HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-11-18, Page 8' SbL.veI r THAT IP You DEAL WITH US ONCE OUR LIBERAL MeT HO .Ds WI L L HOLD Your TRADE. Ro— •BODY CAN HOLD A CANDLE To US IN 'THE CLOTHING LINE We've GOT 7'14E GooDS oUR NEW ,SUITS AND OVERCOATS "TAKE THE CAKE." THE BEST LooMS IN THE WoRLD WEAVE OUR CLOTHS; ARTISTIC DESIGNERS PLAN OUR MODELS AND THE BEST TAILORS MAKE OUR SUITS AND OVERCOATS. WE SLICE THE PRICE DOWN eJUST AS LOW AS IS CONSISTENT WITH THE HIGH QUALITY. BUY YOUR CLOTHES FROM US. YoU WILL LIKE THEM So WELL THAT YoU WILL PATRONIZE EVERY DEPARTMENT or OUR ESTABLISH— MENT, No MATTER WHAT YoU NEED. New Suits and Overcoats Good looking Suits and Overcoats are common in this store. We are selling them to young men and older men who want the right things -510.00—$12.50—$15.00. Ladies' Winter Coats Why wait until all the best Coats are sold. We have some nifty coats in the very latest styles and cloths. Prices have been greatly reduced. Call and get a December Standard Patterns The December Books are on our counters. Retnembea that we stock STANDARD Pat- tern.. Those who have tried them are highly satisfied. Fashion Sheet. Stanfield's Underwear if •rou have worn Stanfield's Underwear you kuuw as wearing qualities. Every garment is guaranteed not to skrink. Prices are — $L15 — 81.40 — $1.05. You Need Those FURS Now ! ! ! ! Why delay longer in making the purchase of that Fur Set or Coat that you have had in mind. Save money and get the beet quality furs by buying early. Heavy Shawls A splendid range of heavy shawls for the cold weather. In the staple grey shades— priced at $2,25, $3, 25 and $3.75. Dinner Sets English Flannellette A splendid cloth for men's night gowns or pyjamas. Good weight. fast colors. and good pat- terns. Special price per yard lSc New Hand Bags Some very neat patterns. 97 piece For Xmas. ranging in price from dinner set $9 50 25c to $3.00. BoysSweaters On account of the scarc- ity of wool, sweaters are hard to procure. Travel - leis' samples, in small boys' sizes. alt colors, 60c, 75c, 90c, $1.00. New Brunswick Potatoes Order your potatoes at once if you want to save money. We have choice GREEN MOUNTAIN DELE- C WARES at per BAG $15. Live Poultry Wanted== We want your PouItcy this sea- son. Will pay highest market price for live or dressed birds. J.A. STEWART PHONE 16 Whidsor I3iisiiiess College WINID84E , ONT. YO YOUNGUNG M9NANOMAN, r This Letter is For You Life is what we make it, and your whole future promotion will de- pend, largely, upon your special preparation, for active duty, as acitizen. Success does not grow on trees, neither can it be tagged on; it is the outcome of practical training and faithful application, to the task in h .nd. Kitchener. French, Jellicoe, Joffre and many others are living Witnesses to this fact. Specialists command the fighting -deck, of every department of life and labor, and your services will command a Fat En- velope, each pay-day. if you will but secure a thorough education, at the CADMAN COLLEGE, THE ONLY BUSINESS COLLEGE, in the county, with a complete Business Practice Outfit, and a full staff of teachers. Every young person, regardless of wealth or position, should have an intelligent knowledge of business methode, if only for self-protection, for without such a knowledge you are like a Tin -soldier. in this terrible con - flirt. Your Commercial Training would be a Great Asset. In selecting :c school, the following points should be carefully consid- ered, rirst:—The character and moral influences of the institution, and Second:—The chances for a situation, when you have completed your course. We have the Best Spot for Positions in Canada. Every qualified student of 1914-15 was placed early in July; we con- sider that a rare record for any school, and further, we were offered some 30 other plates we could not fill, Many graduates of other schools appeal to us for help in findieg positions, and we have assisted several, bat they haveto remain here on expense and in many cases, either buy a plate from some agency, or return to their hones defeated, If you attend our school, you will be Johnie on the Spot for a good job. A former lady student, accepted a position, in Chicago, last week, at Month, and thecolor anpaid her $30.00er inexpenses from p y Windsor., We have placed Cour others the past week, and were offered two posi- tions for yoitngmen we could not fill. We lose many positions every year for scale stenographers. H.tiudreds of our young people are now on large salaries, and what we have done for them, We could do for Y -OU, Call upon, phone or Write us before making arrangements,. CADtlAN &. SON, Osterhout Block, eluant a'Meek from Writ, Depot, BOX 187, 5C yards from Essex and Lake. Shore Welting Reser, PHONE 928, * ese Market Report—The ,following is the report of the Exeter market corrected up to Nov. 17th. Wheat 75 to 95e :.•:x Barley 45 to 48c Oats 37e 7.114.-leetee Buckwheat 70o. Peas $1.00 F.timily Plon'r ;2.90. Low Grade flour $1.65, Bran $25 per ton. Shorts $26 per ton Butter, 25 to 27'c. Creamery butter 33c. Ems 30 to 310 nage $8.140. C Chicken, alive 10, dressed 12e, Old hens, alive 8, dressed 1Oc Old Roosters alive 7c; dressed .9c Ducks, .dressed 13c Geese, dressed 12e mnrkeys, alive 15c; dressed 18c 1'et'to's,$1.00 to $1.40. THE EXETER TIME 0.00004*O••A••O•••O•••••••• • • LOCAL • • ♦•••••• •••••• How is the label or, your paper. Read the auction sales on page fou Mrs, G. Cochrane and child' are vis iting with relatives in Berlin. Mr. 11 Wood held a successful sal of' his farm stock; and implements las Saturday; See the \charge of Canadian troop at Hill 60 in the Opera House 1+.rida Nov. 19th. Mr. James Jewell visited his dace b ter. Mrs. W. McAlister in Sarnia during the past week. An additional contribution of $2,C was received from Mr. John Wels for the British .Rued, Cross fund. Mrs. James Pickard and Mrs. Jaine Snell ere visiting in St. ,Thomas twit the former's son, `! Ir. Ed. Harwood Pte. Icon Treble returned to Lon don Monday after being- home week recuperating from a sever cold. Lance -Corp. Chester Harvey, Ptes Reg. Knight, Elmore Harness and Ed Anderson, of London, were home ove the week end, Mr. Fred Eogarth returned. horn Monday after spending the summe at Hanley, Sask. IIs reports excel lent crops in that district. A big crowd is looked for at th Opera House, 'Friday evening, Nov 19th to see the War Pictures an sinking of the Lusitania,; Messrs. Orval Eyre and Aubre Leigh, of London, visited with Mr and Mrs. 'Jas. Sweet over the wee end. The price of 'beans is soaring Lhi fall. As high as $3.50 per bushel ha been paid by some buyers and som expect'this to go higher still Work is proceeding on the erectio of the hydro sub -station behind th Carnegie Library, also the poles haw been erected on the various streets. Mr. Goodwin, of Clinton, sang a solo in James street church Sunday evening and 'assisted in the musica entertainment Monday evening. Miss Edna Dow, a nurse with the Toronto University hospital corps who have been stationed at' Folkstone has•been transferred with her unit to the Dardanelles. Mrs. (Rev.) S. W. Muxwortby and daughter Margaret left Wednesday for Toronto where the former will undergo an operation for foot trou- ble.. FOR SALE — Some tborouehbred Black Minorca cockrels. Bred from Guelph Stock and include some a choice birds. Call at D. r,Russel's Blacksmith shop. 11-18-4t Mrs. D. Johns and Miss Lila are visiting in Toronto and Aurora. They were called to Toronto last week 'ow- ing to the death of the former's cou- sin. Mrs. l3owers end two ci ldren, of Ingersoll, end Mlfiss Clara l;c'.rry,• also of Ingersoll. arc visiting Mr: and Mrs It. 0. t:eldon The latter will rcmai for some time„ Mrs. J -:mss Willis left Tuesday morning for Lucknow to visit her brother.. Altho•:gh ,living only a few miles c:part they have not seen each other in thirty ye'ars. NOTICE—Cecil McLeod has pur- chased half interest in F. Boyle's bar- ber business and the new firm started in on Monday, th' 15th to be known as Boyle & McLeod. Monday we were visited with the first real 'winter weather this season. There was n slight fall of snow ac- companied by cold winds end freez- ing weather. Monday was the opening day for black squirrel shooting but as the weather bas not been favorable for the sportsmen this week we have not heard of many bags being ,taken. Miss Violet Penhale, accompanied by her little neicc Grace 'McMahon, left last Saturday for Winnipeg, Man. af- ter an extended visit with the for- mer's parents, '?dr, 'and Mrs. Wm. Penbrale,, Just five weeks left to Christmas. The Tittle told snap this week gently reminds us that Christmas is about due. Those five weeks will pass and find lots of us not ready to enjoy the festive season. Mr. IT, 0. Soutlecott, a traveller with a'i Toronto firm, spent the week end at his home here, having com- pleted a three months' trip in the maritime provinces. On his return he spent several days in Boston and New York, Master Jack White who visited with his aunt's Miss White and Mrs. Wickwire in •town during the past year ear camelip fromWindsor last w eek to be 7iresene at the Mein street anni- versary and secure his diploma for perfect attendance, The council have decided not to 'in- crease the lighting system on Main street les decided 'by a meeting' of the business men odd presented peti- tion e ti- e presen c inl c ti o - to council, c' on the coin rl, 100 watt lamps will be swung from they present poles on one side of the street, TO keep rain from blaring one's vision ;through the glass of the auto- mobile windshield is a very simple matter. Carry a small bottle of vin- egar in your car and ,rub sonie on the wind thicid %alien it tains, The .result will be a clear rieW if the street l Zeleenges I-' .naa tine u.,r a...'1 L:W. Additional locals on '.page five. Cut out the 'coupon.t It is good for 25 votes in J, ,Beverley's ;`Trade Boos- ter !contest. See the sinking of the Lusita:n,ih, wit hover 1200 lives dost Al the Opera House, Friday, Nov, 19th. 1Mr, Will '131ackwell, of Hay, aunder- went en operation in London recer.f'- ly for a gathering behind his ear., Messrs. Milton Pfaff, Ben. Quack- enbush, Oliver 'Davis and Ernie Pym were delegates from the James St. Sunday school to the :Roes' Work con- ferenee held in London during the past week. The conference was a success over 500 being in attendance. Some of :the 'leading men .in Y.01.10,A. and 'Boys' Work were among the speakers. LAST OVERSEAS XMAS POST The last Marcel post mail,closingcin Exeter in time to arrive in the Unit- ed Kingdon! before Christmas, will be between the 20th and 25th of this month, so far es is knowiw at prey sent. Those who intend sending Christmas remembrances to the boys in France and in England should stet them off es soon as possible: The unusual heavy Christmas package mail end the somewhat uncertain sail- ings of royal mail steamers make this early shipment necessary. P QW 11 sL`PPE'R Under the auspices of th'e Ladies Aid at Centralia Methodist church on Tut sday, Nov. 23rd. Readings by Miss Olive Robinson, teacher of elocution, Tnrrion; address by Rev. L. W. Reid, of Granton ; vocal selections by quar- tc'tte from Exeter, Mrs. Finlay and err. Wade. of Centralia; instrumental selections by Miss Iva Essery and Miss Estelle Neil: Supper served from 6 to 8 o'clock. Program at 8 o'clock. Admission 35 and 25 cents. Patriotic League Notes A minstrel show- will be given by men of the town early in December ander the auspices of the Patriotic League., Particulars later. The League wish to thank all those who so generously responded to the call' for !Christmas cheer for the -sol- diers. Three bozes were packed and sent by express to 'Mies! Jean Arnoldi. Field !Comforts Commission, Shorn, cliffe, Eng., containing puddings. Christmas cakes, home-made candy, cocoa, pork & beans, canned soup and peas, te'a, chocolate, biscuits, ginger snaps, short bread, sardines 'syrup, marmalade. salmon, dates, nut bars Mb lice, 1 coks, coffee. nuts, ; figs shaving soap, note paper and 'home- made sccl:s, weighing in all 360 lbs. Y:trn can be had at the tea room on S••terd • y afternoon of each, week„ '1 we piers of home knit socks ;were sen:: to Private Douglas Stewart at Lonecee, tea, The ladies would like if some of the farmers before leaving for town would thrown few sticks of Wood. in their waggon and leave at the tea room Ito ]keep them warm .while' -they sew for the soldiers. Anyone wishing to donate canned fruit will kindly leave same at tea room Saturday afternoon, or at .Mrs. Wm. Rivers et zany time during this week., Secretary Letter From the Front This week we pre privileged i.o re- print a letter from Private Earl Parsons, son of Mr. gaud Mrs. Same Parsons of 'tcwn. Belgium, Oct. 28, 1915. Darr Mother, Received tha sec is you sent me, cls) bandkerc,hel. Am expecting a Letter but it h isn't arrived yet. Thanks ever so much for the soc:;s as they are precious articles out here, I guess there is a letter for me down at the other 'camp but Fred is too busy driving my team drawing sup- plies to the trenches to be able to get here to see me. I'm up tat the rest camp for e week. Nothing ser- ious. I was coming back from the trenches one night about twelve o'clock; my little horse was pretty tired land he stumbled and fell into a shell hole bat the worst of it was, I was under. and had to stay ander •until they got 'himrrout. Lucky four me. it Was muddy' or I would have been hurt, I didn't feel a bit worse for my fall until the next morning when I tried to get up. Talk !about being stiff. I couldn't move a muscle but am doing fine ;now. This is Thursday, will go back to work 'on Sunday. Here comes Fred and ao mail. He only stayed about a minute He told me to ;hurry' up and get bet- ter as he Was too ;much work to do. He told me that .my horse 'fell with him last night and pulled' a shoe. The roads. or ;rather the cow 'paths, lead- ing to the trenches are getting worse. ft has been {raining for three or :four days end as the Germans put over five hundred shells right along the road, you will have some idea the condition it is in: • Have just been out and had dinner and saw something pretty interest- ing. There was •a German aeroplane up above us here and the English air- guns were putting hundreds of ,shells up at them bat did not make a bit. Then they sent a biplane with a machine gun mounted on it., When they got up there were about fifteens or twenty shots fired when ,the Ger- man started for his own lines with his engine smashed and when he got to the trenches the Canadians turned the machine guns on himand brought him down right into the trench. They got the machine but the two Ire vo rnerr were 'killed;,. Pretty good for the Canadians i,n, one day, what do You think? The Ring and Sir, Joh'neFrcneh were here yesterday to inspect the troops. If you watch the papers close you might'find out where I am, 1 ;would tell you but um not allowed to. 'Will have to 'close for this time. Could write for days at a time on what I •see, but if I( did I wouldn't have anything to tell when I come home. !loping this feeds you tall vrell. With ,love to all., Joint worry about meds' I'am feelingvette' fit Again. v r..a. w e ....,... Pt .. c 1 i• FOR SAL,'. -Hyacinths, Narcissist Tulips, Ferns, ,Cyclamen, Primroses and Lettuce,—L. Day & Son. FOR SALE—A coal beater in good condition, with oven attached, W111 sell cheap. Apply et Times office. NEW BUTCHER—Mr, :lieg>g desires to announce that he (will call, for aced deliver orders to any part of the town. Your patronage solicited. PERRY F. ,DOUP,E, Licensed Awe tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms 4aoderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly- at- tended to. !'hone ;116, Kirkton,, Ad- dress Kirkton P.O, PIANO TUNING If you want our piano tuned ,it the next week or two 'leave your or- der at S. Martin & Son's Music store and it will be attended to., Have not time to make a house to house can- vas.—R. E. Stewart, tuner. • Where a scientific preparation, con. taining no habit-forming drugs, is needed for worn and exhausted nerves showing in the form .of Neur- algia, Insomnia sleeplessness, Rheum- atism, Headaches, Anaemia, etc., be sure you get TAIiATE, There is no other remedy "just as good." Fifty cents at 'your druggist's, or by mail from the Georgian Mfg., 'Co., Col- lingwood, Ontario. r KEEPER AND MATRON WANTED Wanted, man and wife to take charge 'of the Huron 'County house of refuge and farm in convection there- with. Duties to tcommence early in December next. The undersigned will receive applications up to the 7th' day 'of !December, 1915, so that these cat, be 1p1'acedbefore the council at the December meeting,, John Torrance. Inspector of H. R., ,Clinton. Dated Nov. lst, 1915. HOUSE FOR SALE The undersigned is offering iforesale it. •the village of 'Centralia an eight - roomed Brick house, modern impro- vements,'hard and soft water; wood - house and commodious stables; cement walks, '2 acres of land, School, church and station convenient. This is 'a very desirable property and is be sold far below cost!• RICHARD ,QUINTON, Centralia GOOD FARM FOR SALE Lot 3, concession 3, L1R.S., Tucker - smith, containing 100' acres, all cleared and tin good state of-rcultivation; well fenced and tile drained, a large or- chard, two never railing wells and windmill at barn. There are two good bank barns with stone stabling and cement floors one 40x60, the other 28x45, also a good eement pi,g pen and ,hen house 24x40. The house has recently been burned but the stone foundation is suitable for ;rebuilding. Rural mail, telephone, church and school convenient, 2 miles from Hen - salt. This farm twill be sold reason- able 'and on easy terms. Apply on premises or address ALEX BUCH- ANAN, 'Sr., Hensall. 11,111.4p, HICKS' .FORECASTS The Second Regular Storm Period .is central on the 22nd, involving the 19th to 26th. Disturbing Causes and What to Look For—The Moon will be in op- position to Earth and Sun on Lhe 21st. at extreme north ,declination and in apogee on the 23rd,, The Mars disturbance is at maximum, and a Mercury disturbance blends with i h regular Vulcan Period. By the 20th to 21st, well defined storm conditi's- will develop in western sections—the barometer wet be Teeing. with w•rrrn- er south winds Cioudireas wi 1 q, i k- ly ensue, and. storms of tgrowing ex- tent and intensity will take up their march from west to east. 'While then things are brewing in the west, warm. er. fair weather will prevail in cent- ral 'to eastern parts, but falling barometer, cloudiness and storms of autumnal rain and wind will advance eastward, from day to day, traversing the whole country ,from about Sun- day. the 21st, to Thursday, the 25th. But before the storms of rain and fal- ling barometer reach the eastern states, the barometer will be rising in the west, rains will have turned to sleet and snow, 'and something aprox- imating 'a November blizzard, win be following 'ori the western tangents of the storm centers. Don't forget that Mercury is the sleet god, and look for heavy, if not destructive sleet at this, or other periods, within the pres- ent Mercury period. The final sequel to this period will be blighting north westerly gales and a wide .wicked cold wave for November. Watch on !alis land, and beware on the lakes, the high seas, and the'coasls,,,• ++}}+++++++++++++++++144 sem, • • t LADIES' & GENTS' TAILORING + • • • • • ✓r • A full line of Ladies' SStiitings, in Gaverdines. Broadcloths, Vicunas. Pop- lins, African Brown. Russian and Laurel Green, etc. PRICES $23.00 to $35.00 Coats Coat season is here and with it some of the hH u108t be- coming and attractive models of the day. Every gat meet the newest in its class --- tweeds, plashes, beavers, Persia-tex chinchillas, etc. PRICES $17,00 to $30,00. A fine assortment of Men's Suitings and Overcoat- inge at resasooable prices. Give us a call, N . Sheere ' THE I'IIG,H CLASS TAILOR tTp Stairs, Hopp Mite Cdr, tial + NO 'LAG( What is the matter, witheour school Trustees? Our school flag has ; not been floated on the breeze for months. Something wrong with the pulley at the 'top of the pole. 'Wh'at is the matter with having it fixed at once? It will be just ,ns easy to have it ettedned to now as it will be six months from now. Keep our flag 'flying: Patriotic. • THURSDAY, NQVE]Ix°l3ra 18th', 1liffr Don't Monkey with that Cough USE Nowey's Wnu1e Pioe o1 Tor Big Bottle for 25c, Howeys Drugstore l R. N. RoW6 Fi[lural DircGtor and Furuituro DGaIOr COMPLETE STOCK ftLWRY$ ON HAND PRONE 20a O•••••0•••••••••••••••••••A•O••O•••••O••••O•••••O••• • • • • • • • 2 • • • • • 0 • •• • r • • • • • ••• • • ••• • • • • • • • Z • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • e • ••• A NEW STORE; Under the Old Management. THE OLD PLACE PO WELL'S BIG VARIETY STORE has been and is a big year of events with us. Our space 1 915 was limited. OUR LANDLORDS got busy, put in new floors, ceiling, shelving, counters, and painted us up a cheery red interior. We now display a third more goods, it is easier tor our customers to see the goods. We invite you to come and see us in our NEW CHEERY STORE. PO WELL'S IS A 'CHEERY STORE. Come and see for yourself. Our prices in corn ison with other years are a little easier. We never had a finer aseortwent of New Shapes of Chinaware thau we have on display now. Lots of TOYS, mechanical and otherwise Watch Our Windows Daily for New Displays. If you see an Article you want, have it put away till nearer Xmas. imemeammmlimin Yes, we Gold Fish, Etc, Nv on or aboutoemmberiddle. of will have An Edison Diamond Phonograph makes a swell Xmas Gift to tl.e parents or to the family. Ask to see and bear them. No needles to change. Records don't break. bowell's Bazaar, :Open every Night as usual, We need the Business +4444-4-44++•11,4•11•0•H+111•4•4•4•44-4. 0.000*** 40 •41.. 0•9004 • t at i. •; • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • WAR PICTUINZESi STER I OPTICAN VIEW b Showing Actual Scenes on Battlefields of France and Belgium, Troops in Training, Work of the Red Cross. See ISink!ng of LLJSiTA IHA, with 1,200 sous on board. CO1' C RT A Good Program will be given by a Company of First Class Artists. Singers, Comedians, Readers. Sketches, etc. EXETER OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY NOV. 19th Admission — 15 and 25c, COUPON Cut out this Coupon and present it at J. BEVERLEY'S STORE and he will exchange it for 25 VOTES 25 In The Trade Booster Contest Comming Opera House Sat. Nov. 2- GUY BROS OS BI G MINSTRELS Everything New But the Name. CRE111 MILITARY OPENINGfluSi Beloit e ore Me 1)0Il1e 12 Big Acts of Vaudeville 12 Our own Big :Concert Band and Orchestra WA.TCHI FOR THE DIG STREET PARADE DE AT - NOON. Tickets ou sale at Eocitey's PRICE - 35 and 501.