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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-02-05, Page 17
PAGE 4A-GQDERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5.1986 For the second year running, sales of Blyth Festival vouchers show a con- siderable increase over the previous year. By the end of December, nearly 750 voucher packs had been sold - an 89 percent increase over the previous year's figures! Voucher packs, which represent savings of up to 30 percent over regular tick"et prices, are availaable from the Festival Box Office through to May 31. They cost $28.00 for an adult voucher pack ( containing four Blyth voucher sales increase admissions) and $12. for a child's voucher pack. Ticket prices for the 1986 season will be $8 for weekdays and matinees, and $10 for Saturday night performances. Children's tickets remain at $3 for all per- formances; this price has been the same since 1980 and remains one of the best deals in the area. The 1986 brochure is in the process of be- ing put together and it is hoped to have it in the mail in March. COMING SOQN • nde... MR. MERCHANT COMMUNITY CALENDAR St. Vincent De Paul store, 15 Caledonia Terrace open Monday and Wednesday 2-4 p.m.; Friday 7-9 p.m. and Saturday morn- ing 10 until noon. Used clothing and fur- niture. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22- Colborne Township Sesquicentennial Heritage Dance at Saltford Valley Hall featuring Crippled Duck. Tickets available at township office at Carlow. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8- the Salvation Army Valentine Tea and Bake sale will be held from 2-4 p.m. at the Salvation Army on Waterloo Street. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 -Lake Huron Regional Snowmobile Association will host a Scenic Ride for Dollars. ( weather per- mitting) Proceeds to Family and Children's Services. Go for a ride through six townships. Register at Triple K Restaurant in Blyth or Scruton Fuels, Clin- ton between 9-11 a.m. WEDNESDAY- euchre party at Dungan- non Senior citizen Centre every Wednes- day at 8 p.m. Admission $1. Ladies bring lunch. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7- benefit dance for Frank and Lorene Alton who lost a driving shed to fire. Dancing 9-1, At the Lucknow Community Centre. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 -annual open meeting of teh Huronia Branch of the Ontario Humane Society at 8 p.m. in the OMAF office, Clinton. You can reach over '12,000 households in the vast area surrounding Goderich, Clinton, eaforth, Blyth and Bayfield with your message in the 1986 BRIDES EDITION. Planning a Wedding can be a very frustrating task. This year,GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR and CLINTON NEWS -RECORD team up with the SEAFORTH HURON -EXPOSITOR to make your job easier. Offering facts, special tips and other helpful information. BRIDAL SHOWCASE '86 will eliminate a great deal of unnecessary strain by putting it all at your fingertips. Along with our 1986 Bridal couple feature and delightful reading, the adver- tiser is given the opportunity to concentrate on a very special market. Your advertising message will be a big help to local couples, telling them what's... available, where to find it, and who the experts are to talk to. And that means it's good for you too! TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 -St. George's Anglican Church Annual Pancake Supper, Shrove 'Tuesday. All you can eat. Sittings 5-7 p.m. Families (parents and children under 12) $10. Adults $4 -teens $3. Tickets available at Campbell's of Goderich. Phone 524,8866 or 4-7901. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 -card party at MacKay Centre for Seniors. Euchre and 500. Admission $1. Lunch provided. Taxi -4- 6549. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10- pot luck dinner at Dungannon Senior Citizens Centre at 12.30 p.m. Everyone welcome.` SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9:Kinsmen Ski-a- thon starts at Zehrs. Registration from 1-3 p.m. Prizes and refreshments. For informa- tion call 4-7143. Proceeds to cystic fibrosis. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7- euchre party at Carlow Hall sponsored by . Colborne township recreation committee. Admission $1 -bring lunch. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22- Goderich Figure Skating Club will hold a mini -pops concert with two performances at the Goderich Arena. Afternoon performance at 2 p.m. and evening at 7 p.nl. Donation ac- cepted at the door. SATURDAY, MARCH 1- Sale-ing into spr- ing. Victoria Street United Church Sunday School will hold a White Elephant Sale with tea room, baking and crafts from 2-4 p.m. Children welcome. BIRTHDAY CLUB Don't miss this opportunity! Place your message in 12,000 households with Bridal Showcase '86. Call your advertising representative today for more information. DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 19, 1986 FOR ADVERTISING RATES AND INFORMATION CALL GODERICH - 524-2614 CLINTON - 482-3443 SEAFORTH - 527-0240 *. My,;name„isDan:iammill. I was 6 yrs. bid , on Jan. 27. We had a bowling party on my birthday. It was lots of fun! See you next year. Love, Dan Reservations 524.9226 Dinner For Two... Treat that Special Someone to a wonderful evening at Goderich's Newest Restaurant... Choose from our special Valentine's. Menu, designed with Two in mind... Special Valentine's Menu... Entrees •Roast Beef Dinner 9.95 each • 1/2 Southern Fried Chicken - 6.95 each •Veal Parmesan 9.95 each •Stuffed Cordon Bleu 7.95 each Charbroiled Specialties Minced Sirloin Steak 7.95 each •Tqp Sirloin with mushrooms 9.95 each •New York with mushrooms 13.95 each Seafood •Scallops 8.95 each •Breaded Jumbo Shrimps 9.25 each •Trout 8.50 each •Fillet of Sole 6.50 each All above served with potatoes, vegetables, salad, roll & butter. ' Complimentary Carnation For All the Ladies! Sancotast estaurant. Located in the Suncoast Mall, Goderich L•L.B.Ow Hi: My name is Christopher Carter and I will be five years old on February 6th. I live in Auburn with my dad and mom, Wayne and Cathy, and my little brother Jeffery. I had a birthday party on Saturday with all my Grandmas and Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. Great -Uncle Pat was there to celebrate, his birthday is the same as mine. Thanks for letting me join your birthday club. ' Bye for now, Christopher ( P.S. "Happy birthday Pat" ) SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT CALL 524.2443 3711) AND SAVE FREE F AT LAS VEGAS BILLIARDS Double your Money! S1.00 plus this coupon is worth 52.00 In Video Games (1 coupon per day per customer) LAS VEGAS BILLIARDS 68 WEST ST., GODERICH Hi: My name is Danny Mcisaac and Hive at 169 Mary Street, in Goderich. I celebrated my second birthday on Thursday, Jan. 30, with my mom and dad, Marianne and Ken, Grandma and Grandpa Gerdes, Uncle Ber- nie, Uncle Wayne and Aunt Yvonne, Uncle Fred and Jennifer. Thank you very much for the lovely cards and gifts. Love, Danny Seed to Shelf is 4-11 proj ect The trowels and tribulations of creating a vegetable garden, keeping it growing, and reaping the benefits are discussed in a new 4-H project "Seed to Shelf". • This project was developed to teach the essentials of where, when and how to plant a vegetable garden; what to plant and how to care for it until harvest. But this is only half the fun! When the produce is ready, the members will learn how to preserve their fresh produce by canning, freezing, drying and pickling. How to exhibit and the judging of these products will also be discussed. By Achievement Day, the members will have acquired new skills in growing vegetables and preservation while having fun at the same time! For further information about joining, contact Richard Hamilton at 482-3428 or 1- 800-265-5170. Join us for a fun -filled afternoon... CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING LOPPET at Naftel's Creek SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16 •Meet at Bruno's at 2:00 p.m. •Prizes arid Buffet Dinner to follow at... Fully Licensed Under the L.L.6.©. 92 THE SQUARE 624.7337