HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-05-21, Page 18PAGE 18 -GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986 District errs Students of Victoria Public School and St. Mary's Separate School were winners ofthe poster contest held for Nurses' Week at Suncoast Mall. Winners include Lorraine Boel, Richard Rodger, Laura Rea and Laurie Dalton, president of ONA Local 52 in the back row and Chris Siatet, Brandon Cerriveau and Alisha Colter in the front row. Missing are Stephanie Fox and Nicole Sherwood. Legion Auxiliary elects new slate of officers On May 13, 57 members of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary met for the final meeting of the '85-'86 year. Aileen Tigert was initiated into the group. President Laura McLarty made special mention of the dinner the auxiliary was treated to by the Branch. As well, they presented the auxiliary with a microwave oven. Donations were made to St. John's Am- bulance, Red Cross and Haitian Experience '86. Officers and executive members were elected for the coming year. They include. past president, Laura McLarty; president, Margaret Baker; first vice president, Ann Sprung; second vice president, Una Wat- son; third vice president, Ann Feagan; treasurer, Marie LeBlanc; recording secretary, Anne Doherty and corresponding secretary, Iris Sampson. Ext.. 'utive members are, Heidi Beadle, Grace Mugford, Evelyn Carroll, Edna `Powell, Karen Draper, Helen . Russell, Dorothy Durnin and Sharon Scruton. Sergeant at Arms is Dorothy Clements, flag bearers are Phyllis Million, Margaret Mabon and Helena Young and the sports of- ficer is Grace Mugford. The mystery prize was won by Rita Tigert. 4-11 club hunts for weeds The second meeting of the Port Albert Seed to Shelf was held at Debbie Debold's on May 13. Business was discussed and it was deter- mined who wanted to go to Wonderland and Judging Day at Clinton. Leaders discussed soil testing including what fertilizers to use and how to care for your garden. A weed hunt was held outside which brought in a lot of different types of weeds. What a weed was and how to control a weed was then discussed. The first meeting of the Port Albert Seed to Shelf club started on Apr. 22 at Donna Hayden's. An election of officers was held. President is Stephanie Durnin, vice president is Wen- dy Miltenburg, secretary is Teresa Meriam and press reporter will rotate. Leaders Donna Hayden and Jean Black • went over why you should plant a garden and what to do when you plant a garden. The meeting closed with a game. Port Albert Etiquette Experts attended PORT ALBERT NEWS Blackwell is The regular monthly meeting of Goderich Legion Bran& 109 on May 6 saw Alvin -lackwell elected as President for the year June 1 to May 31, 1987. Other Branch officers elected were First Vice President, Stan Profit; Second Vice President, Don Kernick; Secretary, Gwen Moller and Treasurer, Harold Cook. Committee chairmen elected were Finance, Bill Finnie; Property, Roy Mugford; Service Officer, Don McArthur; Sports officer, Al Fisher; Track and Field, Howard Carroll; House; Bill Burke; Sick and Welfare, Ray Barker; Poppy, Carroll; Publicity, Neil Shaw; Youth Education, Maurice Wilkinson; and Leader- ship and Planning, Bob Chapman. Other re- quired chairmen will be appointed at the first meeting of the new branch executive. In other business, the branch approved the following donations - $2500 to the Goderich Police Department for a video camera to promote their school safety pro- gram; $100 to Legion District towards the child video program; $250 to the local fireworks display; $200 to the Canadian Cancer Society; $1000 to the Ladies Aux- iliary dart team for their trip to Cornwall; $500 to Multiple and$5 0 r;0 to the ult pleSclerosis Society; to the Goderich'Girl Guides. The branch accepted the application of David Thurston for ordinary membership and the applications of Ann Marie Schoemaker and Joanne Ducharme for asociate membership. Fraternal member - Tom Livingstone, 529-7645 achievement night on May 1 at Brookside School.. ' Twelve members completed this project. Marcia Boak received a desk set for 12 pro- jects and Debbie Debold and Stephanie Dur- nin received a trillium pin for six projects. Other successful members were Tracy Black, Laurie Hayden, Sheila Hymers, Angie McCabe, Teresa Meriam, Roger Miltenburg, Wendy Miltenburg, Eugene, and Lisa Scott. A garden club, Seed to Shelf, is now under- way. Leaders are Jean Black .and Donna Hayden. Colborne Township book will be a collector's item The book committee reports that the pic- torial history of Colborne Township is final- ly in the hands of the printer. Colborne Con- nections,grew from the original 365 pages to 445 pages. In order to cover the additional costs of these pages, Colborne Connections will sell for $30 after May 30. If you wish to place an, order for the book before IVfay 30, send $25 to Colborne Connections, c/o Township Office, R.R. 5, Goderich, N7A3Y2 or approach any book committee member including Phyllis Pitblado, Jean Prest, Madeline Bean, Buelah Homan, Shirley Dustow, Gerald Lamb and Shirley Hazlitt. An estimated, 9500 hours have been spent by the committee in preparing this book. Over 1200 pictures will appear in Colborne Connections. A beautiful eight page section of colored photos will highl!ght the magnifi- cent scenery of Colborne Township. The hard covered book has a bright, colorful dust jacket and the over 200 Sallows' photos will make this a collector's item. The Souvenir Committee reports the generosity of "Colbornites" continues to in- crease. The Women's Institute quilt is com- pleted ready to add beauty to someone's home. It will be sold by silent auction on Ju- ly 19 at the celebration. A crochet tablecloth, a doll dressed in period costume, a set of woven placema'ts, a COLBORNE CORNER Gertrude Keitting, 524-2070 ew on President ships were granted to Alex MacDonald, Mike Reynolds, Brian Pepper, Jean Johnston, Brenda Fry, Clare Millian, Philip Clarke, Dan Burbine, Joe Ducharme, Eldon Johnston, Darcy Doak,Elizabeth O'Neill and Terence Schoemaker. The present membership of the branch now totals 1001 which includes 21 life members, 394 ordinary ( veteran) members, 345 associate members, 22 honorary members, 2 merit life members and 217 fraternal affiliate members. The Branch Service officer reported that the Legion Service Officer will be here on June 24. Anyone requiring information related to pensions or disabilities is re- quested to contacct Don McArthur. During the past month, the sick and welfare chairman Ray Barker reported that cards, gifts and/or visitations were made to. 19 members. The branch will hold a benefit dance on Friday, May 30 for the Wm. Mc- Callum family who suffered the loss of their home by fire. The branch will hold a horse shoe tourna- ment for Seniors in the parking lot on May 27. An all members slow pitch tournament will be held in Seaforth on July 29 and a fast ball tournament in Goderich on Aug. 16. The fishermen from Westminister hospital will visit the Branch on June 11. The installation of officers and committee chairmen will be on Saturday, May 24. A dance will follow this ceremony. The Diamond Jubilee committee will hold a Grand Finale dance at the branch on Fri- day, June 20. The Zone is holding an Infor- mation Seminar at the Clinton Legion on Saturday, June 28. The next executive meeting of the branch will be held on May 27. The final general meeting of the branch prior to the -summer recess will . be held on Tuesday, June 3 at 7:30 p.m. Council asked to donate to peace garden in London A request by a local doctor that Goderich council consider contributing to a peace garden in recognition of 1986 as Interna- tional Year of Peace was referred to ad- ministration and personnel committee. "Communities large and small are celebrating this in many different ways. I wish to know if plans have already been made as to how Goderich will celebrate this special year," said Dr. Jim Holl- ingworth in his letter to council. He suggested that council make a dona- tion to a proposed peace garden in Victoria Park in London. 1 FIG. Suppers Naaonal Physical Actnnly week May 24 . June 11966 2130 tin' decorative piece of weaving and a framed Number 1 Souvenir plate will be sold by silent auction. If anyone wishes to offer their talents by donating a Craft please contact Lorna Milburn, 524-6394, late evenings. The sesquicentennial committee still needs five billets for Friday, July 18. Please call Shirley Hazlitt, 524-7474, late evenings, if you are able to help. Picnic tables are in short supply. If you have one that may be used for the weekend celebrations, please contact Bill Vanstone, 524-7743. It would be wise to consider bring- ing your sawn chair to the celebrations. Don't forget to mark your calendar for July. Colborne Township Recreation Commit- tee held their Semi-weekly card party on Thursday, May 15 in Colborne Twp. Hall. Winners Were Lois Cunningham, Ila Pollock, Pete Riehl and Ethel Goddard. The next game is May 29. UW0 Business school helps budding, young For all would-be tycoons, The University of Western Ontario's Small Business Con- sulting Program is now offering a new enterprise start-up exercise. The simulation allows the budding entrepreneur the chance to begin a business and experience all its problems before committing themselves and their money into their own project. The consulting program also provides ad- vice in many areas of business manage - ..,1 {, entrepreneurs CLOVER LEAF PINK SALMON11 ment, including marketing, finance, and production, as well as business start-ups. Subsidized by the Government of Ontario, the program offers relatively inexpensive services from MBA and HBA students under the guidance of faculty advisors. For more information, phone (519) 679.2165 or write to: The School of Business Administration, Room 261A, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. 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