HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-01-29, Page 6PAGE 6—GODERICH SIGNALSTAR, WEDNESDAY,, JANUARY 29,1986
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American expert isputes Hydro
claim for new transmissionline
•If Ontario Hydro practises energy effi-
ciency there's no need for the $432 million
transmission line it proposes to build out of
Bruce Nuclear Power Development
The Foodland Hydro committee, a group
of about 1200 landowners from Southwestern
Ontario and Energy Probe of Toronto want.
to prove the proposal to get power out of
BNPD isn't necessary.
"We want to question whether there is a
'`'deed to build," said Foodland Hydro
representative Tony McQuail of R.R. 1,
The joint hearings board, chaired by R.B:
Eisen, is listening to evidence on Ontario
Hydro's proposal to construct transmission
lines from Bruce to Essa (near Barrie),
from Bruce to London through Huron Coun-
ty and from London to 'the Nanticoke
generating station on Lake Erie.
Both Energy Probe and the Foodland
Hydro cgmmittee are bringing in some
heavyweights to back up their statements.
The two groups presented their direct
evidence on Day 24 (Jan. 23) of the hearings
being held at a hotel in Guelph.
Amory Lovins, an energy consultant from The American also cai tioned that hydro
Colorado, was the first witness called to customers in his country are working so
testify for the anti -transmission line group. hard to save energy, that there will be no
LSvins,demonstrated that an 18 -watt com- market for Ontario Hydro's electricity ex -
pact fluorescent Tight bulb could cut the use port. He also predicted that efficiency would
of hydro power by half. The American enable the utility to back -out of coal -burning
energy consultant said these bulbs sell for generating stations first then nuclear.
about $15 in the United. States, not easy to But Hydro and the provincial board of in -
,find in Canada, are four times as efficient quiry looking into the proposal questioned
avid last 10 times longer than standard in- how the bottled up power would get out of
ca descent bulbs. He says that in the U.S., the Bruce station.
regular incandescent bulbs use about o42 per "If this board turned down this proposal,
cent of all lighting electricity. Ontario Hydro could get to efficiency load
management and concentrate their minds
However, after some sheepish grins, wonderfully," Lovins told the board..
Lovins changed some of his calculations. A Besides Lovins, the Foodland Hydro com-
mistake in his figures made Lovins concede mittee plans to bring in Dr. John Robinson
that Hydro would save a fifth, not a half, the of the University of Guelph, a load forecast
power it produces yearly. specialist and Michael Rau, plant manager
In his testimony, Lovins said Ontario of the Huron . County Board of Education.
Hydro should take advantage of local elec- McQuail says Rau has developed energy
tricity generation. This is available in two savings methods.
forms in Ontario - co -generation in industry The hearings are expected to continue in
or small hydro -electric power plants. Guelph through February. After that they
The energy consultant said local genera- will move to London, Simcoe, Markdale and
tion stations will reduce the need for the Clinton. The hearings are expected to hit
• large centralized system most utilities have Clinton on Apr. 15.
Cruisers are for police business only
• from page 2
disposition of the two year old cruiser upon
receipt of the tenders.
In other business the commission passed
three motions, following a closed commit-
tee of the whole session. One motion stated
that police vehicles shall not be used for
the transporting of police personnel
(uniformed and civilan) to and from the
work place when personnel have com-
pleted duty and the police vehicle shall not
be taken outside the corporate limits by
police officers except when the officers are
on duty.
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Another motion stated the commis-
sioners confirm the actions of the ad-
ministrator concerning the determination
of payments back to the municipality from
Lorna Dale since overpayments of wages
have occurred in the amount of $891.38 due
to a determination regarding coverages by
Workers' Compensation and London Life
concerning absence from work because of
a January vehicle accident. The commis-
sion is to be provided with Workers' Com-
pensation and London Life correspondence
from the personnel file of Mrs. Dale upon
the written approval to release these
documents by Mrs. Dale to the ad-
Goderich Town Council concurs with a
request of the commission that the chief's
wage package be bargained for by the
commission, not council. A third motion
stated that the chief is to prepare a sample
agreement between the commission and
the chief to be executed by by-law incor-
porating all the current benefits applicable
to the chief. The document will be perused
by the commission at a futuredate and at
that time a wage increasewill also be con-
sidered and incorporated into the agree-
The commission also dealt with the
following motions. The' commission
secretary Larry McCabe -is to -prepare a
necessary by. -law , for the commission's
consideration concerning a records reten-
tion by-law and the chief is to prepare`the
necessary schedules to the by-law. The
secretary will also contact the commis-
sion's solicitor to verify that the commis-
sion-has_the_power to pass record retention
The maintenance contract for the police
communications system was tabled until
the chief provides additional information
and a new draft maintenance contract.
The account of Donnelly and Murphy in
the amount of $2,525. concerning services
rendered in connection with wage negotia-
tions was approved for payment.
The commission concurred with the
chief concerning the reguest to send Con-
stable Lonsbary on a Police Act Discipline
Course and the request was refused.
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