HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-10-7, Page 1'''FORTY-SECOND YEAR- --- No. 2230 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER Pru, 1915 New Furs AY JONES & M Phone 3 2 New Furs Smart Winter Coats Buy early and Get Your Choice A11 something New and No Two alike, We certainly have the swell Coats this seasons Some- , thing entirely different in every garment. They are bought from the best manuf- acturers and for style, fit and finish they are the best we have ever shown. A11 bought early the old prices. New Fall and Winter Dress Goods A BIC STOCK AT THE OLD PRICES Colored Dress Goods We are showing everything that is New in the Color. ed Dress Goods. All colors of Fine Evening Dresses. Good Materials for street wear and beautiful Cloths for Fall Suits. Black Dress Goods Blacks are very good for this season. Our stock is very complete in Poplins, Serges, Satin Cloths, Resilda, Rosetta, Diagonal, Box Cloth, San Toy and Broadcloths. New Millinery New, nifty and up-to-date. Our Milliners are very busy, so.leave your onder early. AlI the Newest Headgear here for you to pick from. New shapes N ew Colors, New Materials New Silks Silks are up on top this fall. You will be in the style to buy a silk. Silk Poplins,Silk Crepes, Plaid silks, Striped silks and Plain silks in every shade I yd wide for $I a yd Men's and Boys' Furnishings NewFall Suits Hats Shirts New Fall Overcoats Underwear Collars New Fall Caps Gloves Ties JONES AND MAY IMMO • 1 CLELAND—.STEVENS NUPTIAL! TOVES "Bonneview, Stanley, the home of Alir. and ,Mrs. Walter J. ,Stephens was the scene of an interesting :event on Tuesday. September 28th, it being the occasion, of the marriage of their daughter, Weida Isabella, to 11r, RfIMGES: — ARE -- GOOD COOKERS & ECONOMIC IN FUEL PRICES FROM $38.00 UP. Stove Pipes, Elbows, Stove Boards and Dam- pers, at low prices. Genuine Madza Tungsten Lamps, 35c 25 & 40 Watt Buy a good everready Flashlight for $1.10 PHONE 27 A Heaman's Hardware PHolwE and Stove Store 27 B Bert A.'Cleland,.a prosperous young farmer of rear Listowel• Immediately at 12 o'clock, to the //trains of the wedding March', ,played. b. 9lrs..Shearer, sister of the groom, the bride entered the 'parlor leaning on the arm of 'her father and joined the groom under an larch of cedars and asters, The ceremony was per- formed by, Rev. C T. ,.Tough, uncle of the bride, assisted -by' Rev. D, John- ston, pastor of Blake Presbyterian, church;. The bride was gowned in ivory Duchess° satin trimmed with Crackle overlace, rhinestones, and pearls with bridal veil and orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of bridal roses while the mother of --the bride 'wore 'brown satin. the .gown tin which she was married, and the groom's mother was becomingly attir- ed in black satins After congratulations the guests, which numbered about fifty, . were served with a dainty wedding dinner after which the happy couple left by auto,amid, good wishes and showers of confetti, for their future home, the bride .travelling in a navy blue suit, white satin hat and baby bear furs. An evening reception was held when about one hundred guests as- sembled to welcome the bride into the community,. The hride received her guests in blue and(Sgo1c1 shot silk, the, dress which her grandmother wore as a bride in Scotland ,over +six ty Fears ago. After October 20 Mr,. and, 'Mrs,Ole-. land will be at home ,to their friends at "Burnside" Elma. BORN c'iGILLl'ES—Its Exeter, on . Sunday, Ostober 3rd, to Mr. and'Mrs. Percy Gillies, a daughter. , MARRIED flOLELAND—STEVENS — In Stanley : Tel. On'Sept. 28th, Mise Weida ,Iso- ' belle:, daughter of ills, and,,:Mrs. 'Walter iJ. Stevens, to Mr, Bert A. ,(lleland, of near Listowel,. :iNL +'IL—OGDEN-=At the home of the bride's parents, rt and are, V ta. I O.gclen, oJ: ,Whalen, on §c1itet bar, 20, Vera Lorraine •to Mr. Earle Roy Patriotic League Notes Neil, of Ltioan, by Rev.:'F.C. Rypottt The Tea .Room will be open next DIED Saturday when donations of canned HAW;DEN—In alifdgetown; on Sept, 30 fruit, jam, jelly, eboeoJ.a:te cocoa gum Mary Webber, beloved wife of raisins, tooth paste, tooth brushes, n aged ,r3 sox or anything for the comfort of Joseph I3a wde , of r l+x t r e e g ycarei: our soldiers will be thankfully re - 4.• . ceived. Women troubled with eon-tipatioe find ltesull Orderlies far superior to the usual harsh purgative. Sold only, C T Reran t re 100. h ' W. S. ole. The Store, , 25e, ,;tend 50c., (boxes. , .. .... r .te— Elderly peoph should us:., .Rexaft Or- derlies. They are a, perfect and mild. laxative. Sold only Iby '.Ws S• ZPolo'. , c 'S:. 50 y 0 n .,i bl, ,.tion ';t11 S '101 7, ktia+w. Tit,. „ r H. S. Field. Day On Monday afternoon of this week the Exeter H. S. department held their annual Field Day. l:mmediate- 1y after dinner a basket 'ball snatch was played between sides picked,from the girls,'the snore being 7.6. J'his. was followed 'by a baseball match by the boys, the score 'being 8 to 1. Af- ter the ball game the sportswere continued on the fair grounds 'and 1(1 R KTON FAIR 1 A very pratt;Y wedding took ;plow In spite of one of'•the most disagree- able .days that has vlsited,thxs'district for several weeks the exhibits of:i.ive stook, bate., !at the Kirkton Fair last Friday lavas one .of the best in the history of th'e fair. The weather 'on Thursday the first day Was ideal and the 'indoor exhibits was that 'could be,desi e dt The ladies had a fine showing of 'fancy the scholars entered heafrtily inta,the work, both useful and ornamental different events 'and all were keenly There was also a splerexhibit of contested. Shortly after four o'clock roots gad 'vegetables. The one thing it started to 'rain with several events lacking in the indoor department was unfinished. Following were 'the re- the fruit, there 'being a small show - sults: ing in this line. 100 yard dash, Sr.—Windsor, Senior Hoffman, 100 yard dash, Jr.—Ortwein, Davis Hanlon.. 220 ,yard race, Sr.—Windsor, Roff- man, Senior,, 220 yard race, Jr.—Tuckey, Davis Ortwein Running broad jump, Sr.—Windsor Parsons, .,Hoffman Running, fbroad jump, Jr. —Boyle Davis, .Ontweint Standing broad jump, Sr.—Windsor Parsons. Jtoffman,.. Standing broad jump, Jr. — Davis, Manson, Ortwein Running hop, step and jump, Sr.— Windsor, Hoffman, Parsons, flunring hop, step. and jump, Jr. Boyle, Ortwein, Davis Bicycle Race, Jr -'Weill, Dougall, The )public school pupils depart- ment ,was an especially :attractive .one there being keen competition, en all of the entries and the quality of the exhibits would -take their place along with the other exhibits, On Friday morning the weather was threriter,ing and about noon it be- gan to sprinkle and kept 'it up all af- ternoon Most of the exhibitors of live stock had arrived at the grounds or were on. the way before the rain, started, thus the gate receipts and the attendance was about the only thing that was lacking;. The splendid showing of horses for which Kirkton fair has made a name for itself was again in evidence their being zgood showing of splendidtani- mals in the various classes. There was also a good showing of cattle, avis sheep and hogs. The rain interlerred with the races man, Parsons. the tract, being so muddy these were Girls' Events called off. • Spike 'driving contest—Misses Fen- In spite of it all the 'President, Wm. Putting the shot -Windsor, dHoff wick Taylor and Pickard Atkinson, and Secretary, Amos. Pves and Ford, otato race—Misses Fenwick, Har- Doupe were very optimistic and show- ed no signs of discouragement,, Mr. Doupe said the society would have a. better fair than ever next year: Following were the prize winners HOUSES 75 yard slash—Misses Fenwick, Ford and Mallett, Book race—Misses Ford, Taylor Case gg race—Misses Fenwick, Sharp. Judges=W. J., .Neaman, W. D; Clarke, H. J. White. Starters,—H. E General Purpose — Brood mare, Huston, R. N., Rowe, J. M. Southcott Thomson tl3ros., B. W. 'Derry, J. —4.----.. " • --"._ ,_ Pridham; foal, Wes. Hodge, J. Fri& g I ham. E, W. Berry; three year old, G. RED CROSS MAKES APPEAL 1 Penhale 1 & 2 P. S. Blackley; two The following night letter was re Sear old, Wm. Weitzel, Thomson Bros, ceived by Reeve Taylor and we have ; one sear old, 'Zltes. Hodge; team it no doubt but that the people of Exe- harness, J. Decker, Sr„ Peter See - ter will respond heartily to the re- ; bach, P. S:. Mockler; best , horse, i n quest. class. G. Penh'ale, J. W, Taylor, Exeter Agricultural— Brood mare, Evans i bel to inform you that Lord Lens- I Bros.. ET;; Norris, W. J. Rea; foal, F. donne has sent me the following ca.- Delbridge, W. J. Rea 2 & J; three year old, A. M. Doupe, Eobt. Skinner•, two year old, F. Delbridge„W. J.' Rea demands, upon th'eir;.: resources, both: 2 ;4 •3;. one yeax.oldAdapa M. Doupe, in France and the near -East have de- Chas. Atkinson; team•ir. harness, Jas. eided to make an appeal through the Norris, A. "Robinson 2"& 3; best horse Empire, by street and other collec- or colt in class, Jas. ,Norris:. tions upon the 21st day of October I3eavy Draught—Brood mare, 3, R. blbgram : "I beg to inform you that the British Red ;Crones Society and the order of St. John iri view of the great neat. The money received from this appealevi11 be devoted entirely to relieving the sufferings of our wound- ed soldiers and sailors from home and overseas 'at the various seats of wvar', From ,all parts of the King's domains we have already received Duncan, "F. Delbridge; foal, J. R. Duncan; two year old, • J. Delbridge; one year old, J. ,Delbridge, 11. Norris; team in harness, Wm. Brock, Jas. Robinson; best horse or colt in class Win. Brook, generous assistance in our work., but • Haekney '& Madge special for best with the increase of British and draught, agricultural or heavy overseas forces at the front, there is draught, any age, Wm. Brock. 'Judge—J. E.. Ellis. Roadsters—Brood Mare, J. Decker Jr.. Thompson Bros.; foal, J. Decker Ix Thos. 1Slurray ; three year old eD. which I have named, I shall be Douglas & Son; N.'Watscn; two year greatly obliged if you will kindly old J. Gettler, S. Collins;',one year old communicate the foregoign to your s. Collins, J. Decker, Jr.; ;inp1.: road— government. Their Majesties the ster, Wm. Brock, M. Rea,.D. Goulding King rand Queen, and Her Majesty span roadsters, Wm. Weitzel, J. gra.cious patronage and I trust that ra Queer. Alexandria, are giving us their Decker„ Sr., 'Jos. Rae; saddle Horse, J. L., Elliott, Win. Hyde; best horse a corresponding increase in our ex- penditure and -we shall be truly y grateful to you itou will help us by organizing an appeal and sending the procee-ds to us for the object You also will see your .way to help.— Lar.sdowne." In. view 'of the urgeeny and 'impor- tance of this first appeal that L he motherland has made to us I confi- dently trust that you will at once organize with a view to getting a worthy contribution from the people of your municipality on October 21st. John S. Hendrie, Lieut. Governor, . NEWSPAPER MEN MEET EN GODER IOH A convention of newspapermen. from the counties of Perth and ,Liuron was held in the Masonic temple Monday, The object'•of the meeting' was to dis- cuss the possibility of raising the price of papers from $1.00 to $1.50 'Mr: Hunter of the Kincardine News gave an address, and told how the newspapers of that county had, agce,:d to raise their rates at the beginning of the :year. The 'delegates all -appear-. ed in•flavor of the raise, 'but definite action lavas deferred until a later date. The following- papers were repre- sented.: Stratford Beacon. Clinton Newt -Record. Clinton New Era; Sea - forth News, Goderixh Signal, 'Godericn Star, Wingham Times, Wingham Ad- vance, Milverton Sun, Zurich Herald. The Goderich newspapers provided the luncheon and C. L., Moore, presi- dent of the Board of Trade, gave an• address of welcome. Rev. Mr. Ford also spoke to the visitors taf ter • Lunch- conj. The board of trade supplied autos for the visitors and showed them around the town. w• A quiet wedding took punt at the Centc:iini.il Methodist (Church parson- ege London, when 'Rev, iDT; A. Graham. united fete. Oscar Langford, of the 71st Battalion. formerly of Granton, to Miss Elizabeth Cutmore, formerly of Leeds, England• They were unat- tended. ' .. YOUNG PEOPLE ENTERTAIN Th' ''oung People's 'Soolety of the Trivitt memorial church entertained the ladies of the congregation on Wednesday evening of last week. Do- nations 'were receivedfor the bale which the young 'ieop:it:.are ,paelcin,g for mission purposes, The society bird on exhibition •the results of their year's 'work, t: C or colt in class, D. Douglas R. Son., Carriage—Brood Marc, E. W.- 'Der- ry ; foal, J. E. Elliott; three year old, 13. Danson; two-year-old, J. Decker Sr,. Geo.- McCullough; single carriage horse, J, 1'ridham, Roy Kirk, Wm. ®m??_ .Q? `eheli4/0 to4E4,hieCP ts04.4S S®®Ot¢®®4+hlithe®thiel OeSet4 4b*Q41i Sinclair; lady driver, D. Goulding; best horse or colt in class, B. Hanson., Special by Jas. More for boys judg- ing a class of draught horses.by score card, Wm. Routley, •Jno. Thompson. Geo. Kemp. F. A. Taylor special for ;Pest 'light horse or colt, D. Douglas & Son. Judge—W. 11. Elliott. CATTLE on Wed uesday,''the 29th, 'ui.t ,t ••tine• residence of Mr. rand IlYfrs. Witt. 'Og- den, Arleen (their ozily daughter, :Vera Lorraine, 'was united in marriage to Mr. Earl (Roy Weil, second; son of its. and Mrs. E .11i;. (Neil, of lehe'an" The bride, twho was givers 1xway by 'her father, 'was very becomingly attired in a silk crepe -de -chine gown, trim- med ^with silk s ad w:1a e and seed pearls, ;with .t'1iet oar end ,Knit end carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses and 'lily -of -the -valley. Mendel- ssohn's wedding march was played' by Miss Rheo •Bailley, -of Kirkton, who also played Lohengrin's Bridal !Chorus during the signing of the register/. The ceremony was performed by the Rev, 'P,10. Ityott, of ,Eirkton, beneath an arch of evergreens and roses. The groom's gift to the bride was a pears and diamond pendant and tokthe pian- ist a gold Nrietlet. Aft. -r the cere- mony a dainty luncheon was served on the lawn in a marque, draped with tri -coloring !bunting, flags and aut- umn. utumn. leaves hind the tables were "pre- sided over 'by the 'choir,of 'St. Paul's church, Kirkton, of which the •bride was organist. The 'happy oou.ple left amid showers of confetti, Tor Toronto Niagara Falls and Eastern points, ,the bride travel' ng'in a anvy blue serge military si.> • ' smart black •velve:t hat. _eturn Mr. and Mrs. Neil will i .,tie near Lupus.. Guests were 'pres, .it from Montreal, Toronto London, Woodstock, Dutton, Wingham. end other laces; The 'brew . . firms of Reuther ,and Kuntz were before the ()sag of ,3ustiee have Your Boase or Stare Wired Now We do Wiring which we guarantee the Hydro Power will'conneet with when' ,it comes. Give us a chance to' go over your job and give' you an estimate on itOnly the latest approved wire conduit steel cut -oast .boxes and other eiectriicg1 supplies used. Beer & Davis at Clinton eon Wednesday:, the 29th of1? September and each pleaded, guilty!; to shipping liquor illegally into the/ Canada Temperance •Act County of( Huron, and were fined, by lllagistrate; Andrews. Kuntz"s aaase was the 'outel come of a shipment :of six ,kegs afl,' beer which proved to the irtoxi'oating, although labeled "lagerine," anal which were seized at the G. T. 'R.,• station, 'Henson, last Saturday, while, en route to .Johnson's ;Hotel, ;at Zurich' After listening to a warning from( Crown ,attorney 'Seager the •breweryl representatives promised too observe: the law in future.. . - THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE FALL BOOTS . SHOES Now that ,o,ld wet weather is comring the boys and girls require good strong shoes to keep therm, dry. We have theme: in plenty of styles.. BIO .VARIETY IN MEWS BE WOMEN'S SHOES Patent, Gunmetal, Dangola, B;oi 'calf, besides all the heavier styles, 'Our prices oft boots and shoes are absolutely the ,lowest. ASTORIA SHOES r a pair of Astoria shoes for men. SHIRTS We have just received a big shipment of Men's E.ae top shirts.. CLOTHING We invite you to see our ode-to-iimieasnre suni- pies for a fall wilt oi' overcoat. B. W. F. BEAYE f S • 4 • • •• • Shorthorn --Out year old bull, le, D. ; Hunter; milch cow, R. D. Hnnt"er; • two year old heifer, IR. D. hunter; • one year old heifer. IL D. Hunter 1 & • We have our Fall Stock all in and carry a cornplAte 2; bull calf, R. R ri hunter, Thos. e' Ilan to Let .. it You t Brock; heifer calf, 1t. D, Bunter; best es line of the latest creations in Men's toggery animal in class, 11,, !D., Hunter. *• Jersey—Milch cow, D. Thompson; sin two year old heifer, I. Marshall, D. OW New Fedora Hats in the different styes, shape "rhoi:npson; one y ear old heifer, 'D. • ' Thompson; heifer calf, D. Thompson ft and colors, are attracting attenation. We ca n 1. '&'2; hest animal in class, 1. Max d:it you with something Natty shall, to I Polled Angus—xl.ged bull, D. Foster, v one year old bili, I Marshall, C. i En Shirts, Collars, Ties and Socks. We:have a specially • fine showing for men, Switzer; two year old heifer R. Sel- ves; 'best aniuiol in class, D. Foster. Ilolsteiu—Milch eow, I. Marshall, D. Foster; one year old heifer. 1. Mare ' shall; heifer calf, 1. Marshall; ,best f .animal in class, L Marshall. ITereford—Milch cow, 3'. Delbridge, .5, Son; one year old heifer, I.i. lana er S 1 J. Delbridge 1 & 2; bull calf, J. Hooper tk ,'ion, J. .Delbridge; heifer calx', J. Hooper & Son; best animal in class, J. Hooper & son. • • • • • • • • • i • • Grade ,Cattle—Milc t new, ay. - - •• kinson, 11. D: Hunter; two year old R heifer, Wpi. Hanna 1 & 2; one sear • old heifer, ti'itin Henna, 1 & 2: steer • 0'i1f. J. Delbridge; two year old steer 1 R. D, Hunter 1 & 2; one year Old steer, J. Delbridge; fat cow or heifer • 7i • , Delbridge; tat (Yror steer, 'Li, I} • hunter; best animal in class, IL 'l). flutter, Jndge—'.11105. Hill, Bradford, ,G. Ilfr.cid: special for best Edairy cow., 1. 1laasshall, TL, 'Atkinson. Cou'tirued on pace, 2 • WHY NOT BE MEASURED at the same time for your New Suit. Woolen Goods are advanc- ing rapidly in price, yet we are maintaining rock bottom prices. The rich shades and fine weaves will appeal to you. We also have a splendid showing in Ready -to -Wear Suits, Overcoats, etc, etc. 'Corrie in early and let us show you,. WW. TAMAN PHONE 81 a 0...*6iO4.,44e94,006.44..Ni rot64.110.049'044.