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Exeter Times, 1915-11-25, Page 5
r. '.l!i1TtiRSDA,Y•, NOVEMBER 25th, 1015 3011540,' MaeataturanenO(CatafaalsatettOte-tttravatcsanniaalrefette f ti �^Hers! • . pre.anoz,00,01r.•0100000•100.00.00000 Woven Wire Fence �M beloi'll ,i�is�in��dfactl<]li ers Prices, either Peerless o Mon- arch makes, buy at once as these prices will not last very long, 0 Wire Fence 28c per Rod 7 " " 25e 8 .1 i, Cedar and An©itr posts 10,000 Cedar Posts on hand —also Anchor Posts. Lumbev ane' Cement Let nee quote you nxy low prices on your Lumber require- ments, whether large or small orders. Also Cement, A ..9 CLATWORTHY ORANTON EF. T auto = Chicago FOR O,FII TAGO • leave Toronto o.00a.xn. 6.00 pm, And 11.00 •p.m. daily Toronto -Montreal ;FOR MONTREAL Leave•Toronto 9.00 am, 8:30 p m., and 11.00 p.m. ,daily t_ , • !quipment the finest on all trains. T'ANAMA-PACIFIC ECPOSITAONS ' 'Reduced fares to San Francisco, Los )Angeles, and San Diego AST'. . A Por Lth a rid Children. Itrar Use Forvert 3 Ireare .A1w nye bears r �,.t' y�"d', . ' i' •, !'i,'�•riatu a of AC -i" .c+y ... i ••• v •• )/�CE!ffRAL OCIFIA OM, ONTARIO'S E El 't BUSINESS COLLEGE E3 Ouri instructors are experi- enced. Pupils get individual attention and graduates are placed in positions. We are re- ceiving applications we cannot meet:..- Students may enter at any time. Send for our fiee catalogue and tee if it interests you. D. A. McLAOHLAN, PRINCIPAL, IAle:=,Ott3lt`,as7'0atatrineseseesare s, 40, 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 r 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 •err ie Ultif(U(alliifilitlll i1141i1111(fiiflllflmWIt1imiuiil(tl11iliininninm1111119 "Here is the Answer; irl WEBSTER'S 1 NEW INTERNATIONAL ___ THE MERRIAM WEBSTER Every day in your talk and reading, ist home, on the street car, in the olilce, shop and school you likely question the mean. of some new word. A friend asks: g- — "what makes mortar harden?" You seek thelocation of Loch Katrina or the pronun, — elation of Jujutsu. What is white coal? — This New Creation answers all kinds of =— questions inLangaage,I•listory,Biography. Fiction, Foreign Words, Trades, Arts and Seicnces, with final authority. 400,000 Words. G000 litustratione. ! Coit $400,000. 2700 Pages. �,�t,� The only dictionnrywitit i = the new dividedpanc,—cher- acteriied as "A Stroke of, ocnins." = India Paper Edition: On thin, opaque, strong, India paper, what a satis- 'Webst to own a forms' 1 ght = and so Convenient to pee l One half the thickness and weight of Regular Edition. ene Regular Edition : On strong book paper. Wt. 14y lbs. Size l2% x ?Mx Cinches. iwlid'fstl�aticaso ni'acmpsges, Mention this phblloattoa' and recotve r1tIM& sot of pocket maps. G. &C. MERRIAM .CO., Sprtngffeld,Ma:.s. ,.feeee ltilneninusinlun time. Crediton Mrs. Fred Crawley and Mrs, • tteo, Teenier anti family of Detroit, are visiting their parents illr. and 'Mrs, Fred 1'itbel'. tlfiss Gladys • Diawbinney of Exeter le, visiting Meek Irene ;M+lwh teney,t. ti',i:•,ssrs Ed and. Ben Bertrand of .Det reit,. t,. visitetheir mother who is 111 ni: 'present. nil, and 'htrs. Ben Miner. and Mr. and airs, Sant Eilbee; have returned to their ihozuiss in WAY, .11/Bch. Fred, Ars. lssrael *eolith- end- son 11 c d, have returned to their hone. in Hain i.tton. • They 'were ,acoonepaniod back by- Master Darold •1rinkbeiner, who has been visiting relatives z(a town. D1r. Geo.* Eilber, • of :Philadelphia, spent ,a few days in towia with ret- e lives. �Iiss Elsie •Irienzle, !attended the r u s - :Centralia, J` e fowl •supper at ext. rnlfa , on day evening. • Died -net her home here on Thurs- day, Nov. leth, .Dorothea Eilber, rel- ict elict of the late Samuel Link, at the age of 50 years, 11,- months, 2 days The funeral was held from her late residence here, on Sunday, November 21st, Interment taking place to the Cemetery here. tile is srtrvive . lay h.r daughter Plla, five brotbers, Sam- uel. Ben land John, of (Jbly. tleort*e of 'Philadelphia, andhenry of town, also four sisters, Mrs. lserirand of town, Mrs. 'Smith of Ilaluilton, sirs. Scott. of .Philadelphia and 'Mrs. King of Exeter. We express the •deepst sympathy to the bereaved remits:: G'Ii,EENWAY J12r. John Brown's health is slowly Improving. The women ore busy working for the 'Bed (Cross; A.'.he Epworth League held a social evening; last Friday night, Alias tae Wilson is expected to re- iitru heli from Toronto this week.: •Mr. and Mrs. F. lefoilard visited their daugle..:r Mrs. 0. ,Let. Wilson re- cently. 51r. I'rr,=y Eggat's ,daughter, .Eva, spent +.,everal weeks under. the par- eiitzl roof. •i lee Stephen Township S. S. ,Con, vention will meet is Crediton Evan- gelical church the 1st of December. elev. Pentland will (D.V.) preach a missionary sermon in the Methodist church Sunday, 28th at 2,30 p. Come and hear. hinne • 'Word has been received-,£roxu Jonri Sherritt, Ex. M.P. that he and 'Mrs. Sherritt are comfortably settled in Gt elph. Their many friends wish them success. They will be missed in the Methodist church here.. Several attendedethe funeral of the tate Mr. Abram. Nichols from the home of this son William to Parkhill cemetery last Wednesday; Mr. Nich- ols had !reached the ripe age of St, years and 7 months. lairs. T. Failis is to be congratulated In the high percentage of her teacher training 'class in -the •recent examine - nom; The ,examiner, Rev. Langford, at Toronto, speaks very highly of their work es 'a class. , 'nee,. Bowen gave a very earnest and inspiring address in (behalf of the Bible Society in Grace churchnon Sun- day... Revs. Ferenc and J. E. 'Cooly assisted in the opening excrcises1. There was a union "choir. Miss'lvL. Hayter presided lat the organ,, — r► iWRALEN Mlles Myrtle Squire spent last week here with her sister, Mrs. Hector 01t llson. The newly married couples returned home from their honeymoon on.,Tues- day evening. ' e .0 i, J. V. 'DZiIIson is offering his ft;ne farm here tat Whalen for ;sale, com- prising 160 'acme. Mr. Samuel Gunning gave a birth- day party to a °number of friends on Friday evening last., As is customary at this time of the year there are lots suffering 'from colds and sore throat. 'Mrs. Alfred iGunning, who has been living at Woodham has moved onto her farm on the 10th(; of Blanshard. Threshing will soon be wound up around here now. Both, machines will again finish about_ the sane time,Mr. George Squire and son Frank; use finishing up the large improve- ments they !have tbeen putting ,on Ithe barn rat the1Cossencc property. John Peart Usborne -has sold his fine farm of 150 nacres to %fr., George Earl for ta. very handsome figure. Mr. Peart will 'retire from farming. ten • sExs 1411 Miss Edna' Geddes spent' last 'week vislting ivith Miss M,• Armst'rotig near llensalle 'We are sorry to note that /little Miss Stella Northcott, daughter of Mr. and yrs. John Northcott, is at present' confined to the house ovith an attack of appendicitis,,:. rice W.m.`:!Chapman 'recently pax- chased 75 acres of grass land ,on • the 4th concession frons` the Canada Com- ,ianyr Mr. Itt. Tinney 'also ptarchas- ,•d a grass harm from the saane com- pany a short, time ago.y -. • • .r: THE. •. X.ETE.R TIMES MOVING' ON PHISTINA Big Battle Before Serbian Cap" ital Is Imminent Decisive Victory of Serbians Over the Bulgars at Leskovatz is Confirm.. ed by ,Serbian Minister at Athens -Bulgarian Army Fled in Die - order to the Itfor'ava River.--Urit- islr Are lt'7ow in Monastic. . LONDON, Nov. 23.—The Bulgar- ians are approaching Pristina from two sides, a,'id a. decisive battle on., 'the historic Kosovo plain is intmin- eat, Pristina is the principal city of this region, and was the Serbian war capital for a short time after the Government fled from Nish and Mit- rovitza, ' Despatches last night say that the Government is at Pristend.. Four Ministers of the Entente pow- ers are also at Prisrend. The report that the Serbians have won an important victory over the Bulgarians near Leskovatz, on the Nish-Salontca railroad, 25 miles south of Nish, is corroborated in a despatch received yesterday in Paris from the Serbian Minister at Athens. The message says that after a battle of several days, in which the Bulgar-` ians sustained .enormous losses, the remnant of their army sled in dis- order to the eastern bank of the Mor- ava River. A Daiiy News despatch from Ath- ens, filed Saturday, says: "Bulgarian troops have ceased their attack from Prilip towards Monastir because they fear Serbian troops at Katchanik will advance and encircle them." Despatches from Bucharest to the Italian press say that British forces have arrived at the Serbian city of Monastir, and are being reinforced. Road conditions delayed the advance of the Bulgarians against Monastir. Whether the Serb -British force can hold out Iong- is doubtful, but an optimistic note is sounded in a Reu- ter Agency despatch from Athens dated yesterday. According to the correspondent, persons arriving from the front describe the situation as less sombre than reported. He adds: 'The Serbians are retreating in perfect order, and have lost no pris- oners. The guns captured by the Bulgarians are old pieces of little value, and a thousand pieces of artil- lery remain in the possession of the Serbs, whose morale is still good. The ultimate issue depends upon the timely arrival of the allies' forces. The German army commanded by Gen. von Koovess, which was report- ed Saturday as having advanced from Ruske, on the Ivan, where the river crosses the southern boundary of Old Serbia, to 13. anja, north-east of Novi - Bazar, has taken the Iatter town, ac- cording to the German official state- ment issued yesterday. Novi -Lazar is a little over six miles south-west of Raska, on the Raska River, a tribu- tary of the Ivar. Meanwhile the Serbian army which was operating in the north-western corner of the old sanjak of Novi Bazar has effected a junction with the Montenegrins, and apparently has withdrawn with the Montenegrins across the Lim to Montenegrin soil. An official Montenegrin statement an- nounces that the Montenegrin and Serbian forces are holding against heavy attacks on the Lim, and that the Montenegrins in the sanjak have been compelled to retire to their principal positions of defence, pre- sumably in their own .mountains on the left bank of the river. The withdrawal of a body of Ser- bians to Montenegrin soil does not mean that the whole Serbian army in Central Serbia has been driven off its own territory, for Mitrovic, connect- ed by railway with Uskub, where the road joins the Nish-Salonica railway, is still in Serbian hands, as also is Pristina, south-east of Mitrovic, and east of the railway. ANOTHER DRIVE COMING. Artillery Activity on Western Front Points to Big Push. PARIS, Nov. 23. -Reports of the French fighting along the western - front, disclosing the• faet that lively- artillery ivelyartillery actions are taking place at many points, is believed to' be signi- ficant. The French, it is thought, are planning an important movement for which the artillery actions are a pre- paration. The official communique yesterday dealt chiefly with the artil- lery activity, and the War Office an- nounced later that there was nothing to add to this previous 'communica- tion. It was a similar and heavy artiI- lery preparation along the western front which the French employed be- fore they made their great drive late in September and broke through the German lines in the Champagne dis- trict, driving the enemy back to their second lines and taking thousands of prisoners. This was an offensive movement that extended all the way from the North Sea. to Alsace. The village of Loos, mentioned in yes- torday's official statement as being in ND i MACH TROUBLE, the vicinity of the extremely lively GASES OR DYSPEPSIA' artillery actions whicb • are now tak- ing place, was captured by the French at tbat time. ' During that drive the "Papa's i7iapepsin" makes Sick, Sane British reached the outskirts of Hut- Gassy Stomachs surety feel fine luck, which is: also named in the let- in five minutes. est olnci.al French, statement as one of If what you just ate be souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate soar, undigested food, or have a feeling, of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, b,ad taste 'n iuouth anis stomachheadache, you .ail get blessed relief in Ave minutes. 'ut an end to stomach trouble forever y getting.a large fifty -cent ease of, 'lne's'Diapepsin from any drug store. eu realize in live minutes how need - et. it is to tearer from indigestion, 'repsia or any etornach disorder. ?vie rnicieest, surest stomach tioo. the world: It's wonderfal. the points at which artillery fire is now heavy. New Anglo-Ciznadien Service. BOSTON, Nov. 23,—The ixiaugura- tion of a new line of, trans-Atlantic steamers under the direction of. the France and Canada Steamship Co. was announced here Saturday night., :The new service,, it is said, would be maintained by ten vessels, including the Carpathia and Ultonia, formerly 'of the Cunard line,• and - others• of nearly equal tonnage. Transporta- tioli of horses for the allies' armies in I9uropo will be a princtpni feature of the service this winter, after the port of Montreal Is closed by ice,. .I11 Ni.:A.1'4e 1 very beet; but in spits: of this timer" efre. :i;laxl^., tlttji,on )Tas. been In • was a Inrge 'turnout. After supper t ondon in attendance upcxz leer motile or who Is emit° ill./. Mr. end (Mrs. Jati Simpson have re- turned after spending the summer in the west. Hair. Walter liabku'k hes also. returned. . The *owlet! tare collecting inforzria- tion +itz t•cfcrcrnee to hydro :and it is ei;peeted the people witi be given the privelege of esttressing thi in - selves, Word was 'recently received here of the death of Mr's, J, ,C, 'Clauson, which took place in Duron, Sask.,. on Sept, Idth,,., With her husband and fame lly she left Hansen. about twelve years ago: The deceased. was 01 years of age and leaves a husband, • four sons and One 'laughter.! - • - The anniversary aeih'ices of the Methodist ciiurcb were held last Sab- bath and were quite sucoessfnl large congregations being 'present. at both the morning and evening • services: The pastor, Rev. Mr. Knight conduot- ed ,the services and preached splendid sermons. •SpC(illtl Mbel° was render' ed fby the their ,assisted by Xis iltae. soloist of St. Marys. 'Carmel :Presbyterian' church held it very successful feint supper in the basement of the church Iasi Friday evening. The weather was not the THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FRES; FROM DANDRUFF Girisf Try its Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful -Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine. It you care for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a feverishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. a Surely get a 25 -cent bottle of Knowlton''s Danderine from any drug Wore and just try it. en aiXeeilient Looncert was given in tire lauditoriume .5fr. J. '1i, Camerae. ,entertainer from Toronto, 'assisted in li thon/e ajarogranr. land gave ,geed saxisfae- Mr. James i3onthron passed peace. `. levelly .away at his name' in this vile lege on Monday evening of.Jas t week lfe.lad not enjoyed good health ter t'he past yeare lie was one of the honored pioneers of the toil nsliip ill [faytand 'did itis part in convertingP th` n a: xs sr.L o. the :Leapt o Huron rola f f o .1 l y qui primeval forest into comfortable l,ornesteads. 'Mr. I3onthron retired., from bis farm. on the 2nd *concession '; 1 of flay a few years ago, since. which i *lime bo has r sided in elernalle, 110 3 was about Iii years of ego land in his , earlier years was a remarkably ro- 1 bust and native plan. lie was a man of 'strong 'convictions, of strict integ rity ,;and was respected and trusted by fait 'who knew time He took a deep 'interest In tree sonry end witty secretory of . the lodge here for 33 years, Ile was assesnor of Ilay tp for many years also. sanitary inspect, tor;: The funeral elves condueted t:o- der D.tasornc auspxoes op Saturday last. DASIIWOOD Miss Dorn. Kraft left for Linton, where she will stay for ,sometime:,. ')'Messrs M. Mcisaac and R. Armts- trong of London spent Sunday with relatives. Miss A. Z'inkbeiner, who has been sick for the past weeks. ,has 'resumed her duties. A surprise party was given fir. and Mrs. Wes Engeland by vii, young people of town. They were present- ed with u kitchen shower. Everybody reports a good time, On Saturday of last week Mfrs. Bender passed away at the home of her !daughter, Mrs. ('Rev.) Grenzebach at the age of 77 ,years.. About three weeks ago the 'deceased came from her home in Listowel to visit her daughter and about a week before tier "death she suffered 'a paralytic stroke; The remains were taken to Exeter on Monday and from. there were shipped to Listowel, the funeral being held MTednessiay afternoon. 11* rau3 at ,rai keg ster,iu MFG. Co” zU IRrcnr AIL•. E. 'Deaver is laid up with aur attack of appendicitis. Sirs, 'John Geiger; of Pigeon, is visiting rtt rba tome of 1.3fr. John Gas:nal at . 'own. Mr, G. Herber, Jr., ,and wife tare visiting the former's Winner in Ind- iana for a Sew xrt eke. llonxe+ of elr. .,nil Mrs. I)aeid Gingerieh.,'Goshen Line, South was Tho liatennieli cent ramorl+t 'for. inet'-^Mintode. rtaelnel tfararnews, nerfrien,, nen tiatistio ,.; civ cc ItT ALL pPUi.'elsTs, or tr mai COLL!NGWOOc3, ONT, l'+ east into deepest gloom en ,ineveau;ber 11th; wilen their only daughter ',nine passed no at the sige' ni 11 YSlxra and three months. 4$1,t:a was 111 for only a few weeks and, hopes were entertained for nee ciixnpletc' r,eoov ery- but the su.tnntons;. en me 'Isueldenly on Tleursd:,y, tubureihl,ar rktexti ng'itis' laving the :immediate ca.uae of 'her death.. , ! SISTER READ MY -E'OFFER. I sin a Ironical. ( ! I is now a o•'unon's trials, ; 7 know her neat of sympathy ancl.heip, if you, my sister, axe unhappy because of ill, health, and feel unlit for household cliittesi, social d'easures, or daily employment, •s, rite and tell ist how you suffer, and •isle for Imo y tree ten days' trial of a home treatment tt>d your nee.,.:, Frith references to ,Canadnut 1 ,c bo.gla 11y tell hoer they have regained health, strength, and lsnppt e•as by its use. I scant to tell you all about this Successful ticthod of home. t ,. t:recut for yours. -If, my rem x, for your (laughter, your sister, or your mother.. 1 want to tell yon how to cure yourselves at 1t?'me at triflin • cost, and .without aid from anyone, Sten cannot understand wwnea'9- suleriugs; -twat we women know from exper- ience, -we 1i110W better than any doctor; auzd thousands has." proved there is hope even for the Hopeless in ink. method inu. suffer frons pain In theof KoBeade, abtreatment:aci.; or bswif yoets, feeling of weight and dragging down sensations. falling or displacement of internal organs, bladder irritation with frequent urination; '• obstinate• constipation or piles, pain in the sides regularly" or irregularly, bloating or unnatural enlargements, catarrhal conditions, dyspepsia, extreinq nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy, desire to cry, fear of .something evil about to happen, creeping feeling up the spine, palpitation, hot flashesweariness, sallow complexion. with dark circles :under the eyes, pain in the left breast or a general feeling that life is not worth riving. I invite you to send to -day for my complete ten days' treatment entirely free and, postpaid.., to prove to yourself that these ailments can he easily and nwely conquered aty err own." home, without the expense of hospital treatment, or the clangers of au operation. Women. everywhere are escaping the surgeon's knife by knowing of my simplemethod of home treatment, and when you are cured, my sister, I shall only ask you to pass the good word along to some other sufferer. My home treatment isfor all, young or old. To Mothers of Daughter$,: 1 will explain a simple home treatment which speedily and effectually cures green,s,ckness� (chlorosis), irregularities, headaches, and lassitude in young women, and restores thein to plumpness and health, len me if you are worried about your daughter. Remember It costs you nothing to give my method of home treatment a complete ten day's trial, and if you wide to. continue, it costs only a few cents a week to do so, and it does not interfere with one's daily work_ Is health worth asking for? Then accept my generous offer, write for the free treatment suited , to your needs, and 1 will send it in plain o -rapper by return mail. To save time you can cut oat' ' this offer, :nark the places that tell your feelings, and return to me. Write and ask for the 'fr. 9., treatment to -day, as you may not see this offer again. Address : • r 1l slim. CZ:INIERS, Box 841 , • • WINDSOR, ONTARIO.: WAR LOAN DOMINON of CANADA ISSUE OF $50,CC0,600 5",0 BONDS MATURING ist Dec., 1925 REPAYABLE AT PAR AT Ottawa, Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria INTEREST . PAYABLE HALF YEAR LY -1st JUNE, 1st DECEMBER. ISSUE PRICE 972 A FULL HALF -YEAR'S INTEREST WILL BE PAID ON 1st JUNE, 1916. THE 1}'ROCEEDS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PUR1•OSES ONLY, In the event of future issues (other than issues male abroad) being made by the Government, for the purpose of carrying on the war, bonds of this issue will. be accepted. at the issue price, 97%, plus accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash for the purpose of subscriptions to such issues. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers here- with on behalf of the Government the above named Bonds for subscription at 97% payable as follows,— Jo per cent on application, q " 3rd January, 1916, 20 at " ist February, 1916, 20 '' " 1st March 1916, 20. • " ist April, 1916, 20 1st May, 1g16, T he instalments may be paid in full on and after the third day of January, 1916,underdiscount at the rate of four per cent per annum. All payments are to be made.to a chartered bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. Failure to pay any instalment when due It ill render' previous payments liable to,.forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. • Applications, acccmpanied by a deposit of ten per cent of the amount subscribed, must be forwarded. through the medium of a cbartered bank. The bank will issue aprovisional receipt. This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada and both principal and interest will be a cbarge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Forms of application may be obtained from any branch cf any chartered bank in Canada, and at the .office of any assistant Receiver General in Canada. Subscripttcns must be for even hundreds of dollars. .In rase of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be applied towards payment of the amount due on the Japuary iustalme►,t. Setip certificates payable to bearer will be issued, after allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts. When the script certificates have been paid in fall and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money, they niay be exchanged for bonds with coupons attache& payable to bearer or registered as to principal, or for fully registered bonds, without coupons. Delivery of scrip certificates and of bonds will be made thrcugh the chartered banks. The interest cn the fully registered bonds will be paid by cheque, v hich will be remitted by post. -' Interest on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender. of coupons. Both cheques and coupons will be payable. free of exchange at any branch of any chattered bank in Canada. , Holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds with coupons, payable to bearer or registered, without payment of any fee, and holders of bonds with couFons will have the right to convert, without fee, into fully registered bonds without coupons at any time on application in writing to the Minister of Finance. The issue will be exempt from taxes -including any income tax—imposed in pursurauce of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada. The bonds 'with coupons will be iss.ued,in denominations of :$100, $500, $1000. Fully registered bonds without coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000, or any authorized multiple of $5,000. . Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges, The loan'will be repaid at maturity at par at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or at the cffiee of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetoetn, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria. The. books of the loan will be kept at the department of Finance Ottawa. Eieccgnized bond and stock brokers will be allowed a Commission of one-quarter cf one per cent on allotments made in respect of applications which bear their stamp, Subscription Lists will close on �r before 30th November, 1915. Finance I)e aartinent, Ottawa, 22nd November,' 1915, 0 100000104,404000 err