HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-03-26, Page 16PAGE 16 --GOD1 RICH SIGNAL. -STAR, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1986 38. Auction sale MOVING! AUCTION SALE! 35-40 cars and other vehicles, furniture, ports. tires, etc., MUST SELL: Saturday, March 29, 11 a.m. Mr. Carman, Wingham, 1-357-1441. 13 AUCTION SALE of Tractors and Farm Equipment for GEORGE ROBERTSON 6 mi. E. of Goderlch on Cty. Rd. # 25 or 4 mt. W. of Auburn TUESDAY, APRIL 8 at 1:00 p.m. Sharp See next week's paper for full listing. AUCTIONEER: Gordon H. Brindley Dungannon 46: In memoriam CULBERT In loving, memory of a dear daughter, sister and auntie, Arlene Heather Culbert, who passed away 16 years ago, March, 30, 1970. If we had one lifetime wish One wish that could come true We'd pray to God with all our heart For yesterday and you. Sadly missed and never forgotten by Dcd and Mom, sisters Bev and Lynn, nieces Heather and Trisha, nephews Robbie and Corey. -13 CANTWELL-HORTON In loving memory of a dear mother, father, mother -in -lav, grandmother, grandfather, great grandmother and great grandfather, Alice Cant- well who passed away April I, 1964, David Cant- well, February 15, 1982, Maude Horton April 4, 1966. Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard but always near, Still loved, still missed, still very dear. Lovingly remembered by Lill and family. -13 46. in memoriam McGRATTEN In loving memory of our dear father and mother, David McGratten, who passed away March 25, 1948 and Jennie McGratten who passed away, April 3, 1979. They say that time heals all sorrow, And helps us to forget. But time so far has only proved. How much we miss them yet Sadly missed and always remembered by the family and grandchildren 13 K URYLOWICZ In loving memory of a dear friend and neighbour, Josephine, who passed away, March 28, 1985. What we would give 11 we could say 'Hello Josie' in.the same old way, To hear y.ois voice and see your smile To sit with you and chat awhile. Precious are the memories We hold in our hearts today We shared years df friendship That no one can take away. So keep your arms around her Lord And give her special care Make up for all she suffered And all that seemed unfair. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by your neighbours, Adams. Petrie and Hodges. -13 McCOSH In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Kenneth McCosh, who passed away two years ago, March 26, 1984. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day. .. No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts you are always there. Lovingly rernembered,.-by your wife Ruth and daughters Janice, Judy, Joanne. ----13x 47. Card of thanks SHARPE I wish to thank my family, relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindnesses and visits. All those who sent flowers and cards. The Legion Branch 109 for their fruit basket. A very special thanks to the Hospital Emergency staff. Drs. Cauchi, Walker, Chan, Pearce, and Father Har- dy. The nurses in ICU, and on second floor east for their excellent care. Robert Sharpe. -13x .....E it tttrttt w.r 1. rrstt;rrrrs ttrrr..i " r.r. 47. Card of thanks DENOMME It's difficult to find words to express the full feel- ings of appreciation to our friends and relatives for the kindness. and thoughtfulness extended to our family during the loss of my wife Lorine. Fes- all qrall who expressed their sympathy with cards, let- ters, beautiful flowers, donations to various charities, moss cards and visits to the Funeral Home. To our friends and neighbours who brought food to our home, Father Pluto without whose support and understanding would have mode our loss even more difficult to accept. Our appreciation is extended to St. Joseph's Choir and C.W.L. Sincere thanks to Mike Falconer and his staff at the Ball and 'Falconer Funeral Home for their kind and professional service. Your kindness has been a great help and all you hove done for us is deeply appreciated. Clarence, Michelle, Tony and Peter. -13 THE WOMEN'S and MEN'S DOMINION FORESTER CURLING TEAM would like to thank everyone for all their donations and support. -13 'ANSTAY Sharon Anstay would like to extend her heartfelt thanks to Dr. Walker, the AM&G hospital staff, Dr, Rourke, neighbours, friends and relatives for their kindess and compassion 'through Elmer's brief illness and for their support to Sharon dur- ing her bereavement. Special thanks to Bob Mc- Callum for his assistance during this time. -13x MCLEAN At this time, I would like to thank everyone for their cards, gifts, flowers, calls and visits while I was in hospital. Also thanks to Drs. Lambert and Cauchi, as well to the nurses and staff on second floor east. George. -13x WHEN HOT NEWS BREAKS DON'T KEEP IT A SECRET! LET EVERYONE KNOW 1 Trikn&Coantry -49 RFAL ESTATE 234 BAYFIELD RD. AT BLAKE ST. PH. 324-2111 SUNCOAST DRIVE WEST 14"1.6_ -.direr I , • � 9 tt� P Y.L fu. W I Check the replacement cost of this 2 storey 4 bedroom home and then give Gary a call to take a look at it. Just a walk to lakebank park. $104,900. ' BENMILLER - WOODED 6' ESTATE LOTS For your dream home. Up to 1.9 acres in size. W IRLPOOL ANYONE? This 4 bedroom home offers so much in comfortable living. Pine tongue & groove bathroom with whirlpool tub. Main floor laundry, Targe yard with privacy hedge in quiet neighbourhood. r LAKE HURON VIEW 1 NEWS ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS 524-2614 ARTICLES FOR SALE BUILDINGS Factory liquidation of in -stock in- ventory Widths 30-1.20', Heights 10-22 ft. All priced for immediate sole. Buy now, take spr- ing'delivery. Gulf Steel 1-416-828-6262.-0-13 $ CHEAP FOR CASH $ All steel quonset buildings never erected, ship anywhere. 40' x 100 for 59,999. Also 26 x 28, 35 x 36, 46 x80 and 40 x 60 straight wall (416) 699-6151.-0-13 SWIMMING POOLS. Factory outlet has a limited number of 1985 models left at excellent sav- ings. Don't buy until you compare us. Nobody beats our prices we guarantee. Call 1-(416)523- 6467 or 1(613)547.6434 for details. -0-13 CLEAR SWEET WATER! At last New Technology eliminates Rusty... Smelly... Bad Tasting Water, bacteria, staining, chemicals and more. CS.A. approved. Proven in over 12,000 in- stallations. Only 49 cents/day to own and operate. Ask about our FREE 6 -MONTH TRIAL OFFER. Bad water can be your profits worst enemy. Your property and life is much more valuable when your water supply is good. Clear Sweet Water... It's your Right! Call now 1-800- 268-2656 (24 hrs.) or 1-(416)624,;4344. AZTEC. -0-13 "PENNY -ROLLER" Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes; quarters quickly and easily!! One wraps all. Uses free bank wrap- pers. Only $8.95 Postpaid. (Please add 63 cents tax). Two for $16! (Please add $1.12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. to Penny -Roller Products, P.O. Boz 405, Far: Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2.-0.13 TEMPERED GLASS. 28" x 76" $30 per sheet. Sid Tatham, Woodworks (519) 537-2660.-0:12,13 STEEL BUILDING 1/2 Price Sale - Buy one building at regular price and get double length for 50% more. Phone Pioneer Sales Dept. collect (416) 678-1585 for information. -0.13 WOODWORKERS - At last, a quality 10" Planer at an affordable price $788. Sid Tatham Wood- works.(519)537-2660.--0.13 PATIO FURNITURE - Always 40% off or more. Luxury umbrellas, tables, chairs. Warehouse, 71 King West, Forest. Open to public Fridays, Saturdays or by appointment (519) 786- 4405.-0-13 $ BUILDING CLEARANCE $ Clearance of quonset buildings from recent Canada Form Show. One building is 46x90 with doors on both ends for $9,995. Other sizes available. Call (416) 731-T06.-0-13 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE EASTERN MANITOBA LAND AUCTION 'Apr, 19 10 a.m. in Whitemouth. 1200 acres in 6 parcels, some prime agricultural, some recreational in- vestment property. One parcel with farm equipment. Reserve bid•20% certified deposit. G. Klepatz Auctidns, Whitemouth, Man. -0-13 VACATION PROPERTY TWIN ROCKS RESORT: Modern housekeeping cottages, seasonal camping, on Kushog Lake. Beach, boat/motors/canoe rentals, docking, store, beautiful park setting in the heart of the Haliburton Highlonds. For brochure write RR 2 Minden, Ont. KOM 2K0. Call (705) 489.2247.-0- 13 BED BREAKFAST in British Columbia. 23 minutes to EXPO via Skytrain, Double accommodation with breakfast $45. Write: Royal City Bed & Breakfast. 628 Tenth Street, New Westminster, B.C. V3M 3Z8 (606) 521.5733.-0.13 EXPO ACCOMMODATION! Over 100,000 ac- commodation nights available now! May ac- commodation still available. All suites,servic-' ed, inspected, and in direct proximity to EXPO. 1.800-663-4404.---0.13 VISITING EXPO, 'Copes' Choice Bed and Breakfast. Stay with friendly, hbsts modest to luxurious home iuites. $30 - $110. (604) 987- 8988. 4808 Skyline Dr., North Vancouver, RC, V7R 3J1'.--0.13 , FARM SSRVIICEs FARMERS Experiencing financial difficulties. There may be Ways of solving your problems that you are not aware of. For further informa- tion conloct SylWar Financial Consultants (519) 44-2809.--4.13 , WANTED TO BUY 1 r`tNANTED: Two -Colour Addison Plastic radios. Paying $50 and up. Phone collect (416) 688- 1420.-0-13 PIANOS WANTED. Not necessarily good condi• tion. Give name, height, number found under top lid. Or have us refinish, restore your piano. Village Piano, Elmira (519) 669.2290.-0-10.13 HELP WANTED DYNAMIC, hard working, career oriented in- dividuals needed as agricultural marketing representative. Sales experience not required. Good attitude, eagerness to learn and succeed,, is required. Above average income and incen-.. five: Send resume to Box "F" OCNA, Box 451, Oakville, Ontario l6J 5A8.-0-13 QUALIFIED LEAD PRESS PERSON required for prosperous Southwestern Ontario Publishing operation. Must have experience -with GOSS Community Web Press and ,good mechanical skills. Apply to Ken Crawford,Otter Printing, P.O. Box 190 Tillsonbu,rg, Ont. N4G 4H6 (519-) 842-8662.-0-13 Train for a JOB with a Future... with Tri County Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance available, Kitchener 720 King E., (519) 743- 5011. Brantford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756- 0223.-0-13 Large Expanding Ottawa area PRINTING CO. requires immediately a Bindery Machine Operator. Successful applicant should hove full working knowledge of BAUM Folders, com- puterized Cutters and Five Station MUELLERS. Full time position with a very competitive com- pensation plan including profit sharing. Apply to: Ken Watts, Performance Printing Limited,- P.O. Box 158, Smiths Falls, K7A 471, (613) 283-• 5650,-0-13,14 APPLIANCE TECHNICIAN. Excellent remunera- tion and benefit ,package. Complete product line and several years experience. Apply in writing to Phelans Ploce, Box 35, Sebringvtlle, Ontario, N0K 1X0.-0.13 MA CHERIE Home Fashion Est, 1975. Join tis in presenting quality lingerie and leisure -wear fashions at "In -Home" parties for women. Set your own goals for impressive earnings poten- tial. Its fun! Its Easy! its Profitable! For infor- mation; call collect (416) 632-9090 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. -0-13 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PERSONAL COLOR ANALYSIS. Supplies and training, men's and lodies' swatch books, drapes, testkits - luxurious fabrics. Detailed teaching video. Come Alive with Color, 2866 Chantrell, White Rock, B.C. V4A 5R2. Tel. (604) 5360913.-0.13 $$$ SALES - Need 4 serious people to earn up to $2000 monthly part-time, full commission. Water Filter Industries (416) 896-3776, (416) 277-1074, (416) 791-4057. BERTEX Enterprises P.O. Box 1417, Station B, Mississauga, Ont. L4Y 386.-0.13 PERSONAL. NEW PRESTIGE ACQUAINTANCE SERVICE' is an introduction bureau for unattached adults seeking lasting relationships. Successful, reliable, selective. Call toll free 1.800-263- 9163.-0.13 PAIN CONTROL without pills with electric im• pulse (T.E.N.S.) machine (as seen on T.V.'s Marketplace program). Moneyback • ' guaranteed satisfaction. Dealer inquiries in- vited. Toll free call 1-800-663-4350.-0:13 AUCTION SALES Select JERSEY Production Sole. Wed. Apr. 2nd 12:30 p;m. Wilson Soles Arena, Uxbridge, On- tario. Fresh Springing Jersey cows 4H,calves. Jersey Cattlemen of Canada Manages. (416) 263.2328. John Joynt, Auctioneer (613) 283- 4/30.-4-13 ONTARIO'S LARGEST Farm Machinery Consign. meat Sale, Norwich, ,Ont. Fri., April 11, 1986. 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Friday each month). Approximately 150 • 175 tractors plus all types of farts equipment. Consignments welcome, For more inforrnofion call (519) 424. 9996 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. flamulecki & Sons. -0.13 AUCTION SALES 'GIGANTIC FARM Equipment and Motor Vehicle Clearance Auction. Friday, Mgrch 28, 1986. 10 a:m. sharp. New and used equipment including approx. 50 tractors, 40 cars and trucks, A.T.V.'s, and over 250 pieces of all types of farm equip- ment. Special note: This is our annual Spring Clean-up sale featuring a complete storage sh- ed of surplus parts and accessories including tools P.T.O.'s, batteries, mufflers, hydraulics, disc blades, cultivator teeth, fenders, top links, etc. Will be 'sold totally unreserved • and ab- solutely to the highest bidder. Terms cash/Visa- or good cheque day of sale. Not responsible for accidents on property. Auctioneers Bruce Word& Lloyd ,Binnsrcand Qn , lover. Wayne 11lord alma Equipiirient� Ham: N . 6, Marton (519) 534.1638 or $34'.-2980.-.-0-,13 EDUCATIONAL FREE: 1986 guide to study -at-home cor• respondence Diploma courses for prestigious coreers: Accounting, Air-conditioning, Book- keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel, Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide, West Toronto. 1- 800-268-1121.-0-13 BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 hours of in- struction. Next class April 5th to 12th. For infor- motion contact Southwestern Ont. School of Auctioneering, '(519) 469-3936. (519) 537-2115 P.O: Box 145, Innerkip, Ont. N0J'1MO.-0.13 CAREER CANADA COLLEGE, Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton. Dental choirside assisting. Medical office Lob Assisting, Hotel/Restaurant Manage- ment, Travel careers, Day' class and Home study. 385 Yonge St. Toronto M5B 1S1 (416) 977- 7797.0.13 It's not too late! Learn INCOME TAX Prepara- tion, Basic or Advanced courses. Write U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, MB, R3T 286. No obligation. -0.13 MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS WANTED w r are paying too much tax or arenot us1 all the tax breaks available. Phone us ! ay! Appointment times available to process - 85 tax returns in your home. FARM BUSIN CONSULTANTS, 2109 Oxford St. E., London;' 5V 2Z9. Call toll-free 1- 800-265-1002. In busi' ss year round helping farmers for over 34 ye s.-0.4-16 LOTTO PLAYERS! Wir4stem/One guarantees Lotto profits. Tested:. proven, simple formula comes complete for only $4.95. Winter Nor- thwest, 71-14971/2 Queen West, Toronto, 'M6R 1A3. Quantity discounts. -91f NEW BOOKLET listing Money -Making lobs you may never have thou ht of. Send $9.95 name, address to Vittor Publishing, Box 520, Palmerston, Ont. NQGGE2P0.-0.13 COMING EVENTS PREVIEW Elmira Maple Syrup Festivalntique Show, Friday, April '41h, 6.10 p.m. in Park Manor School, -Mockingbird Drive, Elmira. Ad- mission $2 (Annual festival Sot„ April 5th). For information call (519) 669.5139.-0-13 FIVE-DAY Cruises On Rideau Canal and Trent- Severn Waterway. Beautiful Scenery, carefree relaxation, private stateroom, delicious meals. Brochure Box 1540, Peterborough K9J 7H7 (705) 748.3666.-0-13 , r The Only��7jcY% ay get et ' YOUR ad in 2,5 million homes in Canada for 1159.00 or In 1,241,007 homes In Ontario for - $195.08' Placa Your Blanket CIaislllsd Ad by calling ons -of our helpful classified ad- - visors at your nearest weekly (Ammo office for details. Lucknow 6284822 GodsrIch 524.2814 Kincardine 3118.2083 ciliacon 482.3443 Walkerton 881.1800 I Seeforth 527.0240 ". Mitch." LL 348/4314 Om en 1e' .- ••• Y•• - - colli ow am 2 bedroom bungalow with carport on .4 acre lakebank lot, large living room with fieldstone fireplace. Accessible year round, good beach access. C4 COMMERCIAL 2 storey brick, extensive restorations, close to ,downtown & located on main thorough fare. For full details & appoint- , ;Ha ioini - ¢all Dominic: _ . .Nle DOMINIC BRADLEY GARY RUPERT PAUL ZURBRIGG WAYNE WIGELSWORTH 482-7841 524.8777 524-2036 482-3091 ©O® 1111111111 211111 111YIC1 We know the signs of a good neighbourhood. 47. Card of thanks CartaclaTrust Realtor in LINCOLN PLAZA OFFICE: WATERLOO 8.04. 1260. EXECUTIVE CUSTOM-BUILT RANCHER - on '/2 acre lot in Brucefield, oversized eat -in kit- chen, separate dining, 3 large bedrooms, 11/2 baths, two fireplaces. 3,100 square feet on main floor plus full basement with finished rec-roam. Attached 2 car garage. New MLS, 594,900. AFFORDABLE LAKEFRONT - One mile south of Bayfield, Torg gently sloping bank to private •• - nsely treed. Cot- tage has be y damaged by fire. Drilled well eptic system, lakefront seclusion wit year round access, can be yours for under 530,000. VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD - 3'bedroom cottage or .retirement home' on treed double lot, close to lake. Double pane windows, well insulated, all furniture and appliances in- cluded. Asking only 544,900., 1 have prospects for homes In Goderich, B ayfield.& Clinton areas. Call me for o no cost market evaluation of your h ome. CATHIE SCHWARK 4823051 The Canada Trust Company GK GK GK GK GK OK GK OK 0 G 3L 0 0 0 0 0 0 he 0 0 At611 14116 Located in Standard Trust Bldg. 21 East Street, Goderich, Ontario CLARE SAGER • Broker 524-2118 Res. 524.8995 JUST LISTED Close to downtown, 3 bedroom bungalow, living room, dining room, kitchen, garage, quiet street, mid 40's. Call now 102. NEW LISTING 4 bedroom brick ranch, living room, dining and kitchen, four and - two pc. baths. Full finished 'basement, 2 'car garage, paved drive. Act now. C-22 NEW 3 BEDROOM Brick rancher; with paved drive on 1/2 acre lot, backs onto bush, features living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement. C23. NEW Two storey, 4 bedroom, centre hall, 1/2 acre lot, . 2 car garage. Living room, dining room, main floor family room, large country kitchen, 2 fireplaces, 3 baths, many extras. ,Priced to sell. C20 LOTS Century Heights - Saltford,,5 only, competatively priced. Builders welcome, brokers protected: West End --Lots =--7 only, priced right, builders welcome, brokers protected. MOO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS ON YOUR YNEW HOME • SEE US NOW • G O OK OK OK OK OK OK GK THAN K -YOU The St. Pat's Bonspiel Committee would like to extend their thanks to the following merchants for their kind support. • A&P • Bedford Hotel • Bank of Nova Scotia • Baechler Kitchens • Benmiller Inn • Bright'sWine • Bob Stoddard's Silversmith • 'Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce • Colleen McGuire -Photography • Canadian Tire • Campbell's Cameras • Chisholm's Fuels & Service • Carman Radio Shack • Uixie's Flowers & Gifts • Donuts & More • Gerrard's • Goderich Signal Star • Garb & Gear Sports Shop • Grayhurst Business -Supplies • Harbour Light Travel • Hi -way Ford • Kentucky Fried Chicken • King's Book & Gift Shop • Little -Inn • Murphy's Landing • May's Decorative Accessories • Martin's Market (Leslie Zolob, Manager) • McDonald's • North Castle Marine Ltd. • National Victoria & Grey Trust • Nephew Photography • Pat's Sugar & Spice • r'hil Main Dominion Hardware • Oscar's Video • Riecks I.D.A. Pharmacy • Robindale's Fine Dining . • Swartzman's.Men's Shoppe • Suncoast Restaurant • Scheaffer Pen Co. • Samuelson's • Suncoast Craft Corner • Standard Trust • Seagram's • Shanahan's Foodland • Suncoast Greetings • Tuckey Beverages • The Met • Worsell's Plumbing • Zehrs • Zilliax Furniture & Appliances 26. Help wanted 26. Help wanted S -hipping Clerk Required' by expanding automotive parts manufac- turer in the Exeter area: ' Successful applicant should hai'e goodtyping skills and some knowledge of export documents and customs papers would be beneficial. Hours are'flex- ible. Attractive salary -and full benefits ,package to self starting individual. Forward resumes tb Fleck Monuf6ctui lag' ender Canada Avenue, Huron Park, Ont. NOM IVO . Attention Mr., John Bloorn.