HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-07-09, Page 22TUESDAY • IS • '2.50 • NIGHT • • CHILDREN • UNDER : 14,.•. Fait • 50 f1KING TI4E • FAMILY • ►CL" r ' C ANP • SOWN Mitt i.• Don't miss the fun! Appearing this Friday & Saturday JULY 11 & 12 THE COUNTRY .._COMPANIONS.. More groat fun next week... Appearing July 18 t. 19 THE SINGING D.J. ilIwdys`i� taeat :.Our All Y ou Can Ea0" - NOON BtifFET...THURS. & FRI. lr. THE cooluott RESTAURANT & TAVERN �.�H 1tAYf i CD RD., 000EPIC 5244711 v PAGE 4A -- GCDL' Simi aiGNAL-STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1986 Entertainment dommUNITY CALENDAR Editor's Note:Canimunity calendar listings are offered free to non-profit clubs and ser- vice groups by the Signal -Star to publicize their events and activities for a two-week period. If you would like a listing of your group's event to appear please write the in- formation on a piece of paper, as per the listings below, giving the day and date of the event followed by the pertinent information in sentence form. The listing must be sub- mitted on Mondays .by 4 p.m. to appear in that vv eek's edition of the paper. We ask that readers either submit the written informa- tion iu persmi or mail. WEDNESDAY,, JULY 16- How to attract birds to your garden will be the subject`ad- dressed by a speaker from the Royal Botanical Gardens at MacKay Centre at' 8 p.m. No admission charge. Refreshments provided by Goderich Garden Club. St. Vincent de Paul Store, 15 -Caledonia Ter- race, good used clothing, etc. at reasonable prices. Open Monday and Wednesday 2-4, Friday 7-9 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. to noon. WEDNESDAYS- weekly euchre games all summer long at the Dungannon Senior Citizen Centre at 8 p.m. Admission -$1-bring lunch. SATURDAYS- Farmer's Market from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Courthouse Square. Spon- sored by Goderich BIA. Market will run un- til Thanksgiving weekend. SUNDAY, JULY 20- Nile School Reunion. If you haven't received a written invitation call 524-8840 (Marj Moore) or 529-7825 (Lois Lee) for information. MAYOR'S BLOOMING CONTEST- open to ,all residents and businesses in Goderich. Enter your gardening efforts in one of three categories; residential, commercial -industrial or balcony, window box. Information and entry forms available at recreation office and town hall. Phone 524-2125. Prizes and fun. Deadline June 30. THURSDAY, JULY 17- the Flower Festival, run in conjunction with the Festival of the Arts, will beheld in the courthouse, second floor from Thursday through Saturday. SUNDAY, JULY 13 -Annual Snell reunion at Londesboro Community Hall. Registration at 2 p.m.., games -3 p.m. and supper at 5 p.m. SATURDAY, JULY 19- All who attended or taught at SS No. 9 Ashfield prior to 1967 are invited to' Brookside School, Concession 9 from 2-7 p.m. Bring a box lunch for 5 p.m. Spouses welcome. Contact Phyllis Morrison at 528-6042 or Mary BEre at 524-4107. AUGUST 1- is the deadline for contributions of applied blocks -to be assembled as quilts and displayed as a permanent exhibit at the Huron County Pioneer Museum. The theme encompasses 35 years of the museum and should pertain to artifacts. Fabric supplied by the museum. For information and. ap- plications phone the museum at 524-2686. 'THURSDAY, JULY 17- support group meeting for gays, lesbians, parents and friends at 8 p.m. An opportunity to talk d• about your concerns. Call Anne at 524-4879 for location. MONDAY, JULY 21- Diabetics, families and friends -the Goderich Lioness Club is sponsoring a drop-in centre from 7-9.30 p.m. at MacKay Hall. The topic is foot care. Drop by for information. • FRIDAY, JULY 18- Bluewater Shriners An- nual Fish Fry featuring fresh Lake Huron whitefish, will take place. in Courthouse Park from 4- 8 p.m. Cost is $6 for adults and $3 fon children under 12. JULY 18, 19, 20- Colborne Township' Ses- quicentennial celebrations will take plane. Beef barbecue Saturday from 5- 7 p.m. $6,, adults and $3.50 for children under 12. Pan- cake breakfast Sunday from 9- 11 a.m. $3 per person. Advance tickets only available at township hall 524-4669, Keith Homan, 524-9895 or Leone Robertson at 5261.7520. You can meet the cast Monday evenings at Country Playhouse The Huron Country Playhousehas designated Monday evenings following per- formances at the Main Stage to "Meet the Cast". It's a wonderful opportunity to talk to' actors. Audiences are invited to stay behind, so that they may meet and participate in a brief question/answer period with selected cast members. The Playhouse's first seasonal "Meet the Cast", following a performance of CAROUSEL, brought Aileen Taylor -Smith ( Mrs. Mullins ), Joy Thompson Allen (Julie • GINE SQUARE • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PAR Lots of varlet. Arts d at festival of next weekend` Stephen Leach has many feathered friends - all wood base and resin molded. He works for Country Traditions of Kit- chener/Waterloo alternating between carv- ing and sales duties. When Leach.andthe eight to nine different types of birds, plus quail and pheasants. come to Courthouse 'Park in Goderich July 17th - 19th for the Festival of Arts and Crafts. if will be one of approximately 50 stops that the company makes at shows each year. Leach says he first became interested in carving after watching his brothers-in-law at work. "I had lots of scars at the • start," he says, adding, "it's no wonder when you consider seven different knives are required for carving" Leach has progressed to the point that one bird takes five to six hours to carve and he is often working on many at one time. his favourite is the "Working Mallard." Eileen Toews hates mice! But you won't think so if you drop by her booth at the Festival of Arts and Crafts. As owner of Eileen's Crafts, located in Wind- sor; -she now creates cute little mice com- plete with gingham hats and pretty posies. "It takes me two -and -a -half to three hours to finish a mouse on a broom," Toews says. This variety is a new idea which sells quite well according to Toews, who also makes napkin holders-. In addition, she br- ings along quite an assortment of chimes which are made by a friend. Eileen's mice are coming to the Festival of Arts and Crafts in Goderich July 17th - 19th. How about you? For more information contact Michele Hansen at 524-2125. Black Bonspiel Jordan), Paul Massel (Billy Bigelow) and Murray Oliver (Timothy) in front of the cur- tain to greet the audience. At first, people were shy; but soon the cast members were • having to confront several questions simultaneously. Agopd time was had•by all. . _ - Though .the. house is dark Sundays, the Huron Country Playhouse would like to re- mind the public, that they are invited to spend their Holiday Mondays at any of our season's performances. For reservations, please call (519) 238-8451. T EATRE • G0DERICN • 5244311 ; • • • STARTS • FRIDAY • FRI.-SAT. 7&9 • • SUN. TO • THURS. • 7:30 • • ao►�e� AVM• •. • • • • TUESDAY IS '2.50 • NIGHT • • • • • • • • • • MATTHEW BRODERICK FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF • • • One man's struggle to take it easy. •• A JOHN HUGHES ALM, • ENDS THURSDAY "BIG TROUBLE IN . • ADULT LITTLE CHINA" ��CCOMVANIMENT r••••••I•I•••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••• • 1 •• • • • • • ENDS • THURS. • • R_ UNNING •• SCARIt s & • ROCKY IV i • is a wacky comedy Y Playhouse The. Huron Country Playhouse has discovered an especially wacky comedy. in W.O. Mitchell's "The Black Bonspiel of Wullie Maccrimmon", directed by Playhouse Artistic Director, Steven Schip- per. "Bonspiel" is an outrageously witty comedy, previewing July 15 and running to July 26/Main Stage. The setting is January in the early thirties in the town of Trillium, Ontario. Wullie's team, made up of Pipe -fitting Charlie Brown, Clock Charlie Brown and Malleable Charlie Brown, take on the Devil and his team, made up of 1 a0eth,, Judas Iscariot and Guy Fawkes. For fun and adventure, see "The Black Bonspiel of Wullie Maccrimmon", in which Wullie intends to outwit and outmatch the Devil. Please call.. (519) 238-8451, for ticket information. Eileen Toews of Windsor will be at the Festival of Arts Stephen Leach carves for Country Traditions artha says -.it's tjrne toplanthe "You took a". fine little .:to., talk about Christmas, Martha!" I know, I know! But this is the time to think about .it; and get something started. While you are relaxing on the beach or in the cottage or out in a sw- ing = think about it Some of the parades have been pretty Nappy Birthday Den (Denise Mitchelmore) 1 Welcome To The "Quarter of a Century Club" You Knew I'd Get You One of'These Years! (Clavering Sends Their Regards) • STARTS FRIDAY BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:30 • jack Burton's in for some serious trouble and • you're in for some serious fun. • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • RGULT WOCiggaMPiel • • 0 • • • • • • !••0040460.40400. p aracte BUCK &DO.E For Carol Millar and Jamie--McClinchey FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1986. HENSALL For More Information Cali . 524-9692 524-8158 THE ftS 4LONO TOBRAWN .•+iii ••i• ii,iiidl+ haphazard - a tew - often_ very few, good floats and the rest last minute throw - together - and it shows! The bands and decorated cars do their best, but so few real "works of art" are showing up (or not up! The big truck beds covered with hay and children are fine too - but don't you think, there .should be more than that? Our big trouble is that no one wants to think about the Christmas Parade until the week of the parade- that is why I'm saying, "Why can't we get some floats started before it gets so cold and stormy?" Finding a place to keep a float for a month is almost impossible - but we could make things needed for a nice presentation now - or sooner - if you'd just think about it. Do you realize there are lots of people who would help to make things. There are so many older, wonderful people who have said "I would have helped - if I'd been asked." These people have made things years ago ' and would get a kick out of doing something again - in their own time at their own speed. This is the time to do the figures, frame work, new ideas while it can be done out doors or in an open shed. Did you realize a lot of people would like to create things out of papier mache? What a mess, but to see figures of animals or'Fairy Tale characters of any kind take shape is a real thrill - and these could be created now. ' One lady, years ago, got so fed up with the "no time" answers, that she took it upon herself to do something about it. Besides having people making hats and things for elves - Santa's helpers, she even bought him a decent suit, beard and all, then the reindeer as well to make make a fine showing. , It was fairly close to float time when this all happened but it couldn't be helped. The whole thing was finished in time by others :•..,E (War the sewing - and other work. This could have been started earlier if she had known that no one was planning on nice interesting floats. There was more interest after that for awhile - but it has once again bogged down - or so it seems. The parade is really for the kids - ask them what they would like to see. Some of -this work. could even be started at, playgrounds or at schddl - they are all eager to learn. So let's think about it now and come up with some ideas• - soon. I have recently meta so many people I haven't seen in a long time •'"'`. also my son Doug, Madiiine and their three grand- children artivetl in Kingsville _from Florida this week. David one of the twins said ex- citedly - "I have seen my first mountain, my first maple tree and we brought an inflatible boat too." I just hope they have a good an- chor and a long rope. Hate to see them°get lost on Lake Erie. Last Friday some older folks from Clinton ° Were in and Mamie Sutcliffe was with them. I wasao glad to see her and she looks pretty . well, She was very bright and her great Mile choked me,up. , t She asked if I remembered our trip to Ehgland and Spain - (back in the 70's)" and went to Africa, to she said. •"011, -.you couldn't have g to Africa," I said. "Yes - you didn't go win we went to Gibraltar and other places!" I had gone to Lisbon in Portugal. tier mind is so good and she remembered dancing and singing for us. Isn't that wonderful. Over 90 and still remembers. 1 knew many of you would like to know. Love you all - Martha ST. MARY'S 2ND ANNUAL Pork Barb.eque GRANT CHISHOLM'S LAWN Sunday, July 20th 4:001.M. Deticious,B.B.Q'd Cured Porn Beans and Fixin's SWIMMING POOL, HAY RIDES 'RN'fERTA�I+N IE$T: Piekln' In The Pines Children S3.00 Aduli iOV •