HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-05-14, Page 181 30. Employment wanted RESPONSIBLE MOTHER of one will do babysitting Mon. to Fri. in my home at Huron Haven Village. References available phone 524-2958 anytime. - 20.21 31. Service directory FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum installation call Norm 524.6482. Free estimates. 02tt MASONRY. stone and carpentry work. Specializ- ing in brick pointing and chimney building. Free estimates. For information call Stan Kirkham .,482.5305. 03tf MACLYN CAR OILING - a way to beat rust. Used and new oil or combination of both: dusted after being oiled, Storting as low as $12.00. 1 1 4 miles north of Amberley, west off Hwy. 21. Look for the. signs. Also available now • driveway seal- ing, parking lots, marking. Mon. - Fri. 9.5. Sat. 8-12. 395.3352. 15-47 CUSTOM BACKHOEING • drain,"repair, erosion control, cellar drains. loser Call Frank Postill 482-9101. --15tf LIVE MUSIC FOR all occasions. 'Main Street West" would like to perform at your dance or /� reception. Live music is the best music,. / Reasonable rates. Plea_•e coil Hudson Warr 524-2144. Arlene Darnbrough 524-2035 or Phil Main Jr. 524-4777 after 5 p.m. 16tfnx 31. Service directory gook Roto Tiller Tiller & Lawn Dethatcher Today Layman (Rental e q u l o m e n t 209 &lylleld Rd . Gotten( h 524-2659 SELINGER WOOD LTD® Kiln -Dried Hardwood FIREWOOD NOW AVAILABLE OPEN: 8. - 12 p.m. & 1 - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday 524-2651 TRUCK TO 'TAKE brush to the dump. Phone 524.8553.--20.22 SPRING CLEANING and gardening keeping you too busy to cook? Let Colonel Sanders do the cooking. It's our taste that makes us famous. William Vanstone of RR4 Goderich has won a din- ner for one from Kentucky Fried Chicken, 94 Elgin Ave. E., Goderich 524-7359. - 20 GARDINER'S MOVERS We deliver and move anything Targe or small. FREE ESTIMATES 524-2421 PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS 1 DAVE MdKEE CALL 524-7774 DRAPERIES UNLIMITED Custom Draperies Balloon Shades • Valances • One Inch Mini Venetians • Verticals • Roller Shades For Shop at Home'Sorvlco CaII Day or Evening 524-2352 MAXINE MURRAY Prop. FREE ESTIMATES Visa Accepted NO OBLIGATION Watch For The GRAND OPENING of il!)NN A'S DECORATING Wallpaper, Paint & Supplies Custom Work 15 Years Experience in interior & exterior custom decorating Proprietor: Donna Murray D & I Enterprises *Renovations & Home Repair Work...Inside & Out. * Kitchen Cabinets & Vanities available r No Job Too Big or Small 10% OFF SENIOR CITIZENS FREE ESTIMATES \ Call Dennis 524-6257 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE '4 KOOFINC Total Exterior Renovations •eavestroughs •fascia •fencing •siding •decks •soffits Total Clean Up All Workmanship Guaranteed FREE Spring Roof Inspection & Estimate REASONABLE RATES 10% OFF FOR SENIOR CITIZENS . D & I ENTERPRISES 524-6257 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Service Centre for all *WHIRLPOOL *INGLIS -SPEED QUEEN .ADMIRAL *SIMPLICITY *HOTPOINT Appllancos HOFFMEYER PLUMBING 8 HEATING LTD, 55 Kingston St. Goderich -LAWN ROLLING - 1 TON ROLLER Lawn Cutting - Trimming E. & T. HORTON 524-2468- *\'L'nit•r Lilt•, *I Iydnrl Inc, *5ht:r1 ills: Dram, * Plrlu9hing in (',lhh NEED WORK DONE? • Renovations• Roofing• •Siding•Dry Wall• and all Repairs FREE ESTIMATES We can do it all JIM CARRICK CONSTRUCTION Auburn 526-7006 D&J RENOVATIONS • Free Estimates • Seaforth 527-0369 G'oderich 524-2954 1 H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Godorlch and area for 15 yoors PHONE Clinton Soaforth 402.3320 521.0284 1 Comp ete Construction •Custom Building •Additions *Renovations •Roofing •Siding •Farm Buildings HUGH BURGSMA c4_.=c.�_ 01 524-6355 31. Service directory JERRY RIVETT Bo . kkeeping Service 345 Hur't"n Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions Including: Payroll Financial Statements Ledger Controls Tax Preparation All or In -Part CIJFFORD NUGILL. Backhoe Service Trucking, 376N..URON ROAD - GODERICH - $24-7170 DISC JOCKEY SERVICE Country Gold & Rock 'n' Roll= PHILIP = BRECKLES �l0 Q� O • Automotive and small engine repairs • For all your lawn mower and automotive repairs ' • All your work performed by a Licenced Mechanic 232 Oxford St., Goderich 524-9538 DISCO - POLKAS WAL 17k% 1.000 NO. ( )HUI U Mutin 104 WEDDINGS DANCES ANNIVIH'ARII5 PANTIES II( 10 yrs. experience,"No mileage charge BRUSSELS 887-6159 DAYTIME or EVENINGS 1 32. Custom work CUSTOM PLANTING of small grains, corn and white beans. Phone 482-3518. 16-20 33. Miscellaneous WATERFRONT EROSION CONTROL CONTRACTORS •STEELWALL •PILES •GROYNES •DOCKS •JETTIES 'MARINE SALVAGE Highway 21 South, Box 36, Ba eld, Ontario NOM 160 (519)565-1563 FREE ADVICE with every do-it-yourself project supplied by Moffatt and Powell, 295 Bayfield Rd., Goderich, Our quality building supplies will see you through every renovation. Phone 524-8321. Mrs. Hugh Ball of RR5 Goderich fres won her choice of either a Fibreglass 16 oz. Hammer or a hall light fixture. Your'prize can be picked•up at Signal -Star during business hours. 20 34. Personal IS ALCOHOL a problem in your family? Al -Anon can help. For time of meetings call 524.6001.--24tfnx _ --- - YOUNG BACHELOR 38, new to Goderich, seeks companion for dining and dancing, Send replies to Goderich Signal -Star, Drawer No. 6, Box 220, Goderich, N7A 4B6,-19,20 35. Notice to creditors 1 DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC Open Weekends by Appointment HORST Feige D.T. GODERICH 38 West Street Noustodt (519) 665.7818 Goderich (519) 524-6688 Na Charge 1-800-265.7555 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1986 -PAGE 17 NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons claiming against the Estate of BRUCE McARTHUR BLOOMFIELD, late of the Town of Goderich, In the County of Huron who died on or about the 18th day of March, 1986, are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the Sth day of June, 1986, after which date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate 20-22 36. Announcements, notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS of the Estate of ROBERT GUY EMERSON, late of RR 5, in the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron who died testate on the 14th day of December, 1985. All persons having claims against the estate are required to send to the undernamed particulars of their claims on or before May 23, 1986, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which the Executor then has notice. PENSA & ASSOCIATES Barristers & Solicitors 150 Fullerton Street' London, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor, ROYAL TRUST COR- PORATION OF CANADA. --18-20 THE HUMANITARIAN Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loon. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley 524-7217.--4eowx 10% OFF EVERY Tuesday and Wednesday for senior citizens who have their hair styled by Rita at Rita's Beauty Salon, 117 East St., Goderich 524.4401. Mrs, Gordon Cangram of RR1 Dungan- non has won a free shampoo and set.-- 20 COLBORNE CONNECTIONS A PICTORIAL HISTORY OF COLBORNE TOWNSHIP INCREASED PAGES $30.00 After May 30th May be ordered at the township office, Carlow 38. Auction sale . CONSIGNMENT AUCTION OF 40 TRACTORS AND 100 PIECES OF EQUIPMENT Saturday, May 17 9:30 a.m. at BRINDLEY SALES YARD Dungannon AUCTIONEERS; Gordon H. Brindley Brian Rlntoul Bey Gray 529-7625 or 529-7970 NOTICE TO CREDITORS - AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Gertrude E, George, deceased. All claims against the Estate of Gertrude E. George, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 6th day of April, 1986, must be filed with the under- signed personal representative on or before the 6th day June, 1986. After that date, the Estate will be distributed with regard only. to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned shall not be liable to any person of whose claim it shall not then have notice. DATED at Goderich, Ontario this 28th day of April,. 1986. Messrs. Troyan & Fincher Barristers and Solicitors, 1 Nelson St. E. P.O. Box 97 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5 Solicitor for the Estate. -18-20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the Estate of WILLIAM HAROLD TIGERT, late of the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 27th ,day of January, 1986, are required to file the same with full ,par- ticulars with the undersigned by the 24th day of May, 1986, as after that date the assets of the estate Will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 28th day of April, 1986. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc„ 33 Montreal Street;; Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. -18-20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Robert A. McCosh, deceased. All claims against the Estate of the late Robert A. McCosh, of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the l l th day of .April, 1986, must be filed with the undersigned persanOl representative on or before the 6th day of June, 1986. After that date, the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned shall not be liable to any person of whose claim it shall not then have notice. National Trust Company, 1 Ontario St, P.O. Box 128 Stratford, Ontario N5A 659 Executor for the Estate of Robert A. McCosh. By its solicitors herein, TROYAN & FINCHER Barristers and Solicitors 1 Nelson St. E. P.O. Box 97 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5.-1820 1' LARGE AUCTION SALE Antiques, furniture, appliances to be held et Richard Lobb's Auction Barn Clinton for Geo Fox of Seaforth, Isabel Reid of Bayfield, Gertrude McGee of Bayfield. SAT. MAY 17 AT 10 A.M. G.E. portable colour T.V. 5 yrs. old. Enter - prize 24". natural gas stove, Beaty wringer washer, B&W T.V., 2-12" portable, TVs, maple hutch nearly new. chesterfield w/pull out bed nearly new, electric oven, apt. size extension table extends from 20 inches to 6 ft., 4 matching dining chairs, bowed ,china cabinet one glass missing, older three piece bedroom suite, oval parlour table, chesterfield w/pull out bed, desk, Iron bed w/ brass fixtures, din- ing table and five chairs, old fridge, 4 piece bedroom suite w/curved foot board bed, extra long coffee table, old toy wagon, Queen Victoria Jan. 22 1901 plate, bake board, scrub board. Victrola Phonograph, open washstand, 2 side boards, 2 chicken coops chairs, copper boiler, small antique ice box, small fable w/drawer, Aladdin lamp, antique dressers, inorris chair, washstand, quarts of paint, extension table, 2 trunks, small chests of drawers, some bedding, dishes and glassware, electric heater, water - trough, small wheel barrow, floor lamp, 23 ft. aluminum extension ladder, gas lawn mower, step ladder, humidifier, odd chairs, small appliances, 1984 Huron County Atlas, plus many more Items too numerous to mention. TERMS: CASH Auctioneer: Richard Lobb CLINTON 482.7898 Richard Lobb Auctioneer CLINTON - 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR SAT., MAY 17 AT 10 A.M. - Furniture, op - !Acmes at Richard Lobb Auction Barn, Clin- ton for Geo Fox, Seaforth & Mrs. Reid of Bayfield. THURSDAY, MAY 22 AT 6 P.M. - Household effects, and 2 bedroom house at Richard Lobb's Auction Barn for Harold T. Pepper, house located at 57 Dunlop Street, offered at 7:30 p.m. from auction barn. SAT„ MAY 24 - 2 tractors, 2 pick up trucks, machinery, tools & 'misc., 11/2 miles west of Holmesville for Mrs. Doris Batkin. WED., MAY 21 AT 6 PM • Appliances, cur• niture, lawn mowers, tools etc. at 24 Church Street, Brodhagen, Ont. for Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Wilson. THURS. MAY 29 AT 6 P.M. - Large antique corner cupboard, press back chairs, antique furniture at Blyth Arena for Margaret Nesbit, SAT. MAY 31 AT 10 A.M. 1984 Reliant Plymouth 2door car run only 20,000 Kms from Estate of John Drumond, antique furniture from Inez MacDonald at Richard Lobb's Auc- , tion Dul n Lnrt1on, CLEARING AUCTION Two tractors, two good pick up trucks, farm machinery, tools, etc. to be held 11/2 miles south of Holmesvllle, On- tario for Mrs. Doris Batkiln. SAT., MAY 24 AT 1 P.M. TRUCKS: 1976 Chov Scottsdale 1/2 ton Pick up w/ aluminum topper, bumper, aluminum running boards. V8 automatic, P.S., P.B., radio, selling certified, 32353 miles, like new. 1966 GMC '/a ton Pick up, V8 automatic, radio, 68780 miles, truck Is in ex- cellent condition far 1966 model. TRACTORS: MF 165 diesel w/ multi power, 1555 original hrs., front weight. MF50 gas tractor on good rubber, belt pulley, 2 set of tractor chains. MACHINERY: MF130 PTO manure spreader w/ extensions and top beater like new. Overum 3 furrow trip bottom: Piero 12" to 16" bottom, Ferguson 3 PT hitch cultivator, Ford 903 post hole digger, Fold 3" PT hitch hay mower, Paulk 5 ft. rotary cutter, Lucknow early model 8 ft. single auger snowblower, 7 ft. blade. MF 3 furrow x 12" wide bottom plow, 4 sec- tion diamond harrow and pole, 8 ft. 3 PT hitch drag harrow, hay rack on old wagon, small flat rack, walking plow, water troughs, 2 umbrellas, 2 chain saws, Lan 0 Matic twin cylinder por- table air compressor, 2 electric heaters, 220 volt, lacks, tools, bench grinder, aluminum extension ladder, wheel barrow, vise, steel posts, etc. SELLING FOR NEIGHBOUR: Massey Super 92 self propelled combine w/ 12 ft. cutter bar head, pick up and straw spreader. Case 3 furrow x 16" trip bottom plow. Geo. White 200 Imp. gal aluminum tank trail sprayer w/ hypro pump, older Massey seed drill, Ford 9 ft. 3 PT hitch disc, 4 row bean puller, 9 ft. Danish cultivator w/fin er harrows, Dan 0 Mex 3 PT hitch fer- tilizer spreader, Turnco gravity box on Turnco wagon, old bin on wagon, 9 ft. land packer, 3 section diamond - harrows & pole - good ones. ( NOTE: This Is a real clean offering, so plan to attend. Farm is rented. TERMS:CASH Lunch Booth Auctioneer RICHARD LOBB CLINTON.ONT, 519-482-7898 Owner DORIS BATKIN 519-482-9184 Puseitcy AUCTION on Hwy. 21, 3 miles south of Grand Bend Wednesday, May 14 at 6:30 p.m. We will be selling the contents of a local home plus additions. This will be a large & varied auction. See last Saturday's London Free Press for listing. Auctioneer PAT LYON 243-2713 Next "auction Wednesday, May 28 'oat 6:30 p.m. it TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE FRIDAY NiGHT May 16th at 6:30 p.m. Sharp (NOTE DATE and TIME) Consisting of cars and trucks plus lawn and garden equipment - 83 Mercury Grand Marquis LS; 83 Ford F1SO Explorer pick-up; 80 Ford F350 Custom Wrecker; e0 Ford F100 Custom pick-up C/w cop; 80 Dodge Omni Hatchback; 79 Ford LTD: 78 Mustang Hatchback; 78 Toyota Corolla; 78 Mercury Marquis Col Park Wagon; 77 Cadillac Eldorado; 77 Ford 4 door; 77 Chrysler Newport 77 Dodge Van; 76 Mercury Marquis Wagon; 76 Triumph Spitfire Convertible sports .car;t-75 Chrysler Newport; 75 Chrysler Cordoba;. 74 Jeep 4 x 4 pick-up; 74 GMC Suburban; 74 Dodge Dart; 74 Hedge Truck c/ w flat rack; 72 Ford Thunderbird; 72 Joop Cheyono 4 x 4 c/ w blade; 71, Choy Truck c/ w flat rack; 68 ford E5011 Truck e/ :a due! end ;Het rack; 64 Ford Galaxy In excellent condition; 60 Choy In mint condition plus a number of late ad- ditions. Also featured will bo several new and used riding lawmmowors, trallors, tillers. golf carts, bicycles and motorcycles plus 3 small farm tractor;. List is subject to additions and deletions duo to normal business - dealers welcome - colnti early as we will bo starting on time. 'mem Cash, Visa or good cheque evening hf sale. Not responsible for accidents on property. AUCTIONEERS; Bruce Ward and Lloyd Binns WARD AUTO SALES Located at Wayne Ward Farm Equipment 534-1638 or 534.2980 Hwy. 6 !Marton