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Exeter Times, 1915-11-18, Page 1
ORTY-SECOND YEAR-- NO: 2,236 EXETER, ONT,, THURSDAY 1VIOR TING, NOVEMBER 18'En, 1915 Exeter Council JONES & MAY Phone 32 Great Winter Coat Sale ! All Coats to be Cleared -red Out ! Na Two Coats Alike ! Our coats are new and right up-to-date in styles, fit and cloths -Silk Plush, Baby Lamb, Curl Cloth, Tweed, Fur Collar, Fur Lined Coats. Cloth Coats Allcolors and styles to choose. A real good $15 Coat for $ 5 A real good $25 Coat for $15 ABaby Lamb $25 Coat for $15 Children's Coats All kinds, colors and cloths: A bunch for $r each A bunch for $2 each A bunch for $4 each .0. it. • Now is the Time To Buy Your Winter Coat ! We are reducing the prices early in the season to give all buyers a good opportunity. Fur Collar Coats Extra good cloths with quilted lining and beautiful fur collar - a cheap garment - $12,50 each. Musk Rat Coats The best coats for the least money -nice dark Rat Skins, all sizes to pick from: r only Rat lined Coat, regular $45 Coat for $25: C h MEN'S FUR COATS Black Dog Coats Real good Coats, regular $25 to 35.00, We are selling from i6 5o to 25.00 A big shipment just in, bought from a manufact- urer going out of busi- ness. Here is your chance for a good buy of a cheap coat. Fur Lined Coats Real dressy and good wear- ers; a real 40.00 Rat -lined Coat for 25,00; Coou Coats from 50.0o up. JONES MAY Stoves and Ranges Do not wait for cold weather Examine our stock Heaters from $9.00 up Ranges, with Reservoir, from $28,00 up Oil Heaters from $3,50 up A few second-hand HEATERS in stock at lowest prices, Stove Pipes, Elbows, Boards, Dampers. 0 0 Mats, Etc. 't. righters up for the long Winter months. CHI=NAMEL, all col ors, 20c a Tin. CAMPBELL'S STAINS, all colors, 20c a Tin, 1,600 Sheets of TOILET S l P with NICKL AP � E pec1a. E R, FIXTURE, for $2.00. You Pay for Paper. We Give You lolder P>:1ONE Beaman s Hardware PnoNE 2::� til E -"and Stove: Store BORN ' BETTS -In Liman, on Nov. 10th to .Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Betts, a son, i DENOISLIVIE-At 14th :Concession, Hay, on Nov. 5th, 'to'Mr.t tad Mrs, James Denonime, a son., ,,SMITkI-At Goshen Line., Stanley, on. Nev. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs, 'Herb Smith at daughter. 'fh"oS'r:E'R--.tI. the Babylon Line, Rey, , on, November 6th, tO Mr, and Mrs. Lang if oste7r, a daughter,, 23TTO'.)ERIC1 At Otahen Line south, Bay on Nov•, 7, to Mee and Mrs. . .vly l'BX0do,liek, 014E1>3t,Gr.,1, „too.. r. 1,, DTJ'CIIA'RME-At Satible Line, .iiay, on Nov. 7th, to• Mr. Sand, Mars, Oscar Ducharme, xt sone f;iocEIANAN-In Stanley township, on Nov. 10th, to ,Mr., ,and ,Mrs. Wel- ister ,Buchanan, a song 11UNTTEEt-In TJsbo>tne, • on November 14 to Mir, and rIrs, Sherwood .!':fun- ter a sort.. LtA.TCLIFF r-ln'TJsborne, ott 1Vovem- ober 1Gth, to Mr, nnd. Niro. 3'ohn N. !Ratcliffe, a son. l zED A regular meeting of the council washeld in the council chamber on; 1 Friday, Nov. 12th, all ,members prb- sent. 'The minutes et the meeting held Friday, October 22nd were read and approved,t y. i Com at' s mt nzc con, re Tire n o X sur, �ne. on B•ydro Electric supplies stored in b, Russell's 'building were read. Per Beavers. seconded by Etoulston that the insurance be placed thereon for two months In the following Come wallies and amounts, -with Ix. It. Huston, Perth Mutual ,$1500100; C. T. Brooks, Gore Mutual 1450Q.00 Jos. n,si a of 'a'very high order, the choir Senior. (land in Gland :$400000.Prem- being ably 'assisted by �12r, J. Fe lam .$3.00 per thousand' fors time stag 4 letter from the Hydro Electric ed., Bentley, choir -leader of Emmanuel Presbyterian church, Toronto. whose Commission as regards the rent of excellent renderings were 'highly ap- tLe line -filed,' predated by the Xttrge congregations. A letter from R. R. Lang; city In the morning be snug "God Save clerk Stratford, lis to .the name of the People" end "His Word in Love'. Electric lamps in line on some of the In the evening his numbers were "0. streets there. was read -filed. God our iteip in Ages past" and "Ob A letter from Mr..: G. Cameron. for n closer walk with God". 'Mr. Gaderich. expressing . his pleasure Bentley also sang at the afternoon with the Red 'Cross contribution or service. "E ie Possesses can excellent the village. of Exeter. baritone voice that appeals to his With the above leiter Councillor hearers l,oulston. local treasurer of the A. mess meeting of the Sunday British Lied Coss fund,hende.d in the school'tvas held in the auditorium in following receipt ns ,received from the the afternoon addressed by Rev. E. Treasury Department, Toronto -Your G. Powell. The Exeter Orchestra un - report of the 5th inst., enc:losiug' der the. leadership of Mr. S. 0, lllanna Cheque for $19?3 00 in knid. or t h p,ri.,3 added very greatly to the musical ish Red 'cross Society 'and the order part of the 'program.' One feature of of St. John, from the v'.1'eg or Exeter the service was the ,distribution of Main St. Anniversary A ' Success The anniversary services of the Main street Methodist church were held last Sabbath and were very l's ue- ce sful in every particular. Rev. 4, Gformer pastor Powell, of Clintonst Clinton,,P of the church, was the' special preach- er for the klay, Be was greeted with large congregations, the church being Packed at night and numbers were turned !away, The Presbyterian church withdrew their evening ser- vice. The music provided for the day and•expressing the thanks of the come mittee for the 'generous contribution. The auditor's report; for the month of October was read and, also the ree port of the school accounts. The same was adopted on ;motion of Hind and Beavers. i A petition from citizens regarding lighting of Main Street, supplied by ornamental standards on both sides of the !street, between Ann and Sand- ers Streets with eurrent supplied to lamps through cables laid under ground, signed by Dr. J. W. Browning J. G. Jones land. 30, other citizen, own, ing property between the said area. was presented. Per Rind and 'Hartool that the petition be not granted. An amend:- ment by 'Roulston thct the petitioai be granted -no 'seconder. The reeve aeciered the 'motion carried. The clerk was empowered to assess on the Property fronting nn new cement walks as :aid during' the past season. 9c per 'squaire foot. ,The prop- erty owners paying 25 per cent end 3i 1.-3'Ver Cent as •petConed_ for. The clerk to notify fire chief to hand in a report as to condition of hydrant's throughout the town for the next regular meeting. Mr. .Bissett was impowered to se- cure prices on the labour and metal shingles, necessary for the north side of Town Hnall Tower. Per Beavers and 'Horton, that the reeve be authorized to secure wrist watches for recruits who have vol'- unteered for service from Exeter. The Clerk was instructed to pro - pare 'a by-law for the preservation of the Electric Iight poles and 'also the 'boulevards throughout the mum.. cipalit3T Byelaws Nos, 18 and. 19,1915 eregu- toting 9,.1915,regu- tating the levying and collecting the municipal taxes for 1915 were read and passed. The following accounts were read and passed;. G, R. Steer $$3.10; Eestle Rowe & Wood, 12.48; Bell Telephone HIGH SCHOOL REPORT. Co. 60c; The Exeter Electric Light FOR -Yl' L -Subjects in order, -- Co. 11.7.71; Exeter Mfg. Co., 8.99; 'W Grammar Spelling, -P. Cann 90, 88; J. Beaman, 9.63; The municipality of - M. Strang 88, 92; H. Laing, 84, 100; 2f. Canoe 84, 76; E. Hogarth, 32, 42; ✓ Boyer 81, -; M'. Day, 81, 48; V. Hartleib 79, 76; J. Harper 78, 92;. M. Merrier 77, 96, M., Ford 75, 64; • Dougall 74, 72; V. Jones 74 , 132; G, Bedford 73, 96; A. Fenwick 73, e2 I. Zuefle 73, 84; M. Hardy 71, '2; .C. Mallett 69, 92; B. Cann 68, 20; ✓ Hill 63, 80; G.. Copeland 62, 04; R. Parsons 62, 72; V., Mallett 51, •-; 1-F Boyle 59, . 84; B. Rivers 56, -; L. Hastings 52, 40; G.. Wells 47, 32; A. Harding 45, 84; C. Morley 44, 76; W, Davis 29, 76; L. Rice - 76; Li IC'estle - 76. FORM IL -Subjects in order lire Latin Art Science, Geography, Ar- ithmetic, Geometry; D. Brooks, 49, 65 63 82 100, 100, G. Hanlon 45, - 72, 84 98; C. Harris, 45, 57, 59, 70, 83. 74; M. Sharp 44,63, 52, 54, - 41; G. Case 44, 63, 63, 60, 69, 60, E.Har- vey 43, 50, 53, 71. 98, 96; L., Sanders 43. 56. 63 69, 73, 95; V. Stewart 42, 59 47, 54, 82, 31; A. Johns 41, 59, 59, 68 92 84; L. Walker 40 - 42 .- 95, - H..Essery 39; 58, 50, 58, 65, 77; M. Hogarth 38, 45,, 69, 50, 90, 57; G. Carling 37, 55;.57, 63, 85, 76; M. Pickard. 37. 62, 66, 80, 94, 80; I+.1'3ig- gins 37 56, 51, 56, 45, 40; R. 'Mills, 36, 53, 62, 90, 78, 99,• A. Shapton, 36, 54 .51 45, 53, 27; R. Hanlon 35 - - - 82 -; hi. Walken 34 - 42 - 97 - Edna I ollirle took a solo part in the Fordd - 33, 61, 44, 51, (i3, 50, T. anthem which she sang with much Nord 14 6 57,9 8r, G. 20; cin 6, acceptance her voice being sweet and 9 61 58 64 99, 78; G. OrttwcJn, 6 - -• 33 -; UM, HustonH- 617, 65, 88, clear. The. weather was somt�what, 73, 92. G. Harvey -. 66, 52, 67, 85,E 87; disagreeable edtont�eTheciezagramme E. Maxwell Pb, 66, 70, 58, 93; E. number tun p 13raoks: 62, 46, 68 90, 100; L;'1'ay.• for - 61, 56, 59, 88, 64; G. Ortweiin 59 50, 57, --; 0. McDonald -- 57, 59, 55, 77, 83; 0. Nestle a . 50, 55, 66, 91. 74; E. Tuckey, arithmetic 1011,. FORM IIL--Subjects . are in order, Composition, Geometry, Chemistry, Lata, C Pickard 80, a- ;4, 27; J. Seldon 79. 72, 80, 48; A. Horton 74,. 47 6Z. -; R. Rotivie, 72, 46, 45, 49; S, Woods 71, 64; -; M', `Hanlon 70. 58, 69, -; C. Hoffman -,70, 54, 66, - W Manson 70, 55, 47, 43; E.;Res- cl:fia 70, 67, 58, 20; M. Senior+ 70, 36, 58, 16' M. Gladman 69, 65, 45, 38; D. Kuntz 68, - -- • N.itcholson, 68 68, - 31; 14 Srnitth, 68, 64, 56, 41, W. Stan 68 63, 72, 49; R. Thomson 68 25, 56 43; R. Parsons 66, 65, 62, 41; 22. Howey 65, 62, - 44; FL Windsor Ailsa Craig, 94.65; W. J. Bissett 43.75; John Ford 37.50; Jos. Senior 138.00; pay sheet for hydro electric slstetn, 305.85; Thos. 'Creech 10.25; T. Hotel - den 4.60; Thos. 'Flynn 7.50;f,'Rd. Davies 6.00; John punkin 4,00; Geo. Orange 2.75; Ti Gillies, 2.00; Kenneth Ford 87c; John Gillespie 500; .mounting to $710 70.. Adjournment by Harton Jos. Senior, Clerk. LARGE CROWD APPRECIATES M t7SICAL E;v TE'RTAINME,ti T The musical entertainment given in the James street Methodist church on Monday evening last by a choir of forty voices under the leadership of Mr. R. Phillips, L.A.13, and some of his advanced 'pupils, was a rare .treat to the music lovers of this eomnzun- Mr, N. S. N audsley tenor soloist of the Metropolitan Methodist church, Toronto, was the special attraction for the 'occasion and the large gath ering was not disappointed in his' singing and be was encored several times. James street bhoir was assist- ed by Some of the leading vocalists from both the Main Street land Pres- byterian 'choirs and the two choruses rendered by them were an inspiration to the taudience and showedthe grand effect that is possible 1e wi th such a combination of excellent voices. Misss 65, - 42; 114, Johns 64 - - , ,. ,•. ELAKI'+-In Exeter onNovember 3 0. Davis 60,37, 57, -; J. Dougall 60, 57 5 1.11111P AWN, ktigcd tit yearsr s i 4 . 2 R, 1fd`a`vkins357046 ; . , 7t, ; X, walker ,--, 7', Z5. 43, was as follows: National anthem; opening remarks by the pastor, !Rev. ' cares of business life cause ,us to liar - W. G. 11. McAlister; climes, ,"Rail 'to ' ge God, 'We forget the early teach - the Dawn", the 'Choir; Solo, "The ing until a baud fa laicl.on•bnt tis Death of Nelson," Mr. 1t1.'audsley ! der,land a voice calls us' by name' anal piano dluett, "Valets '1:irilliante in .b" ' says, listen, (rod lays his hand is Misses , Allison sand ',Morgan; Song, 1 mysterious ways. God is speaking to ` been" rb+ir. 'Maudsley; piano t the maims las he never ,spoke ;before: luy concerto in G. minor ontwo pianos, 'and the nations are listening as they 'Miss I. Quackenbush and Mr. R. Phil- never listened before, The 'point is lips; vocal duett, "Testae and Bari this., You - may take the tr. ings`Ot the tone" ilXessrs ,Goodwin ,and Phillips; } morning 'null fly to the c You 13iera.rin" hisses Whit- universe and lo God is there. piano trio,. , ". min 'lc unknown amid strangers lock, Sotri.hcott land l,lfokd; song, (lee ; may 2 Enchanted Glade" Mx. Maudsley; but God i' there. Take hold of the piano quartette, `'Le 'totrrbil'.ozi" o;r i.2, thought that God., 1 nos'' where you. 'Hisses Ti', '11t,nter, lsridbain, E. Ford are ,and all about you. and T, Qemekenbush; chorus, "On ,his Then (gain (ked (tins a. right io the je t ^'voices' 1 service of. every soili --he-.owns you; male i mlaJ4si•y s Service" 12, The G?tittle.. t1�`r n' piano solo, "Polonaise in Ab major" 1 he owns ev�erything.Ye gold and the. Mr, 111';. Phillipe; !stove 'Xl3eneeith thy; e thousand bila. Window" Mr. tIttatudsl:yr chorus, silver belong to God. 1?t,xlat.Y, . tz3ed "Tad Hope aud-Glo " \the Choir,carat into the world empy God-aY e theg Latirtid 1<zrefive STORE BROKEN /NTO ETSl3ORNZ COUNCIL The general store of josses afar `The Jsborne 71Xunieina1 'cou'xno was broken into Monday' evening and met at the Township. }';1.'all, Nov. Otfr the till was rifled and some goads All .the members were,present. The. stolen. The metra ace to the store was nliarutes ai the'oast ,r.,egular .arid Ispec'- made by removing 'a pane of glass iai meeting ware tread and approved.; fromone of the 'w ndows it the rear. Receipts and ads( nowledgenze'nts z " from the fenevinelal Treasurer and. alio: A pair of boots and some socks' are reported missingas well as Pomo $15.40 from the till. Same burnt matches were found( lying around, MORE ABOUT 'HYDRO RADIALS A. 'deputation from the council mot- ored notored to St. 'Marys last Thursday where they 'attended a uaeeti.,g of representatives from the neighboring municipalities to consider the proposed hydro radial line from Toronto. to Lon-� (ondon,'via Guelph, 'Berlin 'Stratford,' and St. Marys. -Chief Engineer Gaby of the (Hydro -Electric Power Comanis-; Sion, with his assistants, presented! plans and estimates of the proposed line which is to be a trunk line with branch lines connecting with 1L. The general plan was approved with de- tails to be worked °Oat a later date. The by-law for the issuing of the bonds is expected to be submitted 'to the different municipalities at the January elections. The proposed plan recommends ea branch line connecting at Granton and running. through E:irkton, Winchelsea, Elimville and Exeter through to Grand. Bend; Anr additional proposal is to conneot at Kirkton running to Seaforth, Brussels etc. An effort is being made to vote don the proposed ;road from Exeter to diplomas and seals'to those who had Granton at the sante time as the attended school every Sunday during ' vote will take place on, the trunk line. the year. In all 54 were distributed. Four Alumni .diplomas were given out to those who had filled out the Rob- ert Raikes diplomas, this making the eighth year of perfect attendance. These were given to Messrs. H. E. Ruston, E. A. Follicle, Jas. 'Walker and Miss Edna rollick.' - The floral decorations were very beautiful. The proceeds "amounted to over $425,00 In the evening 'D 1r. Powell took for his text Exodus 3. 4 And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see. God Balled unto ham out of the midst of the bush and said, Moses; Moses, And he said, Here:am T." The speaker said 'that trioses was born in bondage,fand reared in luxury. He was 40 years old before he came to himself. Forty years of his valuable life had 'been spent before the 'voice of reason `had entered the palatal. and touched his own soul. Going ottt oue morning he saw an Egyptian and. a Hebrew fighting and stretchiag out his farm the slew the Egyptian •on the shot. Moses thought he understood God's 'way. He thought it was right to do wrong that good might conte of ita Moses finds himself charged with murder, and he flees ta.the land of lelidian. We find him seated by the well when the daughters of the priests of Midian Game to water their flock For befriending the daughters of. the Priest doses was invited to his home where he afterwards married one of the Priests daughters and for 40 years he dwelt in that quiet coun- try.- . You may seareh the pages of this old book and you .can't' find the history of those 40 years. 'Were it not for two words we would know little of the' life of.Moses foo 40 years and those two words are the names of the two '.baby boys that came to his home. Moses said I will call the one Gershom,for I have been stran- ger in a strange land. It expressed' the pathetic sob of a homesick man. Were you ever homesick, asked the speaker. Did you ever rest beneath a foreign flag and long for home. Did. you ever long for a vanished' hand or for a voice that was stilled? Did you mothers ever long to embrace in your arms that babe that is in, glory. If so you are et stranger in a strange land. He'aven is your home. 'We are fellow pilgrims in ta. strange land 9nd far away from home.. The second child Moses called. Elie- zar because. he said, God is 'my .help- er. Moses had lived 'down the pas- sional elements of youth 'and he now sees God even in the birth of that little child. Unless we see the hand of God in the everyday 'affairs of life we are not where' God. would have us, 'We should be . able to see the hand of God in our national life. The success in the present war will not be determined by the number or sire of the cannon but it ;will be on the side that recognizes the sovereign will of God. 'While Moses was passing the moun- tain side he saw a bush burning end not being consumed. Perplexed he stood before God to investigate. Oat of the bush 'came the message of. God to the mightiest leader the .world has ever seen, and he says 'Here 'itm I.".. Let us stand by the bush just long enough to gain a few lessons said " • the speaker, The firslisthe person- al every individual. al relation of God to ve y in Moses was the na.nio he had heard from the lips of Egyptian .princes but for 40 years be heel never heard it, To be called by this name brought back the memories of youth. To the child God, is e reality. Sometimes the It is estimated that the township of Usborne will be !asked to guarntnee the bonds for about V00,000. c .� e f the " British Red �lCr qs B ae be o Sritzs Re a, o y tg' for $1385,20 from the l.i.cborne people were laid before the .ecu toi i and filed, A large number of aocounts prin;a cipally for gravel, were 1sa• sed •an& orders issued an paynr.,ent. (Council .adjourned to meet Deo. 4tht at one o'clock sharp. P, Morley, Clerk. fir. Will /Knight, whose letter from the trenches appeared in last week's times, has been injured is ,the hand by a viece of sbr'apnele Contestants in the Piano eonteet conducted by lir. Jas, Beverley ,are requested to bring in their Notes ewaii` Wednesday to be entered oil ,the hula letir3; The New Way Voice Toe t4oweys k OMB The Old Way THE EXETER BAR GAIN STORE Tailored.=to=order Clothes for Men. Our special order system. assures you a perfect fit. Sults and Cvercoats Made to Special Measure for $15.00 to $301,00 A special order is the way ,o get an individual garment, our measur- ing :system gives the cutters and tailors an exact physical photo- graph of their ochstorder. W. © Fa i..d E 400.0 000,0Q 000Q 0.0v@•4`4 0000 0*00 *004'.1,0000000,00.4*****0. • • • . • • • `, w • • • • •• • • • • b •i • • • • • • • • • r ono We have our Fall Stock all in and carry a complete line of the latest creations in Mens Toggery Our New Fedora Hats in the different styles, shapes and colors, are attracting attention. We can tit you with somethinL Natty In Shirts, Collars, Ties and Sacks, We:have a specially fine showing for men, WHY NOT BE MEASURED at the same tirne for your New Suit. Woolen Goods are advanc- ing rapidly in price, yet we are maintaining rock bottom prices. The ric h shades and fine weaves will appeal to you. We also have a splendid : showing in Ready -to -44 tar Suits, Overcoats, etc, etc: 440 Com,i in early and let cls shove you. ' A 1V1 A N • v 4. PH0-NE 81 a +�. a I**(444***0 *4#444e 00.414 ,4N#4. 414