HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-11-18, Page 3vi-wommwsmweivau, insiasEs Dangerous Throat Troubles
A Trench:Dog . 1
TUE NERVES Circular Issued by tile Ontario De . .
partment of Agriculture Prevented by Nervilme
4 ,
Are Due to Poor Blood and Only
4PAreavomimsio4nsisrtmcm•Pwal i Nin
Curable Through the th the return to favor of the
• 1 heard a f'Urious. barking as I ale, ' , apple 'Aid' is again a high -Priced IT ENDS 1VIISERY OF COLDS
fruit, planting will undoubtedly be re-
proached the farm, at the back of 1 Blood.
waned. One grower wants to set outi
which runes a little-nsed right-of-WaY; QUICKLY,
the path, in fact, cuts through the un- i There is an excellent reason, why' abent twenty
enclosed "house -grounds" of the far, the t
D. Williams' Pink Pills have cured
le mos severe cases oe neuralgia
, . . , he plant?
of the Province, What varietieS shall „Get after your cold now,---thiS very
aeres in the central part I Don't wait till night.
minute, before it grows dangerous
Writes a correspondent. Jt was the
laints in iati
fand other con
plaints pthe
TJP tthfll '
o date e o owing have beenamiliar voice of Benny, the arm " m.,,sbotlicl apply old-time "Nervi -
group known as disorders of the recommended' from which to Select '
dog, that I heard. I have known him Rub your chest andtbroat rub I
for years as a ereatetre violent in nerv
es' This group also included rier- for the districts bordering Lakes On- them thoroughly with Nerviline. Re -
manner, as becomes his office' but vousness ancl excitability, Each of tali°, Erie, Huron, and the Georgian lief will be inunealiate.
meet benevolent in essential disposi-
nts exists because the' 13p,y, viz., Astrachan, Duchess Graven- . Nerviline will save you from lying
these • •
tion. As I drew nearer, I saw a tot- nerves are not getting a Proper nour.. stein, Wealthy, Alexander, McIntosh, awake to -night, coughing, choking
dier, with his. bshment from the blood.ack against a wood- The reasoe lPamease, Blenheim, King) Hubbard- and suffering from congestion in the
stack, looking at him. Benny was Why Dr, Williams' Pink Pills cure ston, Greening, Cranberry, Baldwin, chest and acute pain in the throat.
nervous disorders is because they Spy and Stark, Of these varieties, Nerviline will break up that dull
' trying to strangle himself with his neuralgic, headache—will ltill the cold
chain. 1. , • , . i make the rich, red blood upon which the Astrachan is only of value elose
t and chill at its very beginnie —w'll
,4444,4 4.4
We pay highest
net cash prices
11.4pok what the price Bat promises,
teethe moacy you actually vet tha
makes your .profit. We have built
up a large hat of shippers through
usually lihere I in e vadita,
treating them fairliK, We are an.
charge Wc
aa conun mons. we pay
all expee chasm. Wiie'•"""r
erica ha and special offer.
Ginseng and We toe
Golden Seal eqt burefs of
Ginseng lathe
United tates and cap therefore pa y
highest prices. Writef or price list.
Fagot ar011tinfl RaW Fur Unitas
,i‘row York
103 W. 27th St., New York, N. Y.
."There's no harm in that dog," I tone. , to large local markets, where it has f .g ill Candle Puts Itself Out.
the nerves depend for proper save you from perhaps a serious -
said, as I came up. i 4 is thus seen that Dr. Williams' Pink Paid, well. Gravenstein should be of ness. It has been found that candles can
value for Ontario rnarkete, blit on ao-.I be fitted with attachments to extin-
) .„ "Shouldn't care if there Nyee,,, said ' Pills cure nervous disorders because ' To take away hoarseness, to break
they go to the root of the trouble in i count of the large quantitiee sent out up a grippy colci, to euro a sore 'throat guish the light at a set time. To de -
the soldier; "no dewg'd do me no mis-
chief. e -ret he set me thinkin'." He the blood, and while they are doing by Nova Scotia at low prices to both or bad, cold M the chest, you can use termine the length of time it is ne-
put dowrt his stick went up t0 Benny, this they strengthen and fortify the the West and for export, it is also nothing so speedy and effective as cessary to mark a candle of the size If they could only be made to seg
and in amoment the dog had hlimited in value. This still leaves a Nerviline. For forty years it has been used and time how long a•certain. that half their fils are caused by im-
o SWindIe. m
You remember selling me soe
hair -restorer when I called the other
day to get shaved, you `hoary -headed
old thief?" roared the indignant
customer. "You sold it under 1.41se
Pretenses, sir. YOU ,841(1 it would re-
store my head to its original condi-
"Well, didn't it work?" asked the
Work? No. WS taken off what
little hair I used to have, and sin
as bald. as the pavement now,"
"That's quite right, sir. No false
pretense about that. I said it would
restore your head to its original con-
dition, and you know, sir, most of
us are born bald,"
How Sickly Women
May Get Health
paws on the man's tunic and fore -
whole system against disease. Among hit tail the many who have found relief from
was tap -tapping against the side of pain through this great medicine is
the keneel. The soldier came back Miss Ethel Smith, residing near Bur -
slowly, picked up his stick, and stared ford, Ont., who says:—"Some years
absently at the wood -stack. ago I was seized with a great pain in
"Set me thinkin'
, h e did," he repeat- my right leg, between the hip and
choice selection for summer and fall the most largely used family remedy length of it will burn. Then it is suffl- Pure blood, it wouldn't take long to
use, varieties that can be shipped to in the Dominion. Time has proved,
, cient to suspend a small metal dome cure them with Dr, Hamilton's Pills.
local or western markets or exported its merit, so can , you by keeping ; or cap, to which a string is attached Truly a wonderful Medicine that hi -
handy on the shelf the large 50c. fam- '
with good results. Duchess have been
in particularly good demand for the
western trade, and Ontario has not
knee. It becarne ,so bad that I got been able to date to furnish even her
no rest, day or night, and often cried home markets from orchards now in
with the pain. The doctor said the bearing. The same condition applies
trouble was rheumatism of the sciatic also to the three dessert varieties,
nerve. Liniments were used until Wealthy, Fameuse and McIntosh, the
they actually took the skin off, and two latter always selling at fancy fig-
ures. Alexander and its seedling,
Wolf River, sell entirely on their out-
ward appearance, showing large size
and handsome color.
In winter varieties we are not so
fortunate. The King is an ideal ap-
ple, but unprofitable, as the tree is a
shy bearer. The • old reliable Greed-
ing, one of the best bearers we have
and a money-maker in the past, is be -
'coming niore difficult to sell in car
lots in competition with red varieties.
The tree is vigorous, hardy, and very
productive. The old orchards still re-
main with us, ant it is doubtful if we
should continue to plant, knowing
that every year will see more of this
apple on our markets frOm the orch-
ards set out in the past ten years.
The Beldwin, our mainstay in the red
fruit, is now being looked upon with
disfavor in a great many sections be-
cause the tree is proving less hardy
than we thought, even in the most
favorable parts of the province.
There remains of our list, then, Spy
and Hubbardston among the quality
apples, Cranberry and Ste& among
the good keepers and shippers. We
need badly a variety combining all
these qualities that will take the place
of the Baldwin for future plantings.
The Hubbardston is good, but the'sea-
son for its use is short. The spy is
the apple that Ontario has built its
reputation upon, and all plantings
should include a goodly percentage -of
this vtriety. Its presence in the car
is demanded for all local and western
shipments in excess at least of
twenty-five per cent., and in most
cases -the Spy sells the other varie-
ties. A straight car of Spies always
as and always will command top
prices on the market. Its one fault is
High Explosives Are Made the slowness in bearing, but this can
be offset by the use of fillers such as
From Cotton.
Wagner, Wealthy, Duchess, etc. The
I offered him a cigarette, which he
accepted, and then WO both sat down
on the bundle of faggots, with our
backs againet the stack.
"What did he set you thinking of?"
I asked. still the pain grew worse and worse.
"Of over there," he said, "an' Then all the other nerves in the limb
Gawd knows a chap don't want to be seemed to be affected, and it kept
reminded of that." jerking and twitching until it would
have to be held to keep it still. Then
"I should think not."
"But I'm goin' back," he said, the doctor put the limb in a papier
"when this silly old hand o' mine gets macho ease, but it was not long until
limber again. I ain't done with the the trouble began in my other limb,
blighters yet. If 'twas only for little ' and it had to be treated in the same
Whiskers' sake I'd have another go
at 'em." He looked at Benny, who
was now sitting at attention, with his
•s cocked, watching us.
Whiskers," the soldier proceeded,
"Was a dawg that took up with our
cortip'ny in a rest camp, an' in par -
tic -lar he took up with me. An' bein'
fond o' dawgs, I took up with him.
I reckon he came from a smashed -up,
village 'bout a mile away. We called
him Whiskers along of his hairy face.
directly over the flame, and run the g ' g 'renews. "
tired, worn out, woman that tries Dr,
opposite end of the string over nails Hamilton's Pills will improve r pidl
be tied around the candle such a die- I petite and
I will have bebtelrercolor, increas:d apY-P
or through screw eyes, so that it can ,
twice from the flame end that the! No better rebuilding tonic can be
part between the flame and the string found than Dr, Hamilton's Pills which
will be consumed in the time desired are safe, mild and health giving. For
the light to burn. When this forty years Dr, Hamilton's Pills have
rm is ieac e string slips o
"Queen Elizabeth's Pocket Pistol," a • . been America's most valued family
big weapon for its time, bore the the candle and the cap drops on the medicine, 25e. per 'box at all dealers.
"Feed me well and keep me clean, flame. Lawyer (to witness)—Did you say
Knew What He Meant.
I'll send a ball to Calais Green." Prohibition Favors Tea -Drinking.
that an incompetent man could keep
This statement was rather tin ex- Well-informed members of the tea
a hotel just as well as anybody?
aggeration, says Tit -Bits, for no gun trade say that the figures for the year
Witness—No; I said an inn-experi-
show an astonishingly large increase
has yet been invented that will fire a of tea drinking throughout the world. enced man could.
shell from England to Prance. I Prohibition is largely to account for
No matter how well it were fed or: this, and, when a great country like prinaters Liniment Cures Colds. Leo.
how clean it were kept, the old-fash- Russia prohibits the sale of strong
ioned cannon would not have sent a drink and the people turn to tea, it Keep Food for Army Hot.
ball more than a tenth of the way to- means alai immense drain on the re-
ward Calais, despite the fact that it icinierwceosrlod,sthseu galrdenInwroncle last
few missariat is to get food from the val-
One difficulty of the Italian corn -
months the cost tea has risen 12
stood three hundred feet high upon leys to the camps in the mountains.
the cliffs of Dover, and was twenty or 14 cents a pound. The difficulty has, however, been solv-
ed and twice a day hot food is carried
feet long.
Even one of the famous seventeen- Better Unpublished. on the backs of mules in "cooking
inch siege guns of the Germans would "Would you like some views of the cases" designed by an Italian. The
Furs nave Advanced
be unable to accomplish the feat. A hotel to send to your friends?" food is contain in a huge pan of alu-
Ship toRogers. Wegiveliberalgrades,
would have to be thrown twelve miles, keep my views to myself."
to reach England from France,. it "I presume it will be better for me to can be closed
t screws, The pan is enclosed in a ease No commission. Write
tninum with a circular opening, which
hermetically by have hest market in Americaf Par • .
Trapp:ire* Dab plitaS at Paatart
ay 7. freeEplee:. Met.
Plansies, Mo.
military expert says that for a shell "Sir," said the disgruntled guest, fulivaluein cash andquieltreturns We
into the air. Although the famous i lined with cotton and cork and the ROGERS FUR COMPANY. Dept. S ' $ r 9"
Minerate Liniment Cures nistemnar- Ifood keeps hot for more than ten
, hours.
It Will be Different. I
way. I lay in that condition for three
years with my whole servous system
so badly shattered that it would make
me scream if any one walked across
the floor. Then my throat became
partially paralyzed and I could scarce-
ly speak. During this time I had
been attended by three different doc-
tors, who did all in their power, but
each said I would never be able to
walk again. Then my father decided
to get me Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
all stuck round with a kind o' beard, Before I had used them long I felt
it was. I don't know "what breed of a them helping me. This so encouraged
dawg you'd call him; p'raps he didn't us that the use of the pills was con -
know hisself. Anyway he was a
Frenchy, an' mighty obligin' an' per -
lite. He'd scoff hard tack, or bully,
plaints. Once 1 copped him buryin' a
bone that he'd pinched, but he was
that ashamed of hisself that he no_ ever I was in my life, and have had
ver tried it on again." The soldier no return of the trouble. My family
took another cigarette, lit it with and friends think my cura. was elaborate care, sighed deeply, and acle, and we give all the credit to Dr.
, "He was a fair marvel to learn
tinued and in a few months I was
able to walk half a mile each day to
get the mail. I used in all eighteen
or anythin! an' never made no com- or twenty boxes of the Pills and they
did what three years of doctoring had
not been able to do. am as well as
ily size bottle; small trial size 25e.,
sold by any dealer anywhere.
No Gun Yet Invented 'hat Will Fire
a Shell That Distance.
.A Good Excuse.
"Sir, you have insulted me. 1
hereby challenge you to a duel with
pistols. My name is Hare."
"Indeed! Then you'll have to wait
till have procured a shooting i.
rainarries Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
A,' Grain, Daley or Irruit. When yea
Wont to buy, write 1.1, W, Dawson,
Brampton, Ont,
Offices for sale in good Ontarle
towns. The mos t • useful and interesting
of all businesses. Pull information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Cinternal and external, cured with -
'`CER, TUMORS, weer's, ETC. i
out pain by our home treatment Write
tte before too late. Dr, Belizean Medical
Co.. Limited, Collingwood. Ont.
Ponge and Charles Ste., Toronto.
Offers best advantages in Business Bd-
uoation; strong demand for eraduates;
enter now; write for calendar.
W. zsixacte.T, ref./lanai.
German seventeen -inch weapons could
send a shell over Mont Blanc, they
could not hofie to hurl a "Jack John-
son" more than three-quarters of the
way from Calais to Dover.
"Young man," inquired her father AnEAT oNHIST PRAISES
Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles,
sternly, "will you give her a home , ''''''"
Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Fistula,
Corns Applied In
. 5 Seconds ,, ,,, ren
"for there will be no grumpy father
sui r,
i Mothers Who Use This Famous Bairn
Have Backing of Science
Bruises, Boot Chafes. It is ai
)---- like the one she has been used to?" I
• I Boils, Swellings; Stops Lameness
and allays pain. Heals Sores, Cuts;
Cured fr win corn -pinched
Sore, blistening feat
miserable by kicking over trifles and
to come home and make everyone ,
. Does not blister or remove the
Williams' Pink Pills." tees can be mired swearing at matters in general. There they
! Mothers wb.o use Zam-Buk, because
tsotedhetoa h"ealerntdhide hair and horse can be worked. Plea.saut to use.
You can get these pills through any . healer, Putnam's Ex- will be no. mother to scold her from
tricks, was Whiskers. Half the com- medicine dealer or by mail, post paid, U IC
" k '
tractor in 24 hours. morning tilt' night for wasting time, .
antiseptic Liniment for mankind. re.
result of a test Of Zam-Buk by Mr. W. $2.00 a bottle, delivered. Describe your case
pany was for learnin' him, but I said at 50 tents a box or six boxes forLascelles Scott, the great English for special instructions and Book 5 M free.
Painful, Knotted. Swollen Veins. Concen-
"Putnam's" soothes merely because she wants to be neat..
fy, makes the feet feel geed at once. chemist. He says:—" I have made an.
an' I took him in hand meself. He'd eine Co., Brockville, Ont. Get a 25e. bottle of "Potneen's today. her for not doing half of his work,; ZemeBuk and find its active consti-
exhaustive analytical examination of dtrua,`: s'r4itu'
F,, 516 Lyman Bldg., Montreal, Can.
as how that'd only mix up his brains $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- away that drawing pain, ea.ses Instil
Itt- There will be no big brother to abuse
si p -r bottle At dealers or delwercd.
__ ."7"on Y a few drops rettuired at an application. Price
dance on his hind legs, barkin' a sort. ee As and no little brother to make enough tuents are of exClusive vegetable origin. Iv F, YOUNG, P. 0.
o' tune to it, an' lre'd stand on his
Giving his impressions of a so- younger sister to insist on reading erritating mineral drugs and animal
' How the Germans Get Gold. head aches. There won't be any .
head, an'—evell, there was no end to
How journ in Berlin, M. Maurice Shrauss some trashy novel while she does all fats .present in ordinary ointments,
his funninOtts, I made a little wood- .
it tucked under his, right arm. He says the streets are no longer safe at the work. She will not have with me The antiseptic and bactericidal (germ -
en rifle for him, an' he'd sit up, hoklin'
fancied hisself at that game. An' I night-time, and crimes and outrages a home like she has been used to, not are proved by my tests to exceed those
destroying) powers,of this preparation
,'leaf.ned him to spit when shells came .are on the increase. M. Strauss was if I can help it! of carbolic acid, yet Zam-Buk neither
over. Never seen a dawg spit? Well, assured that in making arrests the . ' cauterizes nor inflames even a very
Whiskers did. He was a fair marvel." order was given to single out people ' Plain Talk. , sensitive skin, but ends skin disorders.
who seem to be in easy circumstances. i i "I have no hesitation in certifying ,
trenches?" tor of Nature remarks, "the artillerist + At the police station these people are ' the purity of Zam-Buk and its value
for skin injuries and disorders."
l British Tommy (somewhere in
row Away Your possession they are reprimanded for
• French Shopkeeper—But—yes—a Buk is unequalled for eczema, cuts,
' • Buk should profit by the above. Zara -
Mothers who have not yet tried Zam-
No inflated price list from us,
"You may take your dyin' oath ivould be in great difficulty if he were searched, and if gold is found in their , , Raw Fur Dealers
Fran.cel—Speak English, Moosoo ?
Ththat Whiskers was allus along o' the provided with such a propellant, be-
eomeny, an' allus alongside me. cause in order to obtain any sort of . : Br' • • h h *
itish Tommy—Rig to, t en give ,
their lack of patriotism, and are told 1 tl , M' '
. burns, ulcers, running sores, piles, co
I made him a little coat, but he didn't pulp has to be kept at a low point,.
like it; I s'pose it tickled him, same as and the ballistics, on which the artil- Eye -Glasses I 1 that if they agree to exchange their
gold for bank notes or War Loan us ten pounds o' spuds, an arnce 0' sores, abscesses, chapped hands, e c.
Send us your Furs and get the
highest market price.
Didn't mind cold, nor wet, nor nothin'. regularity. the nitration of the wood
!scrip they will be released, and no- baccy, a packet o' fags, and a box -o- at 50c. box, 3 boxes $1.25.
All druggists and stores sell Zam-Buk
a noo flannel shirt did me afore I got lerist depends, would he quite thrown A Free Prescriptioni thing more will be heard of the charge
'lights' an' be slippy!
used to the crawly ticklers." out." ' on which they were arrested.
High explosives are cellulose highly , You Can FIave Filled and Use atHorno
... ___
"What' did Whiskers do with his aginard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows
coat?" . - nitrated—that is, highly charged with
"Pulled it all to bits one night, and nitrogen. This process consists of Do you wear glasses ? A y u FOOD NOT A FRAUD Military Wedding Cakes.
showed me- what he had done in the immersing cotton waste (that- has tim of eye -strain or other eye -weaknesses? frauds.
Man soo-called cereal foods are
The very latest war fashion is the
t win be glad to know tleatetheeere? y
prove it, try - to live en- -
morning. Seemed proud of it, he did, been repeatedly teased, picked ds 1st "liyobi
same as he was of a noo trick. He dried) in a mixture of nitric and saunl- I werere ri h alee ILK cv hI fee e eyes
failing say
tirely h upon orII. few days. military wedding cake. So largely has
principleeof tthilsr weonee- Many live entirely
was a mighty careless sort o' dawg, phuric acids, in the proportion of 71 d
as -
restored through thean Meal. this become a feature of weddings as-
af says:
f taf.yrenexpyttscriRlion. One man says, A. recent' letter from Califoorni
en' afraid o' nothin'. Used to get out per 'cent. sulphuric acid, 21 per watusaltimow blind ; Dear Dr. Jackson: A friend
mo mine sociated with British military and na
D' the trench and wander around with water. Af ' •
,.6.„4. • after i
'''''""' could not see to read u . , . man eal for
has lived upon Ro val men that the wholesale-
turers are a . manufac-
nitric acid and 8 per cent. - read everything without any glasses eel pemalizing in toy orna-
the bullets pluggin' about.- An' that ter the acids have acted for the re- my eyes do not water any more. At night • ments of a warlike character to decor-
s a been
they would pain dreadfully; now they feel pronounced hopeless. He is now in
was the end of him. One o' their quired time they are removed; the cot- 'flue all the time. It was like a miracle to perfect health.' No fraud here. Ro- ate the cakes. These are mostly or -
snipers saw him a-walkin' along the ton is washed repeatedly and boiled ale." A lady who used it says : "The man Meal is scientifically balanced by namental cannon, guns and rifles,
top o the parapet, an' done him in. several times in weter. It is then atmosphere seemed hazy with or witbout
glasses, but after usiug this prescription an expert dietitian. It's the perfect with battleships for naval men, and
A dirty trick, an' senseless, blast pulped, Partly dried and Pressed into . or,ffifteen days everything seems clear. 1 food, and positively relieves constipa- very well executed models of aero -
"A filthy trick," I paid. • 1 molds. ,
The manufacturer does his best to glasses can now discard them in a reason- 1)
•••1 can even read fine print without glasses."
. It Is believed that thousands who wear tion. Ask your doctor. Make it in
porridge, pancakes, gems. At gro-
. planes for bridegrooms connected
"We buried Whiskers under what . regulate his output so that it shall able time, and multitudes more will be cers', •ivith the Flying Corps.
, 10 and 25 cents.
able to strengthen their eyes so as to be
was left of a tree,' an' fired a salute contain approximately eleven mole- spared the trouble and expense of ever
noise to drive her crazy when her , It contains none of the impure and ltbsorbine and Aerbine, Jr.. &re made Is Canada.
Almost all the high explosives have very fact that an orchard contains a
cotton as their base. It is true that :fair percentage of trees of this var-
very good sporting powder can be iet'y adds wonderfully to, the value of
"Did he go with you into the front made from wood pulp, but, as the edi- a property.
The Olcl No. 494 St. Paul St.
Established over 38 years as
over him. An' I stuck his littleicules of nitrate to the quadruple mole- getting glasses. Eye troubles of many de -
wooden rifle atop o' the grave, same
as they stick crosses over other peo-
ple. Next day I got bunged in the
hand. But I'm goin' back. I haven't
done with the swine yet."
He went over to Benny, patted his
head, and returned to shake hands
with me.
artipny," he said, `glow that dawg
seWhe talkin' about old Whiskers. 1
allus was fond o' dawgs."
Indigo Industry in China.
The shortage -of the supply of syn-
thetic indigo in the markets of the
world as a result of the war in Eu-
rope and the consequent high prices.
for imported indigo in Chinese mar-
kets has led to a revival of the native
production of indigo in vatious parts
of China..,Ititligo production, is one
of Chi n a&e. oldest industries. The
Chinese developed their own process
of making the dye mid used their
native prodact for many centuries be-
fore foreigndyes vvere known. The
production of native indigo has con-
tinued, eyer since.
• The foal theories a man gets in his
. head eause El lot of trouble when
they explode,
scriptious may be wonderfully beneatted For six years a bitter feud existed
cule of cellul�se, as shownin the y s an Robintions,
formula, or a content of nitrogeri that preseriptiong• Go h ,
Minard's Liniment Co.,Limited.
ranges between 12.93 and 13.05 per and get a bottle of Bon-Opto.. F111 a two. -
to Pany active drug store nueextrdeonoithnee
iBghrabsovrns. The trouble had Gentlemen,—Last wte•i
, ed §,rzatlybsente fit naoAnT itnh the ulss'eeeeveolovf-
4` i.3
ourie bottle with warm water, droporiginated through the depredations 1
The process is delicate and complex; ± ?ittli-s°111ruir lieatibaengiertiely% two oditsostgvuiel:
of Brown's cat, d h
and had grown so fix- I
1 Ildpaii;e.rcoVvbrboluinttnortice your eyes ed an affa• izinthat"making
neither party ever 1 attack of LaGrippe, and I have free
for the proportions of acids and wa- Clmeaers g cluief it? ym start,gaseappa.
One da
ter must be exact and all must be /
and intlamma don 'will3dreamt of 37, Fluently proved it to be very effective
peace -making note for Mr. Robin-
ngt his
chemically pure; besides this the cel- little, ta
f yourkeeysle arobotheringbothergg you, even a however, a
a eaoe,Brown sen is servant with ' in cases of Inflammation.
2 it is too late! leVIsener hoe
iiiieleisessiv), biTLI
Wiese must be of Uniform grade,,might hex° been saved if they had eared son', which read—"Mr. Brown sends
which is a most difficlt thing to ODfor their eyes in time. The Valmas Drug
his compliments to Mr. Robinson
co., of Toronto, win nu the above pre-
tain. scription by mall, if your drugglet capnot.
Next -Door Neighbors.
Constipation and indigestion"; colic;
worms, colds and simple fevers, and
all the other minor ills of little ones
can be promptly cured by Baby's Own
Tablets through their action in regu-
lating the stomach and bowels. Con-
cerning them Mrs. H. H. Mills, Heidi -
eland, Que., writes:—"I have found
Baby's Own Tablets of great service
in relieving my little one of consti-
pation and stomach trouble." The
Tablets are sold by meclieine dealers
or by mail at 25 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
DrOckville, Ont.
When some people talk it's a waste
of time to yawn.
The inhabitants of a frog close at
hand awakened two little girls who
were spending their first night in
the country.
First came the high, piping voice
of a little "peeper."
"What's that?" whispered Winnie.
"I think it's a bird," ventured Su-
Just then a basso profundo frog
Sung one of his lowest tones,
"What's that!" Came another start-
led whisper.
"I WO; quite sure," came, the an-
swer, "but I think it is either a cow
Or an automobile."
A bachelor who reads the marriage
notiees isn't satisfied with his lot.
and begs to state that his old cat died
this morning." Mr. Robinson's reply
was bitter. "Mr. Robinson is sorry to
hear of Mr. Brown's trouble, but he
had not heard that Mrs. Brown was
DMA" Murine is pre-
r$10AWIr:jpared by our Phy-
sicians, es used for
tr, * many years in their
ractiee, new dedieet-
sed to the Public and
OU E sold by Your Druggiat.
Cleanse, and Strengthen tyeS after exposure to
Cold Cutting Winds and Dust and to restore
healthful tone to Eyes Reddened and made Sore
by Overwork and Eye Strain.
Some broadminded Physicinns use and room -
mend Aturfne while edict's nerhepsdonlous of its
Success, talk and ei
nsh into print n opposition;
those whose Eyes need care can guess why, as
there is no Prescription fee in 1Viurine. Just hand
YoUr Druggist 60c and you have a Compieto Pkg.
Eye Book—Murine—Dropper—and Cork Screw–
ready,for use, Try itin your Eye e and Bawer
Eyes for Eye Troubles–No Smarting–Just Eye
Comfort. Write for Book of ihe Eye Free.
Merin* Eye RentedY Company, Chicago D. 7.
Sending Tower Under the Sea.
The first instance in Europe of the
use of a submarine cable for the
transmission of high voltage electric
power current will be in connection
with the project for supplying practi-
cally all of Denmark with cheap elec-
tricity for both light and power, gen-
erated by water power in Sweden.
When completed power ,sufficient to
provide for an area of 500 square
miles will be brought across three
high-pressure cables laid under "the
sound" at the entrance of the Baltic
8ea. The electricity is to be 'gener-
ated with power fi•otn the Swedish
River Lagan supplemented with the
use of low-grade coal.
ISSUE 47—'15.
Solve this puzzle and get a free hit. To
advertise a summer resort we are giving
away free a few 30x93 building lots.
Secure this lot by filling in the missing
letters in following sentenea describing
Canada's greatest riches. Enclose five
cents for literature and list of hundreds
of satisfied customers.
0 -n -d -'s G -e -t fi-r W -e -t 0-a-
317-318 King's EaU Slag.,
see et. Catherine $t. W., nitinrrEmAX•
Dept. 7.
Bed, White, Blue, Cross, Silver, Black Poxes, Beaver, Lynx, Etc.
Wanted from all sections of Canada
RAIN Every raw -fur shipper who is looking for a better outlet for
his raw furs should write at once for our price list. We are
FUitrilmaex.oslit,,ieotnut: gae/rto4ernmarpeetl prices, and will 00 so at all
Send for Our Price List—Now Ready. We Buy Ginseng.
Reference by permission: Union Exchange National Bank, New York,
srnucsr& ZOSSAN, Inc., Mxporters of and Dealers In RAW runs
Entries Pusr&tkr&y Was
For the Sixth Annual
Toronto Fat Shck Show
Do not wait until the last day. Mail now to
0. F. TOPPING, Secretary,
Union Stoe'c Yards, To onto