HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-02-12, Page 11Service Clubs Members of the Bluewater Chapter Order of the Eastern Star will again act as captains for the local canvass for the Huron Chapter of the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation. The 10 captains, and 100 canvassers, began their door-to-door blitz Saturday. Last year more than $6,000 was raised in the campaign. Four of the captains include Mary Henderson, Verna Kane, chairman, Donna Westbrook and Shirley Chalmers. If a canvasser calls when you're not'at home, mail your donation to the Huron Chapter of the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foun- dation, Imperial Bank of Commerce, 44 Main Street, Seaforth. (photo by Dave S*es) Grant should receive approval The terms of reference sent to the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation in late January fora community recreation plan- ning grant has been forwarded for further review and final consideration, council learned at its Feb. 10 meeting. "It is anticipated that this application will meet with approval since all program, criteria have been met. Congratulations on a well developed ternof reference docu- ment," Melanie McLaughlin, a consultant with the ministry wrote to Recreation Director Jane Netzke. The terms of reference outline a grant proposal for a 10 year master plan for the town's recreation and a feasibility study for a new recreation centre. As the first part, the master plan will document existing facilities and pro- grams, identify gaps in public accessibili- ty to them and make recommendations to fill the gaps and develop a 10 year pian of implementation. The second part is the feasibility study which will determine potential community needs, construction costs, funding sources, a 10 year forecast of operating expen- ditures and revenues, potential sites, floor plan proposals and an analysis of the effect of a recreation centre on the county recreation network. Grade 7 partners read Colborne School's Kindergarten students now have Grade 7 and 8 reading partners who come every Tuesday and read stories to them for 20 minutes. This week the class started talking about Valentine's Day. Students made paper heart designs, learned some Valentine game songs and talked about what a friend is. The pupils in Grade 5 are involved in a research project to find out more about their favorite domesticated animal. They will share their findings with the others through participation- in a skit, model -making or bulletin board display.. Grade 3s at Colborne are just completing • their Unicorn activities. They have been reading, writing and drawing things about Unicorns. This week, they will be working on crafts (model making), music (song creation.) and computer art to finish this unit. • Grade 6 will be having a Valentine's.Day Box Social next week as an introduction to their unit on "Pioneers". Theyare also studying different kinds of musical instruments and so far have covered Percussion and String instruments. At the end of the unit, they will be attending a concert given by a symphony orchestra. • Colborne Central School's Grade 4 class is being tested on fish in Science, and Kwakuit Indians in Social Studies. KING'S BOOK & GIFT SHOP. dust off the Square on East Street, beside the Post Office. Your 4v-}fu►kk, Community Cord Shop •Qr..ting Cords •party Wore <Mice Supplies *looks £Gifts •Wadding Stationery It's carnival time again! Following, a five-year tradition, Colborne Central School is staging its Carnaval de Colborne again,'during the week of -Feb. -17 21. The Carnaval de Colborne' is patterned along the same lines as Carnaval de Quebec, with snow games, skiing, music, and festivities t0 enjoy the winter season. It is traditionally the last party before Lent. On Tuesday, Feb. 18, they will be carving snow sculptures and presenting inside ac- tivities, •such as dance, singing, baking, .crafts and literature. On Thurs., Feb. 20, they will be going to Don Reagan's farm to enjoy an afternoon of skiing, tobogganing and snowshoeing. On Friday, Feb. 21, they will be having winter games and contests outside in the morning .with a snow picnic in the gym- nasium at noon hour: In the afternoon, skating is planned at the arena. A King and Queen will be crowned, chosen from the school population. Students look forward to making new friends between all grades from Kindergarten to Grade 8, as well as learning new ways of enjoying"winter. Parents in the community are invited to catch the Col- borne spirit and join up for Carnaval de Col- borne. Lioness Club has Candlelight ceremony The January meeting of the Goderich Lioness Club was' held at the Candlelight Restaurant on Tuesday, Jan. 28 with 24 members and one guest in attendance. The first part of the meeting was presided over by Second Vice -President Dorothy Bogie and the business portion was chaired by President Ruth Kelly. District A-9 President, Dorothy Bourdeau, and Lioness Liason, Bob Smith, conducted a candlelight ceremony for the induction of six new members. Joan Spittal, Vera Hagle, Roxy Peever, Marlene Black, Shirley Sur- ridge and Deanna Bacon received Lioness membership certificates and were welcom- ed into the club. District Convention in Orangeville, which is to be held in April, was discussed and it was decided the club would walk' in the parade. District Convention for 1987, which will be hosted by the Goderich Lions and Lioness Club was discussed and a committee has been appointed in connection with the ladies' portion of the convention. Lioness Dorothy Bourdeau reported on the club's participation in the Family and Children's Services 1985 Christmas Bureau and thanked all of the members who assisted in this worthwhile project. A report was made by Jo -Anne Collins of the Diabetes Committee and she advised that over $1,700 has been collected to date in connection with the Diabetic Campaign and there is still money being received in con- nection with this campaign. Lioness Jo -Mune Collins also reported that a representative from the Lily Company will be present at the Diabetic Drop -In Cen- tre at MacKay Hall on Mar. 17. Kay Spicer, author of two cookbooks for diabetics, will be at Huronview in Clinton on Mar. 20 and it is hoped that a number of people from Goderich will be able to attend. A committee will be set up by Lioness Mary Lou Aubin in connection with the Daf- fodil campaign for the Cancer Society which will be held on the first weekend in April. A report was made in connection with the production of "A Breath of Scotland" by Lioness Dorothy Bogie. The production, which consists, of live entertainment from Scotland, will be held on Apr. 23 and 24 in the GDCI auditorium. orth St: tCW studies. Indians Win Ferris'and her group were in charge,. when the Evening Unit .ofi North St. U.C.W. met for their January meeting. June Wallace led in the worship service and read a timely poem, "The Most Impor- tant Day Of The New Year Is Today." Alice Anstay pa 'e the scripture readings. After the offermg was received the members join- ed in singing the doxology in "Mohawk". Ferris introduced the study book for the coming year, when we will be learning more about the North American Indians. Francis Armstrong shared her trip to Greece with the group, by means of filmstrip and interesting commentary. Ferris was in charge of the business por- tion .of our meeting. Christina Hoffmeyer reported on theannual meeting of the Huron -Perth Presbyterial, which she had attended in Exeter. Plans are being made for a spring lun- cheon on May 20. 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FREE ESTIMATES PROMPT SERVICE Our Rads Can Also Be Purchased Through Your Local Garage Call Brian or Steve 524.8389 LIPTON {UP A soup .99 TABLET 'D' CORICIDIN CONSIGNMENT AUCTION OF Tractor & Farm Equipment AT BRINDLEY SALES Y; .O DUNGANNON Saturday, February 15 h 10:00 A.M. OVER 70 TRACTORS C 150 PCS. of EQUIPMENT To Consign Equipment Call 529-725r 529-7970 AUCTIONEE2S z� ,a Gordon 11. Brindley rr Urian Matsui Barry may. �.,.:. $j89 36's HALLMARK HEART SHAPE COOKIE CUTTERS . H S IS PHOTO DEL MONTE TETRA PACK JUICE 41.2 x250ML. , • MORRIS HEARTS $A.99 300 GRAM. giir • BATHROOM BATHROOM TISSUE $ 39 4-1ROLLS - • n Store Photofinishing In before 3 p.m....Same day service • SUNCOAST MALL, GODFRICII, 524.2195 Load EquiIy FUfldAII.bIe for RRSP 1 Year Average Annual Return 34.8m70'0 3 Year Average Annual Return 33.1 O°"° 5 Yea r Average Annual Return 18 03 % % 10Year Average Annual Return1 7.7 7 Results from December 31, 1975 to December 31, 1985. 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