HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-08-06, Page 12_J
Co1` 1mtr nit News
38. Auction sale
Richard Lobb Auctioneer
CLINTON - 482-7898
SAT., AUG. 9 AT 10 A.M. - 24 it. fibre glass
charter fishing boat fully equipped, new
Kubota tractor w/5ft. mower, 275 MF tractor,
car, van, 5 trailers, riding lawnmower, large
offering of power wpod working and shop
equipment, hand tools, 15 guns, etc. at Richard
1 obb's Auction Barn, Clinton for the estate of
Edward (Ted) Horton of Goderich.
SAT., AUG. 16 AT 10 A.M. - Household auc-
tion at Lobb's Auction Born, Clinton for Ruby
Anderson of Goderich.
SAT., AUG. 23 AT 1 P.M. - 2 tractors, com-
bin,e, swather, bean equipment, farm
machinery, etc. 11/4 miles west and 1 mile
south of Clinton, Ont. for Alvin Wise.
40. Lost & Found
LOST - 3 RINGS, one engagement, one wedding
band and one birthstone. Possibly in area of
arena. Reward. 524-6518.-31.33 '°y)
LOST AT BENMILLER ball park, 10 year old boy's
Pro Choice glove. Please call 529-3169.-32nx
LOST A BLACK AND WHITE Boston Terrier from
187 Coley St. Answers to its name "Tena'•. Please
phone 524-8669.-32x
BLUE ADIDAS sport bag, containing baseball
equipment, glove & shoes, between the Square
and Donuts & More.Phone 524-8518.--32
141. To give away
Port Albert parade w s wonderful
COLLIE PUP, male, sable and white, 9 months
old, all shots. Very friendly and good with
children, needs loving home. 524-8469 after
SMALL METAL garden shed, 6 x 8 to give away
for price of this ad. Phone 524-7490.-32
44. Engagements
Mr, and Mrs. Grant Chisholm are pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming marriage of their
daughter Brenda Joan to Stephen William"Berry,
son of Bill and Ann Berry. Wedding to be held
Saturday, August 9, 1986 at St. Mary's Catholic
Church, Lucknow at 3 p.m. Reception in Lucknow
at 9 p.m.-32nx
46. In memoriam
In loving memory of my dear father, Benson,
who passed away July 31, 1983.
We hear your voice, soft through the trees, and
sense your heartbeat here.
We're calmed by trust & love dear dad to know
and feel you're here.
Lovingly remembered ,and sadly missed, by
daughter Marilyn, son-in-law Glen, and grand-
son Dennis. -32x
In loving memory of a dear mother, Mayme
Bowers, who passed away August 6, 1985.
Her memory is our keepsake,
With which we will never port,
'God has her in his keeping,
We have her in our hearts.
Sadly missed, Ted & Betty. -32
In loving memory. of a dear mother, Viola Lamp -
man, who passed away one year ago, August 11,
If 1 hod all the..world.to give,
I'd give it yes, and more,
To hear her voice, and see her smile,
And greet her at my door. ,
But all 1 can do, dear mother,
Is go and tend your grave,
And leave behind tokens of love,
To.the best mother God ever mode.
I like to think when life is done,
Wherever heaven may be,
That she'll be standing at the door,
Up there to welcome me.
Sadly missed anrl,lovingly remembered by Jean,
Betty, Doug and Families.-32nx
Saturday was a beautiful day esr cialLy at.
Port Albert. Actually I think the people of
Port Albert who had worked for weeks to
make their 150 anniversary, the biggest and
best of all in the whole county - were sure the
sun was shining especially for their parade.
Somehow, when I saw the excitement all
around me, I was sure they were right.
There they wire in a vast field, lining up
behind their category number, putting in the
last minute bits and pieces - and everyone
taking part in it. I was surprised to see how
easily everything fell into place and when
the lead band stepped out - everyone
I wish I could tell you how beautiful their
Queen and Princesses were - but you know
they would be the best. Besides the great
Highlanders, the Mocha Temple "boys", the
family entries which were wonderful, there
were the beautiful riding horses, cars and
antiques in about everything" you can think
of from over 150 years of living in this
The history of Port Albert was certainly
well developed and you wondered how some
of the entries were still able to function.
Although the old and the new blended
148. Co -"-g Events,
GODERICH ROTARY CLUB Paper Drive is Satur-
day, August 16. Please have your papers secure-
ly bundled and at the curb by 10 a.m. Last paper
drive of lila season is.October 18th. Please place
books for Book Sale in separate boxes.-32,33ar
Too Late
47. Card of thanks
satisfactory year round income producing pro-
perty, situated just off Main Street. Cash Only.
We would like to thank Dr. Cauchi and the nurses
of 2 Eost for their help and guidance. Special
• thanks to our family and friends for their flowers
and visits and special thanks to Nurse Marion.
Vicki and Jordon. -32
LOST BETWEEN Goderich and Auburn, a black
motorcycle helmet. Phone 524-2218 after 6.-32
With praise to God, Ralph and Nancy Ridder are
pleased to announce the birth of their son
Nathaniel Branden on August 1, 1986 at the AMG
Hospital, Goderich. Special thanks to Dr. Cauchi
and second floor nursing sfaff.-32
August 7 (matinee), 14; GLORY: August 7,'8, 9
(matinee), T3, 14 (matinee); LILLY: August 9, 11;
12, 15. All evening performances are at 8:30
p.m.; matinees at 2:00 p.m. For information and
tickets, call Box Office at 523-9300/9225.-32ar
GARAGE SALE - Saturday August 9th, 140 Britan-
nia Road Eost, Goderich, 9 a.m. - ?-32
would like to take this opportunity to thank so
many wonderful people for the many flower ar-
rangements, plants, gifts, fruit baskets, cards,
phone calls and visits while I was a patient in
Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Special
thanks to my doctors Leslie and James Rourke
and nurses on first floor east for their profes-
sional care, to my parents Reg and Carole Good
and my wonderful husband Marlowe, who were
always by my side and mode my days brighter.
Everything was very much appreciated and so
nice to know so many terrific people care. Mrs.
Debbie Austin. -32
234 BAYFIELD RD., AT BLAKE ST., PH 524.2111
Entertainer's Delight
The family of the late Lisa Murray -Hunt, formerly
of Ripley and Kincardine area offer their sincere
thanks to all their relatives and friends far their
expressions of love and sympathy. The beautiful
floral arrangements and donations of sympathy
brought comfort to our hearts. Special thanks to:
the pall bearers, flower bearers, Rev. Norm
Perry and Mr. Ken Davies. Our love and ap-
preciation is given to Lisa's aunt Carol Lomas and
Lisa's personal friend Mr. David Lochead for their
participation in the service through song and
prayer. Words cannot express our feelings of ap-
preciation and love to the Baho'is of both Kincar-
dine and Goderich and surrounding areas, for
their comfort and concern. Lastly, we want to
thank Marilyn and Les Occleston for opening
their home to us, in our time of need. Parents
Laverne and Joon Riley, grandparents James and
Blanche Angus and Elizabeth -Riley and David and
Carol. -32
Think'you to Dr. Watts & Hollingworth and all
the staff -on second floor. Also a special thank
you to visitors and those 4,vho sent cards, gifts
and prayers: Lorne. -32
Audrey and Russel would like to thank relatives,
friends and neighbours for joining with us on the
occasion of our 40th Wedding Anniversary. We
sincerely appreciate the beautiful gifts, cards
and best wishes. A very spacial thank you to our
family for making '^oura day o mentotable
alae. ---32'x
This attractive 3 bedroom west end
bungalow features a very spacious family
room. Ideal for hosting friends or family.
Much more as well for $84,900.
2 Bedroom Bungalow
with large livingroom, covered patio and
good size yard. Asking only 529,500.00
maybe you should consider jt as an
Now Reduced!
beautifully you were happy to see them.
So, everything turned out just perfect -
even long armed Harry was cheered with all
the fun people. When I see the big boys on
their little bikes I want to run, but luckily
there was no cannon blasting near the
people. -
Anyway there was just music, laughter
and good cheering in this parade. I was glad
to see little Linda Reid cheered for her good
accomplishments. Everyone loved her.
The time, energy and cash spent on floats
made one wish they could be put away for
-another time and parade. Those great "No
Notes" and other musical folk, were really
appreciated - but they passed by so quickly!
It all boils down to "Ya shudda bin
Attractively restored older home in mature
neighbourhood features 3 bedrooms and
possible 4th or den on main floor, 11/2 bathe,
main floor laundry & family rooms. Natural
woodwork in many parts of the home and
patio. doors to rear sundeck in private
backyard. Single detached garage. Call
Dominic Bradley for your appointment.
there!" A big hand to the hardworking
organizers. To Pat Haskell "You were
wonderful - especially to the judges!" I'm
sorry I couldn't attend the other days of
their party.
I want to thank all you folk for your nice
remarks on my paintings. My "first one
painted outdoors" in 1147 of the banks along
St. Christopher's Beach was a real surprise
for all of us. I'm glad I found it again. It is
hard to believe the damage done in that
Monday, I was down at the harbor in time
to see the Ehnglen come into port. It was a
biggee. There are bigger ones that come in-
to our port - this one about 678 feet in length -
but I happened to be on the dock and the bow
• erience
registered 10 feet. I swear the rest was 50
feet over my head. Scary.
Our harbor has changed beautifully - in
every way. The new beach is outstanding -
who designed it? I've missed all the excite-
ment, as I missed our paper for quite a spell.
That hurt!
Enjoy our nice weather - just enjoy being
alive - I intend to do all I can since August is
our best month - September first - bang - a
blast of cold always sets you back on your
So enjoy, fake care of yourselves.
anglefoot brings 50 ,years
of Ontario's. history to
life + the Hktoric
On Aug. 15 at 7 p.m., Tanglefoot, a trio of
singers -storytellers -actors, will bring flying
canoes,' camels in the goldfields, pigs in the
street, and other tall tales to the courtyard of
the Huron Historic Gaol in Goderich. The
group uses fiddle, guitar, banjo, mandolin and
harmonica to accompany their stories and
songs gleaned from Canada's past.
The first part of the concert; sponsored by
the Goderich Recreation Department and the
Huron Historic Jail, is called "MOSQUITOES,
Guide to Upper Canada". This is a humorous
look at Ontario in the days of Tiger Dunlop,
as Tanglefoot presents a feisty old soldier
.leading the attack against bugs, mud, the
Yankees, the government ... just about
Point Farms
Park plans
Bygone Days
anything that moves. Fifty years of Ontario's
history comes to life.
After a brief intermission, Tanglefoot takes
up the story of pioneer Canada by moving
west in "DUST AND DREAMS: The Golden
Northwest". A used -dream salesman will lure
the audience to the Great.Northwest with pro-
mises ofadventure and wealth, poems of love
and danger, pictures of mountains and
prairies, all laced with liberal helpings of toe -
tapping music.
Tim Rowat, Bob Wagar, Joe Grant, the
three members of Tanglefoot, have been tour-
ing various parts of Canada for the past five
years, bringing the laughter and excitement
of Canada's heritage to audiences of all ages.
The three performers, with backgrounds in
theatre. television. and education, decided
On Sunday, August 10, Point Farms Pro-
vincial Park will be holding a Bygone Days
celebration. The atmosphere of past days'
the park will be recreated through
numerous craft displays, including quilting,
weaving, rug hooking, and water colours.
There will be an authentic,. working steam
engine, and antique cars on view at the
barn, plus many historical displays of early
home tools, railway memorabilia and dolls.
Point Farms Park has a very • interesting
history of its own. It was the site of the Point
Farms Hotel, the first summer resort in this
area. Antique pieces from this hotel and the
four farmsteads which once stood on the
park land will ..also.be_.at. the.Bygo>IIe..Days.,,
At 3 pm there will be log sawing and nail
driving competitions. And you won't want
to miss the corn roast at 4 pm! The Bygone
Days will be taking place at the park barn
from 10 am to 5 pm. All events are included
with the $3.00 per car day use permit.
After enjoying Bygone Days, visitors are
welcome to stay in the park for the Sunday
Film Festival at 8 pm. This week we present
the family movie "The Little -Prince."
On Monday the visitor services program
continues with a soccer game at 10 am. In
the evening there are horse-drawn hay rides
starting at 6 pm.
There will be a special children's program
on Tuesday at 11 am. Come join us for
games, stories and songs. Join us at the
beach at 7 pm for a windsurfing demonstra-
tion by Goderich Windsurfing.
Wednesday evening there will be fun for
everyone in the family at the barn. The
Blyth Theatre Youth Group will be perform-
• ing and Mary Ann Doucette will be bringing
along some special friends for a puppet
show. The program will start at 7:30 pm.
attend chapel
3 bedroom house, with large games room
over low garage, main floor laundry room.
Move in for `$39,500.00
Dominic Bradley 482-7841
Gary Rupert 524-8777
Paul Zurbrigg ' 524-2036
Wayne Wigelsworth 482-3091
Bill McGregor 482-7539
Marie Hughes 482-7508
We know' the shine
of a good
The facilities of Huron Chapel were taxed
repeatedly during the week-long meetings
with as many as 92 children attending on a
single day. The event, conducted by Hester
Dougan of Faith Mission In Canada, and her
two assistants, Bonnie McFarlane and
Laurie- Whalen, of Odessa, Ontario, was
directed locally by Dianne Baan.
Those assisting from the local congrega-
tion were Heather McCowan, Jim and
Marilyn Campbell, Debra Lawlor, Eunice
Emke, Viola Raithby, Marie Scott, Shirley
Luna, Doran Rolston, Angela and Debra
Curl, Wayne Young, Martin Baan and
Pastor James and Lorraine Carne.
One hundred and thirty-five people crowd-
ed the Chapel for the awards night
ceremonies. Sherry Baan earned the
highest award for the grades one and two
category; Amanda Young and Melissa
Campbell placed second and third. Robert
Campbell and Michael Luna tied for first
place, Stephen Campbell came second and
Terry Pardys third, in grades three and
Wanda Emke and Laurie Rodges were
recognized also for having one thousand
points or more. Among those in -grade five
and over, Cathy Nesbitt took top honours,
Michael Smith and Allisoff Chaitlttey tied for
second place and Itlin Baan Cattle third.
Honourable mention went to Susan Dobie,
Pauline Huizinga, David McCowan, Angela
Hesch and Andrew Luna.
Child's Name:
Telephone No.
some yca: s ago that Canada's past was full
of exciting stories that just had to be told.
In the last two years they have produced a
record alhtirn for kids. called IGG'S PIG, and
have had a songbook entitled TOUCH THE
PIONEERS published by Waterloo Music.
They have appeared at numerous festivals
and concert halls inside and outside their
native Ontario.
"One of our most satisfying experiences
was performing to an American audience in
Connecticut. We told them our version of the
War of 1812, and to our suprise, they loved it !! "
Tickets for this show -are available at the
Goderich Recreation Department, The Huron
Historic Jail and The Tourist Information
Booth in Goderich.
Puzzle for
1. Location of Family Fun Day, Sun., August 10
and the Fair Aug. 15 and 16.,
3. Malabar of contestants for 1986 Miss
Dungannon Fair.
6. Animal in Pulling Competition at Family
Fun Day.
S. M.C. for variety concert is Brian ,
9. the will leave the United Church
corner at 12 noon.
11. A draw will be made for a 7 -piece
12. B,M.X. - Riders will perform at the
fair at 6 p.m. on Friday and 2 p.m. on
2. Old
4, Outdoor cooking for.7Family Fun Day.
Kids up to age 14.
5. Denise - is the 1985 Miss Dungannon
7. Ann May and her trick horse,
will entertain at 3 p.m. on Sat., Aug. 16
at the Fair.
10 of baked goods. at 3 p.m. in the
Complete this puzzle correctly and bring to
either Family Fun Day, Sun., Aug. 10 or to the
Dungannon Fair, Fri. and Sat., Aug. 15 and 16.
Deposit the puzzle, complete with your name,
address, telephone number and ago, in the
box inside hall. Draw will be mytdo pt 3 p.m.
at the outdoor stage, for 3 special children's