HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-05-14, Page 16t' Le 1 . Townt.ou:ntry CL S 1 GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1986—PAGE 15 AHOY MATIES! There's Buried Treasure on the classified pages of the Goderich Signal -Star every week waiting to be discovered by It's easy to win: YOU! ® Goderich and area merchants have donated prizes each week. ®The description of these prizes is in. cluded each week in a regular classified ad for the participating merchant. The name of the winner, drawn from our subscription list, Is also Included In this classified ad. ®These "treasures" are "burled" at ran- dom among the classifieds. ®Simply read all the classifieds each week to check for your name. Nit you fin: your name, come to the Signal•Star office to claim your prize. This Week's Participating Art's Landscaping Becker's (Suncoast Dr.) Brown's Decor Centre Campbell's of Goderich Culbert's Bakery Dirk's Galley Rest. Dixie Flowers Merchants Are: Don's Tape Repair Donuts & More Esso Centre Goderich Lamp a Fan Granger's TV Ltd. Hair Affair Josef Winter Hair Design Kentucky Fried Chicken- The hickenThe Met Moffatt & Powell O'pirie,n'e Meats Pepl's Pizza Rita's Beauty Salon Squire Gifts The Upholstery Shop All prizes must be picked up at the Goderich Slgnal•Star during business hours within 2 weeks of the date the winners are announced. Don't miss the fun or the profit. Read all the classifieds every week. CLASSIFIED RATES & DATA: j��rrsr 12 NOON TUESDAY. Too late to classify; ads will be accepted until 2 p.m. Tuesday for Wednesday publications y ll b x7w? I s IIII#I • 14.50 min./22 words 204 ea. additional word thereafter. Consecutive Insertions: 2 con- secutive insertions, '4.00 ea. 3 or more con- secutive insertions '3.50 ea. In Memoriam; '4.50 min. plus 354 per line of rhymed verse. Card of Thanks; '4.50 min. 25 words plus 6C for each additional word. Public Notice: '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors; '30. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20. for 1 insertion. Drawer Number; '3. first week, '1. each additional week. Prompt Payment; 504 discount per week for word ads paid in full at time of purchase or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.) Display Classified; rates available on request. 1,I S'EASY! To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR/VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 AM-5:OOPM 524-2614 Address mall correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Slgnal- Star, P.O. Box 220, Industrial Park, Goderich.N7A 4B6 1. Articles for sale 'AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- meyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1 tfar FOR SALE • Storm windows, various sizes, also humidifier. Call 524.4179 after 5 p.m,-17tfnx PATIO STONES for sale. Phone 524.7803.-19,20x BLUE SPRUCE: Dig yourr choice from sod, up to 4 ft, height, Spruce $2.00 per ft., Blue Spruce, $3,50 per ft. (tax included). 1 miles east of Wingham, Highway 86, Mrs. Marsh, 2nd house east of school. 357-2387.-19,20x SINGER ELECTRIC (desk style), complete with bench' and all attachments; Tub Chair, velour, biscuit colour, Antique Duncan Phyfe chair; Rollet slide projector for 35 mm and larger. Large number of various size developing trays. 524-8787.-19-21x FOR SALE — 8 - 14.5 nylon 10 ply Goodyear, tubeless Mobile home tires and rims. Like new condition. Call 524.4179 after 5:30,-20tfnx BE A CREATIVE Circle hostess and receive free needlecraft kits. For more Information call Cory Kuipers 524.4459.-20x 25 COMPLETE BEDS, mattresses & headboards, end 'tables, table lights, solid doors, aluminum screen doors. Good clean stuff suitable foqr home or cottage. (519)524.8602 N. Hamilton, 27 Plcton St. East, Goderich.-200r 1. Articles for sale COMPUTERS Sales and service, accessories, monitors, printers, paper, books and magazines. C W COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES (KINCARDINE) LTD. 732 Queen Street, Kincardine, 1.396-3114.--17tf CERTIFIED seed potatoes, garden corn, lawn seed_Harvey Culbert. Phone 529-7492.-17-21 CREATIVE CIRCLE Catalogues are available at Le Trousseau, 74 Hamilton St. For information call Cory Kuipers 524.4459.-20x 1 . Articles for sale SINGER • For authorized sales and serv.ice, sew-' ing machine, vacuum cleaners, parts and no- tions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre now 'coated at 56 The Square, Goderich. 524-8431 .--40areowtf KITCHEN SUITE, caster chairs, good condition; sectional chesterfield, excellent condition; chesterfield and chair, good condition: leather couch "as is"; cabinet stereo "as is". Phone 524-'4884 after 4 p.m. --20 ALLEN SCOPE with infra red; Coats 40-40A tire changer; Ammco brake lathe; Bishman align- ment equipment; Bishman wheel balancer; and many more garage equipment items too numerous to mention. Phone 524-8612.-20,21 ar OF COURSE We provide in-house service for our TORO AND ARIENS Mowers. Service to other makes too. (For 16 years now) STEVE ARGYLE LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT (1970) Bayfield 565.2800 RIPLEY ABATTOIR A-1 or 2 Beef Special HINDS 1.95 Ib. FRONTS 1.19 lb. SIDES 1.55 Ib. Prices Include cutting, wrapping and quick freezing, gross weight. Phone 395-2905 USED FURNITURE La -Z -Bot chair, 2 woy en bar stools, cabinet stereo, green arm ,pMiair, Only $35.00 for all. Call 524-7769,--20x KICKS CUCUMBER contracts avallabid now at Norm Kramers; Lot 1, Conc, 2,' Tuckersmith 527-0076 and at Shirley Kramers, Dublin 345-054.-20 OVEN READY chickens 6,5 lbs„ $1.26 per pound, Phone 5246427. Will deliver, --20 SHEAFLER SUNDAE and Ice cream freezer, good condlflon. $350.00 or best offer. Call 395.2757.-20 GAS DRIVEN water pump, 2" capacity, $200.00; 8" bench grinder $89.00. Phone 524-2352. 20x 5 H.P. ROTOTILLER; 1 cab for riding lawn mower, like' new. Phone 482-9868. 20 MODERN HARDWICK 20" Propane gas range, ex- cellent condition. Price negotiable. Ph. 529-7109.— 20,21 TWO UTILITY TRAILERS. Both in good condition. $150.00 each. Take your pick, Phone after 6 p.m. 524.4366,-20x - QUALITY MEATS • BBQ season is here. Full Ilne of retail fresh and frozen meats. Hamburger patties $1.59 Ib. (12 Ib. bag); Sous. patties $1.39 lb. - turkey patties, chicken patties, Lean pure pork homemade sausage $2.09. Len Harman 246 Jones St., Goderich has won 2 T-bone steaks from O'Brien's Meats. 413 Huron Road, Goderich 524.8632,-20 -- ANTIQUE CHERRYWOOD serving table $75.00. Phone 524.8553. --20 FOR SALE BMX Bobcat, needs little work, Best of- fer. Call 524.2856 after 4 p.m. - 20nx JM BALE ELEVATOR with flights every 14", 32 feet long; 50 acres of alfalfa. Phone 524-2459.-20x CEDAR FOR 100 ft. of 5 ft. fencing, 16 • 4 x 4 x 8 ft., 220 ft, of 2 x 4, 220 pieces of 1 x 6 x 5 ft., 2 square of eastern white cedar shingles, 250-300 assorted red brick, 1972 340 TNT SkiDoo for parts. Ph. 524.4146.--20 ' HAVE A SHRUB DISPLAY at hour home this -spr- ing. Art's Landscaping will provide you with a private showing, in your own garden of shrubs you could use to enhance your property. You make the choice. Call 524-2645 at 166 Bennett St. E., Goderich. Dave Switzer of 175 Sunset Dr. Goderich has won a rose bush. -20 FOR SALE • GARDEN TILLER, good shape. Phone 524.7215.-20tfnx CAR STEREO SPEAKERS 60 watt, 3 way, plus amp - equalizer. All new equipment. Phone 529-7901 or 524-6901.-20x - BEST DRESSED PIZZA in .town is Pepi's Upper Crust, available daily; 11 a,m. to midnight Sun- day to Thursday; 11 a.m, to 1 a.m. Friday, Satur- day. We're at 45 West Street, the former site of Andrews Dairy. Come in and relax in our glassed -in alcove. Phone 524-8384, Scott Young of 211 Cambria Rd. N., Goderich has won a small pizza with 3 items. - 20 ALL MINT CONDITION: three piece, light maple bedroom suite, new box spring and mattress; dark pine chesterfield, loveseat and choir to match, orange, brown, beige tweed; dark pine coffee table; dry. sink; lamp table etc. 565.2192.-20 - 20 CU. FT. WOODS freezer, 10 months old, $400. Phone 482.3455.--20x • PIANO WITH BENCH. Phone 524-9242.--20,21 CAST' IRON GAS BARBEQUE • single burner; Boys dirt bike $25,00, men's Adidas ball cleats, size WOOD Order your slabs NOW before the fall rush 720 cu. ft. Box del. within 15 mile radius. Hardwood 5130.00, Softwood $100.00. Phone 528-3237 after 6 p.m. -17-20 FINAL TWO WEEKS Clearance Sale of Last years appliances - also Woods freezers -1F -r -e -e- d rTal w o -n a Microwave Oven (Next micro school in June) Over 600 appliances in stock Our 41st year W. t., rl,. Wha, W. 1.lr DRYSDALE, MA10hrrPNTRVANbt lI iirrNt Air 757 7778 Ontario Open Fridays till 9 p.m 11."*: m. . _............ 1---- 2. Motorcycles for Sale GLEANER K COMBINE, never used on corn or beans; 50 round bales of hay. Phone 529-7624,-19,20 HONDA TRX 200, 4 wheel A.T.V., excellent con• dition. Phone 482.9874.— 19,20 18 CUBIC FOOT Inglis Citation side by side refrigerator freezer, $275.00. Four cycle Inglis Sterling dishwasher, $225.00. Round white oak clawfoot table with four matched ihi-backed press back oak chairs, $700.00. 524.202719,20 FRESH FIELD cut Asparagus ready now, orders taken, $1.50 per Ib. Call 524-7351.---19,20 1984 HONDA SHADOW 750, bought new In '85, II - quid cooled V twin engine, 8400 km, candy apple red, Certified and best offer, 524-7027 or 524.4900; —13tf FOR SALE • 1970 Honda • 350 cc. 5350.00 as Is or best offer. Call 529-7421,-20,21 nx 1979 YAMAHA XS, 1100 Special 12,000 kms, good condition, windshield, back rest, $2,600.00 or best offer. Coll evenings 519.526.7540,-19,20,21 1984 HONDA ASCOT VT 500, shaft drive liquid cooled, only 7.85 km, Asking 51800.00, Phone 4-9002 •'After 4:15 p.m. -19,20x 1985 HONDA SCOOTER ELITE 150 with currier. Best offer. 524-7195,-20 1983 SUZUKI 450 GSL. Good condition. Certified 51200.00. Phone 524.6066.-20,21 C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY 1/2 mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades 1983 YAMAHA VIRAGO 500, 3,000 miles, Ex- cellent condition. 51600.00 or best offer. Call 524.9435, •-20 TRY DESSERT AT Becker's on Suncoast. Now, in a convenient cone, you can buy any of the popular flavours of Dolly Madison hard Ice cream any day of the week from 7 a.m. to midnight. Gordon Bradshaw of 214 Regent St., Goderich has won 2. I. of Dolly Madison ice cream from Becker's, 80 Suncoast in Goderich.-20 1985 HONDA INTERCEPTOR 500, excellent condi- tion, only 400 km., bought new this spring. Phone 524.7143 after 5 p.m. --20 1967 TRIUMPH T•100, 500 cc., single carb, in stock condition. Best offer. Phone 524.2358.-20,21 3. Garage sale SALTFORD • Saturday, May 17 9 a.m. - 12 noon. Desk, pole lamps, flowers, miscellaneous. Watch for signs. Rain date May 19th, -20 3 FAMILY Saturday May 17, 9 - 5. Walnut St. Sunset Beach. West off 21 Hwy at Dunlop, follow signs. Boys and Girls bikes, tools, toys, stacking chairs, car seat, trikes, furniture, stove, fridge, golf equipment, 'Avon, clothing, camp stove, books, typewriter, dehumidifier, glassware, etc. -20x CAR PORT SALE — Saturday, May 17. Homelite chain saw, tools, plants, dishes etc. After 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. at 93 Britannia Rd. W. -20x , YARD SALE Saturday, May 17 8 a.m., South Street on the lot between Bedford Hotel and The Livery. -20 3. Garage sale YARD SALE • Saturday, May 17 8 a.m. • 12 noon 247 Britannia Road West, Goderich. Bikes, hard- ware, children's books, toys, clothing and other household items. -20 YARD SALE Saturday, May 17.8 a.m. to 12 p.m., 96 Quebec St. Bedroom suite, vacuum cleaner, desk, sewing mathine with cabinet, sectional sofa and much more. -20x SATURDAY MAY 17, 9 - 4, 3 miles north of Carlow, rain -or shine. Airtight stove, Sports Pal canoe, electric train set, clothes, toys, etc. -20 •PORT ALBERT — Saturday May 17 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Two tent trailers, tents, clothing - children's to size 7. ladies' size 5-10, toys, dressers, tricycle, choirs, lamps, tons of other bargains (even the bathroom sink) 1 mile east of Port Albert on Ashfield Conc. 2-3. Watch for signs. Rain dote Mon, May 19th, -20 GARAGE SALE Port Albert - Ashfield St. Saturday May 17th 9:00 a.m. Baby needs - children, and clothing - like new, furniture, tools, household needs. -20x SATURDAY MAY 17th and Sunday May 18th, 210 Mary Street, Goderich. 8 a.m. • 2 p.m. Household appliances, toys, bicycles, lawn mower and more. --20x SATURDAY MAY 17 and Monday May 19 from 9 a,m, • 6 p.m., '/, mile west of Dunlop on Sunset Beach Rd, to clear an estate; furniture, knlck knacks, wringer washer, pictures, lamps, etc, Stihl masonry sow, propane salamander, cedar stripped canoes. 20 NEW AND USED ITEMS: furniture, dishes, tools and appliances, etc. County Road 25, 1/4 mile west of Auburn on top of the hill. Watch for signs. Rain or shine. Storting at 10:00 a,m. 16th of May to 19th.—,20nx ' GARAGE SALE: G. Cutler, May 16, 12 noon • ? May 17, 9 • ? at 341 Ontario St. Clinton, east of Hwy. 8. Tools, furniture, lamps, mirrors, golfing equipment, antiques, large round stove, much more, -20x YARD SALE 132 Sunset Drive Saturday May 17 from 9 a,m. , Stereo, furniture, appliances, clothes and more, -20x GARAGE SALE — Many household' items. Satur- day, May 17 at 178 Blake St. W. Goderich - 9:00 a.m.-20x CARPORT TOOL SALE Saturday May 17 at 94 Ox- ford St. (near Blake) Carpenter's tools, wood lathe and accessories, mitre sows, and much more. -20x FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. May 17 at 339 Sun - coast Dr, West end 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. lots of good clean items at bargain'prices. In case of rain, sale next Sat. May 24th. -20x CAMPBELL'S OF GODERICH and Benjamin Photo Labs make a super team for top quality photo finishing. Only 99 cents for an extra set of prints at time of developing for 12-15 exposure film Campbell's of Goderich, 168 The Square, 524-7532. Benson Sanders of 145 Wellington St. S. Goderich has wen a one Ib. box Laura Secord candy. -20 YARD SALE, 160 Bennett St. E., Goderich, Satur- day, May 17 between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Rain date • Sunday 9 o.m. - 1 p.m. -20 GARAGE SALE 31,0 Warren St., Saturday, May 17, 8 a,m. to 12 noon. Mesh playpen, child's climber, with attached slide, boys' clothing and snowsuits size 3 & 4, booster car seats, lamps, toys, ladies' clothing size 7 & 9, and much more, —20x Garage Sale Kits! also included... ,o 2 Large Yard Signs ,o Price Tags Complete Inventory List - ,, 10 Tips for a Successful Garage Sale Available only at the Signal -Star! For moreinformation Call: 524.2614 SATURDAY, MAY 17 9 o.m. 118 Elgin Ave. E. Goderich.-20 YARD SALE 124 Victoria St. N. on Sot. May 17 starting at 8 a.m,-20nx GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 17, 1986 at 186 Rich St. from 8 a.m. until 12 noon. -20x YARD SALE Sat. May 17, 341 ,Oak Street - 8:30 a,m. - 12:00, Assorted household items, --20x SUPER GARAGE SALE - Sat. May 17 - 9 a.m. • 200 Wilson St. Wicker chairs, humidifiers, ham .radio equipment, good ladies' clothing, furniture, etc. -20x SEVERAL FAMILY, Saturday May 17, 8 a.m. - 12 noon at 48 Trafalgar, Goderich. Kid's skates, baby strollers, baby crib, toys, Christmas tree, china cabinet, dining room table. Something for everyone. -20 5. Cars for sale MUST SELL - 1980 Coravelle wagon •good running order. Make me an offer. Also wrought iron table and two chairs. Phone 519.482-5420.-20x 1979 RED THUNDERBIRD, power steering and brakes, certified. Phone 524-8363 or 482.5442.-20,21 1973`NOVA, Motor' in z ellent condition, needs body work, selling as is. Ph.' 524.7104.-20 1978 DODGE OMNI, one. owner, 5900.00. Phone .524.8374,=20 1976 MUSTANG II 4 -speed, 4-cyl., excellent con- dition, low r,rileage, $1,275.00 certified. 482.3222.-20 1974 VOLVO GRAND LUX only 30,000 miles. Ex ' cellent condition. Best offer.. Call 529.7598.-20x 1976 CHRYSLER NEWPORT 2 dr. hardtop, p.s., p.b., air; tilt wheel, Very clean, rust proofed. Complete gear for pulling house trailer. Only 3 winters in Ontario. Certified on return to On- tario. $1500.00. Phone 524.8814.-20x 1973 FORD CUSTOM 500, excellent motor and power train. Needs body work. Selling as is. 524-6507.-20 1978 FORD LTD II, original paint, Goodyear Eagle tires, plus 2 snow tires on rims, 123,000 km., black•with'red interior. Asking $1,985.00. Phone 396-3174 after 5 p.m.-20nx 1981 ACADIAN, excellent condition, 60,000 km. Phone 524.2948.-20 CAFE MET Diet Lunch Special - Soup or tossed salad with your choice of sandw,ich $1.99. Ed Jenkin of 170 Victoria St. N. Goderich has won a belled mug from The Met Store, Suncoast Mall, Goderich 5242811.-20 1975 2-6OOR FORD GRANADA, 6 cylinder, stan- dard, asking $600.00 as is. Phone 524-6640 after five. -20.22 1982 FORD ESCORT., 2 door -hatch back, 4 speed, standard excellent condition, will certify. Ask- ing $3,995.00. Phone 524-4146.-20 - DOUGHNUTS, CAKES, PASTRIES fresh every day. Garden Festival preserves by Linda Lentz. Ferguson's Honey. Culbert's Bakery, 49 West St„ Goderich. 524-7941. Home of Tasty Pastries. Jim Melick 'of 292 Mary St., Goderich has won a dozen mixed doughnuts. -20 1980 CHEVY CITATION. V6, PS, PB, flip, Excellent condition. Coll ,after 5:00 p.m. 482.3883.-20,21 1974 CHEVROLET NOVA, two door, 6 cyl., only 83,200 miles, an excellent source of good spare parts. One owner. Phone 524.4451 evenings. -20.22x 1968 PLYMOUTH Fury 111, V-8 Auto, $200.00 as is. Phone 524.8942.-19,20 1982 GRAND MARQUIS, loaded, plus air condi• honing, premium sound system, Ziebarted, new condition Inside and out. 42;000 miles, Call 524-8994 after 5,-19,20 1975 PLYMOUTH FURY 6 cylinder automatic, 1977 Dodge Station wagon 400, automatic. Both in running condition. Phone 524-4476,-20 1974 DATSUN, runs good, needs tires, AM/FM digital stereo, $400.00 or best offer as is, Phone 524-2211.-20x 6. Trucks for sale 14 FT. STARCRAFT hardtop sleeps 7, propane stove and furnace, fridge, sink, plenty of storage space, chemical toilet, excellent condition. Phone 524.6065.-19,20 FORD PANEL TRUCK. Runs well. fitted out as carper with sink and bed 'etc. As is condition, Phone 524.8672.-20x