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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-05-14, Page 19
SPORTSCREME Athlete's Cream 85 gr. $3 !9 PAGE 18 --GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR. WEDNESDAY. MAY 14 1986 EVENING AUCTION SALE to be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn. Clinton, Ontario for Mr. Harold Pepper. THURSDAY MAY 22 AT 6 RM. Small fridge, Danby 22" electric stove, air conditioner. wringer washer, Electrohome .420" portable colour TV, Lewyt vacuum cleaner, fancy antique bonnet chest looks like cherry, modern davenport couch and chair. maple drop leaf table and 4 chairs. wooden table and 4 chairs, parlour table. washstand. dresser w/mirror, small dresser top mirror, 2 single mattresses, small rocking chair, wicker fern stand, small spool legged table, vinyl arm chair. small table, arm chair, 2 pole lamps, floor lamp. card table. some bedding & linens. toaster, fruit jars, electric fry pan, some dishes, 2 mirrors. garden tools. step lad- der. small wheel barrow. small vise and hand tools, motor and grinder. Lawn Boy lawn mower, Mostercraft lawn mower, Homelite XL2 chain saw like new. Hoover vacuum cleaner, battery charger, mat- ching dresser'& chest of drawers, double mattress nearly new. a V,ivz a.:.., -ds, pressb'ack chair, fancy iron bed w/ brass fixtures, wooden baby crib, 3 small tables, plus other items. TERMS: CASH Auctioneer: Richard Lobb',. CLINTON 482-7898 HOUSE WILL BE OFFERED FROM LOBB AUC- TION BARN AT 7:30 P.M. THE UPHOLSTERY SHOP hos spring fever. We now carry quality remnants of velour, nylon, tweed and cotton fabrics in various sizes. Some for as low as 50 cents. Arnold Fisher of 39 Britan• nia Rd. E., Goderich has won a $5.00 gift cer- tificate. Call or drop in at 48 East St. (Rear) Goderich 5248422. 20 40. Lost 8 Found LOST - ON MAY STH vicinity Wolfe and Victoria Streets Pomeranian. female named Foxy, old, large cyst between hind legs. If seen please con- tact or return to 97 Wolfe Street, Goderich.• 20 LOST A GREEN BAC filled with clothing, fallen from truck on Hwy. 21 south of Goderich. If found please phone 5249685. 20,21 41. To give away FREE TO GOOD HOME - adult neutered mole whi'e Persian cat. front paws declawed, good in- dependent mouser, Phone 524-4379. 20 46. In memoriam MITCHELL In loving memory of a dear son and brother Bob who left us so suddenly on May 7, 1970. We love you and miss you so much. Love Mom and family. 19x,20nx MacCORMACK and HUBLEY Sean Paul -Joseph, "son", died May 10, 1978, 8 years ago, born May 4, 1978. Forrell Paul -Joseph, "daddy" died May 11, 1978, 8 years ago, born Moy 5, 1940. ' In memory 'of a dear "son" and "daddy". Many the thoughts I give to you "son", As the long hours go by Thinking of the things we three could do and say just the three of us . Sometimes they make me Smile - Son & Daddy Sometimes they make me Cry. But both your memories, Are precious to me alone. Memories of baby, you & I Loved with a love beyond all telling. To the world there were but two - "Sean & Farrell To me they were all the world I had. 'No longer in my life to share But in my heart you two are always there" My Miracle", "My Son First Born'. Forever remembered, Forever missed, Years roll on, but my memories will last forever. Love as always to you both. Miss and -love you both, Mom (Barbara). 20 47. Card of thanks STOTHERS A special thanks to Doctors Thomson, Walker, Pierce. nurses and staff of second east while we were in the hospital. Marilyn & Shown. 20 SHORE I would like to thank my family. friends & neighbours for their proyers cards. flowers & gifts while I was in St. Josephs Hospital and since coming home. Your many kindnesses are sincerely appreciated. Marlene. 20 KOLKMAN Thanks to all our relatives friends and neighbours for the gifts and best wishes. You mode our day an enjoyable one. Special thank you to our daughter Karen for all the work she put into it. Bernie and Kinie. 20x POW ELL We wish to thank all our friends and relatives for their kindness and assistance during Vic's illness and at the time of his death. Thank you for the thoughtful cards, food, floral tributes and dona- tions made in his memory. Special thanks to Drs. Cauchi and Chan, nur->e-':-et-b` T?_'mases in ICU for all you did to comfort him. We are grateful to B.ob McCallum and his staff, Rev. Royal, Rev. Crocker and Rev. Woods, the Royal Canadian Legion, Ladies Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion. Thank you for all your kind- - ness. The Powell Family. 20 MATHERS In loving memory of a Dear Hdsband and Father arid Grandfather Charles A. who passed away 3 years ago May 18th, 1983 Our family circle has been broken A link gone from our chain But though we're ported for a while We know we'll rneet agnin. Time may heal the broken heart Time may make the wound les; sore But time can never stop the longing For the loved one gone before. Days at sadness still come o'er us Tears in silence often flow For memory keeps you ever near us Though you died three years ago. Sadly missed and always remembered by wife Gladys and family. 20x r HARRISON In loving memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather Walter Ross Harrison who passed away May 19, 1979, Ever remembered by his wife Muriel (Joy) son Douglas and family.' daughter Dione and family. 20 HARDY I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for cards, gifts, flowers, visits and phone calls while I was a patient in University Hospital London and the AM&G Hospital in. Goderich. I also wish to thank the doctors and Nurses for their care. All was really appreciated. Bill Hardy. 20x VENNARD I would like to. thank Dr. Chan, the nurses and staff 1st floor east for the excellent care while I was in hospital. Special thanks to my family and friends for flowers, cards & visits. All were much appreciated. Olga. 20 RYAN Ryan, Jessica and I would like to thank all the 2E hospital staff of the AM&G Hospital for their wonderful care during our stay there. Special thanks also to Dr. Cauchi for taking care of all the Little problems along the way. We would also like to let friends and relatives know how much we appreciated the thoughtful gifts of flowers and cards. Thank you again. Cathy. 20 McILWAIN Many thanks to all our friends and relatives who sent cards and gifts, to those who joined with us in person for our 40th Anniversary Celebration at Holmesville. A special thanks to our family along with the Women's Institute members who work- ed so herdic, make a very enjoyable anniversary day for us. To our children for an 'enjoyable din- ner at "Robindale's" many thanks. Stan and Berneice.-20x 46. Ir) memoriam RI V ETT I wish to thank all my relatives and friends for the cards, gifts, flowers, phone calls and visits I received on my 92nd Birthday. Special thanks to Legion Br. 109 and Ladies' Auxiliary members for helping me to celebrate my day. Gladys. -20x WATSON Many thanks to the Friends of the Library, especially Marg Bushell, Gertrude Wilkes and Fran Arms?. ong and to aLl those who attended the tea given in my honour. My gratitude to the patrons and staff for making the past 10 years so enjoyable. -20 48. Coming Events SLIDE SHOW by Mark Aitken Rotary Exchange "Glimpses of Southern India" Tuesday May 20th, 8 p.m. Goderich" Branch Library, Everyone welcome. Friends of the Library. 20 SPRING FLOWERS lea & Bake Sale Wednesday, May 21 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Victoria St. United Church, Goderich. 20 , ROBINSON In loving memory of our mother, Mary Lorene Robinson, who passed away one year ago, May 17, 1985. My heart bleeds, and aches with the need, To once again feel your embrace. And 1 longed once more to touch your face. It seems so long ago since you went away, That awful day in May. And I remember when we put you to rest in the ground, How we all just stood around. But now it's boon one long year, And we've all dried our tears . We remember the good times 8 the bad, And even though we miss you, We know you are with Dad. Now at last there is no more suffering in vain, Because you are finally free from your earthly bonds of pain. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by your family. ---20 Comm.ittee iP 7 i evaluate program doubtedly serve to strengthen and enhance an already exceptional system of providing patients with independent assistance and guidance." The committee will reports its recommen- dations for the future direction of the pro- gram to the minister by late fall. TORONTO - A steering committee has been appointed to evaluate the effectiveness of the patient advocate program in On- tario's psychiatric hospitals, Health Minister Murray Elston announced. The steering committee will be chaired by Allan Manson, a Queen's University law professor. The committee will consider whether improvements can be made to the patient advocate program and whether it should become more independent of the government. Advocates in provincial psychiatric hospitals currently report to Dr. Tyrone Turner, provincial co-ordinator of the pro- gram. Dr. Turner reports to the deputy minister of health and the assistant deputy minister of mental health. He is advised by the Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office ad- visory committee - a group comprised of mental health consumers, providers and advocates. The patient _arjsconaie program was established in 1983 to advance the rights of patients in psychiatric institutions. It was agreed at that time that the program — the only one of its kind in Canada — would be evaluated by an independent steering committee. "The patient advocates working out of On- tario's 10 provincial psychiatric institutions are doing an admirable job," Mr. Elstow} said. "Working independently of each hospital's administration, they have shown themselves to be sensitive to the needs and interests of patients, and are very effective in resolving patients' difficulties as they arise." In addition to informing patients of their human and legal rights, patient advocates discuss patients' concerns, upon request, with medical and administrative staff at the hospital4 When necessary, advocates will refer patients to outside advocacy resources, such as community organiza- tions, lawyers, or physicians who may offer a second psychiatric opinion. For Beautiful TREES and SHRUBS visit - BAKER'S NURSERY "Quality Merchandise at a Fair Price" R.R. 2 BAYFIELD 482-9995 —CLOSED SUNDAYS— 47. Card of thanks FOWLER l would like to thank the nursing staff of ICU and first flper of AMBG Hospital, Drs. Hollingworth, Cauchi, Flowers for their excellent care which I received while a patient there, also to friends and relatives that s9nt cards and gifts. Jean, ---20 Humane Society organizes Lipizzan show "We have every reason to be very proud of the patient advocate program," Mr. Elston said. "The advocates and the provin- cial co-ordinator, Dr. Tyrone Turner, have guided it through its initial development period with tact and foresight. Any changes the steering committee suggests will un- CLINTON - The May 7 meeting of the Huronia Branch of the Ontario Humane Society was held at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food Office. It was opened with the secretary's report from last month's meeting. The Ontario Hydro's Charitable Donations for 1985 ''sent a generous donation for the Building Fund. A booth has been reserved at this year's Klompen Feest on May 16 & 17. Ar- rangements were made for volunteer workers to be at the booths in Klompen Feest and the garage sale in the Suncoast Mall, Goderich, on May 23 & 24. At the South West Region Workshop", in London on April 26; it was reported that the staff had been cut back from 16 to eight at the farm in Newmarket due to lack of government funding. The rest of the meeting was spent organiz- ing the Lipizzan Horse Show being held May 25 in the Goderich Arena. SINUTAB TABLETS 2 9 13's Crest 150 ml. TOOTHPASTE $' S 9 Kleenex Boutique 75's TABLE NAPKINS • 9 9 Clover Leaf 439 gr. SOCKEYE SALMON GATORADE Thirst Quencher 400 ml. .89 js In Store Photofinishin PHOTO11 In before 3 p.m....Same day service 17..............•. , &boou (gust= ii + uilberu TCtb. 11 0 Specializing in Quality HOMES,- RENOVATIONS CABINETS 0 FREE ESTIMATES R.R. 4 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y1 PAUL GIBSON TERRY MCCLINCHEY 524.6013 529.3147 KO SOt 11111111111110111 uiiigan REAL ESTATE LIMITED M AURE©V W HDFONG 482-3224 HEATHER BENNEW IFS 34,5-2862 SUB POST OFFICE NAKAMURA PHARMACY SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH, 524.2195 START OFF YOUR LONG WEEKEND RIGHT WITH A VISIT TO The Glory Game Vital Signs WEEKEND READING ... NEW RELEASES REMEMBER;:.__ ,.T Fincher's hove o large selection of paperbacks including: Romance, Mystery, Science Fiction and Best Seller Popular Authors. GREAT SPECIALS IN EFFECT TILL MONDAY, MAY 19 / 86 ONLY PEPSI 1.5 LITRE BOTTLE PLUS TAX SAVE 40t AND DEPOSIT The Spanish Rose fi Real Estate Ltd. Broker Clinton Phone:482-9371 Residence: 523-9338 BLYTH Central Location, 4 bedrooms, propane furnace. List Price '29,000.00. MINUTES FROM CLINTON:20 year old brick one floor home, added sun room, plaster walls, family room, attached garage on spacious lot. $60s. Cen tuCentury Heigh ts, Saltford Three year old Brick Ranch with double garage, paved drive, livingroom, dining area and kitchen. Three plus one bedroom, four and two piece bath, main floor laundry, full finished basement. •524.4159• 1' Moodust & Madness * LARGE 'S'ELECTION OF . *• yy ��� FAMILY T r'* %VI 1. m * * : AVAILABLE THURSDAY MAY 15 * t*****************1*** ;***1 WHITE SWAN -3- ROLL PKG. PAPER TOWELS 8 SAVE 61t COTTONELLE 4 ROLL PKG. BATHROOM TISSUE 111 SAVE 50C • 49 ALL SUNGLASSES LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM... 25 OFF MSR PRICES NORTH SIN SHOPPERS SOUARE 524.6901 GODERICII n