HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-10-21, Page 5,& � -1 .11.1 I ­ % 01 i . 0 4 mi 10-01 � ... I �, , � I ­ I . 7WO, WOMEN , . I . _11 � ." ra I . . il SAVED rOOM .1 I . . . . I OPERATION;, I � I . 11 . . 13y Lydia E. MkLam*9 Veg,e 1. . . I table C=Ppmnd—. Their 0Wn-SW1ie&HereTo1kL . . I . . . I : I I '14� ". 1*00fttm� A-Zer1a Cam - *,,,.I thinl � V no more than right for me to than] � � . ." . What,your kind advice and Lyd �Ankrba=W,Vegetable m I I bav � 1. e for,me. . "When 1"wrote',to you some time ago VMS 8 VOr Y.'sick woman suffering from lemale trcmb)e& I had organic inflam anation and could not stand or walk an., I Wt last. I was confined to M � ,distwdee- " A . bed, and the,doetor said I would ba -V tO 90 through fan operation, but this :refusedto',do- A friend advised LydiaE iFinkharn's Vegetable �Compouud, an mow, after maing -three,bottles of it - � feel like-amew woman. Imostheart', ,atcommend yourmedichw to all womeq ,Who sufferwitb female troubles. 1hav olso taken Lydia E. Pinkbam's Live ,Wls, and Wv7c'tbqy are, fine. I wil mever be without Uie medicine b th bowe."-Mrs.'FRANx EmsLET, 903 Col =abia-Avenue, Edmonton, Alberts. The 0ther -Case. r Beatr0ee, Neb.--­"Justafter my mar _46isge my left sW began to pain me an -She pain got so severe at times that .- � auffered terribly with it I visited thre doctors and each me wanted to operat, -Ir- % I .vn me but I would nottonsent to an op Amtion. I heard of the good Lydia E . � finkliam's Vegetable Compound wa Wmg-for others and I used several bdt Ves of it with the result that I haven, lieen bothered with my affle since then I I Am in good health and I have two littl tiils."--MMR.B.CHILD,Beatrice,Neb . 6 21 . I - - - - ' 'The story of Jack the Giant-Kille %aa �always -fascinated. One small bo , ,Aeptroyed 'a great menace. go it 1 , 1WUb. the wonderful TAKAKE, whial I I lunaided destroys the Giant ' Pain . -Readachee, 'RhenwatisLa. Sciati -Neuralgia, Sleeplessliess,,and all nery mus affections, fly before it to thei utter destruction. . 4 Because you have used all othe 3remedies without results is the besi � Xwson for using TAKAKE -which giv . Lpa -4-aick and pernianent relief in,th most 'ielironic . casess- One of its rdarij ,attx�actions in its absolute freedoa Wrom any habit-forming drug. ,� 1� use one box -And the result iwil * .1 show you that like little Jack, -Tou 4an live happy ever after. : .1 .�.,. I -Get TAIK-46K.R. There is nothing th4 .1wame or "just as good," 500 at You' asuggisCs, or 45o by In,jil from'Georg � , � Jan ,.,Xfg. Co., 'CollingwoOd, Out- ____ . � . . 1�1�. �� . . . I � � Children Ory 4,�Iph, . . FOR FLETCHER'S , �14rm C A S 70 R VA �� 171. r.;;_�_ ' a a CENTRAL N 11 I . . " . 1"RATP05M, OWL &STSIA � L I I ,ONTARIO'S BEST . -aysiNESS COLLEGE � , 1:. 1. - . . I " .7.1 !; �., - . -4 0 W 11 � �* � 0 0 * 1-01 4 I * . - * Z � � . 1, �V., * L . .1 , .0 - - # �v I I.. 1. 0 I ­. , . .,*1 . I 'A. . .. I -,L_ 0 11 .. . I . I �* Uk-mr jAstructors .ore exP�"- * 4V . 0 'once& F'optle get, i % atte.tion and- gr. V�10'ce# in'PeNtione. 11 -;, . ., - Z celvwg� P"11chtlegs, ire ics�n � . I I ;4 meet-� students-' b*7--enter at' &ny_timr� .send for aur,free.',* - I ZU96, 4-1--t. � I I . eac , 659M so",@", � � � .;. ,., . ­ . I- I L , �o, : T I 11* � .,Yew I .1 , I P , . , 14 ... lb.; *mM, 1Z*6s.U,fi'0'x,-1-RA V411%.F; I V, - pr*s�!� .. - � , ,,� : fZT', -YrW'iVX,%s0 ty!"N - P. (�Y, P�qtys , �'Ir, ­ i11JnT!.1:_N ... . I I& �v� , I . ­,,�-�.. , . ... � . i . I , P; � 1. I ,,,, 1��*,- ,,-,, .7 . , ", �, �. . . ,,- '* , , ..�, If. 1.,-i� %- . . " ., . .i , . i,. I 1. 1: �­� ,,�, 1� � I - IN"': _111�'%`�!il 1. - � - . . _)b ... V((# . t ..4- .-L �^­.�19 a��­­_`V` * .1 .. . � ,,, I I . ,L . r ,., , I f .,I . .. ; 4 I I I 1. . I � I A ­ , ,, . I I � I . �, - �1, , , U.'i ,, ­ 1-1-1-1 ".., i... ­ I'll..,." -1.11. ­ I � 1� I.- .1 . .­.. --.1.._1-1-1"-1...-1 I � 1. 1, .."'.... ­­ I I I - . I . �..­.. � . ­� .1,11 1-1--j-+; TTj�­Ij­ 1 i --�_ I � .. 1, I � . .11 I � I �, 11.11 1-11-1.1.1 �­�,_ I I I I - . r I , . I - , L . , , _ , � ' I I � . 1 6 , �, , . I � . � I I . � _ I , . I - . r -11 . ­ . 1. , ==== Irr 41 - __1 � ­_ 0, ­­ 11 1. I I CA00MtALt � — . -r , # 0 0 R , i , i, q, ! . A W190,00AX ,,� , , �r I 114.Lom , , , r , IS , ' I 0 ' a . ���6 6 V I I M be 1,1,e(,d upon t ,,, a ' . � � I � . - S. , �01% W'Z1.t A," ;8()W= �,�t4 bp bi ckboat".11 I � , , . , , "!to , th OpOblng of B014,0Q). 104xe�-� , �111 ... I *Crediton . ALU ES ,occupy , . . N W#"� It, Teachers held re e , . sill , , , .. ", 1 014�9:, EiRech F' O'k, of .11�X,Ote�s,, �s � , . � ''I ", � . . :_ .;, ; - � cises sj�ould not Im to tong not,. toi), , 1 * ''XSOM.ge�, ,� f ""---"- 4 O_OV4.�, � ,Q �� ' , .. , ,: " Mrs. Sam Xilbj-je� of ,Vjjy�_ X10h, ill Visiting Ildt, the' VU Successful -Zonvention I diffioult ao th � ' ., . I 11.1 I I . _ , I ' , at plipils Will xk,?t be 11 visiting relatives,. ,, ' , I - �` Mrs.410'ry, of Stratford, visited 4t They HoRd Strumnitza nd'" 1" - I I 0 W di,ticou'ragpd, All oxerclses �giveu 1� . .7 , � I I .. a 4yp- , ; " )IJIft "%I, I a I h p, Co ,0I I � 10"%� . �� our r � .Mrs. Kelihofftr and ;dfx ld��4'h Jett the home: �qf Xrs, �iIdney Mills,,, . . (vooanuela,frow page,jone) .t0Mtk,h should be, ,examined by the teacbe, - � � , I for Phicago on Tuesday to,'.4pend a 0r,110odliok laadfa'milyoe St-. Marys I ; Landed at Knm, i ... . i , , arookt th Irt -or takea In elas% N04tnM s140'114. � ... , 400 C4 ; . � . � fe'vir niontfis in 'that city , visited relativestbere Wednesda. I . � " ., deplores. the depletion' of the rural . characterize, all'bl4ok.board work for, I Mr. .Tobn X, 8ohk9d6.r '4' Vk"has­ 'Misr, Henry, our.teacber, at Y. � I 11 . � I .0 :.popul � ation, showing it to be in a de- 0 ., � I , I . I .the sake of imitation by the papils in . 11 , od a cew- Uudsoll iaar, - L 0 ' tended 3jacke�40en,s Aimy in the, jW4sg%W�,js , plorable condbtion in certain counties L ' ' eAtal I I . I the cony'63tion 6f teachers he . ! that respect. Dev!Qes for Ili . ar- � , 11 , , 14 lately, ,.E - -Itiron, the 6ause being the ., go 04s -�ow bad your liver, stom' Ithmetio'should'Und a place Zfrs, P. Llok ,still continues �ser� . " . I I .. eeting" W'Ath Stgbb , ,�s�eclally I , Ili 11 ' upon itlae 14 . M om 110sot- �. ow mile y9ur head � I I I . I , lously ill� - , I The annitversaxieg,4 in coraieption I , gettirig rich quick idea, introduct',oll Nth or bowels, blackboard tit all times. The disouis-t . , auce, #nd Are Failing 13�tck Slow. . 40h�o, bow ble you are froin . I ' Afr. Prark Arv�14,'of ,Sdaforth, ,via- With fh6,'.Xetbod1s't olluich held,, on , I 'of�farni machinery and the high cost I i4loera, sion,was ,continued by Itspeotor'Unk , , � 11 Red at the Cer-tral hotel over Sunday. Oct, 10th'and Il'th, 1were very suc�ess� ly, to Their Blain Llues-Allics, ag living when unemployed. Remedies 'Constipation, -Indigestion, bllloii�xless Mr. Moss andotbers� , I . I I I � . $everai 1. I . Sind ,sluggish bow.els-you ii1w,ayg g6t - _ . - ,into .loads from, f."I gin#­�n)oYed by all,, Uev- W., `R-, -est . . Dr. Strong spok - , here at- . Q rape vide siigg ,Ied were consojidated scliools C�scarets. T e on a Supel!44411 ,� . Q g rlwis, 0 D-1 I tellef W11:14 hey imme. I tarded the fowl: Van'�4, Wkerlin 'a former anff�muob ' '�V'11 0 1 Bul a , t , ' shorter hours oil the farm, laborers' ation scholue for the teacbers., He I I , . spper in Zurichron � I . �,:� . Wove# 0 QU, Armies. I hoin,q�-t. built con the- farms, 41 t4_ 'IT,' I .�e- ,Watoly cleanse and regulate the stomd I veg-ing. . .,.stor -pr , nehed �vbt,e @P,r149),#. , ..Wh . � , 4eplor�d the lack ,of permanency ,- I To"', � . . 04� ;!9 t4ip, gouri, ferme,atin , I to 18:4�r �&Qeregattons, "Smi,doy"; 01�, � .1 � I'a 66,nnecdon with telephones - , Qv x W_ laar,h7i,ug',I)roles.sion.. He bege'VeA is Va;tn6r hhs'purcliased a. ind ,;A _q I % . R "'ll Monday , fowl StA LONDON, Oct,. 19.--Wbe, reports' . - the ex ess, bild: i new �ialkl: from kit'kin & Sor, Exeter . 'Ek �per hod enter� . I I 11 tu'ral mail - delivery, etc, sind foul gases; take ,6 ,,In some plan of superau aluAtion' be- , . 'U'r. woku- 041rakos ', - �nd f,kinjjy ,q,r, t,44 ,th0,AWwUwV* occupied Strum�. . : ­ from the liver and carry off,the con.:- 1. , q taipment were hQd in the Orange, I - " -6mse it would'tei)d to the, atWRO - ­ 1`11 , jattx 1 7 P wqo . _ ,4 gpd landed at U4 4 ­ " q I . - , gsx igu�pll, N 9,§* . '. , .Pq 4 , " " in , . miag So$.$ion - - , ­­ stip .,* . 'T , , ''I , to Ra� a .. -A " ' ' . fiii I Pimp- W4,4 it vory - . 1111- , � . ft?WM O f, �, ft� ofession, The acbeale ,slko.uld I �, . §.0 old effects' Rqlt., -be PTORo , �), . I � 9.. . . . gr62W_Atb0_jitestIne9.�, d,,l,T.1..j,.,�, . , Miereo' "'' ­ w4P40y 4tAUsX9ArgQ4 sm , " * I ., � 4 1 � t � �Qw,o �,� A �,J�c I . I _ :r� , _. � �,�,� - �_­ - '�, �, ,� . - h"e re taking' ,ting .one iar,,4 Was as.followar . , . four,ded ton a tn. xe a:0tUAAU r I ArQ,V1i`tRWEa-isit taonqd' �ab R, v4pkiiiii-14 , ' ., ` ' 1' Ustil', : � I � ' i ' I . ' � siort � of the posses- "Afaie'lipf the Guards" lipperia . I gyrW' gulgailan, rule, has caused a injore . At eight"'O'clock a large.-aad (-n-. 10 -cent box iron& your druggist Vlll�' I . farm owned 'by Air. Sos. 11 'th1iisiastic meeting was held in the ' V�Uohers should 'Look on "Ob ��Ubjebt � .,i 13 _V mistic feeling throughout the a�,- athiMpOint bu t i dwa rdg. Sr. . Quar6tte,,'r LoLdon; 6olo, Mr. F6ulkes; OPU , keep your liver and bowels dleau * �Eot from * a,Ke,lfi�h i 1. , Is Mr. nad Mrs. Chris. Ralat and Mr, readirj�,, Xrs. Westland, of Loildoa- lied countries. Opera House, an4 a p�easarit ,irid in-' atomacli sweet and head . clear to; from the �star,dpoint of the -re,at- : , i I structive evening was spe 11 and,Urs, Dan, Melsaac motored" -to solo, Ur,'Murra,v; address, lltev,,�Iyotj As to the progress of the Near nt, mouths, 4 They work ,while you sleep. est -good to the greatuqt A'ambvIr" ife � � I I I 13erlin on Saturday last_ . I I Kirktion; 'huartette, "Boys � of the LOIA ,Eastern .campaign, it is known from Mr.'G. X Elliott or Goderich, -_�ec- I I . . �!�". # - ,X­iO�� then euilmorated th,� .varions ,61>jeo- I � I � Xr. Hy. Eakekt, of Sel�ringville, (was Brigade"; readiag, .Mrs, Westland; both Sarbian, and German accounts retary of , the Huron Children's Aid — . I I . ., I � � I . . be . ,,�,,� i I I * ' 1�, , tions tojhe. scheme .all.,of which � In tow � addre�s:4,ftev. R.'O, Burton, KLrkton;. . that Field Marshal vou Mackenssill.s. Society spo,ke"7ixiost entertairiiggly of ich I I ." " . ' � 8 selfish. He I thought . ,,, n bn Tnesc'Vy, . . . . idle- ildre.g-ns welias,adopting,iiew characterized a ; . '66 - fo' I reat resist- th'e good work of the society It's ways of teachipg, old subjects. Shq thepresent ar,heme 05 .01atlineddil the I I � Liz" �'e Wolfe left r Detroit 30 o,.'X:�. Matthews; qulartette, "The armir is meeting with g I stbries of the rec)amation'6f r`-2gt1.­.- ,;ses a book entitled Bibl' 8�6ry .,in, bill was u most liberal ,oile. and he I I , on Wednesd,4y to seen , re emploSment G1QW' W6rm"; rea4log, Mrs., West- 'ance, and, although the Serblans may ed boys and �Irls who are, now ,,)'.i. -F I Questidr, %arid Answer e� Rd�,-';qe6� urged the, teachers to accept. I - I � for oe winter, I land; (laddress, Rev. G. A. Barnard� eventually be forced to fall: back On, by, , . , . I . ,in good,hOmes, beloved and !(w,c,,1Y Carson tQ,intere t pu . 1�s . f '" . . Miss Pearl Haist left this *eek for Ulimville�; duett, Matthews and Mur- stronger strategic positions iii, the- I s her pi 4P . t lie . The disoussioa was co y � . I forward to a bright and happy fut.t,, � roton 'and ' � I - Vayj '!Aft,er, t4p. teayll; reading, Wri. noyth, the fact that the allies are Me �, I ­ I Bad Axe, Allah,, where she .has se , , Bible.: She, wonld awaken. tifir in- tssrs. Howard, llass, Joh , 1 the hearts of his, audi�!;1_3 teres*i -in .moral ,and huma�e".�T�­r or' Tom., � . , . �cured . employment, Westland; solb� Mr. A., W. -Baker; ad-� bringing heavy forces against the lo,uchec sues Inspqat � I I � Mr. and Mts. .Russel Huxtable of dress IlRev.,, W,' 'RJ Vadoe, of Me and made them understand what :1 by ,appealing to them far sirch'thbigs Inspector Tom gave, -some ;splendid' _ � "I I . .rlin; Bulgarians; and so placing them that I'iSt 6tic . I . the 'Ch _likeL work this is He is . the as -the Sick 'Children's hosplt�i,' con, hints -on the teaching of arithm I A I Hamilton, motored to town on Sur- quartdtte, InUsence", Godisave the Bulgarians will be-compelled'to i:ighr man in the right place�t sumptive hospital, Red ,Crb&% Fund, and spelling. He a4yocateA teachers I � !� Y day. I . . Kirg.' The,entertainment was one of di-vidd their armies gives'llope here I � ' iQ _ A very lateresting and educative the best x ver given, in Woodham and that the Girmans lay be, balked -in Rev. Canon. Tucker of London eta,, .1 � nivizg short and easy ,questions I ,� e meeting was held iu the,Tdwn Hall on was gre'atly enjoyed 'by aill,, Pro- their latest attempt to reach,the sea .spok�! of the influences that !lave The discussion wa,� contintYed' bY ;�Ithmetic drilling on the four rnles � Monday evening last it the interests ceeds of anniversary $190.00. . , and bring assistance to the Turks. been at work -in Germany making, her Mes . srs. Tom. Howard.and,Dri. �traug. With easy mental Que�stions. * �n 1� 1 1� r of the Red Cross society. . �, 0 — . what she is to -day. He traced !ier Mr. 3'. Dearness'lotroduced t1ae suL_ spelling be iwould tea,ch the rules at , � I I , . A special despatch to the Rome 'I Mr. and Mrs.'Tom K'awbinney, Xrs . . history throQh­-the age�­fro,m the Ject of learning to read in tvee spellin; Instead, of the Chinese pla.r, . ' ' I i . . SYMPATHY I ldea.Nazio.fiale from Athens says* � i . I ' time 04 t Goth ndals and Huns, -months, He did so W'e"tp `g�thcd single NV I L e Geo. goltzmann tand soc, Alvey, ,were, ,. . he 0 S, Va _blnig ords im,diviatrallY., ­. I - � "One4h4rd of the SerbiAn. army - I . . of -learning , Inspector I I � in Stratford o�,er Sunday. Ila Mary Squire, -daughter of Mr. h�aa been sent against Field Marshal speaking af ,the rise of Prussia ond there ,were some subjebti taLt-ght in The time Was Short b'at . :1 . Mks. J. G. Young is an thd slek list. noting the -sinister influence of the the schoqls of fifty years ag6 that Tom gave a large amount of useful , , i I � and Mrs. 'James Squire, Woodham, von, Mackenxen on the* Drina, Save, t his dis- , I . ; - 11 AU er faithless. ruthless and shameless !,�rcd are hardly mentioned now ],?ut vice information in the time a I I i . who died October 13tb. ,aged 8 months and, 1) ube Rivers, while the oth ericic the Great, who Was represeeted versa there lare sn'bjects tau[jh,C,noW posal, . I . and;21 days, o -thirds have been placed along jal�- � SHIPXA tw the last century by Bismark, whose in schools that were not ilamed'thea. Air, A. C., 'Collins, 'who was Present I ... . . the eastem front against the Bulgar- polic�.of blood and iron 1aken,'n,_-c,-ri_! Following this thought he salt m,e- gave a short address of a patriotic . . .1 . ..;,A d The baby is dead, I -,L ;."' Bliss Agnes Screenon, of Drysdale, ian f"ces. The latter at many points I ,: �,,A I is visiting her sister, Mrs, Dougle Me- How- still, it sleep§; neqtion with thp, teaching of such raen ' thods in teaching had also cliftgeS ,nature that ,Was listened to with a , , ',,�l . I �. a Isaac'. Dearbaby is dead, ,. - have taken the offensive. as Bernhardt, have made the beautilful: very materially., One of the greatbst great ,deal of pleasure. . . It's mother weeps. I "Serbo-French troops initiated at- - GV -,vhieh he , . �11 _'� . Canadian I''.. I I ­ - . . ter their success at "Vilandovo a The address L was a great effort and I teaching to read, There I zed the reason Why . I Geo.,.Ktll(,rma,.n & Son have started Germany the nation we 'kn v to -day' changes4n methods, is to be.found in Dr. Strang ,followed in : ,%, I s no, ona . clab L , a branchr store in 11ancan's old.store. 4 ad'the tear -drops fall on 1�er thin' rapid counter -offensive action, and greatly enjoyed by all. I . method that is lbest,,sd mueb depend.,-, I boys ore inot enlisting is rotbecausp . ­'. �,.:�.Ij 'Mr, Uive Ratz and family, or wew � their I 11, . white hand - I penetrated into the enemy's territory I upon thd personality of the teacher, i the OandiliAns are afraid to do _�. I '; I � Hamburg, spent Sunday with A piano solo by Miss Margaret _--vlux ' . . I '_ :, .� r ,:� - � I s aV'r' Like a summer shower on Oe ng victoriously on He a4vor.ated and illustrated the lfcil� duty but it is because they do uOt . _ w IYUsses Folfick an,d ' s as. much . 11 � �. . John Ratz. * . Strumnitza, the occupation of which Orthy soles by I I lowing steps in method. word rec -' fuily'comprebend that this I . I . .1 .1 Mr. ard Mrs.,- Wm_ Sweltzer and sands; 09 . 1p . .owing to the feeble re- Atuxworthy.-and ,Mrs. Gambrill, a nitiop. of selected words� b -y the "look Caiiad&'S war as it is Britain,s war, �. ,"`A t D 81 - I ,� 11 1- violiii 'solo by Mr. R. R, Redmond, and say" method; oral Ionic ellent luncheon was provid- . t, ,. �Z,il Ir. and Mrs.Wattlyew Swpitzerkvi' it The,fltope of its parents lies -cold �and Is pr6bable I I � d L . sistauce- of the ehemy." synthesis: Ad exe , �. I" edl' e �imori Dlorloc)k. on I stfirlat, ' . and a reading by Miss Reta i 'VdLS I ed by and Was . , �, 1111 - . , � e SundaY.L ' , n that little white coffin near the Earlier despatches told ofthe de tCeYs : leading to analysis of written tiVol - the .Sxeter teachers, I .1 � , , �!,] I � . Mr. and Mrs. J�hri Nitriek 'PoU sill. 1� . parture of the troops from Saloniki contributed very materially to the. by th� pupils. He used a 01110:s Of I very much enjoyed b3 the � teachers I I . I ­ �..� , , , I _ .. �. pleasure of the evening. A vote Of children to illustrate a method of . � , . . � ''., .1 �- � I ' - I I an& of. the oj�ening of the engagement Tom, s econded - I present. ittee sub'16W' I . ., L,� 11 Sur.day at .tire home of Dfr. J. Gaiser ind Ia&iAtands by. ' . I - � of which the above despatch is prob� thanks moved by .Mr, ' gettir.g 'the children to ,conceive the I The Resolution tomin I O;f* .� . .. 11 ,� I � � � . I Mr. and Mrs. Harry MosseD, of - md- - by 1�eeve- Taylor, to the speakers thought expressed by the Usegibefore ted the following resolutionS al , � I �� r Witbr bowed he ably the sequel. The earlier de - I .1 . � Porkhill, epent Sun -day with Mr. and No -grief like a sigh, , spatch, which was dated At . hens, and Others was heartily f,dren, 'rhe they read the sentence aloud. He 1 Which, were carried without a dis . . I . � _,3:. :2 �� y Urs. John Gooding.' . I- . I ging of the nati * . 11 4 s I Baby ,is, idead 11 � . read:, . sin orial anthem brought emphasized over aud over the impor- i senting voice. I 1. I , I �' Mrs, DOUgle 5101saaa and Carmel "The Fren�h troops in Macedonia* the meet;ng to a close. tance of habituating the children to i. That we respectfully request the : ,. . spent the �past week visiting * Brrs, A -wee 'white shroud, � think of reading 'as thel�art of Andigg county council to appoint a -district . , ''.;, �i! . . P, McLaughlin, in Londor-. Narrow its bed; I have received their baptism of fire PRIDAY FORE NOON %entence -by their agricultural representative for the, I 1. L: � I -he thought in the " " I Mr. aLA Mrs. Plinkbeine . . . , near the rallway bridge at Hadove . I i I 1. 1� . � ,r a td Mr. The, least. In6ise seems loud, � (Meygdi), where they were attacked . - county of Huron. : and Mrs. Goetz, of Dashwood, apent When. -baby isdead . � . t 1. The president, Mr, G. Kawson, oa. own effort and intelli-ently express ch- . , _ � r Ing it. This Was the last of Mr. I :.,� nday tit the home by 40,000 Bulgarians- . cupied the chair.. -�- 2,. That in the opinion of,the tea e:�., ` Su - of Mrs. Chris. , Dearness's three admirable addresses. I ers of West Huron. the people 'are . - -t;l . ,� . �� Finkbelrier,, . A, little new mound, .. I "The scene of the fighting is a few�'. Dr. Strang -conducted de,votigrial ex- , It is, needless to issaY that the Asisocia- I ,money for . I I .i r . . , 11 willing to furnish men aud I., i � Miss Pearl XeYs left Monda3 for I A tiny ne%v plot; miles nortbr of the Greek boundary. ercises. Minutes tof afternoon and , tion was more than Pleased' with the �suecessfu�� prosecution of the. : .!'"', n g to- evening sessions were rea,&'gi3d ,ap- . i Crediton v.,here she is -raveyard ground The Rulwiaus were attempting.., i . . - wi dreasinitking 'Will me . 'er The forgot, � . cut the Salonica-Nish railway. . be- . . .. them and the distinguished lecturer's ging from the outspoken . 1 .1, . , .­.. : th Bliss Laura Sinist , � 'proved, . War, but jud S - . . desire to be helpful., The discussion sentiment of each community We I -eel . I � .: ,'I I Messrs. '.C. McPhersoh., a.. Pollick- nu:t mp, Ili heatre3m �a ],._w Lface is . tween Kalandovo, and Dovdovc, a few 'The auditors' report sbowiDg. a bal- WAS OntineA by the president and I tbELt t -he fjiluke of the Government to . , � I I . �,J ... , P. IDearing and C. $herritt of Green- see r, raUes nortb of the Greek boundary, , 'ance� on hand of $213142'wat received , "' intoxicating li- I �� I 6� � way 'were in Shipka 8.6i"Y e'Veul'r.g. Where mever a sigh nor a tear ,hath to prevent the L-ansportation of rie­ and adopted., .. ­ -, inspector T6='� I probib�t the sale of the aause of . � 1 " �� p r- - Aliss, Biffie spoke. 04. �The, School 8:9 quors is detrimental to � ":, I ,Mr. and Mrs. Jacob . B' beem infarcements and au plies to the Se The committee appointed to corisidi: I counteract -the enlisting. Therefore we Nvould ear- � � , _,� . , - ,.: ��': family 'of Zurich, 'rOwA I'd And the angels sing td,that baby fair biaw.!o � 4'&cial Centre. .To � ­­ ." Mr. and Mrs. were the guests or Till its mother arrives to claim 'it The Germans and Austrians claim, er the matter of ,a contribution for exodus from the rural districts she I r,estly extract the governiaent to,PrO- � .- .1� 1. Chris. Fink-beiner. therpl*�- Patriotic purposes preseetc4 .their re- advocated making the jc�h�ol azeiatre , bibit the sale iof such liquors during , ;.��,.'�;,. ' d, e,Qga . ., � . . 1� Mr. gind Mrs. Jas.,`0ar6y, of mt. ­ : to 11"ie g� ,plete possession .port and recommended. that, each' kt-ea- of the wax - �: �­ - . . I 11, , I ., . , _ I.— .. . of -ictere-st for all the peolile, in the : the ,coiltinlian , 01-, , . , , __ A U�.' �s 'Id hal y e opinion of,thistonver- ., � -'� � pipe' of Mr. - I 11 of % S" ., , , �.�: Jt 14 . - _,` Carmel, -visited � tkf' h , ., . " � I kog4A kk solith ,cher 4nbscribe as liberally as poss' sectior,. She wo,A ,ve . a literar' I a. It is th ce ., ' ao'ba Gooding. S*ePteWxbvgs of love , ! a t , " ]A&*% occupi6d Ava- ble to the patr otic or'Aed Ci-oss fund , � I � , ,_, . .. . 'I. I - ­ .I ciety etd Would provide ,a lecture I iion that the P.. S. arithmefit is in- % , " ,No de�Aiir, ,!no sin; , . =1 _ I la,. a t,ow. 4W _.:'�,:�, 1K ,,, tk,q�, Qx1gr,t rail -way in Iris or her own section and 'left 'so ,y schocil house. She � '�j -------.*— . In that Egme ,abo I . , course iL evex adequate, and that it should be re-� . -1 i ' 1. .Can enter, iD., Ve I I " W eigUmiles south of to be subscribed to a itterest the young placed by a book cottaining a suffi- . . . I � . , . would also try to � � �, �: I - was 1 cer-t number of graded exe . - Avoid harsh purgatives, for children . ,. . . . � frontier- vbte of the: Association, On motion people i,L games. The address raises for . . . A Friend' . � t - The ideal laxative is. Rexall-.Ordeklies L . .:,. :. 0 . . Sh ia. the troops of Intpectb� 'Tom seconded. 'by Mr. good end pleased everyone.. I , all classes. . '. ., Sold only by W, S. Cole, the, Rexall . :.1 .1 . I Under Gen- von,'Gallwitz ha.v� thrown MacKay the Association donated two ' r- i - . T ere we I " %..:, � I Store. 10c, 25c., and 50,c bo�x . . . the; Serbians. across the Ralla, River, hundred dollars -to the'British 'Red ; 'Mrs- ,SLyder spoke on School -Ga h re 116 teachLrs preser-r. I I . I e.% The Tea 'Room will be up= next in h delightfullY pleasing Hearty votes of th�ar,ks were ,pass- I 1�.,, , . I j. . . ' Cross fund 1by a standing vote.. I dens -and r , �' - ' ,,.. I �,­ thus. breaking through one of their t . .6 I" Aatu�Ady when denatio f canned h. �� .� I I - . , manner ,explained, her Work i_p , er ed tharking the Exeter School Doa d I .", . I I I %. . fruit,' jam, jelly, chocolate tocoa,gum Xtro'llgest. lineis of defence in this re- The election of officers was then' school garden. She believed it better , for the use of their school, the Exeter . .��:� ''. . . - . I proceeded with, with the following re- rdons at teachers for provi,dir-g such an ex- : _ " GREEINIIWAY ralains, tooth Paste, tooth t,,brushes, 9101L- to have the children's ga , . ::­ � - I . I I I . ? sox,.or "�thinc for tim com&A imf A blocrkade of the Bulgarian toast sult,.- .President, J. P. Hume, R '.A..", 1�school rather than. at home. There -18 i celler.t luncheon a rd the retiring tof- I I , � � .�, . I.. . Irwin Bell has gone to P_ etroit tp-our- soldiers will be tlianUul re-, in the Aegean Sea. by the Entente Goderich; Vice-president, Wiss Link- 1. . ly , . I & -good deal of work ir. ,connection 1 ficers of last YeAV The isirging OE I ... -1 W - � ." take a poslti6n4 .. 1. .1. � ceived. I I : allied *arships. of the eastern Medi- alter, CreffitoD, jaeareta)ry-treasurer, - -t ,is inter -'the 'Nalior:al Anthem bro ght a verY . ..". - .. I . with school gardens but I u I , ollen bought a new � J., r, . I - . ' - W., H. ;Xohnston, lKippeit; Councillors, . I , I Mr. A. G t ac- , anea.m. squadron was put into'ef board,to keep the children ,busy, and i successful coLvention to a close. , I tion engine last week.. . . I ------- *_ feet gaturday,, according to ai3 an- - 'W. AfaaKay �Flensall; W. 'Higgins, Bel- in order that no time be lost, th t . . I I . I I eut, madp I s h T4e Athletic club mernVars � I imaneem , by - the CjMclal. -grave; ,Miss 'Jean, Murray, Exeter; esting., In regard to School air sae � � I are mak- LQ5T MD,NEY OIN CATTL,i#L� Miss 1. E. SharmA.,,., Goderich; Miss . ing a, patriotic 'autograph quilt ".� Press )3ureaw. ; I.t. ,.* 11 C., At. 'Johnston, -Carlow, thought the teacher should begi a jto� I I I Ili . ­ . . A !big, shipment of cattle �was -�n&de . The text oUthe an-nouncement fol- � , A it a year ahead., She coa-' i . __ ,. I . -G., S...'Howard �X,tl , � work for it - TAKES OPF DANDRUFF, � :�d t. Z Xr. John Brown is on ttlie �iA list. from.Ailsa Craig an Oc�'%18th. Twen- I&Ws: - . �!. � . committee, . I . sidered school gardens and fairs,,belp lj His friends ,hope for a sp�e0,,.'r&ov6ry tY-four. -carloads ,were i e�t to:Torout, . &Y4 I � . I . I � or "The Vice -Admiral coinnianding IC I ful in making farm work'g.greeablej HAIR STOPS FALLING, " .- Sunday, October 24tw�#'%I. W",­o'b- 1!he'Bhippers are lo,siirg ix4oneiton this the� ,,,tem Mediterranean squadron Miss J, M. Spence, of Winchel,.�., , . . ? county I _1 ,, I . . served as Oally Day i4';tQ'Me�hodist gr6edt"consi 'nment, 'TW' I tookithe Nubject of "A Busy school" I it was diYoided .to 'ask the..' e .g -loss is from of tha allied fle-ets has, declared,_a distri - Sava your Hair! Get a 25 cent bottlo I church, , - I - . js council to appoint a . �t represen I A. I e . ­ . . of Danderine right now -Also .1 " .�� I I I r -rian coast In the, spirit of cheerful co-operation of tative, . 1, . . � r . . "'J. ,pLi to on ,k� a half t6bts per - pouAd. blockad, of the Bulga and,taught that the first,essential I stops Itching scalp. 11 ­ � , . The'deahrs , i4"&U*tiC* *Lpa-t'*LOXL of* highdr the Aegeati aL �. teacher land pupils for the ,advause- Xrs. McEacb4%,-.1a4d, AdIr. Hugh, of .". ea. commencing from 6 . � . prices, bad 11g6ce.'Urrough the',aistjict I -FRIDAY AFT4UNC`021 : Detroit,' are, ,V.10'it"Laig', ,'at b4k father's a a -1U. oil th* 16th IUSL . ­ -the whola ': buyiiii �Viy,,Qalc, 1- t 8 to a 1-�. ce,a,ts.. , ment and well-being of , '� Mr. R. (Goodiar"�,'*..,"'. *�'.'�1'7'1. . . -'. .. "Forty: -eight. hours, grac.0 from"the school. Other essentials were the fol- The president occupied the chair. Thin, brittle, colorless and smW . . A .. - �Z TU4' '. i14 ­­ ' 1-2 - ... I �11 �;r . pt �7 to 7 pad Mrs. R,'+E#gJish, ..� r� I . . i.�:7 � - iii6lie�i Of the, .eiimm,el�cenient, oi- the' lowingr O'caiefuily Vlaniaed" time- Xr. - _ Xro. a l I .. ., 71.1 1 � .. I ­ . . . I . . �, , . I inafes , of the forenoon sessior. hair to mute evidence of a neglected � , . �*. . �1. . Pollock ,ans 44r4(1->&cUfi0hey Are,.v �k . - . ­' - '� .M4tka4a has -bem,awigne4 for *thO t ble for' ,class and seat work; the The ni � d, approved. scalp; of dandruff -that awful scurf; I. �� ' � . a In' " , .. . � .­ *ri�; - , , , , I - � Were r rr Lting friend Ist Huron. �. 1. .t. - , . , - .:.1.. . " I d0arwxe� of -Zeutra-ve"els tratu the ta ead. la n . ­. There Is nothing so destructive to . '-A, . � 1! . I . .., . eachers' ,preparation of 'th6' work; I 'Mr . I ' .1 r I k�z . �F DUETLE0 WC%,01j.,11�:- - ., "a" javiji.,!,.� �. i4as o? wood, in- - the hair as dandruff. lli'robs the baln I Miss Ada MoPhersou'and W .JL i ., G. W4 Shore, (if Dash i � ur ,;, . . ,�j I I I . avoidance of needless inteirapt . � , . "' rain- - . � - .. . . let Fulli.s; istud,eni-i at Stratford - Nor- �. - 11 , 1. . ,_ 1 I'M. , . . Work by appoibtment of monit6rshtid trOduced, the subject of phYsioalt oC Its lustre, Its strength lind Its ve,r% . sual. spent Thankiiiiiing at home. � The 'couddit" inde'dia, 0'eJL-..4th;-V-.th0 %. - . Z%Fb F"-=6 mum. ...�' , , employment of in- Ing and drill and id it paper that. was life; eventually producing, a feverisrl. I '. . � - " ' - �_ 1� '. , - I I . --w-.'. , I. Iteeve lamd jall the c6h*461ois' , _ � I , - vOritten and read he :advocated .J . ­Prbsenc �.' . 114 . . - I . . , 1. , . I." - I lielpful s6atAbrk: jor ,well . ,uses and Itching of the wAlp eac gr x Min K In ; � t! - ., I Aei�stiliff aIR4 J. ­ _"h* ­l�alr c' on r ,,I I 1. I .- � .1 . �r ... training foi its influeuc _., which �1 ,; !No . �, ..�- - - . - '-' - - � e .. . 11V .116686ft= - ift., _' ,ox asm -,�qi;ruor 'pupi 3i a - - - . - it p,ot remedied causes ,� -a X% 311m] �r � - _ . iklo y, ISO - I" otd 04 - bf xqufiqu, . '.'(W. .6_ � , ilig '& . -&-idbe ,, , - � IS . d ". the hitr roots . .Methodist So " ., It "Now . . ltio;4 ia�ral health of the pupil, in,! - A � .. ar'-Al,fR '�,',,O- - "r - ­ 61- . , - %I _._1 . lujre. , " ­ ­�' ' tel -iik � I � - - I - ' ... . 1. . ,Isis �n, a proper at -ft 14�. � I " . 1W hi"h" nd ti) i&rt . . loosan and die-t#on the I , atilt thir tu it J" ,,j�', I � . , . tiiken. - askil-ig, I, A I *I . . ., - ..." � .. - . , r r ,_ .11,� tlirckgh. _1 , . ­ ( %L. .1, - - -dljeit�on, th� nervox;s �iyste'*, - , e 4 .- day, :�'., ' . I 11 . ­­­. . I .1 ." r ­ , , _ - to t e DeRIM . - - .- - oWding hair' falls out fast. A littlis Danderfue I 1, .4 . I � procuring e4e f , ­ � ,�e .1 .". -,-1 lation and for �he torrection 4m tfti :, _. .,4 ,1111111wa.110 b - I xraiiiiffig, play, e q.. " ad�'AXO I glit--now-any time--wilij sur*IZ I - r, L . . I ion "' a Ae T OWAII W-1, _ I I I.;w ..� The u - feilts. L . . ,4 T �. ­ . rrr I - 1, - . . . , PbY 11 - ... 40W c� - . � . " I.- ,was a --Ko One,& , � . _1� . : Y -tR , I., _ . &t tr,"t"_ in _311110-11'. UeA. mb. I Ili. .1.1 .0 ­ .�� alfty. *14 - ! I Got..& 23 coat *04 I - _. - e An i0it I , ._ '. ", . __'&;t PKI I - bAnks be tires pal . . " i. : 4f XcDUu'g-qj1 " . 'DoLed the - ­ -4 . �, . -4 of. xiawltokle , . - " , , , , , " , , , 4 "1 1 �t �11, ,� �, , � , � I I I I I I I I .� ,� I I Ad Z ibiai " Z�R_­ 1� . � of 0 an M a catm TiAt X X., - .1 an giviog da . 4 -3 1"411M I - amn sia ,-F, IWY -CoJr':W9M'_, ­ , ' , -_ i I ftride"no. from any dr I �1 , ", , blk., "I. 0 4AMWA _.rT;e:.. �,Xo�"i�a ;W Dentin , , e.'-wit"il - T 4i� ul, ctrio, Powe I I , _ no w3is 1846"� . . ; . , I . . ', . ", ,,,, I -hair L. - '- ' I .1 Mrs., 6t "C�re , vl;�. iAel. 116.m ''. .,,-T* 10116wiltv .,t 1-1 , , , _` ,:.�Z, t�,Jr,: .1.111, , . .. L,�. t : .1 � I , . "Jim� ­ 11" , -, cal �de I,L,: , A:,` hiver .. " . , ,, .., . p - - ­,4mvo your . I . � L . 'Dil , � I y _ y's . a r i4i J,=Xsl� '. 4.1 . 0-6"I'l, .b. �4 " , . . ,,, 'A -orr a Busy 'Schd6l .3 I . .! . store.. Tou kfi. A r " r "I _ 1. I -0 r .In . . Inn L 6w, M_ , egg .- I ; . . �. , �� I 'Gor.: &=e_!:wa* :du'ly pa ------- - -_ rr ." r r I usmon I . q . , ... � I A , a �ffi it ed" .— . , .. � _11; I 1: .. I K, - , - ?!--" 1 M4 0 , . i , an.hara bmutlkul h#4 �­ ­ls..... I . viit I . , i" 1 -eir IWAr-A . " I nwantage or' 'JIFS. . Kerr Iread. 8 i tereadrig I xw*w�c �. isu,&.' - zi�li`yqie � of-, 'Ute -rate .6 Ai ok . thia: -i . . . - liwi_­1313 i , r AAd 1* - N .11 11 firL... , .j," " . J& ,"w "R,6001. , , . 'rd ;: . e , 1, I 1". . 5 U — _ L . .r 'L L � I I., . 'L WM g L, q� 11 � __ . I ,,, .. . APIV 1j400W,,, ;91 UP—'; Mr, . ,ivta�.&L �-jkraou will Just tz a Uttle Dan. , P.0 muet"J, I . =Jng�Aqe A� _ieri .in Lltik" . t IA_45;� . a , . 1. � , '. �. - � I 1 - !& , �� m1feerew 113W 14&ilty" df, *kb ... at'W " rl Try Ifl , ­� ��*A , `-S A01"RI _ . - .' " Lt - 70-ve-Mr-1 U It 2 1 *,�ryjafsp4 -I To, A T ,J"!MJMM'W M,'W 4 �- 14 .. Fts " '"' ­ 11 �� I . .JI;M -W �- � . . �1, � - . . I -V ,�<Wx * ,* QU"-%m_11&*"Wr1 v-i'Ad - I _LkiJAI -A- , , .. � I : v - Ism UA . -& , ., " V, ':) %( , . _ ,51�-A_ e _,1-... .��, o �'j # .;� ,'. , , . . -.". 10 � �.., 't'QP�L ", .'.&';'(i 4aor"._4 : " - �, , , i7- ii 0-� 1144 ­ , Y 11.11- �, � L ' Y � - 11 I �, he Il'l r I T, C �, . � - ­ ­­ ���IL':'�.�'�"�r!-"'."�"-",_.. r i has,,,, --ft- -Odeqq wiva. ax"mr, ? 11 1, . . . I .T. . . ­­ - . � ;,It * �"- .6. 1,.,.,r* Uh. jfttr� r A � .kf - — .. - ­ �01 -.:,I 44 , , .; � : — 11 .. I 0ac . A, c b?, V ,911 , - . __ - � _____ .�� � �_ I " � .... '01b4gligin .reh �01&isldbvqk, 6014 . .1--i i�.-11 1.1 � . . . 11 " . ­­. ..,! 1� . . 1. Q,.. . 3 - . - . , � ,r�, . ., 114 .`?'*r';�, - I � —0-� I I � " ' , " 1, ­ 5011wk, P.. - .0141 ,%�".� , . 'i- - . � � , -, . I - I , 'Aab'." mdaeb -', , . , Abe " _ .....r. r , , . r V . . �­ . - d., ­ ,�.. "s 1 r . ... .. - ;1,Cieur I -a jk4i 0 P%!,Ced�t.,Of ' , ".. . 1__ � . . . �. ..' ?. I. . . , Wgq: _. W.A& , '. � . " '?" I . . abolig *pn t*111mg, lor i .� Z_ , i .. -;'. ' ' . ' �'.,; ; r ..,,r I 1, � � . #1 ., -:.*%A5?Lby%�Y'�"'�_ . :1 != ;' . _L. 1. -,.-.� ! - , _1L _ I ;." , " L .: _11'�! � �_A" I " . ­ , , � I L _\ , � I -1. ___ - I �fL.;. � -S . 1. - . . . �, n. , oexore auyon�. '. , * - , .r . . alipp . " . _ I 0419u- is"- __P..-.- -,�pkwlw 4 � _ I .; ­' :R.. -, ­, ­f� ��- i - &Aw , , , ; �., .r,� * '. . '. , , : .$r,Jr*, , , .w., t X I I _ ..L" , I . I ! � 7,�,, .R, I 4i *'400. QUO 4 q .W ..,. 1 ,, i �, " " - I . *� I - 11 . , � ;L1 iiM!F_ =, 6.� . .§!. �. ��q . V b" j"" r I I - ;4. ,V'.,_R� . . I . WX projaug.,for the. 4!1� -Y a ­ 1 . 0 . I I .�Vel L 1L. , -1. , �. :pj �#1' " I I.- . ,_ SL -I .. I.M. � , , I r't'b- TO A - - 41bifiltUd' -f . I , I `16ji&rj'fo*�1!ha4,.,p&ss�d. o .N a jf�, V, I . . - I � � V .. " If .- V Im"'41 -.11 -11 tir shel ,ft 1#0. .09 L fri"" , W., tow - - _: . 1, I _��" , �-'�) M-15.1 1� I 19 , - 14U 11M W"11;�.. I � t.14 . :i . ...,,. ,.-�'r,vm- 5 , , , bl� * I J_.". V,,ja could"tisedi! i m,:tne fropit, UR, " mm, 04100" - ! . "F ! , 1AW J U a 'U . , I F�0,"11,111F_ I I .. I � ,� . " .. I , 1. , ; -in I . , WT . "' IN, . � - 9 _ , I � , , - , 1': I I , , I . , . , . 11 '�'11 , -the i" ' 11 ­JiTk� ­ , '01 1,41 1. ' ' - - - 'I Le - It. 11 . L � I -1 ure, I an I I V� , _ ; : " 1.1 Y �.�, boa 'AkilliiiK him iiiiii6iiJust -.0 a 0 e 0 � I " 73Y97tif oil, IXAI� ; , __` M ­-:� - - - - k,�.�T�.; . - �-. -­ - . . . .1 7 I ­ I I . . .1 i. . ?. , ,4 , .. :1 . . . W� . right -att . , 1�... .�, , "day tb"eFl�,'r,,A-%Di'.'�";"uf*'U'"'"'�-a"AJP4-,'1916:'Tlit: .r"t­rf,o.M_P40T"�,**Y -Aad hll�,= �%'( Y "Ill 0 " " .: - .1 P 4 , .. I 1. . WdW'*4,Aery -b . Tb4­524W,#0,k,L t.,�" A -0iA4WV@CU - , , 1. ' *� --, I f Im . , , f .OYA _wi�fY.d6ly'vV&aid,4 L *ill,': b�: I '... 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C-11 ,o sheep � - . _­ ,� _`­ , . , .I- .­ ��`r �: . ­ � I 19TW7. do, ,, A,, kA "' 1'1 r 1. -,,,�k�itin W6U* '_'J . , 7 In 3raily Ulk an" - 1.11. I L � I 'r " i6!: li�Aj, Ir "Ji, ­ L , -ot, 0469 - , �111 .1 '. ­ "A .. , ; " " ,'� L � ­4"�W4"A6 i ' , , .1,�,. lwl� lb�,Ontheltreet ,�,�W-,,� , , Ilk, tow Ity *jIT= th. 0. , .. I t �-­ 1,4,r._�.ta, IWkd,.j " � I � I . I � : �ic� �Qn , U9 � . q 'illq a W'�� "L *6;-t!# , , . � 41gnlexa �n . j., , -l! f! c W f,it -, - , ". " I!' � . � I 'I, lu;.i. II -Tv *bole, nei - ' ' 4eila'rQ"­­& �69 $12, 4 11� 0., I bafieum . I ; .4L" . I S , . lk-jj,jj��:,-k �dav �L , 11 *aa , ": : . . N _: *'eM. - A Moad lwl*-� rind �86 _. _ _k ge, . � I � 'A - : , L I , - _1 . � . 0 ­ . II.W.. ei , 0 1 . I I *h- -U10 � W' 'it"twimonirl4rden?" 168.0aeW - , -`.Paid. . - . , .j.� , gL' - �� !t . in,.* ]06�rnlbe ikiea 44*h�d�,!i"4,010, - !Yr0)WtLl0 ` 0 I , 4'.4907. .' 4 lymoathy to� t,b:e -"i�aj.. . . _ �; .. I �W'.k'j.;,. UAW,%&L&S"'. .,_ . 'i L I .Irp ; v, , . . *xt6nid4heir,,4 I I I I " i.�169 I , 0010 . - . ­ ­ " . I I . ! , 4.1� o.;,[p � r. , � %#0 . M _W0011_1 1i : I . I . 0011,449arrimear vrower ji�do.�d L -.--- ]it 10"1160.0 - "., -.,.-, ,fte� . . ft*� WbAt­h'&AK**wWff dd JArcnt.0Wmd_1itt16' .'r' if- am 1. L ­'. 1%11. ". � 5 . fl. . "in,ft kir A I - -6s; kill4fbY'�hAk66WA;."',diogit"twom' ... ,� 4 ,get" pirJklis ­ I . ,,, F J�rothq '' . I lu�f�.�', , , I � A� r1? .Z.. -., 1. ,�, ­ " � , � w .,_ � , '. '-thitds`:`V& -Geb- � 0,�f r , _ I . I ThFd New, "tka- amweni SIN 0DO'sr . d."hour., , `,s,,, . - �-4-, ., 104.1, #1 -11 ��4 'Overt 1 �10 Al , I ..... "I ................. , �'T 1� I , . . " 1 *,75'." 0 i a ii% -d , . � , I . 1JJJJJ ........... . I .. ,,�. I. � . _ :4a , �"!� ;A,V.� "61 I . ­� X"A ..h" ".' , . . - 1 i I t . LLLLLL ..... . 'LL I kUon_F,L I" .. '' .. L 4bie;L0'-­kilWd' 'b A 14.11 ., .. I . 4"e, * #"Ad-4.*41 L.- P4146%. � ". I C�'1-1womVift'vis - - - I I . . %=6_304 .,d' .. Cdt. I - , - .� w ;. .; .ilfil._. '.." ' .Y.... k�G�M * . ! .11, , I . . I I. j- ,� ue, $13.25.'- .,; L I 1.11, I . . � � , � I , -.1 . .ut "­%""%t,.�-.r,.',. ,"x, �� 1 4 , " , P�­ 1,,!M�!'­,, - L � .., ". . 1­ sdoweelkMi � " 10"tAw"Ar. , ,, 7'77— � Z ' 4*04� "'S"V41 I I I I � � . . .. de*.alk.* in ' " ` . ��i ... r . ­. 11,dfilk-ai . r-'#� "'�"!" %';' L '. f ' L . I ". . ­ 1-11 . I ., �, . . L ,t � .1 I - ­ ;;1', � , , is CIL014 , the 'r"O"lift-i *11 ­ - I . , 11 9 V . I , I I - .. - 1, Np(i I , 1, ,'A­0.� , . ',' . 1. .11 ., I . � - . I gsain.,G�w" 6ii .. .".. b- . ", i wds. __...., , , ­ �. "; ,. t,!'. H .." �, L �., .,� I I ,., 46� 1 1 � I .., 11 I I "' . 40, . . , . � .. I � 11L'1�11 I - , traosms. � WTIOW , I iige.437TRT: iliflj�",Idfi-' 1. I I I . I 117- 1 . . . � I lr—* . . I L I -an -1 - - -- � �. ." -Im mtat V.,k'st. � �4;v,.; ,[�;� - , . � Thoiatmndemw#x".,�taeha�­ T*W,%AWt"V8k1MAW40-"1 . I , pir Afe 1-,:'11. r,---­,4�1�d)'f1-;1*j1 ';� "AU,. I ,.to" f 094# 9 e "s �� L ,.. a , , , ,,,,, 64 f - . 1. GgAwor DuK * . . , " . �A pat' . � 9 � � ', , . ' . A , , � 11� &W , - 'AAM�­ thi. .1 L �, It,) $1045,; -,ijo,.: , , . 4� � � 7 4ma isio 06 � . 11. �" I i * �&;,,,mm4lL,:�aum3 35..38;. f6t^� o . 11 r ' I , . . _ , I . 11 th Itaft,eves by,=, N1�7! � I .. � ' - :, ,_Tm I I , , I I 11 . I'll, , .. -1 ­ � I 1�"­...Z�, .""., ,, 'Sy"� " a. " :, � " .:: I 7 17-74: L �T` z. ,; k&t . � .- - ­ , 0a th*- c"ftia � I 1; I 1� ,% .,-I' -4 I i" o �AM4" , 0 th, I , �­­ " '' . " . . �­l I he-p ,&060J1Ji0ij*e*:� � . ,,�- , dw skeit jeodw,.inp "X, , . 'arr , 'I ....... i5wi� '.L 1. 1. �!- ,! f . * . � I ,,,A " V'�*e � ­ "0q '. � ­ . �� , ' ­ CO. I . �� .,�r � no"uw . , %-L tb*, ",*of* r.r; '. I I Rel --c . . . . a& iond,, � , , I %"I qlk ,- � �$636 68. '- -"- .. ' I I L ' , , - , ", "'...'-win".- " , I' I . , , , , ` , uncil-I L.)-A'I I'L'i" , L' . wa U�W4 IV , . . . i M"M . su of - ''. w6tw , if epnoe, 0 - �4144,- . T 6. . idjourfied1o:'Metliffin" .­ "IP 1.11 I 3 �.L,. L, * .� 11. , * .1 tak 'j' L. j� _...- " , , I � , . A � I I - . to* 4404 1 e6i - . .If.., . J - " .1 'Urd ill . �-� - I . , -o 1 o' ..~ be. aw& . I , , Fl� , !�-. -7 .- I .1 .1 I WO)Leer Tnem . ., � . " a.. ��_Jru;r. ,. -4 I . I , �, is . ­�, Golfo*&, , ",;L. , " , ", I dh', 0 y, - t alir,A4,.fday 'of X ii . ..... .. " - ­`_"zJt1b I . I . Imat. Ion I , . , * " Itim li6wos, *itk "COW I � ,. -1 P V!kz, YEW V I K- I . J.�'. - ,� ­- , ; " , 09DIPT-l"IM I aoan" . " , ­.L.'U. . AW 1 1 , I '", L " Aft ­ L -" . , ' !to : � � L � - .1 .1915.,. . - . - ,� . .1. �1­ " ­.- fl. _ .; � �'.J� I . , Wlt"eii'""' 7 "IT "' 11 � ,. LL . � I . 1 7 , "% ba kp": rr.. . 7 �­ , - - 7 , ." t dldi��.� . - ftft row re"ic tjj"la *Yfall'of L FJW L . . , I'— I I I � . � , , . , ,;g,- . � , I, . � � I , - I . . � � - I � . , I ­ . . , , - tfid' .14tj*rtM'1L24J."Jt, �' . � . , , .On thin. bz*ftae. Rtme. . . I 1.%,-1 I .�. I L . e fal win - ate the rates -lel , , � . , " _ . -d Wknitutid: !, i 11, - , " , �, " " � I - UY ��J I . ,Jor�, t '6 , L I _ . ....'. , � . . I . md 11 . * , I ., t IncU entA , th ate A' L � 7' Wip v&wr.Nh&t,& matim- L .1 In the township of' . - 11Y 0 "it . I vl"K� I'M -I I . . 11 .. L�. i'Vidaulph ' "11i . -6, 'r'kkf�%'in the !1*ftd�*& frem'humb '4* 1. I 1, - '��, . acti nt0owntliew"riso" I I 1. � � 11ii fhe", 10^46#�tts .6 F , . w0i'lliai_,., _._� , Are"n veoole go they am f9r , � .1, , � . ,�. I 19io L . T ,:.W'.,`,"1,,;"., �h '- -k. . fitCnia4e .� ­ � IN " '. 11 A - �.; ­ 'Year 6unt.V'Jetft�.L 4 milisl' towa� co" reg. op - t A 'Jrur aga .. 0 1 . . ,, , Webst,er Ina folrft ao ftht L . 0"&Utd lXe1A"*U0id4i4�ii1 I ;". . ,L ­ I I I . . .1 11 111W lievetal 8: %,Fm I I , . , , �. , woonven . Ur fro�nt., sea e M" -1 ''W1 . . , a-0611 thethiftneawand I ,!C8 . I A J"', "', " "U"', � 486% ti , td , , , , ,�, , e L, , finnt to use I "I ' after gilyIng; -Afit 0 � _? rest 6*j�, , I � �� , 1�, mothers tan 1 . iate,� incltidi�vt,lab6ut $3400'ji : , I �1', I $Ad I ship . �i# io �Iercd 9 Lt. . slid -, ex � U So - L .1 I - . . wasktall ReguUt Rdition. 6 #­� - . g Ite"n 4*.A be" roc*0#1 ,16 , , , , I 3If6jnIj)4j Aasi� 1w tiradhools, 4 mills. :41 we -;&Audi,: W6 ��6-.-,�ijU�emsful.;Iti the're,gio '' ' bowili retulatigr feet . ' �, i -4 . I ,,rup�oflngg'l bee ut * I . .1 if , 1� I , . . 1i fo* h6q '16990 'UP. 'Wal0f sehd6l grants,'U Wilijg'aie the' town- �10&Xt*... I bV44M6 . 7�6�tulh, near the villasip �� lye " K Aftd gWU'A& L .1; I d � .1 1 . ra-4111AS C $ft 0i eno to - " -L 4 ,,, 'k.* P, 11116%WFANUM' . - " - � . � . , 49d they "er at for XSW reselp. f, j� : , 'L. i . , Idly, ship r4te �abbut. 2 1-5',� , -of K16 , k;, _�,',_ , Lab's ­ � a th47 fA , 4 . :., - _ 1* r. WL solifbil6"atid terih6uting food 96 106; Giaritoi:i , , #outh-eastl of ­ 0, % � hi . " 1�m ,- " ,,,�, � . I On b-11 ­ 4L , _4 . - C904y� 1 1 : , - was tj&ex­out 6f We boWA4, And 101, 4;Yre' special levy I nAll. , The 'school kates r106 I ,. . --.1tv , : : ' Tortu Q.there. . I L. , - I . , t44� , :-*-It- , .1. '_ Si.Xvzw,x playftdr has: beo-11 much I I I I ­..­ shwhm ., I si *e%� OdId ZiWzi. - � - ,r, 40 follows :'J,,u6,, �'No.j I -t4 1-2 ml.4 - , . U. . . . ..'...". ­ I I . I I .' - h V&Atafi region, S104g , I * 11 I . I '�� fIrihg�-%,.1n.,.t e . � - .e3",X ' L , 25 wimphr I "M# . . .Sjckl-'ehlldren� neodet, be! coaxed tO No,. �,g -1 %1_4.; ;No. �-9. 9.40; ' No,, 61: tij " th .' AWe lsiCanads and sold In metal c and 5ft each, I . � Koo I I .. e cril 516r6 'of I.Ake Va�q, t,F-q 1. 1�0!�,111? - . . , I . � slow. 1. � I .""fruit laxative." ',IQ, 'Xo� ��I-I .7,�O Vniou'No- 8 ... � ,! le U , . �'. r , .4,1d, 1' stcwex P.04y. Get , . fra"L� I , , . . UMUM " *AX6 � Ws "' h6riClelig . 2 ff. . . _ .�, - L , ' 7- ,L . . , , , I I � . .� V%W"*4ft I Millidno',of mothers keep. It h I i�.4,'.No 9�1 9-10; 11nion No. -3-10� Methive, to puft",, tho, defeatod � ,* L � L , .. .. I andy.be' ,2 , k " ., �.. :��4 "" ' "" , , ' � � � 'j"Z.'. : � I . 1 I . J . ,� " � Mdkwgv* I . �, .1 . � I JCJ6*_, ##,:,a�6ti On-! ' :1-2,' union X6. 12-2,'14144 �e'b- rate ITIAS. ,,, ,.,­ , , L ", �, * ' ­ 'A ' , I �� LIL' � I , ,. 11 . ,� I I , I VAM*ns I - CaWb- the' 6h. I I'll , , " L ,�I. *It, r I � .. ,, '" ' Afik'8012904, , 4 .� ­ " 11111,ii� . . I ,. rt", : , - -, t 1 In i a - �_ �' ;.,,,, I � - It i - �� 1.1_'�t'.­':_;, , _ 'L' t, L" � I r�,,_.L " , �� _ is beitweeA., ,a i 11. iL I I I 'L.. L ' L I two" �;% I. *426,71 'ro, �, oat I � , ,:,,',. '��L_,��­�, ontath, - I,Tit .444.,� , I � Noi 1�; 2' 45-100; Sep"'A.'LS,�*,V'6'� a' � .41, " 1. n I I I .� I ­ h . .. L 11, 1, I 11 I I I R L' 1� O&M I .; .�� ! I � 10, latshilt"we4dut"'t 0 A�1� , ,:;, " �* 1�,�il� � , I�', I ,� � � 1, 4 �, P-1 1! , .� INO, 4_.7.JLO L'� .'L%�b. J)��2'L,7.1,0 "'No. 9. '19 , a ,,,, 1 '' L , �,j�j� ,�,,' " � L , J � , , � � . - ­ ",, L .- �' 1_,,.:.1k.�, , 11 C ` d6w, -0,61 �� � I I I " ,� �- 'Z,T,��.. .:�3 , ,�, Ond 154irb" _. I I 4 �, ;u), 11 11 I I . , Z ;" . � '' r ";,� ., I. � , ' I*.tln1J,.,g6j�At I �1, ,� , . ". I "A"L& �` "� . , � I , - .. � ,. _ 1, . , , , , .. I 0, i, 'L _V," tbebm,, I I �, , ,t,,�.. . � 1. I ,*:,.,.,',,� �w I � maginuff , AtAr'A ,I exit . 7"W'"'o" 1, , "­­ ,V� ", A I*A� I I 0 1 . . . I ' , - , , , ... 7 ... joi�- " ' .41�"6,6f FJgJ,,, P,: . t4 �W'T, ", ­­, "' .' 4' ' ' , Ar U P600ya'"'. , .,il , ,�,,�.,�_ .1 I ,r �" 11 Ir ,1 � � 0t, - Ask-yo�i`,Atu �, I i � ; , .i 11 � I I ": �C�� ,!,i4, - .i a. sses�se at an I , 61i _ 4.1. , . . , i� . . . 4J,$ , .1 ,,,,,r , r, g . . , �t ,- " " 1A Z,o �, , � ;' - , , .. � ... I= )r60r" .1 a. �, � t6 W"'S. COL ) xeter ', I ,�,.,, � � '06 OR !Ieall � . : r . " . .. � � � ,�, L ,�� '', , . '. �11 . 4 I " ­*60talliN diredtionit,f6i'bables, I . itVdrage of, $4706 for each,100 'A*,�s- W QiAr i6f, Turi I L I �. I I . . . I'll, I � � : , , _ -- — �:Z ' .' m � I I . L I .. ­,. _.... � . I I ", , L __1 --n -UP Id , [. ; I L . . . . I , , � � ,', I � I , 11 � _,��., =7 ­­ , ,%�ot &U ages�aad fdt'Oown , . i� � W"L!)� 0 anley, Cle". � I 'L . �L � ­.- . I , " . t I ,. � . I --- _,�, , ,., ,_ ;I L �;..,; ,� ' ,�,:. ." .I., ". :', ) . . I . . I . L'... L 4.. . . L. I.. . 1. I I _e'( , .. 11 t ��.4 � . ­ I : , ", . . 11 .. I L �. �, 11 . I . . I .. L I I . I . . . � I I � I � I ;k ". . . I 'JL . . I . . � I . . I '. 1. . I , . I ­ . 11 -1 I . I . " � . I I L� " r I I I . 1. I _..I. . , I I � 1 ,,7, � 11 . . . . I I I � I I . �, ,,,, � � �4, . L I . , V .1 �! I I I , . , . I I , I L I P' 1�4�$'Ll' ", 1. I IL, .� I I ,;. .1 , r ' . . L , I . . , ". "' I. � � I , p).� I I I - I ., I 1. I i L - I I " 1. 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