HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-06-11, Page 20PAGE 20--GODERICH-SIGNAL-STAR, WEDNESDAY, JUNE "11, 1986 .,Q 0 SEAFORTH .Dust oft the Square on East Street, beside the Post Office. The Best aR 'EA .Oroetlnp Cards °Partly Warm •ONIca Supplkko .mks ST Gaits Ryyeddlnyl Stationary DENOMME FLOWER SHOPPE INC. Phone 524-9132 yen Agent for 24 hr. FILM DEVELOPING 19Miggf See the Limited number of tickets available. CALL 527-0520 We've moved our store from 56 Stanley St. to Proceeds to Huron County Big Brothers and Sisters CUFFLINKS FOR DAD , Andrew Irwin Ross, son of Burns and Ruth Ross graduated from the University of Windsor on June 8. Huronview salaries go up 12 per cent OPENING Thursday, June 12 ?%bHA54' Salaries for Supervisors at Huronview will increase approximately 12 per cent over the next. three years as Huron County council passed the new salary proposal at the meeting on June 5. The salary schedule, which will be in ef- , fect until 1988, will see the assistant ad- ministrator position, at the top level of the schedule, go from $32,734 to $36,686, a 12 per cent increase over the next three years. The chief engineer's salary, will rise from $27,508 in 1986 to $30,836 in 1988. Both the housekeeping, laundry and social ser- vices supervisor and the food supervisor's .salary will also go from $27,508 to $30,836 m 1988. All these salaries .represent a 12 per cent increase over the three years. The stockkeeper's salary will rise from $23,660 to $2G,156 in 1988 which is a 101 per cent increase over three years. Registered nurses at the facility will get 12 per cent raises phased in aver three years. At the top level of the salary schedule, a registered nurse's salary would go from $31,044 in 1986 to $34,996 in 1988. The nursing director at Huronview, at the top end of the salary scale, would be paid 11 per cent more over the next three years. The salary .would increase from $34,424 in 1986 to $38,376 in 1988. The assis- tant nursing director's. salary would rise .from $32,734 this year to $36,686 in 1988, an increase of 12 per cent over three years'. Constable Robert Plunkett, of the York Regional Police Force graduated from the Ontario Police College on June 6. Rob is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Plunkett of Auburn. Check Out Our Great Specials Just in time for Father's Day! A COOL INVESTMENT in home comfort that saves energy and accents decor with attractive designs to suit any lifestyle. Tie Bar & cufflink sets in Mother -of -Pearl $890 THF, GRLIE H R®CM 44 ONTARIO ST. STRATFORD e oder+ich Vamp & &an ceentre 38 Hamilton St., Goderich 524-2288 Brenda Bolton, daughter of George and Joyce Bolton of Goderich received her Bachelor of Arts, Honours Degree in French at the Spring Convocation held at McMaster University, Hamilton on Saturday, May 31. Brenda will be working toward her Masters Degree at McMaster where she has been of- fered a full teaching assistantship and a McMaster Graduate Scholarship. ; Architect answers questions about Sherwood Forest Lodge Architect Nicholas Hill and A.J. Sherwood attended. the June 3 meeting of West Wawanosh Township Coimcil to present the proposed development of Sherwood Forest Lodge for council's comments and questions. in other business council decided to apply to the Ontario Minister of Housing for a grant for an Ontario Home Renewal Pro- gram (OHRP), a program of forgiveable and repayable loans to' fund home im- provements on a geared to income basis. The clerk is also to contact Inspector Larry Struthers of the Ministry of the En- vironment to have him attend the July meeting of council in regard to ad- ministrative procedures at the dump. The dump's supervisor will also be requested' to attend the meeting. The Lucknow clerk is to be notified that councillor Rhea Hamilton- Seeger has been appointed the second representative from West Wawanosh to the Arena Board. Council passed the rating by-law to cover imposition of special rates on several township properties to cover loans for tile drainage. The road superintendent received four - dealers' quotations for a new mower for grass cutting whiwore re c nodd and discussed at length. Council decided to advertise in three local papers for one week for tenders for cutting roadside grass during the current summer. 'Road superintendent George Humphrey also reported that reconstruction on the Col- borne - West Wawanpsh boundary road was underwaY and council discussed the ques- tion of where to obtain finer B gravel for ap- plication over the rough initial application. Council agreed to grant the sum of $1100 to Blyth and District Community Centre board for the year and made a grant of $150 to the Auburn Community Memorial Hall Board to assist with necessary updating of the water. system.. REDPATH GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR ■i 5 Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates 101/87° Annual Interest Rate subject to change NATIONAL TRUST A Division of National Victoria and Grey Trustco 100 Kingston St., Goderich 524-7361 Mtg. bag EMA HOTD B1NS OR 0•S ■I COTT SOFT DRINKS h.er .-._, BAKERY WHITE OR 100•/. WHOLE WHEAT SUNSHINE BREAD 45on ■I easy open cans 0019/119119/1 GA, .69 ENGLISH MUFFINS .11911Ln 100'. 6152 WHOLE\WHEAT BREAD .79 w14Talr5 toae� �. .99 FLAN CAKE^ HO501SS ASSORTED SNARES OR 4000 24/u POTATO CHIPS 71 TTTTTT Saoml SOUR CREAM NUNT•S TWIN 11 PIC" .A.T SPAGHETTI SAUCE CHRISTIE, GRAHAM W AOIS OR 0000 GRAHAM CRUMBS DREAM WHIP ^°9 OLAD 0,000 OR LARGE 1 0 suNpAc PINK OR WHITE 1111LEMONADE � MOM'S SOFT MARGARINE 11 5 ib. tub '1.79 SQUIRREL 1.79 PEANUT4BUTTER N1D or lot .09 5000 11' .49 FREEZER BAGS ' CLAD 1 MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE Ooz1 Jar 199 TANG FRUIT DRINKS 3'5 0520 1109. .99 . GARBAGE BAGS 1.59 PRIMO `F11D VEGETABLE OIL TIDE DETERGENT 4.99 UDUIR IL SUNLIGHT DETERGENT 2.39 31104. 2.99 1.19 WISK DETERGENT GOUIO n 7.59 IMAM ]51r.lain KOIL WRAP O 11111AT1R ain't vu InsO DOG FOOD Gla cmlcpeetT o°Ta I0E9 Svo Stow DrSlNayf Ur lh4Lius' WEED ti• FEED DEL MONTE VEGETABLES 7.491-- lun101 or adult non or room., 1 M GIBE TOOTHBRUSHES .99 9111117 WUml SANDWICH SPREAD MITCHIISY MTV 10 APPLESAUCE 111111,101011 919m1 LEMON JUICE CARNATIUNI% 309,1 EVAPORATED MILK r- 1.39 .79 1.89 1.59 1.49 .69 FARM HOUSE CREAM PIES 9ronen.ass't 9109. 1201. 1 ▪ 19 r frozen - 12oz. tin. a tRI Genuine Imported Stoneware IIIPRESSIOP 110 dol. 0140'4 • 0•9r,waw•er R 01;110141441? S.H.• 5 -Piece Place Setting .` $ Ullh neer, Ir1211, meat bail or turkey a chicken 2402. 1 PURITAN STEWS 1.391 In Purchases urcases orange pekoe - 60's onr 1 urc ries n, RED ROSE TEA BAGS 1.9,91 ,MAN. 01.•,0 A.. •.r,v+ n.., n. 2.39 2/1.00 12.99 fancy assCase cost t war- 12/12.14oz. tins 15 VRI/ RM.( &TOR BAND-AIDS 1.39 * 0°111119MTLe119'9 MUOO.19 4 000091/16 OR 1000 CHICKEN BURGERS 2.79 WITH THIS EMA COU CLOSE-UP TOOTHPASTE _4 red or green 10om1 FEATUREPRICE WITHOUT COUPON .99 PON COUPON moo VALUE J ONLY coupon media Only at EMA until closing auks 14th, lyes 9 321 PROD. OF U.S.A.-CAN. NO. 1 CANTALOUPES PROD OF U S A ONT NO. 1 SWEET 1 74kg. LARGE GREEN PEPPERS .7 gib. PROD OF U S A -CAN NO 1 3 51kg. SEEDLESS PERLETTE GRAPES 1 °59111. PROD OF1U.S.A -CAN. NO.1 CORN ON THE, COB PROD OF USA .-CAN NO 1 PLUMS PROD OF USA. ROMAINE LETTUCE 3/.99 2 62k 1.19111. e 79.0. CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF SIRLOIN STEAKS SCHNEIDER'S CELLO STEAKETTES 454g 1 pkg. SCHNEIDER'S pop. 004..1700 SANDWICH MEATS .99990. Dell Department Features MARV MILES PRISM DELI SLICED I 42/1000 COOKED HAM 1.89/111. SCHH11D1R'f FRESH DELI SLICED .44/1009 B.R. BOLOINA 1.99/111. ECHNEIDSR'E FRE H DELI SLICED ...14/ 000 SALAMI SAUSAGE 3.79/111. SCHNEIDER'S FREER DELI SLICED .0421009 THURINGER SAUSAGE 3.79/Ib. 26e110kl4 161160010100 PRODUCE MANAGER'S SPECIAL (,,�..ng, Jaws . -----. ll 1451111 requirements roll'e Pleen .nett .0111.155100 Jmle i4, 09118 !w 9rA91LU4D1 ThOyhe9JnOreupLlMlled .e 9.51911 Ins111 hltoIlmll qu6nUUe5 n n r91 VICTORIAST. . N. Hwy. No. 21, Goderlch (Formerly J.M. Cutt Red & White) 8.58/kg. r WITH THIS EMA COUPON COUPON 00 LUE I•. SCHNEIDER'S BUCKET O' CHICKEN 30.0 lbon/.U1p00k4 99 nooD 1411114 6upPlIOl last Ltoucan sand Only ht CMA until tle.in9 Jun14. 11=00 00001,/55 0010105 CUT 212 REMOVED 5.971110 ROUND ROASTS • 9.24/90. T-BONE STEAKS BONELESS FULL OR OUTSIDE CUT 5.49/k0. ROUND STEAKS /101151055 0101,010 TIP 5.71/20. STEAKS SCHNEIDER'S 4509 WIENERS SCHNEIDER'S BENT BRAND 5000 SLICED SIDE BACON BONELESS A LEAN STEWING BEEF BOX PLANTS tArune rniee wiflibut rbleb 5,99 4.19/kg. 1 2.49nb. 4.19/111. 2.49/11. 2.69/Ib. 1.79p)ta. 2.29psg. 1.09/111. NIr glk HOURS: OPHN DA/iLYI 9.6 THURS. f. FPI. 9.9 SUNDAY 10-6