HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-10-28, Page 13sextuuspAr,.x0)TEM3Ert 4
Finds Help in Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Cline 'Wolfer Canadter--" litifieMaiih 1
waiter complete wreck. I had given up
*II hope of getting better or living any
length of time) as I. was such a sufferer
efrbtatennile teteithies. But I took Lydia
Z. Ankh:ands Vegetable Compound, and
today I am in good health and have a
pair of twin boys two months old and
growing finely. I surprised doctors and
netglibors for they all know what a
wreck I was.
'Stow I am healthy, happy and hearty,
;and owe it all to Lydia E. Pinitham's
remedies. You may publish this letter
M you like. I think if more women
used your remedies they would have
better health."—Mrs, J. T. Coon, Lot
No. 7, Cape Wolfe, P.E.I., Canada.
Because your case's a difficult one, and
-doctors having done you no good, do not
eontinue to suffer without giving Lydia
IE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a
trial. It surely has remedied many
cases of female ills, such as inflamma-
tion, ulceration, displacements, tumors,
irregularities, periodic pains, backache,
and it rday be exactly what you need.
The Pinkhane record is a proud and
peerless one. It is
si record of constant
wictory over the ob-
eitinateills of women
—Ills that deal out
iderpair. It is an es-
tablished fact that
,Lyilin E. Pinkham's
bas restored health E NEHA
to thousands of such suffering women.
Why don't you try it if you need such a
The story of Jack the Giant -Killer
bee always fascinated. One small boy
elestroyed a great menace. So it is
with the wonderful TAKAKE, which
unaided destroys the Giant Pain.
Beadschee, Itheumatisrn, Sciatica,
Neuralgia, Sleeplessness, p,nd all nerv-
ems affections, fly before it to their
atter destruction.
. Because you have used all other
nemedies without results is the best
weason for using TAKAKE whicb giv-
les 'quit* and permanent relief in the.
most• 'chronic cases. One of its meay
attractions is its absolute freedom
from may .habit-forming drug.
Use one box and the result ;will
.show you that like little Jack, you
.van live nappy ever after.
Set TAKAKE. There is nothing the
same or "just as good." 50e at yobx
sdraggist's, or 45o by imsil from Georg -
nen Mfg. Coe :Collingwood, Ont.
Eafl everywhere, se:11
wad g arantee Bezel/ Ordexiies as a
.safeiaiad gentle laxative W. S. Cole
"The /Resell Store, 10c.„ 25c. & 50c
40 Our instructors are experi-
Senced. Pupils get iedividnal
en attention and graduates are
-phscell in positions. We are re-
e"'e ceiving applications we cannot
ii11. meet. Students relay enter at
rfo any time Send for our free
ee „catalogue and see if it interests
• you.
•10•4* two ire> 04)00041410
TRATroirm ONT. neeid*
-nal-give your ee
oppOrttmity to a
make theirhoine
study easy .and Z
effective? Give fei
them the same fel
motion and success
ASthelad'having the
advantage of
smstig'am'orlii, WEBSTER'S
1- - Dictionary in his home. This new*
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ity all kinds of puzzling questions
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A spelling, pronimmation, sports, arts,
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0 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 Pages.
O 000 Illustrations. Colored Plates.
res env dictionary with the Divided Page.
'ThO type matter is equivalent to that
of a 15-vo1ume oneyelopeclia.
More SehelatlY, Accurate, Convenient,
and AuthOritative than _any other Eng.
lih Dsictionary.
i1 partitions ette
non,„, set of Pocket E.
Mame yeti name thie
G. & C. MERRIAM CO. • -a
Miss Melvina Beaver hes returned
to Detroit after visiting Ler parent.,
Miss Dinah Wood, of 101aioego, is,
the guest of Alr, and Mrs, Ed. Beaver
Mr. Fred Saxon renewed aoquaite
tances in town Prior to his leaving
for the scene of battle.,
Miss Mabel Wenzel spent Dloctley
in Londoe.
Mr, Sylvester Wuerth has returned
home from Detroit
Miss Cora Truemner„ of Daehwood,
is visiting relative.
Mr. and AIM Decker and Mr, and
Mrs, 10hris. Eilber, of Zurich, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. ,W. H Wenzel -On
Afessrs Clarence Bontzmanc, Herb.
and !Henry Browe are working at Pt,
The Messrs. Krug, who are taking
an officers Course at the tondos
camp spent Sunday with relatives ic,
AIX. 'Win. Sambrook has opened up
his barber shop in the building re-
cently purchased by him on Alain St.
Mr, Herb rainier has openedup hie
printing °Mee irthe rear of Alf:
Link's barber shop,
On Monday evening the Brass Bann
went to Centralia to sererade
Hubert :White, who has been disabled
and has returned. from hte front.
They were accompanied by a goodly
number from town.
The ladies of the local branch or
the Patriotic League sent the follow-
ing hospital and, coldiers supplies to
London last week: 26 pillow cases, 4
hospital shirts, 17 gray flannel shirts
pairs 4socks, 6 pr. of pyjamas and
2 bed jackets.
Miss Myrtle Kirk. of Kirkton, spent
last 'week visiting relatives around
Mrs. Sutherby returned home on
Saturday after a pleasant visit with
her children in London
Leh. Dnd Sirs. Nathaniel Ogden and
{Mr. and "Mrs. Albert Gunring spent
Sunday at Grantor: the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Parkinsoe.
Mr. Joliet Parkinsor. has moved to
Granton., iand his son ,Franik, has mov-
ed in and taken possession or the
Mrs. Wm. Lingard, of Sarnia, apect
the pest week visiting her brothers
Johnotind Fraek Morley and other
'Rev. Findlay, our pastor, preached a
splendid sermon bere on Sunday very
inspiring to all.) Next Sabbath. the
Sacrament will 6e administered at.
dee ..afternoon service.
Mr. eand Mrs. Thos, Guncing and
Mr. end Mrs. David Johnston spent
Alonda.y in London with friends,
Robert Smythe, of Greaten, is dig-
ging a well for John Morley on the
Brock farm he recently purchased.
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor spent
Sunday with her parents at Lucan.
Mr. 'James Shipley, an old and re-
spected resident of these parts for
many years .died on Monday at his
residence at Kirkton and was buried
on Wednesday.
An auto load from here took in the
wrestlbag match et London Tuesday
Miss Alice Geiser is visiting friends
in iCreditonr
A number from here attended the
anniversary service,s at Grand Bend
Miss Madeline Barry, of Mt. Car-
mel, spent Sunday with Miss Ethel
Mr. {Cbarlie Lochoner has purchased
a Ford car from Mr. Milo Snell, of
Messrs. Pea end Arehie Gooding
visited ot the tome of John (Gooding
The 'stork 'visited the home of 'ALT,
Wm. Sweitzer on Oct. 23rd and left
a /sone
Hallowe'en passed very quietly. The
boys forgot the tricks of . past years.
Mrs. Edwards entertained Mr. and
Mrs. R. Hutchionson acd Mr. and Mrs
Fred Steeper to tea last week..
Rev. J. G. Kerr, of Dorchester,
spent 'from Monday until Thursday(
evening with his sister, Mrs. A. M.
A large number from bere attend-
ed the anniversary services at Grand
Bend Methodist' 'church Sunday :and
were delighted with the sermon by
Rev. Fair, of Arkona. 'Our their sang.
Bliss Mae Wilson went as a delegate
from the Greenway 'Methodist Sunday
School to the jubilee Provincial S.
S. convention held in Massey Hall,
The lathes of the Methodist church
here sent a bale contaioing shirts,
Atioks, "quilts, bandages, etc last .w eek
tbethe soldiers.
Several from here,went to Thedtord
for apples last ween.
Private Nicholas, of London camp,
spent from Saturday till Monday with
friends here and et 1G-rand/Bend.
L 'C. Goodhand end family, of Cor-
bett spent Sunday isfternoon at ,the
home of Mr., {Geo. ,Sherritt.
Several from here tattended the re -
Cure Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomech, Bad
Breath ---Candy Cathartic.
NO odds hove bad your liver, store,
ach or bowels; how rauch your head
aches., how Miserable you are from
constapatiOn, indigestion, bilidusness
and sluggish bewels—you always get
relief with Cascarets, They frame-
diately cleanse and regulate the stom-
ach, remove the sour, fermenting food
and foul gave; take the excess bile
from the neer and carry of the con-
stipated walite Matter and poison
from the intestines alnd bowels. A
i0 -cent boat from your druggist will
keep your liver and btrwels clean;
stenitich sWelet and head eleer for
nemthe, a They Work While yx1tX Wee.
It you ere troubled with weak, tired
twain**, headeclie, backache e bearing
down sensations, antler weeklies*, cines -
Bastion, catarrhal conditions, pain in the
otos regularly or irregularly, bloating
r_linuatural enlargement', "ense of
Ming ormispleceraeut of internal organs,
nerrinumess, desire to cry, palpitation,
hot gashes, dark rings under the aye.,
or .loss of interest in life, I invite you
1.Irritt and ask for my simple teethed of
hone treattnent, with ten days' trial
entirely free and poetpaid, also reference..
le Csnadian ladies who gladly tell how
therinoe' regained, health, stresigths..aad
lAnesi by tide method. 'Writeto-flay.
drew '• Ms. M. Summers, Box. •set
indoor. Ont. '
ception given Private 11, White at
Centralia on Monday evening..
'Bir. John Sherritt, Ex -M. P. P, ex-
pects to move to 'Guelph in the near
future'and this many ,frientid tendered
him el fprewell party on Wednesday
evening Particulars text week.
Mr. Thos. Webb has a gasoline out-
fit from Petrolea et work drilling an
artesian well for him...
The boys say that they had quite
a bit of fun at the chivazi of Mr,
John Pollard on Saturday evening,
The Grand Bend breech of the Can-
adian Red Cross society intendi having
a ,concert on the ,everenge of Nov. 9th,
on the Presbyterian 'Murcia grourds
at which s. lunch will bei served and a
lengthy programme is being prepar-
ed. Private White, 'a returned sol-
dier from the .tiring line wet be pre-
sent and 'address the audietce. Elro-
gramme opens about 8 pan. with Use
reeve of Stepben, W. R.sElliott in the
chair. Everybody welcome.
Mrs. 'George (Melville, who lees' been
visiting driends in Hensall for the
past Week returned home on Sunday;
telarion, the little daughter of Mr,
and 'Mrs. Alfred Dow, is et present
under the eactor's °ere. We hope
•soon to hear of her speedy recovery,.
Mr. Bohm., who has completed hic
course et the Avanbank cheese fac-
tory., is at Present visiting friends fat
"Roystown Farm" .before returning to
his home in Deelph,
Mrs. Frank Dent and family moved
to Stratford on leriday.e We are sor-
ry to lose such estimable neighbors
from our midst.
Mr. Henry Balfour is at present
visiting friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs David Dow left on
Tuesday to spend a week with. friends
in Winghamf
Ron ing Reap ion
()Continued from page one)
has had the heroism, the devotion, the
love of country lanci the/ love or home
to put his body between the foe and
our country, our homes and our babes.
When we leak at Belgium we eec
screethirg of what our country wonld
be if it were hot for such os Private
White who have fought to stay the
ravages of such a foe., (cheers).
Mr. Wm. Aedersoia and. Deputy -
Reeve Love both gave shore addresses
expressitg the pleasure et vrelcomin,e
the noble soldier who had „returned
Private White ivas next called
neon and after expressing his plea-
sure at seeing so many gathered to
welcome bine home, his first thought
was to thatk the ladies ifor the kind
dorntions they had sent himself and
Pte. Maxwell Benham. War is war
bet:said, and we must accept th'e con-
sequencese 33e was glad to get hack
home to see his friends again In
reference to his wounds heesaid thht
on the 14th of Penn, he had just fin -i
ished brealifast and was cleaning out
his mess tin -when the Germans 'com-
menced shelling them. They had just
been reinforced by. new draft and
although /away from the mairi tine of
trenches /one of the new arrivals got
pencils of a trencb .and was whirring
his 'new mess tin and he suppeped
the Germans espied the glitterf of the
tin and commenced shelling the posi-
tion. Ile was leaving a building for
the trenches when a shell bursted and
lie ',knew nothing for three days and
when 'he came to he was in a hospi-
tal la PRouen. He said when acother
call comes I will answer itt again 'arid
would like to take a few more aloeg
ivJth him.He was hiudly cheered.
Private 'White as injured in . the
face and his right eye is bothering
hirer Be bears the „Imes of the
Miss Vera Emery read the addrese
given below and Mrs, (Dr.) Orme
made the preseutation. is friends
afterwards 'shook hands with him.
To Mr, Hubert Whiter
We have gathered here to -day to
greet and welcome you on your return
to your 'native !arid and the home of
your boyhood, end to express our
sense of obligation to you for the ser-
vice ,yoti alP ve rendered our countrye
our empire era the world
Among the 'first in our haud. to re.
apond to the call to ,the colors, you
nave endured all the hardships inch
tient no preparation for military ,sere
vice, and you have heroically fought,
hi the greatest war ever, waged in the
Interests of human freedom. We de-
piore the existence of war, but when
honor, the interests of weaker' netiore
andethe 11reedorn of the world natio
it leecessary for OUT empire and coun-
try to 'engage in this war We glory
Ir your heroism and service and be-
lleve‘you have fought for us in a
righteous ioause., We hre indebted to
you beyond our power of expression
for you with others hive stood be-
tween our empire, our country, OUT
homes, and our persons and the mer-
ciless foe,
We welcome you on Your return,
thOUgh we regret most deeply that
physical injury ,which May effeet you
duneg the remainder of your life, has
occasioted your return. It may,
however, *cotsole you to reflect, that
we regard your wound as a part of
the !price of our freedom' eta that 11
is sacred to us,
We t at& you to 'adezpt •this .wrist
watch as a very slight token of our
merhiments which cannot fully be e2: -
Sigted on behalf of the townshio,
4W. E. Elliott
:Oahe Love
' Divid 'Webb
Alex iNeeb
Themes Itawhitneee
List ci Contributions
FUrici Reaches Over Si,900
Foilowine are the contributions Ior
the Red Cross Fund ;-
Exam Public: School $43.47.
Eatetex High School $27.45.
Contrithatione of $25,00;-
1 0 O. Fe S. Martin & So4 1 R.
Carling IA 1. M,cDonelt J. G. Jones
8,t Son, Dr Rouleion„ Robert Seeders
Rev. Share f. H. Scott.
Contributions oir 320,00: -
Jos. Senior, John Rowe.
Contributions of $15,001--
5 W 'raider, C H. Sanders., J. A
Stewart Wei Fletcher, Mrs. Rich
Ladies Bowline Club sitro
Contributions o $10.00 :-
T. Harvey, lie T. Rowe, j. Elston,
jos. Davis Dr. McGillicuddy, John
Pedler H. J. White, R. G. Seldon, 1).
B Sanders. T. Hawkins, Wm. May,
A. May. W. 5. Heamart, S. M. San-
ders D McInnis, Canadian Order leor-
esters W S. Howey, Dr. Quacken-
bush W. Rivers, W. j. Statham, 13.
W. F. Beavers, j L. Burwell, W. D.
Clarke W. W. Taman, W. T. Ache-
son. R N. R,oeve, L. H. Dickson, J. G.
Stanbury W, S. Cole, R. N. Creech,
W h Levet, H. Rundlei W. Ji„
W H. Pen:hale, I. Armstrong, J.
S Harvey A. Hastings, W. 'I'. Wil-
son, Wm Hodgert, Ed. Christie, 1)r.
Brovining. Rd. Gidley, Jas. Beverley.
Dr, Kinsman and sisters $8.00.
C H Perkins $7.00
Contributions of $6.00.
Wes Snell. Rich. Yellow, Weekes
Contributions of $5,00 :-
S. nerdy R. H. Elworthy, John
Wood G J. Davis, Wm.Kestle, Chas
Harvey. Mrs. D. Johns, 13. S. Phillips,
erre Jas Atkinson, J.lit Grieve, W,
Saxon Fitton, Thos. Boyle, J. 5. Tilly
C. F Hooper, Frank Wood, Mrs. R.
E Pickard Mrs. George &unveil, L.
De y sr. Nelson Stanlake, W.J. ileers
W. J Melville, Jas. Walters, Peter
Ermine . Geo. Mantle, H.Spackman, H
5 Walters Miss May Jones, J. M.
Southcott, N. Sheere, Sid. Davis, Dr..
Hyndman. Rev. elcAlister, Dr, Sweet,
Adolph. Hooper, Same Siveet, David
Russell Geo:May, C.B. Snell, F. W.
Gladnian..,Ladies' Aid Presbyterian
Chuich • John McLaughlin, John Moir,
L.Hardy Mrs. Jas. Willis, F.J. Gillies
& Son Jas. Gould, David Mack, L. D.
Vincent W. R. Pollock; John Hind,
Ed Dignan, Win. Dauncey,Bert Riv-
ers Mrs Ada Yeo, E.J. Christie, G.
E Crawley F. M. Boyle, C.T.Brooks
Willie Powell Milo Snell, S.Sanders,
(operator); H. Newell, Miss hen
Carling Miss Mary Carling, Miss Eliz -
beth Carling, Moses Amy, T.ICernick
Geo Hawkins, W. J. Bissett, James
Lawson. Geo. Easterbrook, George F.
Bedford T.G. Creech, John iTunkin,
R. H Murphy, R. Welsh; Eli Coultis,
Caleb Heywood, W.D. Collins:. A. E.
leuke, Mrs W.G. Bissett, Mrs. Gard-
iner, Phillip Hera, Robe Mawhinney.
Wm. Dunsford, Peter Sawden. Rich.
Hunter Thos. Harton, Jas.Frayne, T.
,I3aker Esti Heywood, T.J. Kestle, T.
Datincey Wm. Russell', W.Treble, W.
Fr Hooper Jos. Hawkins, Chas. Cann,
A. 1 Ford. S. Celianna, H. E. Hus-
ton Rev Aluxworthy, Mrs. Wm. Batv-
den Jas Murray, Miss M. Fisher.
Garnet HeYwoiad.
Contributions for $4.00 :-
Mern. Leavitt, A. Spencer. H. Trick
Thris -Sweet. J. Conner. Juo.KersIake,
Tr s le Crocker, 'Jas. Hern. A.E.Fol-
lirk S . S. No. 2, Hay. '
Contributions for $3.00 --
A Pardon, Mrs: V. Mitchell robe
Braun, Henry Welsh', Wm. Howe -el
T C MicLeod. Lat. Grieve. T. G.
Davis Mrs Eliza Sanders. Sid. San-
ders, N Dyer Hurdon, T.
13Ia tch ford John Hunter, G. Maws o n
1. E Day. ire. He J. Glade. 13. Perr-
ett R G Terry, R., Delbridge, Mrs.
nett 'Miss Harrison.
Contributions of $2.00.
Pon, Kwong, Mrs. W. Cudmore, R
Squire T Maxwell; Newton Baker,
F. Harness Kiss M. Balkwill, James
Handford M. Fletcher, W. H. Am-
er/ores • Wm. Creech, Mise M.Carling
H Squire. H. Reynolds, S. Sanders,
R. Sanders ire Arf. Bovey, H., J.
Gould Alla Camm. Mess Jessie Creech
M Wexler Rev. Yelland, Mrs. Yell-'
and. Peter McTaggart, C. Harness, W
Greenley J. W. Hers, Miss J.Spicer,
• Roweliffe. Mrs. Forwell. Mrs. A.
Dat, Jas Greenley, Samuel Ross,
W. H ileartyn, J. S. Dignaxv. F.Trieb-
ner James Jewell, Case Howard Miss
Hettite Sweet„ Thos. Dinney, Rich.
Robt Dinney, T. 0. South-
cott R W. Feke, C. L. Widson, F,
J DeIbridge, W. Schroeder, F. Wit-
wer Miss Catherine Cameron, Mr. ind
Mrs Yellow sr., Cicero Aldworth,
Isaiah Hail Ed. Treblet Misses Tom.
Clans. Christie, Mrs. John Sweet, Es-
ther Homey, Mrs. Harney, Eph. Hew-
itt Jessie Manson, Mrs. and Miss
Brown. J. 13. Brickwood, Mrs. Fish,
Mrs ET Harrell, N. e. Dord, R. C.
Smith, F. T. Bradt, Geo. Connor, le
Baskeiville, S. Powell, 'G. E. Andersen
Miss 'I' White. F. J. Wickwire,: Miss
Anna Dow Mrs. Rooke, Miss j,
Pickard R E. Gililes, AlehWalters,
G 11 Hockey, Jos. Wambold, W. C,
Frit, Mrs L. Day, Fred. Tucker, Fe
Parsons Mrs. Thos. Bisset, eit.. Cot-
tle ..Herb Ford, Thos. Sanders, Albert
Ford Mrs McAvoy, Mrs. E. Follick.
Miss May Wood, Dr, Reid, F. Gill,
1311 oCnoturli4titzutions of
$1.30 : -.John GUI.
Contribution nf $1.25 :-Miss Gould.
Contributions of $1410 :-
Mrs. W. Snell. IL 3, Gidley; Allis
rfandford, Wen. Tapp. John Gillespie,
Jr, 'Geo. Hill, Peter Coleman, Bert.
0e3rien, Walter Westcott, Mrs. Smith
Wm. Gillespie, Chas. Northcott,
LUDO. Mrs, 'John 131atchforch Fred
Bavielen,i W. Moncur. Wm. Parsons,
llfri Love, Mee C. Geiley. Mrs. Wat-
son, A. eCe. Dyer, A. E. 'Andrew, Rd
Quaece, 3. Phreons. (1. Mk.inion, Mrs,
j. 'Ford, 'Emerson Cornish, Mrs. 3. 10,
Thom, Mrs., Ballantyne, Mrs. 21,
Berney, Jae. Beer. Mrs. T. G. ,Coch-
rane, neiss V. L. Leavitt. T. Cornish, 1
Mrs, M. et. Orel:vein. D. J Bose Wal-
ter Connor, 0, S. Atkinson, Wilfred
Mack, he, W. 1MOMurray, J. A. rol-
lick, A. Stewart, Lillien Boyle, Ed.
Willis, Milton rface,.Ena Baker, Geo.
Mason, Web. Mee E. Mclialls, 0.
W. liobinsan, 'Gm Orange, Addle
leerneck, A leriendi Mrs. G. Taylor.
Lizzie Weeny, 'Ilion Opines/al. 'Wm.
flriokwoocl 51. Ineriing, W. 'Welker,
Breated. Anthony liolliereL {Chas,
iWtyildedoireitrSaeinidiertasdotn, ..".Pgrhot wOtkiiett,
The Harmless but
cent remedy for ilisadachs
leSsness, NerVous Exhaustion, rc,
linen Mork itogictoroci) ; bCts AT AO. t, onuooises, er be man tram
.cott, Jos, Webeter. lEly. Kastle,. A. h.
Willert. Jas, Wxflie, W. Kuntz, Mrs,
J. Weed, O. W. )3alier, Mrs. Williams
Miss Parkinsen, ears, Prior, Mts.
Brock, Miss `C. Dearing. Frank Sheer()
Eanny Bissett, Mies ' V„ Johnston
ifite Cke, ars. ShePten. E. Ron,-
cliffe, Miss Bell, Mrs, 3, Broderick,
Mrs. Skelton, Robt, Luker, V. Van.
eAtetine, ,jessia- Hamilton, F. 'a Ham -
Mole Mrs. ('Rev.) Kestle. Jas. Kyle,
Mrs. E. A. Birk, John Johns, Wm,.
Balltwill,'Sr„ Mrs. J. E. Dignan, Mrs
13. Makins, Mrs. Jan Stewart. 'Clar-
erne Heywood, T. Collingwoodr Mrs.
P. Clorke, Fred Luxton, tChas. E.
Wood, S. lloadford, Nina, V. Carling,
Miss M. Lewis, Mies E, Roach, John
Floyd, 'Mrs. Johnston. D. Wyne, Mrs.
J, 'Worry, Mrs. F. Cornish, Geo. • 11
Windsor, John Kellett., Jas. Hill, Mrs
Jas, Creech, Mrs. 0. .Birney, ,Lewis
Been leers. M. Sanders, Wm. San-
ders. Ett, Howald,, 111d. Downie, earn..
T3askerville, Cecil fRaskerville, L
Alexander, Wm, Harding,. J. Sutton,
Hy. iCuady, John Scott Sr., Mrs. M
Yagereeliss 1.1eb Y'ae.ger: F. 3. Connel-
ly, Sam'l Beaver, Fred Begg 3. 'gawk-
shaw, Alex Dow, Wm, Munn, Thos.
Elliott, John Morley. Miss A, Mor.
lock. Geo, Cudmore, W. R. Northcott
Morrie Quance, Geo. Hyndnahn, Res.
Southcott, Geo. Blatchford.. 3, Sweet
T, 11. Elliott, Miss le, iMcF,aul, k Ill
Moor,. Miss Shearer, Miss A L. Weet-
lake, Miss E, eifeideman.! efedden,
S. Elliott, Irene Rivers. Alma Mack,
Lon Martin, R. Davis, Ernest Elliott
Edna Follick, John Miners. Lillian
Firetbeiner, Salome Finkbeiner, Mrs.,
Gregory, Miss L, Taylor. Mrs. Keys
Mrs. Eli Snell, Fred Wells, Mrs 3.
Wolper. Mrs, J. Ilareess„ Mrs. D
Davis, Mrs. T. Neleon., • Mrs.
Markham, Mrs. G. Fisher. Bert Clark,
W. A, Balkwill, Wm. Fraser, Jas
Brintnell Elijah jory. Mrs. Knight
Mrs. Jas. Pickard, Mrs. Jos Snell
Rev. Keetle, J,N, Howard, 'Mrs. Ram-
say, 0 Zuefle, S. West, Mrs. East
Jos. Peart, Mrs. T. Elston,, Mins R
Haivkings, 11. Homey, T. Jones, Mrs.
S. Stareake, 'John Piper, Ales.
Hooper. games McWilliams
Contributions of 75c. -
Olive 'Prior, E. el. Bowey.
Contribution of 60c., -Friends.
Contributions a 50c .-,
F. Sanderson, Phi/. Beaveh. Arthur
eliddlemiss, J., Sokoloff, Miss Meek -
les. Miss E. Brock, Blanche Quance,
Cecilia Ford. Frank Mallett. Misses
Cudmore, Airs. E. Jones. Jas. Rush,
Mrs, T. Flynn, Alice Blake, Mrs.
Thos Houlder.. 'Mrs. R. Quaire, Mabal
Brook, Ella Shapton. F. W. Ewington,
Mrs. S. Passmore, G. R Steer E
Cookson. Fred Green, Tra Taylor,
Fred. Bloomfield, john Elliott, John
Ford , Sr,. Mrs. Mary Taylor, rhos.
Hatter, Nelson Vale, Thos. • Crews,
Thos. Webeter. Barley Sanders, Jos.
Keys, W., II Taylor, Airs. 'W. Reid,
Miss Elston, Miss Broderick, ‘'W
Cortributions of 25c'-.
Sam. Elliott, Mrs. Brooks, T. Camp,
bell, Inn Delve Bertha Harney,
Edith Davis, Hilda Preszca.lore Rosa
Sokoloff. Olive Preszealor,
Denney, E., Brooks, E. Jame, L. Heel-
deneeirs, E. Gambria. Mrs. M Meake
ins. Mrs. A. Bowey. Bessie Yelland,
Mrs. White, Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Mc-
Donald. Mrs. A. Taylor ..Mrs. J Davis,
Mrs W. Vale, David Russell. 'A. Glan-
ville. Mrs. John asiorthcott, Y. Packer,
Ex -n. Collingwood, Harry Bloomfield,
Mrs. W. .Colliegwood, Arthur Sand-
We will accept at the Times office.
new or reeewal subscriptions to the
Times and the Canadian Countryman.
in, ,combination, at $L50 per year. The
regular price of these papers, sub-
scribed for individually would be $2.60
per year.
The Canadian Countryman is recog-
nized as the brightest agricultural
weekly in Canada; It has a net paid
circulation fully 25 per cent greater
than .any other farm paper in the
Just now the instellation of a pint-
irig press costing $32,000 (the only
reachite of its kind in a Canadian
publishing house) is making possible
a substantial increase in the size of
the Countryman. During the next
year the minimum size will be 32
pages week, ly, with 36 pages during
five winter months. This has opened
up the vrey to a new program of
editorial features that will put the
Countryman decidedly in a class by
Each nweek there will be several
.good strong feature articles weli 11-
,1usteatede dealing with t he outetand
Ing 'fitnely 'problems' 'of the Ontarie
farmer. Figuring five six& ,articles
of a loge or more, to the issue, gives
Nay 300 pages of feature articles in
the 'course of a year, with upwards
of 500 to 700 selected illustrations,
"The 'Week's 'reminder' is to present
practical hints for overly week in the
year, written be a will known manag-
er of a large farm. tinder the heed -
Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3000
grains food, ending all stomach
misery In five minutes.
Time it! In five ininiltes all stom-
ach distress will go. No Indigestion,
heartbure, sourness or belching of
gas, acid, or eructations of undigested
food, no dizzinese, bleating, feel
breath or headache.
Pape's Diapepsin is noted for ite
Speed ba regulating upset Stomachs.
It is the surest, quickest stomaeherem-
edy in the whole world andebeeldes it
is harmless. Put an end to sten:meh
trouble forever by 'getting a large
fifty -cent eager Of rape's Dlapepsin
from any drug store, you realize in
five minutes how fieedlese It Is to stif-
fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any
stomach disorder. It's the quickest
Surest and most harmless stomach
!looter in. the vorld,
Ng of A Doihr for a Good Idea"
will be published descriptioes of
D Y.1 etioal ideas sent at by .Counixeraao
readers, 1$1 lbeing paid for each idea
accepted. 'Practical Disetissions by
Practical farmers," is a department
hi which Volill'be given the exper-
• fences 'arid views of good farmers on
the most important seasonable 'sub-
jects. A pago.ever4z week is to lxr de -
1 voted 'to '"Live fteras of Agricultural
Ne ws"- brief paragraphs reviewing
happenings of intereet to ()Mario
tarraers. Some other special depart -
meets being established, and to be
given ea. place in the paper where
they may regularly be found, are
"Notes from the Counties," "Round
the Farm" "Feeds land Fertilizers,
"About Live Stock," Orohird and Gar-
den," "Makieg Poultry Pa5, "Veter-
inary Advice, Points of Law explain-
ed." Your Questions Answered, "Our
Young Farmers of Tomorrow," An in-
stallment of .a good serial story, and
a short story as well, will ttppear
every week. The market pages will be
developed to include a. column In
which questions from our readers
with respect to their individual prob-
lems of marketing will be answered.
A new mailing schedule provides that
the market reports will close Tues-
day 'afternoon and every subscriber
having a rural mail box ,should have
his paper within 24 hours, This will
give the market pages much greater
value, "Tbe Countrywoman at Home
is to receive greater attention than
ever before, and the program of feat-
ures to be provided under this head-
ing will possess strong interest for
the womenfolk on the farm. In the
"Timely Topics" section, the practice
will be 'continued of offering- cash
prizes for every idea, sent 4n by wont -
en readers that is accepted. for 'pub-
lication. "Young Countrymen and
Countrywomen:. a page for the boy s
and girls, will contain a good story
every week, a humorous pictorial fea-
ture. a good poem, aed, frequently a
competition will be introduced, with
prizes for best garden plans, best
drawings 'of `learious kinds, etc.
Altogether, the Canadian Country-
man is reeking a big step forward, to
to a point where its editorial service
will win for it on increasingly strong
regard in the good farm homes of On-
tario. Send your subscription for The
Times and the Canadian Countryman
to the Times office to-aay. Be sure
to get on the _list in time for a copy
of the Countryman's Christmas num-
The Canaelan Countryman wants
representatives in eve*. focalit3
throughout Ontario to receive and
forward renewal orders from present
subscribers. No canvassing. Liberal
commission. Pleasant and 'profitable
employment. Write for full informa-
tion to Canadian Countryman Pub-
lishing/Co.; 14 2.1dCa.ul St., Toronto.
For TnfAnts and Children
le -6 Viso For Over 3OYr
Alwa.0 s
akearAiz oar
ilens tura of
Look Mother! If tongue is coated,
cleanse tittle bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Figs."
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California Syrup of Figs," because in
a few hours all the clogged -up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
moves out of the bowels, and you have
a well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
take this harmless "fruit laxative."
Millions of mothers keep it handy be-
cause they know its action on the
stomach, liver and bowels is prompt
and sure.
e Ask your druggist for a 50 -cent bot-
tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which
contains directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-ups.'
Honor Roll
Enlisted in Units of the Canadian
Expeditionary Forces.
eliss Edra 1Dow, nurse
133rd Battalion
Harness, Elmere, clerk
Nallett. Frederick, clerk
Anderson, Edgar, farmer
Mitchbll, 'Earl, clerk..
Stewart, Douglas, elerk
33rd Signal Corps
Treble. Leon, printer
Army Medical Corps
Forney Edgar, grocer clerk
• r
70th Battalion
'Russell, William, farmer
71st Battalion
Divis, Archibald, printer
Mitchell Wilbert, clerk
'Catadian Mounted Rifles
Hervey :Chester, grocer clerk
Knight, Reginald, grocer clerk ,
Eelisted other places than Exeter
Taylor Gordon, machinist ,
HerneLoftus book-keeper
learsons, Earl farmer
Tapp, Thomas, 'clerk
Dr. Will Keight,
Home Guard
/Meets, Lloyd, ,bank ohmic, Waterloo
Flyen, Russell, !printer, Waterioo
Varents or others next of kixt, iivho
have sons or realities who have en-
listed hi units of the Canadian Expe-
tlitioriare 'forces ht places , other .that
at Exeter. kindly see that their tanaeb
are furtiehed to tile elerk eo that. the
Ralf. of Illozour will ,be as 'aceureta es
possible:, •
IF the average person Worked Gaily
Telma he felt like it Om world
would starve before Christmas.
The num este is miserable beenuSte
a black eat crossed his path Friday,
&lever did be eats anyway4 se kW
eienses himself fer les superstition.
Marrying seems to be a religion With
SOlne people.
Time spider rehieh tried seven tiniee
In succession isn't in it witb tlie ex-
ploiter elm scents a rich graft,
Getting awny Willi a Ile would be a
much simpler Leader if it Were not for
tile numerous pommel wbo are alwayS
around keeping to b.
There is no reore ridiculous spec.
taele than to see a slow, stupid mai)
trying to be a sport.
The Book of Nature. ,
At times of books I weary,
For reading makes me full
Of twisted. warped ideas 4,1
Not ripe enough to pun,
And. then 1 turn to nature,
Its pages bright to scan,
Or in the crowded city
I read the book of man.
The sprightly printed pages
Present in full to me
A very fine idea
Of life as 0 should be,
But in the other volume
That men before me act
I get life stripped and naked
And as it is in fact.
The very fine romances.
The tale of love's young dream,
May start off with some trouble,
But end with pie and cream.
In life the paint and powder
Are very apt to rub.
The dainty little maiden
May finish at a tub.
Between the frames and covers
in fiction and in art
You get a race of people
Who live a life apart,
But in the book of nature,
Where truth on facts must wait
For all of Us adornments,
They give it to you straight .!•1
The Reward of
"Where is little W
"So he tried, tried,
Perseverance- ' il
illie?" ,
-Alas, he has
gone from us!"
"How did It
"He found an
old revolver."
"And he label •
to shoot it
ayes?. .
'93ut it would
not work." .N,
"Well?" It
tried again." eta i
Striking an Average. 1[
"Why does a handsome man alwayele
marry a homely woman?"
"For two reasons." eireeiV ;1411 .11
'What are they?"
"One is because be wants all the,
eompliments that come to the familyee.
"And the other?" .1
"Because he wants to even thinieli
"Who goes there, friend or foe?!
"You naust be one or the other."{
"Not necessarily. Why should I he
your friend? I can't borrow any',
money froze you. And why should I
be your foe? I don't owe you anX
'1 Vi -Al 413
Always Follows.
"He is a very promising muss
"Promising, is he?"
"How much has he promisedTe
:IWIlmaetrerly was asking how much lig
dt -St
• Misunderstood. .1
"Boys aren't what they used to bre
when I was a lad."
"Aren't they?" 'tl1 ire
"Great improvement. Hoer do you
Like itr,
"She is trying to be a poetess.'
l'Have any luck?"
"Oh, yes."
"What was It?"
"No one would print her poem9.4
But He Does It All the Time. ,
"Wbat do you think about the Met
cost of liring."
"Mighty little, I tell you."
Unwilling Miss. 1
"We kissed and made up last night"
"Different witb Mame and esei,"
"How was that?" , .,. 1
"We kissed and fell out."
"Wbat have you on your mind?" '
"My corns."
"Where are you carrying your Mind
Good Reason, *
"Why worry over trifles?"
"They are not so expensive as etarte•
thing larger."
ronr*••••••••44•,* I itil'41 /44
-Spoil* the PleVer#
She said as be about his pipe
."*.n cheerful manner Mesa,
A husiatid is het like a. hall
oupuld, not be 1$011 atm