HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-07-02, Page 5•• Com' =nit News 6 Matthew Sproule of Brookside Public School was the first place winner of the Wingham district of the Ministry of Natural Resources 1986 poster contest, Matthew was presented with a framed, autographed Glen Loates wildlife print by Mr. Loates (right) and Andy Hauser, General Manager of the Wingham branch of the MNR. (Alan Rivett photo) Stop warehousing the elderly nursing assistants report says. The Ontario Association of Registered Nursing Assistants released an $11,000 report on health services quality for the pro- vince's 900,000 seniors at Queen's Park yesterday. The report makes eight recom- mendations for improvements to the On- tario Minister of Health Murray Elston. Up to 25 percent of the elderly in chronk, care settings could live .normal lives- in the community if proper support services and trained staff existed, says the 100 -page report. The report notes alarming gaps in care at commercial care settings for the elderly, compared to non-profit homes for the aged. The current doctors' strike only highlights the problem of a commercial, medically biased, health system, says the Association. Unduly dependent on doctors and institu- tionalized care, seniors are suffering the most from the current physician fee dispute. "By supplementing the current medical model of healthlti institutions with an ap- proach that emphisizes illness prevention, individualized care and rehabilitation pro- grams, Ontario's care of those elderly who must be institutionalized would be more .cost-effective, more productive and finally more humanized," Association President Verna Steffler said yesterday. "Frustrated with the quality of care RNAs know should be given and the quality of. cai.e we areable to'give in Ontario's medically biaSed,health system, Registered Nursing Assistants are combining forces with other care providers to recommend improvements." Goderich Legion makes donations totalling $850 • • The regular monthly meeting of Goderich Legion Branch 109 was held in the Jubilee room with President Alvin Blackwell in the. chair. Six_applicants ,fer,, membership ,in Branch 109 were initiated by Les Riley and Bob Chapman. The installation of the -Branch Secretary Gwen Moller, Sgt at Arms Don Stemp and Membership Chairman Clarence Hoy was also conducted. The Branch approved a total of $850 in donations. These donations were $500 to Jen- nifer Gowanlock to assist . her with her schooling in London, England, $200 to the V.I.P. program of the police department, $50 for two prizes for the golf tournament of the Champion Road International Associa- • tion qf Machinists .and Champion Road Machinery and $100 to the Red Cross. Several members of the branch executive will be attending a Legion Zone seminar at Clinton Branch 140 on Saturday, June 28. ' On Aug. 9, the branch will send a color party and a bus to the Highland Games in Fergus. Anyone interested in thiS trip is re- quested to contact"Don Stemp. Forty-eight veterans from Westminister hospital made their annual visit to Branch 109 on June 11 to fish aildhave a tour of the area. Following the ,ter they were served supper in 'the Jubilee room by the Ladies Auxiliary.. On Saturday; June 28 at 1 p.m. a bus load of members from Grand Bend Branch will visit our Branch. The peppy committee reports that the Port Albert ratepayers discuss erosion at the beach The annual meeting of the Port Albert Ratepayers Association was held on the ter- race at Jay Catlins cottage on Sunday, June 29 with Rick Quinn presiding. Members of Ashfield Township Council were present headed by Reeve Alan Gibson. There was a record number of new members in attendance. Also attending was Les Turbot, the general manager of the Maitland Valley Conservation Association who said the pro- vincial government had approved $7,500 for improvements at the river mouth,' Tom Orr reported his conversation with officials indicated funding would be applied to areas lathe province having greater need for assistance. - Frank Gardiner gave a comprehensive report on the history of the beach area and the status of the twin problems of erosion Bnd the keeping of the river mouth open. Den Dixon and Paul Doherty reported on the planned activities for the Port Albert sesquicentennial celebrations. Pornography is topic at UCW meeting The topic for the July meeting of Nile U.C.W., held at the home of Shirley Dustow, was pornography. Phyllis Scott presented information on this subject under the headings - what is it, its availability and why 4t is so big an industry. She had also prepared a series of ques- tions which were used in a discussion period. Several newspaper articles were passed around for the members to look over as this topic was a ,current issue before parliament at the time of the meeting. Beth Rutledge thanked Mrs. Scott for her ex- cellent presentation. The business was conducted by Mrs. Rutledge. Hostesses Ann Feagan and Shirley Dustow served lunch to the eleven members present. • NODEPECH SIONAL-STAR,'WEDNESDAY, JUIN 2, 1986- PAGE 5 GODERICH iw - KINSMEN Ot" S M'MERFEST -kThursdaY, Friday & Sattltday July 10,11 & 12 See the July ein issue of the Goderich Signal Star for more information. For Trivial Pursuit Entry Forms phone 524.6675 Kinette Trivial Pursuit Contest Sat., July 12 1:30, SUMMER SPECIAL EVENTS/GODERICH YOUTH,_PROGRAM Fundraising Car Wash on Monday, July 7, 1986 at the Arena Parking Lot 166 McDonald St., from 1t:30 to 6:30 p.m. A number of bus trips and special events are taking place this year and we need to raise some money to help keep our costs down. Children and Youth are needed to wash cars and cars are needed to be washed! Please help. support, the Goderich Recreation Depart- ' ment's Summer Special Events! • wreaths on the cenotaph this month are placed courtesy 'of the Goderich Lioness -- Club, the Ontario Provincial Police and the • Gpderich Community Credit Union. ,The, Legion Seniors Chairinam Roy .Mugford in his report stated that from June 85 to,,the end of May 86 there were 36 trips made to assist. members who require transportation. Senior members who re- quire out of town transportation are re- quested to contact the new Seniors Legion Chairman; Claire Bedard. The Branch Bingo chairman was directed to look into the cost of purchasing a new bingo machine and report back to the executive. • The _Sick and Welfare Chairman Ray Barker reported thatAhe Iran& was sad- — dened by the loss last month of Vick Powell and Reg Bridle. Cards, gifts and/or visita- tions were :bade to 19 members and Dick Eisler has been helping with the hospital visiting and doing a•good job. The branch sick board as of June 20 in- dicates that the following are now in hospital; in Bay City is Karl Lawrence; in University are Joe Thompson and Ewan Ross; in St Joseph's is Noella De Jong; in Sunnvbrook is • Percy Sheardown; in Alex- andra and Marine are HaroldHibbert, Stan Hadden, Bernice Bedour, Eva Smith, Irene. Todd and Bea Dowell; in Parkwood are Jack Kempson, Lorne • McAndrew, Bill Michie, Joachim Quellete, Murray Tennant, Anna Wells and August Schmidt. HIJIMPTY all,TTY 99 200g.Pot�to HUGGIES Disposable $1 0 3 4 Diapers Newborn 66's • Medium 48's, Large 33's NOVO • Children* Chewable $ 2.. Multivitamins • 100's PEPSI or .7 -UP 2 L. Bottles HI DRI 894 each Paper Towels • , • or \) $1C99 case of 111 GERBER BABY FOOD PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING PROPOSED OFFICIALPLAVAMENDMENTSD PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENTS AFFECTING THE TOWN OF GODERICH TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich will liold 0 piddle' meeting on Triesday, August 5th, 1986 at 7:00 e„._m. tn the CoOncil Chambers to consider two proposed official plan amendments under Section 17 01 the Planning Act and two '1 glojiosKidiir' iffendMeriLsribriddr Section' 34- of the•Pianning Act. . .. . The amencirm ntsare as follows: " • . , (a) Official Plan Amendments 1. A change Is proposed to Section 3.3.5.(3) of the Highway Commercial policies to permit the establishment of large commercial space users in the Highway Commercial designation subject to certain criteria. • 2. A change In designation from "Industrial" to"Highway Commercial" Isproposed for Part 9, Plan 22R-1172 to peril* the establish- ment of a furniture store. (b) Zpning Admendments 1. A proposed zoning amendment to Bylaw 38-1985 corresponding with -number 2 above would change the zoning of Part 9, Plan 22R-1172 from "Light Industrial -"Holding (M1 -H)" to "Highway Commercial (C3.8)" to permit a furniture store only. . 2. A proposed zoning amendment to By-livii 38485 would Menge -the zoning -of tots.1238, 1239, 1254 end 1256 of R.R 457 (Kinsmen .,... Centre on Keays St.) from "Minor Community Facility (CF1)" to a special "Minor Community Fatility (00t-4)" to permit the establleh- ment of a psychiatric out-patlent clinic In the existing Kinsmen building. • , . . . . „ . .„., . • , . .. , , • ' ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation •either in support of or in opposition to the . . proposed official plan amendments and zoning changes. . . . ' • ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed official plandmenciments and proposed zoning amendments Is available for Inspec- tion during regular office hours at the Town Cleft's office In GoderIch. , DATED AT THE TOWN OF GODERICH THIS 26th DAY OF JUNE, 1986. , Larry McCabe • Clerkgfeasurer Town of ,Goderich 57 West St GODERICH, Ontario N7A 2K5 (519) 524-8344 3 FOR • • nn. Photofinishun In before 3 p.rn....Same day service -NAK4MORA. 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