HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-10-28, Page 1i t4A 4ORTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 2233 EXETER, ONT., r..TIIURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28%%, 1915. IBM New Furs JONES Sc. MAY [New Furs Phone 32 hfi.;rds AIED Clothin We have been. fortunate ;enough to planeinto stock.direct from the Factory Ain extra fine range. of 'Mens and Boys' Suits.and Overcoats at the old prices. The price on all these woollen goods is rapidly going up, but as long as our present ..stock lasts we offer them at no advance on the prices of former years. These comprise. all that is new in shawl collars, balmacan's and..military collars in beautiful weavesin brown, greys and mixed patterns, all. sizes 34 to 46. Always.hard. to get in nice nifty pat- terns for.the small'boys We. have .paid special attention to this. line .and can show you same real new stuff in smart melted designs, and lined throughout, heavy enough. or the coldest weather. Men's overcoats Boys9_Overcoats We never before had a bigger and smarter selection. Suits MeMen's'Tweeds, Worsteds and Navy and Black Serges. We' • can snrely suit any taste and any purse in these goods. Get in on these low prices. , We have them in great quantities and in a splendid Boys Suits • range of colors at very low prices, and they are good all wool cloths. You will do well to look them over • right now. • Men's Odd. Pants 300 pairs to choose from at from $2'00 to $3.00 a pair. Also men's beavy Win- ter Pants.` Teti': Hard •& Soft Hats We are certainly leaders in these this season. NEW FEDORAS NEW CHRISTIES NEW CAPS SHOE DEPT. g.- 1N1`o need to introduce such famous lines as Slater shoes for men, Empress ,nd Ciassic shoes for women and wassIC shoes ' for children. Also the cele- harted L; I e b u oy Rubbers and Rubber Boots for the whole family. There is n© r(a5.ber Elie Lifebuoy for gear. A __636o sac v'a3}i6apc93 6_'S `_ g- LiEE6_5=6?E.' 4 Egg' toves and ,.,.t anew 00 . Do not, wait for cold weather Examine our stock Heaters from $9.00 up Ranges. with Reservoir, from $28.00 up Oil Heaters froom.. $3,50 tip A few secondhand HEATERS -in stack at lowest prices. Stove Pipes, Elbows, Boards, Dampers; 0 0 Mats, Etc. Tighten up for the long Winter.. months. CIII=NAMEL, all col= ors, 20c :•a Tin. CAMPBELL'S STAINS, all colors, 20c a Tin. '-‘peciai. 1,000 Sheets of TOILET PAPER, with NICOLE FIXTURE, for $2.00. You Pay for Paper • We Gdve' 'YOU Molder Heaman's Hardware PHONE and Stove Store - 27 B PHONE 27 A. BORN VASE --In tJensall, on October 20th, i to 111r. inr.ld ars. Frank Case a dau ghte.r:'.. .,nDOITG ALL—Or. Sunday, Oct, 24th to .Air. land 1Mrs. Alex (McDougall, of f tear Ural arty, a daughter. li1ARRIED' y'w'E$'B.Lz17--:FIAEDY—•At the ' patson- .Oge of Abe. Wellitgton, etreet thq- dist church, on October 20th, . Miss Olive Trene Hardy, daughter of illtr, and Mrs, 5, Hardy, of Exeter, to Alr,.1E, A. Webber, of London. On Thursday' October 28th, The Dorenwend Coy. of Toronto, Ltd., Can- ada's foretnost hair -good's designers and .rn'amnfttcturers w.li display :and de,tnonst tate a sntnTtle ettack of ladies. rlwtality ,hair -gods ,and ' Gentlemen's 'toupees And wigs at the Central Hotel Exeter. A'frec demonstration of any style is fevoila,lele to anyone interested. ANY BAGS OR PAPERg TO -DAYS The Soldiers IAid Society wishes all touseholders •to.. look up rags, old, newspapers 'andmagazines and to have 'them ready Saturday, Oct. 30th, when,' hey will be collented,. 'Rags - must be in sacks or tied in secure bundles, newspapers and rnagazices tied /in n scparate bundles eo vect ent for handling:, It will save ticne if everyone will have their contribution ready, 'and placed en the verandah early on the morning. et the 30th. it Es tepeal that everyone WM do their best to Mak,: t.INS a st ccets , Coun- try people who have papers to do - hate kindly leave at Town latl, nix.' W. S. Cole is visiting in Lttcan Iilrs, Geo: Atkinson ..is visiting lc. 'Clinton. • The ;C, 0. F, have donated $10 to the Red Cross. Mr. 'and' :Mrs. John Pedlar are ' vis itizg'relatiyes in ;Hamilton, Mrs. McQueen is yisi'ing.heredeugh- ter, Mrs. (Dr.) McGillicuddy, Mr. M. Fletcher shipped two land of cattle to Toronto on Wednesday Mrs. iy. Isa'ne, of Stephen, to imr proving 'hut still 'confined to her bed, Capt. ;Barclay, of Loddon, was In tows on . Monday .inspecting the ar- Mrs. T. Orville Southeott left on Wednesday 'to visit her father; 'Rev. R, Hobbs in Toronto • Mrs. ltd. Reinter ,was called to Lon- don owing to her daughter having met with ❑n accident., •Mr. Oscar Anderson, of Palmerston spent a few days during the past week aft this house here.' • eas.'Jas. L'erguson has been ,tailed ro•'Chathain on account of ,the ellness ' of her daughtern1iss .Celia,.• Mr. H. 'J. Clarke who was relieving at. this ;Canadian 'Bank of ''Commerce itas returned to Toronto, • m or'ics. Messrs. Saxon Fitton, Wel Johns. Jas. ''Taylor land 'W. 3. Bern are un- loving a week's shoot in H'a;y' swamp. Privates 'Chester Harvey alcd Reg. l' tight; of the .Canadian etounted Rifles were home it their uniforins ax;. Sudnay. . ;Opine to A', Paul's bigsate of 100 cattle on S, tturday, Jetobi 30ih, Cows springing to calf, two-year-old steers and heifers; yearling steers and ,hei- fers.; All good g o Aurbam stookw' ( Exeter •School Board The Board met in Air.' ,Mertin's store, Present Messeii Martin. 'Wood Fuke avid Gl'adman. Minutes of the last 'meeting read and approved.. Wood and Gladman that sale of o'id' flooring at $10 per IL,.te J. IT. [Grieve be approved,. Fake and Wood that the following payments be !approved; Dennis Wire and'Iron Oo., Londot±, $49.35; Thos Cornish, $10.00; P. 'l3awden, on con- tract, 100,00; J•. W. Vern, ,full 'account 49,50; R. G. Selden, acct. rendered Aug. 127th, 92.35. Gladman and Wood that the following accounts be .paid: T. 'Hawkins its on, account, :3.85 ; 1Te e- _aail Observer., acooinnt, 1.75; Exeter ''rotes account, 5.95; W. A. 13alkwilJ account 142,:3x. 'W. dxladm'a'n; Seoy pro .tent A Letter from Miss Handford Exeter Council . A regular meeting of the counci was held in the council oyxamber o October 22nd. Absent councillors Bea. vers and Barton. The minutes of the meeting held on October Stle were read ural approved. Communication eras' read .from headquarters of the first division Can- , adian Forces, London, Ott., re Roll ofI Honor. Per Hind and diouisto that a list of all those enlisting in units of the Canadian 'Expeditionary forces be prepared and posted'up. That the 'roll of honor be published in the local newspapers; that parents or next of kin who have relatives en- listed furnish a list with names, also a list of members of the active mili- tia for Guard duty,—Carried, A. letter from the hydro commis 1VIr; 'Jo1 n T[ogartlt, soft pf IM r.aaabt Airs• S..J Rogarth, of Stephen, wha enlisted in the 2lst Batt,aUota, boar 1 been transferred to the 34th' lend is n now on itis way to lrnglaard t sion re a permission to use the site chosen for the sub -station building. A letter from the Globe Indemnity Co. of Toronto, Ire insurance roc, work- men employed in the hydro construe - tion, Referred'4or future considera- Miss Irene Handford, who is, at pre -' tion, sent, with the American Ambulance Per Hied and are hereIston that the Hospital of Paris,peeve and Clerk cheque hereby authoriz- P gives 'some inter- ed to issue cheque an the Cemetery esting sidelights on .the war in a let- ter just received .:r• ii are tC by is Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Handford, of Inger- soll.; In !the 'course of her letter she says in part: "The Louvre, the won- _erful art gallery, of Europe, is closed So are a3.11 .the other important build- to the citizens of Exeterfor the very ings and no matter where one goes generous contribution givec in aid of one ,sees broken-down, disabled mea the British end Cro s fend also and wonien in mourning. 'thanking the gentlemen who offered char min the French; they are very their services in making collections. o people, but I wish I might .Per Roulston rand Hind that the be with our owe. boys, I have tact a reeve procure wrist watches for the great=my interesting young people following gentlemen who have etlist- over here and have received an invite-, ed for active service, Messrs. Horsey, tion to attend the cornmencemeat. ex- ` Harvey,. Knight and Taylor. --Carried Braises at Oxford University, England. Per Bind and Roulston that the "The gruesome stories of the Ger- council meet et 7 p.m.' during the man tre'atment of English prisoners winter months. and those from her colonies, Australia; Accounts amounting to $384.68 were and Canada, ,would make your blood , passed. run cold. They :mould not bear re- J os. Senior, Clerk. Perpetual fund for the sntn of $4531.E9 for the purchase of hydro,debentures as an investment of said,fui:ds for the Cemetery committee, Per Lind and Roulston that the council wish to express their thanks heating, The Turks . have never been known to treat their prisoners As the Germans .have done. IITR,E DESTROYS TWO BARNS "France may lose heart but Eng- On Friday of last week the bank Land will :surely fight to the end.. I bara'of Mr. Wm. Gilfillan, near Far - do knot -Mean to say that 'Prance is , quhar, was 'totally destroyed bs fire weakening. She has clone wonderful- together with a large "mow of hay. (Y. The poor, ,brave fellows. It takes The fire started in. a straw stack all the 'pluck they eau muster to fade which was soon a mass of flames and another winter campaign. spread 'to the barn . Neighbors • "We received fifty risen from the were soon on the scene acd assisted front !the night before last, forty- to getting everything movable from eight hours after they had been the building; Mr. Gilfillan had his ivounded,'and ,another trait load has crop'threshed and most of .the grain arrived just now. The -hospital ' is .just was saved in good. condition.. The about as full as itenaer bei :We do not ' barn was built about 12 years ago exactly -know wheretlre 'fighting—is following a fire_ this being . tiie second being carried on'buttit is not far from one Mr, Gilfillan has had. .He carried ox:" 1 $1100 insurance on the barn' and $809 on'the 'contents but this will to more than cover half the loss. There was a strong wind blowing at the time and when the roof of Mr. TRAFALGAR ' DAY ICOLLECTIONS 1)r. A. HS Abbott, secretary of the Gilfillan's barn caught on fire sparks Trafalgar Day fund committee for were 'carried to Mr. Wellington Weil's Ontario, 'is now inclined to 'believe barn directly west, the barns being that the contributions in the ,province 50 or 60 'rod .apart. It was impossible outside Toronto for the British Bed to stay the flames and it loo fell a Cross Society .and the Order of St. prey and was totally destroyed. Mr. John will reach from $1,250,000 to Neil had just partly threshed his $1,500,000„ crop and the remainder together with The canvas of the town ton Thurs- the 'hay was destroyed.; He also lost say last for the .British Red Cross .'new cream separator a pig or Ewo Fund was undertaken by a cumber and a calf. Mr. Neil carried $1200In- of 'collectors and the .response to the surance on the buildings and..$1000 on appeal exceeded the amount aimed the !contents. at by several hundred ,dollars. The i A bay stack belonging to (AIr. Wag - amount - amount aimed at was $1,500 and 'the ! horn also caught on. Sire, %but wasp t amount raised was $18154,19 with out. about $25 still to come in. Next week j Mr. Gilfillan .has not been an good a list of the contributors will be pub-' health and was preparing to leave fished,. I the farm.' He held an, auction sale In Osborne the sum of $1,3E0.30 was (Jr !iis bff'cts me Tuesday, good prices raised ty a number of col;ectors as Il t t4 realized; follows ; -1 lein. $ e.75; 1 r,, d ' Ellerieg,fir. Alf. peal is :attic:g 100 choice ten 3 3 :t., F. Mo,•le y .17 ! is :Lrtlydr `.ittch: Ii 1 ' hay -.131,03,! entile in liiri:tou on Saturday, Oct. 147,50 a„L•: itO ',ALL y Hem; i . Jima - 97 Ct. 5.izu!. ell nt!; inn'sJelin! Dune u ':Ji': V'r', echos 111.3:4; S. SUCCESTSPUL; "AT 110aIE" Cudmor-: 73.1G; 'l'en't i1un.:tn Fred btewert 80,00; lit. Skinner 09.50; ! The ,cholnrs of the''TTxeter High Galt s Aid .[flail:l., Meehodtst church eii.ol'•..,ad th:•ir new :tssi'tr~tb~ty room 56409; •Arthur lJ upe 31.90, making a y for tine first time last Friday evening when they ,g.tr^ iILI annual "At Home" to their parents and rrtends, There were nbout three hun- dred present, visitors coming from the surrounding community ,end Centralia, 'Crediton; Dashwood, Hen- sel' and Zurich. The Exeter higb school is the centre for.a.wide earn - 'triunity. ndn the parents of the schol- ars came a long •distanoc thus show- ing. their interest. The room wvas beautifully decorated with ,leaves of almost every hue. The entertainment apexed with 'a it 01: i -•. A canvas w,is made of the township of stet lien' end $1114 was realized in addition to half a mill being ,levied by the council which will amount to $1350, or almost .-3500 altogether. '`Tuckersntit.h township council made a grant of $5,000. • Stanley ton nship contributed. $1000 by personal subscription. Of this' amount $500 was contributed by No. 1., Ward with ex -reeve Glen as cap- taie, The Plyih council ,appointed collee- splendid musical progrrim, Mr, R. N. tors to canvas the town and the Rowe very ably filling. the position amount raised was $871.00. el chairman. Tho first number was Heasa.11's contribution to the fund a .chorus by the school followed by reaches veer $900, A few reels ago tile 'school yell. Other numbers were the ladies collected $300 Lar the Can- an instrumental data by Misses Jeaa adian Red Cross, so that the total will and Marjorie Se1dop vocal solo by be over :$1,200. Bliss Agnes Fen.wrIeli•; reading,, Mika V. Bluxworthy; vocal duett, Misses May and Thelma Ford instrumental solo. Miss Margaret Muxworthy. After the program meethe room Jwas put into shape for promenading and after the first hall of this part ot the' after the first part, of" this part of the ettcrtainincnt was finished refresh- ments •were served. The : evning was a 'very enjoyable one for eel lliresent, The committee in charge of 'the af- fair was; President, M. Senior;; .sec- retex'y, E. lt.owcltffe, M. Hardy, L. Sanders.. L. Taylor, '11.'::Rowc, A. llor- tor.. G. Fitton, G. ;ITanloa; 11:. I:loylc;. *The totes, amount collected in the t owr. of Sea forth was $3,900. The amount 'aimed et was $1500. The ad- joining village of Egruondville gave $125:00 The town of ,Clinton through sub- scription'.hns given $1,000 to tthe (Bri- tish 'Red Cross fund and the town council'is considering the •questiot; of giving •further aid.; Gederich rdid not set an objective but the response to the appeal ex- Deeded expectations. At the close ot the •canvas it was learned ,that ,$3500, had'•been collected. This included the $1,000 grant •made lay' the town :roan- 0111 Goderie/1 township council voted the cum of .`51,)00 to be iacreased'by per• so eat subscription. titin ett Township proposed to give $1.,000 ;while the Methodist and ,Pres- byterian Churches in Londesborough. bane giver $400. The caro ni 'n e p R se n s entered into with'grest vint in St, Marys with the result that $3,211 was raised, with eev- eral •caxrvassets to hear front which ht h 1N1 l consul y,abl increase c i e + n reasce ttte amount. WEI3aE'R—IIAfD 3' Otey. G. N. Hazen officiated at a .quiet wedding at the parsonage of Wellington street Methodist church on. Wednesdny morning when (ATiss Olive Irene Hardy,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy, of Exeter,was inarriecl 'tie 'Mr. E. A. Webber, ' n traveller for the Wrought iron xarlge company, whose headquarters are in this city. Mr. a r.d Mrs. 'Webber will make (their home in Petrolea for 'the present, but later Weed toremove to J:Talifax, N.S.. 4 ondon L"ree Penes. BOOK CLUB SENDS SUPPLIES Seventy pads and one hundred mouth -washes and 'compresses were seat to London last week(by the Book Club to be forwarded as Hospital ship - plies. The club purposes sending par- cels 'to our Exeter boys at the front for •Christmas,• tlIERNEVERSIMEiNntumstammassmig Have Your House r Store, Wired Now We do Wiring which we guarantee the Hydro Power will connect with when, it comes. Give us a chance to go over your job and give you an estimate on it. Only the Latest approved wire conduit steel cutout boxes and other electrical supplies used. Beer Davis all: we'en PATRIOTIC EitTE TM N ENT 7nel cre tki ata i . s ccs of the rw P .n int". >I d , i bra .BPk an eater'tainment will be given in the Opera HOLtiSe, Exeter r Dots 29 915 Two 45 Minute days: Ci F'A.SC?tlwiLTINGF FANNY BROWN by nine local young people. iRE KI,BPPOMANIA0 a skit by seven ladies. WALTER A. McOUT'CHEON Soloist, of London, will give st:veral selections. • THE EXE ER ©RCHESTTL4_ wild furnish music. ddimis"r.25e. Reserved Seats 235e Mn.sN. J. Dann, President Mits. E. J. Csnxw1=.rtR, Secretary THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Some Bargains For This Week 100 pairs of sample HOSIERY at wholesale price 5 dozen sample TABLE NAPKINS at les than the present wholesale price. 3 dozen Sample FLEECE -LINED UNDERS HIRTS, 40o garment. Big assortment MEN'S FINE TOP SHIRTS at from 75c to $1.50 each. SWEATERS—a ,ehoiee range at a moderate pried. Men's Suits and Overcoats ur stock was bought 4.5 at the old prices and is made of the best quali- ty cloths and in the new. est styles. e have a big range of made -to -measure i9 samples and will be pleased to help you make a selection of a suitable cloth and style. Wo F. .4 . S n*••••neetece.oe eneee •te roue yen one•••a0•0•00600049e0•0ra~Oneee 0 A 4 • O 0 O • 0 0 0 4) • 0 4) 4r 4) t4 • 0 4) A 0 A 4) w 0 • 4) • e • 0 as A •4) • 4) 0 4) 4) w O 0 b o t We have our Fall Stock all in and curry a complete line' of the latest creations in Men's Toggecy Our New Fedora Hats in tfie different st r1:es, shapes and colors,. are a'.t:acttng atteut.on. We can lit you with something Natty fn Shorts, Collars, Ties and Socks, We:h.avc a specially fine showing for then WHY NOT BE MEASURED at the same time for your New Suit. Woo en Goods are advanc- ing rapidly in price, yet we are maintaining rock bottoms prices. The rich shades and fine weaves will appeal to you. We also have a splendid ,lowing in Ready -to- Vie . hr Suits, Ovt.: c ats, etc, etc. Come in carie' c;,.+a ltt tis show yc•t W. W. T M 8 1 lt' 4) 4 6: