HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-08-20, Page 14Nile Garage Motor Vehicle Inspection Station General Repairs to all makes specializing In GM Diesels. overhauls and tune-ups. Propane Llcence Gasoline " Lubrication " Brakes * Tires * ShAocks Pronto Muffler Centre Pipe Bender Lifetime guarantee warranty on muf- flers. 2 yr warranty on custom made pipes. 1 yr warranty on pipes from factory Installation extra. 529-7355 RR GODERICH Our Location Saves You_ Monet... PAGE 14 —GODERICH SIGNAL. -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1986 .Service directory 38. Auction sale ®Custom Building mMditiona offerIovatihns ®Rooting ®Siding ®Form Buildings HUGH BURGSMA 524-6355 LAWN WEED SPRAYING & FERTILIZING 18 Years Experience in the Lawn Business Reasonable Rates Guaranteed Results Licenced & Insured RAY'S LAWN & GARDEN 524-9166 REMINDER CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of groceries hardware, shelving, freezers, scales, property and living quarters KEMPS GENERAL STORE 2 blocks ®outh, then 3 blocks west Of 1 ucknow AUGUST 23 at 9:30 A.M. See last weeks paper for full listing. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Kemps at 529.7248 or Brian Rantoul at 357-2349 33. Miscellaneous RIDES available from London to Goderich most Fridays and return on Sunday evenings. SAVE $$ on bus fares. Call Joanne at 524-7157 or 434-9955 (London).-34.36nx 34. Personal IS ALCOHOL a problem in -your family? Al -Anon caii help. For time of meetings call 524-6001. —24tfnx 35. Notice to creditors 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of FLORENCE LILLIAN ASHTON, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 28th day of July, 1986, are required to file the same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 13th day of September, 1986, as after that date the assets of the estate 'will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 12th day of August, 1986. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 3Z2 Solicitors for the Estate. —34,35,36 36. Announcements, notices THE HUMANITARIAN Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley 524-7217.-4eowx 38. Auction sale 1 Ba l iff's Auction 1974 Vega Red, 2 door, standard TO BE HELD August 21, 1986 2:00 p.m. 299 Cyprus St., Goderich CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of household furniture and appliances for MRS. DOROTHY MacLEOD 368 Ross Street, LUCKNOW Go south passed arena to top of hill. House on west side of Ross Street. on MONDAY, AUGUST 25 at 1:15 p.m. TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE of Household Furniture, tools, Antiques & Miscellaneous Items on Wednesday, August 20 6:00 p.m. sharp 3 miles North of Goderich on Hwy. No. 21 at Dunlop Corner for Mrs. Gordon J. Kaitting. In case of Inclement weather, sale will be moved to Saltford Valley Hall, 1/2 md)e North of Goderich; TERMS CASH for further information contact NORM WHITING ,AUCTIONEER 235-0680 235-1931 Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR WED.; AUG. 20 AT 6 P.M. - Antique gas engine and generator, household furniture, antiques, etc. from Frank Rutledge, /2 mile north of Brussels. SAT., AUG. 23 AT 1 P.M. - 2 tractors, com- bine, swather, bean equipment, farm machinery, etc. 11/4 miles -west and 1 mile south of Clinton, Ont. for Alvin Wise. SAT., AUG. 30 AT 10 A.M. - Antiques, ap- pliances, furniture, tractor with loader, anti- que sulky and wooden wheeled wagon, etc. at Lobb Auction Barn, Clinton, for the estate of Beatrice Groves plus additions. SUN., SEPT. 7 AT 1 P.M. - Quality antique fur- niture end glassware for the estate of Emily Cory at Saltford Hall, Goderich. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household furniture, small appliances and large amount of antique glassware for MRS. CONNIE [VIVIAN] HOGAN R. R. 3 Lucknow at south half of lot 4, con. 13 Ashfield Township East Division or 1 corner south of Lucknow and 3 corners west of Becker's farm equipment on AUGUST 30 at 10 a.m. sharp Riding lawn mower; gas lawn mower; wheel barrow; step ladders; jack -all -Jack; Empire Quebec heater; horse collar; horse bells. FURNITURE: chesterfield and chair; B & W T.V.; magazine rack; table; foot stool; T.V. trays; dressers; wall mirrors; chest of drawers; antique platform rocker; washstands; electric lamps; china cabin- ets; What not; pictures and frames; mantel clocks; stereo; radio, piano stool; cabinet; iron beds; trunk; number of mir- ros; exercise bike; electric heater; shelv- es; tables; humidifier; Windsor chair; lamps; Chinese wok and accessories. APPLIANCES: Inglis washer, 4 yrs. old; portable sewing machine; Kelvinator dryer; vacuum cleaner;" Kelvinator deep Il freezer. ANTIQUE GLASS, ETC.: blue salt and peppers; number of pieces of milk glass; depression glass; carnival glass and amber glass; plate [1909]; mustard glass; Nora Tackey hand painted dish; unique nut cracker; vinegar Jug collection; tooth pick holder collection; ink well collection; coal oil lamp collection; bottle collection; milk pitcher collection; tin collection [cookie cutters, etc.]; creamer collection; Blue and Gray granite pieces; wooden potato masher; crocks; Cobalt blue china; Royal Winton cream and sugar, cups and saucers and pitcher; scales for letters; coffee grinder; apple peeler; book ends; ash trays; chocolate pot; old Jars; dash butter churn; butter bowel; butter print; paddles; sad irons. VASES: Occupied Japan, Miniature Hog Nail and Silver Rose; a number of silver pieces and 1867-1967 tray; brass candle. set, tray; China Bell [chimes]; odd pieces .of bath set [bed pan]; clock shelf; battery radio; Kolater radio with Baldwin speak - e>is; set of- 8 Nildla Iran atone dieha ; coasters. SMALL APPLIANCES & BEDDING Electric fry pan; slow cooker, coffee pots; pots and pans; canner; kettles; grill. There Is a number of odddishes, small items too numerous to mention and a sale you will not want to miss. Plan to attend as there Is a lot of beautiful antiques and collectors items. TERMS: CASH DAY OF SALE With Proper 1,D. Sales tax will be in effect. Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale or loss of purchase FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Proprietess: Mrs. Connie (Vivian) Hogan R. R. 3, Lucknow, 395-5226 AUCTIONEER: Brian Rantoul, 357-2349 LUNCH WILL 13E AVAILABLE AUCTION on Hwy. 21, 3 miles south of Grand Bend Saturday, August 23 10:00 a.m. We yvill be selling the contents of a local home, plus additions. We will have all types of modern and anti- que furnishings. An auction you 'shouldn't miss. See Friday's London Free Press for complete listing. Auctioneer PAT LYON' 243-2713 42. Death notice PRIDHAM Edgar Reid, (vice-president of Unitog Canada Ltd.) Sunday, August 17 at Credit Volley Hospital, Edgar Pridham, beloved husband of the late Ver- na Evans and dear father of Steve Reld Pridham of Toronto, 9nd Beverly (Mrs. Bent Anderson) of London. Dear brother of Mary Henderson of Burl- ington and Helen MacKenzie of Windsor. Loving grandfather of Reid, Lona, and Rise. Son of Alice Jane and the lute Ernest Pridham of Goderich. Son-in-law of Harold and Chrys Evans, Resting at Turner Porter Yorke Chapel, 2357 Bloor St., Toronto, Ont., M6S 1P4. Funeral service will be held at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, August 20. Crema- tion. Memorial offerings to cancer research would be appreciated as expressions of sympathy. -34 44. Engagements McM11,LAN-PENTLAND Ronald and Yvonne Pentland, RR 6 Goderich, are pleased to announce the, forthcoming. -marriage of their daughter Katherine Grace to 14ichard Kirk, son of the late Brake and Faye McMillan, Gerrie. The wedding• will take place at Nile United Church, on Saturday, August 23, 1986 at 4:00 p.m. Reception to follow in Lucknow.-34nx VERSOLATTO-FARRISH Grant and Lois Farrish, Lucknow, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Janet Lois, to Livio Versolatto, son of Luigi and Teresa Versolatto, St. Catharines, Work). The . wedding will take place in Ashfield Presbyterian Church, Saturday, August 30, 1986 at 3 p.m. Reception to follow in Lucknow.---34x 46. In memoriam LARDER In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Mrs. Edna Larder, who passed away one year ago August 22, 1985, Dear Mom, you are missed so very much Life isn't the same without you We miss your pleasing voice and cheerful nature We all still think about you and love you Thank you for all your love and memories. Rest in peace. Lovingly remembered by daughter Barbara, Bon- in -law Dan Sr, and grandchildren, Dan, Laurie end Anita. -34 MOHRING In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather Gordon, who passed away August 23, 1977. If I had all the world to give, I'd give it yes and more, To hear his voice, see his smile, And greet him at the door. Memories -ore treasures no one can steal Death is a heartache nothing can heal. May the winds of love blow softly on the, spot, Where the one I love lies sleeping And will never be forgot. Sadly missed, always remembered by wife June, children and grandchildren. -34x SCH W EITZER In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister Sherry Lynn, who left us suddenly, as the result of an accident, Friday, August 20, 1973, at the age of nine years. If tear drops could build a stairway and memory a lane We'd walk the long road to reach you Sherry, And bring you home again. =They say •metnories'are'golden "• Well, maybe that's true, But we never wanted memories We only wanted you. God grant us the serenity, To accept the things we cannot change, Courage to change the things we can Wisdom to know the difference. Gone but not forgotten, sadly missed by•. Dad, Mom, ' Terry, Kelly and Kim. Forever in our hearts. -34 DURNIN In loving memory of a dear sister and aunt,.Max- ine Durnin, who passed away August 20,'1985. We think of you in silence And often speak of you. Now all we have are memories, Of the things we used to do. Our hearts still ache with sadness, Our silent tears still flow, - The humour that you shared with us, Meant more than you'll ever know. They say time heals all sorrow And will help us to forget, But time so far has only proven How much we miss you yet. Sadly missed by sister Roxie, brother-in-law Charlie and nephews Larry and Kevin Adams. -34x 40. Lost & Found FOUND: Hincks St. area - fluffy grey and white adult male cat. Very tame and friendly. Please call 524-6535 and take him hone, -34 LOST: Hawk water-ski, last week, outside of Goderich Harbour. Phone 5244941.-34x DURNIN In fond and loving memory of a dear wife and mother and grandmother, who passed away Aug. 20, 1985. In a quiet country graveyard, Where the breezes"gently blow, Lies one we loved so dearly, And lost one year ago. Time cannot stop the heartaches Or even stop a tear Or take away a memory, Of someone we loved so dear, But she hasn't really left us, Nor has she travelled far, Just entered God's beautiful garden And left the door ajar. Sadly missed by husband Ernie, sons and daughters-in-law, Jack and June, Ron and Dianne, Doug and Barb, David and Lorna and grandchildren, Stephanie, Duane, Christopher, Jeff and Vicky and Ashley. -34x 47. Card of thanks NiVENS We would like to thank our families, friends and relatives"for their support and help at the time of our wedding. We appreciate all the kindness shown to us. We will always eherlsh these memories of our special day. Sharon and Jim, -34x 47. Cord of thanks ° SIDDON-RODGER We would like to thank all the people who at- tended our Stag and Doe on Friday, August 1.5th. We 'send thanks to the Young family and, a special thank you to Kathryn, Rosemarie and the girls for arranging it. Everyone made it a night to remember. Rob and Vickie. 34x COOK I would like to thank everyone that sent me flowers, fruit, candy, and cards, the Lpdies Aux- iliary Branch 109, Dr. Hollingworth, Dr. Conway and Dr. Dawson and the nurses on Second East Mildred. -34x POINT FAROS Provincial Park would like to thank the fol owing people who contributed their time and talents to Bygone Days on August 10: Mr. Raymond Scotchmer and the Huron County Pioneer Museum, Mr. Ray Hannah, Mrs, Lu Legg, Mr. Finlay MacDonald, Mrs. Margaret Scot- chrner, Mrs. Kerr, Mr. Norman Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Taylor,, Mr. George Robertson, Mr. Harold McGee, Mr. Tom Kimpton, Ms. Molly West, Southampton Museum, Mr. Gordon Leamen, Mr. Carl Govier. With your assistance Bygone Days were very successful and enjoyable for all in attendonce.--34 ---� .— HOY We wish to express our sincere thanks and ap- preciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for flowers, -food, cards and many ether -acts of kindness expressed to us during the recent loss of a dearly loved son-in-law and brother-in-law, Ron. Bob, Delores, and Kelly. ---34 McPHEE The love, sympathy and endless support by fami- ly, friends, neighbours and fellow workers has helped to mend our broken hearts at the loss of a beloved husband and father, Ron. Please accept our thanks for your floral tributes, memorial donations, visits, food brought to our home and the many, many cards. A special thanks to Rev. Pickell, Rev. Shuttleworth, pallbearers, honorary pallbearer, John Miller, ambulance attendants, town police, emergency staff at A.M.&G. Hospital, the Ladies Legion Auxiliary and the Mc- Callum & Palle Funeral Home. Debbie, Robbie, Ryan and Justin. -34 McGEE I' would Like to thank all those who helped me with the Air Force reunion in conjunction with Port Albert's Sesquicentennial. The Ad- ministrator of A.M.19.G, hospital, Paul Doherty and the Executive Committee, Frank Wilcox, Bill Balkwill, Dennis Fincher, Mac Campbell, Cana- dian Legion Branch 109, Canadian Wartime Heritage and the Anson flypast, if I have missed anyone, I would like to thank you also. E.C. McGee. -34x BAER I would like to thank my friends and relatives for the cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient in Goderich and London hospitals. Your kindness was very much appreciated. Ron. -34x ------LEMONT(EIRINDLEY) We would like to thank family, relatives, neighbours and friends for the lovely wedding gifts. Also a special thank -you to both mothers, soloist Barb Vessy And the wedding party for fist~ time and help In making it o happy occa- s'Ion. Special thanks to Mr. Martin Kfuper, caretaker of North St. United Church for your thoughtfufness. Tl- ank you. Nancy and I would like to THANK everyone who sent me flowers, cards, fruit, also food that was sent to the house. Those who visited me, and, all the help from the hospital staff while I was a patient there: Thank you: Nurses on 2 East, Dr, Lomas - Mrs. Goose - Bruce Sr., Bruce Jr., Bradley, Beverley Ann, Barry, Becky, Dean, Kent, Kelso and Kids, Mary Jean and Kevin, Janet, Lorna, Lou, Grandma and Grandpa Betties, Bruce, Helen and family, Jim, Lillian and family, Al and Jean, Stan and Rhona, John andMarie, Jirp, Lin• da and family, Rose and Jim, Alice and Ross, Suzy and Pete, Andy and Don, Don and Donna, Joanne.and Bob, Donald Bert and Janice, Murray and Maidie, Stewart and "All" the girls from the "Burger Bar, And everyone else. It sure is nice to know who your friends are when one is not feeling well. Thank you everyone. Beryle.-34 DE VRIES To everyone who arranged and attended my bridal shower at Benmiller, and for all the lovely gifts...Thank' you. Coro. -34 KERNIGHAN The family of the late John Kernighan wish to ex- press sincere thanks to relatives, neighbors and friends for their kindness, the floral tributes, memorial donations, cards and food sent to our homes at the time of our bereavement. A special thank., you„to- Rev, P4e11,f91r7.;his cgmfortin-9 message, the ladies .of -the Benmiller.U.LW. for the lovely lunch served and the McCallum & Palle Funeral Home for their assistance. Our gratitude to Doris Pagon for her years of care and support, the staff of Huronview and th,e Doctors and nurses at Alexandra hospital for the care and concern shown to our father and grandfather. -34x MONTGOMERY Mark, Lynda and Sarah would like to thank their friends and relatives for the many flowers, gifts, cards and visits received on the occasion of Sarah's birth. A special thank you is extended to Dr. Dawson, Dr. Rourke and nurses on 2E. -34x JACQUES We would like to thank our neighbours, relatives and friends for coming to our Pig and Turkey Roast. A big Special thank you to the "No Notes” ,Jug Band, Dorothy Clements and her helper and also to Rod McKenzie and his wife for looking after the barbecuing. Pauline and Gaetan.-34x PENNINGTON We would like to thank the following businesses for the beautiful keepsake baby plate for Jessica. Nakamura Pharmacy, M -W Motors Ltd., ' Squire Gifts, McCallum Funeral Home, Goderich EMA, Morris Draperies, Campbell's Cameras & Films and Zilliax Furniture. Earl, Mary, Jason and Jessica. -34x GODERICH ELEVATORS Men's Slow Pitch Team would like to thank the following for donated prizes for its annual golf tournament. Dearborn, A&P, Mufflers, United Plastics, Sheaffer Pen, Sales Creators, Goderich Elevators and Evelyn Maclnnes.-34x ANDERSON John, Suzanne, and Joshua would like to extend a sincere thanks to friends and relatives for the gifts, visits, flowers and cards upon the arrival of Joshua. A special thanks to Dr. J. Rourke and Dr. D. Neal and the nursing staff on 2E. -34x WINTER CANOLA seed available from Auburn Co-op and Belgrave Co-op. Phone 526-7262 or 357-2711 or 523-4454.-34,35 WANTED TO BUY used piano in good condition. Phone 482-5715 any time. -34x MUST SELL - exercise bike $50.00 as is. Phone 524-9344.-34x CALL HENRY MERO 527-0430 NEIL McNICHOL 527-0089 FAMILY HOME: 10 year old 2 storey brick home. Approximately 3000 sq. ft. with 4 bedrooms, 3' baths, double garage, central air and all the amenities including a private orchard. This is truly a luxurious home located in Seaforth. Affordably priced at $149,000.•00. EXCELLENT INCOME PROPERTY: Total income approximatley $16,000.00 annually. Priced at $11.9,000.00 this building is in excellent condition. HERITAGE HOM E: A classic 4 bedroom triple brick home with a very interesting history. Completely restored through+ out. 41. To give away MOVING - Must give away two year old lab shepherd cross breed. Friendly and good with children. Call 524-6335 or 524-9695.-33,34 STA° S ODE for CHRIS WOOD ,LAURIE NURSE Sas/ Aug. 23rd at ,The Tall Timbers Tickets available at the Sky Ranch Drive -In For more ,information 524-8801 524-6052 ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN REALTY LTD. Suncoast Mall Goderich, Ont., THE PEACE AND QUIET OF LIVING IN BLYTH A charming frame home located one block from downtown. 3 bedrooms, new vinyl siding, good hardwood floors and large lot. Call John for appointment. ASK ABOUT RECREATIONAL LAND IN ASHFIELD TWP. 100 ACRES: An ideal location for dream cottage or getaway. WEST END LOCATION Close to schools, 2 storey, yellow brick home on large lot. See John todayllt 524-2177 BERT ALEXANDER JOHN ALEXANDER Real Estate Ltd. Phone: 482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 NEW LISTING: East Wawanosh Twp., 100 acres on paved road, hobby and bush farm. 15 acres workable, general purpose barn, large steel shed, house newly renovated, -aft in immaculateecenditigre,,mg_ ii, fw ,.y,2. 1 69 ACRES: No. 8 Highway, secluded raised bungalow, insulated barn, 25 acres workable, 6 ponds, hardwood bush. Ideal hobby or recreation property. LUCKNOW: Eight unit modern apartment building. Showing good return. ESTABLISHED CAMPGROUND: 55 acres, with 1 mile frontage on Maitland River. Spacious living quarters. BAYFIELD: 1 floor ranch home, nearly new, ,- electric heat, nicely treed. 125 ACRES: Near Blyth, stately brick home, 60 acres workable, 22 hardwood bush. 3 ACRES: 8th Line Goderich Twp., 3 or 4 bdrm., brick home, combination furnace. 100 ACRES: E. Wawanosh, 60 acres workable, modern 1 floor brick 'home. AUBURN: 150 acres, 100 workable, good brick home with combination furnace. Priced to sell. LONDESBORO: 1 floor brick rancher, finish- ed basement, inground pool, large lot. LICENCED RESTAURANT: Banquet Hall, dance floor, Goderich Township. 4 ACRES: 2 floor brick home in good condi- tion, 3 miles from Blyth. 100 ACRES: Highway farm, all fenced, good set of general purpose buildings. Priced very reasonable. 250 ACRES: Hulls0025 workable, cash crop farm. AUBURN: 2 bedroom starter home under $25,000.00. BUNGALOW: Hwy. No. 4 south of Clinton, very nice 3 bdrm. home, backs on Bayfield River. COMMERCPAI, PROPERTY: Blyth -'3000 sq. ft.' plus apartment above, Owner will consider leasing. 15 ACRES: 5 miles from Clinton, 11/2 floor frame home, farrowing barn for 35 sows. Pro- perty well fenced. Let's see you do it! When you go away, the need for blood doesn't. Give before you go: BLOOD s thodnnodlnn Bi�iotlCPropnmr