HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-05-07, Page 3GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1986—PAGE 3 News Goderich hbudgetagiproves � 8 million for .86-87 is $229,170., reported Stan Connelly, chair- requested the staff prepare a report for man of the committee. The committee also consideration at the next meeting of the received updated figures for providing air property committee with regards to the conditioning for the area as well as the 1st long term needs for building renovations East wing. and updating, reported Connelly. This led to discussion regarding long Hospital administrator Ken Engelstad term needs for updating the building which reported Joy Daymond, formerly the co - included the following areas of concern, ordinator of the Wingham Community 2nd East renovations, air conditioning of Psychiatric Service has been appointed co - 2nd East and 1st East wings, replacement ordinator of the new Commu.iity of windows and brickwork on south ex- -Psychiatric Service soon to open in posure, repair of roof on the 1957 building Goderich. Maureen Thomas has been and the need for more $forage space. hired to fill the position of co-ordinator of The committee felt these areas of need the Wingham serviee. These appointment s should not be considered in isolation and were effective April 21. BY SHARON DIETZ The Alexandra Marine and General Hospital board approved an $8 million budget for the fiscal year 1986-87 at an in 'camera session during its April 28 meeting. • The hospital has budgeted $8,217,001 for gross expenditures, an increase of five per cent over last year's budget of $7,828,000. The hospital has already been promised a four per cent increase in its funding by the Ontario Ministry of Health and pay scales for all employees except- the services ;employees and the registered nurses have peen set. Board members learned earlier in the ;meeting that the'hospital appears to have finished 1985-86 with an estimated surplus 'nf $396,454. though the exact figures will ,not be confimed until after the audit has ;been completed next month. The hospital, is permitted to retain its surplus as part of ;the BOND (business oriented new develop - Ment ) program introduced by the health ministry several years ago. Prior to the in- troduction of this program, any surplus money was returned to the ministry at the end of the fiscal year which did not en- courage hospitals to operate with a surplus. Hydro plans power interruption Ontario Hydro is planning a power inter- ruption to about 1000 customers in the Port Albert and Auburn area on Sunday, May 11 from midnight to 5 a.m. The power cut is necessary to allow Hydro crews to change insulators at the Goderich transformer station. Recent studies indicate that the in- sulators at Goderich Transformer Station on Highway 8 have deteriorated to such an extent they could fail at any time. Should this happen, the result would be an exten- sive power cut of several hours duration, to 8500 customers supplied from Groderich transformer station. This would include the towns of Goderich, Bayfield and Clin- ton as well as rural customers in the sur- rounding area. A five-hour interruption must be taken so the Hydro line°crews can work safely on de -activated equipment at the transformer station. "Careful planning of the insulator replacement project means that power will be interrupted at a time that will in- convenience as few customers as possi- ble," says Clinton area manager, Gord Yohn. '`During the interruption, Hydro operators will re-route power to keep on the majority of customers fed from Goderich transformer station". About 1000 customers will be affected by the interruption in East and West Wawanosh, Ashfield, Colborne and part of Hullett townships. As well, the Domtar Inc. Salt Mine inGoderich and the W.G. Thompson Feed'Mill near Port Albert will be without electricity during the replace- ment work. If bad weather forces cancellation of this essential work . on May • 11, it will be rescheduled for May 25 from midnight to 5 a.m. Transition house Of the anticipated gross revenue of $8,523,838., approximately 86.7 per cent comes directly from the Ministry of Health to cover operating costs. The other com- ponents include interest on investments, private room differential fees and other revenues. The hospital budget also includes fun- ding for the community outreach psychiatric programs in Goderich and Clinton and the operation of the ambulance service which are funded by separate grants as well as the inpatient psychiatric program and the Wingham community psychiatric program which are funded through the hospital's global budget. The hospital board's property commit- tee is reviewing capital projects and pro- posed capital equipment purchases. While capital expenditures are estimated in the budget, they will not be determined until the board approves the capital projects and capital equipment purchases for the coming year. These are to be reviewed by the property committee at their May meeting. At its April meeting, the property com- mittee reviewed a proposal from Tillman and Ruth regarding the renovations to the 2nd East Wing. The budgeted contract cost Express your loving thoughts beautifully with the help of our extensive selection. MOTHER'S DAY CARDS by Hallmark and Gordon'Fraser Norman Rockwell Collector Plates An Ideal Gift Idea . a # ar? " u sEaj4� ba�� .e yit iYu tat '1 q1 ACOLLECTION OF MOTHER'S DAYCOLLECTABLES —perfect for. Mothers Day giving- Ty - mugs dishes photo frames vases plates all OFF suggested retail price For the discerning woman receive a free gift of 25 ml. of Opium Perfumed Body Cream with any purchase of Opium NEW FROM OPIUM... PERFUMED BODY OIL SPRAY wow. from page 1 tempt to help them understand their pro- blems, deal with preventive issues and help them to feel better about themselves. "Volunteers are wonderful at the house," said Taylor. Volunteers come from churches throughout the county. Four sessions are conducted each week with the volunteers who visit with the women and enjoy doing crafts with them. A group of professional volunteers also gives of their time freely with the clients and their children, said Taylor. These dedicated people. include teachers, counsellors, priests, recreational person- nel and foster parents. "The clients have very high praise for these volunteers," Taylor told the meeting. Staff have attended area workshops and seminars on subjects which include' family violence, working with volunteer boards, time management, leadership skills, managing the organization, liability and :the volunteer, communication skills and "battered women. Taylor said the staff's expectation for .Survival Through Friendship House was to make it a home away from home for -women in distress and their children - not :an institution. 'The staff is filling their ex- pectation in this area with their daily work," said Taylor. Rev. Gordon Simmons, hoard president, commended the staff and board' members for their dedication and time. He expessed the support and confidence of the board to ,the executive director June Taylor and the house staff who have been vilified by angry spouses, threatened by them and questionned by the board for their actions. ''You deserve more than we can give or ex- press in the way of gratitude, but keep the faith and remember we are with you." Last summer it seemed as if the house' staff and board were living from crisis to ening, said Rev. Simmons. "We opened at a Arne when our finances were appallingly lir ✓, staff was hired with the promise of pay to come, the larders were almost emp- ty and yet, we had a full house." "The churches, the service clubs of Huron County and Huron County Council all came through," said Rev. Simmons. "Groceries, gifts ,,of money and clothing pouredin and we weathered the crisis." "If i were not for the dedication of the house taff and their concern for the clients, lieve we could have closed' the doors and walked away, but such was not the case and eventually, the staff was paid and we were able to pay our oustanding bills." , In his closing remarks Rev. Simmons reminded everyone the house, its staff and board operates through the support of and • is dependent on the Citizens of Huron Coun- ty t� whortit tl1y are answerable. "All of us are open to question and we trust accept that;' lye concluded. Mother's 1"l3V — .,. 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