HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-05-28, Page 141 1 PAGE 14 -GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1986 9. Automotive DAILY CAR RENTAL Best rates, best cars available. McGEE PONTI AC -BU ICK-CADI LLAC 37 Hamilton Street, Goderich 524-8391 We can install the muffler you want... at almost any price you want, too. TOP -quality original equipment type mufflers, high -per ormance Red Line Z to economy Royal Scots. Every one is built to Walker's high standards. And built to last. See us to get the right muffler at the right price - Walker. And stop in soon tor your free, exhaust system inspection. L./Ault' ami 0f Walker mothers and pipes Installed bre .iii r a NISSAN o GODERICH AUTO SALES & SERVICE Zea Soyfletd Rd.. Ood.rld, 524.21.31 ASK ABOUT OUR LIFETIME GUARANTEE! 1 1 BEAGLE HOUND, registered, female, seven mon- ths old, all shots. From Champion breeding stock. Homemade doghouse included. Phone 524-9852.-22 ' 10. Pets for sale 1 GOLDEN RETRIEVER pups. Registered. Shots and dewormed. Ready June 5th. Phone 887-6673--22,23 - SIX SIAMESE KITTENS, chocolate point. Phone 529-7382.-22nx 11. Livestock for sale 17. Apartments for rent t 1 MODERN apartment, carpeted throughout. Phone 529-7888.-14tf TWO BEDROOM apartment, Saltford, modern both, $27V)0 per month plus poy own utilities. Coll 524-2111 for further information. -190 ONE BEDROOM small apartment, new broadloom, very tastefully detorted, fridge and stove included. Immediate possession. located downtown, 1 year lease required, no pets, references required. $295.00 per month plus utilities. Reply to Goderich Signal Star Drawer No. 8, Box 220, Goderich, Ontario N7A 4B6.- 2otf FREE ADVICE with every do-it-yourself project supplied by Moffatt and Powell 295 'Bayfield Road, Goderich. Our quality building supplies will see you through every renovation. Phone 524-8321, Don Ethelston of 216 Sunset Dr., Goderich has won his choice of a fiberglass ham- mer or a hall light fixture. -22 12: Real estate for sale 1 1/2 ACRE treed corner lot in the country, 21/2 miles east of Lucknow on Hwy. 86. Price $6,900.00. Phone 357-3591 or 357-3712-15tf PRIVATE SALE - Large two bedroom older home on quiet street in west end. Gas hot water heating with fireplace. Full basement. Excellent buy with room to expand. Phone for App't to view 524-9214 after 5:00.-22x 1 P i € - •Serviced Lakeview Lodge with beach access •Easy Terms Kelly's Korner 524-6230 OUR ICE CREAM is worth the drive. Our sub- marines are becoming famous. And we hove everything from soup to nuts and bolts. We're open Sundays too - noon to 6 p.m. Come on over. Tom Moore of RR 4 Goderich has won two sub- marine sandwiches from Carlow General Store RR 5 Goderich 524.6079,-22 FOR RENT Bluewater Manor, one bedroom apt., adult building, all utilities including cable, fridge & stove, carpeted throughout, 3rd floor walk up, controlled entrance, laundry facilities, 68 Suncoast Drive East, phone 524-2315 18. Houses for ren 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE - A real nice Marlette Home 63 x 12 with a 21 x 7 expando at 6 Cherokee in Meneset Park Goderich in excellent condition. Phone (519) 271-7965 for an appointment to view. Makes a lovely permanent home. -19-22x YEAR ROUND HOME, 12 x 60 with 12 x 16 sundeck and a 9 x 12 steel shed, located in Huron Haven. For more information phone 524-7535.--20-23 FOR SALE: Mobile Home (14' x 68') with addition, in Meneset Park, nice location. Call 524-6212.-22,23 THREE BEDROOM bungalow in Ducharme Estates in Bayfield. Available May 15, 1986. Phorie 236-4230.-18tf THREE BEDROOM carpeted home in Saltford. Available immediately. References. Call Seaforth 527-0962 evenings or early morning. -22x 26. Help wanted 1 SURVIVAL Through Friendship House of Huron County requires occasional relief staff, human service experience required, Knowledge of fami- ly violence issues an asset. Apply to: Laura Mullin, c/o Survival Through Friendship House, 133 McDonald St. Goderich, Ontario, N7A 3N5.-22 MIXED BUNCH of flowers, 6-8 stems, $4.00 this week's cash and carry special. Brighten so- meone's day. Dixie's Flowers and Gifts 166 Court House Square 524.8761. Mrs. W.J. McIntyre of 304 Mary St. Goderich has won a long-stemmed rose. -22 STOCK UP $1.50 off any Redken retail hair pro- ducts, any size. We offer a full line of Nair care services for men and women. Isabel Gilby of 182 Britannia Rd. West has won a $10.00 gift cer- tificate at The Hair Affoir 53 South St., Goderich 524-4279,-22 MODERN THREE bedroom house dose to downtown schools and beach in Kincardine 30 minutes from Goderich $450.00 monthly. Call after 6 p.m: 1-396-3190.-22, 19. Rooms for rent FULL TIME help for farrow to finish farm. Phone 345.2337,-22.24 ONE LEADER and one supervisor for Summer Playground at St. Joseph's School, Kingsbridge. Apply in writing to St. Joseph's Community School, "Summer Playground", R.R. 3 Goderich, N7A 3X9, by June 12.-22,23 ---- STUDENT FOR part-time gardening work. Telephone 524.2542 or weekends. -22 GDAMR requires occasional and weekend sup- port workers. If you are interested please send resume to Maurice Ambeault Community Living Co. Ordinator, P.O. Box 527, Goderich, N7A 4C7.Closing date June 6, 1986, 4:00 p.m,-22,23ar ROOM AND BOARD for senior citizens. Large rooms or housekeeping rooms. ,Call 482-5208,-12tfar • ROOM FOR RENT, available immediately. Phone 524-2796.-22 16. for rent SMALL EQUIPMENT RENTALS - Lawn and garden, concrete, automotive, moving, painting, clean- ing, sanders, 3 miles East of Kincardine on Highway 9. Phone 395-2685.-42tf 100 ACRES OF FARM LAND. Phone 529-7888. -51 tf 21. Cottages for rent MOTORIZED woodsplitter for rent, $40.00 per day. Phone 524-4877 after 6 p.m.-42tfnx SPRING CLEANING and gardening keeping you too busy to cook? Let Colonel Sanders do the cooking. Cliff Sturdy of 123 Quebec St. has won a dinner for one. It's our taste that makes us famous. Kentucky Fried Chicken 94 Elgin Ave. E. 524-7359,-22 F f, RE Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction BLUEWATER CLEANERS 524.6231 We Sell and Rent High quality Tools & Equipment Laotian 'Rental eCl rnent 204 [MITSELD RD., OOpERICH 524-2659 • TWO BEDROOM cottage wanted in Goderich- Bayfield area - for one or two weeks in August. Call 524-8889.-19-22nx OFFICE ADMINISTRATION PERSON: hard work- ing, conscientious person required to commence work June 30. Bookkeeping, cashier, office routine and miscellaneous" other duties. Min. wage first three months while training then T.B.A. Must be quick and accurate and willing to work until the job is finished. Apply Jervis Photo Inc., 130 Isaac St., Clinton NOM 1L0.-22 CAREER IN TRUCKING drivers needed. Now I. the time to train for your claw "A" license. For pra-",,,e, ie,,e• Interview and lob placement information contact: Mery Orr's droop. 1-100.265-1960. 26. Help wanted PARI-MUTUEL STAFF for CLINTON RACEWAY 12:30 - 4:30 Sundays JUNE 8th - SEPT 14th Can: I: X482-3315 27. Wanted (general) NEW ITEMS for consignment needed, hand knit items, sewing, spoon racks etc. For more infor- mation phone 524-2288.-22 • NEEDED - a good practice piano, in a church, school or your home, required two or three times weekly, during June, July, August, in the Goderich or Kingsbridge` area. Please reply to Drawer 13, c/o Goderich Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. N7A 466.--22,23x 28. Business opportunity 1 WANTED •Coaches • Assistant Coaches •Managers and Trainers • Interested Individuals for the 1986-87 Goderich Minor „Hockey Season PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NOT REQUIRED Application forms Available from the Goderich Recreation Office or by contacting , Bryan Hoy, President Goderich IMinor; Hoc! _e y Inc. at 524-8347 LAKEFRONT COTTAGE, two bedrooms, tranquil setting, ten miles north of Goderich. Must be seen to be appreciated. Available August 30th to September 27th. Call Pat at 529-7701 after 6 Y m -720 WANTED TO RENT: July 20 to 26, family of four, near beach and launch. Call 519-352-4237 or R. Lernout, RR 6 Dresden, Ont. NOP 1M0.-22 WANTED TO RENT: Lakefront cottage North of Goderich to Point Clark last two weeks of July. J.C. Durnin 416-236-2564 days. -22,23 23. Commercial property for rent 1 TO RENT approximately 400 sq. ft. suitable for of- fice or retail space, former location of Peaches N Cream, close to Square available immediately. Phone 524-7312,-22,23,24 24. Wonted to rent WANTING TO RENT house in the country for the months of Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. Call collect 416-2761 Doug Gilmore Ex. 261,-17-24 ONE •OR TWO BEDROOM apartment in Goderich required by July 30th, Senior female, quiet, non smoker. References. 524-7589.-20.23 START A NEW CAREER BE A Wedding Consultant For more information call.: 235-2434 (Days) 229-6383 (Nights) SINGLE PROFESSIONAL male wonting to rent one -bedroom apartment in or near Goderich, im- mediately. Phone 524-8498 after 6 p.m.-2otfnx 25. Wanted to buy WE PAY TOP PRICES for antiques and collec- tibles. Also buy partial or complete estates: Call 519.396-4387,-09tf USED MASON preserving jars all sizes, no Crown jars. Phone 482.3186.-22 WANTED USED apartment size washer and dryer. Call after 5 p.m. 524.8801.-22tfnx SECRETARIAL/SALES If you , have a minimum of 5 years secretarial experience, but are a little nervous about becoming a Sales Representativel -Skeoch - Business •t Equipment wants- to talk to you. We' believe that a successful sales per- son in our industry can come from a secretarial background. We are prepared to teach you the selling skill's. We have the leading products in the In- dustry and are prepared to invest in your future. All applications will be kept strictly confidential. Inquiries: Al Beange Skeoch Business Equipment Goderlch, Ont. 524-8652 30. Employment wanted 26. Help wanted BOOKKEEPER - Receptionist part-time, Saturday work required, experience with computer do asset, Apply to Drawer No. 03 Goderich Signal - Star, Box 220, Goderich`Ontarlo. N7A 486.-18ff MATURE HOUSEKEEPER COOK for elderly cou- ple in their residence on the lake /bank In Goderich. Please phone 524.6051.-22 RETAIL SALES. Permanent position available im- mediately for mature persons in local retail business. Applicants must be available during daytime hours and 1-2 evenings. Please send all details, education and qualifications to Drawer No. 10 c/o Goderich Signal -Star, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ontario N7A 4B6.-21,22ar CERTIFIED MACHINIST and Toolmaker required. Please send resume to Box 1479 Kincardine, Ont. NOG 200.-22 30. Employment wanted MIDDLE-AGED reliable lady would like work looking after elderly person. Will do some nurs- ing also cooking & cleaning. Coll 526.7554,--22 STRAWBERRY PICKING CREW Needed Also Crew Leader TE -EM FARMS R.R. #1, Bayfield 482-3020 CAFE MET -DIET Lunch Special - soup or tossed salad with your choice of sandwich $1.99. The Met Store, Suncoast Mall, Goderich. Louis Stadelmann of RR 4 Goderich has won a mon's wallet from the Met Store. ---22 WILL CUT LAWNS for summer. Call after 4 at 524-2776, ask' for Jimmy, 22,23nx MATURE STUDENT, handy and reliable, for any household repairs, wallpapering, carpentering, electrical or plumbing work.... Looking for sum- mer r employment. Please phone' 524-7787.-22,23x FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 524-6482. Free estimates. -02tf MASONRY, stone and carpentry work. Specializ- ing in brick pointing and chimney building. Free estimates. Foi information cal! Ston Kirkham 482-5305. --- 030 MACLYN CAR OILING - a way to bent rust. Used and new oil or combination of both: dusted after being oiled. Starting as low as 512.00. 1 1/4 miles north of Ar berley, west off Hwy. 21. Look for the signs. Also available now - driveway,seal- ing, parking lots, marking. Mon. ,- Fri. 9-5, Sat. 8-12. 395-3352. -- 15-47 CUSTOM BACKHOEING - drain, repair, erosion control, cellar drains, laser, Call Frank Postill 482.9101 . -15tf LIVE MUSIC FOR all occasions. "Main Street West" would like to perform of your dance or reception. Live music is the best music. Reasonable rates. Please call Hudson. Warr 524-2144, Arlene Darnbrough 524-2035 or Phil Main Jr. 524-4777 after 5 p.m.- 16tfnx WEEKLY SPECIALS on. your Commodore Computer at Granger's TV Ltd. C64 Keyboards $199.95. Paul Hamilton of RR 2 Goderich has won 10% off pur- chose of computer software from Granger's 92 South St. 524-8925.----22 - WE CAN REPAIR your damaged tapes - cassettes, 8 -tracks, reel, all low rates. Call Don at 524-2777 or 524-8422 or drop off at 48 East St. (Rear) Goderich. David Bray of 138 Rich St. Goderich has won a voucher to have 2 tapes repaired for the price of one. -22 J HOME WRECKERS BUILDING DEMOLITION "NO BUILDING - NO TAX" FREE ESTIMATES 524-2418 - - - - r1MO. Mrrrtasrrr-= 1 HELP WANTED DRIVER/SALES Expanding national company re- quires four driver -sales people to work the southwestern Ontario area. Earnings from 012,00 TO 018.50 PER HOUR depending on ex- perience and aptitude. For personal interview phone: MR. BERRIE London (519) 681.0081 between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. EXPERIENCED person required to do spring house cleaning. References required. Call after 6:00 p.m. 524.8420.-22nx Required Immediately, MECHANIC Class "P" - Farm Equipment, experience preferred, also small engine, eaLperten- ce would be an asiet. Call for an appointment. DON DUFF SERVICE MANAGER 482.3409 H. LOre 6 SONS LTD. ARTICLES FOR SALE CLEAR SWEET WATER! New Technology for treating water at the well or sistern offering well to faucet pro- tection throughout entire water system. Rusty...Smel• Iy...Bad Tasting...woter, bacteria, staining, chemicals and more, No Solt or Messy Chemical...only 494 a day to own & operate. See the results for yourself with our PERSONAL. 6 -month Trial Offer, If you want Better Water for Bet• ter Country Living...call 1.800-268.2656 or write Water Purification Systems No. 203-1030 Kamato Rd. Mississauga, Ont. ' L4W 486. Serving Ont. from Thunder Bay, Cochrane, Sudbury, Ottawa, Kingston, Mt. Forest, London, Mississauga, Muskokas.-0-22 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BE PART OF this great little town. Retail shoes, clothing, fabric.., Established clientelle. Terms: negotiable. Creative. Vanderhoof Dept. Store. Box 249, Vonderhoof B.C. (604) 567.2311,-0.22 10' x 10' GREENHOUSE $149. 1000W Metol Halide $175. Plus 10,000 gardening products. Great prices. Send 52. for Info -pack. Western Water Farms, 1244 Seymour St., Vancouver, V.C. V6B 3149 (604) 682.6636--0.21,22 STEEL BUILDINGS. Miracle Span Spring Sole. Example 32 x 40 51742., 40 x 100 59,138. Other sizes to choose from. All buildings are complete with doors. Coll toll free 1-800.387-4910.--0.22 STEEL BUILDINGS LIQUIDATION: Various models, ex- airil7t6 30;45.0 wit., a , ' de Lica: $4,800. Sizes .,p to 120 It. sl: wide. All pricesfor immediate clearance. Call 1-800.387-8148 ,or (416)828-6262.--0.22 NORITAKE CHINA Shop -al -home service. Start or add to your set with terrific discounts on all recent pat- terns. Please specify your Noritake Chino Pattern name & number. For price list, shape reference guide, and shipping details, send today a stomped self- addressed business envelope 10 Just Noritake, 158 Wanless Ave., Toronto, Ont. M4N 1W2.-0-22 USED STORE ISLAND & Wall shelving, glass shelving, showcases, counters; steel adjustable shelving, pallet racking. lovers New and Used, 254 Adelaide St, S, London, (519) 681.2254, Mon -Fri 9-5, Sat 9.12,-0-22 STEEL BUILDING relocotion sole - We aro clearing out old stock • Save thousands. We won't be undersold. Phone -Pioneer Sales Deportment collect for informa- lion,(416) 678.1585.--0-22 LIVESTOCK ONTARIO SIMMENTAL WEEKEND, June 7 8 8, Markham Fair Grounds, Markham, Sales for: JL Forms, Shelburne; Double M. Forms, Stayner: Ont. Classic Consignment Sole: Harkaway Simmentals, Markdale: Kildevin Simmentals, Goderich; Faust Forms„ Southampton: Double U Simmental, Woodstock; Cherry Lane Simmentals, Puslinch: Maple Ayr Simmentols, Alton; Sutcliffe Select Simmentals, Napanee; Chamfarm Simmentals, Hastings. Offering 116 lots, 7 bulls, 22 pairs, 51 breds, 34 opens, 1 em- bryo. 1.3/4 female. June 7 11 om. show; 1 pm. 10 day sale; June 8 11 am, 2nd day sole. -0-22 ONT. CLASSIC SHORT HORN sale, Sat, Jun 14th, 1966 1 pm., Exhibition Grounds, Peterborough, Ont. 53 high quality herd bulls, foundotion females from Ontario's top herd bulls, louedatlon females from Ontario's top, herds 8 popular blood lines. Catalogues: Ontario's Short Horn Club., c/o Murray Pimmett, RR6, Peter- borough, Ont. K9J 16X7 (705) 748.3331,-0.22 , CHAROLAIS FEMALES - 18th Spring Sale, sponsored by The Ontario Chorolais Assoc. Sat, June 7, 2 pm., Car- son's Soles Arena, 1 mile east of Listowel on Hwy 86. Contact Barb Rintoul(519) 357.3079. HELP WANTED TRAIN FOR A JOB with a future...with Trl.County Truck Driver Training. Job 519 ch assistance available. Kitchener 720 King E., ( ) Brant- ford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756.0223.-0.22 MA CHERIE Home Fashion Shows, Est. 1985. Join our r. sluccessful family of independent representatives In presenting quality lingerie and leisurewear at in- home parties for women. H's Lunt It's Easy! It's pro- fitable! For more information call collect (416) 632.9090 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.-O.22.24-_�- PRINTER WANTED • General printer required for small plant on beautiful Manitoulin Island. A wonderful place to live. Manitoulin Printing, Gore Boy Ont. POP 1140 (705) 202.2808.-0.22 - DATES GALORE: For all oges & unattached. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquain• tances, Coll toll free 1-800.263-9163 Hours Noon till 8 , p.m.-O-22tf AUCTION SALES MAY 31ST, 12 NOON, Auction Sale of over fifty late model rebuildabte cars and trucks. Schneider's Auto Wrecking Ltd., Rostock, Ont. Call (519) 393-6169 or (519) 595.8365.-0.22 ONTARIO'S LARGEST Form Machinery Consignment Sale. Norwich, Ont. Fri. Jun 13/86 10 am, (Sales con- ducted second Fri. each month). Approx. 150.175 trac- tors plus all types of farm equipment. Consignments welcome. For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (5191 424.9093. Proprietors K.S, Hamplecki & Sons. -0.22 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1986 guide to study•at-home correspondence Diploma courses for prestigious careers: Accounting, Air-conditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretory, Psychology, Travel, Granton (SA) 263 Adelaide, West Toronto. 1.800-268-1121.--0.22 C- AREER CANADA COLLEGE. Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton. Dental chairside assisting, medical office lab assisting, hotel/restourant management, travel careers. Day class 8 home study. 385 Yonge St., Toronto M5B 1St (416) 977.7797.-0.22 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 hours of instruction. Next class August 9th to 16th. For information contact Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering (519) 469.3936, (519) 537 2115. P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ont. NOJ 1M0.-0-22 P- IPE LINE WELDERS. Training facility opening in Canada. Limited openings,available. For enrollment fees and schedules contarl Pipe Tech, Box 771, Lind- say, Ont. K9V 4W9.-0.22 COMING EVENTS FIVE DAY CRUISES on Rideau Canal & Trent•Severn Waterway. Beautiful scenery, carefree relaxation, private stateroom, delicious meals, Brochure Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7 (705) 748-3666.-0-22 MISCELLANEOUS DO YOU KNOW a "Good Kid" who deserves an award for community service, bravery or courage in over- coming a physical limitation? Nominate them for an Ontario Junior Citiren of the Year award - contact this newspaper for details. --0.22 -- FREE HUNTING, Fishing 8 Camping Catalog (55 value), Send your expired hunting or fishing licence (Photocopy acceptable) and S.I.R. will mail a free 372 page (over 6,500 items) 06/87 Sportsman Catalog. S.I.R. Mail Order Dep.,. 141,11;963 Burrows Ave., Win- nipeg, Man. R2X 2V6, Offer expires Juno 30, 1906,-0-22 CUSTOM! YACHT BUILDER: Young dymanlc company building 42' luxury sailboats requires experienced boaibuilders and woodworkers to join our growing team of professionals. O.C.V., 666 Victoria N.. Hamilton, Ontario. LBL 803 (416) 529.2558.-0.22 PANTYHOSE/PERFUME/COSMETICS, 2nd largest con- tumoble Item In a woman's budget. We're a new con- cept In easy direct selling of top quality Merchandise. Pantyhose in 36 colors, 25 heavenly fragrances plus o total make-up 8 nailcore line, all at 50% o4f retail prices. Spore•time/fulltIme. Commissions sales of 20%.30%. Extra easy. Income of several hundred dollars per month. Excellent repeat business, The stocking Shoppe, 269 Mdin St. S. Mount Forest, Ont. NOG 2L0 (519) 323.1460.-0.22 The Only way to get YOUR ad In 2.5 million homes In Canada for 3659.00 or In 1 241 807 homes 1 InOntariofor t195.oa Placa Your Blanket Classified Ad by calling one of our helpful classified ad- visors at your, n_ereet weakly newepaper office for details. Ooderlch 524.2814 Clinton 482.3443 Lseeforth 5270240 Lucknow 526.2822 Klncardlrle 398-2963 Walkerton 881.1800 Mitchell 348.4431)