HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-10-28, Page 3NOTORIOUS RUSSIAN
PROFESSOR. SAYS SHE I5 NOT Them Strength is Taxed and
They are Victims of ea
REALLY A CRIMINAL, Bess and Suffering,.
When there is a growing family to.
Made a Murderer of One Nan and care ,for and the mother falls ill it
Ruined Several. a serious matter, Many mothers who
are on the go from morning to night,
°there, whose work, apparently, is never
The woman who caused the death done, try to disguise their suffering
of Count Kamarowsky at Venice in and keep up an appearance of cheer -
1907 who made a murderer: of Dr. fulness before their family. Only
Nicholas Nauxnoff, son of the Govern- themselves know how they are die,
or of Ore] and brought M. Prilukoff,dragging
by backaches and 'headaches,
a respected 1114eeow lawyer, to a condragging howdown theirns 'and nervous
vict'scell, has been pardoned and're_ weakness; nights are often
sleepless, and they arise to a new
'leased. She is soon, it is said, to go day's work tired, depressed and quite
'44.-e, front with the Russian army as unrefresbed. Such women should
a war nurse.`• ,now that their sufferings. are usually
The ca of this extraordinary due to lack of good nourishing brood.
criminal, whose veins, it is said, They should know that the one thing
flows the blood of the Borgias whose they need above all others to give
exploits she has imitated, -has been ,them new health and strength is rich,
subjected to close study by a number red blood, and that among all Medi -
of alienists and gynecologists, among eines .there is none can equal Dr. Wil-
them being Redlich, Fenomenof, liams' Pink Pills for their blood -mak -
Rhein, and Rossi. And their condo- ing, health -restoring qualities. Every
sions indicate that this modern Circe, suffering woman,every woman with a
who spread ruin wherever she went, home "and familto care for should
was not deliberately vicious, but give these pills a fair trial, for they
merely the victim of her own. diss I will keep her in health and strength
eased organism. and make< her work easy. Mrs. G.
It was in 1907 that the world first Strasser,: Acton West, Ont., says:, "I
heard of the beautiful Countess Marie am the mother 'of' -,three children, and
Tarnowska. When Count Paul Kam- after each birth I' became terribly run
arowsky, a Russian nobleman, was down; I had weak, thin blood, always
fatally shot at Venice, her • name was felt tried, and . unable to do my house -
the lasts word he uttered, and it was hold work. After the birth of my
found that he was betrothed to • her, .third child I seemed to be worse, and
and had insured his life to her bene- was very badly run down. I was ad also pierced as near the base of the
, King Constantine, of Greece.
Numerous Instruments Are Used By
French Florists.
The instruments used by the French
florists to prolong the life of cut flow-
ers and remove imperfections are as
numerous and delicate as those on a
well-equipped dressing -table. They in-
clude scissors of all sizes and shapes,
small cutting -pliers and pincers of
many ' kinds,, brushes, atomisers;
sprays, and bottles, containing vari-
ous gums. "A withered leaf or even
one poorly developed ruins the ap-
pearance of a rosebud, consequently
the, one is cut off, and the other, is
possible, is reshaped. The buds are
fit for the sum of $100,000. Soon her vised to take. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
complicity in his death was suspect- I found the greatest benefit from the
ed, and after a long and sensational Pills and soon gained my old-time
trial, she was sentenced to eight strength. Indeed, aftertaking them
years' imprisonment in the peniten-• I felt as well as in my girlhood, and.
---''Gley eat Trani. Her accomplice, Pri- could take pleasure in my work. I
1 -off, ° was condemned to ten years' also used Baby's Own Tablets for my
penal servitude, and Nicholas Naum- little ones and have 'found them a
off,who fired the- fatal shot,' was lib -1 splendid medicine for childhood ail-
erated, because the two years' in -''nuts."
carceration which had preceded' his You can get these pills through any,
trial was considered sufficient pun-; medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
ishment for this dupe of a dangerous ' a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock
ville, ; Ont.
adventuress. '
Not a Criminal.
But the woman who caused this
and other crimes has not been utterly
forgotten during her stay in an Ital-
ian prison. Professor Luigi M. Bossi,
a distinguished alienist and gynecolo-
gist associated with the University of
Genoa, was called `as an expert for
Germans Fired 817,000 in 1870,
French 100,00a in a Day.
Interesting statistics concerning
the defence at the trial in Genoa. He munitions of war are given by a wri-
b'elieved that the Countess Tarnowska terin the Lokal Anzeiger of Berlin in
was not a criminal, but an invalid, ani article in which the great outcry
and he was indignant at the punish- for more munitions in England and in
merit inflicted upon her. With the France is denounced as being insin
purpose of getting before the world cere and caused chiefly by a desire to
the true story of this most tragic explain and excuse the failure of the
woman, he persuaded Anne Vivant, Allies every time they have assumed
Chartres, the novelist to visit her in the :offensive.
prison and take down from her own; The writer attempts to prove that.
lips the amazing narrative of her life. heavy artillery has not, in spite of
This Mrs. Chartres has done, and the the prevailing opinion to the contrary,
result, is the book "Marie Tarnowska," i taken the place of the individual sole'
'which ;les soon to be published. dier in modern warfare. He quotes
So 'it is that one of the most mys- ih support of this argument the bom
• terious crimes of modern times is at •`bardmeiht announced by the German
last revealed in all its startling de- '' General Staff on March 10, when the
Mails. And so, also, the life story of Allies used 100,000 shells in twenty-
a beautiful woman who wrought four hours on a front of eleven kilo -
more harm than any other of her meters. The cost of this bombard-
generation is now told, and told in a meat is estimated at $1,625,000.
way which may give credence• to the "In the Franco-German war,".. he
theory that this woman's crimes and says, "a German battery fired on an
those of many another woman have ,average 200 shells from each gun. In
their source in physical weakness the Manchurian war the average had
rather than moral depravity. already risen to twice that figure.
The history of the crime which These totals are far exceeded .by
brought to her the imprisonment from those of the present war. In the
which she has just been released whole of the war of 1870-71 the Ger- Pills. Every man or woman lvith a
may be briefly told as follows: The man artillery fired 817,000 shells. ;Of stomach ill is advised' to spend 25c.
Countess was betrothed to Count these 470,000 were used in the' sieges on a box of this wonderful vegetable
Kamarowsky, a wealthy Russian of French fortresses and 338,000 on
nobleman, who was devoted to her. the field. Of the latter total 10 per
She, however, was in love with one cent. was fired off in the battle of St.
Donat Prilukoff, who had been a Privet alone. In the Russo-Japanese
prosperous Moscow lawyer until love wai- the total was 954,000."
flowers as possible, with minute wires
which keep the leaves in place. An
instrument very similar to, a curling -
iron is used to dress a faulty leaf.
One of the means employed to pro-
long the life of the flower is to re-
move the anthers, so as to prevent the
spreading of the pollen, for, if ferti-
ertilization is allowed to take place, the
flower has fulfilled . its mission and
soon fades. ~ In flowers of the lily or-
der the anthers are removed for still
another reason. They develop such
an abundance of yellow pollen that it
falls and taints the leaves,. thus,, mar-
ring the spotless white beauty of the
flower. The stems of flowers that be-
gin to hang their heads are placed in
very hot water for about five minutes,.
and then are placed in a dark and cool
place for about an hour.
If After Eating
You Have Pain
Stomach Needs Aid
Specialists who have devoted their
lives to the treatment of stomach ail-
ments, now tell us that many people
who complain'about their stomachs
have no stomach ailment at all. You
may suffer from bloating, gas, sour-
ness and other unpleasant • symp-
toms. If so your best course is to
tone up the bowels with a reliable
vegetable remedy like Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. This old time family medicine
is a wonderful corrective of all
digestive and stomach disorders.
There is no mystery about the quick
effect you get from. Dr. Hamilton's
Pills. They simply supply the addi-
tional aid required by the system to
enable it to do its work correctly.
You'll enjoy your meals, digest every-
thing you eat, look better, feel better,
be free from headaches, constipation
and indigestion,—all these benefits
come to all that use Dr. Hamilton's
for her had ruined him. With Prilu-
koff she plotted Kaniarowsky's death,
and with Prilukoff she intended to
sehare the fortune of Kamarowsky,.
which he had willed to her, and his
life insurance, which was made out
in her favor.
' Bossi's Defence.
But the Countess and her lover
were unwilling to be principals in the
murder. So she persuaded Nicholas
Naumoff, a young man who was des-
perately in love with her, to kill
Iiamarowsky as a means to gain her all so 'much better and stronger than
affection. He obeyed ;her; and with they ever were before we made a
the results of his obedience the world change in the character of the food.
is familiar. s We have quit using potatoes three
It seems, from this' bare recital, times a• day with coffee and so much
that no adequate defence of the - meat.
Countess Tarnowska is. possible. But "Now we give the little folks some
Professor Bossi, thinks otherwise. fruit, dither fresh, stewed, or canned,
Here 'are his views, as he utters them some Grape -Nuts with cream, occa-
in the address • to Mrs. Chartres, sionally some soft-boiled eggs, and
which he prefaces her book: some Pesti:1m for breakfast' and sup -
"Not only as the medical expert for per. Then for dinner they,,, have some
the defence at the trial of the Coun- meat and vegetables.
tess Tarnowska, but as one who has "It would be 'hard to fully elescribe
made it his life work to investigate the change in the children, they have
the relation in women between trim- grown so sturdy and strongr and we
inal impulse and morbid physical eon attribute this change to the food ele-
dition, I cannot but feel the keenest inents that, ''I'understand, exist in
interest in this book, in which you Grape -Nuts. and Postum. '
set forth the problem of wide human "A short time ago my baby was
•,i tcrest presented by the case of the teething and had a great deal of sto-
prisoner in Trani, mach and bowel trouble. Nothing'
"I believe that eventually it will seemedto agree with him until I tried
promote the realization that even in Grape -Nuts softened and mixed with
the darkest regions of moral degrad- rich milk and he improved rapidly
ation it is possible for science to and got sturdy 'arid well,"
raise the torch of hope. Thus, though.' "There's a Reason."
On Properly Selected Food. It Pays
Big Dividends.
If parents will give just a little in-
telligent thought to the feeding of
their children the difference in the
health of the little folks will pays:
many times over, for the small trou-
ble. •
A mother writes: "Our children are;
appealing for the moment to the in-
terest of the general reader, it will
ultimately constitute a significant
document in the history of the evolu-
tion of pathological science."
Name given by Canadian Postum
Co., Windsor, Ont. e.
Ever read the alio,. letter ? ,; A new
one appears'. fromf tilt, ,'t.(1: time,, They
are genuine, true,;'.ptii.fu.11. of ;htundn
' e:
Those Who Escaped Kurds Said
Succumb to Privations.
"The Turks are gradually but effecs
tively exterminating the Armenian
people," asserts the Dedeaghatch cor-
respondent of the London Times., -
"The modus operandi is to send from
each Armenion village day by day as
many persons as a train can carry.
When they arrive at Konish, or some
adjacent -station, they are turned out
and an eccort furnished over the
Taurus Mountains.
"Once on the other side, they are
supplied with. Enough' food for a few
days and told to continue their jour-
ney to the neighborhood of Mosul, as
they will now be in perfect safety.
The region is nothing' but a desert,
and before many hours marauding
bands of 'Kurds. or Bedouins rob and
pillage these helpless men, women and
children, so that those who are not
actually slain die of hunger or thirst.
Not one ever reaches the intended
destination, for should any one try to
escape iri another direction, Turkish
shepherds have orders to shoot them
at sight.
"Many distracted mothers throw
their children into the Euphrates roe
ther than see them suffer. Some even
sell them for what they will bring be-
fore sstarting on their journey.
"A widely known American mis-
sionary who arrived at Constantino-
ple thefirst week in September, de-
clared he saw as many as 15,000 Ar-
menians collected around one station
waiting to be sent on this journey
from which none would ever return,
"Chabik-Arissar, which resisted dis-
armament and deportation, is report-
ed to have been bombarded, with the
result that the entire population, iit-
,ttuding the bishop, was killed."
Luinba ;Q's Iii.serrceases, f : YOUNGSTERS FLAY A'r WAR.
LUCKY ��1� 1 I silo £used children of France m renehes at
Not necessary to drug inside!
That awful stiffness that makes you
The horse races and other social
attraction, which bring the elite of
society to Trouville, France, at this
season every year, are lacking this
year, but the famous resort is still
yelp worse than a .kicked dog will be lively with a throng that is made up
cured—cured for a, certainty, and largely of convalescent soldiers and
quickly, too, if yon just rub on their nurses, Some of the biggest ho-
Nerviline. tele are hospitals, some of the elegant
Rub Nerviline right into the sore villas also, but :there are enough ebil-
spot, rub lots of it over those tortured evi•en to prevent the beach from being
muscles, do this and the pain will go. drentin gloom.
You see Nerviline is thin, not oily.,submerged
Therefore it sinks in, it penetrates
The sands of Trouville are also the
P 1
through the tissues, it gets riglit to scene of interesting military .opera-
those stiff, gore muscles and irritated tions. All along the beech, from
nerves that make you dance with Deauville to Trouville, there is an al -
pain. uninterrupted series of trenches
You'll get almost instant relief from built by the contingents of 1930 to
muscle soreness, stiffness, aching . 1935, now in their fifth to tenth year,
who are working under the direction
of convalescent soldiers. Bathers are
obliged to give the countersign in or -
It s
r -It's the most harmless cure in the der to pass, and, then, they are dis-
joints, lameness or rheumatics by
rubbing with Nerviline. It's a sooth-
ing liniment, and doesn't blister,
doesn't burn oe even stain the skin.
world for Lumbago, Back Strain or tinctly informed, it is at their own
Sciatica. It takes away the ache at
once and ends your misery quickly.
Now quit complaining—don't suffer
another day—Nerviline, that good,
soothing ld tine liniment will limber
risk and peril, for their are labyrinths
everywhere in.imitation of those at
the front. If a high west wind fills
the trenches with sea water, recalling
G 1
UP If fr
A(iTU rg ,,Tp
,a,�...T�n4rvr0. 9MT.,
We unhesitatingly recommend a
S'Y Magic
Baking Powder as being the .best, purest
and most healthful bakepowder that
it is possible to produce l ingredients
are plainly printed on the label
!, `� M ANY
1r;e•� •. W iVl U MONTREAL
a+ •r E MO L
n ,
Lessening of Hours, Decrease in
In Glasgow public houses are now
permitted to sell liquor five and a
half hours a day only, The places
i wi im r the winter campaign along the Yser, are closed in the morning, when drink -
yon up mighty quick. Get busy to- theo of the 5 to 10- ing would unfit a workman for the
day,the large 50c. familysize bottle it heightens y
ise most ec economical, e ur a"t a year-old "nodus," who jump into them I entire day. Treating and the credit
s o , o s , h system are done away with, and the
trial size costs but 25c. Any dealer
anywhere can supply Nerviline.
The Work Requires Steady Nerves,
for It Entails Great Risks.
The tragic death of a naval air dare constipation of childhood. They
mechanic at Hoo • aerodrome, in act'as a gentle laxative, regulate the when the houses were open all day,
England, recently, who, after being bowels and stomach and are absolute- 325 men arrested for drunkenness
tlr m iaf A. and 88 women. _ In the first week that
in their bathing suits and make more
noise than ever.
Baby's Own Tablets will promptly
practice of carrying drink away in
bottles is also forbidden.
Although these new , restrictions
have been in force but a short time,
they have already resulted in a con-
siderable decrease in the arrests for
drunkenness. During the week pre-
ceding the curtailment of the hours
lifted, to a height of '700 feet by a
trailer rope of an airship, lost his grip
and fell to the ground, calls attention
to the dangerous work daily carried
out by the men behind the air ser-
vices. The safety of the aeroplanes
ly sate. uoncernmg e •„ the restrictions were enforced the
Crowell, Sandy Cove, N.S., writes: I
Baby's Own number of men arrested for drunken -
can strongly recommend n Y ness was 210 and the number of wo-
Tablets to all mothers whose little
ones are suffering from constipation.” men who were haled before the police
The tablets are sold by medicine deal- courts for the same cause was 84.
and airships used by the Royal Flying ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from
Corns and the Naval Air Service are The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
dependent upon the conscientious Brockville, Ont.
work of the mechanics. Pilots'them 44
selves have not the time to personally SURGEON READY FOR AIR RAID.
examine every strut wire or bolt on
their machines before taking them Operated With Lamp When Bomb
Wrecked Electric Plant.
over the enemy's lines, and this im-
portant task is left to the "A. M.'s,"
as they are termed. The work of the Air raids are becoming so frequent
air mechanic requires steady nerves, that inhabitants of small towns on
for it entails daily risks. the east coast of England are getting
When airships start on voyages the used to them. The London Lancet
mechanics, by means of numerous tells the following story of an opera -
trailer ropes, hold the swaying vessel tion performed during one of the
to earth until the, signal is given to German raids:
let go. In a 'wind a lighter -than -air "During one of the recent air raids
machine is a difficult monster to man- on the east coast a well-known sur -
age. It plunges and rears in the air geon was performing an operation of
with the unexpectedness of a broncho, tracheotomy at a nursing home when
and the :mechanics are continually be- the German aircraft came over the
ing lifted off their feet as the airship place at night. The town electric cur -
wrenches at the trailer ropes. Woe rent was at once cut off. All the
betide the unfortunate mechanic who lights went out suddenly, and this too
becomes entangled in a rope as the at the very moment when the surgeon
airship rises in the air. He is likely in question was opening the windpipe.
to be lifted;' to a' height of several Fortunately it was not the first attack
hundred feet, and to save his neck he delivered against this place, a fishing
must cling to the rope for ten or and sea bathing resort.
fifteen minutes while the airship is "Taught by experience, the operator
maneuvered back to earth. had made it a matter of habit to warn
Starting up the powerful aeroplane his nurses and other assistants that
engines used in military machines is lamps should be kept ready for use
an important -task of the air mechanic. during all operations which had to be
He hasto swing the 8 -foot propeller undertaken at night. This precaution
in the front or rear of an aeroplane may have saved the small patient's
and jump to safety before it gets into life. With but a trifling delay the
its stride. The slightest slip would tracheotomy was completed and the
mean disaster, for the large blades of child is now doing well.
an aeroplane propeller turn at a speed "To have performed so delicate an
of over a thousand revolutions a min-
ute and they willcut through any ob-
struction with the ease that a razor
severs a bar of soap.
In the large type of military or
natal aeroplanes, which weigh over
operation in such circumstances is a
considerable feat, for the raid was a
serious one, a good many bombs were
dropped, several persons were killed
and injured and the feeling at the mo-
ment was naturally one of intense ap-
a ton, air mechanics often have to prehension. Some of the bombs hit a
ascend with the pilot to tend the en- house in the neighborhood, the real -
gine. If the latter proves refractory dence of another well-known practi-
a descent is made and the "A. M." has tioner. Luckily no one was at home
to get to work with his tools, often at the time and the medical practi-
within range of the enemy's guns. tioner got off with the destruction of
The air mechanic, as many may ima- a certain amount of property. The
gine, does not keep out of danger well experience recorded will no doubt in -
in the rear of the firing line. There sure the taking by medical men gen-
are times when they have to make erally of the precautions which in
venturesome dashes on a motor re- this case had been fortunately ob-
pair lorry to assist an aviator who served."
has landed close to the enemy's lines.
If the aeroplane on such occasions is
beyond repair, the mechanics have to
pull it to pieces and pack it on a
lorry, dodging as best they can the
shells directed at them from hostile
Most naval airac-
complished swimmers, and possess a
constitution of iron. When the navy's
great seaplanes are launched the me-
chanics generally have to wade up to
their necks into the water to maneuv-
er the machine from the shore. To
plunge into icy -cold water in the half
light of dawn is not a pleasant task,
yet it is one which the sailor mechan-
ics have to carry out almost daily.
In `rough seas the waves. break
over their heads,•and the seaplane
they are maneuvering is tossed about
like a cork. Yet in true naval spirit
the mechanics of the Naval Air Serv-
ice carry out their hazardous duties
cheerfully, happy in the leowledge
that they are doing their bit toward
crushing out the might of the Ger-
mechanics are
Artillery Expert Dies.
The death is announced of Lieuten-
ant Colonel Locarde, a distinguished.
French artillery expert, His death is
said to have been due to overwork.
During the present war he introduced
several • new .forms of high explosive
projectiles for close trench fighting.
His is alsp the credit for the inven-
tion of the hydro-pneuniatie brake,
which is the most novel and important,
feature of the famous French 75 -mm.
r 7101➢!.. . T,
It Is.
"Time is money."
"Yep, but it's mighty tough if time
is all you've got to spend."
A Reminder.
Dobson—What does Blifkin remind
you of ?
Hobson—Well, every time I meet
Blifkin he reminds me of a little
debt I've owed him for over a year.
Minard.'s Liniment Cures DitStemger.
No Sentiment There.
As a pleasant -faced woman passed
the corner, Jones touched his hat to
her, and remarked feelingly to his
"Ah, my boy, I owe a great deal to
that woman."
"Your mother?" was the query.
"No, my landlady."
A druggist can obtain an imitation
Toronto House at a very low price,
and have it labeled his own product.
This greasy imitation is the poor-
est one we have yet seen of the many
that every Tom, Dick and, Harry has
tried to introduce.
Ask for MINARD'S and you will
get it.
0 r Absolutely Apt Retort.
Painless At a reception in Paris a traveller,
No cutting, no plan• who was a strong "anti-Semite," was
ters or pads to press
r It the sore spot, talking to Rothschild on the beauties
Putr.am's Extractor of the Island of Tahiti, and sarcasti-
makes the Dorn go tally remarked;
without pain. Takes "There are neither hogs nor Jews
out the sting over -night. Never fails there!"
—leaves no scar. Get a 250. bottle of "Indeed!" retorted Rothschild.
Putnam's Corn Extractor to -day. "Then you and I should go there to-
gether. We should be great curi-
French Army to Have 200 Travelling
Two hundred travelling toxicologi-
cal laboratories have been formed by
the French army authorities and will
shortly leave for the front. (
Their main utility will be to insure
the health of the soldiers fighting in
the trenches or resting in the canton-
ments. The chemists attached to each
laboratory will analyze the water the
soldiers drink and the foodstuffs
brought to them so as to insure their
perfect purity. They will also con-
trol the disinfection of the front line
trenches whenever that is possible.
A. secondary phase of their activi-
ties, from which, however, much is
expected, will be the analysis of new
German methods of attacking by gas
bombs, liquid fire or gas clouds.
Each laboratory has attached to it
either a skilled doctor or an expert
analytical chemist with trained labor-
atory assistants.
Flaxseed Now a Wonderful Hu-
man Food.
gcu t;t;dl find ereiiel i:7 Zam-EsIc
t Gases the burning, stinging
pain, steps bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zan!.
Euk, means cure: Why not prove
$jib ? dlS Drz gt.stsan i S are,.r.
r amets rain SALE.
suit me. I have over two hundred on
my list, located in the best sections of
Ontario. All sizes. H. W. Dawson,
Offices for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses. Full information on
application to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 73 West Adelaide St.. Toronto.
as deodorized and used in Dr. Jack- Art ANCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, BTC.
son's Roman Meal. It's the most uinternal and external, cured with -
nourishing seed grown. It has al- stbefore t o late• Dr. Belimmant.
ways been known as a wonderful Co., Limited, Coilingwood, Ont.
food for stock, but since Dr. Jackson's Positions at $hoo and s1400 Recently
discovery of a method of deodorizing Pilledl
it, it has becpme available as a deli- ELLIOTT
cious human food 25% of it being
used in Roman Meal. This food is
guaranteed to relieve constipation or
It costs one halfpenny a pound to °money back." It also nourishes bet-
send bacon from Petrograd to the ter than meat and prevents indiges-
United Kingdom, and slightly less for tion. Ask your doctor. At all gro-
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o.
O'Leary 'Is a Joker, Too.
There is a new story in circulation
about Michael O'Leary, the Irish V.C.
During his visit to London a compa-
triot greeted him enthusiastically
and begged a single button from his
coat. O'Leary, without a smile, an-
swered: "I'll do better than that. A
single button is' too little for you.
Just go across the street there and
tell the man inside that 1 sent you
and he will give you an entire set."
The place was a recruiting office.
ED. 7.
ISSUE 44--'15.
cern, 10 cents and 25 cents.
Reassuring Mother.
Edmund had just begun to attend
the public school, and had found a
new friend, a child of whom Ed-
mund's mother had never heard.
"Who is this Walter ?" she asked.
"Is he a nice little boy?"
"Yes, ma'am, he isl" replied Ed-
mund enthusiastically.
"Does he say any naughty words?"
pursued his mother.
"No," replied ' Edmund, with em-
phasis, "and I'm not going to teach
him any!"
lsinard's Liniment'cures Garget in Cows
In Society.
Arthur was very proud of his Old
World manners, and never lost an
opportunity of displaying his knowl-
edge of the ways of refined society.
He once refused an invitation as fol-
"Mr. Arthur Blanks declines with
pleasure Mrs. Wood's invitation for
the 19th, and thanks her extremely
for having _given hire the opportunity
of doing so."
l¢[inard's Liniment Gums' Diphtheria.
Of British peers of the realm no
fewer than 177 are, or have been,
serving in his MaJesty's forces during
the war.
Tonga and Charles Ste., Toronto,
is the Best place in Ontario for Superior
Business or Shorthand Education. Enter
now. Calendar free..
Ito mattor where son Ikea Dr
what you or your family want
n Fran or Fur Garments, you
can buy cheaper and batter bs
dealingdfredt with ns.
When you negative that wo pre
IU DA direll ct from the trapper,
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into desirable Liu lots endFnr
Garments than byselliagdirect
to you by mall, nave Cho middle•
men's Groat by our system of
From Trap,§er to wearer
ono of rho many bang 'a Inns•
tratod in: our FU 'STYLE
DOM add is a bee .lful sat
made from long ITaired--rood
quality—whole skins. The
stole bloat extra deep and
wide over nboulder and back—
giving good protection agahmt
.old -10 tri,nmed with head and
tall over shoulders and tall et
each end—lined with good qual-
uerity satin andwnnmlyinterilned.
The Muff is made in the large classy pillow
style, trimmed with hand, tall and paws and mounted
on good doom bed giving great warmth and comfort*
linen with good 0atln--with wrist cord.
No.324, Stole $6.25
No.225, Muff $6.30
',very article in sold under OTXit POSITIVE GUATttt..
TRI, to "s.TTSFY YOU Olt Insr't7ND YOUR riMOSBY.','
Sand for our Far style nook; 101646 edition 871177.
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