HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-05-21, Page 8PAGE 8 —GODERICH SIGNAL STAR. WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1986 CONGRATULATIONS HELEN!!! WHAT A PROUD CHICK LOVE FROM LAWRENCE AND FRIENDS FILIAL WEEKS Clearance Sale of Last years appliances - also Woods freezers Free draw on a Microwave ,ve.n (Next micro school in June) Over 600 appliances in stock Our 41st year w. S..a. Wr..' w. S.n QRYSQA4E MRJORC[H REwNCE LIO HINSAI I 263.272B Ontario ,er 1.1,60, ro.u• .muSur ci..-.. Open Fridays till 9 p.m. PoiicefocuS on crimp with video systern. National Physical Activity Week May 24 -June 1, 1986 The following events are planned for National Physical Activity Week by the Goderich Recreation Dept. SCAVENGER FITNESS HUNT Forms have been distributed to the Schools. Prizes and/or certificates awarded to all participants. More forms and information available at the Recreation Office or at local schools. OPEN HOUSES The following Open Houses will take place during National Physical Activity Week. Ballroom Dancing -May 26, 1986, 8:00-10:00 p.m. -Goderich Arena (Auditorium) -Couples please Fitness Classes Early Bird Trim -a -Size (Co-ed) -May-27 & 30, 6:30-7:30 a.m. - Arena Auditorium Saturday Morning Trim -a -Size (Co-ed) -May 31, 10:30-11:30 a.m. - Robertson School Afternoon Trim -a -Size -May 27 & 29, 1:30-2:30 p.m. - Arena Auditorium Evening Classes Beginner Aerobics & Trim -a -Size -May 26 & 28, 7-8 p.m., 8:15-9:15 p.m. = St. Marys School Stretch & Tone & Aerobics Plus (Co-ed) -May 27 & 29, 7-8 p.m., 8:15-9:15 p.m. - Arena Auditorium Roller Skating "Pink Roller Skate Night" A special night of Roller Skating has been planned for Monday, May 26, 1986 - 7-9 p.m. Regular Admission - $1.00, Skate Rental - $1.00 ANYONE WEARING ANYTHING "PINK" GETS FREE ADMISSION AND FREE SKATE RENTAL. (Monday, May 26, only) Beginner Roller Skating - Wednesday, May 28, 6-8 p.m. Regular Roller Skating - Friday, May 30 7-10 p.m. Don't just think about it, plan now to participate in National Physical Activity Week May 24 -June 1, 1986. For more information call the Goderich Rec. Dept. at 524-2125. BY MIKE FERGUSON The trend to video is catching the Goderich Police Force by storm, and Chief Pat King says it has great potential locally. With a•donation of $2500 from Goderich Legion Branch 109, the local police force purchased a JVC video camera system for use in a variety of areas. Chief King describes as multi -faceted the role video can play for the Goderich police. He offers the example of suspects being interviewed on video especially for serious crimes, and cites the Halton Police Force as prime movers in this field. Chief King suggests that by putting a suspect on video creates unforeseen benefits. "the "During questioning,"he says, suspect's ego takes over being in the ac- ting limelight, and he will often admit to other crimes as well." "Courts are going to be encouraging this type of thing,"Chief King predicts. In the past, a trial could "play the policeman's word against that of the suspect," and lawyers could explore the vagaries of the language. Now however, a video used as evidence is "concrete proof" of what was said while the suspect made his statement. The video system can be used as monitor for suicidal prisoners, too, reveals Chief King, predicting the Ontario Police Com- mission will soon recommend every police force have a video set-up in operation. In addition, Chief King says the scene of a crime can be videotaped enabling police to study it thoroughly for clues, "perhaps picking up something we didn't catch before." Video presentations are being created dealing with updated laws and techniques in radar and breathalyzers, for example, something which Chief King says will allow an easier and more feasible way to inform his officers, replacing a formal, time-consuming meeting. Chief King says another important com- ponent of the video system is the safety program in the works for children to "per - The Goderich Police Department recently acquired a JVC video camera system with the assistance of a $2500. donation from Goderich Legion Branch 109. Pictured above are Sgt. Jerry Hilgendorff, Legion President John MacDonald, and Goderich Police Chief Pat King. ( Photo by Mike Ferguson) . sonalize the message" by showing streets of Goderich and officers they may know. Video will carry the message of bicycle safety, unsafe boating practices and, uni- quely, businessmen can view examples of break and enter damage to help them im- prove their security systems, Chief King indicates. Also, the community is able to use the camera to film parades or historical events for posterity, says the Police Chief. Chief King says he's "indebted to the Legion for their community spirit," ding the video system "is something we can be proud of. It will pay for itself if it saves someone from being hurt." demand for electricity in Ontario rose by 3.1 per cent last year Increased demand for electricity rein- forces the need for a comprehensive study of all available supply and demand options, Ontario Hydro Chairman Tom Campbell said as the utility's 1985 annual report was released. Demand' for e1ectrl ity in Ontario in 1985 rose by 3.1 per cent over 1984. "This is consistent with the 3.2 per cent average annual increase in sales to Ontario consumers over the last five years and underlines the need to identify ways of meeting future electricity needs," Campbell said. . "Our customers will play a major role in determining what options are the most ap- propriate to meet future electricity needs." Campbell also pointed to a number of Hydro , ,accomplishments outlined in the, report: - . 01 A .. .44 ;.'a reduction in net borrowings by more than 50 per cent from 1984; •the lowest debt ratio since the mid-1970s; •expansion of electrical service to more than 15,000 new rural retail customers, the largest increase in almost 10 years; .meeting a peak demand of 20.5 million kilowatts on December 18, 1985. This peak is the largest December -to -December kilowatt increase in Ontario Hydro's history; •announcement of an average four per cent increase: in 19.86 ,electricity rates„the.lowest rate. ,increase in .20 ' years for .municipal utilities. "By keeping rates low, Ontario Hydro provides an underlying support for the whole provincial economy. A stable and low- cost electricity supply encourages and at- tracts new investment,” Campbell said. Yoij,u HAVE IT MADE IN THE SHADE.. o at Art's Landscaping OUR QUALITY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF! Yid .''`iii We also have... • hanging baskets • shade trees • evergreens • flowering shrubs • fruit bushes • lawn ornaments • Pro -planted patio pots or makings for them • perennial flowers Variegated Geraniums • mother geramlums • ivy geraniums • pansy goranlunn • single bloom geraniums • double bloom geraniums • PLUS MUCH MOREI Hours: Mon. -Sat. a -e Sun. 10-4 Open Holidays 48 East St., Goderich r 524.4781 Watch For Our Special on Streaks with Althea Winter coming soon. PUBLIC MEETING Concerning a Proposed Amendment to the County of Huron Official Plan Affecting the Township of West Wawanosh TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, June 24, 1986 at 7:30 p.m., at the Senior Citizen's Hall in Dungannon to consider a proposed Official Plan Amendment under Section 17 of the Planning Act. The proposed Official Plan Amendment would designate all the lands within the Township of West Wawanosh including the hamlets of Nile, Dungannon, Belfast, St. Helens, St. Augustine and Auburn, as a Com- munity Improvement .Area. The amendment will deal with deficiencies in hard services (ex, public works) and soft services (sports & recrea- tion) within the Township of West Wawanosh. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or ver- bal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Oficial Plan Amendment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed Official Plan Amendment is available for inspection at the Clerk's Office, West Wawanosh Township Office, (Lot 18, Conc. 8) and at the County of Huron Planning and Development Department, Court House, Goderich during regular office hours. Dated at the Town of Goderich County of Huron this 16th day of May, 1986 CLERK, Bill G. Hanby County of Huron court House Square GODERICH, Ontario N7A 1M2 (519) 524-8394 (Clerk) 519` 524-2188 Plannirl