HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-01-29, Page 11,!u
46. In memoriam
In loving memory of a dear mother, Vi Cundari,
who passed away January 29th, 1969.
Sometimes when the day is done
And quiet fills the al
Our minds remember days gone by
While in our mother's care.
Sometimes we recall her smile
Sometimes the things she'd say
Sometimes we miss her terribly
Sometimes is everyday.
Sadly, missed and lovingly remembered by Terry
and Di. -05
In loving memory of a wonderful husband, dad,
grandfather and great grandfather, Robert
Dawson Lamb, who left us January 30, 1970.
He was someone I could talk to
That no one can replace
He was someone I could laugh with
Till tears ran down my face.
He was someone I could turn to
When I needed a helping hand
He was someone I could count on
To advise and understand
He was someone I thought more of
As each year come to.an end.
He was my dearest husband,
and also my dearest friend.
Thank you for the memories
That are yours and mine alone
For they recall so many
Special moments I have known.
I remember theday God took him
And will till the end of time
But my love for him will always keep
It will not fade for it was too deep.
All the memory gates will never close
For I miss him more than anyone knows.
And as long as I live I will cherish his name,
In memory I see him ever the same.
Still in my heart you are living yet
For I love you too dearly to ever forget. d
Sadly missed by his loving wife Myrtle and
family. -05x
In loving memory of Mildred Rumig who passed
away Jan. 30, 1979. •
In our home she is fondly remembered
Sweet memories cling to her name;
Those who loved her in life•sincerely,
• Still love her in death just the same.
Remembered and missed by all her
47: C-0 4e�-thonkR
The family of the late Ernest Ellwood wish to ex-
press their sincere thanks and appreciation for
the many acts of kindness shown to them'during
their recent loss. Special thanks to the staff at
Hyronview for their excellent care. --05x
47. Card of thanks
The family of the late Gladys Jefferson' wish to
express their appreciation for the many kind-
nesses shownin their recent bereav,emept. Our
thanks are very inadequate for the 'Offs of
flowers, donations and words of sympathy.
These are appreciated and will always be
remembered. Special thanks to the Ladies of
North Street and to Rev. Ball for his words of en-
couragement and sympathy. The Jefferson
Family. -05
Thanks to my family, relatives and friends for
gitts, flowers, fruit baskets, magazines, cords,
and visits while I was in hospital and now that I'm
home. Gertie Fritzley.-05x
RELIABLE PERSON for greenhouse market garden
operation. Te -em Farms, R.R. No. 1, Bayfield,
Adopt the pet you've been
looking for in the Classifieds.
Family News
Jessica enjoys Welcomes baby sister
birthday party
BUILDINGS Factory liquidation of in -stock in-
ventory Widths 30-120', Heights 10-22 ft. All
priced for immediate sale. Buy now, take spr-
ing delivery. Gulf Steel 1.416-828-6262.-0-5
Jennifer DeIten I5e9m7420
Happy Birthday to Jessica Cook who is
now five years old. She celebrated her bir-
thday with her friends and relatives.
Rev. Father Mike Dalton of Courtland
said masses Saturday and Sunday at
Kingsbridge Church.
Happy Birthday to Ray Dalton who is
now 81 years old. He spent his birthday
with his grandchildren and his family.
(Happy Birthday Grandpa) !
Congratulations to Dennis Dalton. Den-
nis won $50.00 in a draw in Clinton.
nta trsw rrn ar
r.w w rs►�a1w1
$$$$ EARN $400 to $1,200 part-time or $2,000 to
$6,000 full-time per month. Now expanding
throughout Ontario. Act now. Contact (519)238 -
Congratulations to. 011ie Liddle,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Robb of RR
1 Ripley on her graduation from Seneca
College, Willowdale. 011ie has graduated
with a diploma in registered nursing and
has accepted a position with North York
Hospital in Willowdale. Graduation was
held Jan. 24 at the Newnham Campus of
Seneca College.
The community wolrld also like to send
congratulations to Alex and Cindy Simp-
son, .Ank the safe arrival fief their new
daughter Maggie Lee, 6 lbs. 11 oz. A little
sister for Corey Lynn. She was born in the
Wingham and District Hospital. The proud
grandparents are Donald and Edith Simp-
Visiting with Rhetta MacLennan on the
weekend were her daughter Florence
MacLennan and her friend Shirley of Kit-
Tiger Dunlop institute
Fyffe Web®ter•, 13-0207
Sunday callers with Wellington and Kae
Webster were Dennis, Shelley and Joseph
Courtney, and on Wednesday Charles and
Mayme Wilkins were over for the evening.
On Monday, Marj MacLean and Mayme
Wilkins attended the 61innual Maitland
Presbyterial meeting in Wingham at St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church.
Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Robb were their daughter Janice and
granddaughters Merideth and Dianne
MacCutcheon of Lions Head.
plans sesquicentennial quilt
Eleven members of Tiger Dunlop With terestiiogarticle on "Coming to Grips
Women's Institute attended the January
meeting off the Institute on Thursday, Jan. Mrs. Hume Clutton continued her 90th bir-
23 at Colborne Township Hall. thday party on Wednesday when she enter -
The President, Cora Sherwood welcomed tained a few members of the family and
all and members joined in the opening songs ed a
at her horne..:All riendviing afternoon and lunch served
with her birthday cake.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Essex have moved to
Colborne and are settled in their home
which they purchased from Mr. and Mrs.
Peter DeGroot. We welcome them to Col-
borne Twp.
Colborne Township celebrates its Ses-
quicentennial this year with' celebrations in
July. Plans apparently are to have a choir
so a request goes out to former and present
Colborne Township residents that can sing
to rally round this request to help the choir.
Please contact Clara Anne Jewell. Phone
524-7597 for particulars. Parctices will com-
mence shortly.
with Mrs. A. Stoll, pianist.
Minutes of the last meeting and cor-
respondence was read by the Secretary
Mrs. Kaitting including thank you notes
from Mr. and Mrs. R. Buchanan, and Mar-
jorie Emerson and acknowledgement of
donations received from Town and Country
Discussion and planning for making a
quilt for the Colborne Twp. Sesquicentennial
took considerable planning which will show
results next month.
While enjoying lunch served by
Mesdames Buchanan, Reaburn and Kait-
ting, Ila Bean, Resolutions convener, read
Steve and I would like to thank Dr. J. Rourke and
Dr. Neal and all the nursing staff of 2nd East for
their excellent care of Nicola and myself. Also
special thanks to family and friends for all the
cards, visits; gifts and flowers. Amanda. -05
,I would like to thank my relatives, friends and
neighbours for all the cards, flowers, phone calls
and visits. Special thanks to Roger Moore for
keeping my lane open for my wife while I was in
Seaforth Community Hospital. Leonard. -05
Emma and Rudolf wish to express our sincere
thanks and • appreciation to friends and
neighbours who sent flowers and cards and
made it possible for Emma to visit me while 1 was
in London University Hospital. I would like to
thank the Home Cpre Nursing and Physiotherapy
• People who came to our house. Special thanks to
everyone for helping make everything easier for
Emma while I am recovering. Emma and
Rudolf. -05
The family of the late R. Wayne Willis, wish to
express their sincere appreciation to relatives
and friends for the expressions of sympathy
cards, flowers,memorial donations , and food
sent to the home, at the time of the loss of our
loved one. Special thanks to Reverend Royal, Mc-
Callum Funeral Home and the Ladies of Knox for
their acts of kindness. Kevin, Mary Lynn. Eunice
and families.-05nx
We would like to thank all of our friends and
relatives for their cards, flowers; gifts and visits
during our stay in the hospital. Special thanks to
Drs. Walker, Thomson and Pearce and nurses on
2nd floor east for the excellent care and support.
Michelle,and Tiffany. -05
I'would like to thank everyone for the cards, gifts
and visits while I was in the hospital. A special
thanks to Dr. Thomson and the nurses on the 1st
floor. Sincerely Amanda MacKenzie. -05
We would like to thank our Goderich and. Area
Friends for their kindness and thoughtfulness
shown to us in the loss of our dear mother and
grandmother, Betty Pennington. The flowers,
calls, cards, visits and charitable donations as
expressions of sympathy were greatly ap-
preciated. Special thanks to the Oarsmen and
Harbour Lites Broomball Teams and the Goderich
Elevators Men's Slowpitch Team. No words con
express our appreciation to Perry and Janet
Wood, their support has touched us deeply and
will always be remembered. Earl, Mar,y and
Jason. -05x
The family of the late Wm. Petrie would like to,
thank the relatives, friends and neighbours for
the many acts of kindness, floral tributes,
charitable donations and other expressions of
sympathy in our recent loss. Special thanks to
Rev. Robt, Ball for his words of comfort, to the
McCallum funeral home and to the women of
Dungannon United Church who provided and
served a delicious lunch and for the use of the
church basement. We would also like to thank
Dr. Hollingworth and Or. Chan and the staff of
Alexandra Marine and General Hospital for the
care and comfort they provided. Allan, Ken,
Marina, and grandchildren. -05
Sincere thanks to Earl Harrison and Champion,
Service staff for their understanding and en-
couragement at the time of my accident. Thank
you to Champion Sales,Staff for their warm
wishes. Karen Wannamaker.-05
$ CHEAP FOR CASH $' All steel quonset
buildings never erected, ship anywhere. 40' x
100 for '9,1999. Also 26 x 28, 35 x 36, 46 x80 and
40 x 60 straight wall (416) 699-6151.-0-5
Heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped at the
scene of the accident at Sheppardton on January
9th. Special thanks to the Goderich, Fire Depart-
ment, Ambulance Attendants, and Emergency
Room Staff. Thanks to Doctors Lambert, Pearce,
Watts, Hollingworth, Walker, and' the second
floor east, I.C.U. and Paediatric Nurses for their
care during our stay in the hospital. f Yaren, Sarah
and Heather Wannamaker.-05
TASTING WATER...At last new.. technology
eliminates these & many other problems
FOREVER. Well to faucet purification. for the en-
tire water system. Eliminates distiller,.. liquid
chlorinators, iron & faucet filters. FREE 6 -month
trial offer - See results for yourself. If you want
(24 hours). 1-800-268-2656. Area 807 1-416-624-
4344 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems
203 - 1030 Kamato Rd. Mississauga, Ont. L4W
4B6. The "Lowest:' cost system that "Really"
works. -0-5
Cut your FUEL in half. Repower your truck with
used or reconditioned Diesels from Japan.
Price from $1149, C/W 5 speed. Dealer in-
tifibE'iN"fi"iferfi-STnip iiti PbWisTr''"Preldtictrtfd:
110 Woolridge St., Coquitham BC V3K 5V•4 (604)
520-3611.-0-5 -
"PENNY -ROLLER" Trademark. Patented. Wrap
pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly
and easily! ! One wraps all. Uses free bank
wrappers. Only $8.95 postpaid. (Please add 63C
tax). Two for $16. (Please add $1.12 fax). Send
cheque or M.O. to Penny -Roller Products, P.O.
130 1`405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2.-0-4-7
A special thank you to Drs. Lambert, Pearce,
Dawson and Walker, Operating Staff and the
• nurses en 2nd East, for all the good tare while I
was in hospital. Gertie Fritzley,-05X
USED desks, file cabinets, storage cabinets,
bookcases, office chairs, stacking chairs, draf-
ting boards, restaurant tables. Lovers New and
Used, 254 Adelaide Street S., London (519)681-
22$4. Mon.-- Fri. 9 - 5; Sat. 9 - 12.-0-5
RUNNING BOARD. Absolutely finest available.
For Pickups, Vans, RV's 4x5's 30 month total
warranty. Also our new Solid State Light Bar for
full length. Lighting. Very impressive. Sold at
all United Co-op Stores in Ontario. For more in-
formation Mr. Running Board, RR 5, Belleville
K8N 4Z5 (613) 962-9717.-0.5•
PIANOS Apt -size, w'/ bench, $995; uprights,
52 -inch, $495. Pianos refinished from $995. We
buy, restore, refinish pianos. Village Piano
Shop (behind Kentucky Freed Chicken), Elmira.
(519) 669-2280.=0=5
day, January 31, 1986. The Canada Farm Show,
Toronto. Contact Craig Lymburner, RR 1,
Caistor Centre, Ont., LOR 1E0, (416)957-
3695.-0-4,5 '
INCREASE your INCOME. Rapidly expanding
company requires men and womeninterested
in developing a substantial income. Catharine
.Kolrner, 638 Pineridge Rd., Waterloo, Ont. N2L
Train for a JOB with a Future...with Tri -County
Truck Driver Training. Job search assistance
available. Kitchener 720 King E., (519) 743-
5011, Brantford 300 Colborne E., (519) 756-
0223.--b-5 -
quires experienced person for camera and
stripping department. Must have experience in
stripping high quality, commercial work for
sheet fed presses. Good compensation plan in-
cluding paid Dental, Insurance, and profit shar-
ing. Contact Ken ,Watts (613)283-3182 or mail
replies to Performance Printing, ,Box 158,
Smiths Falls, Ont., K7A 4T1.--0.4,5
FREE SINGLES BULLETIN! Meet someone nice by
phone or correspondence, locallyor province -
wide. For rushed information write: Barb,. Box
224.6-A, Sudbury, P3A 451. State age. -0-5
DATES GALORE: For all ages and unattached.
Thousands of members• anxious to meet you.
Prestige Acquaintances. Call, toll free 1-800-
263-9163. Hours Noon till 8 p.m. -0-4
7111I1L,S,?,44,0,1 J,now oaf, lf`l.ir 00,1 IU,,14,
PLE SCLEROSIS (MS) has'occurred, please let us
know. The University of Manitoba is the Cana-
dian-, centre participating in an International
Research effort. The study will involve a ques-
tionnaire to be completed by one or both twills.
Researchers are also interested in other health
problems such as cancer or diabetes in, twins.
CALL COLLECT: Dr. David Fish, ~Faculty of
Medicine, Winnipeg, Man. (204) 786-3643.--0-5
immediately for large circulation community
newspaper in Saskatchewan. Wage plus 6 per-
cent commission. Candidate must be trained
and experienced. Contact Ted (306) 6424
PART TIME - FULL TIME Distributors required to
market exclusive imported "UNDER" Fashions.
Party -Plan, direct to consumer. No stock invest-
ment. Call (416) 630-6200. Write Mary Blake,
600 Steeprock Dr. Downsview, Ont. M3J
Ontario's Largest Farm Machinery Consign-
ment Sale,:Norwich, Ontario. Friday, February
14, 1986. 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Fri-
day each month). Approx. 150-175 tractors plus
all types of farm equipment. Consignments
welcome. For more information call (519) 424-
9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. •
Hamulecki & Sons. -0-5
EExparienced PRESS OPERATOR required im-
mediately. Estimating four colour experience
and some knowledge of process camera are
assets. Salary commensurate with experience.
All replies treated with confidence. Please
write or call Market High Advertising Ltd. P.O.
Box 758, Trenton, Ont. K8V 5W6 (613) 394-
TRAIN to be an auctioneer. A proven dynamic
cassette and book course that •teachesthe auc-
tioneers bid call. Auctioneering for 'pleasure
'and big profits. Hundreds have learned by this
method. Total cost of course '49.95 plus '5
postage andhandling. Make cheque payable to
Ave. Edmonton, Alta, T5X 3P3.-0-5
FREE: 1986 guide to study -at-home cor-
respondence Diploma courses for prestigious
careers: Accounting, Air-conditioning, Book-
keeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics,
Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel,
Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide, West Toronto. 1-
800-268-1121.-0-5 -
HOW TO PLAY Popular Piano. New home study
course. Fast, easy, method. Guaranteed, Free
information, write: Popular Music Systems,
Studio 25, 3284 Boucherie Road, Kelowna, BC,
V1 Z 2H2.-0-5
BECOME AN AUCTIONEER, 85 hours of in-
struction. Next class April 5th to;12th. For infor-
mation contact Southwestern Ont., School of
Auctioneering, (519) 469-3936. (519) 537-2115
P.O. Box 145, Innerkip, Ont. NOJ 1M0.-0-5
Start a new Career. Learn basic BOOKKEEPING
for small business. For free brochure write: U &
R Correspondence Schools, 1345 Pembina
Hwy., Winnipeg, MB) R3T 2136. No
obligation. -0-5
FARMERS WANTED who are poying too much
tax or are not using all the tax breaks
available. Phone us today! Appointment times
available to process 1985 tax returns in your
Oxford St. E., London, N5V 2Z9. Call toll-free 1-
800-265-1002. In business year round helping
farmers•for over 34 years. -0.4.16 _
SIM 111111111
The Only way to get �,
ad in 2,5 million homes
In Canada for ,
6659 08 ,
or in 1,241,807 homes
;-�''� in Ontario for
ATTENTION Parents - Teachers - Supply
Teachers Day Care Assistants. World Book •
Childcraft heeds representatives immediately
for o special 6 week promotion. No Experience
necessary. Full training provided. Guaranteed
income. 0 you enjoy 'working with people, are
Involved in your tommunity and would like to
earn some post -Christmas Dollars then call:
Mississauga (416) 624.5774, London (519) 679.
i Place Your Blanket Classified Ad by
calling one of our helpful classified a&
1 •visors at your nearest SSP office for
r details. Lticknow 628 2822 I
O'oderlch524.2614 • Klgcsrdlne39e�2a63
N Condon 4623443 Welke►ton es1.1'edu
Seatorth 6242Mklikken 346 e43iLhrMrl111111,010
rYiY a.r un tam
u.Y 4uu',AS
November ceremony
Michael Fuller of Dorset, and Karen
Cudmore of Clinton, were married on
November 23 at Ontario United Church,
Clinton. Rev. David Woodall officiated. The
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie'
Fuller of Dorset and the bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cudmore of
Clinton. Barbara McKenzie of Clinton was
the matron of, honor. Bridesmaids were
Debra Ferguson of Sault Ste. Marie, sister
of the groom, Kim Smith of London, cousin
of . the bride, and Debra Cudmore of
Goderich, sister-in-law-,, of the bride.
Flowergirr was Kate Burns of Goderich and
iris gbearer'`-was- 'Michael -Cudmore of
Goderich, nephew of the bride. The bestman
was David Ferguson of Sault Ste. Marie, ,
broter-in-law of thegroom and ushers were
Warren Cudmore of Goderich, Bernard
Cudmore of Clinton and Leighton Cudmore
of.Clinton, brothers of the bride. The couple
is now residing in Toronto.
Congratulations to Alien Johnson of R.R. $ Goderich, winner of our second Lit-
ton Moffat Microwave Oven. Allen was presented his new microwaverMonday,
January 27th by Rusty Ormandy.
You could be the lucky winner of a Litton Moffat Microwave tool Drop In today
and fill out a ballot and deposit it in the special box provided. NO PURCHASE
NECESSARY! It's that easy! Hurry In today as our third and final draw takes
place this coming Friday, January 31st.
Quality, More Selection and
Value for most
every budget.
366 BAYFIELD'RD., GODERICH 524.2924 '
tOtwan Here Hardware and MuMirkis Landing
uarai Lam! OPEN: Mon. -Sat. f) am - 8 pm • Thurs., Frl. til 9 pin
vwipiwrp »,