HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-08-20, Page 12PAGE 12 -GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1986 Tawen & ountr CLt i rF SSIRE - 11 tLASSIFIE®� RATES & 0 TA: 11 8;Ihl fl ES: 12 NOON TUESDAY. Too late to classify; ads' will be accepted until 2 p:m. Tuesday for Wednesday publication. 1 WORD C .A�l li '4.50 min./22 words 204 ea. additional word' thereafter. Consecutive Insertions: 2 con- secutive insertions, '4.00 ea. 3 or more con- secutive insertions '3.50 ea. In Memoriam; '4.50 min. plus 354 per Zine of rhymed ver,. Card of Thanks; '4.50 min. 25 words plus 64 for each additional word. Public Notice; '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors; '30. -for 3' insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion. Drawer Plumber; '3. first week, '1. each additional week. Prompt Payment; 504 discount per week for word ads paid in full at time of purchase• or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at 5:00 p,,m.) Display Classified; rotes available on request. Lt S $AS ,..., R.,, $ :.:fi , To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY -FRIDAY 8:30 AM -5:00 PM 524-2614` • Address mall. correspondence:. CLASSIFIED •DEPT., The Goderich Signal- ' Star, P.O. Box 220, Industrial Park, Goderich. N7A 4B6 , 1 1. Articles for sale • 1. Articles for sale VESTINGHOUSE Automatic washer, excellent ondition, white, $300.. Crib and mattress $40, igh chair $10, 529-7089.=34,35 RED HAVEN PEACHES, plums, pears, eating and cooking apples, potatoes, honey, apple butter. Art Bell Fruit Farm 524-8037.-34tfar GOOD, CLEAN body straw, 75 cents a bale. 524-7351.-34,35,36 AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available of Hoff- meyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1 tfar PATIO SETS - 40% off or more. Wide selection. Warehouse open Friday and Saturday. 71 King St. 6 . Forest, Ont. 519-786-4405.-22tf AIR CONDITIONER,. very good condition, asking $150.00. Phone 524-4206 after 4:30 p.m. -34 FARM FRESH Produce - Tomatoes, potatoes and sweet corn. 524-6427.-33tfar • 1984 10 C.A.T.E. Sailboard $600.00. Phone 524-4963.-33,34,35 A VARIETY of maternity clothes, size 12. ,Call 524-8423 after 12 noon.-33-36nx YEAR OLD roasting hens, 6-8 lbs. $4.75 per bird, freshly killed, ready for freezer. Available the first week in September. Order now. Call Rick Forbes 526-7543.-33,34,35 BICYCLES FOR SALE New and used, BMX, Mountain Bikes, Coaster Bikes. Reduced in price. Take trade-ins. 64 Princess s Street East, Clinton.linton.482-5698.33-36x C DUCHESS COOKING APPLES also eating apples and early peaches, plums, apple butter, potatoes, and field tomatoes. Bellview Fruit Farm 524.8011.-32tf SINGER - for authorized sales and service, sew- ing machine, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre now located at 56 The Square;'Goderich 524.8431.-40oreowtf TWO WATER TANKS, one 'stainless steel; one galvanized, approximately 500 gallons- each. Tanks are situated in Goderich. Phone 1-273-0832 (Stretford) for details. -34 TREE RIPENED - Freestone PEACHES. Melody's 362 Huron Road (Hwy. 8), Goderich. 524-7518.-34,35 BEDROOM SUITE - night table, queen size mat- tress and box springs, dresser, chest of drawers; Inglis Citation fridge and stove, excellent condi- tion. 524-9671 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. -33,34 OVEN READY chickens, five to ten lbs. $1.35 per Ib. Phone 524-6427.-30tfar CEMENT MIXER, 21/2 cu. ft. ready to go, in A-1 condition. Phone 524-2434.-33,34 GRADE 13 Textbooks for sale: French 550: Panorama de la Grammaire Francaise; Pro-' menade et Perspectives. Math. 550: Functions and Relations; answer booklets. Physics 550. Biology 550 Study Guide. All texts in mint condi- tion! Call 524-7157.-33,34nx 430 CASE gas tractor with loader bucket, blade,. and chains,,good rubber and recently overhaul- ed. Phone 524-9850.-34 IRON RAILINGS, custom built from $11.00 per foot, also gates, fences, straight and spiral stair- cases. Phone Gord's Welding 482-5216.-34-37or KROHLER chesterfield and chair, 1 Krohler opca- sional choir, microwave stand. Phone 524-7027 after six. -34 MEN'S 26" 3 speed bicycle, in good condition, asking $45.00. Phone 524-2039.-34 PEACHES Red Haven Peaches are now ready at Berg Or- chards, Forest', 3 miles south of Camp Ipperwash on Ridge Road. Plentiful crop. Open daily except Saturdays. Phone 1-786-5762.-34,35 FOR SALE: wafferboard 7/16" cut-off 4' x 8', 8' x 8' 15% off; 2" x 14" x 16' Beach 'planks; 2" basswood (dried). Coll after 6 p.m. 529-7606.-33,34 4020 JOHN DEERE Diesel tractor, 18.4 x 38 tires, standard shift, engine has little hours, excellent condition. Phone 527-1670 8 a.rh. - 5 p.m. and 527-0079 after 5 p.m. -33,34,35 1. Articles for sale MISTRAL BERMUDA Windsurfer, and all access. including wet suit. Asking $800. Phone 524-6943 after 6 p.m. -33,34 PICKLING cucumbers $9 a bushel (small size), peaches and cream sweet corn 75 tents a dozen, red potatoes $6 a bushel. All produce picked fresh every day.' Call '529-7615.-34'• 1985 16 h.p. 4wd. Japanese diesel tractor with 6 implements; 20 cubic foot freezer; Christian books; galvanized used metal; 14' used cedar planks. 529.7871,-34,35x 16' CANOE, 12' rowboat (fiberglass), gas barbecue $25 no tank, but In working condition. 524-4721.---34 .. ..� ..,-•w.. ,..,,, � �., r -mom.,.--� N ITU RE ��EFUR NEW &. USED We can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S UR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 milelauth on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades MOVING SALE Relocating in Auburn Jack's Refinishing & Antiques 73 Hamilton St., Goderich 524-2796 STUDENTS, take note - B.I.C. turntable,. excellent condition. 575.00 or best offer. 524-2916.-34tf ELECTRONIC HOBBYISTS - I have numerous resistors, capacitors, switches, and vacuum tubes at a bargain. Benco T.V. mast amplifier never used. 20" MX bike, chrome frame A-1 con- dition, $50.00. Man's 10 speed, handyman's special $15.00. 18" Industrial dust mop 510.00. Pair of P225 -75R-15 steel belted radials $50.00. 524-9132.-34 j 1975 350 engine and transmission 5100. Phone 524-6066 any time. -34 5. Cars for sale '76,VOLVO 244 Auto. Air conditioning, good con- ' dition, $2500 cert. 52300 as is, Call 524-9076 before 7:30 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. -34,35,36x 1972 MAZDA 808 2 -door, recently painted and safety checked $1000.00. Phone 574-8409.-34,35 by the bushel or basket. ALSO •New Apples •Various varieties of Plums *Cherries - pitted in pails •Frozen Berries of all sorts •Tomatoes •Sweet Corn •Melons Home Baked Pies & Muffins plus Mennonite Meats. Rock Glen Farm Market on Rock Glen Rd., Arkona 828-3100 on Glen Rd., Arkona 828-3100 FRESH CUT Gladiolus, fresh fruit daily; peaches, plums, .pears, apples, one mile north of Port Albert. Delivery twice a week to Goderich.,A. Knoop. 529-7110.-34x .ANTIQUE love seat (1890's) reupholstered. • Phone 524-9098 after 5.-34 WOODBURNING kitchen stove, antique, ex- cellent condition, complete with pipes. Phone 524-8854 evenings. -34x COMPUTERS •• FOUR GAS 'HEATERS: two space heaters; two Sales and service, accessories, monitors, printers, paper, books and magazines. C W COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES (KINCARDINE) LTD. 732 Queen Street, Kincardine, 1-396-3114.-17tf. SEWING MACHINE - like new. 5100. Cat cage ,, $25, Bird Cage $15, 524-7825 after 6.-34 SKLAR love seat, avocado. Phone 529.7950.-34,35x vented wall. heaters. All good condition, reasonably priced. 524-2833.-34or FRESH CAULIFLOWER & BROCCOLI WHOLESALE PRICES Other Produce In Season "VISSCHER FARMS 3 miles West of Exeter on Hwy. 83 1-237-3442 OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. • 8 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAY, 2. Motorcycles for Sale 1970 HONDA - 350 cc. In good condition - $350. Call 529-7421. -27 tf n x 1983 HONDA V45 Sabre, 750 cc, 12,600 km, new in' 1984, water cooled, engine guards, must sell 52300.00. 524.6828 after 6 p.m.-28tfnx -- 1978 HONDA 550 cc, bags, fairing, trunk, AM/FM radio/cassette, best-'voffer. 524:2241.-31.34 • :,i 2' .. , 4.2.4.. . ...,... , , .:• ,,. 3. Garage sale/Yard sale MULTI -FAMILY Yard Sale. at Maitland Manor .Parking lot, 290 South St. Goderich, Sgturday, August 23. 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.-34nx GARAGE SALE - Rain or Shine. August 23, 1986 - 7:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Nine piece dining room suite - many more misc. items. 252 Oxford St. -34x • FURNITURE Buy during AUGUST SALE at SHUETT'S in Mildmay ' Select from about one -hundred different suites of furniture at reduced prices. $35090 $65090 $9759°ea. Bed Chesterfields - La -Z -Boy Chairs, Serta Mattresses, New Bedroom and Dinette Suites, Gift Items. Schuett's Delivers Free In A Wide Area PHONE, 367-2308 MILDMAY 1 PIEIMOS c_T CH JE. 11TII ! S Vic' .:? of MILDMAY Better Ne -P�'ianos With Behch $2,4959 and up 5 Used Pianos at Schuett's $59500 and up Buy during the August Sale of Furniture 'arid Pianos. Schuett's delivers FREE in a wide area. SCHUETT'S of Mildmay Box 100, Mildmay, N00 2J0 PHONE 367-2308 GARAGE SALE - rare books, quality dishes, lots more. Saturday, • August 23rd 8-12 noon. 183 Wilson St: Goderich.-34x FOR SOLE 1977 DELTA 88 ROYALE OLDSMOBILE 4 door SEDAN Excellent condition, re -painted last fall Power steering, power brakes, AM/FM radio, auto, 351 V8 engine, fac- tory air, retractable antenna, extra wheel and 6 Michelin tires, cruise control, air lifters, trailer hitch suitable. for boat, etc. Mileage 75,000. Will certify... $2,975. Call: 524-2614 or 482-3443 After Five 524-7901 YARD SALE - Sat. Aug. 25, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Beside apartments London Rd., Port Albert. More items than previous sales. -34 SATURDAY, August 23 8' - ? Saltford, chairs, stools, TVs, small appliances,' garden equip- ment, quilts, blankets, ladies". garments anck• much more. -34 '4/ YARD SALE, Sat., Aug. 23 9:00 a.m. - 12 noon, 166 Sunset Drive. Toys, books, drapes, car seats, dishes, children's winter wear plus numerous other items. -34x °SATURDAY, August .2r3, 1986 9 a.m. yard sale at 170 St. David St. (sewing machine, records, pic- tures, clothes, and all kinds of things). -34x 9. Automotive let thisyoun 6. Trucks for sale i 1973 DODGE Club Cab good condition, certified with camper and tote box, $2500.00 or best offer or will sell separately. Call Dan weekends only 524.8165,-33-35 GIANT GARAGE SALE Saturday, August 30, '/9 mile north of Port Albert on Hwy. 21. Three families moving plus others, shop equipment to the kitchen sink. Something for everyone. Starts at 7 a.m.-34,35 1985 BLAZER, air condition, loW mileage. Phone 524-9089.-33,34x [7. R.V.'s for sold' 18 FT. MASTER COACH House Trailer, three way fridge, stove, toilet and canopy. Phone 524-7547.-21;22tfnx 17 FT. GOLDEN.JALCON,,., tp4101, 3 -way fridge,', stove, oven and furnace. Sleeps six. Good condi- tion, Asking $1,900. Coll 524-7758.-30nxtf „ 1976 DODGE Maxi Van, finished inside for camp- ing $2,500.00. Von can be seen at 222 OxfordSf. Phone 524-2358 or 524-7753.-28tf YARD SALE - Sat., Aug. 23 9 a.m. • ? Tuner, turn- table, toys, etc. 113 Wolfe St. -34X THREE FAMILY Garage Sole, 121 Picton West, Saturday Aug. 23rd. 8 a.m. Antiques and collec- tables, 'glas'sware.-34x SATURDAY, August 23, 8 - ?. Saltford, small ap- pliances, glass washboard, cooking utensils and misc.--34x THREE FAMILY Garage Sale - Saturday August 23, 8 a,m. - 11,1 Bruce St. E. acrbss from the tennis courts.-34nx MULTI -FAMILY Yard Sale at Maitland Manor Parking Lot 290 South St. Goderich Saturday, August 23. 9 a.m, - 1 p.m.•-34nx CLEAN-UP SALE - Saturday, August 23rd. Humidifier, doors, items too many to mention. Huron Haven, Lot 16, Sutton Drive.-34nx 5. Cars for sale 1981 AMC Spirit 52,000.00 firm. Call 529.7790,-33,34 1975 MONZA, V-8, good shape, $1400.00 or best offer. Phone 524-8198 after 6 p.m.-33tfnx .1973 CADILLAC Eldorado, loaded, sun roof, needs some body work, Phone 524-8414.-34tfnx 1982 HONDA Civic Wagon, good condition, 60,000 miles, new exhaust and brakes, $3000.00 certified, Phone 524-6869 or 524-8468 after 5 p,m,-33,34x 1980 CANIARO T•bar roof In excellent condition. Phone 524-9089.-33,34x 1980 MERCURY Capri; 6 cylinder, 4 speed, power steering, power brakes, AM/FM auto reverse cassette, good condition. Call 524.2614 ext. 31.-33tfnx 1970 HONDA, as Is. $600.00 or•best offer. Phone 524.6529.-34x 1976, 21 foot, Woodbine Motor Home. GMC chassis, fridge, stove, furnace, hot water heater, shower, sleeps six. Motor Air, new brakes, and exhaust system. Excellent condition. $12,250.00. Call 524.8956.-33,34 Nat replacing a faulty exhaust slystem could cost you extra time, in convenience... and money. That's why when you bring your car In for routine service, we check your exhaust system. And if we spot trouble, we recommend only quality Walker mufflers. They're engineered to match your car...and to last. - Feel free to ask for an exhaust system check any time at no charge. We're your neighbourhood muffler experts. Walker mufflers and pipes installed by: Y NISSAN GODERICH AUTO AUTO SALES & SERVICE 268 BaylIeld Rd. Goderlch 524.2131 ASK ABOUT OUR LIFETIME GUARANTEE! 10. Pets for sale GOLDEN RETRIEVER Pups - Regis red, shots and dewormed. Championship bloo lines. Excellent with children or for hunting. Call 519.524-9361. -33-36n x FOR SALE: Five baby budgies. One male Blue Point Siamese kitten. Phone 529-738234nx MOBILE HOME for sale - Original size 12' x 68', expanded living room 20' x 22', 3rd bedroom ad- ded; large sun room, nicely landscaped, large wooden shed, and many other features, approx., 1300 sq. ft. of space. Phone 524-8810. Meneset Park. -34,35x Marine 11. Livestock for sale ONE COMPLETE Chrysler Unit 15' Try -hull with sleeper seats and radio. 45•h.p. Outboard Engine with two gas tanks and trailer. Ready for the water. Phone 524-7547.-26tfnx 4.5 H.P. MERCURY Outboard motor with craise tank, like new. $600.00 or best offer. Phone 524-2373 before 11 a.m.-33,34 9. Automotive BEEF & HOLSTEIN calves, approx. 150-300 lbs. Phone Tudor Wain, 524-9898,-34,35 12. Real estate for sale DAILY CAR RENTAL Best rates, best.cars available. McGEE PONTIAC-BU ICK-CADI LLAC 37 Hamilton Street, Goderich 524-8391 PRIVATE SALE Storey and a half, 3 bedroom -newly decorated, well maintained home. Excellent central Ioco- ti`on. Asking trier6b's.'For mare inforinafioncall •524-6498.-33,34,35 FOt3R BEDROOM House on V.L.A. with rec room, laundry and workshop, breezeway and double garage with four extra lots. Phone 524-8449:-33,34 - NEW HOMES FOR SALE -Lot 27, Bennet St. W., 3 bedroom, backsplit, finish rec room, second bath, carport, patio deck & concrete driveway. -Lot 82, Oxford St., . 2 bedroom bungalow with carport and concrete driveway. Both homes exceed Ontario Building Code Requirements with R2OE2 x 6 Ex- terior Walls, R40 Ceilings„Colonial Trims and much more. For Information call: Huron Contractor's 236-4230 13. Mobile homes PYRAMID MOBILE HOME, 60' . x 12', three bedrooms, stove and fridge included. Call collect 519-364-5723 or 832-2890.-321f MOBILE HOMES WANTED. We buy and sell. Call collect 519-364-5723 or 832-2890.-•-32tf YEAR ROUND HOME, 12' x 60' with a' 12' x 16' sundeck and a 9' x 12' steel shed, located in Huron Haven. For more information phone 524.7535.-32-35 12' x 60' NORTHLANDER mobile with 12' x 15' ad- dition. Patio doors to Targe deck, 2 bedrooms. Reasonably . priced in Meneset Park. Call 524.7605.-33,34 garage Sale Kits! slfl 10, also included - 2 Large Yard Signs Price Tags 0, Complete Inventory List 10 Tips fora Successful Garage Sale Available only a9he Signal -Star! For more. information Call: 524-261,4 i