HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-08-20, Page 13y`T 16. For rent SMALI. EQUIPMENT RENTALS - Lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, moving, painting, clean- ing, sanders, 3 miles East of Kincardine on Highway 9. Phone 395-2685.-4214 MOTORfZED woodsplitter for rent, $40.00 per day. Phone 524-4877 after 6 p.m.-42tfnx FURNISHED two bedroom mobile home with Florida room, nestled in the pines, by season, monthly or yearly, private tennis court, one mile to beach, four miles to Goderich and golf course. Phone 524-7184.--34-36 FOR RE�An CLEAN CARP Do it yourself with Deep Stearn Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524-4231 1 We Sell and Rent High quality -Tools & Equipment ILa'man i?ental e q u [ omen t 209 BAYFIELDRD.. GODERICH 524-2659 17. Apartments for rent MODERN apartment, Phone 529-7888.-14tf carpeted throughout. SPACIOUS 2 level apartment to share with another working male, close to square, share kitchen only, rent $203.00 per month, utilities in- cluded. Phone 524.7700,-33,34x BRUCE ST. - one bedroom apartment available immediately. 524.7605.-33,34 ONE BEDROOM apartment, close to Square, $325 per month plus utilities. Available September 1, 1986. Phone 524-4948 after 6 p.m. -34 18. Houses for rent THREE BEDROOM bungalow in Ducharme Estates in Bayfield. Available August 1, 1986. Phone 236-4230.-18tf LUCKNOW - Main Street, 2 storey, semi- detached house for rent, 3 bedrooms, 11/2 bath; carpeted living and dining rooms; available Oc- tober 1. 528-3543 evenings.-33tf THREE BEDROOM House, outside Dungannon, available September lst. Phone 1-669-8466 (weekdays) or 529-7986 (weekends). -33,34 TWO BEDROOM house for rent in Clinton. Phone 482.7389.--34 19. Rooms for rent ROOM AVAILABLE imrhediately in Goderich. Good location, close to up town. $50.00 per week. Phone 524-8198 after 6 p.m.-33tfnx SEDSITTING room to rent Monday through Fri- day. Phone 524-9120.-34;35 OMFOABI.E. furnished roe/vs,. oyaileble share of'her"RT 'facilities in home with fellow roomers. Many extras included. Phone 524-9850.-34 ,• 23. Commercial property for rent COMMERCIAL SPACE AVAILABLE Standard Trust Building Cali 1-519-524-2118 24. Wanted to rent . VERY RESPONSIBLE COUPLE would like to rent home from Sept. or Oct. dntil May. Excellent references. Call Windsor 1-966.2298.-32-34 RESPONSIBLE working couple looking for two or three bedroom house for end of October. Phone 524.4421.--33,34 WANTED TO RENT - a garage to store a car. 524:9089.--33,341x WANTED • cash crop land 'suitable for winter wheat and winter canola. Phone 523.9537,.-34,35 25. Wanted to buy WANTED TO BUY - used exercise bike in good condition. 524-9627.-34 26. Help wonted CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, livingroeM- - suites, - old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. - Call Seaforth 5274847 or .5274633 CATCHING CHICKENS - night work and travelling involved part-time or full-time positions. Earn up to $250 per week. Call Clinton Stumpf at 482.5523. -24tf VICTORIA STREET United Church requires the ser- vices of a caretaker. Applications received until Sept. 15. For further information contact Ken Grigg RR 5 Goderich, N7A 3Y2.-33,34ar MAN WANTED to spray urethane foam, must be ambitious and able to work on his own. Call 529-7571.-33,34,35 AREA DIRECTOR FOR COSMETIC COMPANY re- quires self motivated commission sales people, training -supervision provided, unlimited earning potential. Call for interview 519.527-0458.-34,35,36 - __- SERVICE COUNTER PERSON Required for automatic dealership, should be knowledgeable in auto service business, must be neat in appearance and enjoy dealing with peo- ple, Resume to Drawer Noe 31,.-P.O Box 2204 Goderich, Ont. N7A 486. All applications will be held confidential.-34eowttar PERSON CAPABLE of operating small offset prin- ting press with general knowledge of operating small printing shop (some letter press and paste up) Contact John E. Robinson, Clinton Commer- cial Printers, Clinton, Ont. NOM 1LO. 482-3444. -34 PERSON REQUIRED FOR 100 sow farrow to finish operation; must be neat, conscientious, self starter; good salary, plus production bonus. House available for married couple. 395-2438 -34,35,36 PERSON to clean house on a weekly basis. Write Drawer No. 35, c/o Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 486.-34 AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC Established new car dealership, must have minimum three years experience. Top wages to right person. Resume to Drawer No. 30, c/o Goderich Signal Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont N7A 486 All applications held GODERiCH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNE AY, AUGUST 20, 1986 -PAGE 13 30. Employment wanted 31. Service directory WILL DO light housecleaning starting. Sept. 3, phone 524-7054 or 524-8194 onytime.-34 31. Service directory FOR YOUR carpet end linnloum installation col! Norm 524-6482. Free estimates. ---02tf ON MASRY, stone and carpentry work. Specializ- ing in brick pointing and chimney building. Free estimates. For information call Stan Kirkham 482-5305.=-03tf HORST Feige D.T. MA- CLYN CAR OILING - a way to beat rust. Used and new.oil or combination of both; dusted after being oiled. Starting"aslow as $12.00. 1 1/4 miles north of Amberley, west off Hwy. 21. Look for the signs. Also available now - driveway seal- ing, parking lots, marking. Mon. - Fri. 9-5, Sat. 8-12. 395.3352. ---15.47 CUSTOM BACKHOEING - drain, repair, erosion • control, cellar drains, laser. Call Fronk Postal482-9101 . =151f -........ LIV- E MUSIC FOR all occasions. "Main Street West" would like to perform at your dance or reception. Live music is the .test music. Reasonable rates. Please call Hudson Warr 524-2144, Arlene Darnbrough 524-2035 or Phil. Main Jr. 524-4777 after 5 p..m.-16tfnx PIANO LESSONS Experienced teacher accepting students starting September, 524.4480.--34,36 32. Custom work CUSTOM PULLING of white beans. Phone 523-9537. -34,35 CUSTOM PLANTING - RED WHEAT We are interested in acquiring a list of people who are interested in custom planting hard red winter wheat. The' equipment must have the ability to leave tramlines.•If interested please call Steve at 529-7901. W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd., Port Albert.-34ar confidential.--33eowtfar PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS WAITRESSES WANTED - experienced or will train, DAVE McKEE full or port -time, five days per week, top CALL 524-7774 waitresses. 524-8168.-34,35 CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now Is the time to train for your class "A" license. For pre-screening Interview and lob placement Information contact: Mery Orr's Group. 1-500-265-1260. 41 SALES CLERK Management Trainee Growing retail store chain requires arli aggressive. energetic, responsible, in- ,,,teiligent person with transpor- tation. Dress code. Please send resume to: ,, Box 26 - c/ o Goderich Signal -Star - P.O. Box 220 Huckins Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 4B6 Me•n's. Fashions' -- Develop your career with one of Huron County's leading men's wear stores. You bring enthusiasm, good grooming and an anxious to serve personality and we'll provide train- ing in all phases of the men's fashion business. Apply in person to: BOB WI i ou's sboppe Suncoast Mall, Goderich GIRLS AND GUYS NOW HIRING START IMMEDIATELY A large Canadian Publishing firm requires 5 attractive junior trainees to start im- mediately. Applicants must have neat ap- pearance and enjoy travelling and meeting the public, driver's license helpful but not essential. If you have recently graduated or dropped out of school we may have the job for you. Only outgoing people with personali- ty plus need apply for these full time positions. We offer a 5 week on the job training, ;200 a week to start training, guaranteed. Oppor- tunities to win contest, bonus holidays, daily cash advances if needed. All company car transportation provided. Must be free to travel and start immediately. All applicants apply in person for personal interview. Inquire at the desk Duke of Bed- ford Hotel. Goderich. Miss L. Archibald Thursday & Friday only 11-4 No phone calls please. Parents welcome on 1 1 interviews. (This is not chemical sales.) ' 26. Help wanted VOLUNTEERS We need volunteers for our new Advisory Board, being formed now at The Goderich Signal -Star. No experience needed but youMust be a Signal - Star reader to qualify. Phone 524-2614 Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the details. Ask for Shirley S. .Keller.-34tfnx TUTOR: For Grade 8/9 level Math and English. Required immediately for review purposes and continuing throughout school term. Please call 524-4877 after 5 p.m.-34nx BUILDING MANAGERS Mature couple required for immaculate low' rise building in London, free -rent and salary In ex- change for cleaning, administrative and some maintenance duties. Send complete resume to: M.F. Arnsby, Property, management, 461 Waterloo St., London,' Ontario. N6B 2P4.---34',35,36 -t Ontario Government Tender Ministry of Natural Resources Invites Contractors to tender on project at Hullett Provincial Wildlife Area located on Lot 8, Concession 3, Huliett Township. Project consists of removal of existing steel and crib wire and supply and install new coloured steel, fascia, soffit, doors, etc. on building approximately 8 metres x 15 metres. All Contractors Interested In tendering must attend a site Inspection on August 25, 1986, at 10:00 a.m. Tender packages and conditions will be avallable on inspection day. Closing date September 9, 1986, at 1:00 p.m. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further Information contact 13111 Robinson at 1-800-2135-3003 or 519-357-3131. Ministry of Hon Vincent G Kerrie Minister tioity Mugford Ontario Resources Deputy Minister H.T. DALE • Septic Tank Service Serving Goderich and area for 15 years PHONE Clinton Seaforth 452.3320 527-0254 GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything large or small. FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 Tree Ripened• - Free Stone PEACHES MELADY'S 362 Huron Rd., Goderich (Hwy. 8) 524-7518 SCREENED-.,... TOP=SOIL •for lawns, gardens,"lflower beds - •delivered'as weather permits LYLE MONTGOMERY Phone 482-7644 Evenings -r SELINGER WOOD LTD. Kiln -Dried Hardwood FIREWOOD NOW AVAILABLE OPEN: 8 - 12 p.m. & 1 - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday 524-2651 Monday- Friday 8 am - $ pm Open Weekends by Appointment 58 West Street Goderich Neustudt No Charge (519) 524-6688 (519) 665-7818 1.800-265-7555 PEI IMTI MG Interior & Exterior call evenings Ben Hakkers • 524-4797 • DRAPERIES UNLIMITED Custom Draperies ' Balloon Shades Valances Venetians•Verticals \ Roller Shades Free Estimates - No Obligation For Shop at Home Service call 524-2352// Day or Evening / Maxine Murray �� Proprietor We're Your One Stop Shopping Centre for a Complete Line of Pool and Spa Chemicals and Accessories. 524.9804 BLUE HORIZON POOLS & SPAS 2 Miles East of Goderich tomtits DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Rod & Rock DISCO POLKAS WM. TIES GQOD RECORDED MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS DANCES ANNIVERSARIES PARTIES LTC 10 yrs. experience *No mileage charge ' BRUSSELS 447-6159 or 447 6N59naVetteems NEED WORK DONE? • Renovati®ns• Roofing• •Siding•Dry Walls and all Repairs FREE ESTIMATES 11Va can do it f'ril JIM CARRICKCOLNSTRUCTION Auburn 526'7006 JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Service 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 Ali bookkeeping functions including: Payroll Financial Statements Ledger Controls Tax Preparation All or In -Part TE -EM FARM GARDEN CENTRE Perennials, garden mums and other plants. FARM MARKET Large selection of fruits & vegetables Including NEW POTATOES, BROC- COLI, CAULIFLOWER, CUCUMBERS, PEACHES, and OUR OWN TOMA- TOES & CANNING TOMATOES, SWEET CORN, PEARS, pick your own or ready-plcked BEANS and PICKLING CUCUMBERS. N GOLF rnnac • Freezer Quantities Available 011550NE SAO R.R. 1 Bayfield TE -EM ❑FARM SAYFIEL COUNTY RD. 13 482-3020 Open 7 Days A Week APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all o W HIRLPOOL .INGLIS *SPEED QUEEN *ADMIRAL -SIMPLICITY.KOTPOINT" - Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING' & HEATING LTD. 55 Kingston St. Goderich RENOVATIONS EXTERIOR: •Roofing *Siding • New Additions •Eavestroughing •Fascia •Fencing * Siding •Decks •Soffits INTERIORS: •Painting •Drywall •Woodworking •Complete Line of Marble Counter Tops, Sinks and Whirlpools Specialising in Kitchens & Vanities by Oakdale Vanities on display at Donna's l)' oral ing 51 South St., Goderich Reasonable Rates D & I ENTERPRISES 524-6257 •,wr �•e..w,w- --- ARTICLES 11- - ARTICLES FOR SALE HARD WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing the water softener that doesn't use salt. No more lugging heavy bags of costly salt. Other softeners remove calcium and other good -for -you minerals. We don't add salt to your water or remove beneficial minerals, because,. that's not good for you. Other softeners Igke up lots of room, use electricity, require bockwashing, cost plen- ty to install and too much to mointain. We don't. Call Toll free I.800.2¢8.2656 for healthier, better tasting cleaner -washing water. --0.34 CLEAR SWEET WATiER: Just m,few..quotes-from.folks who hod bad water and now have good water. Bar- baro & Ben Bakker Portland, Ont. "Our water is crystal clear and it tastes great. Thanks for solving our problem." Rtev. Walter Kirk • Golden Lake, Ont. "We -now enjoy clear, rust -free, odourless water -that is a pleasure to drink," Bruce & Joon Lockwood • Caledon, Ont. "We are- extremely pleased with the results." Barry Kinch - Denabeek, Ont. "Thanks again for put- ting out a system that really does what you say it will," Let our new technology .solve your problems too. Col! tollfree 1.800.268.2656. Aztec, first in water purification, -0.34 STEEL BUILDING '/r Price Sale. Buy one building at regular price gel double length for 50% more. Phone Pioneer/Econospan collect for information (416) 678.1585,-0.34 STEEL BUILDINGS: Miracle Span Summer Sale. Exam- ple 32x40 $3,742. 40x100 59,138. Other sizes to choose from. All buildings are complete• with doors. Coll tollfree 1-800.387.4910,-0.34 GARRETT METAL DETECTORS - hobby & indistriol • For more' information or nearest dealer write Canadian Metal Locators,RR 5, Waterford, Ont. NOE 1110 or call (519) 443-5193 or 1.800.265.8049. Dealer inquiries in- vited. -0-33-34 • MONTREAL MILITARY SURPLUS:. Workshirts 52.75, workpants 53.50, Workboots 515. For catalogue, send 52 (reimbursed first order): Military Surplus, Box 243. St. Timothee, Quebec. JOS 1X0.-0.34.38 POOL SALE; one of Ontario's Iorgest dealers is clear- ing inventories of ingfounds and abovegrounds. Im- mediate delivery and installation. Guaranteed lowest prices (416) 523.6467.-0.34-38 TROUBLE Wrapping Coins? Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes AND quarters quickly, easily!! Send 58.95 plus 63 cents tax to Penny -Roller, Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2.-0.34 . TRAPPERS! HUNTERS! Dealers! FREE huge trapping & hunting supply catalogue. Mail Orders, wholesale, retail. Write today Slutker Fur Co., Box 68, Maple Creek, Sosk, SON 1N0, In a Hurry? Phone 1 (306) 662-3853,-0.33.35 $$ SACRIFICE $$4ACRIFICE $$ Buildings Special offer., Priced low for immediate clearance. 30x40x14 54,653, 46x80x16 59,250, 60x120x20 $16,835, 70x140x24 526,872. Complete with large doors. Other sizes available to 120 wi8e. Serious buyers only. No price shoppers. Guaranteed lowest prices. Coll free 1.800.387.2115 or 1 (916) 858.2446.-0.34 WANTED TO BUY ADDISON TWO•COLOIfR plastic radios wanted. Pay• ing 550,- 5150. Phone collect (416) 641.1420.-0.33.35 HELP WANTED NO. 1 IN FASHION FUN. Successful Home Party Com- pany in children's fashions now hiring loll soles representatives. For details contact Polly -Togs, P.O. Box 56, Burlington, Ont, 17R 3X8 (416)336-1507.- 0-34 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY HOUSEWIVES, Mothers needed immediatelyto sell toys 8 gifts at home parties. Call (519) 258.7905.--0.34.38 LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE required immediately. Novel Marketing Concept. Rapidly exponding business. Ground Floor Opportunity: Fulltime/Parttime, Male/Female, Any age. Work from Home. High earn- ing potential. No experience required. Training pro- vided. No capital investment, inventory, record keep- ing required. Contact: Trevor Sohindeler, Apt. A 48 Scarborough Beach Blvd. Toronto M4E ,2X1 (416) 698.9963.-0.34 , PROFITABLE SIDELINE Book tells 23 stories, set at dif• lerent auctions. Authentic. Amusing, 151 pager. Retail $8 sample $5.50. Buy 3 copies for 512, 12 copies for 543 (Postpaid). Send cheque/M.0, to Anne Fergusson, 132 Martel (res., Vonkleek Hill, Ont. KOB 180. 0.34 PERSONAL ' DATES GALORE: For all ages & unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquoin- tonces. Coll toll free 1.800.263.9163 Hours Noon till 8 p.m. --0.34 • URINE - ERASE puorantees removal of Urine Stains, Odors from carpets regardless of stain age' Free brochure. C.T. Distributing, Box .7220, London, Ont. N6A 4E3,-0.32.36 JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES, friends and families: Find out facts the Society doesn't want you to know. Totally confidential. Box 1215, Delta, B.C. V4M 373.-0.34 NOTICES HELP RECOGNIZE Ontario's outstanding young pea• pie: nominate somerene today who qualifies for on Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award, Contact This newspaper for details. -0-34 AUCTION SALES LARGE, CLEARANCE & CONSIGNMENT AUCTION: Fri- day Aug. 22nd 10 am. approx 40 troctors, cars & Trucks & over 200 pieces of equipment including John Deere Crawler, Ford Fork Lift, Poylooder, and PTO Sawmill. Wayne Word Farm Equipment, Hwy' No. 6 Wiarton (519) 534-1638,-0.34 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1986 guide to study•at•home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Airconditloning, Booking, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto 1-800-268-1121.--0.34 JOBS AVAILABLE for professional log builders. Pat Wolfe Log Building School offers a 10 -week course Sept. 0. (613) 278.2009. Write R.R. No. I. McDonalds Corner's, Ontorio-KOG IMO. --0.32.34 START A NEW CAREEN! Learn basic bookkeeping for small business. For free brochure write: U 8 R Cor• respondence Schools, 1345'Pembine Hwy., Winnipeg, MB R3T 2116. No obligolion.-0.34. TRAIN FOR A JOB with ti fufure,,,4ulfh Tri -County• LEARN TO PREPARE income tax returns, by cor- , res ondence. Write U R R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance Hwy.,Winnipeg, Man. R31 266, for free brochure, no available. Kitchener 720 King E. (519) 743.5011 Brant- ford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756.0223.-0.34 MA CHERIE Home fashion Shows Est, 1975. Join our successful family of representatives In presenting quality lingerieond loungeweor of in•home parties for women. H's fun. It's easy'. It's profitable. Coll toll, free 1.800.263-9183.-0.32-35 CLEVELANDS HOUSE RESORT is presently accepting applications for employment in all areas for the period of Sept. Ist - Oct. 19th 1486 $5 per hour plus bonus and free room 9 boord Is being offered for all positions. Experience In dealing with people is prefer. red in most areas. Interested applicants should con- , tact on•,tact Neil Paton o1 (705) 765.3171 as soon as possible. -043-36 ' • STAFF PHYSIOTHERAPJSTS(S). Two Professionally Motivated Physiotherapists are required for out "modern, well equipped physiotherapy dept. Rainy River. Valley Health Care Facilities, Inc. is a pro- gressive throe hospital complex lototed In Ontario's Beautiful sunset Country along the Canada/U.S.. border which affords rov)ordingeareer & life style op. `porturiitios. Salary begins at $30,000/yr, (basic), plu4 'recognition for experience, plus possible 510.000 ',grant, plus comprehensive benefit package. APPlico� tions may be for f&wordetl In cOnfidentb to: Jane Lamb4'nt, Director of Physiotherapy, 110 Victoria Ave, " ',Fort Fronces,Ont. Canada P9A 2B7 (807) 4274.3261.=0.34 , BROKERS with 'reifable'tr'actori lo run Ontario ant! ` Quebec Only.. Paid al 70%. Law notes for company,, , BECOME AN' AUCTIONEER, 85 Hours of instruction, next class November 15-22. Contact Southwestern On- tario School of Auctioneering, P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ont. NOJ IMO (519) 469.3936. (519) 537.2115.-C-34-46 r The Only way to get YOUR ad In 2.5 million homes in Canada for 8659•°° or in 1,241,807 homes " in. Ontario for 8195,0 Place Your Blanket Classified Ad by calling one of our helpful classified ed - visors at stator nearest weekly newspaper office for details. Lucknow "528.2822 Declutch 524.2814 Klncerdine 398.2983 Clinton 482-3443 Walkerton, 881.1600 ILSeefortti 527.10240 Mitchell 348.8431, 1 cogs wee efw Are eel'ssee mei mu ores fuel and insurance..i.Es "thonipson neer Burl. •• ington, Ont..) -800.26046S9.' -O S4 ro b