 Macon & Birmingham 500,000 Missouri & North Arkan- sas 8,340,000 Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf 8,474,000 New Orleans, Mobile & Chicago 10,075,300 Oklahoma Central 3,193,500 $928,282,622 The total capitalization, stocks and bonds was $1,376,6'78,000. Eliminat- ing duplications, the net, capitaliza- tion is less than $60,000 per mile. In the thirty-seven years, from 1876 'to 1913, the records show that not less than 754 U.S. roads, with an. operated length of 145,176 miles, and with $8,262,453,000 capital stock and I was cured of terrible funded debt, passed into receivers' MINARD'S LINIMENT. hands. Among these were included REV. WM. such properties as the Northern Paci- fic, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, that were subsequently reorganized and placed upon a profitable basis. Other important lines which have gone into teceivership in 1915 include old established properties, such as the Missouri Pacific System, with a length operated of 9,670 miles. The stock of the Missouri Pacific a few years ago was selling above par, and it is still considered to be a read with considerable possibilities. Minasd's Liniment Cures Distemper. As Usual. "How was the lecture?" "The subject matter was good, but the lecturer hadn't taken the trouble to arrange it intelligibly." "What was the subject of the lec- ture?" "Preparedness." A FARMER'S CHARACTER. or a pattern ?" One Effect of Prohibition. "The rapid increase in dry territory in the United States has resulted in a lumbago by BROWN. I was cured of a case of earache by MINARD'S LINIMENT. • MRS. S. KAULBACiK. I was cured of sensitive lungs by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. S. MASTERS. Jap Statesmen Are Old. Of the older statesmen of Japan who have for the last thirty years constituted the principal conservative , force in that country, only four are left. They are all men of great age, including Field Marshal Prince Yama- shortage of tea, according to Geo. F. Bata, who is 82; the Marquis Matsu - shortage Mitchell, supervising tea examiner of kata, who js 75; Field 142arshal Prince Treasury Department. Tea stocks in Oyama, who is 73; and the present the United States are lower than they, Piime Minister, Count Okuma, who is have ever been. The price, of tea is more than eighty. advancing steadily."—Chicago "Tri- bune," April 22nd. Unmasculine. Tommy had a profound contempt .for the little boy next door, who threw a ball like a girl, seldom had on any but a clean shirt and who generally wore gloves. "Do you know why he's a sissy?" asked Tommy of his aunt. "It's 'cause he looks just like his mother, and that shows he's got girl blood in him." Dynamite was first experimented with at Mertsham in 1868. When a girl says she has lost her head over a fellow, she generally finds it on his shoulder. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows - Saws were first tashioned in imita- tion of the jawbone of a snake. For one month the output of • gold from Southern Rhodesia has exceeded £300,000 in value. PANDAS POR SALE. F!RMS •--ALL SIZES sToCE,; L Grain, Dairy or Fruit. When you want to buy, write I1. W. Dawson, Brampton. Ont. NEWSP.& Z1RS !POE, SALM. '113ROInt:T-Mi\KlNG NEWS Aril) JOB J� Offices for sale In good Ontario towns. The most useful and interesting of all businesses. Bull information on application to '!Wilson Publishing Com- pany, 73 West Adelaide St, Toronto. POR SALE. I (O'() Al'T1f':s, 1•t TN $TXTi1. C(3N- ('essinn Franklin, s5i•0' Louisa Wilder, T3irlcendale, Muskoke. REEF WANTED IV 14 itIa11'I RP: I'.\l1Ti1:5 T(+ KNIT "+►►IVt 0(1118 venk W01 locs fur lie at home. either 'with ivaeltiee lit• hw hand: semi stump for information. 'rhe ('.u,a,li:n, 1Cholesale. 131x, Co„ 1,ept. ti.. MISOCJ-1.ANt0US, ANCIvR, TUISIORS, 1..11111'l, ii't'l'. ‘,/ internal and external, cured with- out pain by our holm) treatment. "Write us before too late. Dr. ltellman lfedieel Co., Limited, Collingwend, Ont. Close. "Is he a close friend of yours?" "Yes, indeed, I can't borrow a toll from him!" BOOK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Mailed Free to any address by America's the Author Nasser H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. Dog Remedies 118 West 3lstStreet,Ncv,York TI3DROr.TGlXPTESSxs' ODIC 1LIOTTOI 1.4.1OTT Tonga and Ohe.rles Sts., Toronto. „ffers ;,est ad.ant(iges iri Business Ed' i;<•atinn: strong demand for graduates, ether 1.011: write 1'r:r <'alendar. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal DONT CUT OUT A Shoe Boil, Capped Hock. or Bursitis FOR tti11 reduce them and leave no blemishes. Stops lanieness promptly. Does not blis- ter or remove tl:e lair, and horse can be t:orked. $2 a bottle delivered. Book 6Mires: ATISORRINF„ JR., for mankind, the andaeptle hustlers f• r B.:i1e. !miser, Sore,. Fw :Lago, Varicose Veins. . Atla s l' is and Int'.mm teen. Price St end 51 a bottle at dreg( it? cr drltve:ed. R•iil tell you enure 5 you write. ;I. F. 105513. P. 0. F., 518 Lyians Bldg., Montreal, Can. '',,:amen( 1nJ Abserbinr. Jr.. are mala In Canada.' Red, white, Bine, Cross, Silver, Black Foxes, Beaver, Lynx, Eta. RAWRanted froze ail sections of Canada L•'rery raw -fur ol'it ;ret•'cLo is lookit.,, fur a better outlet for 1118 raw fat's shr!'r1<i write at e(;.e for our i,riee list. We are FURS i"8 position to pay trip rnarkrt prices, and will do so at all times. Let us h, ar froze you. Send for Our Trice List --Now nearly. We Env Crimsons% Reference 115 perniission: 1'1l1.;,' Eteharo c National Batik. New York, STBirOX & BOSSAZ, Inc„ Exporters of and Dealers in Ih3W Tc'UBS 140 WEST 28th SIR,BET, NEW 'STORM ..„». Revilion Freres 134 McGILL STREET. - MONTREAL are manufacturers and can pay you best prices for furs of all kinds. Send for our price list. y .r'a+.redo ,4-:r5.:. :: M',..,•M`«'::.fid34'!r.' ?^.. . 'tY:#'4r,: J....L:.k4..v,✓fr:. i4e0.. ::.+.:. ,. . 01'Si4Wd(81.4zi . _ ..n.DT Victrola IV $21 With 15 ten -inch double -sided Victor Records (30 selec- tions, your own choice), $34.50. Easy Payments if Desired. Three Weeks More thea Christrnas Christmas is rapidly drawing nearer. and you have little time left to decide on your present. Make it a Victrola and you will hear a shout of joy from all members of the family on Xmas morning. It will overcome the monotony of the long winter months, and give you the music and entertainment that other homes enjoy which now own Victrolas. Whatever your favorite selections may be, the Victrola will play them for you. There are 6000 Victor Records from which to choose, and you can get any standard or popular music on ten -inch, double -sided Victor Records for 00 cents. Any of "Ills :Master's Voice" dealt+r.= t::::.; c: lou it: ar If there is 1101 011e in your vicinity not':ry us anti w(' \wail s.e<s that you are not disappointed 101 Christmas lnrrn:n,g. Other Victrolas $33.50 to $400. BERLilNER GRAM=0-PHONE.' CO., Limited ED. 7 Furs !Stave 14th'aslCefl' Sh'ptoRogers. We giveliberalgraden, fu lvalueineashandcruiekreturna. Wo have best mar tot in Anierie.a for l''urs. Hideo, etc. . No cnrnmission. Write today for free mem( list. rnoppore Oureplion at Foet'o.Orloita ISSUE 49..-.-'1.:5: aOOERs rut noPomPANY, Pop*. •A •.4.‘0111*. Mo. 601 Lenoir Street. Montreal DEALERS IN AVERT TOWN 111Th Of.TY ONE 1a1LXOE FRO1(I COAST J.'O co.asT VICTOR BEConm—IVIADE IN CANADA LOOK Port " Ii2S T0.11 S VOICE „ — aZ1E MAltat. Ncw Agencies Considered 11, lt•' ' V1 c Are Not Properly Rrproomed. sseSsS:uk`Tt".,fls"i .3 'a?ws,''? .' 'o iii rra,a =sasesie *iv cam