HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-10-14, Page 8TUTJBSDAY, OCTOBER 14th, 1915.. 1 R E SOLV ED THAT 'YOU WILL HUNT NO FURTHER FOR 1T" Ir You C'oWETo05. "WE HAVE JUST WHAT YOU 'WANT A N D IT 15 THE RIGHT PRICE WE HUNTED IT FOR. YOU WHEN BUYJN4 O1JR CLOTH Cs CLOTHING BOUGHT RIGHT IS EASILY SOLD. WE HUNTED THE BEST MARKETS IN THE LAND AND HAVE BRoUGHT To OUR STORE THE CHOICEST FABRICS AND NIFTIEST MODELS. BUY A BRAND NEW SUIT of CLOTHES AND oVERCoAT. THEY WILL NoT ONLY MAKE YoU LooK WELL, BUT FEEL NAPPY. IT PAYS To DRESS WELL. BECAUSE WE SELL THE BEST FoR LEES, IT WILL PAY YoU To BUY. IT WILL PAY YoU To BUY EVERYTHING YoU NEED FROM US. Men's Overcoats We want you to see the smart styles that we are showing for young men this Fall. These cloths are entirely new. The prices will suit your purse. Sweater Coats For every member of the' family in the fancy weaves with the new convertible collars. New Underskirts We are showing some new ideas in underskirts. They are guaran- teed to wear four months or you get a new one free. All colors, at $1.50. English Flannellette, 18c a Yd. That is first-class, good weight and fine finish, and is special value at above price, 6. 1 i. Children's sleepers In three sizes, warm and cosy sleepers for the little tots, made from fine fleece material. 65c, 75c and 85c. Misses' and Ladies' Fall Coats The materials are very pretty and are made up en natty styles and belted backs and flare skirts. A great variety of coats to pick from. Combination Underwear In the famous "Ceetee" make. For boas, women and men. Also fine range of heavier makes ih Penman's and Stanfield's. Union Sheeting In cream and grey. This materi- al is very hard to procure. The price that we are quoting is very low. 72 inches wide, per yd., $1.00 Cushioned Soled Shoes For men and women. Why wear shoes thatuo not give you comfort? Try a pair of our cushioned soled shoes and you will want no other. Wall Papers Any one wanting papers at this time of the year will do well to come to use. Odd lots for any roam at half price. Live Poultry wanted== �'< a want, your Poultry this sear We Will pay highest market price for lige or dressed birds. J. A. STEWART PHONE 16 'Market Reporta -The follnwtog is the report of the Fxetee market eerrected up to October 111th,. Wheat 70 to .85o ' Barley 40 'to 15o r ' Oats 350 -, ; i ' lite 7'<is Beck -heat 50c.i, r ' •._, E. Peas $1.00 Ed I Family flour $2.80., `t ! ; Low (Grade Flour $1..75., Bran $25 per ton.. •° fiT`• i Shorts $26 per to sar 1; Sugar Beet pulp $25 per ton Butter 241to 26c1. ea IX,' Creamery butter 30 to 32e.; Eggs 25c, 26c, a‘, f: l Hogs, $9,"35 1 ' ' Chicken, alive 10, dreseed, 12c. Old hens, alive 8, dressy L' 1 Oo Old (Roosters alive 7c; ,dressed 90 Ducks, dressed 12c Geese, ,dressed 11c 1 Potatoes '$1.00 to $1,40,;; Notice We, the 'undersigned, hereby agree to close our places of business each evening during the week at six o'clock sharp, with the exception of Saturday evening, beginning Novem- ber 1st. W. W. Taman G. Et. Bedford Syd. Davis J. A. Stewart Peter F'rayno SI Martin & Son kW. J., Deer Jones a111Cay. Grigg Stationery Co. Wm, Rivers , B. WeF.Beavers T. Hawkins & Son W. J. F1eaman R. N. Stowe Jas. Beverley, .- ,-re az ".A Man's Ability ie his Passport'' Frank Weaver Professor of Music, London,, Ont, Teacher of Organ ata all br eelr and of Piano P1a3 ling ; Voice Culture and Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 years practical experience. , For Terms apply at S. Ild actin & Bon's Music Store AUCTION SALE—Farm of 145 'acres Farm Stock and Implements. Clear- ing out sale on October 13th, 1915, at arippen P;.Oa on G, T. R 'Geo, Tay- lor, Prop„ T. '.Brown, ,Duct. LOST A. year old Jersey heifer, on or about Aug. 26th. Strayed from prem- ises of Sohn tlerdman, 7th con. ,Us- borne. Lot. C, Any person notifying Milton Sleamon of wberc'abouts of same will be Damply rewarded. AA- ark ss. R. tt. No. a. Exeter, Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO P1 A r•rNi.i♦....♦NN.M♦♦.... • • LOCAL •. ♦...r♦ .•••... EIOUSE FOR SALE -1 story frame house. and 'a frame barn and two acres of land on North St. Apply to Jos. Eawden, Exeter. FOR SALE -16 yearlings, majority grade Durham steers. Purchaser to have privelege of leaving , on , good grass fpr few weeks, A..0.. Francis, 1 mile north of Win- cbelsesi. FOR SALE -1 white enamel bed, mattress and springs; 1 mahogany bedroom set complete; 1 mahogany sideboard. Apply at Stewart's store. -Read the auction sales on page four. The Canada Temperance Act wilt be voted on in Lambton county early next year., The Tinies has added the Canadian Ccuntryman to its clubbing list and will club the two papers for wee 'year for $34.50. Dr, G._W. Racey, of i'tarkhill is one of six doctors chosen. for• overseas with the (Royal Array Medical Corps. Fie is'given the ran;&.of lieutenants NEW TAILOR SHOP N. Sheere desires to an- nounce to the public that he will, on SEPT. 1st 1915 open up an up-to-date LADIES and GENTS Tailoring Business in EXETER He will put in a full line of fashionable goods and will al- ways have a large assortment of Samples to choose from. Our motto will be to give the best possible value at the least possible price, A Call Solicited 111 Sheere StandUpstairs—Opposite the Central Hotel, Elderly people should use Rexall Orderlies. They are a perfect and mild laxative;. Sold only by W., S. Cole, the !taxa!! Store, 10c., 25c and 50c. boxes. A quiet but bapp3' event was cele- brated at the Evangelical parsonage, Zurich, on Thursday evening, Sept., 30th, when Rev. G. E. Brown tied the knot which united in marriage Mr, William J, Hill andMiss Emelia 13. Wetzel, both of Moorefield, Ont. A serious accident occurred to .Geo., Faegan, son of John Faegan, of Col- borne township on Wednesday after- noon of last week.. The young ,man was assisting in cutting cor r, for a silo when he got his left hand caught in the knives severing his' hand at the wrist., The young man is very popu- lar land much sympathy is felt for him,, The following figures are taken from the 1915 ,Collector's Roll of Hay Township as prepared by the Clerk and which is now in the hands of the Collector, Mr. E. Klopp, 'who will soon start the ;collection of the" ,taxes for this year: county Tate and war tax, $7743.06; township rate $4836.34 telephone rate, $4678.09; statute la- bor, $230.90; Dog taxes, $363.00; drainage taxes $604.20; :police village rates, $879.39, school taxes, $12722.30. The total amount of `faxes to be .'col- lected according to the roll is $32060.- 28. Visitors in Town Ancon those who spent. Thanktegiv- tag holidays, in town were: . Miss Etta Kerslake at• her home Lere, . , '.' , I Mr, W. Brad, of London, with his parents. 2dr. Ma1o.Ge, of Tillsonburg, with feeerals E te. Leon Treble, of London, .with his parents, Mr, Daniel Prior, of Clinton, with relatives, air, H. P,arsoes, of Lucan, at ,his home here., Mr. harry Fuke, of Parkhill, with his 'parents.; Junes, -Holman—A. pretty Septem- ber wedding took place at the home of Ms. G. W. Holman, of Egmodnville, foru.erly of Usborne, at hign noon on 'Sept. 29th, when his daughter, Miss Rena'was married to Mr. Wil- liam Js Jones, of Watford, formerly of Seaforth., After a trip to Detroit the young couple will reside yin Tor- onto where the groom travels for a silk company. Among the presents was n cheque from the bri,ie's bro- ther, Gordon, who is at the front in France, and one from her brother Wilmot, Who is training at Sewell, Mane The ;best wishes of many friends will follow them. • • The London Free Press of Wed- nesday evening of last week contained the following write up of Mr. Goldie Cochrane. who is well known here, being a. son-in-law of Mr. Leavitt, his wife and child. staying with her fath- er. "Goldie Cochrane, who not many years ago was known as the @est rover playing hockey in amateur ranks and later played with Hough- ton International Pro League club and. with the Montreal Wanderers for a season, r1 ds t :•an.-ierred ,from the 71st Battalion, in training here, to the 34 Battalion. Since the outbreak of the war Goldie was engaged as foreman of men ni king snclls at Seaforth, leaving his home in Berlin, where his father, Jack Cochrane, who in his day was a fine athlete, is a member of a firm irr, the machinery business. Jack curls and bowls now as apas- time when he is not with his large family.; Goldie enlisted at Clinton, bat wanted to be transferred to the company recruited in his home town, Berlin. The opportunity to get across the pond was grasped when a vacan- cy occurred in the 34th; which ,un- doubtedly will pull out some time in Mr. Grant ;Hooper, of Toronto, with his parents. 'Miss lrna Sweet, of Stratford, with her parents. Miss Alice Handford with her sis- ter in. .Sarnia,,' Miss Vera Rowe, of Toronto, ,with her parents.i airs. Jr Stacey, of Llensall, with efiss Hawkins:. Pte, Earl Mitchell, of London, at his home here., Pte. Edgar Homey, of London, at his 'home .here., Th. Misses lsaacs, of London, with Airs. 7'. Prior„ • Sir. Earle Spackman, of Guelph, with his parents.- Pte.., Elmer 111arness, of London, at his home here., Mr. .Russel i3alkwill, of Seaforth, with his parents, - Mr. Perry Windsor, of Ingersoll, with bis parents. Miss Florence Triebner, of Stratford with her parents,, Miss May Armstrong, of Lucknow, with her parents. Mr., Wm. ,dill, of Toronto, vlith bis father, 1V 1r. G. Hill, Miss Flossie Pepper, of Hamilton, with Miss May Jones.,, Mrs. Robinson, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Restle, Mr. Earle Brickwood, of Niagara Falls, with •his parents. Pte. John Hogarth, of London, with his parents in Stepheni Pte Goldie Cochrane of London, with ales. Cochrane of ;town. Dr. L. Le rollick and son, of St. larys, with his mother,'. Mr. and Mrs. R. Huston, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Taylor., airs. IRobt. Sweet and daughter Merle, of Clinton, with relatives. Mrs. M. Spicer and' daughter Pearl of London, with Miss .J,, A. Spicer. Privates Chester Harvey and Reg. Knight, of London, with their par- ents, Mrs. Seaborn, of Lontton, visited her brother, Mr. Russel Smith, in town. Mr. and Mrs. ,Josh Inwood and. lit- tle daughter with Mr.. and. Mrs. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Geo_ Young and child- ren. of London, with: Mr. and Mrs. Jas., Beer. - Mrs. 1). lCritterden and d.augbter Dorothea. of (Blyth,' with Mrs. C. A. Southcott. ii1rs. Kaufman and son Gerald, of Brantford, ore visiting Mr.• and Mrs. M. Eacrett. Miss Mary Mack, of Toronto and Miss Bertha Mack, of Weston, with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Pride and daughter Edra, of Ailsa Craig, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Elston. Messrs. Lloyd Rivers of Dutton and Harper Rivers of Strathroy, with their parents , Mr. Roy Davis, of London, with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jos. Davis, of Exeter North. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walper and children, of Harrow, with Mr. and Mrs. N. Kestle. alas Harry Hooper and ,Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hooper and child of London, with ,Mrs. Hooper. Misses Olive Wood, of London, and Ruby Wood, of ,Hamilton, with their parents Mr, and Mrs, Dan. Wood. Dir. ,and airs. O.. Becker, of New Hamburg, ar.d Mr. Percy Browning of Toronto, with Dr, and, Mrs. Brown- ing. Mr. and Mrs. _Ernest Connor and three children of Woodstock, and Mr. Arthur Connor, of London, with ,rel- atives., Mr. Geo. Vosper after spending the summer in town following his trade the near future. In the days of the; as carpenter, left Saturday for his Trolley Pro .Hockey league it was us- bome in Toronto\ ually a case of Goldie vs. Goldie ~when ever Berlin and Waterloo clashed, as Cochrane played with Berlin and Gol- die Prodger. of this city, who got his first start ie fast company when Albert Hergott larded him and Eddie Oatman., Oatman is still with Port- land, Ore., in the Pacific coast League, while Prodger is with Montreal Wan- derers.l" .,f..,,.•: t Visitors Out of' Town Among those who spent Thanksgiv- ing holidays out of town ,were Miss T. White in Detroit. 'Mrs. .W'm. I3awden in Lucan. Mrs. Simon ICampbeli in St. Marys. Mr. W. Fritz at his home in Guelph Mrs. Brock and Miss Edna in 11en- sall, Mx. Edgar Torrance at his home in Clinton. '?+' Mr. W. Statham with his parents at Acton. Mrs. 3.. Blatchford, with her son Lee in London., . Mrs, 1l. Rowe and daughter Mildred in Clinton, Mrs. T. 13. (Carling, 'Misses Nina and Grace in Brantford.' 'Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred May and Mr, Wm. ktay ir, Mitchell. Misses F. Francis 'and. II, .Dennison, of Osborne, in London.. Misses Hamilton and Pridham at their hbtnes in Goderich, Reeve J. W. Taylor with 'hie daugh- ter,'Mrs, J, McTavish, of Shdkespeare. Mr. and Mrs. We E. Hovey and family with Rev, D. A.. 'end Aire. .Fear at Teesivater. w, Mr. John Laign, who recently dis- posed of bis farm near Cromarty has purchased ie residence in Seaforth and moved his family to that places , Mr. R. T.; Wright, Mr. and Mrs Jas I'itre:immons, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright, of Thorndele, motored, over and '"visited Mr., and ;Mss.,., J. Willis Powell., Mrs. Stewart Menzies and daughter Miss Bessie, of 56 i:rambly Ave, Tor- onto, spent Thanksgivic,g with Mr. and Mrs: Andrew Hackney of ehe Usborne & Hibbert boundary. 'Mr. land Mrs. 'Welington iMitcheLl: and two children and Mr. Garfield Sheere'rand 'daughter . Madeleine, of Brantford, motored up and spent Sun- day and Monday with relatives. a1:ICKS' FORECASTS The Second Regular Storm Period is central on the 18th, extending its influence .from the 16th to the. 21st, inclusive, Disturbing Causes and (What to Look For—The regular 'Vulcan period is strongly reinforced by the coal - bleed influences ofealsreury eat (Mars, The Moon passes over the celestial equator or. the loth, going. from south to ..Orth declination,,Th's fact promis- es to temper the atmosphere with warmer, southerly wiedd, ,with .Octob- er rains and thunder.storms on, and about the 20th. The re dinar fall' ar.d rise of the barpoaeter, eassie .clast- wardly'.cross ,the country in regular successive order, wilt mark this *axial, • Come Come old and Young OCTOBER 18 to 23 EDISON WEEK CONCERT EVERY DAY COME IN THOMAS A. EDISON EDISON WEEK October 18 to 23, -will be observed throught the world and will be a big function, We will be pleased to see as many as possible at our store not only in EDISON WEEK but any time. No home is complete without a Phonograph, AS MUSIC BRIGHTENS THE HOME The New Edison Diamond Phonographs and Industructible records will be on exhib- ition. Edison records are the strongest, sweetest and longest playing records on the market to -day. )3e sure you see the Edison before you buy an instrument. Visit Powell's, Exeter, 1 --Edison WEEK OCTOBER ' i8 to 23 There are Edison at $4.0 0o and Edisons up. to $6r5 00, an Edison for everybody. POWELL'S J. WILLIS POWELL, Agent. • :trg :I"IK ei m* - r1. .I ma. .NIS: :mm 4 OM 6-1 w: .1112 NNI" ii'mtl1n �nlm .11,111. FPI I«: 11111MiG.cuuMOlI ilia -._= -wa=_wNsswoasYcas sealer-- N.wN-'NN.=�.f.N ccfa=a ..Ci8e-=N's3IiiYc_•c•- !sal TFJE MUTUAL LIFE �1w Insurance Company of New YorkOMONN : ala The Oldest Life Insurauep Company in America Assets over ,n a S61I. 000 , 000 HE DOCTRINE, that in life insurance as in most other things, home institutions should be especially favored, is a sound one and worthy ;of all commendation. The particular home insti- tution, which should be favored above all others, is one's own family—the wife and children. For their protection the bread- winner carries life insurance which is to supply them with food and clothing and shelter when he is no longer here to care for them, The vital question for him to decide is, NOT the LOCATION of the Company which furnishes the insurance but, first: the safest and strong- est Company; for when wife and children are concerned, the safest is none too safe. Second: the Company which can furnish the most protection for the amount one is able to .pay; This will be the Company whose Policies cost least as measured, NOT by the PREMIUM, but by the NET COST—the Premium less the Dividend, HESE are the chief, the essential considerations, Apply the test to THE GREAT MUTUAL LIFE, the oldest Company in America, and one of the strongest financial institutions in the world, Send for Literature explaining the Advantages of our STANDARD POLICIES L. D. VINCENT,` AGENT, EXETER, ONTA RIO al;l� :gin': •112 vim2 :11160 :111111. 111 111 11 fi eClGet�_ a �a aw�-a..eep.- a'�=' . EWA' qq N.-..aNaa gee"@�P3R�z€ -=-m a = ' OO" :U=