Exeter Times, 1915-11-11, Page 5area t. tlitalRSDAY, NOVE 13 1.1111, 1915 fiOIVE "BMW Or rIGO" Crediton TO CONSTIPATED ounx• 'Delicious "Fruit Laxative can't herrn tender little atomach, liver and bowels. Lecdt at the tongue, mother! If thottted, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peeviela cross:, listless, doesn't Sleep, eat or act naturally, Or is tever- isle stomach sour, breath bad; leas *wee throat, diarrlacea, full of cold, give * a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul, caristipa.tedwaate, undigested' food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have.* well, playful child.' agairtarAsie rchri druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of "California SYran Of FigS," which cote tainsifull directions for babies, chin dren of all ages and for grown-ups. Anniversary (Continued from page one) may think we hre pas,sing the time eery ,pleasantly but the day, lafter to- • morrow what will we think of it: There is la can from our country for the young men, but the speaker said be had never made himself a recruitngagent; he leaves that for every man's conscience, But God is calling ,you to service, said the speaker, gild there are no victories so glorious as the victories for him. We should know the Divine King whom we fon tow and (believe that his principles are applicalne everywhere. He beg- gedtthe young people to live so that failure will not be written: over them. The young pee/tie are living in the brightest century (the world leis ever •seen. It is 'glorious to he alive t•o- day., Whatever you do or do not do give yourselves to God and failure will not ilas written over you. On Monday evening, Rev. J. •F. • Knight, M.A., of Hensall delivered a lectuxe on Germany and World pow- • '"S. ter„ and having studied in .Germany , ;and travelled in Great Britain and • France he brought a personal touch with people and events lot the present great conflict. His hddress was a scholarly and masterly one ad was foil•Wed with a great deal of interest .those who had the pleasure of hearing him. 'The attendance, how- 'reneras just fair. Be tracedathe lats- . , torae of the war outlining Germany's desire /for world power and. prepare- , ,tion 'fo,x• the struggle. She misjudged •' thectitttude of Ireland and the eolon- fes ov Greet Britain to the mother country. He showed that Germany was'n great rtation and had/ given the world so much in thej past in the way •a fine art, and great thought both In theology., science, and matters eon- isected 'with state and commerce, yet of recent years and perticularly the Avast two years the glory was fast disappearing and she was departing from tam spiritual to tbei meterial. admired the German who had, love for 'country as he had known it in many years past, but that unfortua- sthly the deceit and corruption that was now 'characterizing the country tts 'lundoing. • • The" Tibbeeds azununted altakether ito about $575. CENTRAL ISTRATFO.R13, thNT- .. • . • ONTARIO'S BE ST BUSINESS COLL,E0E • • • • • * 41 • • • * ea Our• -instructors are • •.• ee experi- enced. Pupils get individual * .• attention and graduates me * * placed in positions. We are re- : ceiving applications we cannot * 4 meet. Students may enter at •_ any time. Send for our free ' • a catalogue and see if it interests .... 4 ; Yuu. D. A. MCLACHLAN, : ' * .•PAIliciPAL. + '1.03"*"......".,"*.".•• ; • ir; qrltr. .;; • 104 r dvantages to. the Estate a having a Trust Company administer its affairs ; are /Many, yet the charges are no higher than those allowed a private individual acting in the same capacity. This strong, conservative Company, unlike -an individual executor, will not fall •ill, go abroad at a critical time, be- come a defaulter or pass out of existence, neither will it neglect your •affairs for its •ewnetatehause its very life de- pend e upon its fidelity to your affairs and those of others. Consult Its regarding your will and the administration of •your estate. The Loudon & Wesiern 382 itiehmoild St., London, Ont. Sir Geo. Gibbose:, La...President eoen s. Keene Manager 1 afre and Mrs, 3, S, Metz and Mrs Richard Dill attended. the Xacca.bee convention as aelenalee, held iu Lott - don last week Mataack et Loneon visited his grandmother, Mrs. Hy: Mote,. Mr. and lans. Jos. Heist and ala, and Mrs. la Brown motered to 'Der - Jia on Saturday Miss 'Alma Hill opena few •days in London last week., t %Mrs, Chrie relit= had the Miefore tune lest week 'to ,falt and. Creak her arm. . tine. Ben Eilber, of Way, Miele, is visiting retatives. 'Mr, Hy. Xuhn and Mee, Olitte: Rune zle are attending •la•feet days with friends in Detroit: Miss laildrea Brown is visiting la • EXe ter Miss Mary Holmes is learning dres0- making with Mies Laara Sims. • Mr. Herb Palmer was in , Lencloe last week.1 • The gradtrating exercises of the Teachers' Training ekes of the Evan- gelical church will be held, on &1u day next. Tbe class has securedath services of Bev. Yaeger, of Stratford. A banquet Will be held on Moaday evening, lalr. Hy. Einar, M.P.P is .confhied to his bed through illness., • Miss Mary Boeszler • has returned to Detroit •after spending the atm - mer with her Parents. On Friday evening last the Miesion Circle of 'the Methoiist church gave a very tinteresting missionary pageant, representing 'six ;different touutries. The proceeds amounted to $25.00 Mr. Clarence Eilber left ;for De- troitilast week to spend the winter. 1 'EteratveLLE Mr. W. Parkinson tett last week for California where he will take in the Panama Exposition. Mr. W. Jacques visited friends in Galt last week.. . Mr. end Mrs. J. 'Morgan. of lifcGit- livery were the guests of Mr. D. Hicks last week.. Mr. E. Roweliffe • was visiting Mr W. Parkinson a few days last week. Mrs. D. Edwards visited her ,moth- er. Mrs. D. ;Hicks. last week. Mr. W. Ogden is put -Ling in a good supply of wood for the winter. Mr. G. Andrew had a splendid „sale last week. • HENSALL Miss Hemme who • hes been 'away n e months visit, has, returned home. A little daughter las come .to bright en the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Bele Mrs. Carmichael, wbo visited. her sister and daugbter, in Stratford, has returned home., Mrs. D. Shirray has been sinnding a month in Toroeto with' her mother, Mrs. Shirray. who has been :very ill but is now improving. , The many friends of Miss Katie Baynes. will be pleased to hear thar *She Ls now very comfortably settled it her new theme in tayfielde Mrs. George Hedson and daeghter, Miss Inez. are now in ,charge of the alensall Library in the towa hall and •vvillniao deutaa give good satie- factioteads'diif ,lifrs. Foss, the (tormexa Librarian. (who resigned a few weeks Dr. Alexander Moir, who has kbeen folloa mg up traprovements on the hemestead farce a little over a mile ncrtawest of our vilage. and who had Intended a week or ,sci ago, returning t3 resume his; practice • fit Lenore. Manitoba, has/ been prevented. going for the present, owing to the illness of his brother, Mr. • Collin Moir. • A. 'grand entertaitment was given Friday evening in the town hall, under the auspices of the • Loyal Orange Association of Hensel], tbe proceeds to be given to, the Red Cross Splendid addresses were given on what interests :Canadians most, by Revds. and Muxworthy, ,of Exeter. Knight of Hensel], aed 3. F. Collins recently from the naotherla ad. There were also solos, re'adings and music by the 'Methodist Orchestra.' Mr. George Beach through bis *agent G. 1. Sutherland, has ,sold his _fine dwelling property to Mr. Christopher Campbell of the township of 'Hay, wLo van congratulate himself upoe having such a fine property with a number of choice Iots comprising same. We believe Mr. 'Campbell may rent until on in the \spring, 'Wheel he will 'be leaving his farm •which he recently 'sold, and will then move an- te' our village to enj.17' a wall earncd .• At' a recent meetingof the - Mc- Gregor :Circle, it was arranged •,to holda contest lamong taleagials.ttenea whiebeide couldeget 'the: most menale; es to 'stir teraMore letercst ' in 'the :Circle for the "evieltaa months,' The Missee, S,pritill'e led Madam Viepihart" eveid•"thosgli . ca tare:A.1a nd eneh Ke.' their aide.' All neirked -with a 'Will' eefiss Urquhart's side won out." The lotting side enter- tained the winners and 112‘1,1 merabers in the school rooms last week., Mx. rinnk Carling. who has beer: an invilid for a couple of aears. sera "tering from a stroke. idied October 29t1i. The funeral took place ....f.roni his home here 'to Seaforth, on Su -00y END STO1VIA.011 TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA, "Pape% Djapepsin" makes Sick, Sour;' Gassy Stomachs Surely feel fine ' In live minutes. If what You JUst ate is souring on your stomach' or lies like aelump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gag and eructate 'sour, undigested food, or bane a feeling of diszinesS„ , heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste In Mouth and stotnacheheadache, you can get blessedrelief in live minatee. Put an end to sterna& trouble fore' by getting a large fifty -emit Cage of Pape's Diapepi3itt from any drug Store. You realize in flee Minutes hoar heed - "est it IS to glitter from indigeation, lysneasia or any stomach dieorder. "5 the milckest, sureet steoltach doe- r in the world It's wonderful PILES CURED at HOE -" by New Absorption Method.v If yotZ Suffer front 'bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Files, scud trie your 'address,and Will tell yott how to cure your-, a,elf at home by the absorption iseatment and will also send some of this home treatment free for trial,- with references froin your own locality if re- quested: Immediate relief 'and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but ,.tell othersof this' offeV Write to -day to.Mrsi M. Summers, Box p giffindsori Oat :earning. Mr. :Carling leaves to moora 'Lis loss a wife, two daughters and two ooze; Miss ,Dolly at .home. Miss Maria nurse in training in Ceigary Litepttal, land the '111e,sseas Week and ann at home, Mr Carling will be touch missed. being a atinchancl loving nusband enalather and a gcod neigh- bor. ille.eveara-ell known having Jived a number or years in Stallet beitorh coining here. JUST THINK OF a A Three Hundred, and Fifty Dollar Ennis I -ea co :Absolutely Given Away That :advertising is now a edema is again demonstratect praeticaLy to the buying pu.blic of this seetion by tae wonderful advertisiug system now q.uployed by the most enterprising busine,ss 'house of T. Beyerley, who in is, going; to give away A.1360.1.,Ulat2an alexia to :some one of his customers the. beautiful EiteNIS PAtteLatt a?1-te.N1) klANO which ts now ton/ex- hibition at his store., .rhe piano sells Lor lanialiel eil/NDUED ANL) elltarY ,U0.L.LIA.116 and is a k111.J.L LLASS instrument in evay respect. Li ANTEED by the makers for TEN YEAlt0. Jtlial Tilitele OF IT. A Three Hundred end Fifty dollar piano to be GeVatie AWAY. A few years ago if lt ;merchant •were to do such a thing he .would be eonsidered a itt subject 'for tan lasyneu, but conditious have changed, yet ea the face of tht. enormous suni alien': to, advertising the fact of him giving away a Mu elan° is a stupendous uodertaking and , it • clearly demonstrates his des- ire to 'be "always up to and a little anead" of the spirit of the times., Every purchaser of $1.00 worth ot goods from any department -of , his store will receive a coupon ,good for 100 votes on the piano., The person presenting the lean -est number of votes to niixi wit! receive the piano absolutely 'free., No favors will be shown and every person will ,receive an equal .cbance. The repatatiom en- joyed by him for :'square dealing" insures this fact. We think the buying people will appleciate this extrem- ely liberal offer on the part of Mr. Beverley ealla eve predict . a lively ecramble for votes.t• • . SHIPKA. Air. and Mra. Crenford , McPherson returned Monday from a trip to. the °Oast and will reside at Corbet. _ 'Mr. and Mrs. Mike Finkbeiuer visit. ed friends in Dashemod Sunday. Dougle:19elsitac aud daughter • Carmel are erisitiag her patents in Drysdale thia week,' !...• Miss Agnes, Seeenen entertained' a inmates of young pOople" at bersisterei home last Friday evening, Miss Maggie Gower of Parkhill is visiting at her home here. The Methodist -Church is bolding its Christmas Tree on Dec. 17t1r. • NifFIALEN Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of the Sth con, of Blanshard spent Sunday here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. illornas Gunning. • • Mr. and Mrs. Aero.n Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gunning spent' Tues- day with friends in St. Marys. Earnest, Hobbs and sister Myrtle 'pent Sunday witb their sister, Mrs. eat:mild Moore • Miss Bepsie Morley, and Edna Gun- ning spent a few days of last week the guests of Mrs. Samuel Stevenson at Devizes. (formerly Mies Ida pert)). -Quite.a number trom here atteoded the Oearigemenreermion at Woodham &index „evening. -The -church -*as packed and all were delighted with the masterly and enlightening die - course, of Bey. Mr. Fts,b. of Owen Sound. Supreme Greed •Chaplain :of •theprder. • • •• • Men ladie's of °this pia& are' ;to be •-congratulated upon' their untiring ef- ferestorhelp in the comfort of our sot. 'diets and where's 'Besides 'making: 5 quilts, tbey recently peaked a .bale ,of bheets and nightshirts for the sol- diers, this being the second outfit like this they bave sent to the front, and they are now preparing to do Xmas halting and send to the lads at the front. Mr, andMr'. John Morley visited oyer Sunday with her aunt. Mrs. In - gran', at Hensall. • •., ,.."1 ..!wq.v.ttam • TheeSUpper ehi'entertainment held in ilikOrange Ball on Nov, 5 h, 1915, Ondet:thenuspices of the Orange Ord- • er evereele ;every way highly success- , The oyster supper Was thorongle 1 ajbytigl Mach credit is to be *jai •`5 re„Mieef.Stewart, of Goderieh, • for- Woodharn, who superintend- ed to the cooking of the Aft- erDyscers.,..'`. supper' an excellent 'pengrininne wee giler.0 in the ituditotiiiM Of the hall. The ebairman • in "'his' addreas conipliMented: the Order • on oletalicl decorations. A large linion Jack and a large flag bearing the Cap - tiniest Coat of Atlas were attemiinently ;displayed at the front of the bail over the platfolin, white flags of smal er size were placid oteer the wind( we ad many smaller nap were at ranged sdlfutly along the gala to1 )8 ,vere itoly Vendertti by Miss Bea :lc ore r and ntia. Initial la ill .1, of amelhate. and Mr, Chtrlee ratal. car Kirkion. The seleetitteW 11%. mins • —THE EXETER TIMES after the chairman's address on the xceptionally well twittered, A. brief (leg was mOst appropriate and, was e a tuc,,,,s was given by the Rey, Mr, Burton,el Kirktoe, The roam feat- ure of the prograreme was an address by tbe Rev. A. Fish, Supreme du Mr. Fish on rising was greet° I with prolonged epplatise, His prei- once and addrets about a year ag were remenabsred with gratitude. Rev, Mr. Fish chose as his subject: "The Flag," Ile explained the differ - seat OcotiSes Mad the significance of the colours. lie stated that the flAg stocd for civil and religions liberty. He strongly emphasized our obliga- tions to the flag, especially at, this, Mine, as never before in US hittoity was it so endangered. He explained some of the bidden intjueme Ayoxt to undernane our na,tiona.1- and relig- ions liberty, and urged upon all the defence of those principles: for which our Bag stands, On Sunday evening Rey. Me. Fish Grand 0 iaplain the Order in Oana HE Cr A ViliTCH Uncle Sam's Experts Will Tell You About It. WINDING IS ALMOST AN ART. laShould Be Done Cautiously and With the Strictest Regularity — Even the Size of the Watch Pocket May Affect the Accuracy 9f a TimeRiece. „, • Do you know how to beadle, carry and wind your watch properly? Do you' knot:et what time of the Clay you', should wind it. the poeket, \l'b la it is best to carry it and the position in which you should leave your ,wateh at, •night or when it Is not in use? spoke in the Metbodist Church to an These are some questions winch Iln- audience which completely fired the ole Sam will answer for his 100,000,000 whole ediace. Members of the Orange Pieces and nepbews o; ateli of them Order from St. Marys, Grantor), Mit- then Road, Kirkton and other points as are the possessors of pocket wateliee' were present and occupied the ceetre Instructions as to the use and care of seata of the church. Rev. Mr. Fish watches are given in a publication is - chose as his text the words found in sued by the bureau of standaras, They Gal, 51, and spoke on the subject: are based on conclusions reached by "My God, My Country and My King." scientists after careful tests and 'on The Fatherhood of God implied the the practical experience of some of Brotherhoud of Meta It was our sol - the leading watch manufacturers of enan duty to deal kindly and truly to- the lana. wards all. Re did not find fault so The importance of luthdling a fine much with the Laity in the Roman Catholic Church as the Hierarchy. watch carefully and ot winding it reg. Ile could not agree with the spirit and 'Marty is known to almost every one. principles of the Papacy. The spirit Butrules for the proper treatment of manifested by the Papacy was not a watches always have varied greatly, recognition of equal tights towards and it is for this reason that the bp - Protestants, but of cc ercion. He reau of standards investigated the mat- ' clearly showed the attitude of the ter and prepared standard instructions Church ofalome in regard to mixed which it advises owuers of watches to marriages and the unhappiness often occasioned by such marriag related incidents of the aggressiveness e . e The bureau, in its set of rules, first of the Church of Rome which had cautions against allowing a watch to come nnder his particular notice. He fall or receive a severe jar, either of quoted statements from sevetal Ro- which is liable to injure the raecba- man Catholics of note which clearly nism, especially in the bending of a plivot revealed their intentions as to this or the breakin,g of a jewel. The mere North American Continent. He &leo fall of a watch to the end of its chain our Bible. His worde were well chos- showed conclusively their attitude to or the jar it may receive when the ar- en, chaste, earnest, Christian and ticle of clothing in which it as being without malice. His address Was a canied is thrown down or dropped forcible presentation of facts, which may cause serious injury to the move - carried profound conviction to the anent Even the sudden ntotions or jar minds and hearts of his audience. of a -tenpin" on or off a street car may What we want. is the facts. What we need is educaticn. A cleae setting injure it seriously. forth of the truth that the may Likewise care should be taken to dawn upon . , keep a watch from becoming magnet - in us • The services rendered by .Rey. Mr. ized by proximity to electrical appa- Pit-h .were simply invaluable. His Fetus, although the troubles 'from this soul stirring appeal to the Membets of cause are being reduced by the pres- t be Order to be true to their oblige- ent type of construction of' dynamos tions to live for the Heavenly Country and motors. The watch case should be and to hand in their allegiance to Je- sus Ihrist as their King. came with opened as seldom as possible and then great force and 'added that spiritual only in places where there is little fervour to his address which gave it chance of dust getting into the move - lasting weight and worth. ment. A broken watch crystaashould., Proceeds for supper and entertain- be replaced promptly, even ;if -the ment. 160.00. evetch has a hunting case. ' • Seven applicatiors for membership Concerning tbe importance of wind- nere received on Sattu day evening. Ing a watch regularly the butaan of • $20.00 was voted by the Order for the •• • Orphanege Fund, while the offerings standards states: on Sabbath evening smounted to "Even the delay of nn hour in, the OM Slit also in_ uf the Orphange time of winding may cause considera- • Fund. . • e, ble. variation in the rate in some in- • stances. The Finding should not be • • done jerkily, lint steadily and not too - BARBED. WIRE WAR. rapidly, and its conclusion shaped be - • approached carefully to naiad injury H follow. It Is Used in Various Ways and Is a . Deadly,. Defense. Barbed wire is today as necessary a part of an-urine:a equipment as Don- . tams or trenchiug tools. In War barb- ed wire is used in various ways, but its main object Is man stoppiaag. • It is interlaced with ground pegs in front of trenches for the purpose Of tripping charging troops, it is *tieing neross bridges and main roads id; prevent the passage of cavalry, and itis used for fencing in camps to gaidrd, against rushina tactics on the parteolt the en- emy. a • Whenever possible barbed -wires en- tanglements are bidden in lotlegmss or in hedges, so that advancing n•teets will be trapped while the enemy rakes their lines with shot and shell. Barbed 'wire concealed in undergrowth is par- tieularly deadly where cavalry is con- cerned. for the wire grips the horses' hoofs, causing them to fall on the spike strewn ground. At times certain roads that it is de- sirable to have passable to townspeo- ple hate to be rendered impassable to ha' army. T4) accomplish this' zigzag fencetolabarbed wire, pre imilt from one side -Of• the Mad to tbe other mail • they linen 'a, maze. A peasant with ;time tee -spare con pass ibis battler?, by laboriouslythreading. hie .way ilitougb • the narrow 2ipag. )1tassagetleft bliOnr army' of":iveraf linikdreditl{e"nt eXPeCialle 'If 414 '11are-N*41S 'erwrile mounted. Must halt to •aestroy the en- tanglement - The barbed wire used for mtlitary purposes possesses long, jagged joints, which inflict most painful wotinds on the body, especially when men and horses fall on to them headlong, as so often, happens.—Philadelphia Press. THICK., GLOSSY HAIR nzz Flt0A1 DANDRUFF Girls! Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine. .4•04s....1.4..' • If yon care for heavy heir that glie- tens *with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable stiftnese and Is Stay and lustrous, try Danderine. Just One application 'doubles the beauty .0fyour hala besides It ,thaine- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. Ton catt not have nice 'heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs . Natural Performance. the hair of its lustre, its strength and dowurnb.aot Withriver • seems all bi'dcel its very life, and if not overcome it . prOdudes a feverishness and Itching of "Then why doestx t he get reptilredtir the saallat the • halt . roots' faniish, .-Baltimore American. • ..kei foinien and die; then the hair fella out , fast, fe Surely get a 25 -cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drusOlatti).,:oenriari otiii‘nlyf,,t11137,, store and Just try' it. , r . to the spring, or winding mechanism. .,. "It is generally. regarded as sightly better 'to wind the watch In the umin7 Ing than ateniglat, as the large -varia- tions a the balance under the 'tight spring will perhaps give more uniform ' results with the movements and jar of the watch during the day than if the balance wheel were subjected to the lesser tension twelve hours after winding. The difference is, however, not so important as the regular wind- ing of the watch. "The pocket in which one carries his watch, the size of the pocket and the kind of watela chain or fob used have a more important effect on the uni- formity of a watch's tate than is gen- erally realized. In, a large pocket the watch is apt to turn to the right ore left by various amounts. giving iriague. tar rates, unless one adopts some naenh- od of holding it upright. Perhaps the beat method to prevent a watch turn- ing in this way, other than actually pin- ning it in place, is to keep the watcb. In a chamois or kid watch bag, such as may be obtained from jewelers, in coirect size to fit one's pocket. The watch cannot turn in this it of the proper size, and the friction of the bag In the pocket prevents it turning. The bag else protects the watch and keeps it cleaner." 'IThe tare nef anti Watch kit night 'br 406114 is 4166 in tialufsAathee'dAql)r- tent item ccoecerntegatatchldneaaiYeatt 'et atandiicha'afates:,': " " •t, • 'At night or when the watch Is upt In use it is desirable to leave the watch in the same position as during the day, and preferably in some place where it will not be subject to any great temperature change. If it is de- sirable to leave the watch in a hori- zontal position during the night for the sake of compepsating any considerable gaiuing or losing of the watch in the pendent up position during tbe day the same precaution to a void rattliked 'tem- perature thatiges should' be observed, end the regularity with which such a change of position Is eaeried out may be as important as regularitY of wind- ing."-:Washiugton Star. • ie it Nothing Precipitate. ',"j." "oldlYcru +itheeptihim isa SOOD hrS, he pronesed ?'" ' "Of 'course not. I kept hina waiting for his answer nearly a whole minute." —Richeiond Timea-Dispateh. ' i The harmless but OW/ cent reme0 for tioating‘ho NatiralSio,Anaemia.$1140.P, Icssnoss, NerVous gXe haustion. 840. collide Mark Keigistereur 00a Al L.L.Aoeueettere, or by nue 0"00.1 MORGIAN MPG. co,, col-i-Nowoop„oNT. Times Times Tinaes Times Times Times Times Times Times • Times Times • Times , mummaisimmatiommaill. .11 1:4111MING. LIST• . 1910_ and Toronto Globe f•,011.6 • • • • 3.75 and Toronto Mail and Empire ...... ...... 3 75 and Toronto Daily News .... .... 2 85 and Tornto Daily World .... 3 25 and Toronto Daily Star ...... 2 85 and London Evening or Morning Advertiser and London Weekly Advertiser . ....• and London Morning Free Press,..... and London Evening Free Press and London Weekly Free Press and Toronto Saturday Night and Farmers Abvocate Times and Canadian Farm ...... ........ Times and Toronto Sun ...... Times and Farmer and Dairy, . Times and Montreal Family Herald & Weekly Star Times and Weekly Illustrated Globe Times and Weekly Mail and Empire Times and The COuntry Gentleman .. 3 Times and Canadian Poultry News .. • • • • • . • • Times and Montreal Weekly Witness • ••••• Times and Christian Guardian •• •••• •••• 2 Times aud Prespyterian ... • .. 2 Times and Westminister... • • . . .2 Times and Presbyterian and Westminister 2 90 3 • 3 .2 75 50 90 85 50 40 85 8o 85 85 85 75 25 35 85 45 25 25 25 Send your remittance by money order, post office or express order (not by bank cheque unless exc It . added.) /Exeter Times Printing Company, Limited Exeter, - Ontario 111111111111111111EMEMS11111.111111111111.1111MS zuRrica • MrsaG. 'Campbell is visiting srelat- Ives In Berlin., M. W. 4- 'Johnston of .the Domin- ion House ' purchased a new Dodge Bros, automobile. Mrs. M. Fritz and Mrs, 3', Hey. Jr. attended the Women's Iastitute convention in London last week. De:s. Crawford, of T.ondsboro, 'vis- ited at the home :of Mr... Jacob Gell- man for a few days last week. Sinith—Mousseau--A 'pretty tautu ten wedding was solemnized at the home of -Mr. and alirst Alex ,Moussedu, Bron- son 'line. Bay, on 'Wednesday, Oct. 27th, 'when their daughter, Amanda Ann. became the wife 'Saddle "eon of Mr. and RVLrs. J. al Smith of near Zurich. The ceremony was lperformed by 'Rev. G. F. Brown of 'Zuricb. Miss Lydia Desjardine act - Ades aeldesmeld while the groom was ably aapported by Maxime Para.zeau. 'cousin of the bride. The wedding march was played by Miss Dora Smith., sister of the nroom, School Report . The following is the reportof S. S. • Diana, gay, for the month of October Theaestnes appaJiiP order of merit: ' Sr, I ar'•;21nezIeehey',"' lateem an Wil- ilr.III—Benson Tuckey, Eddie Ald- 'worth, Willie Murray. •• Sr. II: --Peter Case, Earnie Willard, III—(b) lea Murray, Percy Campbell, limner Russell. Jr. II—(a) Bruce Tinkey, Gretta .Aldworth, Hannah Murray, Frank Wadiong. • 'Jr. 1J—Oscar Tuckey. . :Primer —Hilton Laing. . . Milton D. Oestreieher, Teacher. nS,S. No. 2, USBORNE • The following is the eapart .tof S. &Philo, 2, taborne for ate ettotab of October., , -Snell 75. Jr. Knight 72. W. Turnbull 69, B. Pollee 66, 'C. Stewart 64. Sr. 'Knight 10. 1L Doupe 49, q. Stewart 42,11,. Williams 25, Sr. II—C. tDoupe .72, A. ;Rankin 68, M.Cottle 5.0e G. McDonald 40. t Jr. II—S. Francis 56, a. Pollee 49, W; Allison 48, E. Stewart 36. Pt. alp- an'. Alien 73, IC, rarmaibeil 70, C., Hodgert 68, E. 'Rundle . 65, G. Keight 60. Pr. C.—H. latanhall 71, H. Pollen 65e itt. Cottle k6d. 'Pe.' B.-- tGelilampbell 10, C. Stewart 68, Bre Francis 55, R. Oottic 5. " Nutuberon,T11 29, average att - : af./. L. ,'Coward, teacher), ,,•::(12:( 26 10 CENT "CASCARETS" - BILIOUS OR COSTM For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels—They, work while you sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges- tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi- gested food, which sours and ferments' like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery --indi- gestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow ekin, niental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret to -night will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and etraighten you out by morning.' They work while you sleep—a 10 -cent box from your druggist will keep you feel- ing good for months. Honor go11 Enlisted in Units of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces. Miss Edw. Dow, nurse e3rd 'Battalion, Harness, Elmore, 'clerk Mallett, Frederick, clerk Anderson. Edgar, farmer Mitchell, Earl, clerk., Stewart, Douglas, clerk 33rd Signal Corps Treble.. aeon, printer Army Medical Corps Forney Edgar, grocer clerk 70th Battalion ;Russell, William, farmer 71st Battalion Davis, Archibald, printer Mitchell Wilbert, clerk • Canadian Mounted Rifles Hervey :Chester, grocer clerk Knight:, Reginald, grocer clerk , , Enlisted other places than Exeter Taylor Gordon, machinist , • Herta tLoftus, hook -keeper Varsons, Earl farmer Tapp, Thomas, clerk Dr. Will Enight, Home Guard /Rivers, Lloyd, !bank clerk Waterloo ' • Elyen, Russell, Iprinter, Waterloo Mamas or others next of Ida, 'who " have sons tot relatives who have tete listed ill nni LS of the Otteadiart Expee ditionary forces at places other that at Exeter larally see that their names are tureished to the elerk :so that tbe Roll ef lalor.our will he as accurate as possible:, alt i a. V tr or