HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1986-01-29, Page 5Opinion
Doctor"see only one viewo
Dear Editor,
The various articles pertaining to the pro-
posed legislation banning extra billing in the
Goderich Signal -Star of January 15, 1986
were blatantly biased expressing the opi-
nions of physicians opposed to the ban on ex-
tra billing.. I was very pleased to read Elsa -
Haydon's insightful rebuttal clarifying the
important issues. Perhaps, Murray Elston,
the Minister of Health, ean be interviewed to
present the government position to the
I agree that if the physicians are concern-
ed about the quality and accessibility of the
health care system they would be in favour
,of banning extra billing to allow the pro-
vince to obtain the $50 million being
withheld by the federal government because
Ontario allows extra billing.
If physicians wish to be independent pro-
fessionals instead of civil servants let them
opt out of .OHIP instead of using the plan to
collect their fees. Presently the doctors who
extra bill have it both ways. They get paid
the OIJP rate by the government then extra
bill their patients.
Perhaps the issue is that the doctors do
not wish to be governed by a fee schedule
negotiated with the province.
'A car with identifying doctor's license
plates pulled into a gas station. The driver
asked for $15.00 worth of gas and paid with a
$20.00 bill. To the chagrin of the driver, he
only received $4.00 .change. When asked
why, the attendant replied, `that's my fee
for pumping gas' "
I fully support a ban on extra billing. In-
cidentally, Premier Peterson, although still
in favour of banning extra billing is willing
to discuss other aspects of the proposed
legislation with the Ontario Medical
Association. If Ontario doctors are truly
"concerned about the quality of health care,
they will not let this opportunity pass. And
by ending extra billing, the doctors will
demonstrate leadership in financial
M. Cicchini, Goderich
Editor's note: The Signal -Star attempted to
reach Health Minister Murray Elston to in-
terview him on the extra -billing issue. He
was not available. The Signal -Star will at-
tempt to present another view by interview-
ing the public for their comments. Signal -
Star readers are encouraged to write Let-
ters to the Editor as jVlr. Cicchini has done
or phone the Signal -Star editorial depart-
ment with their comments.
The issue of extra -billing is not
economic says Dr. Thomson
Dear Editor:
Do you remember five or six years ago
when Ow bureaucrats of the Ministry of
Health Wanted to close 25 beds in our
hospital? We tried working through the
channels to convince them how mistaken
they were. The effect was nil. It was an, in-
dependent medical profession that convinc-
ed the board, and together enlisted the sup-
port of the public, which turned around that
'decision. If we had not, those beds would
have closed, and the type of care that we are
able to deliver to you would have changed
Do you remember after that, the decision
to close the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital,
and severely limit the other psychiatric
hospitals in at least St. Thomas and Queen
St. in Toronto, without providing ap-
propriate alternative care? At least we all
were able to salvage enough funds to pro-
duce the third floor on our hospital, but the
profession was not nearly as independent in
those situations, and the result wasn't near-
ly as effective, especially in the other cen-
Do you recall the need,of an intensive care
unit in this area, and the denial of that from
Toronto? Again an independent profession,
in. team with the, board, resulted in the
. massive community involvement producing
the ICU. Any of you who have had friends, or
have been yourself; involved with the Inten-
sive Care Unit, would know how much dif-
ference it has made to the care, of the people
We would be muzzled by this act.
Almost ninety per cent of doctors are
• opted in and have no desire to change that.
This issue, for us, then, is not an economic
one. We have nothing to gain. The reason
that the vast majority is fighting, is to main-
tain our effectiveness in such issues as the
local ones I have already mentioned.
There is no, and there never will be, denial
of access to the health care system. Opting
at arena
out does produce some problems, some
more serious than others, and these should
be resolved as much as possible, but unop-
posed, bureaucratic control of this system is
going to cause you people far, far more trou-
ble, some of it very dangerous.
If you find that hard to believe, simply
conceive the type of people that gave you the
post office, taking over without opposition,
the health care system. If you think they can
save money, buy a stamp or a litre of gas.
Please, for your sake, not for my sake, act
to protect your health care system. Let Mr.
Peterson, Mr. Riddell, Mr. Elston, and Mr.
Grossman know how you feel.
Respectfully submitted.
Yours truly,
Bruce Thomson M.D.
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Open Letter to Mayor Eileen Palmer
Dear Mayor Palmer,
We wish to bring to your attention a very
serious problem we feel should no longer be
tolerated — that is smoking in our arena.
In almost every newspaper and magazine
today, the facts are being presented that
smoking is the leading cause of cancer of the
lung, heart disease and chest disease. Fur-
thermore sidestream smoke is equally if pot
more injurious to health. •
Many communities are taking leadership
in this regard by passing by-laws banning
cigarette smoking . in public areas. We
strongly recommend that Goderich do the
same. It is particularly important to have a
by-law to ban smoking in all areas of the
Goderich Arena for the following reasons.
A. One of the main functions of the arena
is to promote physical fitness. Therefore to
allow smoking in any area of the arena is in-
consistent with this objective.
B. A large number of the occupants of the
arena are children. These young healthy
bodies are being subjected to a risk, they
are being injured by the smoke in the arena.
The children are in no position to stand up
for themselves. Simeone has to protect
them. It is ironic that we spend hundreds of
dollars on equipment to protect them from
injury but send them out to play while filling
their bloodstreams with carbon monoxide
from side -stream smoke. Of course adultp
are injured just as much by cigarette smoke
as children.
' • C. Children look up to adults for example
especially coaches and people associated
with a sport they idolize. To allow smoking
in the arena (a sports facility) is a poor ex-
D. Smoking in the arena is a fire -hazard!
There are at present, 'no -smoking' signs
in the arena which are violated continuous-
ly. This is the result of an inconsistent
message (smoking is allowed in the
vestibule, but not near ice -surface); lack of
sufficient signs denoting that smoking will
not be allowed because it is injurious to
. health; and finally an inadelguate means of
enforcing this regulation. Therefore we pro-
. pose a ban of smoking in all areas of the
arena; adequate signs posted to this effect
. incorporating, the health reasons for this
rule; and finally a by-Iavj► to enforce this
regulation. ,
ours truly,
Lorraillte Cauchi, It.N.
• 1ViariolVit. Couch', M.D.
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