HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-08-06, Page 16PAGE 2A —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1986
Robert Bockstael and I'auluna Gillis perform in the Blyth Festivals,
Lilly, Alta.
Wood carvings on display
The Huron County Pioneer Museum is
pleased to announce that for the first time in
four years, an important collection of wood
carvings is on public display at the Van Eg-
mond House, near Seaforth. The collection
wus housed on the second floor of the
museum which has been closed to public
viewing for the past four years.
The carvings by George June depict
characters and scenes familiar to'the artist
in the 1930's. June was forced to retire early
from farming due to ill health and
discovered the art of whittling to be a satis-
fying way to pass the time. His craft•was
self taught. His tools were elementary, with
the most important being the jackknife.
A large model of a trotting meet makes
one want to cheer the highly animated
horses and drivers on. The excitment of the
event is evident in the detail of the figures in
Structural Design and
Engineered Assembiy
•Build anything out of steel
•Long & short span open web joists
• Floor grating • made to order
the grandstands.
Several other models portray logging
scenes: There is a bus station and buggies,
coaches and wagons are pulled by
Belgiums,.Shire and Morgans. The harness
for these carvings is meticulously detailed
to a particular style. The buckles were
specially cast at a Whitby plant. Perhaps his
masterpiece is a table inlaid with quarter
inch squares, some 52,600 to form an almost
oriental design of dragons and figure's.
June's work entailed the need for great
accuracy and there is, manifested, fine skill
and originality of thought. This collection is
bound to gain acclaim as it becomes known.
The display titled "Whittling Time Away"
will be at the Van Egmond House
throughout August and September. A last
chance to see it will be during Ciderfest,
September 28th.
`Lilly' effectively shows small town life
Liliy, Alta., the play. currently in its run at
the Blyth Festival until August 21, makes ef-
fective and spectacular use of sets and top-
notch acting to put small, town life on
The dreams of the residents are
transported by a train arriving every Tues-
day in Lilly. The whole town revolves
around its arrival. The play begins with a
crippled old man, Willy Tyler (played by
Robert Bockstael), sitting in an ancient
chair to tell the town's stogy.
Bockstael performs Willy the librarian in
a rather reserved style, perhaps fitting to
the whirlwind of events around him. Going
back in time, Willy explains the history of
Lilly, including the town's feared and
revered matriarch, Mrs. Lilly, played in an
effectively threatening way by Margaret
Director Richard Rose makes excellent
use of one ofthe biggest casts Blyth has ever
put on stage. Rather than being lost in the
shuffle, each character is singularly
memorable, from Mrs. Chas. Halpern
(Heather Edson), the hypochondriac wife of
the local pharmacist, toDrunk Dick ( Robert
King) and his witty mumblings. In addition,
the three old men provide some of the big-
gest laughs of the evening with their actions
in a windstorm.
Kevin Bundy's wickedly appealing por-
trayal of Dim Denny, the local pyromaniac,
adds to the play's enjoyment. His often
masterful ,stage presence draws the au-
dience to his side of the stage, to witness the
match- striking.
The love interest of the play is performed
dynamically by Pauling Gillis, perhaps the
real star of the show. Her believable and
earnest portrayal of Calla, the wife -to -be of
Willy the librarian, is one of the most pleas-
ing aspects of Lilly.
The underlying premise of Lilly shows
small town dreams of something better in
conflict with the hard realities. Willy and
Calla both agree to take the next train to
Calgary, where there will be a good life
without the 'stultifying boredom and
pressures of a small town. But somehow,
they 'lust never seem to make it. Delink Dick
waits every week for his wife to come back
on the train, but she never arrives. As
Dick's dream is created by the train, so it
shall end; the forlorn man can take it no
longer and jumps in front of the oncoming
train near the end of the play.
The sets and scenery are used with an
entertaining amount of creativity' and im-
agination. From white sheets being shaken
to signify a snow storm, to whirling um-
brellas for the train, their stark simplicity
adds to Lilly's effectiveness.
The historical drama, written by Albertan
Ken Dyba, always seems to add some comic
relief just after a particularly dramatic
scene. The audience is psychologically lur-
ched from humor and happiness to sadness
and dread, seemingly in one fell swoop.
Each new addition of a character brings
with them a specific vignette on small town
life and their individual dreams. •
• While Lilly could often have bogged down
, in its own largesse, with its relatively fast
pace land number of characters, the play is
entertaining on the whole. A superior per-
- formance by Pauling Gillis rockets Lilly
past a merely mediocie.description to that
of being entirely effective.
� bursting Goderich i�with
eIlLil sial , J'.anla
_ALL. • w. 4gir''CTO +
• •
Welcome to the Port of Goderich!
The little sign just beyond the railroad
tracks on Highway 8 says so and I like the
sound of it. I don't know why we haven't
been saying port all along.
This is a very important port on Lake
Huron and in all the Great Lakes there are
not too many that are more important. How
does that hit you? For the past two or three
years I've been sure to use the proper title
when speaking to strangers to this area.
Our town is really bursting with en-
thusiasm right now. Everyone is making a
big effort to smile and speak to strangers -
visitors to our town. I'm certainly doing my
share. I hope you will too.
, The water boys, or girls, are keeping the
flower baskets and other floral areas in fine
shape. The parks department can surely be
proud. Our brick sidewalks also add a lot;
people like them andagree they help blend
the buildings together.
I can't forget the kick I got from a fine old
gentleman. He was telling me of the time his
father end him had planted that great black
tree at the corner of South Street and Britan-
nia Road. They had found it in the Saltford
area after building the large house that now
hides behind the tree. The box who helped
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With Martaha Rathburn o
plant it lived to be over 100 wonderful years
and told me of their cows he drove to
pasture along the Maitland River banks.
After a while they would come home by
themselves; often taking a short cut through
Courthouse Park.
Of the tree, a very old teacher, Miss
George, told me it would never have nuts.
"There's no female around here," she said.
She seemed to know. Right now the tree is at
its blackest point or close to it. In spring, the
leaves are a light yellow -beige color and, in
the fall, when the leaves drop, they are the ,
same light color. Very interesting.
Have you been up real early one morning
this summer before the birds? You should
drive across the river and watch the birds
awaken near the bridge. The noise will sur-
prise you. Suddenly they take off in swarms
WWhen you
Coverage Built for Two
and circle and circle until everyone is out
and then they suddenly disappear and you
don't know where. The children would enjoy
the sight if you can get them up. It warms
you up in more ways than one and really
makes your day.
Just watching the shadows sneak away
and the true colors_ coming is fascinating.
You will enjoy it.
I know everyone is, having an exciting
year with so many anniversaries around us.
Now it is Port Albert's turn to celebrate this
weekend. Many things are happening from
mid morning on. With trying to get people to
plan ahead, like the Santa Claus Parade,
I've been asked to help judge the Port Albert
Parade. That should make me put up or shut
up, don't you think?
I think we all enjoy these celebrations and
they don't happen too often. Just try to enjoy
each day as it comes. They are all beautiful,.
one way or another.
Love Martha
P.S. Go and see Ball's Bridge and take some
of the back roads in the area. You'll be sur-
prised and pleased, I hope, with the little
journey. Don't be afraid of getting lost; it's
H D.
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