HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-08-06, Page 10i PAGE 10--GYODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1986 Ti��rn&Countr cLASSI CLASSIFIED RATES & DATA: ' tiEAOtsES: N...JI 12 NOON TUESDAY. Too late to classify; ads will be accepted until 2 p.m. Tuesday for Wednesday publication. ' IRD LA$S1H k tT 1 '4.50,min.. 22 words 204 ea. additional word _thereafter. Consecutive Insertions: 2 con- secutive insertions, '4.00 ea. 3 or more con- secutive insertions '3.50 ea. In Memoriam; '4.50 min. plus 356 per line of rhymed verse. Card of Thanks; '4.50 min. 25 words plus 66 for each additional word. Public Notice; '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors; '30. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion. Drawer Number; '3. first week, '1. each additional week. Prompt Payment; 506 discount per week for word ads paid in full at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at 5:00 p n, ) Display -Classified; rates available on request. a.ate a l 1 f, 7 1iJR«'E 1,. - To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE -OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 AM-5:OOPM 524-2614 Address mall correspondence:, CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderlch Signal - Star, P.O. Box 220, Industrial Park, Goderich. N7A 4B6 1. Articles for sale AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, limo and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- meyer Plumbing, and Heating, Kingston Street,. Goderich.-1 tfar PATIO SETS - 40% off or more. Wide selection. Warehouse open Friday and Saturday. 71 King St. W.. Forest, Ont. 519-786-4405.-22tf . E 1- Articles for sale FOR SALE • Hardwood slabs, 11 cords to the truck load $130.00; Mixed wood, 11 cords $105.00 delivered. Phone 529-7302, 7 a.m. or after 10 p, m.--30 3112. VERTICAL 132- VERTICAL WINDOW BLIND 8' wide x 4' high with adjustable louvres, in excellent condition, $95. 524-4779. -31,32 ELECTRIC RANGE in good condition, asking $100. Phone 529-7614.-32 USED CAST-IRON bathtub; 24" electric stove. Phone 524-7900 after 5 p.m. -32 FARM FRESH, tasty, juicy and crisp fruits and vegetables. Priced Right! Come to the new Smith's Farmers Market, one mile east of Goderich on Hwy. No. B. Open 7 days a week. Phone 524-9522. Look for the White Stallions, your sign•of value.--32ar PEACHES, apples, plums, potatoes, apple butter at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. 524.8037.-3ltfar GLEANER K combine with pickup header, can be seen at Hackett's Farm Equipment or phone J. Block. 529.7624. -- 32 , 33n x RECLAIMED BRICK for_ interior 'use, mahogany doors with weiser knobs, bathtub, old windows, large dresser, large fan. 524-7888.-32nx OVEN READY chickens, five to ten lbs. $1 .00 per Ib. Chicken parts - thighs, wings, legs, breasts and halves. Phone 524-6427,-30tfar FRESH CAULIFLOWER & BROCCOLI WHOLESALE PRICES Other Procluce in Season VISSCHER FARMS 3 miles West of Exeter on Hwy. 83 1-237-3442 OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAY GET YOUR WINTER WOOD IN. Good hardwood 'slabs in truckloads approximately 8 cords for on- ly $135.00 delivered to your door. Call before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. 529.7642 or 357.2838.-- 29,30,32 --- ---- SINGER - for authorized sales and service, sew - ;ng machines, vacuum cleaners, ports and no- tions, service to all makes and machine rentals. Gens- Sewing ,Centre now.. located at 56. The Square, Goderich 524-8431.-40areowtf DUCHESS COOKING APPLES also eating apples and early peaches, plums, apple butter, potatoes, and field tomatoes. Bellview Fruit Farm 524-8011.-32tf ANIMAL OR BIRD PEN, 12 ft. x 6 ft. x 2 ft. small mesh wire, 2x2 cedar frame, new material, two months old, $20.00; Mastercraft 8 H.P. 24" two stage snow blower, run only eight hours, electric starter, wheel chains, $800.00: 524-7647.-32 CARPET - used, brown pile, jute backed. Ideal for cottages, playrooms, etc, $5.95 per sq. yd., 20 sq. yd. pieces. 111/2' x 17'. 524-7660.-32,33 STEREO FOR SALE, receiver, turntable, 3 speakers. Best offer. For further details call 524-4302.-32,33 11 3. Garage sole/Yard sale SATURDAY, AUGUST 9- Lionel Reeves, Conc. 10 m Ashfield Twp., 3 km. west of Belfast Corner. New 8 h.p. motor in lawn mower, 1985 16 h.p. 4wd , JapandSe diesel tractor - 6 implements, new washer, 20 cubic foot freezer, excellent clothing, etc. -32x 9. Automotive C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY % mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades COMPUTERS Sales and service. accessories, monitors, printers, paper, books and magazines. C W COMPUTERS & SUPPLItS (KINCARDINE) LTD. 732 Queen Street, Kincardine, 1.396-3114.-17tf MOVING SALE Relocating in Auburn Jack's Refinishing & Antiques 73 Hamilton St., Goderich 524-2796 TE -EM FARM GARDEN CENTRE Lots of geraniums and bedding plants still available FARM MARKET Large selection of fruits & vegetables Including NEW POTATOES, BROC- COLI, CAULIFLOWER, 'CUCUMBERS, PEACHES, and OUR OWN TOMATOES, SWEET CORN, pick your own or ready -picked BEANS, and PICKLING CUCUMBERS. R.R. 1 Bayfield r T ELEPHONE ROAD 482-3020 s TEEM DLP OFARM I nnq�r RAYFI, L OUNTY RD. 13 Open 7 Days A Week IRON RAILINGS, custom built from $11.00 per foot, also gates, fences, straight and spiral stair- ' cases. Phone Gord's Welding 482.5216.-29.32ar- QUEEN ANNE dining table, buffet,' 5 matching chairs, 1 'arm chair. Best offer. Phone 395.5007.-32x • PICKLING CUCUMBERS $9. per bushel or $2. per six -quart. Phone 529-7615 after 6 p.m. -32 PICK YOUR OWN or Ready Picked picklinc cucumbers, and green & yellow beans. Te -err Farm, Bayfield 482-3020.-32 HONEY. NEW CROP, No. 1 white available now Your containers or ours. Alec Ostrom, RR3, Clin- ton. 482-7287.-32,33 1980 GRAND PRIX, well equipped. Asking 56000 or best offer. 519.524-4260 between 1 p.m. - p.m•.-32nx TENT TRAILER, $350.00. European tent, 9.x 12 $120.00. Sailboard, like new, $600.00, or swag for ?? 524-9012.-32x 2. Motorcycles for Sole 1970. HONDA - 350 cc. In good Call 529.7421. -27tf nx 1983 HONDA V45 Sabre, 750 cc, 12,600 km, new in 1984, water cooled, engine guards, must sell -52300.00. 524-6828 after 6 p.m.---28tfnx GIANT DOUBLE YARD SALE - Saturday August 9, 19 Victoria St. N., Goderich (corner Ef Newgate St.). Large & small items, furniture, aby toys & clothes. 7:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. -32x I'. 1 condition - $350. 1985 YAMAHA FZ 750, excellent condition, low mileage. $3800.00 certified. Call 565.2408 after 5:00 p.m. --30,31,32 1978 HONDA 550 cc, bags, fairing, trunk, AM/ FM radio/cassette, best offer. 524.2241.--31-34 POOR- MAN'S SPORTSTER, 1986 black Suzuki Savage,. excellent condition. Call 524-6486 any time. -32,33 3. Garage sale/Yard sale SWEET CORN at Falls Echo Farm across from Falls Reserve Conservation Area, Benmiller. Please call ahead for large orders. Will deliver to Goderich week of Aug. 11 - 15th only. Phone John or Cory Kuipers 524.4459 for information. -32 5 f4.P. heavy duty rototiller in excellent condi- tion, also Green Machine trimmer, hardly used. ' Phone 524-4513.-'-32x GARAGE SALE - Saturday August 9, 8 a.m. at 9 Raglan East.-32nx YARD SALE - Saturday August 9, 1986, 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon at 27 Suncoast Dr. E. Assorted household items, numerous other articles. -32x LITTON MOFFATT MICROWAVE oven 3 years old, digital touch controls and clock, large 1:4 cu, ft:N Gen, cast 8700., asking $350. Phone 524-9190.-32 41 ACRES SECOND CUT hay, West Wawanosh ai`eaf, Phone 524-6913.-32 GARAGE SALE Saturday, August 9 9:00 A.M. *Bicycles •Tables eFurniture •Baked Goods •Much More at MAITLAND COUNTRY CLUB - Cars frtr %rile 1 1980 MONZA 4 cylinder, automatic, excellent condition, only 93,000 km. Asking $2450.00. ruOI, J 524-9133.--31,32 1979'PONTIAC PARISIENNE WAGON,' air condi- tioning, power brakes & steering, automatic, $2100.. certified. Will negotiate. Phone 524-9853.-31-33x 1979 OLDSMOBILE Custom Cruiser Station Wagon, 350, V-8, power steering, power brakes, power windows, air, 524-7660.-32,33 1974 VW BEETLE, clean throughout, ,must be. seen. Certified. 524-7415.-32,33x 1976 SCOUT 4WD, automatic transmission, good condition, reasonable. 524-2510.-32 1978 'CHRYSLER LeBARON, 1977 Ford Granada Ghia, owner will view all offers. 524-8586.-32,33x • , 1978 FORD FAIRMONT, only 60,000 miles! Body, engine, interior in excellent condition. Certified. Very reliable. Call 1-395-5928 evenings.-32nx 6. Trucks for sale 1976 DODGE VAN for recreational purposes. Will sleep 3. Call 524-2776 after 5:00 p.m.-31-33nx 1980 JEEP CHEROKEE, well maintained, 2 sealed beam headlights. Phone 524-8793.-32nx DODGE VAN - 6 cylinder automatic, finished in- side, best offer, as is. Phone 524-6876.-32 1977 GMC SUBURBAN, excellent shape, all round solid truck, 350 cu. in., trailering package, but, has never been towed. Recently certified. Air, tilt wheel, cruise control, rally rims, power steer- ing, power brakes, power back window, like new tires, with hew spare. $3,000, firm. Serious inquiries only, Phone 524-2275.-31;32 1975 FORD COURIER truck, new paint, driven doi ly $1,050.00 as is. Phone 524-4591.-32x- 7. R.V.'s for sale MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE - Saturday August 9, 8:30 a.m. Stove, household articles, everything plus the kitchen sink. 39 Br,uce Street East. -32 LARGE GARAGE SALE at the red born'in Soltford, - Aug. Thom 8 a -.m. - 12-rroon,-Cupboard• doors, finished and unfinished, and hardware, bikes and many more household items. All very reasonable.-32nx SATURDAY AUGUST 9, 130 Bennett St., Goderich, 8:30 a.m. Dishes, vacuum cleaner, floor polisher, waffle iron, electric kettle, tools, books, knick knacks, lots more. -32• YARD SALE at 224 Mary Street, Goderich, Satur- day, August 9 at 8:00 a.m.-32 YARD SALE Miscellaneous household items and collectibles. 113 Quebec St., Goderich.-32nx GARAGE SALE three families, 96 West St., 8 a.m. Saturday August 9. A little of this and a little of that.-32nx YARD SALE Friday Aug. 8, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Satur- day Aug. 9, 8 a.m. to 12 noon. Three families. H.O. Jerry, RR5 on County Road 25,-32x SATORDAY AUGUST 9, 8 a.m. - noon, 161 South St., Goderich. Kitchen table and chairs, dresser, and other items. -32x SATURDAY AUG. 9, 101 Picton St. E., 8 a:m•. until 2:30 p.m. Kids' clothes size 8 to 12, Adults' clothes size 8 to 16, gomes, toys, books, knick knacks, etc. -32x • 18 FT. MASTER COACH House Trailer, three way fridge, stove, toilet and canopy. Phone 524=7547:-21';22tfnx _...._........ . - .._. .- 17 FT. GOLDEN 'FALCON, toilet, 3 -way fridge, stove, oven and -furnace. Sleeps six. Good condi- tion. Asking $1,900. Call 524-7758.-30nxtf 1976 DODGE Maxi Van, finished inside for camp- ing $2,500.00. Von can be seen at 22 Oxford St. Phone 524-2358 or 524-7753.-28tf 1972 CHEV BUS made for camper, good condi- tion, needs little to certify. Best offer. Phone 524-6205 or 524.2856.-31,32 Not replacing a faulty exhaust system could cost you extra time, In convenience... and money. That's why when you bring your car in for routine service, we check your exhaust system. And if we spot trouble, we recommend only quality Walker mufflers. They're engineered to match your car...and to last. Feel free to ask for an exhaust system check any time at no charge. We're your neighbourhood muffler experts. Walker mufflers and pipes instaiied by: GODERICH AUTO $ALES & SERVICE 268 Bayfield Rd. Goderich 524-2131 .ASK ABOUT OUR LIFETIME GUARANTEE! 10. Pets for sale 20' 1973 TRAVEL TRAILER, sleeps 6, excellent shape, large fridge, furnace, double sink, 3 burner stove, 3 pc. both, lots of storage, easy to haul, dual wheels, sway bars, different layout, new awning, only $4500. 524-2273.-32 25' 1975 eALVACADE Travel Tfailer, sleeps 6, ex-, cellent shape, separate rear bedroom with dou- ble bed, fridge, stove, furnace, 3 pc. bath, 4 burner stove with oven, asking $7100. or best of- fer. Can be seen at Lake Huron Resort, formerly Huron Cliffs. 524-2273 after,5:30 p.m. -32 8. Marine ONE COMPLETE Chrysler Unit 15' Try -hull with sleeper seats and radio. 45 h.p. OutboardEngine with two gas tanks and trailer. Ready for the water. Phone 524.7547.-260nx 20 H.P. outboard Viking (Evinrude) motor, with tank, 5295. 524-4779.-31,32 - PUPPIES FOR SALE purebred Brittany Spaniels, excellent hunting stock, friendly, good with kids, 6 weeks old. Phone 524-8654.-31.33 PUREBRED SPRING5 SPANIEL puppies for sale. Phqne 395.5007; William Dickie. -32x 12. Real estate for sale 17' WOOD HALL RUNABOUT 501i.p. Mercury and 4 h.p. trolling Motor V.Hf. radio, fish finder, trailer. $2,300. 524-6889:-31,32x LASER - in excellent condition with trailer, doll- ing and tarpaulin. Asking 51800.00. Phone 529-7192 or Kitchener 745.7803.-32,33 9. Automotive DAILY CAR RENTAL Best rates, best cors available. McGEE PONTIAC-WICK-CADILLAC 37 Hamilton Street, Goderich 524-8391 Adopt the pet you've been Ifo *1 the Classifieds. PRIVATE SALE - 3 bedroom house, close .to square, large lot, quick possession, 535,000. Coll 524-9139 or 1-681-9524.-30,31,32 $27,000.00. - 80 acres bareland. Approximately 60 workable. Immediate possession. Ploughed. Loam soil. South 80 acres Lot 25, Concession 2, Culross Township. Contact: Art McGahey, Farm Credit Corporation. Telephone 519.881-1490'.-31-33 $20,000.00 - 100 acres bareland. 45 acres workable. Leased for 1986 cropping season. Non -workable partially reforested with pine. Lots 31 and 32 Concession 1, Kinloss Township, Bruce County. Approximately 4 miles east of Lucknow and 1 mile north. Contact: Art McGahey, Farm Credit Corporation. Telephone 519-881-1490.-31.33 PRIVATE SALE - attractive, economical, three bedroom home, storey and •one half. Central location. Garage and lovely fenced yard. 524.8507.-31,32 13. Mobile homes PYRAMID MOBILE HOME, 60' x 12', three bedrooms, stove and fridge included. Call collect 519-364-5723 or 832-2890:=321f MOBILE HOMES WANTED. We buy and sell. Call collect 519-364-5723 or 832-2890.-32tf Ds 16. Articles for rent YEAR ROUND HOME, 12' x 60' with a 12' x 16' sundeck and a 9' x 17 steel shed, located in Huron Haven. For -more information phone 524-7535.-32.35' 15 FT. ROCKET TRAILER. Gas stove, fridge, fur- nace, 3 way lighting, portable toilet, equalizer hitch, mirrors, awning. Sleeps six. Phone 524.7891.-32nx SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - Lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, moving, painting, clean- ing, sanders, • 3 miles East of Kincardine on Highway 9. Phone 395.2685.--421f MOTORIZED woodsplitter for rent, $40.00 per day-. Phone 524-4877 after 6 p.m.-42tfnx' FOR READY CLEAN CARPETS • I Do it yourself with Deep Steam EactractIon OLUEWATER CLEANERS 514-6231 17. Apartments for rent MODERN apartment, carpeted throughout, Phone 529=7888.-14tf BRUCE ST. - ONE bedroom apartment available immediately. 524.9433 6 • 9 p.m. weekdays. -32 BENNETT APARTMENTS One bedioom apartment available immediately. 524-6653.-32 18. Houses for Lena 1 THREE BEDROOM bungalow in Ducharme Estates in Bayfield. Available August 1, 1986. Phone 236-4230.-18tf ONE BEDROOM, carpeted, central location Goderich. Low utilities. Possession September 1st. Call evenings - Seaforth 527.0962.-32 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE to rent, available im- mediately. Located in Goderich. Phone 524-7900 after 5 p.m. -32 20. Room & board 16. For rent ROOM AND BOARD wanted immediately. Phone 524-7456.-32,33 0 23. Commercial property for rent We Sell• and Rent High quality Tools & Equipment Layman Cental e.q-u i g m e n t 209 BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 524-2659 COMMERCIAL ' SPACE AVAILABLE Standard Trust Building Call - 1-519-524-2118 24. Wanted to rent VERY RESPONSIBLE COUPLE Would like to rent home from Sept, or Oct. until May. Excellent references.- Call Windsor 1-966-2298.-32.34 FURNISHED ONE BEDROOM apartment im- mediately. 524-7456.-32,33 25. Wanted to buy WANT TO BUY: 30" or 36" natural gal. stove. Col- our - 'white. Phone 524-2776 after 4:00 p.m.-31-33nx WANTED -DEHUMIDIFIER -in good working condi- tion. 482.7508.-32 0- WANTED TO BUY - newer three bedroom home in Goderich. Pbone 524-7539.-32nx -• MESH - PLAYPEN in good condition. . Phone 524-4513'any time. -32x - • 4 $asssssassss CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. CaII Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 Garage Sale Kits! wl ./44,,),*); also included.... I, 2 Large Yard Signs Price Tags - Complete Inventory List 10 Tips for a Successful Garage Sale Available only at the Signal -Star! For more information Call: -