HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1915-9-30, Page 1rFoitTY-SL.OND YEAR--' NO 2229 EXETER, ONT. THURSDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 30TH, 1915 New Furs JONES & MAY 1New Furs Phone 32 Smart Witter Coats Buy Early arid Get Your Choice All something New and No Two alike, We certainly have the swell Coats this season. Some- thing entirely different in every garment. They are bought from the best manuf- acturers and for style, fit and finish they are the best we have ever. shown. All bought early the old prices. New Fall . and Winter Dress Goods A BIG STOCK AT THE OLD PRICES Colored Dress Goods We are showing everything that is New in the Color- ed Dress Goods. AlI colors of Fine Evening Dresses. Good Materials for street wear and beautiful Cloths. for Fall Suits, Black Dress Goods Tacks are very good for this season. Our stock is` very complete in Poplins, Serges, Satin Cloths, Resilda, Rosetta, Diagonal, Box Cloth, San Toy and Broadcloths. New Millinery P fear, nifty and up-to.date. Our. Milliners 2re-very busy so leave your onder early, All the Newest Headgear here for you to pick from. New shapes New Colors, New Materials New Silks Silks are up,.on .top.this,.fall.. You will be .in: the style to buy a silk: Silk Poplins, Silk Crepes, Plaid silks, Striped silks and Plain silks in every shade ;< yd wide for $1 a yd Men's and Boys' Furnishings New Fall Suits Hats Shirts New Fall Overcoats Underwear New Fall Caps Gloves Collars Ties JONES AND MAY Letter From the Front This hes vck we tire Per> ttod to xe print 'another interesting letter Froin one of the boys who are serving their king and country. The letter is from 11Ir. Je A. McMahon, B., A, a graduate of Toronto University yard only.sen of `Dir, and Mrs. John McMMIahon, of Thaw. Shorncliffe, Eng., 26th, C.F.A. • C.E,F', My Dear Parents, This is the end. of what to Me USA been n most interesting day. 11 a,nx. the entire Second ICen idian 'Coia- tingent was rreviewed by His Maje' manner of reviews and 'Kitchener. After the usual erning the appointment of a Muni - ester w's it has ,drizzled;atl cipal clerk 'end treasurer, was read clay, and'the 'roads, ,fine as lahey lire; and Ip'assed ore motion, of Councillors axe in t+( sloppy condition, but en' t1i Hind and Beavers. field, the `close -cropped green turf • Adolphus Hooper, of Hay, be allowed tacked !ns fresh as Dlay. It way per- ravel from the pit at .75e per cord, EE -ORGANIZED ' haps the `Finest sight I have ever g The +J3oolclavers Club re -organized seen. Forty-five thousand ]rh'al.i-lad ,'fir. (Hooper •to leave the Pit in the 1't l fou d 't. 11.11111.11 it G NDf1,STOV[S & RN6ES — ARE GOOD COOKERS & ECONOMIC IN FUEL PRICES FROM $38.00 �ifl l •;jV� Stove Pipes, Elbows, Stove Boards and Dam- pers, at low prices. Genuine Madza Tungstein Lamps 25c & 40c. Watt Lamps 35c. Buy a good everready Flashlight for $1,10 PRONE Heaman's Hardware 27 A - and Stove Store PHONE 27B BORN a1I,LS-=-At Woodham, on Sept. 24th, to Mr. arid Mrs. Lawrence 'Mills, I is son. •I4USTIN—Near Centralia, on. Sept. 28 to Mr. arucl, Mrs;; Thos. Austin, • daughtr,.r, ' r .t on Sept. Z � --WAt �� Oodlx < rix G 1D .�,N A 4th, 1915, Co Mr. ;and Mrs, Thos. Lingar.d, :a son. ea EYWOOD—In Usbori c, on Thur&- day, ,Sept. 23.rd to Air, and Mrs. ,aaroairay .Heywood, a dnughtere iWilliarn Ivison, aged. 90 years. WANLE,SS—At Varna on Sept. 22nd, 'Williaih Wanless aged. 75 years, , SGRUTON—In Hensall, non Sept. 20th Alfred Scruton in his 48th year. HEAVY FROST Heavy frosts for three nights in •succession have visited this district. Vines. tomatoes and corn, have suffer- ed to a certain extent. 11T.r\RRIED QUAILS—EASTEIi,EHOOK—At Godes E rich. on Septa by Rev. v, 'J. c Sth, Ford, John ouaile, Seafortly, 'find Miss Annie Louisa Easterbrook, of Exeter LWENDE f1SON—GLEASON — At the First Presbyterian manse, St. Marys en' ,Sept, 21st, by .the lttev.• J. G;, Miller, William J, Henderson, of Hickson, to arise Laura K. ,Gleason, pf 71lensbarci, DIED I 'j O . -a.t Kipper). of gept, 2th, FELL E'ItOM TREE Harold, :the young son, of Mr. 'and Mrs, Jeff Fisher o'f Usborne, fell out of ii tree at the school grounds last Friday and fractured his arm. INS'P.ECTE'D MOUSES Mr. W. J3. Legate, Inspector for the Hydro Commission at London, was in town last Friday and inspected some Louses wired 'by Messrs. Beer and Davis. He also issued several per-' wits_ A LONG S'TRI'P "Tood]es" a beautiful white curly- haired Maltese Terrier was received in tow(_ on Tuesday by 'Mr. Arthur E. Wood. The dog was expressed down from Regina, Sask., and was ,none the worse for its long travel. , SOCIAL EVENING The Epworth League of the James street Methodist church held a social evening on. Tuesday, A very inter- esting ,and instructive program was given followed by a light refreshment of ice 'cream and cakes. A very en- joyable time was spent by all. VISITED PRESBYTERY, Itev. Dr. Strang, superintge.odcrit of Home Missions in Southern Saskat- chewan in connection with the 'Pres- byterian church, made a tour of eIftir- oxx (Presbytery during the past ween and spoke at Thames (Road, Auburn, Londesboxo ;Blyth, :Olinton and Seal • I JOINED THE HONOR now.; Exeter Council A regular acerin of the cmunoil tin Monday morning Messrs. t"hes- 1;ter Harvey and Reg. Knight, who ' chamber ore was held in the council am have !been employed, avith -Tones 8z Friday, Sept. 24th; Councillor Rout + ' li4xay, brio Archie Davis, of .t'he Advo - Stop absent. The ininutes oP the gate, left ''for London to enlist with meeting held Sept. 10th, were read I the mounted ri'Piea for overseas, � 'Tile and Iappreve.4i. Mr., W. J. Beaman asked for per- mission to erect a gasoline pump. with tank under sidewalk, the cumin country,; to be 'placed fat .the curbing in front of bis'store. Per 'Beavers and liar. SLATED FOR ATTOENEre ton that permission be granted; the GENERALSHIP ' work to be done under the super vision of the street commissioner; 1 The Regina Province states that the same to he removed subject• to W. IW Martin. M.P. Por Regina, son u c 1. Inferno or ,the ruling of the municipal coni of Bev. and Dirs. 'W, 'lvi. Inferno, Tay -law No. 1(i, 1915, a by-law- gov- 'London, sand formerly of Exeter, is likely to enter the Scott cabinet gas irttorney'-general, and will contest 'Regina city constituency when the bye -election or general election is brought on, honor roll is increasing each' week.and some of Exeter's brightest and best young men are in the' .service of. their e ter dlarton and Beavers that Mr. men massed 'in dressed ranks, -r• nsame cont than as to n t khaki blotch on the plain; and the dull 1 The" of cemetery B3+-1.ativ was under gleam of the numberless bayonets like discussion ars to the amendment ed a grey mist over all. The Ding on the Perpetual Fund clause. 'Referred a blackthoroughbred and Lord Kit- to the Reeve to makountsher inquiry- chener on a white, took the saltlte, The following aecounts were read Over them floated the Royal, Stan- in et approved, orders being ,givers in dart'. We, of the Artillery, being Payment-: Messrs. Dickson , (Carling, the first to pass, were 'abletto secure $49:40; Lawson & Trick, 15,00; F. S. a good position from tvlzich''to sec the Delbridgc, 9.00; John Ford 21.90; J. parade. The swaying line of Ln•+ I ydd, 5,25; T. 'Webster, 4.00; Thos,. Pantry in column of platoons seemed Houlden 18.80; 'Ely. Rumohr, 14.00; never•endi lig. Yet What are these to Robe- Gillies ' Son, 19,00; T. 'G, Britain's host of over '3,000,000? laioh :Creech, x.6,00; 'J. 73•un:kin 2g 5.20;00 his. George hooked the king, though in ,a...Cord. 10 12.00; Geo. Orange '13.7.00; Field Marshall's uniform, and seem- f Ford. 10.Q0; Walter Westcott os. E. ed thoroughly pleased. Kitchener's Davis 9.00; 11th Davis 50mhos. I lyn 1.50; .Theo, Walser 14.00; 'Wea. •Wald face ternxmnit one could read the calm dt inper 5.00; 'amounting in all to t$276.05. 1 A special 'meeting•" of' the council tion rind indomitable resolution which was 'held on Monday, Sept. 27th, to Britain is bringing to tear upon, the consider the municipal tax rate and %var. It is (the rima review,( Tri n matters pertaining to Electric Light. short time the contingent wil4 cross I Per Fund and Roiilston ,that the the Channel. We of the 7th Artillary taxation for the year be 30 Brigade, being hardly ready yet; will s rate of mills , a by-law be temporarily replaced by a British be preparedonthe in ac(cordancerantsThat therewith. brigade, but should see the front by Per Beavers and Eaton, that , the New Years. letter as received by .Mr. ,Zuefle re .of- We are .still living in tents rind fer of the present electric light street altho' the luxury of ,floors stakes equipment Inc referred to the Hydro trent, life iii this damp climate. Mare equipment ' agreeable, yet (none of us will, bei Dliessrs. Martizi, Gladman and Fuke sorry wheneve move into winter members of the School `Board waited quarters. A portion of our compie-' on .the council regards getting a wa- ment of 'horses is due next week, ' ter main extended to 'the .school pro - when we will resume the o]d'(routine perty, claiming that it was absolutely of stables, riding, driving and man- necessary no that abundance of water euvering as we had it at Valcartier `would be available for the 'heating. and !Kingston. These days we amuse system. ourselves with gun 'drill, foot -drill i 'Per:, {Beaters and ktoulston that a and ,signalling and are getting''fdirly lone inch pipe be entended from the raroiicient in all three. The 26th Bat= , corner of Andrew and Victoria Sts: r•ery wss paid a complimenttbia Fore- to the school property.. noon by the Brigade Ser,eeantr Major evl:en he called it "the pride of the .SSenior, Clerk.; brigade." : i i• i.-; 1 l Any pze'-conceived'idea one may have regarding Shorncliffe camp, get a rather hard knock when he actually trees it. It Is huge. -60,000 .are here. bnfl• until von see them massed an a Divisional Review as they were to -day you can have no impression. of the size of the camp. Every few thousand are Exeter School Fair On Monday of this week I was call- ed into the school rooms to assist at the judging of the vegetables and oth- er garden productions grown by the children of Exeter- from seed sent to the teachers of the public school from Placed by i.hemselvos and separated the Agricultural college at Guelph. 1 from other 'units by a mile or more' was simply surprised at the magnl-' of meadow and harvest end wood. , intent( display in, the matter oC po- This is to make Zeppelin ralds,—there tatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots, pars - have been 'several,—less likely to be nips, canned vegetables, flowers and effeettve. On clear days you can see other garden productions. The exhi- the rFreneb coast and when one real -bit would have done credit to ;any izes that actual fighting is going ion ( country fair and in some oases the only 33 miles away and that we I cabbage and the carrots would have could 'easily .be transported ' to the successfully ;competed with the same tiring line overnight, he is apt it o production es shown at the Exeter think of the war as far more of n fall ,fair this year. The school child= reality, than people in lCanada usual- : ren of Exeter ,arc to be compliment, -t ly ido. Train -loads of wounded pass ed on the success of their exhibition through the camp daily and one veraof 1915. II• E. HUSTON often meets convalescent soldiers who Following is a list of the prize wine have strange and awful stories to tell of their experiences. An artil- lery .man from alt Alberta Battery told 'nett being wounded. by, shrap- nel when aa 60 -Ib. shell hit the trail nets; Flowers — Zinnias, Mildred Norry, Blanche Senior, Gladys Bedford; Pan- sies, Stella Sanders; Alyssum, Verde Rowcliffe; Stocks, Mabel Houlden, L, the llartleib; Asters, Blanche Senior, Ed - crew was wounded but r.one fatally.) ward Taylor, Norman Norry; arrang- of his gun. Every gunner of, He, is eager to get 'batik. ed bouquet,'Geo. Hind; Cosmos, Dor- We University of. Toronto mon. feel' otby 73alkwili, Belle Gould, Mildred very much at home here. Varsity I Norry; Everlasting flowers, Florence men crop 'up at every tura. Then , Norry, Cecil Ford; Calliopsis, Florence are here in dozens. In my own bri- Norry ; 'Marigold, ,Mildred Norry; nc• At a o Rade there are nearly a hunilrcd. Nastin ttum •� crd the 'present time over 800 students from ,Varsity. are on active service and •Prof. hylic is recruiting, •for the •4th /University company at the Present time. University circles In Canada have nothing to be ashamed of. Wdnld that some other commun- ities would WAKE UPI Here in 'England 'fit men of the Tight age are almost all gone. It is wonderful,— and we in Canada think eve have rea- di ' , R life, Jessie Iiowey, (Mildred Horton; Sunflowers, Cora ,Saxiders and Perla Sanders. tie; Norman ,Norry 2nd; French alaria golds, ',Norman Nonry. Canned beets, Verda llowcliffe, Thelma Ford, Mildred Harvey; canned tomatoes, Marguerite Pickard, Mur- iel !Hogarth. Judges—Mrs. F., Woods, Mrs. F. ,W Gladman. Vegetables—uw'cde turnips, .Willie Manson ; onions, George hind, 'Gladys son to be p Tonight the searchlights of the Harvey', 2nd anti 3rd; sage, Norman ,Channel fleet are playing on the Norry ; Golden Bantam sweet corn. ,:lauds. It would be a good night for Blanche Senior, Maurice Ila.rvey; white sweet corn, Cecil :Ford ICly Heywood ; pop corn, 'Cecil Ford, Ed- ward Taylor, Earl Mallett; Lettuce. Cora Ford; parsley, Clyde Heywood, Gyle Statham; Horn carrots, Florence Harvey. Mildred Rowe, Mervyn Canim long carrots, George :[find, Cie - ell Ford, Stella Sanders; parsnip, Jas. ll.lorley, Florence Norry, Clyde Iles wood; [Drumhead cabbage, Maurice klarveyred Norry, Margaret Kuntz; Winning Stadt cabbage, New man L3'ardy, Marguerite Kuntz, :Clar- ence Morley ; long red 'beets, Maurice Harvey ; Egyptian 'beets, Stella Sane dors. James Morley, Charlie Ford; turnip ;blood /beets, 'Blanche Senior, Willie Manson, Margaret Kuntz; special., Earl Russel„ Detroit red beets, Verde. Vale, J•oe Bradt, Lyle Statham; Elephant popatoes, Verde. itow•olifl'c; Do vis' Warrior potato, 0, Salter; Ronald Wickwire, Wm. Ort- Wein; potatoes, special, Harold Kuntz. sunflower, Willie Car twein, kelvin 'ledden; Clyde Heywood. Judges—ll, E. Huston and ' Gourd. rhe pupils I s shoo 1 til.s etaetastaff. o f the ` wish 'to tender their thanks to the fudges who'eo kindil arid efficiently mire 'their Serviec.a and the ` isitor+ who t:ncour:aged the Pupils by their pneseacc.• on 'air raid. and I wouldn't be sur- prised to hear of one. They take place ignore frequently but fortunate- ly' do little harm. • I must e!ose now. Please rcinembcr me to (all the friends .and write often to your 'loving son. ALVA Patriotic League Notes The Patriotic League intend giving Hallowe'en Concert on, Monday, Nov. lst• 7'he rc eeipts of the Tea .Room on Fair Day were X37.10, Acontribution of :2,00 tins received from Mr, E. Walters and also Miss Vosper. A donation of canned fruit' for the soldiers Was received from the xe ladies irsbornc on a urdey last. ']`hr ladies of Exctcr.ha.ve also donated canned fruit tor the soldiers. The Tea Room will Incopen next i of Saturday when� done non canoed. s fruit, jam, jelly, chocolate cocoa gut t raisins, tooth paste, tooth brushes., sox or anyt'.hing for the comfort ot our ,soldiers will Inc thankfully rtes leeiVeria nth. of the boundary of S t•- It UNA.WAY A horse ran away from in front of W. J. Beer's on '.i.l:onday morning and struck oat at a lively rate to- words its home Centra lin, - 1t oattght ma to a wagon some piece down t.hetroad and started to follow* it. It Was brought back to :tenth ;no damage; being ;douci, , •._,.,,:., ....c> l.' last Wednesday at the home of the retiring 'president, Mrs. Powell. Meet- ings will be held each Wednesday evening during the fall• and winter. The 'evenings will be devoted to •sew- ing for the soldiers and other pat- riotic atriotic purposes. The officers elected were:, President, Mrs. Fitton; Vice- president, Mrs. Clarke Secretary, Miss .&Ioncur. HELD DEMONSTRATION ' Mr. J. W. Powell, the agent in this community 'for the Edison, Phono- graphs, held a demonstration on the Zurich fair grounds, the day of that fair. Willis had a large tent ar.d provided the visitors with some .excel lent music demonstrating the Have 'our House or Store Wired Now We do Wiring Which w Iguarantee the Hydro Power will connect wWs when. i . comes. Give us a chance to go over your job ,and give ,� you an estimate on it. Only the latest approved wire conduit steel cant -out boxes and other electrical supplies Used. Beer & Davis breakable and wearable •quaiitaes of the new Edison Diamond oast, 'Wallis will also ihave a demonstration,, at Kirkton.. HIIRITON 'FAIIR r E irkton Fair will Inc ]held. on 'Thers-, day and Friday of this' week. peep Friday the big day of the fair In naiads and plan to attend what promises to be one of the best fairs held at Kirk -r ton if or years.. The prizes in the aif- ferent ,events for horses have been r inside (ably increased and an addle tional race has been. added to the speed events. All that is required is. good 'weather 'to ma:ke the fair . success. THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE FALL BOOTS & SHOES Now that .calci wet weather is comming the. boys and girls require good strong shoes to k'e'ep them dry, We have theme in plenty of styles. BIG VARIETY IN MEN'S & WOMEN'S SHOES Pa°I;eTi .... unrretai� D o1aBox calf; besides'ai'l t.y G the heavier styles. Our prices on boots andshoes are absolutely the .Lowest. ASTORIA SHOES Try a pair of Astoria shoes for men. SHIRTS e have just received a big shipment of Men's fine top shirts CLOTHING We invite you to see our made -to -mean sall- ples for a fall suit or overcoat. B W. F. EA ERS a••••e••••••••e�••00.•e••ec' 0.4-9.4.04+0.0t40.444. • • S • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • r • ••• • • •• • • • • w s • • • A ••. • • • • s ••• • • Plan to Let Us PitYou i ut We have onr Fall Stock all in and carry a complete Noe of the Iatest creations in Men's Toggery Our New Fedora Hats in the different styles, shapes and colors, are attracting attention. We can lit you with something Natty tpt +gi atie b • ,En Shirts, Collars, Ties and Socks, We:have a specially fine showing for men, • fox •w • WHY NOT BE MEASURED at the same time your New Suit. Woolen Goods are advanc- ing rapidly in price, yet we are maintaining rock bottom prices. The rich shades and fine weaves will appeal to you. We also have a splendid showing in Ready-to•Wcar Slits, Overcoats, etc, etc. Come in early and let tits. show you. e N W. W. A P fI O N E. Si a *444.4 44>4 ' + 4`•/1444h1F•4r/a••.4 •*A,At1.•.