HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-04-23, Page 6GODERICIi SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1986—PAGE 5 0 A_'inion Doctor c® J r. res plight to Jews ® from. page 4 Let's look at another possible scenario if of this, I expect neither adulation nor riches. that? the proposed Act becomes law. Supposing, I do expect, however, some glimmer of You may consider that the OMA schedule after this Act is passed, I am called up in the political awareness and common sense from of fees is high. Yet it is one of the lowest of middle of the night to see an aged gentleman the general public, and some sense of all the fee schedules in Canada. Its fees are with a bladder obstruction. That too, is ex- responsibility from the media. between one-fifth and one-tenth off fees tremely disabling and life threatening. Let's The other day one Photographe end do a papers charged in the United States and its fees are suppose that I treat him appropriately by carried a very large her angry generally lower than those charged in carrying out a dilatation of the bladder lady who was outrag cub that her do's ex - private practice in Britain. outlet. Let's suppose that when he has tra billing". s Do you know what percentage of doctor's recovered I discuss this with him and we fee for a particular service was $50 and her bills in,Dntario cost the patient anything at come to a mutually acceptable fee for this insurance plan had only covered $30. The in - all? Six percent. That means that 94 percent procedure - say $10. For this I would end up teresting thing is that she was not outraged of doctor's bills cost the patients nothing at in jail (or be fined $10,000 which I obviously at her lawyer's fees, her accountant's fees all. "So what's all the fuss about?" you could not afford). Do you know why? or any other fees. She was not even outraged might say, and I would agree with you. The Because the maximum allowable "benefit" at her government insurance plan which fuss is about the fact that the provincial under the OHIP plan for this procedure is failed to meet her medical expenses. In - government is using that six percent of $8.40. If you were in my shoes, would you stead she was outraged at her doctor who balance billing to vilify the entiremedicalwant to practise medicine in Ontario under presumably ��una ly is the givenhad f government service.ve profession and allege that they are "denying•' these circumstances? accessibility, to health care". The provtn- In the new language of Doublespeak, I am washing of certain individuals. Such is the cial government has therefore introduced. called by the government, a "health care power of the press. an act. The Health Care Accessibility Act, , professional". I don't provide health care. I You might wonder, as I wonder, why the which is presently undergoing its readings . diagnose and treat disease. But by using the provincial government ,would want to in - in the provincial parliament. This Act former title, the government can imply that troduce the Health Care Accessibility Act makes it a serious offence for any doctor to any disagreement with the government on at this time, with it's _ precedent -setting charge a fee above the benefits detailed in my part can be translated into "denying ac- totalitarianism and government control, the OHIP schedule. That is, it allows a set of cessibility to health care". Did you ever and it's vicious and almost hysterical government bureaucrats to set doctor's hear such nonsense? threats against the medical profession. fees. If passed, as I pointed out before, it Does anyone in this society really provide What sort of brain would think up this par - will, by precedent, allow the bureaucrats to "health care"? Well, if anyone does, I think ticular piece of legislation? I think there are set your wages or salary or fees - that's what it's the farmers. A moment's reflection and two possible explanations. the fuss is about. You see, although at pre- a little common sense will lead you to the The major explanation is that, as I have sent 90 percent of doctors are "opted in" for conclusion that food is the single most im- already demonstrated, things are not well the sake of their patients, they have always portant factor in health Care. Probably with the practice of medicine in Ontario, at had the right to "opt out" if things became clothing and housing come next. Physicians this time. When one of the government's too bad. This proposed Act denies them that and surgeons probably come a little way most sacred cows, OHIP, (the vote -getter), right and, by precedent, denies you that down the line. Are we then to have a society turns out to have all four feet made of clay right, possibly some time in the future. It is where the government bureaucrats come and is in imminent danger of collapsing, the complete totalitarianism. • along to the farmers and say "you are the simplest and cheapest thing for the govern - I hope all this isn't boring you, but `I am most important people there are as regards ment to do is find a scapegoat. going on at some length because the prin- the health care of the community. We are This is an age-old political technique, ciples at stake here are so vital to every per- going to reduce your prices and wages by 30 usually used by politicians whose moral son in this province. It is also important percent, because otherwise people can't af- code belongs in the sewers. The Nazis did because I believe all is not well with the ford you, and you are denying accessibility this quite well for a time in Europe in the practice of medicine in Ontario at this time. to health care. And every time you disagree 1930's and early 40's by blaming all the pro - Could I give you a couple of examples? with us, you will be fined $10,000." Do you blems of the National Socialist Republic on Let's look at a fairly typical operation that want to live in a society like that? the Jews. It is not difficult to pick on a hard - we do in bur local hospitals. Suppose we Perhaps the silliest aspect of this debate working, relatively prosperous and easily have an old lady who falls and fractures her that I have seen are the so-called "surveys" identifiable section of . the community, be it hip; this will render her immobile and cause carried out by the government and by Jews or doctors, and, through one's virtual - her death unless an operation is performed various newspapers. In these "surveys" ly complete control of the media, brainwash to cure this injury. For some types of frac- , people are asked whether they would like to the public into believing that all it's pro - tures, we do a partial replacement of the hip see "extra billing" by doctors banned. Not blems are due to that particular group. called a hemiarthroplasty. It is a several surprisingly, most of them say yeS: Do the Witness the "outraged" lady in the weekend hour operation and one has to be a surgical people carrying out these "surveys" not newspaper. specialist before performing it - that means realize that if one were to ask the general I think there may be a second, you are not going to be doing this sort of public whether they would like to pay only 70 psychological, reason for the government's thing much below the age of 35. The fee for percent of their lawyer's fees, their paranoid hysterics. I think they are jealous • this procedure in the United States is ap- mechanic's fees or their administrator's of the medical profession's tradition, it's proximately 1200 or about $2000 Canadian. fees, they would also say yes? People who knowledge, and it's dignity. Many politi- The maximum allowable benefit under the carry out these "surveys" really should en- cians seem to lack all these things. I am told OHIP plan is $346.30. Well, you might say, sure that their brains are in gepr before they and p at o ie time sthe a re werein ccertainwho used norant that's not at all bad. But that is not net in- engage their pens. ' to come; expenses for the average physician Who is telling you,all this anyway? Well, I kill lions. They then used to eat the lions in in Ontario are about 50 percent of income. am a general surgeon and I bring to the the mistaken belief ` that somehow they Allowing therefore 50 percent expenses and community `in which I practise (Huron would acquire the lion's courage and 50 percent tax, that particular "fee" County) about 20 years of surgical ex- strength. I sometimes wonder if, in the translates into about $90 in real income. perience together with five surgical same way, certain politicians hope that by Well, you might say, that is still not bad. But , fellowships from four advanced western . devouring the noble lion of the medical pro - remember that 'that includes all ,the pre- countries, quite apart from post -graduate fession, they will somehow inherit it's vir- operative care, several hours operation and quta"lifications in radiology, obstetrics and tues. They will not. They will remain exact - two months care after the operation. And in gynecology. I work 80 to 90 hpurs each week ly as they were before' - primitive and that "fee" there is not alrowance for 'paid and p ider f•ree.efa.eltarge; ah virtually •24 • ignorant. holidays, there are no fringe benefits of any hour on-call serviee.:I do not send bills to my The tragedy of all this is that in the for - sort and there is no pension, indexed • or patients, even for items not covered by their thcoming fight, someone may well be hurt. otherwise. Are you surprised that each year insurance `scheme such as travel time and It Will not be the politicians. If you dislike many highly skilled specialists leave this certificates. I spend, free of charge, hun- them, you can vote the opposite party into country? Is this "increasing your ac- dreds of hours on committees, nursing power, and they will all simply u change sat. cessibility0eto health care"? Do you care?' education and other public services. 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