HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-11-18, Page 4THE:.EXETER • TIMES TatritSLEY, .Fl O X E`MB ' R 18th, TON, IFHE C}.ARM OF MOTHERH000 chanced By Perfect Physi- cal Health. The experience of Motherhood IS a try- ing ry-J g one to most womenand marks dise tinetiy an epoch in their lives.. Not one 'woman in a hundred is prepared or un - ,t ileitiiititads how toproperly care for her. *elf. Of course nearly every SlowadaYS has medical treatment at such alliiiiee,'biit,many approach the expert ince with an organismunfitted for the trial of strength, and when it is over lber system has received a shock from 'Which it is bard to .recover, Following nigbtupon this comes the nervous strain of caring for the child, and a distinct *hangs' in the mother results. There is nothing more charming than *happy and healthy mother of children, erns indeed child -birth raider the right :conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty. The unexplainable thing is that, with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from on unprepared condition, and with am- ple time in which to prepare, Women mill persist in going blindly to the trial. Everywoman at this time should rely upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable • Coenpotmd, a most valuable tonic and Invigorator of the female organism, In many homes puce childless there + now children be- cause of the fact that Lydia E. Pink- ihnnes V egetable Compound make s women normal, healthy and strong. If yon want special advice write to +,yaia'i,'o Pinkltam Medicine Co. (comas .dentias) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will. /be opened, read and answered by a endear and held in strict cion+: eacee CA Fee Infante ted. Ohl3d.F,'ela. Ma K Yo%' ;sale Alway3 Etualei tLe r.,!st; yet.._ e .ar<. -C... rrr` ' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ORIA NEWS EMS OF WEEK 1 r•a t Events Which Have Oct:txrred During the Week.. ,i. e Busy World's Happenings Care - telly Compiled and Pot tido Handy and Attractive Sbape for the Headers of Our Paper A Solid Woes tr.njoyment. WEDNESDAY. The stegmer Dade was sunk bye German submarine yesterday. Ontario's ecrntri ettions to the Brit- ish, lied; `r s• now anneee t$ao $X200, Cee aditus troops took part in the Lord Mayor's parade in Loudon yes- terday, 'Tbe Manitoba Grain Growers' As- sociation Executivereiterated its de- mand for free wheat. Eight o'clock closing of bars in Ot- tawn has already' cut in two the aver- age number of arrests for drunken- airs. General Sir Sam Hughes announc- ed at meeting in Massey Hail that he plans to, lead the Canadians in the big, fins} drive to Berlin. A two-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. R. Taylor, near Woodstock, was drowned yesterday in about a foot of water in a shallow cooling vat. A nearly full grown heifer, but ranch emaciated, was found yesterday log a large basswood I g b y two men rabbit -hunting north of Strat- ford. Admiral Tseng Jtt Cheng, Governor of the Shanghai district, was assass- inated yesterday. His secretary, who was with him at the time, was ser- iously wounded. The Greek Government is reported to have appealed to the Allies for fur- ther financial assistance. The Gov- ernment desires to obtain an addi- tional advance of 40,000,000 francs. Queen Elizabeth of Roumania ("Carmen Sylva") underwent a suc- cessful operation for the removal of a cataract from her right eye. The operation was performed by Prof. Landott. A record wheat cargo of 460,000 bushels on the Snyder, jun., and a load of 455,000 bushels on the Grant Morden, were put through the Sault Ste. Marie Teaks yesterday, constitut- ing the greatest amount ever handled there in one operation. RSDAY. Ft big munitions plant was burned in Pennsylvania. An impressive memorial service for the late Sir Charles Tupper was held in London. Cecil H. Robinson, of Walkerville, believed to be the oldest Town Clerk in Canada, died at the age of 77. L. D. Wilgress has been appointed Trade Commissioner to be stationed at Omsk, and C. F. Just at Petrograd. Clark Hamilton, Collector of Cus- toms at Kingston frons 1583 to 1909 autt rormeriy a steamer ctapa:aln, iS dead. D, J, McCallum, ex -Mayor of Sea - forth aud formerly manager of flour lof- t isthere, died suddenly at Saska- toon of apaple Y. The Ontario Government appointed a committee, headed by Mr. W. D. McPherson, LC., M.P.P., to look after disabled soldiers. The troopship Corsican has safely reached an English port, with the 55th New Brunswick Battalion and the Newfoundland contingent. At a caucus of the National Liberal. members of the Reichstag it was re- solved that the light against the high cost.of•living, due to, ithp tar, was at present the most important question T growing out of tae conflict. Thos; Duckworth, acculted; of =pee de'lain bis brother -in -I ,'' :Harr Strutt e on the 2nd instant at their home in East Luther, was committed by Police Magistrate. Tate at Grand Valiey for trial at the Spring As- sizes for Dufferin county. What is asserted to be a world's tabor Combine, with a membership of 1,500,000, has been virtually effected in England by the adoption of a draft constitution, Iinking together the National Uni n of Railway Men, the Transport Workers' Federation, and the Miners' Federation. FRIDAY. The Province of Ontario will give $5,000 for the relief of destitute Bel- gians. Wreckage believed to belong to the lost tug Frank 0. Barnes has been sighted on Lake Ontario. Wholesale sugar prices were ad- vtineed ten cents per 100 pounds 'throughout Ontario and at Winnipeg. Lord Murray of Elibank, former Liberal whip, was appointed to a po- sition in the British Munitions Min- istry. In his . hundred and third year, Francis McManus of Maitland passed away yesterday after only one week's +illness. Billy Sunday is to speak at the first big meeting shortly in Toronto in the campaign for a "dry" Ontario by July let next. Half a million dollars' damage was done to one plant, and a munitions factory was menaced by a blaze 1» New Jersey yesterday. Wm. Hornet, farmer, of Kintyre, was found dead in his barn, having committed suicide by hanging owing, it is believed, to despondency over ill -health. Peter Anderson, while visiting at aloulinette, near Cornwall, slipped under the wheels of a G. T. R. train when attempting to board it, and war fatally injured. The Prime Minister announced that no further contributions for ma- chine guns are required, as all expen- diture for that purpose should be de- frayed out of the public treasury. The much-discussed War Commit- tee in Britain will consist of the fol- lowing five Ministers: Premier As- quith, Arthur Balfour, First Lord of the Admiralty; David Lloyd George Minister of Mr`nitions;•—Bonar .Law Secretary for the Colonies; and Re. gluald McKenna, Chancellor of the lsch eciuer„ SATURDAY. til'TtUttY. • It is stated that a large part of the Bulgarian ;Icing's fortune is it a Lon• don bank, Owen Sound. for the first time, re- ceived Hydro -electric power generat- ed at Eugenia Falls. A hospital .motor ambulance as a memorial to Edith Cavell has been given by the British in Chicago, Prominentcitizensattended the funeral of Mrs. Lillian Massey Treble, the Toronto philanthropist, in Toron- to yestetlay. Mrs. Davis, an Ottawa widow, se - oared the enlistment of twelve sons of ftie•4<'ti's of hers, to'get her only son 'enlisteMks a bugled: Hon, T. Chase Casgrain, Postmas- ter -General, has offered his services to the Minister of Militia in any po- sition overseas or in Canada. The soldiers from Sewell Camp, some six thousand in .number, parad- ed in Winnipeg, witnessed by crowds estimated, from 75,000 to 100,000 cit- izens. Sir Charles Davidson again took upinto at Montreal the inquiry tr ry theo q purchase by Canada of two subma- rines from the Seattle Construction & Drydock Co. Colonel Marlow, Toronto divisional medical officer, was asked by the Mi- litia Department to proceed to Que- bec to straighten out the tangle af- fecting discharged soldiers. The close .season duping November for whitefisb, pickerel, and salmon trout in the Great Lakes is done away with in new fishery regulations, some other changes also being made. The Daily Express yesterday morn- ing announced it is authorized to state that since the beginning of the war fourteen battleships and battle cruisers, all snperdreadnoughts, have been added to the British fleet, as well as a large number of minor war- ships. MONDAY. Two British scientists have been awarded the Nobel prize. The British submarine E20 was sunk in the Sea of Marmora. Winston Churchill will go -to France at once to join his regiment. It is estimated that France's war bill up to December 31, 1915, will be $4,287,712,200. The body of Sir Charles Tupper arrived at Quebec on the Metagama and was conveyed to Levis and thence to Halifax. The Italian cruiser Piemonte bom- barded and destroyed the railroad station at Dedeaghatch, Bulgaria, on Friday. The warship also destroyed two trains. The Greek steamer Iassithion has landed 22 survivors of the British steamship Clan Macalister at Canes, Crete. The Clan Macalister was sunk on Nov. 10. Lieut. 3. M. Phelan, of the 15th (Belleville) Regiment is one of 14 first cousins in_ the Antes'. service. SO'CiR, ACID]' S' O kCS GASES ON TNDIGTEBTION Each 'Tape's DIapepsin" digests 3000 grains ending all stomachach misery In five minutes. Time it! Infv minutes all stom- ach. distress will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations'of undigested breath or headache. foul food, no dizziness, bloating, Papa's Diapepsin Is noted for its need in regulating upset stomachs.. It is the ;surest, quickest stomachtrem- edy In the whole world and•besides it Is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by .getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin. from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to sue ler from indlgestlon, dyspeeela or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor to the world. nine or whom have already been kill- ed in action. Forty young men enlisted at a re- ception in Hamilton to returned sol- diers, who scored the indifferent, and a similar rush of recruits followed a parade and speeches at Stratford. A Montenegrin official communfea tion says: "There have been severe combats in the Sanjak since Thurs- day. The enemy was unsuccessful. We captured 125 prisoners and con- siderable war material. TUESDAY. The steamer Charles A. Luck, fear- ed lost, is safe at Whitefish Point. The Wacousta, a former Dominion coal steamer, was sunk by a German submarine. Premier Hearst received the Aus- tralian Cadets, formally welcoming them to Ontario. Zionists in conference at Montreal pledged the devotion of the Jews to the British Empire and Crown. Miss M. L. Quiliinan sued Mr. J. H. Stuart of Niagara Falls, Ont., for $10,000 for slander, and got $15,000, Twenty freighters carried more than 4,500,000 bushels of grain out of Port Arthur and Fort William yes- terday. ssMaud Sinclair, who had bee , Principal of schools in three western Provinces as well as in Ontario, died at Harriston. George Cummings, an engineer, in the employ of the Grand Trunk Rail- way for 47 years, died at Allendale, aged 65 years. Premier Asquith said yesterday that Sir Edward Grey had been left out of the Cabinet War Committee at his own request. The military investigation com- menced into the affairs of the herd Battalion at London, following dis- closures of tbefts. Mr. A. B. Blake-Fors.:er, who left Toronto with the first contingent in the Q.O.R. as Sergt.-Iviajor, was pro- moted to_Lieuteuaut for gallantry_. U T x':41` SO:-EONEIS GOING TO GET ENNIS PIANO AISOLUTELY FREE /110 IS T:fAT S JAMES, BEVERLY r'as ta,rted a Trade ;.,alrapp aign and will give 'lead,/.. `ae,:t inn elvy FREE E a eb 5ii' )„0 °J'Y. & Co. Piano.. :ifi:aces will be issved 11: 1I' - ase, one vt:t.e fT R' e. ea. 6•;"'.3 Pent of puroba•=F9 la.t,'• .e pc of h olding :)I'o -`'1 Aug the largf 3 ; i+, g Yst o.: "'` -?e at the end ey eine this, t rr solritely } 112 are knot . Certii it r ri THE EXETER TIMES has made arrangements with Mr. Beverly to co-operatewith him, and we will give 3000 votes for every dol'ar received on sub- scription. 100 votes for each dollar paid on advertising or job work. t Pti of this Campaign is that there is no publicity to Canidates. Contestants 11 J. arted the ,ace Early. i ,,i a fi'- 1; .1: 3I,E and if you are not interested in securing ibis piano yourself, you can assist rend • r INCORPORATED 1855 mono or osr aoarnomr OLSONS BAI.'..I( , CAPITAL' AND RESERVE;,$8,8OO,000 ` 96 Branches in Canada tGea ai Banking Business Transacted err g CIRC I ,AR LETTERS OP CREDIT BANK +MQiyl' OKDERS S Li 1 T SAVINGS BANK P R 'M l 4 Interest alowed at highest current rate W. D. cLARKE. Manager, Exeter Braricle THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, Q.V.O., LL.D. D.C.L., President JOHN AIRD, General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, 1sa't General Manager• CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FOND, $13,500,006 1i SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the. current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 anis.'. upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounts are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, with..- dratvals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. •S5( Exeter Branch— H. J. WHITE, Manage 1?REDITON BRANCH — A. E. KUHN, Manager. Auction Sale OF FA'R'M STOCK AND IMPLB- 1hEENTS Thos. Cameron has received instruc- tions from the undersigned teasel]. ,by public auction on Lot 3concession 3, 'ruokersmith, on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd at one o'clock p.m. the following: .1.1U'RSES—Iieavy draft mare rising 6 Years old; heavy draft mare 8 era old; heavy draft mare rising 5 years old supposed .to be in foal to 1Chloro dyne; heavy draft colt rising 2 sears old sired by 'Chlorodyne; driving horse 7 years old, .driving ,colt rising 2 years sired by Mac Wilkes. (CATTLE ,AND PIGS -2 grade cows supposed to be in calf; Jersey cow supposed to be in calf; farrow cow; S steers trssing 2 years; 2 heifers xis• Ing 2 years, 4 sprint calves; also a brood soft-, 0 pigs 3 months and 75 young hens. IMPLEMENTS—Massey-Harris bin- der, 7 -foot cut; Massey -Barris mower ti foot cut; Frost & ,Wood ;disc; Frost & Wood seedtd.rill; Frost & Wood cul civator ; Dain hay loader, Deering hay redder; McCormick hay rake, 2 walk mg plows, Cockshutt gang plow; set narrows, land roller, root pulpen, scuffler, lumber wagon, gravel box. hay rack, 'bobsleighs, demoorat, pole and shafts, t Buggy, open buggy, road cart, In., fork, 150 ft., rope, car pulleys and slings, 2 sets heavy ,har- cess.'set double light harness, grass seed ,sower, 2 sets whiffletrees, 2 neckyokes, sap pan, 100 buckets and spites, step ladder, forks, hoes, shovels 20 tons of hay, quantity of maogolds, cream separator, churn, '2 heating stoves, 3 hanging lamps. Positively no reserve as the pro- prietor is giving up farming. TERMS—All sums of $10 and: under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on approved joint ,notes. A discount 'of 5 per cent off for Dash., Flay and roots cas.lh THOS. 'CAS72LTtON, Auctioneer. ALEX. BU;C•HANAN, Sr., Prop. Auction Sale OP VALUABL.0 i ESiDENTAL PRO- P]URTY IN . THE VILLAGE OF EXETER In the matter ofthe, estate of T. 13. (Darling, late of the Village of Exe- ter. xeter. in the !County of .Huron, Gentle- men deceased. Mr. D. 'W. (Robinson, Auctioneer, has received instructions from the Exe- cutors of the ie,state of 'the tate. T.. B. Carling and will eell by public auc- tion on the tpremises'on'Saturday, the twenty-seventh day of 'November at two o'clock p'ut. That most desir'a'ble residental pro- perty situate on the westlai,de of Alaa.in Street opposite Simcoe Street iii the Village of Exeter :being the residen- tial property of the 'fate T., B. Carl- ing consisting of a two-story brick cottage roofed residence 'and threw lots of land The ;house is`in good repair• fuuance, hard and soft wtaer, beauti- ful grounds, Tine Sault, shade and, or- anment+al trees a.ad a splendid gar - dent. At the ''same time 'and place will be Bold a •qu'antity of household goods and 'ehatteis consisting of bedroom suites, 'sideboards, ;ran ge , gasoline stove, tables, :,sofas, 'chaite and other articles too numerous to menace; 41'E'.Eb11LS OF SALE (Chattels cash; Land, ,conditions of ,sale will be made 'known on day of sale. For further particulars apply to (C. W. Robinson, Auctioneer, Exeter; Mrs. Martha Carling on the premises, and Dickson & Carling, Exeter, Sol- icitors for the Executors, TJIE SOLDIER WJIO 'LIVES OVER AGAIN IN A 'NIGRTNIAitE, •TELE AWFUL BATTLE 'SCENES, es .focil as the harassed business man, the tired society woman, and busy house- wife. whose nerves are gradually. wearing to abrade with thtlr never- ending'dutiee, will get quicic:4nd per- ntanent relief ,Brom TAISA1.%E. Get a box for „fifty Bents lair sour ,druggists, or by mail from the Georgian A:tfg '1Coiliiigwood, ontar'io, r- J. A. MASON ARCHITECT 425 Dundas Street, London, Guars Ise 4 teed cost of buildings; no extras; IIA years New York experience. Phe.sag 2725, Anyone intending to build will at, ell o write me. No charge for cosh sulat CoD.WV.liAIt1`, 1VI.JL.C.Me.- ees RICHMOND ST., LOMIO ONTARIO. sPECIALJST IN suttonRY AND JaNITO-MUNA$tT.; DISEASES OF AND WOMEN; DP G. F. 1tOULST,ON, L.Dx9., DAD DENTIST ttt Honor Graduate of Toronto Unive w sat. .- Office over Dickson '& Dame - Log's Law office. Closed Wednest day afternoons. Phone Wipe, Sag I Residence 5b. •qea LR, A, 11, KINSMAN L'..D,tst asp,, Stoner 'Graduate of Torante Ditata ersity D E N T'I B T 1,404 t1 Teeth extracted without pato. el any bad effects. Offices over Glad's lean & Stanbury'a Office Male ilea Exeter, le .. t , _' .- t emit J - W, BROWNING ea. D. , 1 P. ls, Graduate Victoria Ura1I;II city Office and residence Domtimisl Labratory., Exeter, .rr ld Aasooiate Coroner of Huron lel D ICKSON & CARDING P "flf Barristers, Solicitors Notaries 0,egP -e4". veyanoers Commissioners, IlSolkeitterst, for the Mo,sonta Bank etc,1 t Money to Loam at lowest hates of kw terest., t OFFICE—MAIN STREET Bei+ETUiNg 1. 13. Carling B. A4 IL. ad Diekraii MONEY. TO LOAN I: 1; I:_ 1 1 1 We have -a large amount et his ate funds to loan on farm an,d Oat lage properties at lowest rate !i tercet GLADMAN & STANBUILII ! ;; Barristers, Solicitors, ails I& Exeterd The Uaborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire lulu ' antro Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar, Ow President , ,Vi ROBT. NORREEa. Viee-President + , PHOS. RYA* J3IFtECTO''1,.'S. (q; WM. BRO,CK , .. WM. BOX J L. RUSSELL ; 7, T. ALLISOJi$ AGENTS s dl JOHN ESSER Y Exeter. agent Vlia borne and Bidduiph. 1 a OLIVER I3ARE1d Munro agent fan Gibbert Fullerton stn Logan. „11,,, W. A. rift NNutLLI Seoy.Treas. Farquhatir GLADMAN & STANi3URZ Solicitors. Exeter. Scientists have pleadged their aid Ole the 'king by devoting all their encr gies'to the task of bringing the waea to a victorious eoneliasion, in 'thO meactine, the health and nerves oil our brave soldiers • and their friend* at home 18 suffeeing,'and' TA1.Alia is the 'one 'perfect ,remedy for nerves.-, p'!lty'cents 'at your druggist's, or b3•I mail from the Georgian Mfg. ICs., pollingwood,, Ontario. , ,