HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-10-14, Page 1'WOItTY-SECOND YEAR --NO. 2231
New Furs JONES Sc. MAY
Phone 32
New Furs
E bought oar goods early and can give you all Fall and Winter Goods at
OLD PRICES. Early buying saves you money as goods are going up every
Our stook is complete in department to give you a good choice
New Dress Materials
Colored Dress Goods
Every new shade in the season's best
cloths fire here for to show you.
Black Dress Goods
Serges, Broadcloths, Satin Cloths, Ie-
sildas, Ros 'ttas and all kinds of Blacks
are very strong this season; all shades
in plain and cord velvets and blacks.
Real good at the old prices—plain, shot
and plaids in every shade to show you,
We are having
great success
with our Winter
Coats—if YOU
meed and come
and see us—we can show you the best
on the market -new scyles,.new cloths
House Furnishings
You know Carpets and Rugs are going
to 'advance very high. We have
a big stock on hand of New
Patterns at the old price.
Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Blinds.
Men's Furnishings for Fall
New Suits • New Overcoats
New Sweater Coats New Ties
New Hats and Caps New Shirts
New Collars and New Underwear
Exeter Council Locals
Mr. Oordofa 'Taylor, sora of Resere
J, Vic., Taylor, has .ecq:lkit aat'Taraaa'to
Read the auntion saxes on page four. ;for ovexsf~,a:ar servlr, ,l
A regular meting .of the council, . 31is, Powell spent ,Saturd'ay last in ��. Eej , Oct,. erto 14th his ,tlew
on Thursday, October 1411` his new
butcher shop will be open, to ; do
business with the public,,
was held on October 8th, with :Conn- London;/
chlor Hind absent: The minutes of
the meetings held. Sic pt. 24tH, 2711) and Mr, Dan Sanders has purolxaaed a
30kh'were read and approved, Russell car..
Communisations were react :trom the Mr. P. 'Gardiner, of Blyth visited
Hydro Commission re Electric Tight in town this week,'
and Power Co's, offer of street dis- Mrs, J, A. Stew artand so 1Dottglas
fribution system, which was ordered are visiting in Toronto,
filed, '•
•The circular tetter` front the. Lieut.- Miss L. Lochary, .of London. Is vis-
Goveriagr with the Droolaralation as iting Mrs, S. Poplestone,
issned by the Ontario .government, re- 51r, F. W., Glad•man was
startling the appeal to aid the British ich �Saturday on business,
Red Cross Society was read. Per
Beavers and /Tartan that the matter Mr, W. W.. Taman and son, Ted,
of arrangements for the :appeal to took in the Blyth fair last week;
ilea'ibe British Iled Gross society Messrs. J. 8 Velma and, W, J 141hir-
left in the hands oP the ICottncithe's ray were in Detroit during tine past
Special •committee with`'; power, week,
Mr. E. Heywood asked to have wa- Quite a number from town attend -
ter supplied for use in his home. The ed a dance at Lucas Thanksgivingreeve instructed him to sign the cornnight..
tract and the street 'commissioner
would look after the wvoxk. I
This summer and fall it seems that
Mr. J. i'. Howard addressed the lire is just one damp thing :after
council in regards to a•strip of land ate,"/tier•
that had been given over to the muni- Mr. Fred Green visited his brother
.cipality along Hill street; also that he on the Zurich Road for several ,days
had undertaken to build a garage last week.
et the corner of Andrew and. Hill .•Mrs, 'Hodgins, of Winnipeg, who has
St, end 'after putting .in the £ounda- been visiting her sister, Mrs, L. liar -
tion had found that he was encroach dv. Iea.ves this week to bisit in Mar-
ina; •on the road allowance some three lette, latish,'
or four ,feet, covering in all. 'about 54
sq, ft. Per Roulston• and Harton that
the request bf arr. .Howard for per-
mission to `use the ground on Hill St.
about 3 ft. by 18 ft. ,for the purpose
of building a,garage _begranted for
a term of five years in return ,for a
piece of land at the east end of the
street now used as an entrance to
the park,.- Glarried.
Mr. Wildfoog. of Hay township,
asked for the privilege to secure gral
vel. Granted at 50c (per load.
Mr Mawson. auditor, gave lits
monthly report which was accepted
on motion of Beavers and Roulstou,
The following" accounts were pre-
sented and `ordered paid: Dr. H. K.
I[3yndman, 1.50; Sam'l Cudmore 16.35;
Hy.. J. Kuhn 63.77; T. Hawkins '&
Son, 28.04; • Exeter Electric Light h
Power .Co. 1.18.88; Bell 'telephone 'Co.
5.00~, E. 3, 'Christie, 43.15; John Ford
37.60; W. J. Bissett 48.75; J Senior
3100; Jas. Connor 301,00; G. Orange
13.60; K. Ford -12.60; ;Cd Davis 24.00
Emerson Cornish 5.00 Wm. Crecech,
10.31; Ed. Coombes,3.0w0•; Thos. Flynn
12,56; Jno. 'Piper 5.81; Jno. IIunkic
22.00; Thos. Creech 13.60; Henry-'Bu-
mohr, 4.:00; Robt. %Gillis& & Son, 6.00; -
Silas Handford 4'.00; Ti.eo. Wolper,
14,00; Thos. Holden .-$ i Wm. -Wal-
peic COO; Walter.. -Me
C. AIdsworth 1.40; Geo. Mattson
3. 'Senior, Clerk
in Goder-
&TOM &
;ARE —
Stove Pipes, Elbows,
Stove Boards and Dam-
pers, at low prices.
Genuine Madza Tungsten Lamps,
25 & 40 Watt
Buy a good everready Flashlight.for $1 10
Heaman's Hardware PIzoNIJ
and Stove Store 27 B
touch, has been said about Henry
Ford's opinions regarding the nrescnt
war The Toronto World interview-
ed the great auto manufacturer the
other day and these are some of his
rerearks,—"II .. the sacrifice of any
whole fortune would stop the war I
would gladly make It to -morrow. The
human sacrifice of life is horrible to
me and I would give all I have, and
all I could make for the rest of lily
life to ,end this war and all future
war, and the militarism which I be-
lieve to be the cause of,, the war. Yes
I'd be with the allies rathea; than the
Germans, simply because the Germans
are the worst, but I would not be
wit/, thein to kill. I am always ' ag-
ainst fighting and slaughter. I'll 'on -
cede. that The military crowd in Ger-
many is • worse than anywhere else:
I want to put down militarism and I
have. no other aim. What I have said
is I'oi the sale object of• stopping the
war 1 ani not against any nation.
Undoubtedly Henry Ford is abet-
ter manufacturer of automobiles than
he is a wiseacre on military matters,
He loses sight of the fact that the
only way to put down militarism is
to ' onquer• it, and that is what the
Able : will do with the military spr-
it h Germany.
"iDEARING—In Dashwood on 'Oct. 3rd
to Mr. and Mrs. Fred ,Dectring, a
IlOSS—T'rt ,Exeter. on Thursday, Octo-
ber 7th, to Mr., and tLVltrs, David.
!Ross, la, dalsgh'ter.
'E't1Nltl3Elti'""E'llnelr Stephen, on Oct.
9th to Mr. and Dirs. Mich. Finkbei-
' ter, Jr,, a daughter.
' oAN-ALFAS-4t the Bvargelical
parsonage, bashww`ood, ,on Sept. by
Rev. I. li; G •enzebach, Mr, J A
Doan, of t'P, ,II"uron. 11,1i'ch., ,to Miss
Emma Calfa.s. daughter oI Mr. Hy.
T Willis Powell has entered ,the in-
ternational Window Display contest
which the Edison Diamond Dise Job-
bers' Association of the United States
and Canada will conduct during Edi-
son week, October 18-23., Alt next
week each window entered in •the co-
test will contain a display of ythe Edi-
son 'Diamond Disc—Thomas A., Inch -
son's new inveation for the re-crea-
tion of sound., The conditions of the
contest have been ingeniously framed
to bring about a goo c n
A case rof special interest wvas de-
aided in the police court at TGodcrich
ora Thursday when 'Magistrate •Rcid
o ' God: rich $50
Calfas fined (Carasu Murray, ,
and costs for bringing .liquor, into a
Canada temperance act county for
other than his personal use. Murray.
White taking ;down 'a scaf..Lold re- it; was said, brought; beer and whisky
ce y ntl • 11r. Jas. Sweet, Sr. was struck into the county for himself and about
hale which fif,teerz others., This is the 'first case
in the face by �a falling plank,�C
knocked him down. Ile narrowly cs- brought under this Section. •
eared serious injury and has been,. Attcxucy Seager proaeeutcd for
In -
tarrying a blas cYe i Il ` sic -,....a_. •..
The following is the record of the
examination of the milk of the two
dairys which supply milk to the vil-
lage of Exeter, trade Oct. 5th. 1915
by the Board of Health
TWO samples from each dairy, one
of the previous evening's and one of
the morning's milk, were taken as
botli'are delivered in the morning to
their customers by the dairymen.,
The /first figures are the evening's
test and' the second the morning: E.
Hewitt—Laboratory No. 8580, 8589; L.
Day. 8587, 8588; Sender's „No .E. 'Hew-
itt- 1.4; L. Day,; specific gravity
EJ !Hewitt, 1032, 1032; L. Day, ;10.34
1032.5; temperature, E. Hewitt, 60,
65; L. Day, 59, 66: fat, E. Hewitt 3.8
per cent, 3;6; L. Day, 3.6, 3.6; bac-
teria per 0. c. E. _Hewitt 1,840,006,
10,500; L., Day, 9, 100; 0 200; dirt
trace in each test; total solids; E.
Hewitt, 12.14 per cent; 11.94; L. Day
12.35; 12.58; no trace of preservative.
The examination is very satisfact-
tory', A further examination of the
premises, etc., will be made when the
cattle 'are stabled for the winter.
The examination of the slaughter-
house showed everything in a clean
and a. sanitary condition, a remark-
able improvement on previous years.
IT. E. Huston, chairm'an'.
Horse Clipping done at H. Bierling's
tables. teeter North.
Frank Oke, of the 58th Batta-
lion. at Niagara -on -the -Lake visited
his grandmother, Mrs. Clarke, on
Saturday last.
While entering a house recently
Ikiiss .Louisa Sweet bad the misfortune
to have leer arm scalded by some
hot water that was being thrown
`'firs. John Willis who has been vis -
Ping in town leaves t;o-day Thurs-
day! for her home in. Marlette, Miele
She will be .accompanied by Miss
Birdie. 'Moyle.
Pte Ed. Anderson and his bride,
are visiting the former's parents. Mr,
and Mrs. Geo. Anderson. Ed. is With
the 34th Battalion at T.onclon and hes
been granted ten days leave.'
Miss Blanche Afkineosa has return-
ed home after visiting in Woodstock
and L ondona
Mr. IRd.. 'Gidley returned Saturday
from a visit with Mr., and, Mrs. Pride,
of 'Ailsa Craig..
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jones, of De-
troit, visited with Ur. and Mrs. Thos.
Elliott 'last week.' •
The Trustee Board of James street
Methodist church are arranging for
their anniversary
Miss Blanch .Ford is home from De-
troit visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Ford, of TJsbornea,
Mt...fatale Watson. left Wednesday
morning for Guelph where he has se-
cured a position in a drugstore,
Rev. J. D,4 sand Mrs. BestIe expect.
to leave the first of next month for
California to spend the winter.
Mr. Robt. Southcott, of Louden,
•spent the week end visiting his father
Mr. John Southcott fat Grand Bend.
J. E. Elliott, of Birkton, is moving
to town and building 'a home along-
side Mrs. Stewart's residence in the
West ward„
Hay Township council has voted
$500 for. the Red !Cross society; is re-
sponse to the request 'that has been
made ,b'y Lord Dansdowne.
Mrs. Hy. Isaac of Stephen,'suffered
a pr.ralitic stroke on Sunday ,last and
is in a serious condition., She is .im-
proving et time of :writings
Mrs. C. Lindenfield and children of
Parkhill, visited at the home of her
sister,+Mrs. 3, J. Merrier, for a few
days last week.—Zurich Herald.
Rev. Mr. Crossley, the Evangelist,
wvi11 conduct union evangelistic ser-
vices in James street Methodist
church commencing November 21st.
Women troubled with constipation
find Rexall Orderlies f'ar superior to
the usual ha sh purgatife. Sold only
by W. S. Col th exalt' Store, 10c,
25c., and 50c. res,
Rev, E. A: Fear, of Teeswater, will
occupy the 'pulpit in. the Main. Street
Methodist church next Sabbath, the
pastor, Rev. S. W. Muxworthy, con-
dwater '
uctinanniversary services at Tees -
Arnold and Edna Taylor, of Toronto,
spent the holiday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robt., Taylor, of Zion„
'hiss Maud Harrison, is visiting Mr,
Taylor.- She will remain for a few
Messrs. Nelson Sheere, 'Frank Boyle
and Trueman Elliott were in Detroit
on thanksgiving where the former
purchased a Ford. car. They were ac-
companied home by Mr., A•quillia;
Sheere who is ;visiting his mother.
Mrs. Dr, Aa T. Bond and 4atighter•
Elleanor, of Stettler, Alta., are visit-
ing with Mr. ,and Mrs. F. W. Glad -
man., Dr. Bond has enlisted with the
Army Medical Corps and is now in
France. The Dr. formerly practised
in Exeter.
The "Scout Hustlers" Sunday school
class of Main street church•.held their
quarterly meeting al, the home of
their teacher, Miss Edea Foitick, on
Thanksgiving evening. A very pleas-
ant evening 'was spent,.
Two rinks of bowlers made up of
R. G. Seldot. W. W. Taman, J A
Stewart, W, 11. Levitt, L. II. Dick-
son,, W, D. Clarke, W, 1, Neaman
and W. T. Burwell motored.' to Mit-
chell or. Thanksgiving and played a
frie€ally game. They were two games
up •an,d two down in the play.
On. Wednesday and. Thursday of last
neck gar: organization of some sol the
proanir.ent citizens of Goderich, can-
vassed that town in the interests of
tie Canadian patriotic fund and rais-
ed the, sum of $1.7,541.25 including
the grant of $5,000 from the town
Rev. Mr. Kennedy, representing the
Dominion. Alliance, preached in the
Tames street church last Sabbath
evening, Subscriptions Were taken
in the interests of the work, Th.e
pastor, Rev. Mr. 'McAlister conducted
services at Kippen Sunday •afternoon:.
and :Varna at night. •
Thanksgiving Day was one ot those
rare autumnal days' when it: snakes
everyone feel glad to thiel: he is
alive, The roads are in fair condition
and anyone with an auto or horse
made good use ot it that idayS There
were a large number of visitors •z
town while many spent the :clay out
of t.owvn, Shooting; was at r i:a.v
imc With many asul sane good
n€ast i treported.. The
bags of rabbits were
town was quiet during the ,day.,
Hay council met in the Town Hall,
Zurich on October Znd, -Routine bus, -
les,; wvas ,transacted. The following
•wider; werE passed,—G. T, R. ht
$1.65 • Ontario Railwva'r and Munici-
unici-pai Board, fees 5.00; Canada Express
Co 1.00; Northern Electric Co. sup -
The 'West Huron Teachers' Assodia-
tion meet in town osa Thursday and
Friday of this week,, A public meet-
ing will -be held. an Thursday evening
to be addressed by Rev. ,iC'ano+ 'Tuck-
er. of Loneiees A c de ql ;miler"
being arranged to which the public
are cordially invited.,
'olio, 115.05; 13e11 Telephone Co, L,
T). toll August, .27,28; W. G. .less,
3 months salary 300.00; P. \IcIsanc,
'3 months salary, 250.00; :Municipal Wd
blanks , 3.68; C, Alcisworth damage to
?,.50; C. L. Wainer, valuating
.;heel, 3.00, H. 1'Cile, sheep killed by
noes 1,35; G, C)estrcicher, sheep 1.i1
led by clogs 14.65; C. Weber, ,work,
1 rail ; E. Thiel, hauling gravel 10.00;
Clarence 'Deters, rep. Culvert,. con 3,
50;'.; G. 'thiel Mauling gravel, 5.10;
o[ 'ritish Empire
Red Cross Fund p
grant $500,00. Council adjourned Ira
Nov, 6th F. mess, sa., t bests;.
Have Your
House �r Store
Have Your
,, r Store
Wired Now
We do Wiring which we
guarantee the Hydro Power
wilt connect with when it
comes. Give us a chance to
go over your job and give
you an estimate on it. Only
the latest approved wire
conduit steel, cut-out boxes
and other electrical supplies
Beer b Davis
& Davis
r. y ceberi
at 7.30 p. DL in th
a time interests of Red
Cross Work Methods of
raising money to be dis
Air. M. ( Cameron
of Goderioh, will be as-
sisted by the local clergy-
nffien and others.
What are you seappl.yil2g3
600 worth of Travellers' Samples
just' opened ened up, including
Sweaters, Undershirts, Top Shirts, Dos
lery, Mitts, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Bibs,
Ties, Etc., to be sold at less than the
present wholesale price.
Boots, Shoes and Rubbers in all
sizes and kinds.
0•••••••••••••••04,0@d•@••• 0@+4@d•••••R@@00ds••••OObrf+
We have oats' Fall Stock all in and carry a complete •
line of the latest creations in Men's Toggery
Fltri �ti�•i'
Oar New Fedora Hats in the different styles, shapes
and colors, are attracting attention, We can
fit you with something Natty
Et Shirts, Collars, Ties and Socks, Webhave a speeiany
fine showing for men,
Whit NOT BE MEASURED at the same tinl.e for •
your New Suit. Woolen Goods are advanc- •
ing rapidly in price, yet we are maintaining
rock bottom prices. The rich shades and
fine weaves will appeal to you.
We also have a•
splendid showing in R.esdy-t,
Suits, Overcoats, etc, etc.•
Come in early and kt us show you.
� a
S [
0004 • 0 +0 64