HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-04-30, Page 14PAGE 14 -GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1986 Town&�Countr al LA8SIFI.I, AIIOY MATIES 1 There's Buried Treasure on the classified pages of the Goderich Signal -Star every week waiting to be discovered by YOU! I't's @asy to win: ® Goderich and area merchants have donated prizes each week. ®The description of these prizes is in- cluded eaah week in a regular classified ad for the participating merchant.. ®The name of the winner, drawn from our subscription list, is also Included in this classified ad. [4iThese "treasures" are "buried" at ran- dom among the classifieds. ® Simply read all the classifieds each week to check for your name. ©If you find your name, come to the Signal -Star office to claim your prize. This Week's Participating Merchants Are: C 83,E Furniture Donuts & More Goderich Hairport King's Squire Gifts Dixie's Flowers & Gifts Don's Tape Repair Dirk's Galley Rest. Culbert's Bakery Rims & Trims Bicycle Shop Granger's TV Ltd. Carpet Care The Upholstery Shop Brown's Decor Bluewater Cleaners AH prizes must be picked up at the Goderich Signal -Star during business hours within 2 weeks of the date the winners are announced. Don't miss the fun or the profit. Read all the classifieds every week. CLASSIFIED RATES AL DATA: 12 NOON TUESDAY. Too late to classify; ads will be accepted until 2 p.m. Tuesday for Wednesday publication. Rkgt.ASSIOI rES: '4.50 min./22 words 204 f0. add1tionaIw9rd thereafter. Consecutive Insertions:2 cin- secutive insertions, '4.00 ea. 3 or more con- secutive insertions '3.50 ea. In Memoriam; *4.50 min. plus 354 per line of rhymed verse. Card of Thanks; '4.50 min. 25 words plus 6C for each additional word. Public Notice; '20. for 3 insertions. Notice to Creditors; 130. for 3 insertions, '25. for 2 insertions, '20.4or 1 • insertion. Drawer Number; '3. first week, '1. each additional week. Prompt Payment; 504 discount per week for word ads paid in full at time o purc ase or within 1 week of insertion (Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.) Display Classified; rates available on request. To place your hard hitting Classified ad PHONE OR VISIT OUR OFFICE: MONDAY - FRIDAY 0:30 AM- 5:00 PM 524.2614 Address mall correspondence: CLASSIFIED DEPT., The Goderich Signal - Star, P.O. Box 220, industrial Pork, Goderich. N7A 4B6 1. Articles for sale HOMEMADE WALL unit of pure wood. Also one brown tweed chair with vinyl arm rests and leg rest in good condition. Phone 524-6564.--17,18 FOR SALE - Storm windows, various sizes, also humidifier. Call 524-4179 after 5 p.m.-17tfnx GARY , OATS with barley seed groin. Phone , 526-7589,718 FOR SALE - one man's 10 speed bike - many new parks„recently pointed. Phone 524-4129, ask for Kris.-18,14nx 1. Articles for sale AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff- meyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-ltfar SPRUCE UP FOR SPRING Complimentary Mary Kay Facial Call LYNN HALONEN 565-2657 REID'S RV SERVICE Now supplies and installs skirting. FREE ESTIMATES 262-2846 1. Articles for sale CHARMGLOW gas barbecue 360 square inches, in good working condition $60.00. Call 524-8935.-18x LARGE quantity of big face stones also smaller stones for fill. Fifteen long barn timbers. Phone 524-6372.-18 50 BICYCLES - new and used BMX, speed bikes and coaster bikes, used parts, Very reasonable. Phone. 529-7771.- 14-19 TWO. Three-piece boy's suits. 1 size 16, beige; 1 size 18 grey pinstripe. Excellent condition. Call after 5 p.m. 524.2017,-17,18,19nx ONE LADIES right-hand golfing set plus one extra bag. Reasonable. Phone 524-7516.-18 TV TOWER and aerial,. Reasonably priced. 111 Nelson St. E. Call 524.7738,-18,19 ' BOY'S 3 -PIECE suit light -blue in colour size ap- proximately 32, worn only two or three times. Phone 524-8875.-18,19 SINGER- for authorized sales and service, sew- . ing machine, vacuum gleaners, ports and no- tions, service to oll'makes and machine rentals. Gen's Sewing Centre now located at 56 The Square, Goderich 524-8431.•-40areowtf 24" GAS STOVE, in good condition. $50.00. Phone 524-8857.-18x ,19x COMPUTERS onitors printers, paper, books and magazines. C W COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES (KINCARDINE) LTD. 732 Queen Street, Kincardine, 1-396-3114.-17tf CERTIFIED seed potatoes, garden corn, lawn seed. Harvey Culbert, Phoe 529-7492.-17-21. TREE TOP for sale to be cut up. Also 22" gas stove: For further • information , call 524-7907.-17,18x FORMER GRADUATES take note: now available at G.D.C.I.: 1984 Yearbooks - $8.00; 1973 Year- books $2.00: Phone 524.7353.-18x ' • BOXES OF girls clothing, sizes 10-14x, priced to, go, 2 dressers, one matching set buffet and china cabinet, must be seen. 524-7628.-18 OVEN READY chickens 6-8 lbs. $1.25 per pound. Phone 524-6427.-18x 15' x 30' OVAL above -ground pool 2 years old. Asking $130@,00. Phone 524.4996.-13tf 24" BROWN GIBSON stove, white Norge refrigerator, both in good working condition, fridge, ideal for cottage. Phone 524-6912 any time. -18 • USED LAWNMOWERS for sale, can be seen at 299 Cypress St., Goderich or call 524-6205.-18x • BOY'S red and grey spring jacket, size 4; girl's pink spring jacket, size 7; 26" colour TV, Phone 528-2737.-18 YOU'LL BE DELIGHTED. Wallpaper, all popular name brands and imported lines to suit every taste, can be seen at Brown's Decor Centre, 33 West Street 524-7117. Wm, R. Alcock, 104 West Street, Goderich has won a' Litre of paint from Brown's Decor Centre. -18 FULL MAPLE DESK and choir; new 12" coloured TV for home and camping;. piano turn -up stool; decorating windows; power concrete , trowel; desk lamp, other articles. 482-3295 AFTER 6 .P.M. -17,18 • BOY'S ,NEW navy blue sport coat worn twice size 36 perfect fqr graduation; church or any special occasion. Phone 524-4937 or 524-2365.-17,18,, C & E FURNITURE NEW & USED We can Offer BETTER PRICES IT'S OUR LOCATION THAT SAVES MONEY mile south on Hwy. 21 GODERICH 524-7231 We even take trades DIRK'S GALLEY Restaurant in Goderich will cater for up to 300 guests on your location. Arranged for your convenience and to your taste. Raymond Jeffrey, 243 Quebec Street, Goderich has won two super subs from Dirk's 164 Court House Square Goderich 524-2160.-18 3. Garage sale GIANT COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE - Saturday, May3rd, 1986, Goderich Areria, 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m, Large selection of goods on display by various vendors. Sponsored by Goderich Junior 'C'. For more information call the Recreation Of- fice, 524-2125.-18 YARD SALE, lots of goodies. 138 Ontario St., Clin- ton. May 3rd., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. May 4th, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. -18x YARD SALE, SATURDAY, MAY 3rd. Pinwheel crystal, • clocks, Cabbage Patch Doll Clothes, ' child's wagons, toys, dishes, fertilizer spreader and miscellaneous items. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. end of Airport Road. -18x WE HAVE GIFTS galore for everyoccasion, with Mother's Day fast approaching, our special this week is all china floral 20% off regular price. Mrs. Harold Maize, RR 1, Dungannon hos won a $5.00 gift certificate from Squire Gifts, Hwy. 21 South, Gpderich 524.7920 ,-18 AT THE HAIRPORT (The Haircutting Place In Goderich) check this week's special Ira' our regular ad appearing in the Signal -Star. Mrs. Gordon Glousher, 201 South Street Goderich has won a $10.00, gift certificate from The Hairport, 79 Hamilton St. Goderich 524-4212.-18 . 2. Motorcycles fOS, Sale 1984 HONDA SHADOW 750, bought new in '85, li- quid cooled V twin engine, 8400 km, candy apple red. Asking $2,800.00 certified or best offer. 524-7027.-130 . - WOOD Order your slabs NOW before the fall rush 720 cu. ft. Box del. within 15 mile radius. Hardwood 5130.00, Softwood 5100.00. Phone 528-3237 after 6 p.m. -17-20 CHESTERFIELD and chair, Westchester black, tan and cream plaid, clean, good 'condition; closet with attached open shelves semi -,attachable to wall 18" deep 80" high 58" wide including shelves, sturdy' plywood„ recently painted, good room divider. Phone 524-4272.-18 TWO-FAMILY garage sale, clothes, toys, bikes,' etc, Saturday, May 3rd 9 a.m.' 198 Wellington St. South, Goderich.-18 MOVING SALE - Satufday, May3rd 8 a.m. Sklar love Seat like new, 30" stove by Frigidaire, good condition Leonard dishwasher, 'excellent condi- tion, table and six chairs, roorb divider. Many more articles. 150 McDonald St Goderich.-18 5. Cars for sale 1975 2 -door Granada, std., selling as is. Call 524-6640 after 5 -p.m. -17-20 • • 1982 FORD Escort Wagon, 4 speed standard transmission, grey -in colour $3,400.00 certified. Phone 524.4550 or 524-9626.-,17,18 1973 OLDSMOBILE Custom Cruiser, V8, 455 engine. Works fine, some rust, $1095.00 as is. 524-9553.-18,19 1983 Z28 CAMARO five speed, loaded. Just like new. Phone Jake after 6:00 pm. 524-9473.-18' 1978 OMNI, standard, 4 speed, 4 door hatchback, good condition, just safety checked. Asking $1,400. Call 524.9132.-18 1978 AMC Concord'' 2 door. Certified, $1,400.00 or best offer. Phone 524-7605.---18,19 1984 MAZDA GLC 2 door hatchback, 5 speed, ex- cellent condition, certified. Phone 529-7598 after 6 p.m. -18x 7. R.V.'s for sale 0 1979 BUICK LeSabre Limited, four door, airpower windows, radio, tope,. Michelin ;tires. Two tone green. Excellent condition. One owner. Cer- tified. 524-7216 or 524-8837.•---18,19x 1976 CHEV Station wagon, poser brakes, power steering, auto, air, 350 V-8, good mechanically,' needs body work. Selling as is''$600.00. Phone 524-8782,-18..19 1 v GOOD SELECTION of used furniture plus new Sertfpp mattresses ontldhrbrh*seI ,.Mr,_Glenn Rit- 14ingbri. 320 Young ,Steeettt Goprich, has won $10.10 off any item of $33.00 or more. C&E Fur- niture, Va mile south of Goderic i at the big red born 524.7231.-18 - 1978 MERCURY Zephyr, small IL cylinder stan- dard, four door, undercoated„.$1;000.00. Phone 1976 GOLD WING Motorcycle fully dressed in- .482-9731,-18 :lading foot boards and tank rack. Certified ' 52500 or best offer. Phone Days 482-3339 even- ings 482.5355.-16.18 "Tter" onl em otorc le G.R. 650 cc p y 3,000 km two tone maroon. Immaculate -condi-- tion, must be seen 51,595.00 certified. Phone 524-8770.-17,18x 1984 750 HONDA Shadow 8500 km. Best offer. Phone 524-9231 or 395-3189.-17-19 1972 750 HONDA Cafe with Yoshimura 812 kit and cam, Jardine header, KNN filters. Presently in storage. No reasonable offer refused. 524-6954 after 6 p.m. -T8,19 . 19- 83 Ki9111 LTD 440, black cruiser style, 13,500 kms immaculate, safetied. Call Scott for details. Phone 524.2378:-18 FO- R SALE - 1970 Honda - 350 cc. 5350.00 as is. Call 529.7421.-18,190x SET OF TIRES, 185 x 13, 560.00. Phone 524-8055.-18 ALPINE AUTO -REVERSE cassette deck, 12 channel memory, bass, 'treble and metal tape. 1*0 watt Alpine power booster. 150 watt 6 x 9 /Alpine speakers. Whole package one year 00. Phone 524.6066.-18,19 , 7020 ALLIS CHALMERS Tractor, 5050 four wheel drive loader tractor, 2000 ALLIS PLOW( 20 ft. COIL PACI1ER: 330 Corn Planter with Monitor. Phone 524-4101.-18,19 CHROME TABLE and chairs, chesterfield converts to bed, 12" black and white TV, miscellaneous items. Phone 524-9258 after 6 p.m. -18 • MOVING • must sell- 5 h.p. snowblower, large quantify of wine bottles. Phone 524-4691,-18,19 1976 YAMAHA 500. Asking 5800 as 15. 5850 cer- tified. Phone 524-2312 after 4 p.m. -18,19 125 HONDA Street Bike, 5200.00. Phone 482-9731.-18 I. 3. Garage sale, WE CAN REPAIR your damaged tapes, cassettes, 8 -track, reel, all low rates. Larry Sloan, 99 Angleseo St. Goderich has won 2 tapes repaired for the price of one. toll Don at 524-27.77 or 524-8422 or drop off 'at 48 East St. (rear) Goderich.-18 1 NINE PIECE teak bedroom suite appraised at 51500,00 selling price. $1200.00 or best offer, piece dinette set appraised at 5700.00 selling $500.00 or best offer. Phone 5244969.-18 1951 - 8N FI RD tractor with plough and pulley, good condition., Phone 524-62750.:48x. GOOD USED green Chesterfield and choir. Phone 526.7793.-18 6. Trucks for sale .;l 1186 GMC 25 Rally STX Van. Black and Grey Michelin tires, smoked glass, excellent condi- tion, 84000 km. Phone 395-515-18,19x • 1976 FORD, Supet Cab' 150 V8 abtomatic, power steering, power brakes, good condition. 52500.00 as is. Phone 524.9353.-18x • 1981 DATSUN King Cab with cap, 5 speed, AM/FM cassette, good, .cdndiytign, only 45,000 miles, 55,000.00 or offers: Phone 524-8406.-18 1980 OLDS Cutlass Brougham, Bii), cruise, 4 -door, cassette deck included, ggpd condition. 55,000.00 or offers. Phone 524-006,-18 WE HAVE a.huge selection.of Holtmark cards and gifts and gift wrap for Mother's Day. Mrs. Irene Young, -9.l Napier Street, Gode"rich has won a box of stationery from King's Book and Gift Shop, 33 East St. 524-7531.-18 7. R.V.'s for sale 1972 CITATION, 17' travel trailer, with all options including hitch, asking $3000.00 Phone 524-9561 after 5 p.m. --17,18 Lightweight TRAVEL TRAILER'. Can be pulled by four Of six cylinder car. As -'new. $2,300.00. Phone 482-3723.-- 18 1971 HARDTOP tent trailer. Sleeps six, with chemical toilet. $450.00. Phone 524.2894.-18 TRAILERS •' Travel,, 5th wheels,,,hardtops, new and used. Golden Falcon, Prowler, Lionel, Fibco. Hitches, truck caps, running beards. Sales, Ren- tals; Repairs. Camp -Out Hwy. ft 1.mi.'w. of Strat- ford, 393-5938.-14-31 TRAILER 1975 Rocket. Excellent condition. 18 feet. Stove, fridge, bathroom. Sleeps 6. Separate canvas. Dining shelter. Price '$3.400.00. Call 524-9472 after 4 p.m. -17x-18 4r 195,3 WILLYS JEEP, rebuilt motor and body•job. Licensed for the road. 524.4800,-18.20 FOR SALE 17' Starcraft hardtop trailer, sleeps 7, 3 burner propane stove, furnace, fridge, sink, cup- boards, plenty of storage spdce, excellent condi- tion. . 524-6065.-18 THE UPHOLSTERY Shop has spring fever. We now carry quality remnants of velours, nylon, tweed and cotton fabrics in various sizes, Some for as low as 50 cents. Duncan McKay, Apt. 202 Waterloo St. S. hos won a $5.00 gift certificate. Call or drop in at 48 East St. (rear) Goderich 524.8422.-18 1 lT Garage.' Sale Kits! RICK'S TRAILER SALES Division of Fisherman's Cove Tent & Trailer Park 1969 25 ft. Holiday Rambler '6,800. 1979 25 ft. Corsair ....'9,000. 1977 24' Jayeo .......,'7,500. 1985 33° Northlander Supreme '23,900. 1968 16° Holiday ......'1 ,400. NEW TRAILERS 8 ft. x 33' ft. loaded Northlander '25,500. 10 ft. x 36 ft. loaded Northlander '29,900. FOR INFORMATION CALL 396-9514 or 395-2757 8. Marine 12 FT. FISHING BOAT "Thornes" aluminum, seats installed. $590.00. Phone 524-6459.--16,17,18 151/2 FT CABIN CRUISER' with 33 hp, Evinrude motor, electric start, reasonably priced. Call 529-7598 after 6 p.m. -18x 12 FT. ALUMINUM BOAT 9.9 Johnson motor, plus jilt .trailer. $1,500.00 complete. 482-3723.-18 FIVE ROSES only 59.00 - this week's cash and carry special. Brighten someone's day. Mrs. Bert Dougherty, of RR 6, Goderich, has 'won a long- stemmed rose. Dixie's Flowers and Gifts 166 Court House Square, Goderich 524.8761.18 WEEKLY SPECIALS on your Commodore Computer at Granger's TV Ltd. 92 South 5t. 524-8925. Michael. O'Brien, 193 Rich Street, .Goderich, has won a gift certificate fpr 10% off computer 'soft- ware. Put your income tax refund to good use. -18 14,FT. WOODEN beat, with 5 h.p. Johnson motar.,_,.. $200.00. Phone 482.9731.-18 9., Automotive also included... 2 Large Yard Signs - Price Tags I, Complete Inventory List - 10 Tips for a Successful Garage Sale Available only at the Signal -Star! For more Information Call: 524 2614 DAILY CAR RENTAL Best rates, best cars .available. McGEE PONTI AC-BUICK-CA DILLAC 37 Hamilton Street, Goderich 524-8391 for every We can install the muffler you want ... at almost any price you want, too. • Top-quality original equipment type mufflers, high-performance Red Line Z to economy Royal Scots. Every one is built to Walker's high standards. And built to last. See us to get the right muffler at the right price - Walker And stop in soon for your free, exhaust system inspection. uffl Walker mufflers and pipes Installed by: .U„OM COUNT, ftnt NISSAN GODERICH AUTO SALES & SERVICE au a.yfl.tr a+.. o�.rrca saa stat ASK ABOUT OUR LIFETIME GUARANTEE, 11. Livestock for sale EASTERN BEEF or Holstein calves, Tudor Woin. Phone 524-9898.-18,19 FOR SALE: YXL gilts bred to coloured boars due in May and June. Usual good selection of service ago boars also available. Bob Robinson, RR 4, Walton, 345.2317.-18,19 7