Exeter Times, 1915-9-30, Page 8THE EXETER. VIMLS FALL, COMES IN THE AUTUMN R F. 5OL'V" i D THAT YOU' C'4N CAKE iN 'OME Gook dOODS TN OUR STaRE Hox • WE ARE HEREWITH EV'ERYT'HING FoRa FALL•THE PRICES FELL WuEN WE PARKED OUR, -`-�i p SUITS AND • 4 OVMCOATS WE HAVE RAKED THE BEST MARKETS IN THE LAND ToR STYLES, QUALITIES AND VALUE, AND THEY CAN BE NoW SEEN IN OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. WE HAVE BIG PILES or BRAND NEW, FRESH SUITS AND oVERCoATS. WE CAN FIT YOUR FoRM To THE QUEEN'S TASTE, AND FIT YOUR. PoCKET — BooK WITH THE PRICE. BUY YOUR CLOTHING FROM US AND YoU WILL GIVE VS YOUR TRADE FoR EVERY— THING YoU NEED FoR THE WHOLE FAMILY. Ladies' Winter Coats In the newest military effects with the new flare skirts and belt- ed models. Every coat is well tail- ored and the cloths aae the newest weaves and shades. Ladies' Tailored. Suits Let us take your order or an up- to-date man - tailored suit. 'W e guarantee a perfect fit and use the very best of•trimmings and linings. Get our prices, Millinery New models are being placed on our display tables every day. You are invited to see them. Sweater Coats In such a variety of colors, in the new two-way collars. These coats are made from the best yarns and are priced at $5.00. Other lines at $1.50, $2 75 acid $3 50. Dinner Sets At the following prices: Peacock Milan, 07 pieces $10.00 Dan's Rose, stock pattern, 97 pieces 12,50 Genoa Rose, stock pattern, 97 pieces.. 18 50 Mildale, 97 pieces 17,00 White and Gold Austeian China 35.00 Boys' and Men's Clothing Our boys' and men's clothing that we are showing for Fall and Winter is full of snap and vim. We are fortunate to be able to sbow you such good clothes at so low a price. Young Men's Overcoats We have a wonderful showing of Winter overcoats for young men and men this season. Buy your coat early this season. while we have your size and such a fine range to choose from. Warm Underwear For Men, Penman's Fleece-Iined, each 50c. Heavy Weight Penman's Fleece - lined, each 75c. Red Flannel Penman's extra val- ue, each $L00. Natural Wool. Penman's, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, Combination, all sizes, $3.00, $3.50 and $4,00, Colored Underskirts Fore$1.50 you can buy an under- skirt that we guarantee not to fade or rip and will give satisfactory wear or your money will be cheer- fully refunded. Ask to see them. Penman's Cashmere Hose If you have not worn Penman's Bose ray them this season. Wo are able to supply them at the old pri- ces in plein Cashmere at per pair 40c and 50c, Live Poultr Wanted-- We a want your Poultry this sea- t son. Will pay highest market price for live or dressed birds. J. A. STEWART PHONE 16 Winchelsea School Fair A very pleasant afternoon. was spent at Winchelsea school on Friday Sept. 17, when the pupils held their first school fair and _sports day, A .mall fee at the gate met the prizes for the exhibits. The Patriotic club of the school sold refreshments on the grounds the proceeds of which are to be given for Red Cross work. The following is a list of ,the prize winners Oats, F. Horn; millet, V., Heywood; sorghum, G. 'Delbridge, radish, R. Brock, M. Johns, L. Johns; onions, J3. Medd, R. Brock; Eng, Multipliers J. Barnard; seed onions, L. Johns, A: Johns; cucumber, M. Heywood, .6'. Skinner, R. Johns; beans, J. Barnard!, 11. Delbridge; citron, F., Skinner; squash, B. Medd; carrots, F., Skinner; beets, T. Heywood; turnip, 'W. ,Hey- wood.; tomatoes, E. Johns; celery, ,In Delbrid'ge; corn, G. Johns; house plant., :L; horn; asters, N. Medd, 13. :Medd, G, Barnard; mixed bouquet, M. Heywood, H., Johns; dahlias, L. Jams, 1'. ,Skinner, 114 Delbridge. SPORTS Boys race under 5, II. Johns, H. Murch, K. Johns; girls under. 5, M. Delbridge„ .11, Skinner; boys 5 years, Market Report—The following is. the 'report of the Exeter market ccrreeted up to September 29th, Wheat 70 to 85c • Baxley 40 'to 43c Chats 35o Buckwheat Mo. Peas $1.60 Family flour $2.80.;; Low Grade flour $1.80 Bran $26 per ton. Shorts "$28 per ton. Sugar I3eet pulp $25 per tont _Butter 24c. ,: !l 14 y , 1 Creamery b'uttr.r 30e' ; Eggs 21 to 22 "»zee !logs $9.00 , i'.. I L i r .r: t r Ehickene 11c t f...1 Old klens 90, ,alma' Old Roosters 7q - .+' I 1 1 Ducks So I ! f':' 1 t Potatoes 60e Eric 73alkwill; girls 5 years, M. Medd G. Hunter; 'boys 6 years, W. Johns, W. Hein; girls 6 years, I. Jaques; girls 7 years; L. Heywood, 9I. Johns N. Medd; boys 8 years, N, Routley, 11, Delbridge, A, Johns; boys 9 years, E. Cornish, J. Ridley, H. Heywood; .boys 10 years, T. Heywood, J. Barnard; boys 11 years, F. horn. 13. 'Medd, T. Oreery; girls 12 years, Cr. Barnard, V. Heywood, 31. Veal. Biscuit race—girls, E. Johns, C. Belt May Clark; boys, 13., Johns, T., Hey- wood, G. 'Johns, Boys boot race, F. Routley, F. Skin- ner, E. 13alkwill. Three-legged irate, E. 'Johns and .G. h3arnard. Wheel' harrow race, 13. Medd & T. Heywood, R. Deblridge & J. Barnard. Donkey race, T. Heywood & T. Greeny, E..Balkwill '& G. 'Johns, F. Skinner & 'B. Johns. Wornens' Race, ;Miss Oak, Mrs. Medd, Mrs. Jacques„ Bicycle Race, R. Johns, 3,: Barnard, Tournament, Te. 'Balkwill & B. Medi Sack 'x`iee. T. Heywood, G.. Johns, B. Medd. Men's race, Mr. S.. Balkwill, Mr. Jacques and Mr. Barnard tie ,for 2nd.' T13: ANKSGIVINC 'DAY Monday, Octoberllth has been fix- ed by the Dominion Government as Thanksgiving l)ay. w • FALL PAM DATES, Isirkt:on—Sept. 30, Oct,'lsti 'Brussels—Oct, 1 ;Myth—Oct. 5.6 hayfield—Oc1. S -G, • i 1 . Use ;Trexan Orderlies for Chronic constipation; they are gentle in action mild and natural, Sold only by,'W. S. Cole, The neaten Store, 10e., 25c. ,& 50c. boxes.: Rev, A. 3. Langford, of ,Kincardine, hire 'been invited to become the pars•-. Lor of {he • Methodist church in .Mite chill Pert ,year and has accepted,. His salary will he .$1400. He will' suc- aced nee, et, W. ,'Baird callose {fall term "iiI1 expix'e (next J,unee •, nen, •••••••••••••••••+r•••••••• • • • •LOCAL • • Dr. leaieger, D. C.D,O, Chiropractor; honor graduate of St. Louis Chiro- practic 'college will be here on 'Tues- days and Fridays Consultation and examination free. Office, Central Tlrotel, Exeter. Mr. L G. Jones was in Toronto this week on business: Mr. J. W. Skinner, of Winchelsea has purchased a new Ford. Mrs. R. Blatehford, of .Hensall, is visiting with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs, M. Eacrett visited with 'friends in Hay ,last week. Mrs. \lTm., ,Hawkshaw is improving nicely after her :recent operation. •Alis. J Willis, of Marlette, 1'Iichi, is 'visiting with relatives in town. Mr. S. Poplestone, of Blyth, visite ed his mother in town last week. Try NAMELESS for Cold in the Head and Throat. 25c at Powell's.. Miss Mabel .Parkinson of St. Marys, has been visiting with Miss C. Bern. Mr. Edwin Spackman, of Blenheim, v*sited his brother ;Hugh in ,town this %yids. 1Ir. '.R. N. Creech and son Hugh, visited in 'Woodstock during the past week. Mr. Jack Mallett was in London last week and brought a driver home with him. Mr. llugh Eacrett, of Detroit, ,visit- ed ;his brother Mr. M. Eacrett last Tuesday,. Mrs. W.J.,'McAlister, of Sarnia, is visiting -her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell. . Dr. and Mrs. Roulstoa motored to Milverton last Friday and took in the fair at that place. Mr. and Mrs.t 0. Schnurr, of Line wood. visited Mr. and Mrs, C. McLeod during the past week: Mr. Wilfred rand Miss Algia Mack visited et the home of. IIr. A., Cook, in ,McGillivray, on Sunday. On Sunday evening fast Dr. Rout - sten, gave an address at the Epworth League services at leirkton, Misses M. Senn and 13. 3eleamy, of Blanshard, visited Mrs. D. W, F. l3eavers several days last week.. Mr. Thos. Johns, •who recently fra- ctured his right leg is able to be around with the aid of ,crutches. 'lar. Chas. Dyer returned to Mon- treal on Saturday after visiting for two weeks at his home in town. The many friends -in this ,vicinity of Mrs. Jas. Westcott, of Douglas, ,Man. will regret to learn that she is ill at the Brandon hospital. Messrs. John Walker and A. 7. lleywood. have returned to Vict,oria University Toronto to continue their studies es Divinity students. Miss Annie Sander has returned toseveral 'vVaterloo after visiting for weeks in town. She was .accompanied to Londoe et 3it s. .Mchvoy. The masons are at work no ehe erickwork al the •double house being erected {by `lIr. G .Bedford on the orcper.ty et. the rear of this store. Mr. 'Renwick, Miss Robinson, and Mrs. 'Whitwi n, of. London, and. Mrs. Scarff, of Litt. Thomas, motored up and (visited Miss 0. 'Quante last ,Fri- dey. A number of young people from town were very pleasantly entertain- ed on Monday evening et the home of Mr. J. J. McDonald, London 'Road North. Mrs. Thos. ,Barton entertained a few young men Saturday evening last in hor.or of Mr. iClair Wood, who left Monday to resume his studies et the Toronto University, Mr. A. Marchand, who conducted a leveellery store In town, leaving bet -3 for Waterloo and later moving .to Berlin, has purchased a general store business ,at Waterford, Mr. 'A.• E. Puke bas moved into his fine new brick residence on Andrew street. Mr. Philip Ilcrn is this week moving into the residence he pur- chased from Mr. Puke:, Messrs Clair Wood and Thos. T'er.i hale left this week for (Toronto to re- sume their studies at the University, Mr. Linden Harvey also left to take up ,a University course. Mr. Enos. Windsor left Tuesday ,Cor Toronto to resunee Ins studies at .the University. Mr. Windsor has spent the holidays in northern • Manitoba conducting a reading camp. Mrs. 3.; C. Tom returned home on Thursday evening, after a pleasant six weeks' trip east, visiting friends In Toronto, Port {Hope, end Rev, rated Mrs. Wesley •Down at the Methodist parsonage, Oinemee. iso ge, The London Advertiser on Satur-, day evening contained the picture of Mr. Allan 'Hobbs, len., sonar ltev. 'R;, Hobbs, of Toronto, and brother of Mrs. '.P., 0. Southcott, of town, who is in trail -sing -at Sewell, Man. !Wille nssistieg at a fhreetiing tilt Mr, Thos. J3issettet last week. Mr. ¶1. Fisher ince with a nasty accident. A prop gave way and he fell to the ground being rendered: iteconscloue and receiving a scapi Wout d. NAMELESS cures Colds. 250, Mr, Burwell, of Pt. Burwell, is Vis- iting .his sox in town this week. Miss 'Rivers, 'of Buffalo, is visiting Ise brother, Mr, William .Rivers in town, tars. D. A: Ross ' is visiting with relatives and friends in town this week. NAMELESS Cures Colds, stops stops 'buzzing sours in, the head. 25c at Powell's. Hallowe'en concert Friday, Oct, 29th by Soldiers' 41d Soeiety. Further Particulars later, Mr. 'Chas. T3irney expects to leave next week for Winnipeg to visit his son and daughter there. On Wednesday of fast week the name of Private Baker, of Dublin, appeared in the list of wounded. Miss 'Rheo McCurdy of Stephen, is laid up with an matte attack of ap- pendicitis. She is improving nicely. Mr. and' Mrs., A. Davis were in Lon- don Monday having accompanied their son Archie to that city he having en- listed in the 71s' - To -morrow is the first day' 02 Octo- ber. We will. soon begin to thing re- spectfully of the warm days we used to grumble about. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, of Crediton spent Sunday in town. Mr° McDon aid is relieving the manager of the Bank of Commerce there. Mrs. Skelton entertained a number of young people last Thursday even' ing in honor of her guests, Mrs. Mil- ler and Miss Miller, of Dorchester, 'Ne b. Iiexall Orderlies are free from harsh drugs and. are the nicest laxatives for children. Sold only .by W. S. Cole, The. Rexell Store, 10c., 25c., and 50e. boxes. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Ryan, of Lucan, visited friends in Exeter last week. On Thursday Mr. J.: W. Powell deli - vexed them a new Edison diamond - disc phonograph. Mise Margaret inluxworthy goes to London each week ,where she is tak- ing music lessons from Prof. Thos. Martin. Miss ,Muxworthy is oleo starting a class in town. The 'Connor Machine bo. have a number of silo fillers now working in this neighborhood. Anyone inter- ested in them should take this oppor- tunity of seeing them in action, The boys in khaki will need more attention this w=inter than last be-• pause there are more that require the comforts necessary for 'a winter campaign. The knitting needles will Orly rapidly these Long evenings. Mayo—Coursey--A quiet -wedding was solemnized in Holy Trinity church, Lucan, on Sept. 15th, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, when 'bliss Annie Mayo became the bride of Mr. Harold Cour- nes. The first car -load of completed war shells was !shipped from •the Bell Co. Works at Se'aforth last week. There ere several more cars ready for ship- ment as soon es instructions to that effect is received from heehqu'arters. Revs. W, G. H. McAlister, 5 W Muxworthy and ea Redmond were in Clinton last week attending the fun- eral of Rev. Josias Green, a veteran minister of the Methodist church, aged 82 years. The deceased at one time Was stationed on the Granton circuit. At any rate the war Isn't _decrease trig the size of women's hats. The fall styles are bigger if anything. The ladies evidently intend to show Ger- many that she can't trim their mil- linery even though she has been the means of affecting the supplies of fancy Material. NEW )IY'DrRO STATION The material 'is expected here this week for the new hydro distributing station which is to be erected tbn the ro behind the Carnegie L property . p y Tibr-' g ary. The buildingtis to be 17x22 'ft. with a cement foundation and will be built of red pressed brick with cem- ent roof. The construction of the line will be started very shortly. HANDY MEN REQUIRED, _ Capt. W. J. ,Neaman has received word to recruit for the and Canadian Overseas Battalion. Such,men as farmers, lumber jacks, linrs. watere works and sewerage construction men railway track men, carpenters, black- smiths, in short handy men capable of doing the work themselves •or -dir- ecting others are required. MISSIONARY GIVING. INCREASED Mrs. McAlister was in Toronto last week attending the General Board of the Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church tvbich met in Sherbourne street church. The contributions for the year amounted to something over $191,000, an in- crease of over $1,200 which consider- ing these war times, is ,very gratify- ing. MOVING TO EXETER, °. Mr. Henry 'Squires of the S, tL. boundary of Usborne, having rented his farm, will hold an auction sale of his farm stock and implements, on Wednesday of next week. He intends moving 'to town and will take up his residence in the house occupied by his son on the south boundary. Mr. Roland Squire is moving to Andrew street, WHAT'S WLRONG? ,What's wrong at Ottawa? "Vhy are sear horses not being bought in On- tario now? are questions brought out in headlines by the Toronto,Sun. More horses on farms and fewer sold last year than "for two previous .ones, de - Glares Hon. J; S. ;Duf fe The Sun es- timates 'that ten million dollars has been paid to Amoricanfarmcxs tor war horses while the edge is tiff the market in Ontario after many years of keenness, and there are plenty of horses to spare on 'the farms in On- tario. The Sun rightly asks why is this chance of profit lost, TIAVE YOU RENEWED? There are many einem-There on our lists who have entirely overlooked us this year land this little 'slight rather seriously affects our ;pocket book at this time, Look 'up the label and send us in the amount that is 'flue. We Will both feel better, -., . 1 TalunsDAY, SEl.'TI,M1)EB 30th, •19101 POWELL'S LEADER OF LOW PRICES PHIS STORE stands right at the front as Leaders of Low Prices, and Bargains of every sort in the most wanted Household Merchandise. FLOWER POTS, fancy clay, large sizes, 15c to 50c. Glazed, 150 an d r0 FANCY JAP 'SEWING BASKETS, big variety, 10c and 150 .LADIES' APRONS. full length, to claer, 5 for $1.00 HAND SATCHLKS, about 50, mostly all leather, $1.00 to $l 75 OPOMMIMMINIINIMMININI Word About CHiISTMAS GOODS WE�' have our stock about all in, and we. wish to Y say that never since this store has been Powell's has there been a more plenteous or finer stoek than this year, lots of TOYS, FANCY CHINA, ETC„ ETC. Come and bring your friends to the LiVe Store, Powell's HEAR. THE NEW EDISON Diamond Disc PHONOGRAPHS WILL BE GLAD to show them to you. Bargains every day. Watch !!��' ��'' our Windows for SPECIALS Powell's _ a za a r, Exeter The Home of Christmas Goods and Edison Phonographs FOR RENT—A, good stable centrally located. Apply at Times office. FOR SALE -16 yearlings, majority grade Durham steers. Purchaser to have sprivelege of leaving on , goad grass for few weeks. WITH THE ,CHU'RCHES On Sabbath 'next Rev. Mr.. Cornish, of Forest will preach in the Trivitt elemorial church, and the Rector, Rev. D, W. Collins, wi11 ,preach Hare vest Rome sermons at Forest. Rev. eir,,.Rowand, representing the Lord's ,Day Alliance, will preach in, the Main street Methodist 'church next Sunday morning. In the evene ing the pastor will preach. Subject, "Enthusiasm, the Dynamic of Life." Owing to the rain on Sunday morn- ing 'last which prevented many from turning out, the Rally .services in connection with Caven Presbyterian church were postponed until next Sabbath. _- Harvest home will be observed,next Sabbath at James street Methodist ch arch. Rev. Wm. Ii, Eagar, i3A, of ,North St., Goderich, will be the preacher for the day. The offering will•go to the treasury'of the Ladies' Aid. "Come ye thankful people come" Rally services were held in Main street Sunday school last Sabbath af- ternoon. There was a lice turnout and la very interesting program was given. Rev. Muxworthy gave a short address. Some excellent music was furnished by the Exeter orchestra. The roomwas tastefully decorated ,for the occasion. The James street Sunday School held their annual Italy services last Sabbath. The weather in the morn-; ing was very disagreeable and con-' sequently the attendance w -as slim. The scholars took the centre seate and the pastor, Rev. 'Mr. McAlister gave 'a very interesting object ad- dress. A ibeautiful bank of flowers surrounded the altar. In the after- noon a mass meeting was held in the auditorium and there was an excel- 3.,nt turnout. Miss Medd, of Winchel- sea and 'Mr. McAlister, gave two splendid addresses that were much appreciated. The Superintendent, Mr. J. 5, Hervey acted. as chairman. Alfred J. Dow, of Russeldaie recent- ly sold a team of three-year-old fil- lies to (Joseph Ross, of Fallarton, Cor $400. They weighed 3 350, Mr, J, K. Wise, of the 'Huron Road, Tuckersmith, bas sold his farm, to Mr. Geo. Beauregard, of Chicago, The farm has been in: possession of the Wise •family for probably sixty scary having been bought from the Can- ada Company by Mr. 'Wise's father, A campaign was started in Mitchell on Fair dhys to raise $3,500 for the Canadian Patriotic Fund. At the close of the first day over $5,000'had been realized. On the second day the d ' 000 'and e the V a "ons acid r $ subscripts b it is expected to he increased to $7,000 as the car vassars had not completed their work. Five townsmen headed the subscription list with $200 each a.ncl number gave $100 and so on down. 0 PERRY F', ,DOUP.E, Licensed Aue- tionecr, Sake conducted le any lo- cality. Terms moderate Orders left at Times office will be promptly_ at- tended to. 'hone 116, ICirktora., Ad- &er35 K'irlrton P.O. , , , , FOR SALE -1 white enamel bed, mattress and springs; 1 mahogany bedroom set complete; 1 mahogany sideboard. Apply at Stewart's store. LOST A year old Jersey heifer, on or about Aug. 26th. Strayed from prem- ises of John Herdman, 7th con. ,Us - borne. Lot. C, Any person notifying Milton Sleamon of whereabouts of same will be amply rewarded. Ad- dress, 11. R. No. 3, Exeter,, Corn for Canning Factory Farmers growing cora for Canning factory will kindly bring sample cobs to factory when they will be advised when to make delivery. Help wanted when factory starts. EXETER CANNING CO. "A Man's Ability is his Passport" Frank Weaver Professor oP Music, London, Ont. Teacher of Organ and ail branchee of Piano Playing ; Voice Culture and Artistic Singing a Specialty. 16 years practical experience. For Terms apply at S. Martin & Son's Music Store Western University, London. Another Great Advance income Doubled —Now $75,000 Another large addition to Faculty' and Epuipment in Arts and Medicine Greatly Increased Enrolknent View. Write for particulars to E. E. Braithwaite, Bial., P'h.D President, 111 040.3.3'4•••4•••••••••••••. S •BEST • • O saw. o•• • • • • • • • • • . THRESHJNC • • • O j COAL • • • • •AT• i •• • s • 4 • • O i Oentralia . r• • AND • • •• • 0' e 0 O 4 • 4 • 4 4 0 4. • • • A • R. G. SELDON' Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal KESTLE, ROWE & WOOD PHONE 4o Exeter, Ontario AGENTS for British. American Oil Co. ft. N. Rowo Funeral DieatOe all(' Furniture Dealer GOMPLETE STOCK fILWf1Ys ON t!RND PRONE 20a 1 NEW TAILOR SHOP N. Sheere desires to an- nounce to the public that he will, on SEPT. est 1915 open up an up to -date LADIES and GENTS Tailoring Business in EXETER " } He will put in a full line of fashionable goods and will al- ways have a large aseortrs.ent of Samples Lo choose from. Our motto will be to give the best possible e value at the least possible price. A Call Solicited N. Sheere Stand Upstairs -Opposite the •Central Hotel. 11111101111111 Children Cry ,/ / A . I. FOR FLETCHER S C ,/� S.V I .A,