HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-10-21, Page 1. `OR Y-SHooxp YEAtR--i-NO 2232
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New Furs
Phone 32
galnalseseggrnif TO DANVAS FOR THE '11) p trios$
...._ 11Apihirq •_
New Furs
anford's CE1.EDRATED•' Clothin
We have been fortunate enough to place into stock direct from the Factory
an extra fine range of Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats at the oldric • The
es. T e
price on all,these woollen goods is rapidly going up, but: as long as our present
'stock lasts we offer them at noadvance on the prices of former years.
These comprise all that is new in shawl
collars, b.almacan's and militarycollars
Menlsi b in
beautiful ver » weavesin
coat brown,
greys and
' mixed patterns, all sizes 34 to 46.
- ..
to o get in
nice nifty
. p
Bo sOvecoat iterns,for the small boys We have paid
.,r_.._,._,- special attention to this hue and can
you some real new stuff in smart
belted designs, and lined throughout, heavy enough for the coldest weather.
Men's Suits
Boys' Suits
We never before had abigger and smatter selection.
Tweeds, Worsteds and'Navy and Black Sergesr We
can surely suit any taste and any p arse in these
goods. Get in'on these low prices.
We have them in great quantities and in a splendid
range of colors at'very low prices, and they are good
all wool cloths. Yon ,will do well to look them over
right now. ,' �_ •:
en''s Odd Pans 300 Pairs to choose from at #loin
to 13.00 a pairti Also men's heavy
ter Pants.'
Mary's Hard & Soft Flats
We are certainly leaders in thesethis season.
No need to introduce sueh famous lines asLater shoes for men, Empress
sq. Classic shoes for women and Classic shoes for. ohildren. Also the cele-
&arced Lifebuoy Rubbers and Rubber Boots for the whole fainily. There is
no triubber like Lifebuoy for dear.
JONt .�T
V 'V111,
___` > _=
- r,'u::.:.:r-ir..r.rw inr`�r
__��u.""'n ria corm rr_�rwr.Z.rror.-S--s
� c. =E4_i_v=`-+.��_art•YT' 3 €Eu c6
sA public meeting fleas held ixi the
IIIiExeter Opera .Nouse on 'Friday even -
1 last Week to arrange for rate*
Ing Iuf'eontr butinn Tor the Teed Gross
Society on Trafalgar Day, October 21.
Reeve Taylor elms suffering ,from a
severe cold ,ra.od 'Mr. L. TE Dickson
ocoupled. the Chair. at,. ,Mr. Elliott
redid 14fr. M. G. 'C'ameron, of xodertch,
end •Mr,l A. 'G'., ICollins,,of' town, were
the 'principal speakers
the eveningz
acrd. Reye, Collins, Sharp and,MeA,ltis-
ter also gave short speechee. The
addressers were ;eloquent and inspiring
and appealed very strongly to the
patriotic sentiments of the audience
gathered. A. resolution ,was passed
appointing -tin
pp sxn g ra Gomuxittee to canvas the
town for contributions, The commit-
tee met Tuesday evening to make the
Linal ,arrangements atsd they ldeeided
to try to raise $1500 in, town: The
canvas will be made today (Thurs-
all n
it in
/III nr
yl ill:
l till,
iC'4LL b ORD r
A. very pretty wedding took place
at the 'home of 111r1 and iMrs.'Wil.liam
Ford, in Usborne at hiogh noon, an
Wednesday, October 20tth when their
daughter Emity
was unite
d in
marriage to ILrs John A. Pollard, son
of Mr. (sled ;Mrs. 'N Pollard, of Ste-
phen. The eeremogy was performed
by Rev. T. Ar: Steadman, former pas-
tor of the Elinaville circuit, in, the
presence of about ,fifty guests. The
bride entered the parlor leaning or.,
the arm of her .father and, took her
place under axe exch of evergreen.
She ores dressed in a beautiful wed-
ding gown of white'ai1k trimmed with
pearls and rosebuds. The bride and
groom were unattended. The wed-
ding march was played by Miss Irene
Ford, sister of the bride, After con-
gratulations the guests eat down to a
vera stunptuous wedding 'dinner. The
groom's gift to the bride ivies a beau-
tiful axcarl sunburst. Among other
handsome and useful presents of
•,11i;; which the bride was recipient, were
several handsome ehecks. Mr. and
Mrs. Pollard left the same evening
1; for Detroit, Flint and other eastern
cities, the bride travelling in a suit
of blue with white hat. On their re-
turn'ihey will reside on the groom's
fine farm . at Corbett,, The many
friends of the bride and groom will
join: with the Times in extendicg con-
:111 I:
r ll,l
CGI n�
Stoves grad
Range s
Do not wait for cold weather
Examine our stock
Heaters from $9.00 up
Ranges. with Reservoir,
from $28.00* up
Oil Heaters .from $3,50 up
A few second-hand THEATERS in stock-
•at lowest prices, Stove Pipes, Elliowe,
Boards, Dampers. O'C•Mats, Etc.
righten up for the long Winter
.months, =CHINAM L all colt
ors, 20c a Tin. CAMPBELL'S
STAINS, all colors, •20c a Tin,
Special 1,600 Sheets of TOILET •
.You Pay far I'Ha
for 0 .
We Give You older.
�a�dw e
P1t3oNE �Iea��an s � Plum
27 A, 8
�- and Stove Store r .
,Patriotic League Notes
1 The Patriotic' League met in the
'3Libnary con. Friday evening last and
Selected IFirs. W. J. Beer las,sscretary
.ond'Mrs, ,McGillicuddy, tre'asurcr. It
nv'as announced that the tea froom
opened Saturday a.fteenoens from
'to d o'cleois tet reeelve ;comforts ;tor
,;sthe,soidiers and clothes tor the (3ell.
;Warm:, Those: who Have socks or
ec •s ` tt
is lauded are en
quested to bring
4sem inti ti'.
The invitetions'are out for the U.
"At %Tome,ft
to be held in thescho`cil,
building on 17'riday evening •of this
On TharsdaY• October 28th,. The,
Dorenwend Coyt, of Toronto, Lttltn en-
aila's foremost hair goods dusigiera
rand manufacturers will display and'
.demonstrate a; sample dock of ladiee
quality ,h'air-goas and' t4entlen'ieln's'
toupees anld 'Swigs et the Central Hotel
Exeter; ,A.'free demonstrationof any
style is, tsva.ilable to ancone interested,
Mr and Mrs. Richard Hicks former-
ly of Centralia, Ont. but now of 'Fort
Saskatchewan, •Alta, celebrated their
golden wedding September the 16th
at the home of their :daughter Mrs.
Vail, Edmonton, Friends and members
of the family living in the west, gath-
ered to celebrate the event and offer
congratulations and best wishes. An
Illuminated address and suitable gifts
were presented by the family.;, Fol-
lowing is the address,
In the year 1865 in the month of
September, a marl, and, a woman vow-
ed. before God to love .honor and cher-
e h other in sickness'and is health
until death did them part, and Rich-
ard Rinks and Rebecca Elston went
out into the -world husband .i and Svifc
.by the laws of God and man to start
ai ;itew• home on the old farm amid the
fertile bares Of Sunny' Soath,:Uuron
ia`the:Province. of. Ontar'o.,Years pas-
sed on .as years will do, bringing' with
them joy and sorrow, labor ,and ,wetl
earned rest, bringing las well schildred
into -the home, ten of thein, seven
lads and three lasses, to Add to t'}ieir
tes'ponsibilities and joys of life: One
little : girl soon bvent back to her
Maker but to -day nine of us live to
celebrate with you j our Golden Wed -
+ding•. We realize that we have been
blessed•indeed to have ,been the 'child-
ren of that 'home and to have had the
have ve land •d
P uI ancc wise g of a vise and de-
voted father land mother through so
m%nr.y 3eters. We look back to it with
love aid pleasure and ;tve;know shat
svh'ttever success we may ,have made
ir. life is due to the loving .Christian
tenchieg of our father and mother
it d just in so far as we have follow -
cd that teaching and example has God
blessed us. To -day (someof us are ,not
with you in bods but we are all lyres-
ent in spirit and in givingyou our
love and greeting, we pray that many
Wore years turas !yet be added to the
,fifty already spent. We ask you to
aecept these tokens of, ours lore as
tl'ymbols of the golden ,sears of 'Sour
life together, that God may bring Sou
d .. •hat o
'blessings unnumbered and that v u
maybe spared to us and to each othei
in health and happiness for many
ycaus to +come is the earnest . wish
,and prayer of your children, your
children-inelaw and your grandchild-
`NEW BUTCHER -141r. Begg desires
to announce that he ,will call. for aa:•d
deliver orders to any part or ' .the
tow,Q. Your patronage solicited.
Air; and Mrs Jas, (,quire, rof Wood-
ham,' have the sy>tipatky of their
many friends in the loss ,of their -little
daughter, Ila Mary, aged 8 months
and 24 days which took place on
Wednesday of last week, The fun-
eral was held on Friday to the '.&irk -
ton cemetery.
A union Thankoffering meeting of
the W, M. S., the Logie M. S, and
the Mission Band of Caren Presbyter-
ian chureh was held on, Tuesday even-
ing; A splendid address was 'deliv-
ered by Miss rI•tussenholt, Deaconess
of St. Andrews church, London. The
Mission Band ,sang a couple of aseiec-
tions. After the program refresh-
ments were served and ,a very en-
ioyable time spent. A splendid of-
fering was received. Miss R.ussen-
bolt was accompanied by her 'brother
who has enlisted for active service..
Miss Belle liirown, of Toronto, is 'a
pleasant visitor among many of her
friends here,
Pte Frank Dent had a very success-
ful sale of farm stock owl implements
on Thursday last.
Ptes James Russell and Frank ,Dent
who t inenlised7
the 1st Battalion
have been drafted into the ,34th.•
Mrs. Crank Dent was hostess to an
enjoyable afternoon tea for a Large
number of her friends •onrSaturday;
Air, Gleason Gill has returned to
his home in Oak River, Man. atter
/speeding a week with friends in this
Rev. Mr. Sterling. of Fullerton, will
conduct the onniistt Thanksgiving ser-
vice of the G.O:C F ihrtheir hall on
Sunday,Oct. 31st '
Trooper Fred ,Balfour, son of Mr.
John Balfour:, a former ti,usseldaie
resident, has beenkilled ha action :ac-
cording to information received beton =,,1 -
Trooper Balfour enlisted with . the b
Strathcona horse.
W. 11. Teachers' held
Successful Convention
$200,00 donated to Red ,Cross Wont
Gov't,. Liquor Polley Scored• -Canon
Tucker delivers Great Addrese
Tho t - rr
th embltth annual conven-
tion of the West Huron Teachers' As
sociation waa held in the Public
School, Exeter, .tin Thursday -and Fri-
day October 14th' and 15th,. x915.
The chair was occypied by the
President ,Ver. George, M'awsom, of
Exeter del and devotional' exercises were
conducted" by Inspector ;,Tont
The nxinutea rxf the 'dist sessions of
the last annual convention held in
Goderich, May 1st; 1914, were read
and adopted,
Mr. Tont spoke of .tlze numbers of
changes in teachers in. the public
schools mentioning tt
onin •
'there ere wL•`re
only 27 teachers out of 110 in Rural
schools who are 'io'the' same school
as the) were in when the eonventi0n
me' last year. 'o .
Miss A. E. Consitf httreauced the
subject of Art ] i1 .
n 7x� t '
and in an interestittg ailed lucid junkie lman,-.
ner explained her metliod of teaching
the subject. She ,alayays takes the
subject after three, about twice a
week. Her pupils `:a'roy-ide the ob-
jects and all in the roam; draw the
s arae object, In itbe autumn'she has•
her class draw trues and flowers.
Another day they' draw this some
object from memory. Thepupils
are frequently required to illustrate
stanzas of poetry or suggestions of
literature lessons. Copies are made
fron3 postcards, etc. Colors are in-
troduced with the youngest pupils
because of the intersest- Pastella pen-
cils are used in preference to water
colors Then with a class of teach-
ers Miss Consitt taught how to draw
ad ear of corn, proving that she was
a master hand in the teaching of
drawing Samples of her pupils' •v-ork
were distributed for the inspection of
the teachers.
Miss I. ,Quacken,btish .them' introduc-
ed a class of bays and girls who sang
splendidly several ,bright little songs
that were •enjoyed by all,
itr•. Wm 111a.CRay.'read an excelle
ent paper on Your Country Needs
You, full of inspiration and help to
all. He spoke of the •necessity of in-
dustry, the influence of the teacher,
and supreme necessity of`the present
hour Inspector Tom spoke of it as
one of rthe best papers ever ,.ead at
one of our conventions. The paper
will be published for the benefit of
Mr. J. Dearness, M.A of London
Normal School, discussed the Synthe-
tic method in Composition and in a
masterly way presented his way of
teaching composition, dividing his
hints into those dealing first with the
mechanicaI stage and secondly with 1
the rhetoricaI stage; Under the first
heading he spoke of •improving the
child's use of words, of the child's
learning approved farms .Ot`, writing
short sentences, etc, Under the .:ec-
onrd heading he stressed especially
skill in arranging material and refine-
ment and effectiveness of expression.
The address was interesting and in-
Afternoon Session
lviinutes of previous session epprov-
ed, The President's address was
read by ,Mr. Mawson., His subject
was Christian Manhood. He spoke of
Canada's enviable position in the
world, in size, fertility and product-
ion, as well as in her intelligent and
brave citizens in whatever, capacity
they are found. He showed the •�0« ."4"a•4�•63®.6 GA�d�+•®�.4�0d.QdQ4���AA @d*etb�id?<44 �p
gree+ dut3 involved upon 'the teach- o
Mre. John ,Snell delft Monday nation -
leg, for,Wiud'mor to ,visit her daughter
Mrs. O. iET Smith for some months;.
The choir of larder street Methodist
church' with extra help, *re •praetis-
I :g maeje for a comeert to be given
on'.h'ov.. 1th or 16th, assisted by sortie
adv'ancedl ,pupils of Mr. R: Phillips,
and atm one of the leading tenor
Waists of Toronto. A very high-class
programme 'and rdt good variety will
be performed. Further /annou iees-
ments latex. Jindiv reutevaber the
Ua•ve Your
Howse Store
�� r �
� re
Wire -I
We do Writing which we
guarantee the Hydro Power
will connect with when it
conies. Give us a .chance to t
go over your jobs and give
you an estimate on ft. Only
the latest approved wire
conduit steep cut-out bonzes
and other electrical supplies
Beer St Davis
77nde[ the auepfce0 of the '.
4"nliiia.wa Ai.n c....:,.a:
e etas `
i e�aoft e
^..•rw.w.•y •...Y.� ..s 4.e.g41S.�'
an entertainment veill'be
:given in tale
Opera House,
Friday Oaf'29 '15
Two 45 Miote Plays.:
by nine local yoeng ;people.
.6' WHO 44LErIVlt9.'AWIAJ
a skit by seven ladies;,
WALt'ER A. liksOUTOar, El.vN
st of
London, on will
,giive several seleotione.
rale EXETER 3014 REST;TEs',A.
will furnish music,
Aden ia*elac, Reserved BSeate=fie
fames. B,T.. Y. I ooa, re,zident
Men. E. 3'. Ori stern, Secretary
am- Worth of Traveller? Samples
just opened up, including
Sweaters, Undershirts, Top Shirts, Hos-
ler-.,. Mitts; Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Bins
�9 � I 9 9
Ties, Etc,, to he sold at less than the
present wholesale price.
g Shoes and Rubbers
sizes and kinds.
13. W. F.
ers of Canada .to carry out the 'riin- •*
ciple:• reauired of Canadian citizens. i
The matter of a. patriotic eontrib- •
utioi from the teachers was left to e:
a special committee to, report upon w
Inspector Tam spoke u•non School •
Regaterulations and ExaminatiOtis and •
give a Iarge amount of information ••
and advice which was •very ..•relpful-
:41r, 1. Dearness took tip the sob- :.
feet of Nature Study, ai±l in n, very •
thorough ,manner; after sh:oting the •
reason: for his contentions, he show- •
ed that Nature Study is not merely 40430
mfor<uing children of the, multiplicity •
of the facts of nature, but it is c.n. 4
•oatrary developing their powers
r th protmriate reactions on seI- •
c.ed exjiieri-aces and . phenomena. • 4
earning narnes, making • collections a( •
a ural objects, and even school gar- •
min may be almost useless for teal •
ducatiou - Nature Study,. is a meth- .la
d more than a bodyof subject inat •
er, a training
of the. child's s mind
trough his sense activities. 'raken:a•
ogethei it was an admirable adda•ess, ••
Mr, Howard in a very interesting •
anion enumerated :the various' steps •
which he taught science in Fifth •
lass In Zoology and Botany he had •
hs' specianens' to be studied in the •
chool having the pupils . bring the ,iy
pcchneais where possible. It causes •
Mr Dearness explained the Naturem
Nature Study course outlined in the •
ba l -s of regi.s`ers. .Eke would have •
the lessons made observation Iessons •
instead of lessons of facto. •
Mise 'McDougall of Stanley read a •
good reportort i the rural teachers' acmcrs con--
fe encc fin Guelph, reporting the ad- t
rra:ttages 01 organizing Progress Clubs •
n schoo
s the fact 'that inDenmark
the ' rtr.ra! church, 'school, pastor's and
teacher's haxn.es 'are grouped togeth-
er, that the school be, made•• the soc-
ial centre, etc. . '
:alt, Howard, ;anetixer delegate, gave
synopses of Mn McDougall's ideas
c ''41r ;vi •,
it 1)
' ural Problem, c
oma �C )
Miss Lizzie Doupe, of Kirkton, is
visiting friends in this vicinity, o
The silos ereii filled/except o
T s !1tie in
this vicinity and the corn twas'an ex- tl
cel len t 'crop.
Miss 'Pearl Ashbury, of Lu'can,
spent Sunday ]rote the. guest of Min- m
nie .Alillson.
Miss Mabel Dranion, of Granton, c
visited- over Sundaythe guest o Miss
e i t.
Bessie Morley',
John Hutchinson, who has rented s
Henry •Srluire's term moved to his
new home on Saturday -
Air, :land Mrs. J. V. Milieu have
t t past week visiting with
slim lie i s e g i h
relatives rand 'friends around here,
Mr. George 'Hudson and ,Ide. John
Parkinson, -of illanshard, have each
bought ' oils i Grantonand 1 •
i, ahouse nare
giving pp farn'nng•t
Mrs. Ethel Johnston, of London,
spent last 'week here with her mother,
llfas, Sutherby, who returned with her
to visit Tor a few days in the City,
The anniversary 'services held here
on.Sunday were •a grand success,
Rev. Findlay' preached two very able
••--•- sermons ,and the, singing by ;the choir
atssisted ' by Miss Mable Dradion, of
Si..nmiel ,Witie d Vatted With his °
CYranton vas of a h h order. The
eieter Lavin; in Thed,for T.hte ;day'. j contributions, amounted to nearly $70,
(Continua obs page five)
• 1►•�eE►tM•1i�adtiiu
We have our Fall Stock all in and carry a complete
lite of the latest creations k Men's Toggery
041e Nervy Fedora •Hats in the rlif,feedaii styles, shapes
and .colors, are sAtracting.•fattetirtdor;, We can
i '• Tl, pith Something Natty
En Shirts, Collars, Ties and Socks, Wehave a specially
fine showing for men.'
W}W NOT BE l'ilEAStJRED at the same time for
your New Suit, Woolen Goods are advanc-
ing rapidly in rice yet we. are maintaining
ap Y price,g
cock bottom prices. The rich shades and
fine weaves will appeal to you.
We also have a splendid y rlendid showin in Read y -to- t , ti•
Suits, Overcoats, etc, etc.
oine in early and lot us shah, you.
Hi O
•d• w.iws's**ea. ss*b*esse•se44s•tee 44A44F•4-