HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-10-14, Page 5!1WE$DAY, OCTOBER 14th, 4915. •;.OTHER OF SCHOOL GIRL ',eUs How Lydia E. Piinkhailn's Vegetable Compound Re- stored Her Daugh- tet's Health. rover, Iowa. -"From a moan Aria ;my 13 year old daughter bad female ;:,..- weakness. I spoke to three doctors about it and they did not help her any. Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Com- pound had been of great benefit to me, so I decided to have her, give ita trial. She has taken five bottles of the Vege- table Compound se - =nag to directions on the bottle and she is cured of this trouble. She wea all rias down when she started taking the Compound and her periods did not -come right She was so poorly and weals that I often had to help her dress herself, but now she is regular and is growing strong and healthy." -• Mrs. MARTIN H$LVIG, Plover, Iowa Hundreds, of such letters expressing gratitaide for the good Lydia E. Pink-. stem's Vegetable Compound has accom- dished are constantly being received, -proving the reliability of this grand old remedy. THE EXETER 14/K$ Crediton On tl'hursday, Oct. 21st to fowl soo- ner. followed 'by til concert will be given in the lifethodist °buret), .Credi- ton, Admission 25 ani 35 cents, DASIJ WOOD: Mr; fly, 'Willert shipped a car load of cattle to Buffalo last week,; He accompanied . Liman Mrs J. Zimmerman, of Tttviistock, is visiting friends in town. Mr. Phillip Eassold is building, a new kitchen. The little son of Wm. 13iweber, who recently underwent an operation is irnprov;ng nicely,( The young people of tins village presented 'a silver te'a service to Mrs. -A. Doan, nee bliss Emma Calle fas, in honor of her recent 'Wedding. The nocrtsion «as a very 'pleasant sn''r•' prise party, Mr. J. R. Ehlers is having his kit-. often remodelled, Report 'for the month -of Septet:Ober of Room 1, Dashwood Public school. The report is based or. 'attendance. •diligence and generaltdemeanor,. Sr. 1't. 11-X3'rbar. Zimmer 83; Lil- lie Willert 77, Leo Eveland 77, Harry Zimmer 66. Lucile Willert 65, Court- :eey Eidt 52, Alice 1loffman 48 absent Victor Tyler 46, henry Bieber 40, Luella Stire 38 absent, Solomon I3ett- ehen 36, absent., Jr, Pt. 11 -Percy Klierstiver 83, E. Guenther 79, Reggie 'Armstrong 77, Elmer Zimmer 74, Ii1llrnie !Rinker 73; Verde, Baker 71, Oscar Miller 66, C. Bender 43, Alice Grigg, `Pt.. 1. B -Pearl Gabel 89, Ethel Gabel 85, Harold Kellerman- 82; Lorne Tiernan 76, Eddie Hamacher 60, Annet- ta. Stein. hhgen 59, Almada Miller 58, Loreen Baker 52. Pt. I A -Courtney Burmeister 75, Emma Graupner 73, Edna Wilds 71, Wealthy Schroeder 70, Lottie Arm- strong 68, Ethel Hartleib 61, 'Walter Stire 50, Leonard Bender 47. Average attendance 32. A. rinkbeiner. 1Mr. and M s. James, of London, spent .the week end with Mrs, Louis Wein Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown and family spent a few days in Berlin last week. Mr. Wellington Smith, of Berlin, •was a guest at the ;Central 'Hotel over 'Sunday„ Miss (Rhea ;McCurdy of tlsborr,n Tp. visited with (miss ElsSre kiei'.zle for z fcw'days, Mr. Sam Finkbeiner of S'arina,rgpgt. the week end under the parental roof Mr, kand Mrs. `Chris Finkbeiner, , of London, visited 'the former's mother over the lbolidays. Mr, e cd Mrs. ;henry Sweltzer with their family left ifor Berlin on Mon- day where they will make their future home. Mrs. Mouse, of Berlin, Ls vis- iting her sister, Mrs. (Henry i totz Sr. Mrs. Otto Uuibach of -Waterloo, is visiting relatives. !?',•! Mrs. Mrs. Niohols, of London, is visiting her (mother, 11Zrs. 'fly. Motz, Sr. Rev. Geo. iFinkbeiner, of Passadean TIL,'is renewing acrluaintan'ces in town and .pre'achcd a very inspiring sermon •on Sunday morning last, ,also addressing the Sunday school end giving a talk on missions irllthe even- ing. Missionary services were observed in the Evangelical church on ,Sunday last, In the evening 'an excellent program was given consisting of ad- dresses and special music. The offer- ing for the day 'amounted to over $190'00 On Monthly evening the "El- gar'.' Ladies Quartette, of London, t"ur- nished lair excellent grogram under the auspices of the 'Junior ,Y. P. At Mrs. • Jtellhoffer• returned missionary from China elk) gave a very inspiring address op the customs of the Chinese. The total receipts were $40.00. Mr, )and Mrs. Webb, of London, were in town over the week end. Miss Lydia Oestreicher. of Stratford end Bliss Lulu Geiser, of London. were home over the holiday. If you are ill do not drag along and continue to suffer day in and day out but at once take Lydia E. "'inkhorn's Vege- table Compound, a woman's remedy for woman's ills. If you 'ant special advice write to .Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi- dential) Lynn, Mass. •, Your letter will Le opened, read and 'answered by a 'Iranian and held in strict confidence. The story of Jack the Giant -Killer las always fascinated. One small boy xlestroyed a great menace. So it is :with the wonderful TAKAKE, which unaided destroys the Giant Pain. Meadaches, Rheumatism. Sciatica, Neuralgia, Sleeplessness, sand all nerv- ous affections, fly before it to their utter ,destruction. , Because you have used all other ltenaedies without results is the best reason for using TAKAKE which grv-, .les quick and permanent relief in ,thee .most chronic cases. One of its many attractions is its absolute freedom from any habit-forming drug. Use one box and the result twill show you that like little Jack, you ,tiro live happy ever after. Get TAKAKE. There is nothing the same or "just as good." 50e at your sernggiist'sr or 45c by ,nail from Geo -g - Ian Mfg. Co.r iCollirigwood, ` 3hil.c rof Cr' FOR FLETCHER'S -CA TORLA CENTRAL STEM tirO.F10. CANT. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE �I► • A 4 4 4 Alp 2 4 4 • 4 4 ▪ yot*. D, A. MCLAGHLAN. i �► PxtlycIPAL. i,s•ii#•aet.aa oa,4.s+r,rsas+:►ats,►s• 4 •i 4 1 9v A • Our instructors are expert•' 2 enced. Pupils get individual e attention angraduates ate al n pieced in positions. We are re- i ceiving applications we cannot 3r tweet.. Students may enter at any time. send' for our free e atalogue and see if it interests Z 'IN MEMORIAM In Ioving memory of Mrs. Wm. Ile dden, who died in Crediton East on Oct: 15th, 1914 Do not 'ask us if we miss her, There is such a vacant place; Oft we think eve hear ,her footsteps, Or even see her smiling ,£ace., She has gone to brighter regions, Safe from every grief and care; God loved her too, and, thought it best To take her home,,with'him to rest. To -day' we are in ,`best (of health, To -morrow where are we? Perhaps beyond that chilly tide, Where n11 so soon' must be. Time passes and we miss her still No other one herplace can fill; We loved her; Op no,tongue can tell flow much .ss hoped her, and, how K ell t.'. ,c . `e:3Eanxily. J 10 uu'rCA$ I Z " _ y i BHJQ V B OR CO )�} 1 For ' Sick Headache, our Stomach.. Sluggish siver and Dowels -=They, work while you sleep. r'erred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges- tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with Undi- gested food, 'which sours and fermente like garbage in a swill barrel. That's ithe first.; test to untold misery --d di gestion, foni gases, bad breath, yellow ektn, mental' fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. 'A Cascaret to -night will give your constipated bowels e a thorough ` cleansing and etraighten you out by morning. ^ They work while you sleep --a 10 -cent. box. 'from your druggist will keep you feel- ing good for months. G'RANTON Thanksgiving services will be 'con- ducted in the Presbyterian church, on Sunday, Nov, 24th. ,Rev. 'Chester McRoberts„ a London Township old boy, conducted the ser- vices in. the Methodist .churches here and at Wesley last Sunday., Preparations are being made to can- vas the community on Oct:, 21st, Tra- falgar Day. ir, connection with the Empire -wide movement to gain funds for the Red Cross work., The hydro voting has been post- poned indefinately., A petition •to have tr Local Option vote in Biddulpb next January has beer. circulated. Over four hundred signatures have been obtained rep- resenting about 'sixty per cent of the voters.. '.Considering the fact that many voters were not visited theout- look for the success of the campaign. is very bright and no effort will be spared on the part of the workers to have the by-law carried.. SHIPJXA ' PERT PARAGRAPHS. EVERY .father knows he never was such a driveling idiot in his youth as his son„ Is, and the son bugs him- self in the mild delusion that he never will be such a back number as his dad is. Too late for last weeks. Mrs. Jim Lawson and Mrs., Wen. i Martin, of Exeter, .yisitcd Mrs. Al- bert' Keys, 'on Thursday last.,. Mr. 'and Mrs., John Dietrick and family'spent Sunday eve in 'Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lawson of Exe- ter and Mr, and Mrs. Itobt,. ,Maw hi'rney, of Crediton, called on Mrs. Albert Keys Sunday. Mr. Jas. O'Rourke was in Port ;Hu- ron on Monday. Miss Ethel Lynch spent Sunday with Miss Madaline Barry, of Mt„. ICarmei. Mr. and Mrs. John Dietrick and Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker of Dashwood attended Thedford lair,_ ' Following is the report of SA _ S. No., 7, Stephen ,for the month of Sep- tember. The names are in order of merit : IV -Luella 1!inkbeiner; Ernia Lochner, absent. III -Mary lloulahan Edna .Clarke, Willie Schroeder, Violet Kadirg, Mabel Mclsaac, absent, Sr. lL-Vera Gower, Ella Houlahan, Syl- vester Lynch. Alma Dieterich, Bertha Ending, Kathryne Mclsaac Jr. ,11- Harold D' Alvin Lynch;;Sr.1 aChar- IF. zading, Anthony lie Lochner, Luella Gower, Loraine Kenney; .Clement McIsaac, Milford Dieterich, Jack Lochner. Jr. 1 -Gol- die Schroeder, Vcr n Sharp, Flora Wil- liams, absent; Primer, Clifford Ken- ney., Tillie, Dieterich ; Class A ---Willie Lochner, Ailene I3aynham, Martha Latnpurtu , 311, I. Watson, teacher. IRUSSET]DALE Mrs. A. IHodgert and daughter, Marie, spent the Thanksgiving holi- day with friends at ,Chiselhurst. Mrs. (Roy and daughter Alma, of Granton, and Mrs. Jerywc,-of Brod hagen, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mfrs. Mark Clark .during the week i ' Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Dow visited friends in Stratford on Friday; Pte.; James (Russell, of the list Bat- talion, London, spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. John (Cole has returned home after spending a couple of months with friends in Toronto and ,TonWan- c'a. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wagborn spent a week with friends in 1C'a1e- donia., ,Mrs. Thos. Fenner and son lien, of Lumley, were guests at Floral Bower on Sunday. Mrs. Anderson, of Marysville, Vah, bas returned home to lire with her sister,•Miss Ellen Rusisell., Miss Cameron, returned' missionary of Chind, whose home is in Lucknow, addressed'a meeting: oat" Iiloy's church on 'Friday, �mm�mtm�mmrnmirtitmRmwtnutmrsmiitS Why not give your boy and girl an 3 opportunity to maketheirh aid study easy s effective? Give them the same chancesto win pro- motion and success n as the lad having the 14. o w advantage of J ih��;�I�. ,ummm'411h WEBSTER'S ▪ Dictionary in his home. This new NEW INTERNATIONAL s • creation answers with mal audo thor- ity all kinds of puzzling q in history, geography, biography, spelling, pronunciation; sports, arts, E d sciences 60001iIostrations. Colore The type 5 vtolumeencyclopedia- �� of a lb g- '1 More Scholarly,vecthante, Cother!rig, • snd.s,worlta fish pictioitary. REGULAR = an 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 2700 �� Pages. Over The diottoaazy with the Divided to that ANI) INDIA - PAPER EDITIONS WRITZor spool/ 0 d s r FtEaa raofeke 5 Maps it you mule tiiiti petier. C. & C. MERRIAM GO., SPRINGFIELD. MP%S. (111111M1111111111 IlIpu111lillallI#UIIiitilli t1tIi WHAEN If the average man could rich his own affairs as well as he knows he eeuld run the other fellow's there would be a big decrease in the failures reported by Dunn and Bradstreet. Tootench faith is to be deplored even as too little. especially wben deal- ing with a green goods man. •. Same women selec- t their beauty doc- tor with more care than they do their milkman, Most of us can be- ar the troubles of the other fellow much better than be can. One reason why w- omen don't want to vote is because they haven't time to spare from the servant problem. Place For Him. "Do you understand watbematiesT' asked the examiner. "I1 Jobn had two apples one to his sister -oh, tine!" "And grammar?" "Great. Nobody can tell me In that branch." "I1o77 about Latin?" "W„j 41, 'I know just L • •"Rack;'tfi s7tbe stocd;ratids for pou.". Mr,. end Mrs- Ethel Johnston, of London, spent the holidays with her mother.) • Mr. Land .Mrs. 3, V. 7i'Iillson of Mt Bridges spent a fete days of this week here with his children,. Several from here spent Sunday at Woodham attending. the anniversary cervices. Mr. and (Mrs. J. Wright spent Sun- day with friends 'at Centralia( 'Lfr. end Mrs. Wm. Ogden gave a splendid reception to their daughter Vera, and husband, who returned home last week from their. honeymoon AH the young people of tge vicinity were entertained„ 1tev. Mr. Findlay wiA4,P teach an- niversary, services here on S nnday the 17th at 10.30 a.m and 7 ppm. All strangers who can remain over for the evening service will be 'cordially entertained: THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF and gave nothing a IittIe bog IIENSALL At the Thankoffering meeting of the Women's Missionary Society held on •Wednesday of last week, Mrs. Mc- Evoy, of London, gave a very ex- cellent address. There was a good ,attendance 'and at • the close of ;the business the ladies served refresh- ments. Miss Jory, of Exeter, visited Sirs. John Blatchford last week. In response to the ,appeal for the • No Salary Attached. "Being a hero :rust be a lot of sport." "It is good sport, all right" "Still, it bas its •drawbacks. too; 1 suppose." "Yon bet it has." "What are they?" "Well, an empty stomach Is the most uncomfortable." Safe. This land Is well prepared for war. On that don't waste your breath. A regiment of umpires formed Would scare a foe to death. . Long Distance Bravery. "Yon should hare heard father talk. to central this morning when be got mad at the phone." "Central is a woman. isn't she?' "Yes." "And about three miles away?" "I should judge so.".. "I can imagine about what he said." Good Opinion of Himself. "What is the reason that Brown is always butting int" "Wbo-Brown?" "Yes" "Don't you know?" "No." ' "He thinks he is the recording an- gel." FFy His Idea. "It is never too late to mend." "13ic-hie-is that your idea. old boy?" "It is." "Good thing I think it is never too late to spend either, so come on." Silenced His Notes.1 ti iii „ Bed Cross .fund collectors have been ..Is your husband nrusiea appointed to canvas the town fort , "He used to be, but isn't any more." subscriptions and an effort will be (;citing old? m made to raise $1.,000„ Dr. 11. G., Malloy has moved into the dwelling he.recently purchased from Mrs.'Mk1ler,and Dr. B'ardie and family are 'moving into the premises he purchased from Dr.r. Malloy. s. Miller for the present is living, over Mr. P. Wiggins' store. ' Mr. T. C. Joynt has opened up `a men's furnishing store in the Petty Girls! Try ' ttl Hair gets soft, fluffy and block. beautiful -Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine. 11 yon care for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable softness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if yon have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of itis lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a feverishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots faintsh, loosen and°die; �thenthe'hair falls out fest* Surely 'get' a 25 -cont bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from atiy, drug More•- and lust try'it. ZURICH Nr. Fred Deichert, of Cavalier, N. T5, after an absence of thirty-three years. is visiting with relatives and friends in this vicinity. or Pig- eon John 'Brennerrar left t g eore Mich., ;after visiting with rela- tives here Mr. G. Roltztna.n has returned from a few months visit in. Saskatchewan 'and North Dakota,' Children. Ory FOR FLtTCHER'S CASTORIA "No; it isn't tint Re used to pup Cie organ in the ehgrch, but now they have ti taototto no the work." ' END STOMACH TROUBLE, GASES OR DYSPEPSIA "Pape's Diapepsin"" makeii Sick, Sour, Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine In five minutes, • what • you will do for these ? MAGNIFICENT soldiers and sailors from every part of thee British Empire are laying down their lives for youand yours. Perhaps some of your own blood are amongst them. An urgent appeal has gone forth from the Marquis of Lansdowne, Presi- dent of the British Bed Cross, for funds to provide medicines, appliances, comforts, and hospital equipment of all kinds to alleviate the sufferings from wounds and sickness of sailors and soldiers from all parts of the Em- pire. This appeal is endorsed by their Majesties, the King and Queen, and every British possession is setting aside, by official proclamation 'Our �� For Sailors av and Soldiers IF�t V as a day of public giving to aid in this splendid cause, which stands in sev4rit nieed ;f assistmnce, owing to the tremendous demands upon Red Cross w irk. Ontario's Quota is set at $5OOOO We can' and will raise this amount as a token that Ontario feels for our wounded heroes and will not see them languish in their pain and, suffer ing for the want of medical and other comforts. Do your part and make' "Our Day for Sailors and Soldiers" a tremendous success in your locality_ "This is the first appeal of the Motherland to Canadians in this present war. It calls upon our humanity as well as our loyalty." John S. Hendrie, Lieut. -Governor of Ontario. "We shall be truly grateful to you for assistance in relieving the sufferings of our wounded soldiers and sailors from all parts of the Dominions." Lansdowne, President British Red Cross Society. Give to the Red Cross Every cent collected goes to British Red Cross head- quarters, where it is officially and wisely spent. No money is wasted in expenses, even this advertising space is donated by the publishers. Give a day's pay. Do your part. Give liberally and loyally. Give your money, because these brave ones -our sailors and soldiers, are giving their lives for us. Collectors on October 21 will solicit your sub- scription --or make it through your Mayor or Reeve. A Public meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Friday evening make the necessary arrangements If what you just ate Is souring oft your stoi'llach or lies like a lump t led, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and' eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, tininess, nausea, Clad taste in mouth and stomachdheadache, you, can get blessed relief in five minutes.. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by getting a large fifty -cent ease of Perm's Di Pepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how need- lest it is ,'to suffer front', indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disord tho quickest, surest stoniach docs .et in the World, it's ' Wendecfult ?:s iaor'r. "1 like a credulous person." t t ..Do you?" "Yes; I think it shows tygood heart." • :hem! I believe yo ' are a .pro- moter. aren't you?" _ He Was -On. "Are you fond of musk?" "Well. I like fine to bear the bag. pipes tuning up." "1 said music." "Oh, I see. No. to telt the truth I don't care anything about it." Natural Inference. "A Whole train load of babies Went from New York to New Orleans." "What fort" "Adoption." "Have poodle dogs become as scarce as that?" } Playing Safe. "I see you have bought an auto." "Yes, and it a dandy." "1 thought you considered autos dan- gerous?" :. do to the 'people who are wally tug.„ Mucic Poorer. 7 177 - "Flaw 7 -•"How are you fixed?" "1 haven't got a cent. How are you?" "Worse than that. I haven't got a dollar." Would He Fall? "'Whitt are you looking for?" "An bonest man." "Got a lantern?" "No; just a little grafting proposi- tion." Forlorn Hope. "Ile is trying to attain the unattain- able." "To please bis wife?" "No, to please himself." Frivolous. No Time to Se Fr ` for six "Ile hasn't taken • a: vacation years." "Poor than! What's his business?" "Ile is in the pen." Not Fitting. All sports should go by seasons. In winter lee td king. 'l'o have D. skate in sutbtnar Is not the proper tbtnliq, n All Alike. "And how much money does. wife spend?" "Much as any woman does." "How is that?" "All her husband earns." 7o Be euro. "Where are you bound for, (Adman "Going fishing." "Fishing? Wbat for?" "To have something to yarn abod when I get back?" Red toed Rate9. "She can tell your fortune." "How much?" "Fifty cents," "I know e. bartender wlio will fief°t for a nickel." 1 it. Undoubtedly, "Would you call it a timely hint?" "What?" "Telling r llin the young man calier`tbai ' it is 'nearing li o'clock:0.. y; .Just M meanor.' ut a Verbose YOU tatty not understi But there mita be a reailOitt Per everything, but it le true That whiskers are not treellof