HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-9-30, Page 2T WESTE' h DRIVE
Twenty Thousand Oe13m .n Prisoner and flatly Guns
are Captured in Two Day's Fighting
From the Sea to Verdun British, French and Belgian Forces Assume the Offensive-•- Gen, French's
Army Takes Five Miles of Teuton Positions and° Captures 2,600 Men -Gen. Joffre's Army
Takes Fifteen Miles of Hun Entrenchments and Captures Over 17,000 Unwounded Troops--
On Every Section of Front Enemy Lines Have Been Deeply Pierced -Crown Prince's Army
in Grave Peril -Ferocious Fighting Still Continues, With the Allies Gaining Ground,
A despatch from London says: The
general offensive movement so long
waited for on the Western front was
inaugurated by a series of allied vic-
tories on Saturday morning, the 25th
inst., which were maintained and ex-
tended the following day. The net
result of the first two days' operations
was over 20,000 unwounded Germsn
taken prisoner, of whom the British
took 2,600.
French troops penetrated the Ger-
man lines in Champagne along a
front of 15 miles and for a depth at
some places of 21/4 miles,
North of Arras the town and ceme-
tery of Souchez were taken by storm,
and the last trench still held by the
Germans to the east of the Labyrinth
was captured..
British forces captured German
trenches along a front of five miles
south of La Bassee Canal and east of
Vermeiles. In some instances the
British troops penetrated the German
positions for a distance of 4,000 yards
(two and a quarter miles), capturing
the quarries north-east of Halluch, the
village of Loos and the mining works
around it, and Hill No. 70. In Flan-
ders the British carried the German
trenches over a front of 600 yards
near Hooge.
The Champagne Battle.
The details of the operations can be
sketched out briefly by a glance at the
statements issued by the War Office.
After an artillery preparation, the
magnitude of which has never been
equalled, not even in the Austro -Ger-
man campaign in Galicia, the German
trenches in Champagne from a point
north of Souain as far east as the
Argonne forest were reduced to a
mass of earth and tangled wire. Huge
masses of French troops leaped for-
ward to the assault. The German first
Iine trenches had been obliterated, and
the advancing French clashed through
as far as the third line trenches.
Large numbers of the Germans who
endeavored to hold their positions
were cut off and captured. This ac-
counts for the unusually large nume
hers of prisoners taken, a number es-
timated by the War Office as more
than 16,000.
The object of the fighting in the
Champagne region is the railway line
running from Neufchatel through
Gomme and north of the Argonne
district to the town of Varennes. The
French are now only about two miles
from this railway, and once it is cap-
tured a general retreat in this region
will be absolutely necessary. This
railway line runs along the rear of
the entire German position north of
Rheims to the Argonne forest, Its
capture would also necessitate a re-
treat on the part of the Crown
Prince's men in the Argonne.
Battle North of the Arras.
The fighting north of Arras is a
resumption of the French offensive'
which took place in that riiatrict last
spring. Gen. Joffre at that time at-
tempted to cut off or capture the im-
portant railway junction of Lens, hut
this result was not attained. The
Germans then were driven back over
a considerable front, but as now free-'
ly admitted, the lack of munitions re-
sulted in the abandonment of this
offensive movement before its conclu-
sion. The French were able, however,
to capture the strongly fortified posi-
tion near Neuville known as the
Labyrinth, and the outskirts of the
village of Souchez, which, on account
of its peculiar position, was extreme-
ly important strategically.
The British Victories.
In conjunction with these successful
attacks, the British, under Sir John
French, took the offensive east of
Vermelles and Grenay, south of the
La Bassee canal, and succeeded in
driving back the Gentians on a front
of more than five miles; penetrating
the enemy's lines . at some places a
distance of more than two and a
quarter miles. The village of Loos
was captured, while the British reach-
ed, the quarries in the western out-
skirts of the village of Halluch, which
lies a short distance to the north. The
Unwounded Germans ta-
ken by British and French,
Five miles of enemy posi-
tions taken by Gen. French,
and line penetrated 4,000
yards -nearly two and one-
half miles.
Fifteen miles of trenches
captured by Gen. Joffre,
and line penetrated two
and one-half miles.
British now within
twelve miles of Lille.
French imperil army of
the German Crown Prince.
Belgians made successful
attack along the Yser Ca-
latter position changed hands several
times, being finally retaken by the
British. The German reserves were
drawn into the fighting by the fierce-
ness of the British attack, thus ma-
terially aiding the'French in their at-
tack farther south in the Arras re-
This push gives the British posses-
sion of the road from Lens to La Bas -
see, which was used by the Germans
for moving troops and supplies north
and south, and threatens to outflank
the German troops, which hold the
town of Lens,
Hill No. '70, one of the positions
taken on the road, is less than a mile
directly north of Lens, while Hulluch,
which also fell into the hands of the
British, is at the end of the road near
La Bassee. It is only twelve miles
from Halluch to Lille, the capital of
Northern France.
The Flanders Operations.
Another and not Iess important of-
fensive by the British was launched in
Flanders. This was a general attack
on the German positions along the
Ypres-Menin Road. South of the road
the British carried the German
trenches over a front of six hundred
yards. North of the road the British
captured the Belle Waarde ridge, an
important position, but were com-
pelled to give it up in the face of an
unusually strong counter-attack. So
far the British have taken 2,600 pri-
soners and nine guns.
At the same time British warships
and French and Belgian batteries have
heavily bombarded the German posi-
tions on the coast between Zeebrugge
and Nieuport..
, The German losses are described as
terrible. The roar of cannon can be
heard ceaselessly at places well inside
the Zeeland frontier, and an endless
paseession of German wounded is
veering into towns and villages behind
the enemy's•lines in Belgium.
Great Events Everywhere.
The Amsterdam Te'legraaf's Routers
correspondent sends to his -paper a
i despatch describing the latest activi-
ties on the western front. The de-
spatch says:
"War again in all its horror. There
is heavy fighting in Flanders. The
gunfire is tremendous. Wagons with
all kinds of supplies thunder along
the roads.
"There is a fearful bringing back
of wounded. The trams bring them
to Roulers in crowds, and automobiles
rush them to villages close behind the
lines. Cortemark has all its available
buildings filled, and more are con-
stantly arriving in wagons, lying on
straw, which has been hastily impro-
vised into beds. The soldiers speak
of the scenes at the front with shud-
British Official Reports.
An official report by Field Marshal
General Sir John French on the
splendid victory of his soldiers over
the Germans in Northern France and
Belgium, made public Sunday after -
h ar
l�® � S � ines Get Victims
A despatch to the London Daily
Telegraph from Copenhagen says the
Danish steamer Frode, which was.
sunk in the North Sea Septeniber 5,
was sent to the bottom by a German
submarine after a German sailor who
boat:sled the steamer at Buenos Ayres
papers false alleged a
by means of n
g s p p b of
Norwegian citizenship had been taken
oir by the submarine.
This testimony, the correspondent
says, was adduced by the Danish mar-
ine court at an enquiry into the sink-
ing of the Prado.- When the steamer
was halted by the submarine, accord-
ing to the testimony, the sailor imine-.
diately declared himself a German and
was transferred to the submarine,
Later the Frode was torpedoed and
two men were killed by the explosion.
noon by the Official Press Bureau,
"Saturday morning we attacked the
enemy south of La Bassee Canal, to
the east of Grenay and Vermelles.
We captured his trenches on a front
of over five miles, penetrating his
lines in some places for a distance of
,four thousand yards.
; "We captured the western outskirts
of Hulluch, the village of Loos and
the mining works around it, and Hill
"Other attacks were made to the
north of La Bassee Canal which drew
} a strong reserve of the enemy toward
the point .of; the line, where hard fight-
ing occurred throughout the day with
varying success. At nightfall our
troops north of the canal occupied
their positions of the morning.
"We made another attack near
Hooge on either side of the Menin
"An attack north of the road suc-
ceeded in occupying Bellewaarde farm
and ridge, .but this subsequently was
retaken by the enemy.
"In the attacks to the south of the
road we gained six hundred yards of
the enemy's trench and we consoli-
dated the ground won.
"The reports of captures up to the
present include about 1,700 prisoners
and eight guns, besides several ma-
chine guns, the number of which is
, not yet known."
Drew Enemy's- Reserves.
"There has been severe fighting to-
day," reads the official communica-
tion, issued on Sunday evening: "On
the ground won by us yesterday, the
enemy making determined counter-
attacks east and north-east of Loos.
"The result of this fighting is that,
except just north of Loos, we held all
the ground gained yesterday, includ-
iiig the whole of Loos itself.
"This evening we retook the quar-
ries north-west of Hulluch, which we
re -won and Lost yesterday. We have
in this fighting drawn the enemy's
reserves, enabling the French on our
right to make further progress.
"The number of prisoners collected
after yesterday's fighting amounted to
2,600. Nineguns have been taken
' and a considerable number of machine
"Our aeroplanes to -day bombed and
derailed a train near Loffres, east of
Douai, and another, which was full of
troops, at Rohult, near Saint Amend.
The Valenciennes station was also
French Official Stories.
The following statement was issued
Saturday night by the French War
"On the Belgian coast our batteries
have co-operated in the bombard-
ment by the British fleet of the Ger-
man positions at Westende and Mid-
delkerke, The British -troops have
attacked with success enemy positions
to the west of Loos and Hulluch. Our
troops operating in conjunction with
the British army delivered to the
north of Arras an - energetic attack
which permitted them to gain a foot-
hold at several points in the enemy's
"Between the Somme and the Aisne
fighting by means of torpedoes and
bombe has been going on hi the sec-
tor of Canny sur -Matz,, Our artillery.
exploded a munitions depot in a forti-
fied house at Beuvraignes,
"In Champagne after a new - and
very violent bombardment of the
trenches, shelters, blockhouses and
batteries of the
enemy, our troops
. i
began an assault t of the German lines
between the Suippes and the Aisne,
fThe hast adverse positions have been ill
occupied on almost the entire front T- : �ea rn
attacked. Our progress continues..
Artillery actions have occurred in the
Woevre, in Lorraine, and in the Vos-
ges ha the environs of Chapelotte and
of Schratzmannele.,y" .
Important Success Achieved by Ivan-
off on the Border of
A despatch from London says: The
counter -offensive movement launched
by the Russians under General Ivanoff
against the Austro -Germans in Vol-
hynia and Galicia has assumed impor-
tant proportions, General Ivanoff
has been so successful that the Ger-
man. Field Marshal,. von Mackensen,.
who is fighting north of the Pripet
marshes eastward of Brest -Litovsk,
according to the German official re-
port, has been compelled to withdraw
his line somewhat, as it was in clan-
ger of being encircled; while the Aus-
trians ,have been driven back across
the Styr, and have been compelled to
surrender the fortress of Lutsk, in the
Volhynian triangle of fortresses which
they captured during the great drive.
These successes, which extend to
the Roumanian frontier, in the opin-
ion of .military observers, would serve
to ease the situation on the Rouman-
ian flank should Roumania join Rus-
sia, and in addition might well pre-
vent the Austro -Germans from send-
ing an army, which it is estimated
must consist of at least a half million
men, to make an attack on Serbia.
In the centre the Russians are still
falling back, while in the north Field
Marshal von Hindenburg continues to
make progress with his offensive
against Dvinsk, although at a much
slower rate than formerly, as the Rus-
sians are stiffening their resistance.
East of Vilna the Germans admit a
temporary check, during which they -
lost guns to the Russians.
Vilieka, the position seized by von
Hindenburg in his effort to encircle
the Russian army retreating from
Vilna, again is in the hands of the
Russians, having been recaptured by
a bayonet charge. The number of
German guns captured, according to
the Russian official report, includes
four howitzers as well as nine ammua
nition wagons. The captured guns
were manned by the Russians and put
to flight a German armored car.
4,000 Taken at Lutsk.
"The battle north of Lutsk was a
great success for the Russians, who
took '4,000 prisoners, and recaptured
the town of Lutsk," says Reuter's.
Petrograd correspondent.
The correspondent of the Morning
Post says in a despatch to his paper:
"In quarters that know, and indeed,
in rather wider circles, strong opti-
mism during the past couple of days
has been spreading rapidly. The offi-
cial bulletins of the progress of the
war are not sufficient to account for
this feeling, The certain successful
withdrawal from Vilna has straight-
ened the Russian front, and in every
way strengthened their powers."
A French Aviator Single -Handed Puts
Six Hostile Air Craft to
A despatch from Paris says: With.
the exception of an attack by an
enemy patrol in Champagne the fight-
ing recently has been largely in the
hands of the artillery. Cannonading
has broken out in Belgium, according
to the French official report given out
in this city. Artillery fighting has
taken place also near. Arras, between
the Somme and Oise, between the
Aisne and the Argonne region, and
in Lorraine.
One French aeroplane carrying
Lieut. Daum, as observer, and Sergt.
Garnier, as pilot, attacked and defeat-
ed a fleet of six German battle aero-
planes, it was revealed in a general
order. Both French aviators are men-
tioned for conspicuous gallantry. The
fight took place over Nancy. The
French aviators attacked the German
machines one by one, preventing them
from bombarding the town. When the
French machine landed it was riddled
with bullets.
General Joffre, the French Com-
mander -in -Chief, and the allied com-
manders on this front -Field Marshal
Sir John French and King Albert of
Belgium -are developing a new plan
of campaign that involves the almost
continuous use of artillery on a vast
scale along the whole line.
A despatch from Guelph says: Mrs,
Scott, of Hewitt Street, has a son and
six brothers, fourteen cousins and
seven nephews serving their King and
.A. despatch from Amsterdam
Vol, smuggling
letters into l:Iblland, a
German court-martial at Antwerp has
sentenced three Belgian citizens to
death and thirty-three others to hard
M n1::ets
Toronto, Sept. 27, ---Manitoba wheat
New erop, No. 1 Northern, $1.02;;
No. 2, $1, track lake ports, immediate
American corn --.No. 2 yellow, 840,
track lake ports.
Canadian corn -No, 2 yellow, 81e,
track Toronto.
Ontario oats -New crop, No. 2
white, 38 to 39c; No, 3 white, 36 to
88e, according to freights -outside.
Ontario wheat -New No. 2 Winter,
per car let, 90 to 92c; wheat slightly
tough, 80 to 85e; sprouted or smutty,
70 to 85e, according to sample,
Peas -No. 2, per car lot, nominal,
according to freights outside.
Barley -Good malting barley, 52 to
54c; feed barley, 43 to 45c, according
to freights outside,
Buckwheat -Car lots, nominal, ac-
cording to freights outside.
Rye -No-. 2, nominal, 75 to 78c, ac-
cording to freights outside.
Manitoba flour -First patents, in
jute bags, $5,75; second patents, in
jute bags, $5,25; strong bakers', in
jute bags, $5.05, ,Toronto.
Ontario flour -New Winter, 90 per
cent. patents, $3.80, seaboard or To-
ronto freights in bags, prompt ship-
Millfeed-,Car lots, delivered Mont-
real freights --Bran, per ton, $24;
shorts, per ton, $26; middlings, per
ton, $27; good feed flour, per bag,
$1, 80,
Country Produce.
Butter -Fresh dairy, 25 to 27c; in-
ferior, 22 to 23c; creamery prints, 29
to 30c; do., solids, 27 to 28%e.
Eggs -No. 1, 25 to 26e per dozen,
in case lots; extra at 26 to 27c.
Honey -No. 1 light (wholesale), 10
to 11%c; do., retail, 12% to 15c.
Combs (wholesale), per dozen, No. 1,
$2.40; No. 2, $1.50 to $2.
Poultry -Spring chickens, 20c; fowl,
16 to 17c; ducklings, 17 to 18e; tur-
keys, 22 to 24c.
Cheese -Large, 15 to 1514c; twins,
151/4 to •15%c.
Potatoes -The market is quiet, with
car lots quoted at 60c per bag on
Bacon, long clear, 14 to 141/4c per
lb. in case - lots. Hams -Mediums,
18% to 19c; do., heavy, 14% to 15c;
rolls, 15 to 16c; breakfast bacon, 20
to 23c; backs, plain, 23 to 24c; bone-
less backs, 25 to 251/zc.
Lard -Tubs, 1214 to , 12%c; do.,
pails, 12% to 12%c; compound, tubs,
9% to 10c; do., pails, 111/2c.
Wholesale Hay Market.
Baled hay, new -No. 1, ton, $15 to
$16.50; No. 2, ton, $13 to $14; baled
straw, ton, $6.50.
Business in Montreal.
Montreal, Sept. 27. -Corn, American
No. 2 yellow, 87% to 88c. Oats, extra
No. 1 feed, 43%c; 'No..2 local white,
42%c; No. 3 local white, 41%c. Flour,
Man. Spring wheat patents, firsts,
$5.85; seconds, $5.35; strong bakers',
$5.15; Winter patents, choice, $5.50;
straight.rollers, $4.80 to $5; do., bags,
$2.25 to $2.35. Rolled oats, barrels,
$5.25 to $5.35; do., bags; 90 lbs.,.
$2.40 to $2.45. Bran, $25. Shorts,
$27. Middlings, $22 to $33. Mouillie,
$30 to $34. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car
lots, $17 to $18. Cheese, finest west-
erns, 15 to 151/4c; finest easterns, 14%
to 141/4c. Butter, 'choicest creamery,
30 to 301/4c; seconds, 28% to 29c.
Eggs, fresh, 33 to 34e; selected, 30e;
No. 1 stock, . 27 to 28c; No. 2 stock,
24c. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, 60c.
Dressed hogs, abattoir killed, $13.75
to $14. Pork, heavy Canada short
mess, bbls., 35 to 45 pieces, $28 to
$28.50; Canada short cut back, bbls.,
45 to 55 pieces, $27 to $27.50. Lard,
compound, tierces, 375 lbs., 10c; wood
pails, 20 lbs. net, 101/c; pure, tierces,
375 lbs., .111/4 to 12c; wood pails, 20
lbs. net, 121/4 to 13c.
U. S. Markets.
Minneapolis, Sept. 27. -Wheat -
No. 1 hard, $1.06%; No. 1 Northern,
$1.00% to $1.05%; No. 2 Northern,
97% to $1.02%; September, 98%c;
December,' 93c. Corn -No. '3 yellow,
70% to .711%. Oats -No. 3 white,
32to 331/4c. Flour and bran un-
Duluth., Sept. 27. -Wheat -No. 1
hard, $1.03%; No. 1 Northern,
$1.02%; No. 2 Northern, $1.00%;
Montana No, 2, $1.021/4; September,
$1.001/4; December, 93%c. Linseed
Cash, $1.671/4; September, $1.671/2;
December, $1.66%.
Live Stock Markets.
Toronto, Sept. 27, -The quotations
were: -Best heavy steers, $7.75 to
$8; butchers' cattle, choice, $7.50 to
$7.65; do., good, $7 to : $7.40; do.,
medium, $6.25 to $6.75; do., common,
$5 to $5.25; butchers' bulls, choice,
$6.25 to $6.75; do., good bulls, $5.75
to $6; do., rough bulls, $4.75 to $5.25;
butchers' cows, choice, $6.45 to $6.50;
do., good, $5.25 to $6; do., 'medium,
$5 to $5.75; do., common, $4.50 to
$5; feeders, good, $6.50 to $7.25;
stockers, 700 to 900 lbs., $6.25 to $7;
canners and cutters, $3.75 to $5;
milkers, choice, each, $65 to $100; do.,
common and medium, each, $35 to
$50; Springers, $50 to $95; light ewes,
$5 to $6; sheep, heavy, $4.25 to $4.75;
do., bucks, $3.50 to $4.50; yearling
lambs, cwt., $7.75, to $8.60; calves,
medium to choice, $7 to $10.50; hogs,
off cars, $9.65 to $10; do., fed and.
watered, $9.50 to $9.60; do., f.o.b.,
$9.15 to $9.25.
Montreal, Sept. 27. -Sales of good
steers were made at $7.25 to $7.50
fair at $6.25 to $7; and common at
$4.75 to $5.75. Butchers' cows,
$4.75 to $G.75; and bulls from $4.75.
to $6.50 per cwt. Canning stock,
bulls, $4.25 to '$4.35, and cows at
$3.25 to $3:50 per cwt. Lambs, On-
tario stock, $7.75 to $8, and Quebec
at $7 to $7.25 per cwt. Sheep brought
from $4.50 to $5.50 per cwt. Calves,
$5 to $20 each, as to size and quality.
Hogs, choice selected lots, $9.65 to
$9.75, and rougher lots, $9.25 to
$9.50 per cwt., weighed off cars.
'A despatch from Amsterdam says:
A Berlin despatch received here says
the German Government has announc-
ed that a new mine field will be laid
south of the outlet'to the Sound and
that a pilot service will be established
to enable neutral shipping to traverse
the danger one.
The Sound is the channel between
the Danish. Island of Seeland and Swe-
den which connects the Baltic with the
Cattegat and the North Sea. The
waterway formerly belonged to : the
Danish sovereigns, who for many
years collected tolls from foreign ves-
sels using it. In 1857, however, by a
treaty with the commercial nations of
Europe, the dues were abolished.
A despatch from Geneva says:
Consumptive prisoners to the number
of 2,500 will shortly arrive from belli-
gerent countries for asylum - and
treatment in Switzerland under an
agreement recently reached between
the Swiss Government and those of
belligerent nations providing for the
care of invalid prisoners under Swiss
guard at the expense of the belliger-
The British section of the sick pri-
soners will be sent to various places
in Oberland, the French to Leysin and
the German to St. Moritz.
4 1 �
Removal of Austrian Garrison From Monte Coston
Officially Admitted by 'Vienna
A despatch from London, says: The
loss of a mountain position on the
Italian front is admitted hi the offi-
cial statement sent out from Vienna
by the Austrian War Office. The gar-
rison on Monte Coston, the communi-
cation says, evacuated the position as
the result of an attack by "forces ten
times their number." The, mountain
for some months had presented an
awkward wedge in the Italian front,
which now has been straightened.
Winter snows are already .falling in
i ,.
the Alps, rendes:ng still more perilous
s viI
the work of the Italian and Austrian
in warfare i
troops who are engaged n
the mountainous region near the bor-
der. A correspondent of the Gazette
de Lausanne describes the recent bat-
tle for possession of the Austrian
stronghold on top of Freikofel moun-
tain, 9,000 feet high. The attack was
made under most difficult conditions.
The Austrians had prepared for an
assault from the east. Two battalions
of Italian Alptne troops • made their
way around the mountain and attack-
ed the Austrians from the rear. To
reach the summit they were compelled
to scale theprecipitous side of the
mountain, clinging to ropes placed in
position by mountaineers. The cor-
respondent states that the Italians
raptured 250 Austrians and a large
quantity of nnunitions.
Russians Have Formed Firm Font
After Retri,it From
A - despateh from Petrograd says
Experts with the staff say that the
Russians in the course of the fighting
during the successful retreatfrom
the Vilna region inflicted terrible loss-
es on the enemy, estimates of German
casualties in this region running as
high as 250,000. The new position on
the front is altogether favorable:r.It .
extends from Oshmiani south-vu?est-
ward along the River Gawla -land
crosses the line from Molodechno-Lida
near the station Gawla, 30 miles east-
ward of Lida, which is in the enemy's
hands. Further it extends southward
15 miles and westward from Novo
Grodok to Milovida and eastward to
the Oginski Canal.
The Russians are preventing the
enemy from turning the Rivers Oljan-
ka, Beresina . and Dubowlea, which at
present are serious obstacles in the
direction of Minsk. The Russian suc-
cesses at Molodechno, Novo Wilersk
and Lebebevo show that they are en-
tirely free to develop offensive opera-
tions betweenthe upper Vilna and
Eastern Dvina along the railway from
Molodechno to - Polotzk,
Russian officers admit that the new
front in the Vilna region is warped
and interrupted in places.
The region to the east of Lida and
south 'of Molodeehno is .intersected by
a multitude of rivulets. These are
embarrassing' the German advance,
necessitating a detour northward, and '
consequently co-operation between the
German groupin the vicinity of Vilna
and that near Lida will be difficult.
The Russians expect that the Germans
contemplate a race for crossings of
the Beresina River, particularly at
Borissov, 38 miles north-east of
Minsk, where Napoleon came to grief
in 1812.
The Red Cross hospitals evacuated
Vilna in good order. Two local hospi-
tals, with 350 wounded, remained in
the city, it being impossible to move
It is now clear, thanks to the slflful
counter-attacks of Russian cavalry,
that the Germans not only failed to
envelop the Vilna troops, but have been
compelled tp break their line and un- .
dertake separate unconnected engage-
ments. At present the Russian dis-
position and locations between the
railway from Vilna to Baranowitchi,
Novo Wilesk and Minsk will evidently
compel the enemy to change its move-
ment from eastward to northwest-
Canadian Spared Life of Hun Wlio
Shot Him in the Back.
A despatch from Lethbridge, Alta.,
says: That Captain Frank Pett, a
Lethbridge officer, with the Tenth
Battalion,•was intentionally murdered
by a wounded German on the field of
battle at Ypres is now established by
word from one of the soldiers with
Captain Pett at the famous charge.
Captain Pett, in the charge, came
across a wounded enemy, who asked
him to spare his life, which he did.
When he turned to go the German
shot him with his own rifle in the -
A despatch from Wheeling, W. Va.,
says: A movement to have all Austro
Hungarians quit the plants where
they are employed making war muni-
tions for the enemies of Austria was
inaugurated here, and it wasannounc-
ed that a speaker representing a
Cleveland society would address such
workmen at Bridgeport, Ohio. Mill. ;
managers, fearing the men ,would
walk out, arranged to have their -
places taken by workmen of other
nationalities. Important contracts for
shells are . being filled by factories in
the Wheeling district.
A despatch from London says: The
British steamship Groningen, 988 tons
gross, has been blown up. One mem-
ber of the crew' lost his life and sev-
eral others were wounded.
The Dutch steamer Koningen
Emma, of 9,000 tons, which struck a
mine as she was on her way to Am-
sterdam from Batavia, Java, capsized
and sank in the Thames. The 250
passengers had been previously taken
off the Koningen Emma, which was
being towed up the river when she
A despatch from Kingston, Ont.,
says r Dean J. C.Connell has issued
a statement regarding the work of
Queen's Stationary Hospital at. Cairo,
Egypt. The opinion was expressed by
,the authorities in Egypt. that Queen's
Hospital, was the best equipped that
had arrived, It is the only hospital
there with a laboratory and expert
pathologist. The wards have been
named after prominent Kingston and
Queen's donors, There are 480 beds
in the hospital, which is situated ita
the Abbassia cavalry barracks, built
Int Kitchener,