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Exeter Times, 1915-11-25, Page 1
.FOR rY-SEco1 D YEAR --W No, 2237 :,p,>.......... ,,.,...;4.,,,,r Mme, . ,. EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MO H! LNG, NO.V'FABER VlmcfiY�u-sa'm+.e--.-an a:A.c:Ate'SYL.%EAnW,ag.: •••••-gat.. zr.ort mxrso,C::SW,.. :..04^MftP-M y.mgxa ll JO '4f.= S el MAY Phone 32 All Coats to be Cleared Out! No Two Coats Alike -i Our coats are new and right up-to-date in styles, fit and cloths—Silk Plush, Baby Lamb, Curl Cloth, Tweed, Fur Coliar, Fur Lined Coats, • Cloth Coats All colors and styles- to oose. . real good $15 Coat for $ 5" A real good $25 Coat for $15 ABaby Lamb $25 Coat for $r5 Children's Coats All kinds, colors and cloths. A bunch for $1 each A bunch for $2 each A bunch for $4 each is e ��i�r. r .des ri , ✓i1. Black Dog Coats Real gg8td Coats, regular $25 to 35.00, We are selling from 145.50 to 25.00 A big shipment just in, bought from a manufact- urer going- out of . busi- ness. • Here is your. chance for a good buy of a cheap coat. Now is the Time To Buy Your Winter Coat ! We are reducing the prices early in the season to give all buyers a good opportunity. Fur Collar Coats Extra good cloths with quilted lining and beautiful fur collar — a cheap garment $12.5o each. Musk Rat Coats The best coats for tie least money—nice dark Rat Skins, all sizes'to pick from: r only Rat Lined Coat, regular $45 Coat for $25. e •'I OATS Fur Lined Coats Real dressy and good wear- ers; a real 40,00 Rat -lined Coat for 25,00; Coou Coats from 50,00 up. MAY :4 Stoves & Ranges A big stock at old prices Ranges with Reservoir from $32 00 up Heaters from $15.00 - up Baseburners from $30.00 up Oil Heaters from $3.00 up A few second -Baud Heaters at low prices Also Stove Pipes, El- bows, Dampers, Etc. . FLASHLIGHT H 1CHT 14°%$4:(10g 'Batteries 350 1 oyalPurple HAMMERS from 200 Stock and up to $100. A good y Poultr Foods Nail Hammer, 35c. . ilerbagenin 50c— Int°ernational.50c -1000' 'Sulphur, Salt Petre and Salts ti IAMAN'S Hardware & Stove Store , INTONES 27 A AND 27 13-11N.ETER BORN a4 rASCHO—In Zurich, on Mr. and 1VZrs. John datigliter. roy, 4th, to MARUIED t COTT-SQ'UI'RE. and 0 tj NNING — SQUIRE—At (the residence of the "brides' parents, Mr. and. :Mrs. . Geo. Squire, e, 10thcon. Ill-.nsherd,5 on Nov. Finlay, x7il-bY't'cv, W A.. .Mss ,. Lottie.11ftiy.'Sciuiri, ,;o ^1Mr.:A:lbcrt Scott, lend •AZlss Veicitt 'r .VWi t. .. Pearl Squire to Mr. 'Clarence ;Alfred DIED I3ONTIT'R0tr—in Benson, 'en 3114xiday' Nov. 15th. James Tlonthron, egad 74 Yearn. G•ING1t,rRZCI3-Ai. `Goshen Line south, on 11ov. lith, Lila Gingerich, aged 11 years and 3 months.. MARTIN—At Babylon Line, 'Bay, oti Nov. 12th, {Solomon Martin, Sr., ayears, cdl'80 rs 11 months t;' y oat s anti days. . L 4Crediton,icon, on Thursday, 18th, Dorothea Either, relict of the late Samuel Link, aged 50 years, 11 months and 2 4404. ..,,. DOUBLE WEDDING , A very interesting event took ,place at (the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Squire of the 'tenth concession, .lan- shard', at twelve o'clock on'Wednes- day. November 17th, when - their daughters Lottie May and Venda Pearl were married' to Albert Will- iam Scott land (Clarence Alfred Gun- ning., .respectfully a The brides were attended by their neices Olive ,F ang- ford and .Reta Squire as flower -girls, and were 'given 'away by their father. The ceremony was performed 'by Rev. W. A. Finlay, et Centralia, ,as the two o couples stood nwler ca ,double aaroh. The brides were e e dressed in silk -em- broidered net over silk, trimmed etvith seed pearls.. land wore bridal veils. The flower girls wore silk frocks trimmed with lace and ribbon., Miss Myrtle Squire, :who played the wed- ding march, was dressed in white voilei... About one hundred. and fifty guests witnessed the 'ceremony. Af- ter, congratulations vert offered a dainty and sumptuous repast was served in a dining•room decorated, with evergreens, bunting and flags. Many beautiful and valuable presents were received, among them can {organ to each of the brides %from 'their par- entsl. The grooms' presents were, sets of handsome furs to{ the brides, a pearl crescent to the pianist, and bracelets to the flow eregirls.-. lowedrby the 'best wishes of all, the 5F 15' Letter FrOli out The s editor recently rooelyed a very interesting letter from 'Mr. Stanley E. Fisher, who is on the Red Cross Stiff at Moore' Barracks Hospital. Shorucliffe Eng. 11 Zi Fisher is well known in toss ti :,rd iiia,;.ie lfc'r in pert will he reed sr'i'k1 iatte^.est by "hie many friends, Moore P to elselcs Hospital. Shorricliffe, Tient, Eng. I)'ar Melve,,--� 'i ehove me. Motive. when I' joined the 'army T jnt3Eg.d nays. -;t Uri; Z was throxrgh with this pop of mine' for rgmrtime. end: have T am aoingto work every ,d^y. as -et cellar 'IS a tj 000 !C. at 8 a.i1x. and puebirag it herr!- en nein ever fpr T wer..•x" etchn r'30 every day. and ver;, ofte•nif yen walk lcno tie, orderly 1'6om 'tett would (fl t ro etit al ' P "i0 n tz,' i ,rt throe. I neore reals a day t.heenh. and to bed e''r1y r veee n'n•hf:5 It ',sed fn bt 1h9t we had to nut ani: ntir li^hts et 9 30 hitt now the beret', sounds et 7 p.rn:. - Tlrm ewe blanket our windows very It Wavily and teen ,a lio•ht on hnd all thh boys anther around/ `{'here is • fire place in every room and every: eirrht we lone ^l; hoist ono fire and we gather orr—nri ;and tell yarns. Tho building we live in is rl'vided Into :shout a rloiseneempertnvets er abodes. There are six ::heve and six below, but„,there are no stairways inside ;the 'bonding The re•nrway is outside and leads to a verrand Ii which tons% the front of the huild'tne end the doors to the roams open off nt the verendaht We ail gall it the double decker,. There .are fiveofits: in nzie room nt the present tixna- but we expect to bring it down to four as One of the boys is moving out.i Five makes one too many fora room. Our beds are side by side, blit Pearson and •1 have our beds together, and ,as;.of old, sleep together., The beds are made of boards. very' simple, two supports. one et each end and three boards laid Gave his L his for P't I The above is to picture or Private l•ofttts .dere; son or l,Er. and 1VIrs. Philip ,Bern. of town and formerly sof Usborne.a This picture was taken at Valcartier when the first contingent was riiobolized there, Loftus having coined a 13attal.ion at Edmonton, where he was employed in the office of the C. P. R. 'He,left Valcartier Tor England n andspent the winter in 'C''ATE LOFTUS BERN across the ,{feet d 11; task's a. bed training on 'Salisbury Plains. Early s. about 2 1-2 deet wide. We each have this spring he was transferred to the three biscuits (setae as mattresses, on- front and was in the famous 'tattle . ly the three of them makeo ne mat- of Langemark in which the Cana - tress) which we put on the boards diens so distinguished themselves. Lof- and then we make our bed in the or- tus was !reported wounded and :miss - but the other os wrap their bla.n- dinary way, that is 3'earson and T ing' and later he pas reported a diets around thm fortl sleep alone. prisoner. The battle took place in June., , Weeks ;passed lend there camp inure if©id ouorxblahnkni s e s yip d no woad from aim 4xi enriairer4h0m the goverairieril; !could 'throw, ,no dight -dein up.lon his {whereabouts or the nature of Si.ia.m.. reveille sounds 'and we his wounds. Since that - time . •his have tobe on parade .for roll call at 6.I5i 'As •a rule we are just , about parents have endeavored to get in touch with someone who could give half ;dressed and half awake when we get out, One morning I never them some information land every awoke until .the fall in 'sounded. zso I threatd has been closely followed up. jumped o�tt land .pulled on my shoes From one source they learnr.d that Loftus had been injured in the leg. and beat it out in my pyjamas. It The most definate information' comes be "did .1" cool, Melva, ,hut it had to from Mr. 'John H. Elliott; of Glen- " it now seems Glen - We have to work every day in the {worth, Ont. and reasonable certain that Loftus is num• weeky included land am sorry bered with {Canada's fallen heroes to say h'aveleave only been to church once l since my arrival in England. O f who have given their lives fin the de- 1 church service is held every fence of their country, Sunday morning, but we in the of -Loftus was born in Usborne land re- f., It re- ceived his early schooling at Zion. ice can never get away for it was a week ago'Sunday. nicht wheel and attended the Exeter :High .Behoof 1 was to 'church and six of us went for' several years and 'later (took esti a down to 'Folkstone to a Church of business course at Chatham Business .England. After •the service we went college to a soldiers' 'recreation hall, hada Loftus was tan exemplary young good feed and then home to bed. man with splendid physique and a good athlete Folkstone is .about two miles from {„ ;He was clean in sports and b the camp and it is quite a large rad no bad habits. While here town. • I believe it is Ga summer re- be was b member of 'Mr.. J. G. Jones sort {but of 'course, now there are not Young Men's Class of James street manypleasure seekers. Sunday 'school. .Everything is kept in darkness and The parents have, had the sympathy there are very few street ,lights; the of the community during the long few th'tt tare fit are painted blue so term of suspense. as to snake the light .very dirxti From the letter {already referred to Oh yes, I have to tell you 'about we reprint the part giving the best the big "spill" we had last Tuesday available information 'regarding Lof- night.: We received word of a ban- tis' death' The letter is from the cluet•being held nt the 'Royal Pavilion father of Duncan Elliott,.a rfriendavho@40OltO4,,0a'ID@0440000•1c0.m•4'or 4.r44+..d 0`000®.d' 49@A@Cr4:$40.10. Rote.!, Folkstone, for all Canadian, was with Loftus in ,thee".trenches. Bank of Commerce boys •anal,of course Glanworth, Oct. 31st, 1915. Art acid. Pearson and I could not Duncan said when he went :ba* to miss it. rt: was some blow out. 1 received te box from home .and 1t would. have been worth your while to have seen 'us when weet- .open{ed Three of us ;fell over .each other get- ting inside of it, while a dozen more craned 'their necks to get !a look in, just like a bunch of school kids. When 1 pulled rut- four jars of good home- m-a•de jam and a couple of ,apples, all their mouths began to 'water., I took the largest one and started around and gave 'them all 'a good big bite and it voce just like getting money frgm home,; The jam is disappearing very rapidly and every mouthful tastes like more (Lead me tot it.) Remember me to nil the boys. Stanley. s rx TI (IRON AND{ I?ER IM . 134'1.1°TALI{ N AWAITING bA'yrCTlteN A. meeting w:t•, he iQt in Gti in;;rlaam I recently V.Itcuatrled by ttve;cxts five off* ' eel's from :,,he 'ili.rou and fkz•th rz'i;i- • anents''R lion it was uaianw oosly d^ - f eided to Viral a Battalioni from the 11 two tonntiee It: is expected that Major II. 13. `C"oorxlle , of Clinton will be in boninic.+nd. Capt. W. J. lieazzian will have charge of the co:ninny front South Huron nand Cont.. Sinclair,: of Wingham will have charge of the company front North USiirone. 4 Beat taloa cons vts of 1133 trice' and elfin tiers • id .iilfuroix will, bi re,tc;iir rl !d' r:tlnil,f of fJt-t1 nrkin lwu'. ,.t ,x ,=6,it t mg te.arnie le nory under tis i it{ IS ,.!>vpMeted the reeves of ft'iw.nt wnxxiciyitiitu z <t i,l M eting r•1 'Will be field from outside gaoints will tcldr•i, neetizzgs, Both county ern;ria he asked '.for ti ,r int 4 f.+.$l,t]illi gist in forming the Battalion{ The of-fleers -0e re no -w yy �irira{.. Hitt r3axxetiaai of the ;�atathoritiee . ,;, t Thirteen officers s}f t£ii. .(3`. fit /,,,, ua ter:; ie. tier aro tQil {a.t the! L/ ninit {:raining, Of course ve do art::l we ai!1 h t p$ 3r{ cret 111 re offering Assorted PostaiCards GE REDUCED PRICE OF 1.5oPER PACKAG Ott w= These ale an .Especially good line and should sell Ile 2 fc'i arc. Help the soldiers to a•a"'member their friends ...•-vvi tirrte with a Card, the -last boat leaving Dee.: Il l tll- This is one of the Safes, : ni best limas as preseal.s you can send and your friend would. sure appreciate it THE 'EXETER Bi RGAI1v STORE 15 Sample CMdreufs Coats at half price . Alex's UNDERHAR We can please you in variety and value; some sampler; of - - MEN'S PLBEOE.LINED & WOOLEN UNDERSHIRTS wholesale prices Flue Shirts -a= We carry the i1 -DIRT in a big variety of Myles and prices. osier We were fortunate in getting a big share of WOOLLEN Hosiery AT EXCELLENT VALUES BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBED "S kinds and prices—bought at the lowest, price tot cash. STOMA Shoes for Men B. W. o F. A E DELEGATES REPORT The teachers and officers of the happy couples took the train in Mt, James street ;Methodist Sunday school afternoon for: a wedding -•tour, • .ax- held ,a very pleasant social .evening petting to visit Toronto, nominal, Woodstock and Strathroy. • The brides' travelling costumes were navy- blue serge, and 'white picture -hats. with ostrich plumes, • , EXPECT To LEAVE SOON on Wednesday of last week. 'Reports were {received from Messrs, Bd. ,Shap - ton fund A„ L. Andrews delegates: to the Ontario Sunday school cottven- tion ;recently timid in Toronto. Mr. {M. , Pfaff also gave a report of the Boys' France he found the 'Captain of.the company sand he told him that Hera wa w i d d " an s vo toe in -the leg,the same day that 'Duncan was shot in the lungs; only it'was later in therday; :flern: was taken back to the base hospital along with a number of wounded This' hospital was shelled rby` the Ger- mans., McCormick, a mutual friend of your boy and ours ,went into the hosiptal for your son's pack. ,lloCor- mick was killed. A number of wound- ed were taken out and rescued but evidently your son was amongst those that were hilted along' with I1.Ic- Cormick when the hospital Was de- stroyedf This was the most del -nate `news he could make out. Indefinate words like these have come td many a home that is in 'bitterness to -day on account of this terrible war which is destroy- ing' the best of our manhood. Duncan is again, in the; trenches and our daily prayer is that ,his ,life may be spared„ .ale. is in the 4th 13littalion, Work Conference held in London„ Sev- eral !matters of interest came up ,for discussion, After 'the tbusims8 of the meeting refreshments were served According to statements given out • and a social time enjoyed, at London Saturday it is expected that the 33rd It3attalion will soon be AUL 'CROSSLE"a'S VISIT leaving for overseas., The boys ` havo remained under canvas and. this ,will , It is iseven years {ago the 29th of; be continued ,until 'they leave Lon- don on- tits izsonth thzt Crossley &Hunter don,wh•, i ch it isstated ated on good a.uth d 1. t; arc x ian n h,. !r a i t.hai x c;trit , . ) x br. g g ority will.be inside of two 'Weeks, 1 Crossle returns' �or: a utit{alon ot',some In {view of this .the boys were given weeks next Sabbath., :In the morn,- { week -end leave, Amongst those who• '. ,f were o r ?xl�. a nig he spcnls fi`a 'Main street: in the home for over Sunday were.: { ofttrnoon at 4 !rale. he is to address Leon SrTreble+.mra rixess foilglOs tlCUnited S. ut l< ySchools in. James 3$tewdart, nd VVEarle Wei St; ndn{lrsarnetychurch he speaks r IlnrrYandser atm lerad lur:1to�a ass ri ,, Ling at Han. tion of the Mounted Rifles, rtio 'ex-idreds of our e., will welcome Peet shortly to be' transferred to Crossley nrt Snbbatlmost !ear°tiy , ',,'• Hamilton, and: Archie Davis of the With grateful i itrnories of is , urmt.r' Your sincere friend, John 11, );,Ilion 33ROT1IER' E ILLED 'Mrs. John lILarkha.ria and brother, Mr. Stewart, of town, have received word that their brother 'Walter Stew- art, had ;recently been lfll.ied, in action. in Prance,, This is the Isecondkbrother Io%give up his •life',for his country. NASTY ;:�41CCZ'DENT' ,Logs, the little daughter of. Mr. and Mfrs, 'W. 'J, Stothain met with a paint- ttil'accfdent.• She had the misfortune to •get Iter little hand caught in the cogs of the bread -mixer.! One finger was split open and mid bare to the of the t -length ` •e' entire bone t3' t >on, nearly, h hr finger, while Clic wit: and a partof .i..'second finger. Was taken ,oft., Da' 47royvning .was Gall@d and dressed the t r' Y h' f wounds which were eacccedthgIy Pain- 119t. ain- 710 . 1 k. al.:. vibxta f t. , till. ,:, ,• • , • . • • • • . • ••• • • • • • •• • • •. • 4 • T • • • •• • •• • •. • • i 41 PHONE S i I$fiStV as Suggesti.. ns Look over this List—it may suggest soediting you. will be wanting for Christmas Gents' Furnishings Make Suitable Presents Hats and Caps ARROW* Shirts and Collars Handsome Ties Fur.lined Gloves, Collar Rags Dress Gloves Braces and Sleeve Holders Mufflers and Scarfs - IVORY Gaiters PARIS Gait rs Umbrellas Sweater Coats Canes and Woollen Goods eadpede or Tailored Suits Pricescf Woollen Ct are a(binex ng clpldlq, ht.!. vve, G•ought early and right F.i;<l will 'protect you with Ob. old, pxaces. • la t.+ •tF@�A'{•IEl4�N11 �a �l i► M� 0l.��t0�' ++►{0 011 0 W. W. ' T A NI A P H O ix"• •i oi 01 • • QR • • • • i►i ' • • • '. w•