Exeter Times, 1915-12-2, Page 4P• '.vwA' :0..4YN,.,.. u.fcu„1u' „ •'.,.., r.• , •..... •ra+KAe4. e NEWS TONGS OF WEEK. i portant Even Which Have Occurred D4uring the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Carew foully Compiled and PO Into Handy and dttractiVe Shape for the Readers of Oiir Paper a, Solid Hour's EuJoynrsent. 'WEDNESDAY. I The Banish Government Inas pro. 'laibited the export of cotton and .eaasein. • Niagara Falls 'Lodge, No. 83, 1. 0 '0. P., dedicated a handsome new $50,000 temple, The American Federation of Labor declared yesterday it would obtain shorter hours by economic pressure. It is expected that by spring a full Canadian Army Corps --four divi- sions—will be at the front, the third being now offered to Britain. During a fire at Ile Bizard, near Montreal, Philibert Saint Pierre, 80j years old, was burned to death in his home, and several stores were de- stroyed. Colonel Logic announces that he needs fourteen more battalions from the Toronto divisional area, and ap- peals for more men from the rural disf.ricts. The 32nd Battery, Brantford, witieh yesterday sent 81 men to the 40th Battery at Toronto, has already sent away three times its full peace strength. William Halsaie died at the Wood- stock Hospital as a result of injuries sustained in a runaway accident Sat- urday night, when his horses were frightened by a train. Ernest Green, a Baden recruit, who was presented with $80 when he enlisted, was sent to the reformatory for two years, less a day, for brutally attacking an aged man. Major George Janin, City Engineer or Montreal for twenty years, and a Veteran of the Franco-Prussian war, who raised and commanded a corps of engineers, was drowned when the :Anglia was sunk in the English ehannel. THURSDAY. • The exportation of iron ore from Great Britain has been prohibited. The Sons of Temperance of On- tario convened in Toronto yesterday. Hemmed Shaw has written an ar- ticle urging a civilization league to tstop wars. The Canadian exhibit now at San Francisco is to be moved to the Ex- position at San Diego. Premier Asquith announced yester- day that General Foch will not com- mand all the troops in France. Berlin and Waterloo Collegiate Institute is to have a cadet corps, be- ing the only institute in the Province 444•jerto. without one. Wm. F. ncit ijz, a railroad num tor mere than 40 years, one of the +.)est -known eonductors in Western .Ontario and a prominent Mason, died Windsor. i t is r nt U . Food riots are frequent in Poland. rho shortage of..: applies is so great in the towns around Warsaw that even the wealthy are unable to ob- iaiir sufficient food. The Strncae County Council resolv- i to ask the Ontario Hockey Assoel- etion to discourage civilian hockey urd encourage enlisrruent by insist - lag on it for certificates. Mr. Elliott Haslam, a widely mown singing master and former o.p- oratte conductor, shot himself yester- day in Toronto. i{t was 64 years of iro, and well known in Europe. Mrs. Frances Hamilton of Bethany, mother of Sergt. H. 11. 'Hamilton, 4th Hatt., let Br tt ad C. F. A., has re- turned her Patriot'," Fund allowance,. ;tying she can get along without it. After hearing t="neral Galliant, 11 sit j.;tor of War, yesterday, the irra:y Committee of the. Chamber of I?: puties decided upon a call to the ^olors on December 15 of the young e"nascripts of the class; of 1917. They will be sent to garrisons. FRIDAY. Russian bankers are seeking a new credit in the United States. Revenue from the taxation of au- tomobiles in Ontario has doubled in the past year. Three thousand mechanics are wanted at $1.ii0 per day and all General Aliexeff of Russia has been decorated by France. found for the army transport depart- ment. It was stated yesterday in London that General Smith-Dorrien would re- ceive an important appointment in the British army. The troopship Missanabie with 1,713 Canadian troops aboard and three Belgian reservists, has arrived safely in England. Mr. and Mrs, James Eaton of Orillia. passed away within three days of each other, Ile, in bis eighty- !.ixth year and she in her eighty- seventh. The Montreal Chamber of Com- merce is considering action with other such bodies to ask the Federal tiovernme'at to remove tho duties on butt r• and eggs. • Rev. Canon John Gidley. of Galt, twenty-nine years rector of Trinity Anglican Church there, died yester- day after a few days' illness, in his seventy-first. year. Sir Adam Beck is at work on a Hydro -electric scheme to develop power near Queenston Heights by di- verting the Chippewa.Itiver, the cost being estimatedat A record of the •casualties in the 1st Canadian Division to the 30th of June, published in a volume just is- sued by the Department of Militia, shows a total of about 50 per cent. of the division. • Herbert .L. Same els POstztasteis THE EXETER T!MEs General, has been given a seat in the - Cabinet. .neo has liven appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancas- ter, the post recently vacated by Win- ston Spencer Churchill. Bli Idrs. Aaron Matthews of Brantford drowned herself owing to nervous trouble. An apparent attempt to blow up eeeloine Cartel te;l with a bomb was fruit, Crated by the police. More than 700' cars of grain were received at Port Arthur elevators on the C.N.R., a record for one day at that port. Jelin W. Irwin, of Montreal, just tiisehargetl from a Guelph sanitar- ium, committed suicide on a Toronto Island ferry. Sir Edward Carson - stated at a London banquet yesterday that neu- tral nations had lost a great oppor- tunity in this war. George Frigeault was instantly killed and lits. Edgar, Methot fatally injured, when a buggy was struck by an 1. C. R. train at Cap St. lrnace. The Canadian Ar:,ay Transport Service has carried 104,600 troops, nearly 800 nurses, and about 20,000 horses overseas without, a single loss. Dunston Hinnnerman, of Humber- stone, was thrown off his wagon when the horses ran away, and the wheels passed over his hound, killing him instantly. Though very ill in bed. Robert O'Neill of Lachine, hearing cries for help, jumped into the icy water of the canal and saved Andrew McMil- lan from drowning. The illness of Hon. Janes Duff, Minister of Agriculture, Ontario, is more serious than was at first thought, and Mr. Duff will probably be laid up for a month at least. Marked increase in the activity of the artillery in the Argonne is re- ported in last night's official com- munique. The French guns destroyed a munition depot in this region. MONDAY. Jean Marie Sarrien, a former French Premier, died in Paris of a hemorrhage: Cardinal Hartmann of Germany paid an important visit to the Pope and the Vatican. The Germans claimed yesterday that their submarines had sung 18 Allied ships in the Mediterranean Sea. Two veteran Public school inspect- ors are dead, Wm. Johnston, M.A., LL.B., of Athens, and Thos. Pearce, near Berlin. ' Brigadier -Generals Garnet Hughes and Robert Rennie have assumed command of the lst and 4th Infantry Brigades, respectively, Mr. Oliver Asselixt, the prominent Nationalist, of Montreal, has been of- fered, and has accepted, the organiz- ation of a French-Canadian regiment for overseas service. He has enlisted as Major. Canadian exports of ananufactured goods doubled during the past year, and there was an increase in. exhorts protium ot infer: than $96,000;000, making a favorable balance of trade of $1+7,415,000. A serious fire started Saturday night in Drummond Mine, Westville, inone of he N.S.he ire started n t t levels front a slight explosion, and has extended to the main slope. The mine Is being walled off, Alexander Laird, General Manager of the Canadian Bank of Cornnterco from 1907 until his retirement front illness in September of this year, died at his home, 48 Cluny avenue, short- ly after midnight yesterday morning. Eell disposed pro-Germaa agents have induced the western Bedouins to commit miner aggressions against the 'frontier posts. In order to avoid friction the Government has evac- uated the smaller posts and has con- centrated its forces to deal with the matter. T,l { tik:S)AY. The Ontario Government itas given 24.500 to aid. recruiting in the Pro- vince. The four children of Achille and Mrs. Gauvin wore drowned at Saw- yervilIe, Que. A big campaign was commenced in Hamilton to raise $400,000 for the Patriotic Fund, Tho Norwegian Consul in Toronto, Mr. Carl J. Printz, seeks to serve in the Canadian army. The Alias Liner Corsican brought 214 wounded and medically unfit sol- diers to St. John, N,P, It was stated in Paris yesterday that subscriptions to the French war loan would to'taI $4,000,000,000. Five thousand miners in the Rhondda Valley have gone on strike because of the employment of non- unionj ts. Wbile temporarily insane John Mc- Phail, aged 40, committed suicide at Dutton yesterday morning. McPhail had been complaining of pains in his head. Irene Meredith, 'the thirteen - month -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne -Meredith, 86 Huron street, Brantford, was accidentally drowned in a paii of scrubbing water. Frank Booth, of Orillia Township, who joined the 122nd Simcoe Battal- ion yesterday morning, plunged into the Y.M.C.A. pool at Orillia, swam around once and sank, dying of champs• or shock. -a Alvin Booker, 24 years old, of .Welland; died at the Memorial Hos- pital Sunday night of injuries receiv- od'arthenhis motorcycle ran down Al- bin Swanson, 28 years old, of La- salle. iSwanson will recover. D1TiATi'!<'r01 S BOARD CHOSEN. Shell Conunittee Resigns to MaIte 'Way for New Body. OTTAWA, Nov. 30.—The resigna- tion of the Shell. Committee and the constitution of a new body to be known . as the Imperial Munitions Board were announced last night. The new board consists of Sir Sam xLugla_es, iionorarr President; J. W. i+IiX elle, .Chairman, witli axeczitrve and administrative powers; General Alex. Bertram, Deputy Chairman; Colonel David Carnegie, a, G. H. Daw- son of Victoria, B.C., C. B. Gordon of Montreal, J: A. Vaillaucourt, pre- sideut of the Bank of Hoclaelaga, Montreal, E. R. Wood of Toronto. The only members of the Shell Com- mittee who have places on the Im- perial Munitions Board are the De- puty Chairman, Gen. Bertram, and Colonel, Carnegie. Titled Officer Wounded. VANCOUVER, Nov 30.—A. private cable here says Hen. Francis Gros- venor, Lieutenant in the 29th Bat- talion, has been wounded in action. He was the second son of Lord labury, and had been' manager of a business house in Vancouver. Auction Sale OF CATTLE AND PIGS, '.Thomas Brown bas received instruc- tions from the undersigacd to ;sell by public auction et The STAFFA TEL, on THURSDAY, ;DECEMBER 9th. at one o'clock p.m. the following stock c 'Newly calved cows land spring- ers; Stock :steers and heifers; 'Brood sows .and store hogs, also a number of young pigst All of the above .will !be sold without reserve4 TERMS—Nine months' credit will be given on furnishing ,approved joint Mates. Six per cent per annum ar- lowed off tfor leash Thomas Brown. -Auctioneer. • William Etty, Prop,. Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS on Lot 9, Con. 12, USBORNE ' one mile -North West of Kirkton cn THURSDAY, DEC. 9th, 1915 '-• at 12 o'clocck sharp, the following Horses -1 brood mare rising 5 yr. sup to be tin foal; to Pearl Gift, reg- istered : 1 draught mare rising 4 yrs., a good one.; 1 team rising 9 years, maks good war horses; 1 driving mare supposed to be inti foal; 1 suck - int filly sired by Pearl Gift, registered 1 agric mare 7 -yr. sup in foal to Pearl Gui•t . 1 filly rising 2 -yr old, by Randolph ,CATTLE -1 cow, due to freshen at time qC sale; 3 cows due in March; 2 heifers rising 3 years old, due in December; 1 heifer, rising 2 years due in January • 1 renewed heifer, 3-yr.old 1 cow due in March, 1 cow lue in June; 1 farrow cow. Those are a choice lot of cons all supposed to be in calf 2 steers wising 2 years; 2 heifers, rising Z years; 2 yearling steers, 3 yearling heifers; 5 spring calves. Hog:. and Poultry -1 brood sow to `' .t 're :.w ti:+: A: N.V4} .' lew.t'v^Juk•.ei,. '. 'r':t+ra3 :. t 3*r• ,,; SP",,.a e.'• .-tic.^° 5c.1, e:,.„.yc•.;&:;fi, ,i::.,6tHws^ •ft.`•.:,,-:r:. iinirmagannefirsamearammutinser Like to his NO FREE Manufactured by THE WILLIAMS PIANO Co,, LIMITED;,Oshawa, Ont. Contest sold by the Business Boosters Limited, Toronto, Ont. a If U SAVE YOUR COUPONS just a utile Hustling and YOU Win . We will issue trade certificates with every purchase at our store. These cei'tifieatesrepresent one vote for each ONE CENT" >'..)aleLiso and the person holding certificates representing the ]LARGEST NUMBER OF VOTES at the end of the contest will ;rec,.. '.b+,'..utifui Piano ABSOLUTELY FREE; OF COST. The certificates are transferrable and if'you are nos'interc'sted yourself you can assist a friend. .. Our object is to interest you in our store: We wa»t a chance:to show you that you; can do better here than elsewhere. We do . . ".;>+ recover the heavy expense of this,comtest, through a greater percentage of profit" but through the difference in volume of husiLchss expect the increase to more than' repay us, and in the future we shall exideavairjo, give you EVEN MORE for your money `hat% we have in the past. We solicit your patronage st,lely through':the merits of our Goods and Lower t rie f s.:, We lcan save you money and we can prove it a r.; ,. " ' f { ..:.? :'Y,M9_ K' g! `' +ry.:vn : ..;g♦, ria 1nt:. Dealer in all kin Is 4f Furniture, Pianos. Picture Framing, Upholstering, and „Repairing Neatly donee XET ER ONT. 1 THURSDAY, sU;00130I'13.1OR Yl, 191115 ei • r, • • • • M •• INCORPORATED 1855 k NS'BAN CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 96 Branches in Canada ;General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK '•MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest slowed at highest current rate W. ifs. CrteseRKE, manager, Exeter Brraticlh e . a • •• •• • ..s.ai"ee .l.J.•oao•.00oo►o.as* .a000Isal SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.V.O., LL,D„ D.C.L., President l JOHN AIRD, general Manager. H. JONES, Asst General Siaaage¢ i CAPITAL, $15,000,000 DESERVE FUD, 813,500.40a FARMERS' BUSINESS The Canadian Bank of Commerce extends to Farmers ever* facility for the transaction of their banking business, incitiding the discount and collection of sales notes. Blank sales notes. are supplied free of charge on application. 554. Exeter Branch— H. J. WHITE, Manager , ` DREDITON BRANCH — A. E. KUHN, Manager. farrow at time of sale; 1 sow to far- row in March; 16 store hogs about 100 lbs weight. 60 pure bred Ply- mouth Rock hens; 3 geese. Implements -1 Massey -Harris bind- er 6 -it. cut; 1 Deering mower, 5 -£cot cut; 1 seed drill; 1 steel rake 10 -feet 1 oat- land roller; 1 12 -plate Bissell disc harrow; 1 Massey-1•.tarris 13 -tooth cultivvator; 1 Kid Kangaroo „ang pro,: good as new; 2 fanning mills; 2 Fleury No. 21 plows; 1. Fleury No. 13 plow; 1 set iron harrows; 1 set chisel -tooth harrows; 1 scuffler; three -horst tread mill; 1 four -horse ga.; engine; 2 root pulpers and dog wheel; 1 cutting box and belting; •1 wagon with box and pig rack; 1 truck wagon• 1 set bobsleighs; wagon box with seat; gravel box; quantity of cedar posts; car with sling, ropes and pulleys complete; Z sets whiffletrees, 2 neck yokes; dozen grain bags; halo bushel clover seed; hay rack, cream separator; quantity corn in stock; 7J0 bushels rnangolds in pit; 850 bushels turnips in pit; 20 tons good hay well saved, 200 bushels barley; 400 bush. mixed feed;' 2 set double harness; - 24 cow chains; 60 rod fence :vire; a quantity of barb wire; 1 galv. ;va.er tank, 2 feed .bins; 1 kettle; 3 barrels Positively no xeserve as farm bas .sold. Terms—$5 an under cash, aver that abeenmount 12 months' credit on approved joint notes;` or a discount of 4 per cent per annum off for cash on credit amounts, WM ATKINSON, C:w.ROBINSON Prop. R. BROWN, • I Auctioneers Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Anna Maria Blackwell, of the Town- ship of tt3iddulph, County of Middle- sex, married woman, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all cred- itors and others having claims ag- ainst the estate of Anna Mraia Black- well, who died on or about Sept. 18th, 1915, are required on or before December 20th, 1915, to send by post prepaid or deliver to ?Messrs. Giadman & Stanbury, of the Village of Exe- ter. eSolicitors .for the Administrator ot the said deceased, their-christie,i , and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the, full particulars of thein claims, •,t;tye statement of their ae-' counts and. the , neture ..of tble seeps. leties, iii any,, held by them. And further:•telte notice that after said last mentioned date the Tsai `"Aiiniinis:'' trator will proceed t:o ;distributer the assets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then . bave notice and that the said Administrator shall not be liable for said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not bave been received by him at tha time of such distribu- tion,• GLADMAN & ST'ANBURY Solicitors for the Administrator Dated at Exeter this 29th day of Nov- ember, 1915. SOUR, ACID STOMACHS GASES OR INDIGESTION Each "Rape's Diapepsin" digests 3000 grains food, ending all stomach misery in flve minutes. 1me it! In five minutes all stone, ach. distress will go. No Indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food,. no 'dizziness, bloating, foul breath or ,headache. Pape's nialiepsin is notedfor its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomachtretn- edy in the whole world and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's fiapepsin .from any drug store. You realise in 11 -e minutes hoW needless it is'te suf- fer from indigestion, dysllepsie.' cr' ty, stomach disorder, It's the quickest,„ r surest and meet harmlesd t tomacltal' doctor ten the world. $i J. A. MASON ARCHITECT 425 Dundee Street, London, Human teed cost of buildings; no extras; ill years New York experience, Phe xellrq 2725. Anyone intending to build win t33i ell o write me. No charge for testi sulat CJ.W.f1Ar,IN, NI,C.M,, 425 RICHMOND ST., L®MA 3@1 . ONTARIO. BPECIAI.IST IN EINE GERT AND hN1TO-UIt]arA3w y DISEAASES OF AND WOMEN: DR G. F. It° ULSTCNs. L,I? t5„ O n e DENTIST ,ea Honor Graduate; of Toronto 'Crave' siti. Office' over Dickson '& Z1340, 1:ng's Law. office. Closed Wedneas• day afternoons. t'hone Office bags Residence 5b. P Lb. ,a, ,Li. KINSMAN TWA. D,D,% Honor Graduate of Toronto .lit ersity • t DENTIST i f iaaa Teeth extracted without peha p;I any bad effects. Offioe evee Mail lnan & Stanbury'a Office Win li3jj, Exeter, • J • WA BROWNING Jr, D, ,g, $ P. 5. Graduate Victoria IIsaityta city Office and residence Dondoll* Labratory., Exeter, Associate Coroner of Huron NO D ICKSON & CARDING , I I'10 Barristers, Solioitore Notaries veyanoera Com milea loners, soii+iiiill for the. Molsona Bank etc: t I:a Money to Loan at lowest rates o$ terest, '.1 OFFICE—M,AIN STREET EXIi3TIIii e.1 I. Ra Carling B. As t 13y, Di iptyji MONEY, TO LOAN r, I f L. I, ' We have ,a':large am>annt cf prigs ate. funds to loam on lama and ails lage properties at lowest .rate .pi i!>ira tercet„ . - _. tii5' MAitl' $c BTANBURN i4.4 Barristers, Solicitors, Mein .amu 'Exeter,:, . he Osborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire law - UGC Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ow President , ROBT. N-o3i)Ct1I , Vice -President r , PHOS, RYAN AIRg0Toas ir, WM. I3RO,CJ , , WM. Box J ' L. RUSSI.LL , 0, T. ALLISOt AGENTS • a JOHN ESSER Y Exeter. agent Up borne and Biddutph,; ,1 OLIVER HARRIS Munro agent taft Hibbert Fullerton a loges. e_.t . • W. A. T lBNBUIii EI ' SOcy;Treas, Farquhar GLADMAN db STAN33UHY Solicitors. Exeter. THE SOLDIISR WI10 LIVES OVER; AGAIN IN' A NIGHT 51Afl , TIIL AWFUL 'BATTLE SCENES, as welly as the harassed business man, the: tired society Womain,'and busy' housed' wife. whose nerves are graduailya= wearing to eshre.ds with their never ending •duties, will'got (Iuiafc' iii- per- ntanent relief 'from TAKA.I';E,, Get a? box for: Arty uerita +your drogglsts¢ or by Aktitth.frotia the Georgian Mfg. Co, . 'Colliingwood, Ontario. . t • - .•